Don Figueroa drawing Transformers by request and signing autographs (06/19/2004)
Don Figueroa drawing Transformers by request and signing autographs
Don Figueroa drawing Transformers by request and signing autographs
Wall of Dreamwave posters
The Dreamwave team (Don Figueroa, Brad Mick, Pat Lee, Adam Patyk and Joe Ng) panel answering some questions (06/20/2004)
The Dreamwave team panel answering some questions
Adam Patyk and Joe Ng of the Dreamwave team panel answering some questions
The Dreamwave team panel answering some questions
Brad Mick and Adam Patyk after the panel session
The Dreamwave team after the panel session
The Dreamwave team (Don Figueroa, Brad Mick, Adam Patyk Pat Lee, and Joe Ng) doing a little posing
People standing in line to get their Dreamwave autographs (06/20/2004)
The Dreamwave team signing autographs
Adam Patyk and Brad Mick discussing some of their work while signing autographs
Adam Patyk and Brad Mick discussing some of their work while signing autographs
Pat Lee and Joe Ng signing autographs
Pat Lee and Joe Ng signing autographs
The Dreamwave team still signing autographs
The Dreamwave team (the Don Figueroa at the end) signing autographs
The Don, Don Figueroa signing autographs
Don Figueroa signing autographs
Seibertron's NgBoy aka Joe Ng signing autographs
Brad Mick doing a little posedown
Adam Patyk signing autographs
Pat Lee signing autographs