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Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original

Transformers News: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original

Tuesday, March 19th, 2019 12:57AM CDT

Category: Toy News
Posted by: Emerje   Views: 21,930

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Thanks to a tip from our own Seibertronian carytheone we've got an interesting video produced by Takara Tomy . The video features a member of the design team identified as Kenta Wakizawa discussing some of the features of MP-45 Bumblebee. While it's mostly stuff we're well aware of (cartoon accuracy in bot mode with a Choro-Q inspired car mode) it does give an idea of just how easy it is to get the figure into poses, partly in thanks to some ridiculous ankle tilts.

Not only that, but the figure is also heavily compared to the original MP-21 Bumblebee. We now see that not only if MP-45 skinnier than MP-21 (at the cost of some crazy back and feet kibble), but also a little taller. We also get to see just how different the shades of yellow are between the two figures.

The original video has been geoblocked to be Japan-only, but was quickly mirrored by YouTuber Minhduc Pham and can be viewed below! You can turn on closed captioning and enable translation settings in the video to get English subtitles, but don't expect them to make a great deal of sense.

Transformers News: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original

Transformers News: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original

Transformers News: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original

Transformers News: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original

It should be pointed out that the MP-45 used in this video is still a hand painted prototype and reflects the paint chips and poorly locking parts that come with it. So does this video change your mind one way or the other? Sound off in the Energon Pub forums below and let us know!

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Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015160)
Posted by Lore Keeper on March 19th, 2019 @ 1:09am CDT
Nope, I still prefer the toy/cartoon hybrid aesthetic of the older masterpieces. Plus, that kibble is just horrendous. Dude can't even put his feet together! [-(
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015162)
Posted by Ultra Markus on March 19th, 2019 @ 2:14am CDT
you would think that having a cartoonish vehicle mode it would be easier to be less kibbly than this
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015163)
Posted by angtre on March 19th, 2019 @ 3:26am CDT
I still think that this particular MP toy was unnecessary. It doesn't really improve the previous version, especially when it comes to kibble parts.
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015170)
Posted by blackeyedprime on March 19th, 2019 @ 4:46am CDT
Just the feet I'm not liking on the new MP, Daniel or cassettes would have to stand in front of him to hide them.
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015173)
Posted by Alpha Dominus on March 19th, 2019 @ 7:33am CDT
The great thing about those gnarly feet and chin is that it saves me from spending my hard-earned cash. ;)^
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015176)
Posted by william-james88 on March 19th, 2019 @ 8:29am CDT
Emerje wrote:

Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015183)
Posted by no-one on March 19th, 2019 @ 9:52am CDT
I know this has been discussed, but I still don't get the new head sculpt.


Just, what happened?

Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015185)
Posted by william-james88 on March 19th, 2019 @ 9:56am CDT
I think the headsculpt is more show accurate. Bee did have a more circular head than the previous MP.
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015186)
Posted by Sabrblade on March 19th, 2019 @ 9:59am CDT
Going by the very badly English-translated auto-generated closed captions, one of things that the designer aimed to do with this figure was to enable it to hold the gun with both hands together.
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015188)
Posted by william-james88 on March 19th, 2019 @ 10:01am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:Going by the very badly English-translated auto-generated closed captions, one of things that the designer aimed to do with this figure was to enable it to hold the gun with both hands together.

Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015189)
Posted by no-one on March 19th, 2019 @ 10:09am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:Going by the very badly English-translated auto-generated closed captions, one of things that the designer aimed to do with this figure was to enable it to hold the gun with both hands together.
Mission accomplished, but at what cost?
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015190)
Posted by Nexus Knight on March 19th, 2019 @ 10:11am CDT
I have to say... I kinda feel bad for the creators of MP-45. It feels like they tried to make something that would work with a G1 aesthetic, given the limitations they no doubt had. Then, with the final product seen, it gets a lot of (understandably valid) backlash, which no doubt has to hurt given the MP's line general success when it comes to design and engineering.
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015196)
Posted by Sabrblade on March 19th, 2019 @ 11:09am CDT
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015203)
Posted by Optimutt on March 19th, 2019 @ 11:53am CDT
I think, for me, this will be an easy pass. Just like the BW MP line, just like MP Megatron, and (sadly, as I'd kind of like to have him) Grapple. And all the repaints. I've had / have most of the MP molds, but my budget isn't what it used to be, and I've had to be pretty discerning with my purchases. Sadly, this isn't something that I need. I ENJOY everything about the first MP Bee - the colors, the transformation, the poseability, the accessories (everything except the face it came with, which I feel is a little too pudgy. The Battlemask is a permanent face on mine), and I wholly enjoy it all. This new Bee doesn't look like it would be a whole lot of fun to have. Sure the chibi aspect of the vehicle is cool, as is the poseablity, but overall? Sorry Takara. No matter how you paint this, I won't be jumping for it.
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015206)
Posted by RK_Striker_JK_5 on March 19th, 2019 @ 1:10pm CDT
carytheone wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:Going by the very badly English-translated auto-generated closed captions, one of things that the designer aimed to do with this figure was to enable it to hold the gun with both hands together.
Mission accomplished, but at what cost?


Worse and worse. The original MP Bumblebee looks so much better in comparison.
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015214)
Posted by Wolfman Jake on March 19th, 2019 @ 2:06pm CDT
carytheone wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:Going by the very badly English-translated auto-generated closed captions, one of things that the designer aimed to do with this figure was to enable it to hold the gun with both hands together.
Mission accomplished, but at what cost?

"Masterpiece Bumblebee must be able to double grip his laser gun, no matter the cost!" :BOT:

In all seriousness, I want to like Masterpiece Bumblebee 2.0, and when you look at it the right way, it's an amazing cartoon likeness in both modes. I don't even really mind the backpack on robot mode at all (I almost never mind big backpacks on my Transformers), but those feet are horrendous! They just kill it for me. The kibble on the heels is noticeable no matter the angle you view it from, and the folded up bits laid bare on the insides of the feet are extremely distracting. I feel like I could forgive the feet if at least ONE of the problems, either the heels or the inner sides of the feet, were fixed, but both being so problematic is just too much.
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015216)
Posted by no-one on March 19th, 2019 @ 2:10pm CDT
Wolfman Jake wrote:In all seriousness, I want to like Masterpiece Bumblebee 2.0, and when you look at it the right way, it's an amazing cartoon likeness in both modes. I don't even really mind the backpack on robot mode at all (I almost never mind big backpacks on my Transformers), but those feet are horrendous! They just kill it for me. The kibble on the heels is noticeable no matter the angle you view it from, and the folded up bits laid bare on the insides of the feet are extremely distracting. I feel like I could forgive the feet if at least ONE of the problems, either the heels or the inner sides of the feet, were fixed, but both being so problematic is just too much.
I also want to like MP45 because I really like the alt mode, but it's just too many little cons that add up to a big no thank you.
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015219)
Posted by Cobotron on March 19th, 2019 @ 2:17pm CDT
carytheone wrote:... it's just too many little cons that add up to a big no thank you.
CONS! They ruin everything! :CON:
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015223)
Posted by Nexus Knight on March 19th, 2019 @ 2:33pm CDT
Cobotron wrote:
carytheone wrote:... it's just too many little cons that add up to a big no thank you.
CONS! They ruin everything! :CON:

Especially little ones, as Perceptor would tell ya.

Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015255)
Posted by sol magnus on March 19th, 2019 @ 4:43pm CDT
Together, MP-45 looks much more cartoon-accurate. If you're into that sort of thing.
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015256)
Posted by Hellscream9999 on March 19th, 2019 @ 4:43pm CDT
Nexus Knight wrote:I have to say... I kinda feel bad for the creators of MP-45. It feels like they tried to make something that would work with a G1 aesthetic, given the limitations they no doubt had. Then, with the final product seen, it gets a lot of (understandably valid) backlash, which no doubt has to hurt given the MP's line general success when it comes to design and engineering.

I totally get wanting to feel bad for them I want to too, it is a well designed toy, just not a very good rendition of bb; at the end of the day, I can't feel bad for them, because someone chose to make all these sacrifices for a specific pose, and you have to take any criticism that comes along with it;

Now we wait for the inevitable $300 hotrod with an actual car taped to his back :lol:
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015258)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on March 19th, 2019 @ 4:55pm CDT
I don't mind his head. The backpack is a mess and is disappointing for a MP figure. The feet that are just layers of scraps is insulting. And finally, that 120$US price seal the deal in the NOPE category.
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015277)
Posted by Ironhidensh on March 19th, 2019 @ 6:21pm CDT
You know, if his price was reasonable, and more in line with the original MP Bee and MPM figures, I'd be a bit more forgiving of his flaws.

That premium price it has demands perfection, and this figure falls far, far short of that.
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015284)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on March 19th, 2019 @ 6:51pm CDT
Ironhidensh wrote:That premium price it has demands perfection, and this figure falls far, far short of that.

Definitely the main issue here.
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015303)
Posted by padfoo on March 19th, 2019 @ 8:23pm CDT
Its like going from a teenager face to a pre-teen

It's actually kind of creepy! Pass for me!
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015307)
Posted by procyon on March 19th, 2019 @ 8:59pm CDT
I can overlook a lot about MP-45, but it's the face that destroys it for me. The cartoon accuracy is a step backwards for me aesthetically. After all the updated comic artwork from Dreamwave and IDW, I can't pretend that the old face isn't silly looking.

When Classics/Henkei BB came out in 2006, I felt like HasTak nailed what a modern updated look to his face should be. Sure the "goatee" is a little cheeky, but it works. He has that "Yeah, I'm small, but I'm confident" look that I really like. MP-21's face has a similar feel in kind of a weirdly shaped head. But MP-45 doesn't even really take itself seriously. It has more of a "golly gee whiz, isn't Earth amazing?" quality that I can't look at and feel like that's a product I want. Not when you put him next to MP Sideswipe or MP Prowl, and they look like they'd kick him out of the room, saying, "not now B, the big boys are talking."

I dunno... to each his own, but for me personally, this slavish devotion to cartoon accuracy is really killing the line. I would much rather have the ultimate representation of the toy than the ultimate representation of the cartoon. That's why I still prefer MP-10 over MP-44.

Edit: Found this link, and found it super interesting. Kind of confirms my bias: ... _heads.php
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015315)
Posted by Emerje on March 19th, 2019 @ 9:55pm CDT
See, for me the head is my favorite part, just wish they hadn't cut grooves into his face and made it more polygonal.

Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015344)
Posted by no-one on March 20th, 2019 @ 6:57am CDT
procyon wrote:Found this link, and found it super interesting. Kind of confirms my bias: ... _heads.php
Wow that is a lot of head.

After the price, the head is the thing dislike the most. Seems too big for his body, throws off the proportions and just looks doofy.

The rest of MP45 doesn't look MP quality but I can accept it, just not for $120. Reminds me of those 3P figures that just can't quite get it right, the ones that can eventually be picked up for under $30.
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015345)
Posted by ZeroWolf on March 20th, 2019 @ 7:01am CDT
This is what happens when you stick to the rigid cartoon ascetic. What might look right in 2D might not work in 3D. The proportions are pretty spot on so would work well in a group shot of all the mps in this style (G1 toon accuracy in all modes)
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015359)
Posted by Zobovor on March 20th, 2019 @ 10:44am CDT
carytheone wrote:After the price, the head is the thing dislike the most. Seems too big for his body, throws off the proportions and just looks doofy.

All six of the original Mini Autobots were designed to look like children in the cartoon. They all have tiny bodies and large heads. Gears and Brawn are each around six and a half heads tall, which are roughly the body proportions of a five-year-old boy. Bumblebee is closer to seven heads tall, which is closer to the body proportions of a ten-year-old child.

Optimus Prime is more like ten heads tall, which is closer to the classic "heroic" proportions for illustrated characters.
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015405)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on March 20th, 2019 @ 4:16pm CDT
Does anybody know how the fans in Japan or reacting to this figure, are they giving Takara any grief directly?
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015407)
Posted by Seibertron on March 20th, 2019 @ 4:35pm CDT
chuckdawg1999 wrote:Does anybody know how the fans in Japan or reacting to this figure, are they giving Takara any grief directly?

I'd be interested to know this as well. MP-45 Bumblebee just doesn't do it for me. But I've been complaining about Takara Tomy's path toward Masterpiece Transformers having a more "animated" look for quite some time. This is not what I want. I'd like to go back to the toy/cartoon/real world hybrid that we had for the longest time with this line.
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015422)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on March 20th, 2019 @ 5:25pm CDT
carytheone wrote:
procyon wrote:Found this link, and found it super interesting. Kind of confirms my bias: ... _heads.php
Wow that is a lot of head.

Worth noting is that even tho the Classic Pretender is supposed to be Bumblebee, the head sculpt is clearly based on Cliffjumper ;) Would be pretty funny if TakaraTomy sneaked that one in somewhere.
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015425)
Posted by Seibertron on March 20th, 2019 @ 5:47pm CDT
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:
carytheone wrote:
procyon wrote:Found this link, and found it super interesting. Kind of confirms my bias: ... _heads.php
Wow that is a lot of head.

Worth noting is that even tho the Classic Pretender is supposed to be Bumblebee, the head sculpt is clearly based on Cliffjumper ;) Would be pretty funny if TakaraTomy sneaked that one in somewhere.

Pretender Bumblebee as Cliffjumper would have been an amazing BotCon exclusive back in the day. Toss in Pretender Skywarp and Pretender Thundercracker along with Pretender Ricochet and that would have made for a cool set.
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015427)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on March 20th, 2019 @ 5:52pm CDT
Seibertron wrote:
chuckdawg1999 wrote:Does anybody know how the fans in Japan or reacting to this figure, are they giving Takara any grief directly?

I'd be interested to know this as well. MP-45 Bumblebee just doesn't do it for me. But I've been complaining about Takara Tomy's path toward Masterpiece Transformers having a more "animated" look for quite some time. This is not what I want. I'd like to go back to the toy/cartoon/real world hybrid that we had for the longest time with this line.

I'll be honest, I'm getting this figure anyway because I still have hope that it'll be so much better in hand but I'm really starting to have a hard time with it, and it's squarely due to the feet.
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015460)
Posted by Emerje on March 20th, 2019 @ 9:46pm CDT
Seibertron wrote:
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:
carytheone wrote:
procyon wrote:Found this link, and found it super interesting. Kind of confirms my bias: ... _heads.php
Wow that is a lot of head.

Worth noting is that even tho the Classic Pretender is supposed to be Bumblebee, the head sculpt is clearly based on Cliffjumper ;) Would be pretty funny if TakaraTomy sneaked that one in somewhere.

Pretender Bumblebee as Cliffjumper would have been an amazing BotCon exclusive back in the day. Toss in Pretender Skywarp and Pretender Thundercracker along with Pretender Ricochet and that would have made for a cool set.

I bought one of these KOs at a dollar store many years ago.


If I had thought about it at the time I should have also bought the yellow version with the red head and done some swapping and painting to get proper colors. Oh well.


Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015465)
Posted by Wolfman Jake on March 20th, 2019 @ 11:26pm CDT
chuckdawg1999 wrote:
Seibertron wrote:
chuckdawg1999 wrote:Does anybody know how the fans in Japan or reacting to this figure, are they giving Takara any grief directly?

I'd be interested to know this as well. MP-45 Bumblebee just doesn't do it for me. But I've been complaining about Takara Tomy's path toward Masterpiece Transformers having a more "animated" look for quite some time. This is not what I want. I'd like to go back to the toy/cartoon/real world hybrid that we had for the longest time with this line.

I'll be honest, I'm getting this figure anyway because I still have hope that it'll be so much better in hand but I'm really starting to have a hard time with it, and it's squarely due to the feet.

Exactly. The proportions are understandable looking at the animation model, and the backpack is forgivable since it's a conceit of so many other Transformers toys, but those feet are just awful eyesores all the way around.
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015540)
Posted by RK_Striker_JK_5 on March 21st, 2019 @ 3:29pm CDT
The flaws for this toy are less 'death of a thousand cuts' for me, and more 'death by several large stab wounds'. The feet, the backpack, the head, the price... It's just borderline insulting to me.
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2015653)
Posted by Optimutt on March 22nd, 2019 @ 8:16pm CDT
Seibertron wrote:
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:
carytheone wrote:
procyon wrote:Found this link, and found it super interesting. Kind of confirms my bias: ... _heads.php
Wow that is a lot of head.

Worth noting is that even tho the Classic Pretender is supposed to be Bumblebee, the head sculpt is clearly based on Cliffjumper ;) Would be pretty funny if TakaraTomy sneaked that one in somewhere.

Pretender Bumblebee as Cliffjumper would have been an amazing BotCon exclusive back in the day. Toss in Pretender Skywarp and Pretender Thundercracker along with Pretender Ricochet and that would have made for a cool set.

What an awesome idea! And Overkill for Grimlock.
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2033150)
Posted by Cyberpath on August 4th, 2019 @ 6:34am CDT
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2033153)
Posted by Ironhidensh on August 4th, 2019 @ 7:15am CDT
I still want to know what the hell they were thinking (or smoking) when they approved this design for production.
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2033154)
Posted by Cyberpath on August 4th, 2019 @ 7:32am CDT
Ironhidensh wrote:I still want to know what the hell they were thinking (or smoking) when they approved this design for production.

"We need to get this out while the Bumblebee film is still a thing"....?

He looks good in that photo though, that's actually why I posted it. Except for the back of his feet. And we know what a mess his back is. Oh well!
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2033155)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on August 4th, 2019 @ 7:43am CDT
Poor Bee have crumpled paper balls as feet.

Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2033166)
Posted by Ironhidensh on August 4th, 2019 @ 10:33am CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:Poor Bee have crumpled paper balls as feet.


This is the best description I've heard yet! :lol:

You win an internet!
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2033325)
Posted by RK_Striker_JK_5 on August 5th, 2019 @ 3:06pm CDT
Still a hard pass for me. It's almost embarrassing.
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2037613)
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on September 10th, 2019 @ 12:21am CDT
This and MP-44 should be scrapped, recalled, and their plastic melted down and re-dyed to make something worthwhile like replacement Dark Crumplezone fins. Same for MPM Ironhide.
I'm sorry, but I have nothing but contempt for those particular "MP"s.
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2037615)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on September 10th, 2019 @ 12:30am CDT
It killed me to do this but I just canceled MP-45. It never looked 100% right and I could've handled that, what I couldn't handle was the possibility nothing would peg together well, even if the TonTon review copy was an "Early" sample, I just couldn't take the chance.
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2037622)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 10th, 2019 @ 4:57am CDT
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:This and MP-44 should be scrapped, recalled, and their plastic melted down and re-dyed to make something worthwhile like replacement Dark Crumplezone fins. Same for MPM Ironhide.
I'm sorry, but I have nothing but contempt for those particular "MP"s.

At least, MP-44 managed to do something awesome despite some flaws.
But this MP Bee... Nothing can redeem this thing.
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2037669)
Posted by RK_Striker_JK_5 on September 10th, 2019 @ 11:46am CDT
Well, actually nice to see others realizing what a waste of plastic this is. :D
Re: Check out this MP-45 Bumblebee designer video with comparisons to the original (2037676)
Posted by ZeroWolf on September 10th, 2019 @ 12:04pm CDT
RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:Well, actually nice to see others realizing what a waste of plastic this is. :D

I never realised that there was any other opinion :lol: all the ones I've seen on here have not been flattering t

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