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Transformers Combiner Wars Devastator - So Big It Needs Its Own Thread

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Re: Transformers Generations Devastator - So Big It Needs Its Own Thread

Postby Moosey » Wed Jan 28, 2015 6:14 pm

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Desslok2201 wrote:
shajaki wrote:
ThatOneMoose wrote:Wait... I just realized something... What if that Klaus fellow and the guy who took the pic were both hasbro employees trying to mess with us by showing us only a part of devvy..... is Hasbro the Illuminati?? (JK, JK) :-? :-?
klaus is an inside man?? :HALUC:

I thought Klaus was setting up the display.. Check out his lanyard..
But wait a sec.. Klaus is standing 19.1 inches in front of the Devy display, which is 33 degrees from due north..obviously this reveal has serious masonic overtones.

"Klaus" setting up the display seems like a logical explanation, as it accounts for why there's a box on the floor.
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Re: Transformers Generations Devastator - So Big It Needs Its Own Thread

Postby Desslok2201 » Wed Jan 28, 2015 6:16 pm

Rated X wrote:If mixmaster doesnt have a purple barrel, we riot !!! ;)

Green or I'll burn that $&%# TRU down!!
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Re: Transformers Generations Devastator - So Big It Needs Its Own Thread

Postby Seibertron » Wed Jan 28, 2015 6:20 pm

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Sabrblade wrote:I'm not expecting it to be that much bigger than a Unicron Trilogy Supreme class toy.

For the price point and the rumor of 6 Voyagers, I'm expecting 18". I'm totally bringing a measuring tape to Toy Fair.
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Re: Transformers Generations Devastator - So Big It Needs Its Own Thread

Postby Sabrblade » Wed Jan 28, 2015 6:33 pm

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Seibertron wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:I'm not expecting it to be that much bigger than a Unicron Trilogy Supreme class toy.

For the price point and the rumor of 6 Voyagers, I'm expecting 18". I'm totally bringing a measuring tape to Toy Fair.

18" would be about the height of Beast Machines Supreme Cheetor, legs fully extended, correct? I recall once posing my Armada Unicron next to him and, counting Unicron's horns, Cheetor was the taller of the two.
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Re: Transformers Generations Devastator - So Big It Needs Its Own Thread

Postby Tsutsukakushi » Wed Jan 28, 2015 6:42 pm

Rated X wrote:If mixmaster doesnt have a purple barrel, we riot !!! ;)

If that's the only thing wrong with this. Then it will be a epic toy. Can always paint the barrel purple.

More worried that this might turn out like ROTF Supreme Devastator. Where there are no individual robot modes. Or The individual robot robots are one or Three step changers. with no articulation like some AOE and Rid2015 toys.

My only hope for this. Is that Takara might be selling each Titan Constructicon separately. It's just doubtful Takara would do this if each constructicon had no individual robot mode.

Don't care if the individual Transformations are simple like the Energon toys had. Just want them to have CHUG Articulation.
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Re: Transformers Generations Devastator - So Big It Needs Its Own Thread

Postby Desslok2201 » Wed Jan 28, 2015 6:46 pm

Tsutsukakushi wrote:
Rated X wrote:If mixmaster doesnt have a purple barrel, we riot !!! ;)

If that's the only thing wrong with this. Then it will be a epic toy. Can always paint the barrel purple.

More worried that this might turn out like ROTF Supreme Devastator. Where there are no individual robot modes. Or The individual robot robots are one or Three step changers. with no articulation like some AOE and Rid2015 toys.

My only hope for this. Is that Takara might be selling each Titan Constructicon separately. It's just doubtful Takara would do this if each constructicon had no individual robot mode.

Don't care if the individual Transformations are simple like the Energon toys had. Just want them to have CHUG Articulation.

With all the uproar over that ( non TF sites were screaming about that at the time ) I don't think they'll do the non transforming constructicon thing again
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Bounty for clear high res photos of Combiner Wars Devastator!

Postby Seibertron » Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:22 pm

Motto: "'Til All Are One!"
Weapon: Twin Shock-Concussion Missiles wants a picture of Combiner Wars Devastator to share exclusively with our users! Devastator is currently on display at the Nuremberg Toy Fair in Germany. We're putting out a bounty to get our first peak at Combiner Wars Devastator.

Here's our offer ... I will pay $50 to the first person who can provide a clear high res shot of Combiner Wars Devastator. The image that you provide us must be exclusive to The photo you provide can't show up on anywhere online (other than on or at Facebook, Twitter, other social media websites, photobucket, other Transformers fansites, etc. If the image is from a series of pictures (i.e. pictures from slightly different angles/positions), all images must be provided. If you don't want to provide the other pictures, that's fine as long as they don't show up elsewhere online. If similar pictures show up elsewhere online from you, the agreement is null and void. Payment will be sent via Paypal two weeks after the pictures are received as long as the pictures remain exclusive to

Just to be 100% clear, if Hasbro does not allow photos of these products at this event, then we kindly ask that you abide by their request. We are not asking people to break rules and that was not our intention with our request. We don't want anyone risking their job or their access to Toy Fair plus we want to stay on Hasbro's good side too! If nothing else, this just adds to the excitement and continued discussion about one of the most anticipated Transformers toys ever.

Please use the contact form at to let us know you have pictures of Combiner Wars Devastator. We will respond immediately to work out the details with you.

Below is the blurry picture we received earlier today. We are looking for a clear, high res shot. It can't be obstructed or blurry and must be high res so that we can crop the image to view the details.


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Re: Transformers Generations Devastator - So Big It Needs Its Own Thread

Postby jamesbenjamin » Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:33 pm

This is from someone who was there, on 4chan:

The head was boxy, but not in a bad way. Very G1 toy/animation model. Red eyes, on a simple pivot.

Forearms were entirely black, you can see that in the picture. The fingers were on a single hinge, thumb was fixed. There appeared to be some sort of transformation with the forearms, but it was hard to tell exactly what they did. I'm pretty sure they're separate pieces from the figures, so they're not integrated into Bonecrusher/Scavenger.

Chest had the big purple wing piece, just like G1 but bigger. It had some silver and red details on it, which you can just barely make out in the photo.

The feet were straight up G1. Scrapper forms the foot pretty much the same way as the original toy, with his arms as the heels and the bucket as the toe. The big departure is Mixmaster, he still forms the foot pretty much the same as G1, with the cement drum as the shin, but the foot of the combined mode is the rear of the cement truck instead of the cab.

No Prowl on display, and the combined mode wasn't scramble city type, so I don't know how they would add a Prowl if they wanted. Hook was folded in half and sitting on top of Long Haul just like G1.
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Re: Bounty for clear high res photos of Combiner Wars Devastator!

Postby jamesbenjamin » Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:36 pm

Seibertron wants a picture of Combiner Wars Devastator to share exclusively with our users! Devastator is currently on display at the Nuremberg Toy Fair in Germany. We're putting out a bounty to get our first peak at Combiner Wars Devastator.

Here's our offer ... I will pay $50 to the first person who can provide a clear high res shot of Combiner Wars Devastator. The image that you provide us must be exclusive to The photo you provide can't show up on anywhere online (other than on or at Facebook, Twitter, other social media websites, photobucket, other Transformers fansites, etc. If the image is from a series of pictures (i.e. pictures from slightly different angles/positions), all images must be provided. If you don't want to provide the other pictures, that's fine as long as they don't show up elsewhere online. If similar pictures show up elsewhere online from you, the agreement is null and void. Payment will be sent via Paypal two weeks after the pictures are received as long as the pictures remain exclusive to

Please use the contact form at to let us know you have pictures of Combiner Wars Devastator. We will respond immediately to work out the details with you.

Below is the blurry picture we received earlier today. We are looking for a clear, high res shot. It can't be obstructed or blurry and must be high res so that we can crop the image to view the details.

Don't take this the wrong way, but if I were a buyer attending toyfair (and thus had access to take such a photo) I wouldn't risk my job for $50.
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Re: Transformers Generations Devastator - So Big It Needs Its Own Thread

Postby william-james88 » Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:45 pm

Motto: "'till All Are One"
Pretty much sounds like a straight up G1 update. That toy's forearms also weren't part of the main toy and his chest plate was really large:

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Sneak Peek (Part 2) at Generations Devastator from Nuremberg Toy Fair

Postby Seibertron » Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:46 pm

Motto: "'Til All Are One!"
Weapon: Twin Shock-Concussion Missiles
From our source that provided the picture of the highly anticipated Combiner Wars Devastator earlier, we now have a second blurry/distant look at Devastator that shows a little bit more of the robot mode. We cropped the photo to help all of us get a slightly closer look. This photo is from the same anonymous user who provided us with the first picture we posted earlier today at this news story.



Please share your thoughts about Devastator in our forums by clicking here.
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Re: Transformers Generations Devastator - So Big It Needs Its Own Thread

Postby Robogeek1973 » Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:50 pm

Well I'm bummed then if the forearms aren't part of the individual bots, because this is a no purchase for me if that's the case.

There's no reason why Bonecrusher and Scavenger can't have legs that fold out into forearms for limb mode, so I'm holding out hope that the forearms are indeed part of the arm bots somehow.
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Re: Transformers Generations Devastator - So Big It Needs Its Own Thread

Postby Blastback » Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:53 pm

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Damn it.
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Re: Transformers Generations Devastator - So Big It Needs Its Own Thread

Postby megatronus » Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:56 pm

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I feel fairly validated about selling my Hercules - I shipped him out to my buyer today.

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Re: Transformers Generations Devastator - So Big It Needs Its Own Thread

Postby Robogeek1973 » Wed Jan 28, 2015 8:00 pm

megatronus wrote:I feel fairly validated about selling my Hercules - I shipped him out to my buyer today.


The funny thing here is that I may be looking for a Hercules down the road. :lol:

We'll see.
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Re: Transformers Generations Devastator - So Big It Needs Its Own Thread

Postby Cobotron » Wed Jan 28, 2015 8:04 pm

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In that new shot, he's holding a pretty nice pose. You gotta be pretty articulated to hold a pose like that. More articulated than G1 Devins. That's a good sign.
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Well I am Australian. It's kinda what we're known for.
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Re: Transformers Generations Devastator - So Big It Needs Its Own Thread

Postby william-james88 » Wed Jan 28, 2015 8:09 pm

Motto: "'till All Are One"
Robogeek1973 wrote:Well I'm bummed then if the forearms aren't part of the individual bots, because this is a no purchase for me if that's the case.

There's no reason why Bonecrusher and Scavenger can't have legs that fold out into forearms for limb mode, so I'm holding out hope that the forearms are indeed part of the arm bots somehow.

Why cant hasbro just be doing this to play up the G1 homage? The other combiner war toys, just like their g1 counterparts, didnt include the feet and hands as part of the robots. So why did anyone expect anything different with devastator? This is a just a bigger more articulated and detailed version of the G1 toy, same for the other combiners. But nothing more than that.
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Re: Transformers Generations Devastator - So Big It Needs Its Own Thread

Postby megatronus » Wed Jan 28, 2015 8:12 pm

Motto: "I would have waited an eternity for this."
Weapon: Temperature Variant H20 Gun
Robogeek1973 wrote:
megatronus wrote:I feel fairly validated about selling my Hercules - I shipped him out to my buyer today.


The funny thing here is that I may be looking for a Hercules down the road. :lol:

We'll see.

Yea. My thinking was this: if Devaststor was a hit, Hercules might drop in price , and if I really felt the urge to get him again, I could do do for less than what I sold him for.
Cobotron wrote:Hey! You seemed to have attracted a wild Megatronus. They're hard to find, but boy are they fun when you catch one!
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Re: Transformers Generations Devastator - So Big It Needs Its Own Thread

Postby Robogeek1973 » Wed Jan 28, 2015 8:17 pm

william-james88 wrote:
Robogeek1973 wrote:Well I'm bummed then if the forearms aren't part of the individual bots, because this is a no purchase for me if that's the case.

There's no reason why Bonecrusher and Scavenger can't have legs that fold out into forearms for limb mode, so I'm holding out hope that the forearms are indeed part of the arm bots somehow.

Why cant hasbro just be doing this to play up the G1 homage? The other combiner war toys, just like their g1 counterparts, didnt include the feet and hands as part of the robots. So why did anyone expect anything different with devastator? This is a just a bigger more articulated and detailed version of the G1 toy, same for the other combiners. But nothing more than that.

I was fully expecting the hands to be removable like the other CW bots, but the forearms being removable is just unnecessary. It would have been child's play to design the treads to become the forearm in combined mode with the knowledge of today's designers.

Again, until I see good pics, I still hold out hope that the forearms are part of the individual bot modes.
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Re: Transformers Generations Devastator - So Big It Needs Its Own Thread

Postby Wheeljack35 » Wed Jan 28, 2015 8:20 pm

OMG that looks incredible
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Re: Transformers Generations Devastator - So Big It Needs Its Own Thread

Postby Delicon » Wed Jan 28, 2015 8:21 pm

Motto: " Other sites lack the meat!"
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I honestly think a proper Devastator, along with the recent Combiner Wars and MP releases is really going to diminish the 3rd party market. I already see a lot of people selling off their stuff fairly cheaply. I don't think it will completely vanish, I think the diehards will hang in there. However, I think we'll see less total figures on the 3rd party market pretty soon. Just my feeling.
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Re: Transformers Generations Devastator - So Big It Needs Its Own Thread

Postby Autobot032 » Wed Jan 28, 2015 8:22 pm

Weapon: Switch Blade Tail
I still love my MakeToys Giant and will keep it, but I have to say, the CW Devastator is MASSIVE. Lovin' it. I absolutely love the scale at Titan Class and on the sheer size alone, I'd say it's worth the $149.99

Combiner Wars is going to KILL my wallet.
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Re: Transformers Generations Devastator - So Big It Needs Its Own Thread

Postby shajaki » Wed Jan 28, 2015 8:23 pm

Motto: "A man who wants nothing is invincible."
william-james88 wrote:
Robogeek1973 wrote:Well I'm bummed then if the forearms aren't part of the individual bots, because this is a no purchase for me if that's the case.

There's no reason why Bonecrusher and Scavenger can't have legs that fold out into forearms for limb mode, so I'm holding out hope that the forearms are indeed part of the arm bots somehow.
Why cant hasbro just be doing this to play up the G1 homage? The other combiner war toys, just like their g1 counterparts, didnt include the feet and hands as part of the robots. So why did anyone expect anything different with devastator? This is a just a bigger more articulated and detailed version of the G1 toy, same for the other combiners. But nothing more than that.
i think the disappointment is from the lack of forearm integration. if you look at hercules (and i think giant?) the legs of the bots (vehicle treads) cleverly become the forearms. but personally ive never had hard feelings towards parts-forming.
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Re: Transformers Generations Devastator - So Big It Needs Its Own Thread

Postby shajaki » Wed Jan 28, 2015 8:26 pm

Motto: "A man who wants nothing is invincible."
Delicon wrote:I honestly think a proper Devastator, along with the recent Combiner Wars and MP releases is really going to diminish the 3rd party market. I already see a lot of people selling off their stuff fairly cheaply. I don't think it will completely vanish, I think the diehards will hang in there. However, I think we'll see less total figures on the 3rd party market pretty soon. Just my feeling.
i think all this will do is change what the 3P's are offering. coincidentally theres a lot less 3P combiner stuff slated this year as opposed to last. it appears the new trend is MP and legends sized figures.
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Re: Transformers Generations Devastator - So Big It Needs Its Own Thread

Postby Rated X » Wed Jan 28, 2015 8:27 pm

Motto: ""Assumption is the mother of all screw ups.""
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Isnt that the same god damn guy standing in the way in the first photo ? Why didnt the photographer just delete the first shot and post this one from the get go ? Whats next ? A 3rd photo reveal of his left arm when the guy moves again ? Theyre playing stupid funpub style games with the pics. Just give us the high res pic and be done with it already.
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