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Indiana Transformers sightings

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Indiana Transformers sightings

Postby Metal » Sat Aug 18, 2007 2:48 pm

South Bend regional here, all I can find still is just small amounts of movie line figures. Local Targets have a good amount of scouts, particularly Hardtop, Skyblast and Clocker. Also there are a few Voyager Ratchet and Starscream, and Deluxe Wreckage...<<<<<<<<<< plenty of these. Unleashed Prime is stocked good as well, but I won't buy it at $24.99, waiting until clearance time on that one. Still waiting to see some of the new wave at Target, I really want Leader Brawl and the repaints.

Walmart = Swindle.

Kohls = No toys at all that I could see, never seen toys in this store before, I was surprised to see posts with people finding Transformers here.

Meijer = Have not tried this store yet, anyone find anything here?
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Indiana Sightings

Postby barricade2218 » Sat Aug 25, 2007 12:28 pm

Motto: "To punish and enslave..."
Fort Wayne here. All the chains including TRU have been very dry for weeks. Target near glenbrook had at least 7 g1 starscreams left but are out of the g1 jazz ( I got one Thurs and left 6-7 hanging on pegs) as of today. They did have 2 Leader Brawls and 2 Ultimate bumblebees (got one of each) and a small assortment of deluxes-dreadwing, etc a few scout classes as well. Walmarts have nothing at all or just alot of old series out.
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Re: Indiana Sightings

Postby HoosierDaddy » Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:10 am

barricade2218 wrote:Fort Wayne here. All the chains including TRU have been very dry for weeks. Target near glenbrook had at least 7 g1 starscreams left but are out of the g1 jazz ( I got one Thurs and left 6-7 hanging on pegs) as of today. They did have 2 Leader Brawls and 2 Ultimate bumblebees (got one of each) and a small assortment of deluxes-dreadwing, etc a few scout classes as well. Walmarts have nothing at all or just alot of old series out.
I just hit that Target on Saturday and still one Ultimate Bumblebee. Still no G1 repaint Jazz :cry: but I did get a G1 repaint Starscream. Still had several of those left. One deluxe Dreadwing and the rest of the deluxe pegs are empty. Nothing at any Wal Mart or other stores north of Ft Wayne either. Don't waste time looking yet until they get the new shipments. The good thing is, when the new shipments do finally hit the market will be saturated and we'll be able to get everything were missing now.
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Postby barricade2218 » Mon Aug 27, 2007 4:07 am

Motto: "To punish and enslave..."
I was at the Walmart on St Rd.37 yesterday and they had at least 4 voyager primes and 3 voyager megatrons, plus 4 Ultimate BB and 1 of every new deluxe except for concept bumblebee. Left everything except for dropkick and final battle jazz (have the rest). Kohl's next door had (believe it or not) all the 1st series deluxes including 3 bumblebees. Guess nobody thought to look at Kohl's, they aren't big into toys around here.
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Postby alh77 » Mon Aug 27, 2007 12:54 pm

Hello. I've been in lurk mode for the past month, but I've finally decided to register. Anyway, I'm in Terre Haute and there's hardly anything around here. I did find Deluxe Arcee, Concept BB and Dreadwing at Kohl's, but they've disappeared. I went to the Vincennes Wal-Mart and found two leader Brawls and one Ultimate BB. I bought a leader Brawl after some debating. My wife found Longarm, Dropkick, Rcon Barricade and Payload at the same WM last week. They had no Deluxes today though.

I stopped at the TRU in Terre Haute on the way back and they haven't had much lately, but I thought I'd still check. An employee said they should have some Movie Voyagers on Friday, but he didn't say which ones if he would even know at all. He said the Deluxes were on backorder. There were some people from Hasbro there too, but I didn't talk to them.
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Postby Metal » Wed Aug 29, 2007 4:03 pm

Hi TF fans,
I stopped at Target in Elkhart, IN today, and they have 2 Leader Brawls, and about 12 G1 movie Starscream.

They also had Clocker, Skyblast, and Strongarm movie scouts. Plus some Optimus Prime Unleashed.

Glad to see some local stores getting some fresh stock in, especially the Leader Brawl! I bought one, that's why there's only 2 now. :grin:
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Postby Shadow2063 » Wed Aug 29, 2007 6:55 pm

After weeks of nothing like everyone seems to have experienced, I found the G1 repaints of Starscream and Jazz at Target in Castleton (Indianapolis) along w/ Leader Brawl and at Toys R Us they had redeco Barricade, Dropkick, Payload (I think I got the last one of him), Dreadwing and leader Brawl.
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Postby Metal » Fri Aug 31, 2007 3:58 pm

Target in Elkhart/Mishawaka areas now have some Dreadwing, Longarm, Recon Barricade, and G1 Jazz repaints in stock!

This is in addition to still carrying Leader Brawl, and G1 Starscream repaints.

No 08 Bumblebee yet though. :-(

Also saw some Titanium Ultra Magnus and Starscream.
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Postby barricade2218 » Sat Sep 01, 2007 3:24 pm

Motto: "To punish and enslave..."
Stopped by Target at Glenbrook and they have Leader Brawls, Ultimate Bumblebee, G1 Starscreams, G1 Jazz repaints :) only deluxe was dreadwing, few scouts and real gears. Walmart Southtown had nothing but old stuff, K-mart across the street had all voyagers but prime and blackout. TRU had Ultimate BB, Leader Brawls and the legends 5 pack exclusive. Had a few robot replicas, legends, and some classics (ramjet, cliffjumper, mirage and a few jetfires) Had a decent selection of voyagers, titanium 2 pack www optimus and megatron.
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Postby adamantNEO » Mon Sep 03, 2007 4:50 am

I'd been seeing a good amount of figures up until last week. Someone or several someone's has come through the Kokomo area and cleared out most of the Transformers. Marion and Muncie still had several figures when I was there this weekend but I don't have an exact list. However both of those towns had a good selection between their Walmarts, Meijer, and Kmarts.

If anyone is looking for anything specific let me know and I can keep an eye out for you. I do a lot of traveling around so it's possible I can get it to you for just cost.

I have a lot of friends in Terre Haute, Vincennes, Evansville, and Muncie so I'm there as much as time and money allow.
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Postby alh77 » Mon Sep 03, 2007 8:39 pm

I went to several different stores around Indianapolis today and came home with G1 Starscream and Jazz as well as Rescue Ratchet and Thundercracker.

Stopped at Wal-Mart in Plainfield first. They had 2 Payloads, 1 Dreadwing, and 1 Longarm. They had both Rescue Ratchet and Thundercracker, but both had damage to their respective boxes so I didn't buy them.

Went to Target in Plainfield next. They had many G1 Starscream and Jazz figures. I picked up one of each. They also had 2 Ultimate BB's as well and at least one of each of the scouts except for wave 3 figures and Arcee.

TRU in Greenwood didn't have much. A Leader Brawl with a damaged box.

Wal-Mart in Greenwood had the Thundercracker and Ratchet figures, one each, so I took those. They didn't really have anything else.

Went to TRU in Castleton...nothing to write about

Target in Avon just to see if they had any of the scouts. They just had the G1 repaints and one Strongarm and 2 Ultimate BB's. I kinda wished I'd taken an Ultimate BB just because when I go back to get him I may not be able to find him

All in all, a pretty good day. I just need the last three movie scouts and Ultimate BB and I'll be done with the movie line...until the All Spark toys come out. :D
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Postby Shadow2063 » Tue Sep 04, 2007 8:26 pm

Wal-mart on 96th Fishers had the Rescue Ratchet and Thundercracker along w/ voyager Prime and Megs.
Didn't see much else though.

Still can't find Longarm though
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Postby Metal » Sat Sep 08, 2007 1:52 pm

Hello TF fans from beautiful sunny Elkhart,

Went to Walmart and they have a few Voyager Megatron and that is it!

Target has Ultimate BB, Leader OPTIMUS PRIME!!, Leader Brawl, and tons of G1 Starscream.

That's my report for today.
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Postby barricade2218 » Sat Sep 08, 2007 2:27 pm

Motto: "To punish and enslave..."
:D Hey People-
Just got back from Fla. yesterday and while there got to toy hunt. Sad to say, they are in the same if not worse shape as we are here in Ft. Wayne, save for one Target in Kissimmee that had the new real gears (meantime, nightbeat,highscore 100 and wiretap).Orlando was very dry everywhere except for the Ultimate BB, and Leader Brawls.

Went looking for the new Ratchet and Thundercracker today and had no luck at the south and west Wal Marts (voyager optimus and megs, reg starscream- that was about it). Tomorrow will try Target and the east Wal Marts.
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Postby barricade2218 » Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:18 am

Motto: "To punish and enslave..."
Went out looking for Thundercracker and Rescue Ratchet again yesterday with no luck anywhere :-( . TRU has a boatload of starscream and ironhide voyagers, leader brawl, op prime turnarounds and ultimate bb, no deluxes at all. Walmart had 20th ann. prime for $50.00 and not much else besides old stuff and some cyber slammers. Target had G1 starscreams and a bunch of G1 jazz, ultimate BB, no scouts or deluxes.
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Postby barricade2218 » Mon Sep 17, 2007 5:31 pm

Motto: "To punish and enslave..."
Target at Glenbrook has the adult and child's Optimus Prime Halloween Costumes. Adults (one sixe fits most) is $40 includes mask, jumpsuit and plastic chestpiece. I picked one up for the novelty. :grin:
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Postby Metal » Sun Sep 23, 2007 10:08 am

Hey to any of you lurkers out there, if you head over to Target in Elkhart, you can get these movie figures:
-Voyager Ironhide
-Voyager Ratchet
-Voyager Megatron
-G1 Jazz
-Prime Unleashed turnaround
-Prime Robot Replica
-Frenzy Robot Replica
-Leader Brawl

Thats all I got for this week.
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Postby barricade2218 » Sun Sep 23, 2007 5:03 pm

Motto: "To punish and enslave..."
Target at Glenbrook had the robot replicas (all 3) and the new scouts (only picked up elita one and left the other two), plus all of the new ornament sets, and the optimus and megatron stockings. Still had leader brawls, one leader megs, a couple of both G1 jazz and starscreams and a pretty good selection of old scouts besides the regular shelf warmers. Still haven't found rescue ratchet or thundercracker :-(

Any one else get those nike transformers?
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Postby muswp1 » Fri Sep 28, 2007 4:39 pm

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The Walmart in Schererville on Indianpolis Blvd (Rt 41) and Rt 30 had a huge restock of Wave 1 Deluxes and several Dropkicks and Dreadwings mixed in. Also there are a couple of cases worth of Alternator Ravage and Rumble in the clearance area in Lawn and Garden, at least 6 of each.
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Postby alh77 » Fri Sep 28, 2007 5:08 pm

Went to 2 Wal-Marts and TRU today. I think I've seen every movie figure with the exception of Leader Optimus and Recon Barricade.

Wal-Mart South has a HUGE restock of wave 1 deluxes. I also saw a Dropkick hiding in the back.

Wal-Mart east had all Wave 2 deluxes except Arcee. They also 1 each of Rescue Ratchet and Thundercracker

TRU had all wave 2 deluxes except Dropkick

All three stores had leader Brawl.

If I knew a month ago I could've had a major toy haul today, I wouldn't have taken so many road trips. ;)
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Postby Metal » Sat Sep 29, 2007 2:33 pm

Elkhart report:

Target: Got the new scouts in, which include Elita One, Armorhide, and Skyblast!

Other than that, all you can get are Leader Brawl, Ulimate BB, and G1 Jazz.

So, is Walmart the only place where we can get Thundercracker? I never see this one at Target. I hate shopping at Walmart, and will only go there if this is the only place available to get Thundercracker.
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Postby barricade2218 » Sun Sep 30, 2007 3:10 pm

Motto: "To punish and enslave..."
Finally found rescue ratchet and thundercracker at 2 Wal Marts. Old movie deluxes are surfacing there too, TRU was pretty low except for leader figures and Target had only a few scouts and leaders. They do still have the adult and child's Halloween costumes along with the X-Mas ornaments.

Hasbro has the Darth Vader/Deathstar for $49.99 and if you use the 25FALL coupon you can get it for 25% less and free shipping. :-?
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Postby barricade2218 » Mon Oct 08, 2007 4:38 pm

Motto: "To punish and enslave..."
Was out to Target at Glenbrook and they were completely stocked with every new deluxe except bumblebee and had all the new scouts, including elita one as well.
I also saw all of the new real gears too, along with Leader Brawls and Megs, and Ultimate BB.
They are out of the G1 starscream movie redecos but have ALOT of G1 jazz.
No evolution 2 packs out and none in the building according to their scanned dpci code but mine came from already. Sweet!

Nice to see some toys on the shelf finally :)
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Postby Metal » Wed Oct 10, 2007 4:01 pm

Got a sweet update for anyone in the Elkhart area:

Target: Massive restock. Tons of BB Evolution 2-packs. Every new deluxe and a bunch of old deluxes. Plenty of Leader Brawl and Ultimate BB as well. You can pretty much get anything you want at Target right now in Elkhart, minus the Voyager class. They even had a 74 Bumblebee deluxe. I picked up the Evolution pack, along with Payload and Dropkick.

Walmart: This is the place to go for Voyagers. Plenty of Rescue Ratchet, Megatron, and Thundercracker!

Go and get em while they are plenty, one thing I've learned with this particular line of toys, is that you gotta buy them if you see them.
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Postby Shadow2063 » Thu Oct 11, 2007 6:15 pm

Found a longarm at the Target in Castleton.
They had a pretty good stock on deluxes and real gear, but everything else was slim pickins....
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