Seibertron with "Me Am Grimlock"

Mr. Optimus Prime with his son

Mr. Optimus Prime with Seibertron (Ryan)

TRU exclusive Megatron and Optimus Prime 2 pack

Alpha Quintesson

Alpha Quintesson

Alpha Quintesson

Alpha Quintesson with Unicron and G1 Galvatron themed Megatron

Alpha Quintesson

Alpha Quintesson

Alpha Quintesson

Alpha Quintesson

G1 Galvatron themed Megatron

G1 Galvatron themed Megatron

G1 Galvatron themed Megatron

Energon Starscream in G1 themed Starscream colors

Energon Starscream in G1 themed Starscream colors

Energon Starscream in G1 themed Starscream colors

Energon Constructicon (vehicle mode)

Energon Constructicon (vehicle mode)

Energon Constructicon (vehicle mode)

Energon Constructicon (robot mode)

Energon Contstructicon Gestalt (Combiner)

Energon Contstructicon Gestalt (Combiner)

Kicker with GI Joe body and High Wire

High Wire

High Wire

Kicker with GI Joe body and High Wire

Combined form of Grimlock and Swoop

Combined form of Grimlock and Swoop



G1 and War Within inspired Grimlock

G1 and War Within inspired Grimlock

G1 and War Within inspired Grimlock

G1 and War Within inspired Grimlock

G1 and War Within inspired Grimlock

Energon Aerialbot (jet mode)

Energon Aerialbot (jet mode)

Energon Aerialbot (robot mode)

Energon Aerialbot (robot mode)

Energon Aerialbot Gestalt (Combiner)

Energon Aerialbot Gestalt (Combiner)

Energon Aerialbot (robot mode)

Energon Aerialbot (robot mode)

Kicker with GI Joe body and High Wire

Alternator Swindle (Jeep Wrangler)

Alternator Swindle (Jeep Wrangler)

Alternator Swindle (Jeep Wrangler)