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Transformers: Sword of Primus

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Transformers: Sword of Primus

Postby Rial Vestro » Sat Dec 26, 2009 11:55 pm

* 1 *

On new Cybertron it’s the end of another war. The Maximals and Predacons alike have just spent the last nine months cleaning up the remains of Megatron’s Vehicon army.

Optimus Primal was dead but the Oracle still had other plans for the Maximals’ new leader… Cheetor! “Rattrap, I need your help!”

In the months that followed the end of the war with Megatron Cheetor had gone into a deep depression due to the loss of their leader. It’s because of this reason and this reason only that Rattrap had the following reaction to Cheetor suddenly barging into his home. “What the slag?” After a short pause he continued. “Not that I ain’t happy to see you up and about again because I am but I got things I gotta do you know?”

“I know, I’m sorry but I had an Oracle vision last night or at least I think it was a vision. Anyway I need to speak to your great-aunt.” The words of a mad man, something Rattrap at this point wanted to say but didn’t. What he did say was this, “What in the name of the Oracle do you need to talk to my great-aunt Arcee for?”

The night before Cheetor did indeed have an Oracle Vision. A vision that told him this new world Optimus Primal created could still be in danger. A clue from the past would help them protect the future. All he was told was he needed to know who invented the Maximal technology originally. The only person Cheetor could think of that was old enough to remember was Rattrap’s great-aunt Arcee.

Moments later Rattrap and Cheetor arrive at Arcee’s home. “This is it, knock yourself out.” Rattrap says as he starts to leave Cheetor.

“What, you’re not staying? You know her better than I do.”

With a sigh Rattrap says “Fine I’ll call Botanica and cancel our plans. You owe me big time for this.”

Inside Arcee is no where to be seen, or at least Cheetor doesn’t see her. “Hey Auntie, long time no see.”

Cheetor looks up at who Rattrap was just talking to. “That’s Arcee? I thought she was a convertible?”

What Cheetor and Rattrap were now talking to was the Maximal form of the original Autobot Arcee. She had been turned into a giant spider.

“Hello Nephew, who’s your friend?”

Rattrap and Arcee had seen each other many times since all the Sparks had been returned to their bodies and it was no surprise to either of them how they looked now. She’d met Cheetor before the Beast Wars but neither of them looked the same now as they did back then.

“This is Cheetor, he finally came off his slump and asked to come see you. He needs a history lesson for some reason. Can you hurry up and tell him who invented Maximal tech’ so I can get out of here.”

Arcee did start to tell them but she was in no hurry to just give a name straight off.

* 2 *

It was right at the end of the Great War. It was then much like things are now, we had just finished cleaning up the wreckage left over from the war. Optimus Prime felt we needed a group of peacekeepers and founded the Primus Council. At the time no one had ever even heard the word Maximal before.

* 1 *

“That’s great Arcee, can you skip ahead to the part that has the guy’s name that started the Maximals?” Arcee gave Cheetor a mean look to shut him up and then started talking again.

* 3 *

A few years after the Maximal upgrades had been introduced things went bad on Cybertron and for their own safety most of the humans had been evacuated back to Earth. Only a few people on Cybertron knew the location of Earth and it was decided no one else would be given the location. Optimus didn’t want Earth stuck in the middle of another war. While Optimus was busy fighting both Megatron and Galvatron another Autobot was hunting a Decepticon named Nemesis Prime.

“Hold it right there Nemesis, you are under arrest for treason, freeing criminals, and illegal use of time travel!”

Nemesis Prime does not respond and instead transforms to vehicle mode and takes his only escape route, driving right through Saber Prime. “Try and catch me Autobot!”

Saber Prime transforms and follows the Decepticon. “Let’s add running from the law to that list as well!”

* 1 *

Cheetor interrupts again, “First you’re too far in the past now you’re not far enough. Just tell me what I want to know.”
Arcee explains: “The more you stop me the longer this will take, just wait I’ll answer your question later.”

* 2 *

Every Prime in the Primus Council had an individual job as well as helping the group and they had their own helpers to assist them. Goldbug and I were working under Rodimus Prime. He had turned back into Hot Rod without the Matrix but he was damaged and rebuilt during the Headmaster years. Optimus gave him Prime status in his new form. His job was an Ambassador from Cybertron to Earth. He was given this job and we were chosen to work under him because of our close relationships with the humans, mainly the Witwicky Family.

By the time the war ended Daniel had been married and had a daughter who also had grown up and got married changing the family name to Hansen. On this day all those many years ago Goldbug and I were on Earth when her son was being born.

“Rodimus, I need you to cover for me here, I need to go recruit one last member into the Primus Council.” Optimus says in his commanding voice.

“I told Goldbug he could go to Earth for the day and I’d cover for him but this is more important.”

The thing Optimus and Rodimus were talking about was something that was kept secret from us at the time, all we knew was if any Decepticon got hold of it they could start the war all over again and someone had to be there at all times to guard it.

Optimus’ voice changes to a more understanding tone when he speaks this time. “I understand, I’d be there too if I could. I’ll send someone to cover for Goldbug while you stand guard here.”

Later at the shattered remains of what was once Crystal City: “Omega Supreme, I need to speak with you!” No answer was given and Optimus spoke again. “All of the wreckage on the planet has been cleaned up and the cities rebuilt, all but one. It’s time you moved on and found another job.”

“Leave this place Optimus Prime, I wish to be alone!”

Optimus could tell by his reaction that Omega Supreme was angry. “I meant no offence, I actually came here to offer you another job. I want you to join the Primus Council. You and this city would be rebuilt stronger than ever and I want you to take your place as guardian of this new city.”

Shocked Omega replied: “After what I did the first time, you dare make me guard again? Your trust in me is higher than my own, Optimus Prime!”

After a few more rounds of debating Omega Supreme did agree to join the Primus Council. He had to be rebuilt because the damage he suffered in the war almost cost him his life. He wasn’t even able to transform anymore his condition was so bad. When he was rebuilt into a new form he was also renamed Omega Prime.

Meanwhile on Earth I was looking at the fifth generation of Witwicky, or at least the fifth that we knew of. He was named Donald James Hansen. His family lived with me here on Cybertron.

* 1 *

Botanica arrived at Acree’s home with Silverbolt and Blackarachnia at this moment. “I know you said you couldn’t come out with us but we figured we’d come here and see how Cheetor was doing.” Says Botanica.

Blackarachnia adds “Oh look, he really is here, what a shame.”

Cheetor, more annoid than angry about what Blackarchnia just said replied, “Very funny now have a seat and let Arcee talk, I haven’t got all night.”

* 3 *

Speaking over a com link Optimus Prime asks, “What’s your report Saber Prime?”

“He got away from me but appears to be heading toward Omega Prime. I’ve already called ahead and told him to expect company.” Saber Prime replied.

“Good work, maybe this time we can hold him long enough to find out where Megatron and Galvatron are going to strike next.”

* 2 *

Years earlier when Nemesis Prime was still a member of the Primus Council he was a Jailer. Most of the Decepticons had been defeated when they were frozen in carbonite and the ones who were left no longer wanted to fight without their leader.

“What are you doing here at this hour?” Vector Prime is a time guardian and knows by the slightest second if someone is not in their normal place at any given time.

“I put someone else to work a little early tonight big deal. Not like they’re going anywhere.” To the other members of the Prime Council nothing was more important than their jobs but to Nemesis Prime, all he did was slack off every chance he got.

“As long as you’re leaving early anyway how about you guard this for a while.” Vector Prime was talking about the same thing Optimus and Rodimus were earlier. No one who knew what it was could actually talk about it or at least they weren’t supposed to.

They weren’t supposed to but Nemesis Prime never followed the rules.“You mean the Sword of Primus, no thanks, I’m tired.”

“That wasn’t a request!” Nemesis could tell Vector was angry now and reluctantly followed orders.

* 1 *

Silverbolt interrupts, “I fail to understand this story.”

“I’ll explain the parts you missed later bird bot.” Replies Rattrap.

“Bird bot?” Says Silverbolt in a confused tone.

Cheetor exsplains, “It’s Rattrap, get use to it Silverbolt, he has weird names for everyone.” And signals Arcee to continue her story.

* 3 *

“It’s about time you got here Saber Prime, I believe you’re looking for this!” says Omega Prime while holding up Nemesis Prime upside down by his right leg.

“Yeah, thanks, Omega. I’ll take him from here.”

Later in the Interrogation room, Saber Prime is asking some questions of his own to Nemesis Prime. “I know Optimus wants to know what Megatron’s plans are but I’m wondering, how did you manage to bring him back anyway. Megatron died when my grandfather was younger than I am now.”

“I didn’t resurrect him if that’s what you’re asking.”

“I know that but how did you bring him back from the past?”

* 2 *

Vector Prime went to speak with Optimus after his uncomfortable chat with Nemesis Prime. “I hate to be rude but I need to speak with you alone for a moment, Optimus.”

At that moment Optimus was speaking with a new member, Sentinel Prime. He had actually held the Matrix before Optimus and was thought to be dead. “It’s no problem Vector, this is Sentinel Prime. I brought him in to help with our guarding problem.”

“Are you referring to Nemesis Prime?”

“No, I was talking about the other thing. Why? Is there a problem?”

Between guarding off and on and dealing with recruitment and all his other duties Optimus doesn’t notice every little thing that goes wrong and Vector Prime is usually the one that points problems out to him. “I’ve often caught Nemesis Prime leaving his post early and when he is there, he’s sleeping. I left him at guard of the object only because I needed to speak with you but I fear we should relieve him of his duties.” After a pause he adds “He also called the object by name, sir.”

“You’re right, no one should know what’s in there. Let’s not say anything to him just yet. I’ll give him one last chance then we might have to wipe his memory. Sentinel Prime, go keep an eye on him from a distance.”

* 3 *

“That night I didn’t stay guarding that Sword you carrey now. I waited for Vector Prime at his home. I ambushed him and used his power to go into the future.”

* 1 *

Cheetor interrupts again to ask “Wait a minute, the future? Nemesis Prime went to the future?”

“Yes, it was a shock to me too when Saber Prime came home and told me.”

Now Rattrap was surprised. “You never mentioned before that Saber Prime lived with you?”

Arcee laughs and replies “Oh yes I did, maybe if you’d pay attention more you’d know that.”

Cheetor went back to his question. “If he didn’t pull that Megatron from the past then where did he come from?”

With a more serious tone Arcee tells them. “The Megatron we knew back then we thought was an upgraded version of our Megatron but from what Nemesis Prime claimed he must have been the Megatron from your Beast Wars.”

Cheetor with a smile on his face, the first smile he’s had all night, starts to exsplain, “But that was in the past also, he would have had to pull Megatron away from Optimus just before the planet was reformatted. Maybe that means Optimus is still alive, we never did find their bodies. That must be what the Oracle wanted me to know.”

Arcee cuts him off with a yell, “NO! I’m not finished.”

What Arcee hadn’t told Cheetor before was that she knew he’d be coming. She had an Oracle vision too and Cheetor had not yet learned the point of the story.

* 3 *

“When I found Megatron the three of us were falling, the architecture had obviously changed over the years. I grabbed them in their fight just after I heard the Maximal say the words.”

“What words?” asks Saber Prime.

“Prepare to be reformatted. It’s the last thing I said to Megatron before waking up here.” This was the first time anyone had ever met Primal Prime, well other than the Medics who repaired him.

Optimus Prime enters the room behind Primal Prime. “Our friend here has made quite a quick recovery. I found out about who this Megatron really is and recruited Primal Prime to help us stop him.”

“My name is actually Optimus Primal but I guess Optimus Prime thought it’d be less confusing to call me Primal Prime.”

* 2 *

When Primal and Megatron were first brought to us no one knew who or what Primal was. He had been badly damaged by Megatron and Nemesis Prime and had gone into stasis lock. At the time Donald was old enough and had been around Transformers long enough that he was able to repair him when no one else could.

“What do you mean you can fix him? I built the Dinobots, I’ve been repairing Autobots my entire life and I don’t even know how this guy’s put together.”

“Well I’m not sure how but he’s not an Autobot or a Decepticon. He looks like an advance Maximal.” This was the first time anyone had ever heard the word Maximal before.

“What in the name of Primus is a Maximal?”

“Well if my theories are correct you will be. It’s a project I’ve been working on that would help both transformers and humans. By downsizing your bodies you can use less Energon saving you energy and because you’ll be the same size as us we don’t need Transformers around to reach all the high shelves. I mean come on, Wheeljack, I’m over six feet tall and I can’t even watch TV without Arcee changing the channel for me.”

“So how long is this going to take to fix him?”

“Well it’ll be a while, I haven’t actually built or tested any Maximal technology yet. I only have blue prints for a CR Chamber.”

“Now what’s a CR Chamber?”

“Sorry to say, but something that’ll put you out of work.”

* 1 *

“So Maximal technology was invented by a human?” asks Cheetor.

“Yes but not just any human, there’s more to the story.” Replies Arcee.

* 2 *

“Hey Donald, how’s your patient doing today?”

“He’s fine, still in Stasis Lock but fine, at least till I can figure out all the bugs in my CR Chamber. It’s still not working right.”

Sentinel Prime started to speak again but was interrupted by a party crasher “Hey Autobots remember me!” It was Nemesis Prime. They didn’t know it but he was only a distraction. He drew Sentinel Prime away from the frozen Decepticons and then Megatron came in the free them.

“Welcome back to the land of the walking, Galvatron, Yeesss!”

“Who are you?”

“I am Megatron!”

“Megatron is dead!”

“I have returned, yeesss.”

“No, Megatron can’t return, you may fool Prime with that act but I know the truth to Megatron’s death!”

“You’ll have to enlighten me later Galvatron. We need to get out of here before the Autobots come, yeesss, you don’t have your full strength back yet.”

At the same time something else was happening. Sentinel Prime had called for backup as Nemesis Prime made his way to the Sword of Primus.

* 3 *

“Did you find out anything from Nemesis Prime?” Asks Optimus.

“Just why Primal Prime was made up of technology that hadn’t been invented yet.”

“What do you mean, there were Maximals all over the place when I was coming over here.” Asks Primal.

Saber Prime replied, “There weren’t any when we first found you, you’ve been in stasis lock for the last thirty years.”

“Yeah, me and Megatron did that, it was fun, and it was fun to single handedly start another war, and it was the most fun ever to force every single freaking human off my planet! All except one.” As Nemesis said that he was looking at Saber Prime.

* 2 *

“It’s mine, this sword that Optimus tried so hard to protect is now in the hands of a Decepticon! As my first act, I think my fellow Decepticons and I would like to… kill all the freaking humans on our planet! However as a former Autobot I’ll allow you 24 hours to evacuate every last reached human.”

“Donald, get your family, and get out of here before he changes his mind!”

“What is that weapon? Why are you so afraid of it? You’re Sentinel Prime, you’ve never shown fear in your life!”

“You’d be afraid too if you knew what this was. Let me demonstrate its power for you.” With a quick, swift blow Sentinel Prime was not just killed, his Spark was put out, it did not rejoin the Matrix.

The other Autobots arrived on the scene to see Donald standing over the empty shell that was Sentinel Prime. “Donald, get out of here, it’s not safe for you here!”

“No, Optimus, it’s not safe for you here! Go ahead Nemesis Prime, do your worst!”

“You asked for it!” Another quick, swift attack but this time, nothing happened.

“I can handle this Optimus, get the other humans out of here.” Nemesis Prime attacks again, no effect. Optimus and the other Autobots reluctantly follow Donald’s orders.

“Why!” Nemesis Prime attacks. “Won’t!” He attacks again. “You!” Another attack. “DIE!” One last final blow and this time Donald’s body rises into the air and starts glowing a bright glow that blinds Nemesis Prime. He drops the sword and it too starts to glow and float in mid air.

* 3 *

“When that light faded and I was able to see again, that human was gone and you were standing in his place. I’m not stupid Saber Prime, you think I haven’t known this entire time who you were?”

* 1 *

Rattrap interrupts, “Woo woo woo, back the Slag up, you mean to tell me Saber Prime, an Autobot, was the human who invented Maximal Tech?”

“See if you hadn’t interrupted me so much and paid attention you would have got that with the fact that his family and Saber Prime lived with me.”

“Is he still around?” asks Cheetor.

“Of course not, humans don’t live as long as us. He was twenty years old when he first became Saber Prime and of course the interrogation was thirty years later.”

“So what did the Oracle want me to know all this for?”

Arcee laughs again. “What do you think? Megatron was stopped in the past by Saber Prime with Primal Prime’s help but Nemesis Prime got away. His Decepticon body was found but his Spark had been changed.”

“Changed how?”

Arcee exsplains, “The Oracle said the past would repeat itself, his Spark will reveal itself soon, and it’s up to you to find it, Cheetor.”

* 3 *

“You think he’s finally gone?”

“I don’t know anymore, I thought I defeated him before but he just keeps coming back.”

“Well It’s not Megatron I’m worried about now, it’s the one who brought him here. Anyway come on, it’s best Vector Prime sends you home.”

Primal Prime looks up at a passing Predacon Jet.

“Primal, You coming?”

“Sorry, Saber, I thought that jet going by looked familiar.”

* 1 *

In a dark room medical drones are hard at work building the new Nemesis Prime and a voice is heard in the background. “I am NOT happy, not happy at all! All thoughs years of planning and manipulating that Megatron, gone to waste. I almost had it when I took Vector Prime’s sword and came to this time. What changed? How did this not turn out the way I saw before, Primal wasn’t suppose to turn this world Technorganic!”
Rial Vestro
Headmaster Jr
Posts: 546
Joined: Sun Apr 26, 2009 12:12 am

Re: Transformers: Sword of Primus

Postby Rial Vestro » Sun Dec 27, 2009 12:02 am

I just recently realized this story wasn't on the site anymore so I thought I'd repost it. It does jump between 3 different time periods the numbers preceeding each scene are to help keep track of which time period you're currently in as it can be easy to loose track.
Rial Vestro
Headmaster Jr
Posts: 546
Joined: Sun Apr 26, 2009 12:12 am

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