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Transformers: The Centurion Wars Part 1

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Transformers: The Centurion Wars Part 1

Postby Marlboro Man » Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:42 pm

Motto: "If knowledge is power, then to be unknown is to be unstoppable"
Weapon: Plasma Cannon
Step 1 Integration
Part 1

The year is 2020. Cybertron has begun a new age, one of relative peace between the Autobots and Decepticons. The planet has been divided between both Autobot and Decepticon. Megatron found a way to build a Decepticon matrix of leadership. Instead of being full of knowledge and wisdom like the Autobot matrix, it was full of hatred and anger. The war was now a stalemate. Other than the occasional Decepticon raid, Cybertron remains silent. This will not last. A terrible new war is about to rage forth. A war no one side can win. Autobot versus Decepticon versus a new, terrible threat.

Autobot headquarters is about get a visitor, one they have not seen for many years.

Jazz: “Optimus, we have an intruder in sector 913. “
Prime: “The Decepticons? They would dare attack our headquarters? And with only one warrior? Has Megatron’s circuits finally sizzled?

Skyfire: “No Prime, it’s a friend! It’s Defcon, and he looks pretty beat up.”
Prime: “Ultra Magnus, prepare an expedition to meet Defcon. Give him any aid he needs.”

Magnus gets up from his seat and signals for Perceptor, Hoist, Springer, Grapple, and Trailbreaker to join him. They quietly leave the room and transform, speeding off to meet their Autobot comrade.

Jazz: “Hmmm…Defcon, he usually does not show up unless there’s big trouble.”
Prime: “I know. I almost wish Defcon wasn’t here. He is always the harbinger of bad news.”

They all stood silently thinking about the rogue Autobot. As they did, Defcon speeded towards the surface. He was barely in control of his flight mode and he made a direct crash course with the surface. It was a rough crash as he skidded into a tower, setting a small fire. It was a nasty crash, one that caught the eye of the Decepticons.

Megatron: “Shockwave…what was that?
Shockwave: “Sir, it seems the Autobot Defcon has returned. He crashed right on the border of both our respective territories.”
“Megatron: “Do we have any troops nearby that could intercept him? He is a powerhouse we cannot afford to have rejoining the Autobots at this crucial rearming period.”
Soundwave: “Blitzwing, Thrust, and Octane are nearby. Cyclonus could meet them with in twenty astro-clicks.”
Megatron: “No time to wait. Tell Blitzwing to capture Defcon, if he resists, bring me his head.”
Soundwave: Affirmative.”

At the crash site, Defcon was trapped under a pillar. He couldn’t move, couldn’t even transform. The flames that started from his crash started to engulf him. He started worrying, if those flames got any closer; he would be melted down to ashes. He could already feel the heat cooking his sensors. Then, a miracle happened. The beam covering him was lifted and moved. Defcon immediately transformed and looked up to see his saviors.

Defcon, who could barely stand, found it even harder to stand now: “Not exactly the miracle I was hoping for.” He was surrounded by three Decepticons, all of them with their weapons out and loaded.

Blitzwing: You literally just stepped out of the frying pan and into the fire Auto-bum.”
Thrust: “I think you’ll be coming with us, unless you wish to force the issue.”

Ultra Magnus: “I think we might have something to add to the debate.” Magnus, Perceptor, Hoist, Grapple, and Springer stood armed and ready for battle. Blitzwing transformed to tank mode and took aim; Octane and Thrust stood ready and took aim as well. The Autobots stood their ground, knowing the Decepticons were outnumbered, and that they would most likely not start a fire fight so close to both sides of the border. There seemed to be a stalemate, until one single shot fired in the air. Everyone was surprised to see it was Defcon that fired.

Defcon: “We don’t have time...kkzztztttt…for this. Bring me back to Autobot HQ and the Decepticons as well. The tale I have to tell involves them as well.” Defcon then collapsed from sheer exhaustion and internal damage.

Hoist: “He needs medical attention right now or his laser core will go offline, permanently.”
Ultra Magnus: “I don’t suppose I could interest you Decepticons in Defcon’s request?”

Octane contacted Megatron: “Situation has changed boss man baby. Defcon has some story he wants us to listen too, back at Autobot headquarters. What are your orders?”

Megatron: “Go with them Octane. If they try anything decimate their headquarters and leave nothing left. Cyclonus will rendezvous with you soon enough.”

The Autobots transformed and rolled out. Ultra Magnus carried Defcon, Hoist and Grapple tried to operate on him, crudely, as it was a rough ride. They were escorted by the Decepticons, all flying in a delta formation. They were joined by Cyclonus.

Cyclonus: “What is the situation?”
Thrust: “The peace lovers invited us to their headquarters. They want us to listen to whatever this Defcon character has to say.”
Cyclonus didn’t like the situation. There was nothing appealing to him to marching into the Autobot headquarters. But if they wanted a battle, it appeased him he would go down fighting gloriously.

Springer: “We’re coming up on HQ. I already informed Prime on our situation, and the ‘guests’ we have with us. He’ll have the Dinobots and a full squad of Autobots on hand.”
Perceptor: “A valid safety precaution. But being this outnumbered, not even the Decepticons would attack us.”

The Decepticons took great insult at that. Their pride was hurt. How dare that Autobot scientist question their mettle? But…Megatron’s orders stood; there will be time for battle later. They have arrived at their destination. As Springer said, the Dinobots were present, along with Skyfire, Trax, Jazz, Kup, Hot Rod, Arcee, Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, and Sky lynx. Optimus Prime was there too of course.

Cyclonus: “Hmm, the Autobots must truly fear us if they must send this many to watch over four Decepticons.

Slag: “grrrr…if dumb Decepticon want fight, me Slag give it to you.”
Sideswipe: “Yeah, in case you haven’t noticed, you outnumbered a bazillion to none.
Sunstreaker: “Hey brother, you know they aren’t as advanced as us, he probably malfunctioned trying to count this many.”

Thrust: “Keep it up Autobot, I’ll rip out your voice mechanism.”
Defcon: “No…no harm must come to the Decepticons. We’re going to need their help soon.”

Prime: “What is it Defcon? What has you so worried?”
Defcon: “Listen to me…it’s not what…but who…and there are a lot of who…”

Defcon struggled to sit up and he began his story.

Recently I was going after a target with a tidy bounty. Her name was Claren. She was an arms dealer, and she recently supplied the Decepticons with some plasma based weaponry. I was curious to know where such odd weaponry came into her possession. I followed her to a remote system in space. A dead system, no life on the planets there at all. As I followed Claren’s ship I noticed something on the horizon. It was too small to be a moon, but to big to be a station. I was right. She headed straight towards it. As we got closer, I recognized it. It was the infamous Rock of Fanta.

Hot Rod interrupted him: “Whoa, the Rock of Fanta? Are your circuits malfunctioning?”
Trax: “The Rock of Fanta is an old Cybertronian fable. It’s never been found or explored.”
Defcon: “Shhh…that’s what I thought too. I was dead wrong. I wanted to make sure it was indeed Fanta, so I followed Claren’s ship into the docking bay. She was rather surprised to see me, at least I think she was. The facial expressions of flesh creatures are so hard to read. I raised my arm cannon and told her she was under arrest. She merely laughed and pulled out a small revolver. I did not think high of her weapon as a threat. That was another mistake. Her revolver was really a small sonic disruptor. It blew a hole right through my shoulder.

I fell to one knee, clutching my shoulder. The pain was immense. I had never been hit by anything that hard before. As some of my body began breaking down into more base forms of matter she told me not to bother getting up, her allies would make sure I didn’t. I looked up and saw three massive transformers. Two were about the size of Optimus Prime, the third was roughly your size Skyfire.

Sky fire: “That’s a big transformer. Were they Autobots or Decepticons?
Jazz: “They couldn’t be either. If this place was the fabled Fanta, everyone sentenced there was of a different design. Not to mention the fact that they were all sentenced there millions of Vorn ago.”
Prime: “They were also deactivated and put into stasis. We have no idea how many were imprisoned there though. All records were lost when Unicron attacked Cybertron and destroyed the Hall of Records.

Defcon: “Fifty. There were fifty imprisoned there. I started to go into stasis from the pain, but my audio receptors still worked. Only the biggest of the three transformers talked to Claren. The other two remained silent.

Transformer: “You should be more careful Claren. You’re letting in strays. Our position here must not be compromised.”
Claren: “Hey, if you had any security measures, this Autobot wouldn’t have found this place.”
Transformer: “We cannot have security measures. Any build up in power would make us noticeable to Cybertronian sensors. We are trying to keep a low profile here. Knowledge is power, and if we are unknown, we are unstoppable.”

Claren: “Well, I’d say your little secret is out. This Autobot must’ve alerted his buddies to where he was following me, whoever he is.”
Transformer: “Highly unlikely. This is Defcon, a loner. Though he has an allegiance to the AUtobot cause, he cares very little for his brethren, only the survival of the species. That is why he only accepts bounties relating to Decepticons.”
Claren: “How do you know all this? Being cooped up on this rock, it must be hard to keep up with current events.”
Transformer: “I remember this Defcon…his design specs, and the day he went on-line. As for my sources of current events, that is none of your concern. A good magician never reveals his secrets. Now, let’s get down to business.”
Claren: “An excellent idea. Megatron was very happy to purchase the plasma rifles and compressor torpedoes. He even requested you build him some plasma disruptors or sonic cannons for his next shipment.”
Transformer: “Did he now? Ever the opportunist. That I can respect. Did he pay the agreed upon fee?”
Claren: “Indeed. 5,000 energon cubes are in my cargo bay. He said the price was too steep, but anything to give him an edge over the Autobots.”

Jazz: “With that kind of firepower the Decepticon war effort would be pushed along a lot further. Perhaps something we can’t push back against.”
Sky Lynx: “Yes, well would you expect anything less from the Cons? Even if they have to sink to the level of dealing with arms dealers, they’ll see us all dead.”

Octane: “Bah, you Autobots had your chance with Claren. You refused.”
Trailbreaker: “What? Prime, is what this varmint sayin’ true?”
Prime: “Affirmative Trailbreaker. This Claren approached me some time ago with such a deal. I did not accept, to do that would break the Autobot code. It seems the Decepticons have no such code.
Cyclonus: “Pure politics! You were fool not to accept.”

Defcon: “If I may continue…Claren opened up her cargo bay and the energon cubes glowed brightly. The giant transformer walked towards it.

Transformer: “Excellent. It’s all here. And Megatron has a request for his next shipment? Hahahahaaha. With this many cubes I can awaken the other 47 warriors imprisoned here. All of Cybertron will rue the day they imprisoned us here and left us a drift in this abysmal system.”

Claren: “Fine. But I expect my payment now. You owe me 50 million credits. Pay up.”
The massive transformer raised his arm which had a massive cannon attached to it: “I think, in actuality, our partnership has ended.”
Claren: “Wait…you said you’d pay me well, I ‘d be a queen no matter what world I traveled too!”
Transformer: “And so you are a queen. A queen of fools!” He fired his cannon, a blast that shook the entire station. There was nothing left of Claren but a smoldering pile of ash and liquid. “Number 1, start reanimating our warriors. Number 2, have you come up with an integration plan yet?”

2: “Aye. I have tapped into the Autobots Teletran 1 on Earth. I have selected appropriate alternate forms for all us, and we will be able to insert ourselves in both the Autobot and Decepticon camps.

1: “I will start my work at once. But it won’t be easy. You’re leaving me with a great task that will tax my brilliance greatly.”

Transformer: “Just get it done and have 2 insert everyone’s new form. Work quickly my friends. We have a planet to reconquer, from the inside out. Cybertron will enter a new era of chaos and strife until the order we implement!”

Defcon: “That’s the last thing I remember before coming back on-line. It took my internal systems almost three weeks to repair the damage done to me. I examined the remains of Claren. The blast that caused her end was a sort plasma disruptor, with some traces of chemicals and electric currents.”

Perceptor: “Amazing. Such a weapon in the hands of one transformer. Just a disruptor, plasma, chemical, or electric cannon is deadly. But all of them mixed as one, it’s almost incomprehensible.”
Cyclonus: I Cannot allow such a weapon to fall into Autobot hands!”
Springer: “And I’d be hard pressed to allow a Decepticon to have one of those things either.”
Blitzwing: “At least we would have the bearings to use it!”
Bumblebee: “I think you’re all missing the point here. If these transformers are integrating themselves into both our camps all of our security measures could be compromised. Both sides would be vulnerable to an attack, and we would blame each other!”
Prime: “Causing a new war that might destroy both sides, allowing these new transformers to easily wipe any survivors out!”
Arcee: “That’s…terrible!”
Thrust: “Simple Autobot fear!”
Cyclonus: “We Decepticons welcome all challenges, whether they are internal or external!”

Sky Lynx: “Think for a minute you dolt. If these transformers are already in your camp, and they are in any ranking position, they are fully aware of defense capabilities and strategies!”
Blitzwing: “Ya know…the coward brings up a good point.”
Ultra Magnus: “Agreed we all need to look at our new recruits…they MUST be there somewhere.”
Jazz: “Easier said than done. In the past week, almost one hundred new Autobots have joined our ranks. We can’t possibly keep an eye on all of them. “
Octane: “Oddly enough, about the same number of Decepticons have heard the battle cry. To try and sniff out a traitor is near impossible.

Defcon: “We have to try, all of Cybertron’s safety is at risk.”
Kup: “It goes a little further than that.”
Cyclonus: “What are you talking about old timer?”
Kup: “Fanta just wasn’t a prison for common criminals. It was a military prison. You’re all to young to remember! It was a prison for those deemed to unstable and dangerous to keep locked up in any way on Cybertron. It was one of the few things Alpha Trion and Beta-tron, the Autobot and Decepticon leaders at the time, ever agreed upon.”
Hot Rod: “We got it Kup, these things that were imprisoned are out, and they need to be squashed!”
Kup: “I don’t know if they can be. The things were called Centurions. I can remember some bits from when I was younger. An ancient race of Cybertronians. They might have even pre-dated the Quintessons. Even when they were captured, and kept in stasis their ideals were still a threat. They view Cybertron as THEIR planet. They won’t stop until all Autobots and Decepticons, whom they see as inferior and intruders, are wiped out!”
Prime: “Can you give us any more information Kup?”
Kup: “Only that there leader, whose name was lost in history, is a genius! He escaped capture and death many times until both the Autobots and Decepticons teamed up to stop him. Even then, there were many, many deaths. He is a schemer, like a spider. He throws a tangled web sending opposition in all different directions until his poison infects everyone! His battlefield tactics are near flawless and he himself is a threat in combat. It took fifteen warriors just to bring him alone down.”

Skyfire: “But that was eons ago. We have advanced so much…”
Kup: “It doesn’t matter. He, and his race, has the ability to adapt and change with the times! His top scientist and second in command is also brilliant, he is the one that changes all the Centurion bodies to keep up with tech. He even stays a step or two ahead at times!”

Prime: “Cyclonus, I think we all agree that this threat is both of our faction’s primary concern. Take this information to Megatron. Even he will see we must pool our resources to stop the Centurions.”
Cyclonus: “I would never take orders from an Autobot, unless I agreed heavily with them. I will do so Prime. But Octane will remain here to keep an open line of communication between our bases.”
Octane: “ME? Why me?”
Cyclonus: “Because I have ordered you too! Do not defy me!” Octane cowers in fear of Cyclonus, but reluctantly agrees.

Prime: “Very well. But Skyfire will accompany you to your base, that way we both have both have an ambassador.”
Skyfire: “No problem Prime. Plus, if things go wrong, I wouldn’t mind fighting my way through Camp Con.”

Without another word Cyclonus, Blitzwing, and Thrust transform and take off. Skyfire takes off after them.

In a dimly lit room in the depths of Cybertron a video screen shows all that has just transpired. Two others are also flashing with life. One shows Prowl and Ironhide leading a training course for new Autobots. Sitting in the room are all new recruits.

Ironhide: “Roll call for you green horns. Prowl, if you’ll be so kind.
Prowl read off names, with their accompanying alternate modes:

Cutlass: Oldsmobile Aurora. Brinks: Armored truck. Domino: El Camino. Specter: Police Cruiser. Intrepid: Cadillac DeVille. Tux: Stretched Limo. Ttanus: Ram Truck. Ghidorah: Chrslyer 300. Banshee: Blackhawk Attack Chopper. Siryn: SR-71 Blackbird. Thunderbird: Pontiac Trans-Am. Junkpile: Trash Truck. Soar: Eagle. Nail: Plymouth Prowler. Nebula: Star Fighter. And Pantera: Jaguar.

Ironhide: “Good to see you all showed up. Now, let’s get down to business.

In the other monitor, Starscream, Thundercracker, and Skywarp were leading a new formation of Decepticon Seekers.

Starscream: “Great, you wretched rookies actually found the sky! Skywarp, who is in attendance?”

Skywarp: “Blitzkreig: F-115 Stealth Fighter. Bishop: F-14. Baron: F-22. Barrage: F-18. Gigan: F-14. Windsheer: A-10. Amstel: B-52 bomber, and Myst: Raven.”

Thundercracker: “Ha! Megatron thinks you scrap heaps are ready to join us? The elite of the Decepticon flying war effort? Let’s see what you can do!”

On the ground, Astro-train began a similar process: “Abrahams: M-1a tank. Panzer: Panzer tank. Longshot: Artillery cannon. Dragula: Formula-1 Race car. Cryhavoc: Scorpion. Rancid: Wolf. And Misfit: Rocket Launcher. We’re going to be focusing on ground combat. Your objective is to…”

The transformer watching all three monitors stood and smiled. It was the giant transformer Defcon spoke of earlier. He was massive, and he had a terrifying presence. The five other Centurions in the room took a step back as he stood. He was twice all of their size. His body was a shiny jet black, that of death. A massive silver helmet covered his real face, except the eyes. The blood red optics which stared on evilly. He had a cape of metallic feather-like pieces. His arm cannon was the size of bumblebee, and four spikes covered his shoulders, arms, and legs. He was menacing to see, even worse to hear:

“Our trap has been set! Our undercover agents will cause chaos and confusion through the two factions. No one will trust each other. The Decepticons natural distrust of one another will increase the effect, as the Autobots, who always trust one another with their lives, will not know how to deal with the possibility that there are traitors in their midst. This is a glorious day! Hahahahahahaha!!!” His laughter filled the halls of the Centurion’s hidden base. It was the sound of knowing he has won, and there is nothing either side can do about it.

Bonus Profiles:

Name: Brinks
Allegiance: Autobot?
Alternate Mode: Armored Truck
Strength: 9
Intelligence: 7
Dexterity: 5
Speed: 3

Endurance: 8
Courage: 7
Firepower: 8
Accuracy: 6
Tech: 3
Rank: 4
Charisma: 5
Weapon: Compressor Rifle. Effect: Increases the amount of gravity on target, slowing and crushing sensors.
Function: Security Transport
Special Ability: Brinks is coated with a new, experimental armor which is near impenetrable.
Motto: Security? Hmmpf, is anyone truly secure?
Weakness: Brinks’ armor is new and experimental. He has confidence that sometimes leads him to trouble, trouble he doesn’t know if his armor can get him out of.

Profile: Brinks is one of the newest Autobots to join the war. He is an expert in security and transporting valuable goods. Before he joined the war Brinks helped domestically by transporting valuable cargo for the Autobots including weapons, schematics, and even energon. Now that Brinks has signed on for full active duty he can be counted on to transport anything for the Autobots in any situation. Usually a strong and silent type, Brinks is comfortable driving down a peaceful highway, or blasting at Decepticons to protect his precious cargo.

Name: Rancid
Allegiance: Decepticon?
Alternate Mode: Earth wolf.
Strength: 6
Intelligence: 4
Dexterity: 8
Speed: 6
Courage: 9
Accuracy: 8
Firepower: 5
Tech: 2
Rank: 3

Weapons: Fangs, claws (in wolf mode). Ion sword and heat Revolver. Effects: Fangs and claws can rip through some armor. Ion sword slows the flow of circuitry. Revolver unleashes a tremendous amount of heat.

Special Ability: Keen hearing and sense of smell (Experimental)
Function: Assassin
Motto: If I can smell you or hear you, I can kill you.

Weakness: Due to Rancid’s animal programming, he is easily overtaken by primal urges.

Profile: Rancid is a new addition to the Decepticon army. He attended the Decepticon War Academy where he was first in his class in hand to hand combat. His weapons are designed to slow or cripple his foes as he moves in for the kill at close range. His keen senses of smell and hearing are experimental but have proven excellent thus far for Rancid to be a tracker or silent assassin. Though he makes most other Decepticons uncomfortable due to his animal-like urges, they are happy to have him fighting with them and not against him. Those who have witnessed him shred an opponent with his fangs or claws never forget it.
The world will scream SAVE US! I'll whisper back NO!
Marlboro Man
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Location: Parkesburg, PA
Strength: 6
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Firepower: 8
Skill: 7

Re: Transformers: The Centurion Wars Part 1

Postby Marlboro Man » Fri Oct 31, 2008 12:38 pm

Motto: "If knowledge is power, then to be unknown is to be unstoppable"
Weapon: Plasma Cannon
My fault, feel free to comment on anything. Is it crappy, good? Does it make sense? Give me feedback folks!
The world will scream SAVE US! I'll whisper back NO!
Marlboro Man
Posts: 248
Joined: Mon May 10, 2004 12:19 am
Location: Parkesburg, PA
Strength: 6
Intelligence: 10
Speed: 4
Endurance: 9
Rank: 7
Courage: 10
Firepower: 8
Skill: 7

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