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Transformers Figures Photogallery
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You are viewing images 1 through 23 out of 23 total.
G2 ActionMaster Breakdown, the 2004 BotCon Exclusive, right after the BotCon Breakfast (06/19/2004)
G2 ActionMaster Breakdown, the 2004 BotCon Exclusive
G2 ActionMaster Breakdown, the 2004 BotCon Exclusive from behind
One of the stands at the BotCon selling the newer figures
Some of the G1 Spychangers on sale (for $44.99 each)
One of the stands at the BotCon selling foreign figures and knock-off's
Table of Fame display
Table of Fame display
Table of Fame display
Table of Fame display
Table of Fame display
Table of Fame display
Table of Fame display
Table of Fame display
Table of Fame display
Table of Fame display
Table of Fame display
Table of Fame display
Table of Fame display
Figures on display at one of the stands
Fortress Maximus and Fortress Maximus box on sale
Checking our lose Transformers with MISB Dai Atlas in front
Collector's Edition Rerelease Megatron (not chromo plated)
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