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Transformers Power of the Primes Leaks, Rumours, Reveals, and More

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Re: Transformers Power of the Primes Leaks, Rumours, Reveals, and More

Postby Syko » Thu Oct 05, 2017 7:53 pm

Not sure if it's been pointed out or not but it looks like hungurr has the combiners chest plate on his bot mode back/beast mode belly. Looks like it'll be closer to the original shield chest and not the beast tail and legs.

Also loving the terrorcon limbs all around, they really just hit it out of the park with them.
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Re: Official Bios and Images for #Transformers Power of the Primes Revealed at NYCC 2017 #hasbronycc

Postby Qwan » Thu Oct 05, 2017 8:00 pm

Motto: "There's no such thing as a no-lose situation, but if you try your hardest, you'll lose the least."
Weapon: Hand-Mounted Lasers
Disregarding the "face" piece (spark-plate?), it's astonishing how much Vector Prime... doesn't really look like Vector Prime at all. Ah well, I suppose that's the nature of Prime Masters and their size. I dunno how/if they could've done it, but it would've been really cool to see Vector Prime done from Alpha Trion's TM (with the new "face" part from PotP Vector naturally) - like Safeguard carrying his partner's life-essence.

The design on his spark-plate looks alright, I wouldn't have noticed the constellation design being derived from his Aligned artwork if it hadn't been pointed out, but that's pretty cool now that I know. I would've really liked to see his straight-up Cyber Key design for the spark-plate - it just feels so iconic for the character! - but this carries the idea well enough too.

(Is this how geewunners feel about every new toy of their childhood characters?)

In other news:
How will the merciless INSECTICON SKRAPNEL wield this epic power?
How will Skrapnel wield this epic power? He's gonna have a tough time of it given his total lack of compatibility, that's for sure :-P

william-james88 wrote:I see Blot is giving Ball joints a whole new meaning:

Come on man :lol:

ultraimpossibleman wrote:Grand innacurration and heavy mistakes !

Diem wrote:This is exactly the kind of nonsense I'm here for.
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Re: Official Bios and Images for #Transformers Power of the Primes Revealed at NYCC 2017 #hasbronycc

Postby Jelze Bunnycat » Thu Oct 05, 2017 8:06 pm

Motto: "The only good is knowledge, and the only evil is ignorance."
Qwan wrote:Disregarding the "face" piece (spark-plate?), it's astonishing how much Vector Prime... doesn't really look like Vector Prime at all. Ah well, I suppose that's the nature of Prime Masters and their size. I dunno how/if they could've done it, but it would've been really cool to see Vector Prime done from Alpha Trion's TM (with the new "face" part from PotP Vector naturally) - like Safeguard carrying his partner's life-essence.

The Prime Masters are generally designed after the inner robots of the Pretenders (it's not just the suits), so you're getting the whole Pretender package here... except Landmine/Alpha Trion reuses the Metalhawk design for the inner robot and the suit except for the front panel. In Hasbro's defense the head is a close match.

And thanks to your idea I just realised Hasbro is intent on keeping Vector and Alpha connected in some shape or form. #-o
The resident Rewind... well, half of one :lol:

- Jelze Bunnycat =:3

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Re: Transformers Power of the Primes Leaks, Rumours, Reveals, and More

Postby Flashwave » Thu Oct 05, 2017 8:13 pm

Motto: "Our society's downfall will not be this war. The war IS our society. That which will get us will be the little things. Some humanoid race, some tossed cannon, the little things that no one looks out for. THAT is for what we must be vigilant."
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Rwhy are we getting Skrapnel again? Couldnt we get Barrage or Venom or Ransack?

Windcharger's head looks cheap.

I gotta ve honest. The Beast Hunters Abominus guys have a special l8ttle place 8n my heart. These dudes look awesome, they svale much more nicely, and they are for the most part much more accurate. The Scramble feature is appreciated, too. I'll more than likely get them, but man I dont know that I want these. Its sorta like comparing this upcoming Jazz and the RTS Jazz for me
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Re: Transformers Power of the Primes Leaks, Rumours, Reveals, and More

Postby TF-fan kev777 » Thu Oct 05, 2017 8:36 pm

Cmdr. Trailblazer wrote:I took a second look at those legs of Hun-grr's. Completely agree. Something about them just They almost look hollow in the back, and if that's the case, I really am being turned off by the figure. I'm probably wrong on that account, though.

I do like the look of Cutthroat/Windrazor. Dunno why. Maybe it's just my bias toward aerial characters. :lol:

Definitely gonna get this group, though.

I think they probably are hollow, but may have a panel. Think of Silverbolt's leg and foot transformation because that's basically what this is. For torso mode, I'm guessing you open the panel and tuck the feet/dragon heads into each leg, then fold them up so the knee panels become the shoulders.
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Re: Transformers Power of the Primes Leaks, Rumours, Reveals, and More

Postby Albatross250 » Thu Oct 05, 2017 8:43 pm

Motto: "Operation: T E R M I N A T I O N"
Weapon: Heat-Seeking Incendiary Missiles
Is that... King Poseidon in the Background... or is it just me? :shock:
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Re: Transformers Power of the Primes Leaks, Rumours, Reveals, and More

Postby TF-fan kev777 » Thu Oct 05, 2017 8:48 pm

Man, I'm loving the whole line so far.

Except Windcharger. Yikes, what a mess. Terrible headsculpt. Seriously, did they hire a toy designer from Thomas the Tank Engine?

Legends Windcharger.jpg

Thomas and Friends.png

And the cockpit makes me think car mode is going to be a floppy mess.

I'm normally a completionist, but this might be a figure and mold I skip.
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Re: Transformers Power of the Primes Leaks, Rumours, Reveals, and More

Postby Grahf_ » Thu Oct 05, 2017 9:04 pm

Motto: "I am the seeker of power."
Weapon: Razor Tipped Wing Swords
I hope we get the Seacons as retools from the Terrorcons.

Blot can be retooled into Tentakill.
Cutthroat or Swoop can be retooled into Seawing.
Rippersnapper can be retooled differently into both Skalor and Overbite.
Hun Gurrr can be retooled into Snaptrap.
Nautilator can be a legends scale gun. It's a shame that Slash doesn't seem to have a weapon or armor mode especially with the combiners not having their own combinable weapons this time around. Cindersaur could also have been something for Abominus.

I know Hun Gurrr into Snaptrap is a stretch but if you turn the beast mode around and possibly upside down while switching the tail for a head and transforming the robot legs into the chest piece, it could work as a turtle. Piranacon's chest ends up as the back of the turtle shell anyway so it could work with some ingenuity.
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Re: Transformers Power of the Primes Leaks, Rumours, Reveals, and More

Postby Syko » Thu Oct 05, 2017 9:11 pm

The only issue there is keeping the back cannons facing the right way for bot and torso modes since it seems you still have to flip it to go between the two.
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Re: Transformers Power of the Primes Leaks, Rumours, Reveals, and More

Postby Grahf_ » Thu Oct 05, 2017 9:18 pm

Motto: "I am the seeker of power."
Weapon: Razor Tipped Wing Swords
Syko wrote:The only issue there is keeping the back cannons facing the right way for bot and torso modes since it seems you still have to flip it to go between the two.

Forgot about those. Simple though, make them removable pieces made from the combiner feet.
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Re: Transformers Power of the Primes Leaks, Rumours, Reveals, and More

Postby Ultra Markus » Thu Oct 05, 2017 9:31 pm

Motto: "“You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” - Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight"
Weapon: 16 Cannons
finally a proper windcharger! i like the reveal the shield scout version it was really good but this is so nicely done :-D
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Re: Transformers Power of the Primes Leaks, Rumours, Reveals, and More

Postby chuckdawg1999 » Thu Oct 05, 2017 9:33 pm

Motto: "The man, the myth, the legend... yeah right."
Weapon: Saber Blade
Ultra Markus wrote:finally a proper windcharger! i like the reveal the shield scout version it was really good but this is so nicely done :-D

At least the RTS Scout had weapons built in.
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Re: NYCC 2017: Gallery for #Transformers Power of the Primes Legends Class Reveals #hasbronycc

Postby Ultra Markus » Thu Oct 05, 2017 9:36 pm

Motto: "“You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” - Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight"
Weapon: 16 Cannons
Kurona wrote:
ExciKaiser wrote:
william-james88 wrote:Image


Seriously ?

G1-cartoon-slavery to this point ? Tell me I'm not the only one who think that's the most terrible head we saw during the last ten years.

You're definitely not the only one. It's... it's a really bad headsculpt.

its a good looking version minus the head too bad we couldnt swap heads with the scout class RTS from years back :-?
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Re: Transformers Power of the Primes Leaks, Rumours, Reveals, and More

Postby Ultra Markus » Thu Oct 05, 2017 9:41 pm

Motto: "“You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” - Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight"
Weapon: 16 Cannons
i guess windcharger has a lot to be smug about :lol:
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Re: NYCC 2017: Gallery for #Transformers Power of the Primes Legends Class Reveals #hasbronycc

Postby SW's SilverHammer » Thu Oct 05, 2017 10:17 pm

Motto: "The  days  grow  shorter,  and  yet  the  sun  still  shines"
Weapon: Electron Scimitar Sword
ExciKaiser wrote:
william-james88 wrote:Image

Seriously ?

G1-cartoon-slavery to this point ? Tell me I'm not the only one who think that's the most terrible and ridiculous head we saw during the last ten years.

Holy ****, he looks like Meme Man
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Re: Transformers Power of the Primes Leaks, Rumours, Reveals, and More

Postby DecepticonFinishline » Thu Oct 05, 2017 11:15 pm

Motto: "Can you change the radio to KZUM, please?"
Weapon: Sniper Rifle
Hellscream9999 wrote:
And that knee kibble on the stegosaurus though... :BOOM:

I like it!

I've been a fan of the Dinocombiner concept since the beginning. However, the different legs kind of just look like little teardrops... Or seeds... Or something. I dunno. Volcanicus isn't looking menacing at all. I think that knee kibble helps.

Also, yeah. In the general consensus about Windcharger's head. Woof. Save that **** for the slavishly-screen-accurate Masterpiece version.
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Re: Transformers Power of the Primes Leaks, Rumours, Reveals, and More

Postby blackeyedprime » Fri Oct 06, 2017 2:46 am

Motto: "Me Grimlock, you slag."
Weapon: Particle Beam Cannon
Liking Windchargers head, looks wise he always had the star fox andross thing going on for him in the cartoon (still beats almost every mbay head design too :P), the RTS figure pretty much can't be beaten and I would'nt have picked up another windcharger figure but definitely getting this one (the cthru windshield is a big improvement and should go nicely with the Japanese bee).

Not fussed about the shattered glass rodimus but if hasbro wants to go crazy and do him in a junkion paint scheme I'm there for that.

Thunderwings likely to be a repaint of skyshadow, the silhouettes have been shown before in panels so we might see a unique sculpt for Star sabre. Hasbro seems to love doing jetfires at the mo, probably just to piff off harmony gold so I'd expect to see him in some fashion, even at a stretch of a repaint/retool of star sabre tho the evolution thing wouldn't work (scientist to autobot hero is a push).

Nice solid line up so far, we might even get the seekers for limbs for starscream at some point, that or a lot of voyager torso seekers for lots of crazy creative builds.
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Re: Transformers Power of the Primes Leaks, Rumours, Reveals, and More

Postby Coptur » Fri Oct 06, 2017 3:31 am

Love the Terrorcons

Looking at Blot & Rippersnapper paves the way to the Seacons :D :D
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Re: Transformers Power of the Primes Leaks, Rumours, Reveals, and More

Postby bluecatcinema » Fri Oct 06, 2017 7:13 am

The Terrorcons look great, but why are there no images of Abominus?
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Re: Transformers Power of the Primes Leaks, Rumours, Reveals, and More

Postby Big Grim » Fri Oct 06, 2017 7:43 am

Weapon: Galaxial Rocket Launcher
Those Terrorcons are freakin' glorious! And I adore those decoy armours. Wanna see Bomb-Burst!

Volcanicus looks kinda awful though.
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Re: Transformers Power of the Primes Leaks, Rumours, Reveals, and More

Postby Coptur » Fri Oct 06, 2017 8:10 am

Big Grim wrote:Those Terrorcons are freakin' glorious! And I adore those decoy armours. Wanna see Bomb-Burst!

Volcanicus looks kinda awful though.

Even the toy designers knew the Dinobots shouldn't ever combine :lol:
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Re: Transformers Power of the Primes Leaks, Rumours, Reveals, and More

Postby Sabrblade » Fri Oct 06, 2017 8:20 am

Motto: "Can't do a job halfway. What's worth doing is worth doing well, I say."
Weapon: Saber Blade
bluecatcinema wrote:The Terrorcons look great, but why are there no images of Abominus?
Because the individual toy samples on display were too brittle to show in combined form.
"When there's gold feathers, punch behind you!!"

Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
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Re: Transformers Power of the Primes Leaks, Rumours, Reveals, and More

Postby RAR » Fri Oct 06, 2017 8:32 am

I don't see much wrong with Windcharger - he just needs his forehead painting black really.

I wonder when they will show off Abominus ?

The other thoughts I had was will they make Skywarp and Thundercracker Voyagers ? Also what about the 3rd Monster bot or Fangry ?
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Re: Transformers Power of the Primes Leaks, Rumours, Reveals, and More

Postby D-Maximal_Primal » Fri Oct 06, 2017 9:07 am

Motto: "There are no impossibilities in the multiverse, just small minds unable to comprehend the possibilities"
Weapon: Armor Axe
Ok so, some really cool stuff here!

The decoy suits/Pretenders continue to be a slam dunk for me. These guys are looking so awesome in every way. They are doing these guys some justice!

Windcharger looks pretty good! the head is a little derpy, but he looks pretty good! I passed on the one from a few years ago, and I am glad I did, this guy will go nicely into my collection.

The Terrorcons look pretty good. Hun-Gurr looks a little weird in beast mode with those forearms, but overall not bad at all. Can't wait to see the combined mode pictures. And the potential Monstructor and Dinoking we could get from them would be awesome. Monstructor is a personal want.

Volcanicus looks better in these color images, me likey! I will definitely experiment with different configurations though, I don't really like Snarl as a leg.

And when I thought I could skip a repaint... they had to go and make a Shattered Glass Rodimus Prime... Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammit! On a plus, he will stand beautifully alongside my Shattered Glass Optimus Prime! And they killed that headsculpt!!!
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Re: Transformers Power of the Primes Leaks, Rumours, Reveals, and More

Postby ThunderThruster » Fri Oct 06, 2017 9:25 am

Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
found a couple of photo's showing Hungrrr's back/Abominus' chestplate. ... 9364235671
Tekka wrote:What she doesn't realize is that Springer actually loves Rodimus.
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