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War for Cybertron Kingdom Discussion The Beasts Return!

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Re: War for Cybertron Kingdom Discussion The Beasts Return!

Postby Immortal Starscream » Fri Feb 05, 2021 1:35 pm

I am somebody that loves roddy. So understand that when I say I still hat the concept of him being a voyager in a commander class box is still a hard pill to swallow. I know how you manufacturing works, so I understand how it may need to be at that price point. And as hot rod really is such a good figure. But it still hurts.

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Re: War for Cybertron Kingdom Discussion The Beasts Return!

Postby Brutal brawl » Fri Feb 05, 2021 1:52 pm

My guess is the 4 pack will consist of 4 core class figures to scale with the ark like optimus primal or bw megatron or maybe it will be a 4 pack of the 3 predacus council members with bw ravage or trantulas.
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Re: War for Cybertron Kingdom Discussion The Beasts Return!

Postby Sentinel_Primal » Fri Feb 05, 2021 1:52 pm

Weapon: Thermal Sword
Commander Rodimus is supposedly coming with a voyager height, but leader parts count Rodimus thta has "a decently designed stand alone mode", the camper shell with a large artillery cannon, Matrix, fishing rod, guns, blast effects, and I believe a sword called "The Sword of Primus" unless that was cut
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Re: War for Cybertron Kingdom Discussion The Beasts Return!

Postby sol magnus » Fri Feb 05, 2021 2:09 pm

Motto: "This is the most beautiful thing in the entire universe. Ok, give me the bomb."
Weapon: Laser Rifle
william-james88 wrote:
TF-fan kev777 wrote:Hmmm, a 4-pack. I'm going to assume they would be deluxe at the largest if they are all the same size. But, man I wouldn't mind a mixed size pack similar to the Titans Returns ones.

Core class makes the most sense to me. Like that you can get all your redecos out of the way including the 2 main seekers, nemesis prime and either soundblaster or a megs redeco.

If they're core class 'legacy' characters that'll save me some cash.

Nice to have confirmation of Rodimus Prime, finally.
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Re: War for Cybertron Kingdom Discussion The Beasts Return!

Postby Jeddostotle7 » Fri Feb 05, 2021 2:33 pm

Weapon: Ion-Charge Disperser Rifle
Sabrblade wrote:
Nuclearxpotato wrote:
Jeddostotle7 wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
Rodimus Prime wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
Nuclearxpotato wrote:A lot of stuff that doesn't make sense here, the standout being Voyager Armada Megatron... but a Commander Optimus Prime which implies a *tiny* Optimus or a spindly Megs.
What would be so confusing about an Armada Optimus being Commander class? The original Super-Base toy was Commander class-sized.
I think he was referring to the difference in size between commander and voyager. Maybe he thinks Megatron should be a leader? If there were to be a commander class Optimus, the cab robot would be voyager sized, right? So Megatron would have to be a leader class, if Hasbro decides to honor scale.
Armada Optimus is supposed to tower over Megatron in his Super Mode, though.

I think they're talking more about the non-Super Mode. Specifically, were Megatron a Voyager and Optimus a Commander, to get both Megatron and Optimus' non-Super Mode in scale with each other, either Megatron would have to be a very spindly Voyager to be the right size compared to a reasonably-sized/-massed non-Super Optimus, or non-Super Optimus would have to be very small to be the right size compared to a reasonably-proportioned Megatron.

Yeah, sorry I wasn't specific but this is what I was trying to get at. I don't particularly care about scale too much (as long its vaguely correct), but if Megs were to be a normal Voyager, Prime would have to be around Deluxe-ish for the power dynamic to work.

Personally I think Armada Megatron should be larger than the standard G1 Megatron since he looks more armoured and built-up (especially with the shoulder treads, my favourite part :x ). If he were a Voyager, I'd feel a little letdown.
Sorry for the confusion, I was just trying to show this list and point out some red flags in case it was spread around.
But the original Armada Optimus toy, which I said was Commander-sized in its Super Mode, also had a Voyager-sized cab robot.

Yeah, but that was alongside a Megatron whose size was more what we would consider Leader now. If a new Armada Megs were to only be a Voyager, it would mean the Commander OP's core bot would have to be Deluxe-sized for the size dynamic between the two figures to work, either that or OP would be Voyager-sized but Megatron would be spindly as hell in order to reach the appropriate size in comparison.

TL;DR: this isn't about whether Commander class has enough mass/size or not for an Armada Prime, it's about Megatron ostensibly being a Voyager and how that would affect the size relation between the two of them.
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Re: War for Cybertron Kingdom Discussion The Beasts Return!

Postby Nuclearxpotato » Fri Feb 05, 2021 3:24 pm

Motto: "Accessories Sold Separately!"
According to the leak ring, T-Wrecks is going to be another RedCard exclusive. I guess that's the universe telling me I don't need two rubber T-rexes.

Jeddostotle7 wrote:
TL;DR: this isn't about whether Commander class has enough mass/size or not for an Armada Prime, it's about Megatron ostensibly being a Voyager and how that would affect the size relation between the two of them.

Yep, hit it the nail right on the head! Commander Class definitely has the budget to do a Deluxe-Voyager Prime with a Super Mode, but Megatron would really need the girth of Leader Class to get by.
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Re: War for Cybertron Kingdom Discussion The Beasts Return!

Postby Dr. Caelus » Fri Feb 05, 2021 3:59 pm

What would be funny? Rodimus Prime coming with micro action figures from that episode Cobra Commander turned them all into humans.
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Re: War for Cybertron Kingdom Discussion The Beasts Return!

Postby sol magnus » Fri Feb 05, 2021 4:02 pm

Motto: "This is the most beautiful thing in the entire universe. Ok, give me the bomb."
Weapon: Laser Rifle
Dr. Caelus wrote:What would be funny? Rodimus Prime coming with micro action figures from that episode Cobra Commander turned them all into humans.

lol I would love that. I literally watched "Only Human" last night.
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New Images of Transformers Kingdom Wave 2 Voyager Class Inferno

Postby ZeroWolf » Fri Feb 05, 2021 5:10 pm

Motto: "My past no longer binds my future..."
Weapon: Battle Blades
Greetings Seibertronians! Thanks to the Autobot Aichi blog, we've learned that a Transformers fan from Singapore has gotten his hands on the Wave 2 Voyager Class Inferno! The user shared his images as seen below:










The user reports on the moulding changes between Inferno and Earthrise Voyager Grapple, who Inferno was retooled from. He also sadly reports that one of the most complained about errors with Grapple hasn't been fixed, the peg between the crane/ladder base and the legs. So handle Inferno with care if you are to pick him up when Wave 2 hits your area.

Inferno's wavemate is Dinobot, a figure whose Dino mode seems to be drawing all the criticism.

Will you be getting Inferno? Let us know in the Energon Pub and stay tuned to Seibertron for all the latest news and reviews!
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Re: War for Cybertron Kingdom Discussion The Beasts Return!

Postby ZeldaTheSwordsman » Fri Feb 05, 2021 5:29 pm

Motto: "Earthrise restock or riot"
I definitely plan to get Inferno. He could use more paint (especially on the details), but that's been true of almost every factory deco since 1984 so...
* Cybertron Galvatron key, missiles
* Omega Lock
* Primus Cyber Key, coattail panel
* Powerlinx Comettor
* Cyb Jetfire R gun and missile
* RiD Galvy dragon head, beast arms
* DotM Ironhide windshield, R hood assy.
* ROTF Jetfire R JTFR panel

Di Bonaventura is not a credible or trustworthy source. And most fans do like the diversity push, thanks.

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Re: New Images of Transformers Kingdom Wave 2 Voyager Class Inferno

Postby Munkky » Fri Feb 05, 2021 5:34 pm

Motto: "Why are yoo runnin'? WHY are yoo runnin'?"
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
ZeroWolf wrote:He also sadly reports that one of the most complained about errors with Grapple hasn't been fixed, the peg between the crane/ladder base and the legs.

Well...Damn. Looks like I'll need to break out the nail file again.
I wasn't planning on getting Kingdom Inferno, but those photos make him look very nice, dare I say better than Grapple.
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Re: War for Cybertron Kingdom Discussion The Beasts Return!

Postby Razorbeast88 » Fri Feb 05, 2021 6:58 pm

Motto: ""Here's a hint!""
Weapon: Pile-Drivers

With kingdom Cyclonus and rattrap now I have my transformers version of guardians of the galaxy (except for Mantis because I haven't decided on anyone for her yet). May or may not replace MP Grimlock with Kingdom Dinobot or BW Grimlock as Groot in the future. Maybe Packrat as rocket but don't think so. Thought about including Generations Sky Byte as Yondu too but wanted to stick to main MCU members

Sorry if this seems super irrelevant just wanted to share, I got excited lol
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Re: War for Cybertron Kingdom Discussion The Beasts Return!

Postby Autobot N » Fri Feb 05, 2021 8:48 pm

Motto: "Fate rarely calls upon us at our moment of choosing."
Weapon: Electro-Sword
Not sure where this should go, but the big TFW leaker said that the rumored Glyph and Tapout were fake after all, despite him originally believing them to be real.
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Re: War for Cybertron Kingdom Discussion The Beasts Return!

Postby Jeddostotle7 » Fri Feb 05, 2021 8:55 pm

Weapon: Ion-Charge Disperser Rifle
Autobot N wrote:Not sure where this should go, but the big TFW leaker said that the rumored Glyph and Tapout were fake after all, despite him originally believing them to be real.

Aw, man. I hope we still get them eventually. I've always rather liked them, even though I haven't really read their stories.
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Re: War for Cybertron Kingdom Discussion The Beasts Return!

Postby ZeldaTheSwordsman » Fri Feb 05, 2021 9:55 pm

Motto: "Earthrise restock or riot"
Tap-Out's original profile backstory is a tad over-the-top edgy. I remember the Insecticomics taking the mickey out of it.
* Cybertron Galvatron key, missiles
* Omega Lock
* Primus Cyber Key, coattail panel
* Powerlinx Comettor
* Cyb Jetfire R gun and missile
* RiD Galvy dragon head, beast arms
* DotM Ironhide windshield, R hood assy.
* ROTF Jetfire R JTFR panel

Di Bonaventura is not a credible or trustworthy source. And most fans do like the diversity push, thanks.

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Re: War for Cybertron Kingdom Discussion The Beasts Return!

Postby bacem » Fri Feb 05, 2021 10:15 pm

Oh dangit, T-wrecks is target exclusive huh. Guess that's another wish of mine i need to give up on then.
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Re: New Images of Transformers Kingdom Wave 2 Voyager Class Inferno

Postby ScottyP » Fri Feb 05, 2021 10:49 pm

Weapon: Battle Blades
Who says a 4 pack has to all be the same size? Lil' Seekers for your bone bros to munch on sounds fun.

ZeroWolf wrote:He also sadly reports that one of the most complained about errors with Grapple hasn't been fixed, the peg between the crane/ladder base and the legs.

Ughhhh :'(
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Re: War for Cybertron Kingdom Discussion The Beasts Return!

Postby chuckdawg1999 » Fri Feb 05, 2021 10:59 pm

Motto: "The man, the myth, the legend... yeah right."
Weapon: Saber Blade
Sowndwave76 wrote:
chuckdawg1999 wrote:It's ok bro, we all make mistakes. You posted in the wrong thread, my Mom and Dad had my sister.

Wow, Chuck with a zinger!!!! Tbh from the vibe of your reviews, didn't ever see a comment like this coming from you!

It happens from time to time. My earlier reviews had a touch more humor and skits when I could work them in.

Evil Eye wrote:
william-james88 wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:But the original Armada Optimus toy, which I said was Commander-sized in its Super Mode, also had a Voyager-sized cab robot.

Wasn't he deluxe class? I remember a version of him later sold as a deluxe.

That was "Bendy Prime" who was smaller and far more poseable than the original combining release. He was also IIRC a really really cool toy whose articulation is still impressive today. The combining Prime with the trailer was Voyager-to-Ultra sized in robot mode.

If anybody reading this doesn't have a Bendy-Prime get one, right now, I'll wait.

I'm thinking the four-pack will be how we get the other two Seekers, I'm trying to remember who else was on the Ark when it crashed since it's all but confirmed that Core Class is meant to go with the Ark. Maybe a car bot?

Really bad form on Hasbro's part not to fix the peg issue on the Grapple/Inferno mold. We really need a Karen in the community to go to the corporate offices to complain.
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Re: War for Cybertron Kingdom Discussion The Beasts Return!

Postby Wolfman Jake » Sat Feb 06, 2021 8:53 am

Motto: ""A mountain with a wolf on it stands a little taller."
-Edward Hoagland"
Weapon: Retractable Mecha-Fangs
chuckdawg1999 wrote:We really need a Karen in the community to go to the corporate offices to complain.

Shhhhh! Not so loud! You'll summon her if you speak her name. :(
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Re: War for Cybertron Kingdom Discussion The Beasts Return!

Postby M. Spector » Sat Feb 06, 2021 9:43 am

Motto: "Put it in my aspen fanny pack Lord Megatron"
Weapon: Indepentently Targetable Particle Beam Cannons
Well, if Roddimus is Commander class which means an inner figure with an outer add on bits to make him Prime-ed up .. will it just be the SS86 figure or a whole new one?

Also who's to say he isn't a slightly chonky scale-less figure that can do the full car/trailer/robot conversion with no extra parts?!
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Re: War for Cybertron Kingdom Discussion The Beasts Return!

Postby Epsilon Delta » Sat Feb 06, 2021 10:01 am

Motto: "Slag 'em all and let Primus sort 'em out"
Weapon: Photon Cannon
Well if no one else will start the rumor I will:

Unconfirmed rumor... However... It's rumored that the 4 pack is going to be reissues of the 4 Titan Class figures Metroplex (a new updated mold), Fortress Maximus (also a new mold and packed with his sword this time since Hasbro is deciding that only giving it to the SDCC version was messed up to fans), Omega Supreme, and Scorponok. This is to go with the Titan Class Ark and Attack on Titan: Final season. The rumor points out "Commemorating both the Ark and AoT:FS: that's 2 things. Look where the 4 pack is situated. That's 2 spaces before the Titan Class Ark listing. 2X2=4. 4 pack, 4 city-bots that are Titans. Now you add the 4 from the 4 pack with the 4 from the 4 city-bots, and 1 from Devastator who is being left out and you get 9. Yup, 9 Titans. And since Devastator is being left out, what does that mean? There is one more Titan Class figure coming that has been left out from the list. Majin Zarak CONFIRMED!!!"
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Re: War for Cybertron Kingdom Discussion The Beasts Return!

Postby Evil Eye » Sat Feb 06, 2021 10:48 am

Motto: "Don't be a goddamn coward."
Weapon: Acid Spray Gun
Razorbeast88 wrote:

With kingdom Cyclonus and rattrap now I have my transformers version of guardians of the galaxy (except for Mantis because I haven't decided on anyone for her yet). May or may not replace MP Grimlock with Kingdom Dinobot or BW Grimlock as Groot in the future. Maybe Packrat as rocket but don't think so. Thought about including Generations Sky Byte as Yondu too but wanted to stick to main MCU members

Sorry if this seems super irrelevant just wanted to share, I got excited lol

I don't know the damndest thing about Mantis...Or GOTG...Or Marvel in general...but one 'bot jumped out immediately for Mantis.
Almost zero fictional appearances (thus allowing for easy headcanoning/repurposing/rewriting or whatever)? Check. Cute little buggy face? Check. Green as main colour? Check. Female? Well, technically no, but again- no real memorable fiction, and the balljoints for the mantis mode legs on the chest sure do look like...female torso features (four of them no less!) so...maybe?
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Re: War for Cybertron Kingdom Discussion The Beasts Return!

Postby Razorbeast88 » Sat Feb 06, 2021 10:55 am

Motto: ""Here's a hint!""
Weapon: Pile-Drivers
Evil Eye wrote:
Razorbeast88 wrote:

With kingdom Cyclonus and rattrap now I have my transformers version of guardians of the galaxy (except for Mantis because I haven't decided on anyone for her yet). May or may not replace MP Grimlock with Kingdom Dinobot or BW Grimlock as Groot in the future. Maybe Packrat as rocket but don't think so. Thought about including Generations Sky Byte as Yondu too but wanted to stick to main MCU members

Sorry if this seems super irrelevant just wanted to share, I got excited lol

I don't know the damndest thing about Mantis...Or GOTG...Or Marvel in general...but one 'bot jumped out immediately for Mantis.
Almost zero fictional appearances (thus allowing for easy headcanoning/repurposing/rewriting or whatever)? Check. Cute little buggy face? Check. Green as main colour? Check. Female? Well, technically no, but again- no real memorable fiction, and the balljoints for the mantis mode legs on the chest sure do look like...female torso features (four of them no less!) so...maybe?

Haha I love it!!! Now I just need to get my hands on a manterror figure or cross all of my fingers and any other fingers I can find that eventually there will be an updated figure of this character lolol
I had briefly considered my Netflix Soundwave for the part because in the comics he had some telepathic abilities and Mantis has empathic abilities, but I felt it would've been a waste of his potential. That's why I like to think of him as the Mandalorian with Laserbeak as his Grogu
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Re: War for Cybertron Kingdom Discussion The Beasts Return!

Postby Evil Eye » Sat Feb 06, 2021 11:11 am

Motto: "Don't be a goddamn coward."
Weapon: Acid Spray Gun
Paleotrex shenanigans continue apace, this time in the form of a chainsaw.
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Re: War for Cybertron Kingdom Discussion The Beasts Return!

Postby Razorbeast88 » Sat Feb 06, 2021 11:20 am

Motto: ""Here's a hint!""
Weapon: Pile-Drivers
I got you for 3 minutes!!!! 3 minutes of playtimeeee
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