Sam Smith Talks Tidal Wave in Massive Info Dump with Videos and Box Art
Thursday, December 14th, 2023 9:06AM CST
Categories: Cartoon News, Toy News, Game NewsPosted by: Emerje Views: 111,297
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Sabrblade wrote:Tidal Wave designer notes from Sam Smith. Click each link to see all the pictures and videos: Legacy United - Titan Tidal Wave
“Tidal Wave, Tidal Wave, Tidal Wave”
With the daunting chant on impending doom and having been officially announced at Cybertron Fest Singapore, let’s get into the details of Titan Tidal Wave. With the launch of Legacy United, we knew that there was no greater time to revisit this character at the titan scale. This guy was a blast to work on, but we had so many priorities we needed to define out of the gate. As a Titan, Tidal Wave needed to deliver a large scale super articulated robot. As a vehicle, he needed to deliver a large flying aquatic war craft, which needed to be assembled out of 3 smaller vehicle form factors (the dark fleet). Tidal Wave needed to combine with Armada Megatron, to create Burning Megatron and we felt that he needed to have an alt mode that was achievable without the need to separate the vehicles in assembly. I’d like to say that we were able to achieve 4 out of the 5, but in the end, we did them all!
Shogo Hasui (Hasui san) was an absolute rockstar to work with on this project, and continued to find incredible solutions in delivering such a massive undertaking. He continued to push this figure forward despite all the curve balls that we through to him.
In the end Tidal Wave delivers a super articulated Titan robot, with waist, ankle, clever butterfly shoulders, wrist and neck. His chest weaponry all 8 turrets points are articulated for rotation, with the larger 4 featuring articulated barrels and 5mm ports for blast effect compatibility. In addition, his palm cannons also used 5mm ports that can be utilized in robot and alt mode
Tidal Waves color spec is primary based on the Armada animation with a few pieces of influence from the original toy, similar to Armada Megatron.
What are your thoughts on Titan Tidal Wave? Was he a worthy selection for the next titan figure? Our would you have preferred to have seen him at a smaller scale? Let us know along with any other questions in the comments below! Legacy United - Titan Tidal Wave - Alt Mode
We decided early on, the importance of delivering the dark fleet as 3 separate vehicles to align to the original toy, and the consistent onscreen combination sequence that took place on screen. Due to this figure being super articulated, we would not be able to have him transform from robot to combined war craft without separating the vehicle forms. In order to avoid having him be referred to as a parts former, we introduced a secondary alt mode as a battle station / weapons fortress. Legacy United - Titan Tidal Wave - Combined Burning Megatron
In order to combine with Megatron to create Burning Megatron, miniature versions of the dark fleet can be extracted from various parts of Tidal Wave in order to combine. To avoid being left with a partial titan during the combination, we introduced a secondary transformation to the hands to keep them in tact so that a very in tact titan figure remains. The miniature versions are able able to be displayed as mini dark fleet vehicles, that convert into their armored accessories for Megatron.
To assist with the added weight of the components, and to deliver a more frightening Megatron, Foot extensions are included to raise the characters height, along with the ability to port the arm weaponry into the sides of the arms or the upper shoulders.
And additional info from the comments:

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Posted by Emerje on December 14th, 2023 @ 9:38am CST
Posted by Rodimus Prime on December 14th, 2023 @ 10:28am CST
Posted by Overcracker on December 14th, 2023 @ 10:48am CST
Emerje wrote:Soooo, are any of the bots on the box art actually recognizable as real characters? I'm stumped though the two in the water look a little familiar. Are they generics from the Armada cartoon? I looked through and didn't really see any matches.
Can't see any that I recognize as actual characters.
I can se a brown guy on the left that appears to turn into a car.
An Impactor-ey looking dude by TW's right leg in the water. Near him someone that looks vaguely like R.I.D Tow-line.
Blue and gray, Beachcomb-ey guy. Green and purple dude on TW's knee(no clue), some guy with striped legs and a blue chest, I know I've seen the color scheme some where but can't place it. Reminds me oof G2 Spark, but it's not right, because the stripes were only in his truck mode.
Posted by Emerje on December 14th, 2023 @ 11:06am CST
Posted by DeathReviews on December 14th, 2023 @ 11:49am CST

Posted by Sabrblade on December 14th, 2023 @ 11:52am CST
Because that's how it was done back in 1986-1987? Metroplex, Trypticon, Fortress Maximus, and Scorponok all played dead for their city/base modes.DeathReviews wrote:Sigh. Why is it that the battlestation/city modes for the Titan figures are always just the robot mode lying spread-eagled on their backs?
Posted by Stormshot_Prime on December 14th, 2023 @ 12:01pm CST
Plus, that box art is amazing. Totally reminiscent of the Island level from the PS2 Armada game, in which you have to fight a Titan sized Tidal Wave. Best boss in the game too.
Posted by o.supreme on December 14th, 2023 @ 12:11pm CST
Sabrblade wrote:noctorro wrote:However, are there any giant Transformers characters left?
Why does nobody look at my Signature...

j/k/... anyway... With Tidal Wave having a "Base Mode", one would almost assuredly think there would be AIRLOCK connectors somewhere. I mean even the Nemesis had them which wasn't necessary, but a nice touch. Anyone spot any yet? If there are none, that makes this so much easier to pass on. If there are, it will have to be an almost 1/2 off deal (Like Cybertron Metroplex). Although admittedly, this looks much better than Cybertron Metroplex.
Posted by SynchroBunny on December 14th, 2023 @ 12:39pm CST
noctorro wrote:I agree with Overlord. However, are there any giant Transformers characters left?
Cyberverse Titan ... Croaton? Or whatever he was called.
Animated Omega Supreme (not going to happen).
G1 Broadside? 2025, simultaneous release of Broadside in every size class so it's toon accurate since they couldn't keep his scale correct.
Wouldn't Animated Omega pretty much just be an Ark recolour? Though... didn't his arms and torso form the back end of the ship?
Posted by Grahf_ on December 14th, 2023 @ 4:38pm CST
Underbase powered G1 Starscream.
Omega Lock powered Cybertron Starscream. The scale chart someone posted earlier has him smaller than titan but oh well. I just want a titan Cybertron Starscream.
Energon Omega Supreme and Omega Sentinel.
Cybertron Menasor. But with Heavyload and maybe even Drillbit to make up the difference in his overall height compared to Metroplex. I don't think Quickmix and his Minicon would be titan though and would work well as a commander. Much like Cybertron Starscream, I just want a titan Menasor.
G1 Revenge.
G1 Victory. Nemesis retool?
BW Axalon.
BW Darksyde.
G1 Quintesson cruiser.
G1 Junkion ship, Minnow.
Prime Predaking? If only to get the wings and tail extremely articulated more than a commander would allow. He is pretty damn big compared to the rest too though. At least in dragon mode anyway. His size seems to fluctuate about as much as Tidal Wave and the already mentioned Broadside.
WFC Trilogy Astrotrain. He was titan sized for a while.
Guardian Command Center and Renegade Thruster. Both were made by Tonka and should be owned outright by Hasbro. Thruster can be an Ark retool. I seen someone mention Courageous and Grungy but those overall designs are owned by Bandai and most likely fall into that grey area most GoBots fall into. Or whatever is going on there.
Renegade Zod. Wasn't there a version or two of him that was enormous? One was based on Trypticon but there was another version too I think. Another GoBot design that should be owned outright by Hasbro. Commander could work for him just as well for the normal size.
BM Grand Mol.
Metrobase and Quintessa/Necrotitan. To go with Metroplex and the already mentioned Metrotitan. I'd want a new Metroplex mold first though.
Cyberverse Iaconus. To go with the already mentioned Croaton.
Lodestar. Ark retool?
Some of those last ones don't have designs at all. Others have designs just of the alt mode. While others still are just designs of the robot or parts of the robot. Well...that I seen on the wiki anyway. But they're all titans one way or another and are at least named.
There's also multipacks that could work not unlike Haslab Victory Saber. It would help free up the commander class for other characters. With SS86 Ultra Magnus and the heavily rumored Optimus, people might have some pushback to see so many other Optimus figures as commanders.
God Ginrai. Maybe with the triple changing headmaster and/or cab from the original design sketches of PMOP as extra options or something? Two commander+?
Big Powered. A commander and two voyagers with their Micromasters each as core figures. Have a combined robot mode as well to take up some of the budget?
Battlestar Attack. A commander and two leaders. Grandus isn't titan sized himself as he's a Micromaster battlestation and not a full sized Cybertronian city as others have already pointed out. He's pretty much a glorified Modulator. So leader for him would be fine since he's so simple. Sky Garry is just as simple too so he can be another leader. Maybe have a combined robot mode for these three as well? Their Micromasters and cargo units can be sold separately and can add bulk to the combined mode after the fact like an upgrade kit of sorts.
Omega Prime. Two commander+? Maybe add their "Spy Changers" to make up the difference as two core class figures? A little combining Omega Prime set to go with the larger set.
Optimus Supreme? I already put Omega Supreme as his own titan but I don't fully think he needs to be. Optimus as a commander or leader and then the rest of the budget going to Omega. That could work. Then have Wing Saber as his own voyager or maybe even leader class release.
Cybertron Optimus, Wing Saber and Leobreaker? A commander and two leaders? Have a combined mode utilizing all three as well as the standard combined modes?
That's five more Optimus and another Magnus as potential commanders. So bumping them up to titan as multipacks could make sense. Selling them as sets with a version of Optimus in them should help them sell the lesser characters that might shelfwarm if sold on their own.
Just some random thoughts about the topic of what else they can do in the titan class. It doesn't have to be a single large figure as already seen with Devastator and Predaking.
Oh and I would love a titan Sky Lynx too but that might just be me. I always thought he should've been especially since his rival is Predaking and he's a titan. Earthrise Sky Lynx just isn't big enough to go against titan Predaking. He's big enough to go against Unique Toys Warlord though.
Posted by Stormshot_Prime on December 14th, 2023 @ 4:48pm CST
Grahf_ wrote:
G1 Quintesson cruiser.
BM Grand Mol.
Metrobase and Quintessa/Necrotitan. To go with Metroplex and the already mentioned Metrotitan. I'd want a new Metroplex mold first though.
Cyberverse Iaconus. To go with the already mentioned Croaton.
You're so right for these ideas. When you think about it like this, there's still SO much untapped potential for Titan class figs. Personally, I would love to see more beast mode Titans. Trypticon looks great, and I know a Chela would be incredible. A golden, primal city for beast characters to be displayed on.
On the other hand, we are very overdue for a Quintesson ship! I'd never thought we'd see the Ark of Nemesis like we've gotten, but here we are. I would also love an Axalon and/or Darksyde, eff it, make all the ships Transformers!
Posted by Dino-Snarl on December 14th, 2023 @ 7:00pm CST
o.supreme wrote:Sabrblade wrote:noctorro wrote:However, are there any giant Transformers characters left?
Why does nobody look at my Signature.......
j/k/... anyway... With Tidal Wave having a "Base Mode", one would almost assuredly think there would be AIRLOCK connectors somewhere. I mean even the Nemesis had them which wasn't necessary, but a nice touch. Anyone spot any yet? If there are none, that makes this so much easier to pass on. If there are, it will have to be an almost 1/2 off deal (Like Cybertron Metroplex). Although admittedly, this looks much better than Cybertron Metroplex.
That robot mode reminds us of Force Five from the 80s. Loved those 3 series and others.
Posted by Dino-Snarl on December 14th, 2023 @ 7:02pm CST
Posted by o.supreme on December 14th, 2023 @ 8:05pm CST
Dino-Snarl wrote:Sabrblade wrote:
That robot mode reminds us of Force Five from the 80s. Loved those 3 series and others.
Well considering Super Robots are in the ancestral line of Transformers, that makes sense. I could definitely see Majin Zarak taking on a contingent of Go Nagai's finest.

Posted by Dino-Snarl on December 14th, 2023 @ 8:11pm CST
o.supreme wrote:Dino-Snarl wrote:Sabrblade wrote:
That robot mode reminds us of Force Five from the 80s. Loved those 3 series and others.
Well considering Super Robots are in the ancestral line of Transformers, that makes sense. I could definitely see Majin Zarak taking on a contingent of Go Nagai's finest.
Would love to see that!
Posted by Emerje on December 14th, 2023 @ 8:51pm CST

Dino-Snarl wrote:Love it more. So getting it. Confused though with Megs. Maybe we didn't read it. A new one to be released to combine with "TIDAL WAVE?"
Same figure, but part of Tidal Wave includes new feet add-ons for Megatron to make him taller. You can see them on the top of the ship to the right.

Posted by Dino-Snarl on December 15th, 2023 @ 5:28am CST
Emerje wrote:His base mode is actually more involved than most since it requires a lot of parts forming. All of the "mini parts" are removed and added on to form towers and ramps, and his chest pops out to make two stories. Plus the guns can be popped off and arranged in different places.Dino-Snarl wrote:Love it more. So getting it. Confused though with Megs. Maybe we didn't read it. A new one to be released to combine with "TIDAL WAVE?"
Same figure, but part of Tidal Wave includes new feet add-ons for Megatron to make him taller. You can see them on the top of the ship to the right.
Yes now we see it. Thanks! Might need Megs now

Posted by First-Aid on December 15th, 2023 @ 8:06am CST
WIshful thinking, I know. I guarantee the fandom- especially based on what I'm seeing in the previous posts here- would collectively throw a fit because it's not something that's been done previously ad nauseum (We do NOT need another Predaking, Devastator, or Menasor!). Yes there are a lot of obscure niche characters they could do that would make the fanboys squeal but the majority wouldn't understand it. Something new and special, something iconic. Drift and Windblade are both recent additions that were pretty quickly accepted into the fandom because they were just cool figures but had zero previous history. I want to see that, but in Titan Class.
End of rant. Please resume normal critique of this...really effing awesome figure that I cannot wait to get my grubby, overly-sanitized hands on!
Posted by Overcracker on December 15th, 2023 @ 10:54am CST
First-Aid wrote:I really would like to see something brand spanking new in the Titan Class. An original character, without any previous constraints such as a pre-existing character or alt mode. What can they do if someone tells them, "You know what? Go to town. Have fun. Create something new and iconic. Don't use ANY previous characters. Make something that could potentially help carry the brand for the NEXT 40 years."
WIshful thinking, I know. I guarantee the fandom- especially based on what I'm seeing in the previous posts here- would collectively throw a fit because it's not something that's been done previously ad nauseum (We do NOT need another Predaking, Devastator, or Menasor!). Yes there are a lot of obscure niche characters they could do that would make the fanboys squeal but the majority wouldn't understand it. Something new and special, something iconic. Drift and Windblade are both recent additions that were pretty quickly accepted into the fandom because they were just cool figures but had zero previous history. I want to see that, but in Titan Class.
End of rant. Please resume normal critique of this...really effing awesome figure that I cannot wait to get my grubby, overly-sanitized hands on!
What they need to do is a new main toyline that is not G1 updated like the Generations lines have been. Don;t get me wrong, I love it, and will continue to buy things from it, but I can also appreciate the need for something new.
A toyline like Armada, Animated and Prime were at their own time, that gets new characters and new toys for them completely unrelated to G1. (yes some characters from those lines where based on G1 characters, but others where entirely new even if they shared names).
Then they can make a new figure for Titan Class based on that toyline and accompanying fiction.
Spitting out a titan class figure of a new character that people may or may not like without any fiction or appearance prior to its physical existence to back it up is something I doubt Hasbro is willing to risk.
They need to make a toyline with accompanying fiction that they actually care about, unlike Earthspark, which has devolved into a mess of Cyberverse repaints and ridiculous gimmick toys.
They need an actual new main toyline for a completely new and original Titan Class figure to even begin to make sense.
Posted by Sabrblade on December 15th, 2023 @ 1:48pm CST
Let me introduce you to a couple of main lines called EarthSpark and Rise of the Beasts.Overcracker wrote:What they need to do is a new main toyline that is not G1 updated like the Generations lines have been.

Posted by Overcracker on December 15th, 2023 @ 2:45pm CST
Sabrblade wrote:Let me introduce you to a couple of main lines called EarthSpark and Rise of the Beasts.Overcracker wrote:What they need to do is a new main toyline that is not G1 updated like the Generations lines have been.
I did mention Earthspark which they seem to be less than enthusiastic about, and Rise of the Beasts is all but finished no?
But fine, I'll bite: what "new" character from either of those lines would work for a titan class toy? And would people actually want it?
Posted by Sabrblade on December 15th, 2023 @ 3:09pm CST
Overcracker wrote:Sabrblade wrote:Let me introduce you to a couple of main lines called EarthSpark and Rise of the Beasts.Overcracker wrote:What they need to do is a new main toyline that is not G1 updated like the Generations lines have been.
I did mention Earthspark which they seem to be less than enthusiastic about, and Rise of the Beasts is all but finished no?
But fine, I'll bite: what "new" character from either of those lines would work for a titan class toy? And would people actually want it?

And if we want to go back a couple of cartoons, Cyberverse introduced three brand new Titans:


The Dweller

Meanwhile, Rescue Bots Academy introduced another new Titan:
Citadel Secundus

Posted by Overcracker on December 15th, 2023 @ 3:29pm CST
Posted by Sabrblade on December 15th, 2023 @ 4:06pm CST
I Agree about the Dweller (since only his head was ever seen and not the rest of his body), but Iaconus made a big impression (pun intended) in season 3 of Cyberverse, being the literal robot mode of the city of Iaconus.Overcracker wrote:Interesting. Croaton likely has a better change than the rest. Not sure how many would actuallly drop titan money for the Dweller or Iaconus.
Not too mention the epic Titan battle fought between the berserk Iaconus and the Quintesson-possessed Croaton.
Posted by o.supreme on December 15th, 2023 @ 4:19pm CST
If Legacy (and presumably other future lines) are a celebration of all eras, they of course want to branch out. Get different characters from other universes into more size classes. They've done almost all the OG series Titans. Tidal Wave will be the 2nd UT Titan. There have been no "Beast" era Titans yet, and arguably there can only be one, Majin Zarak. As niche as it may seem...I think it would be amazing.
*For any thinking a TR Trypticon retool into Gigastorm would be a good idea, remember the character is NOT a Titan in fiction, he is slightly bigger than average bot, CC would be perfect, but that would necessitate a brand new toy.
Posted by Sabrblade on December 15th, 2023 @ 4:31pm CST
Little known fact about Gigastorm, He's actually a size-changer. He's much smaller when inside Galvatron's ship than he is when he's outside it. He's normally quite huge (probably about as big as G1 Trypticon was in the Marvel comics), but uses a size-changing laser to shrink himself down so he can fit inside the base, and once had Galvatron overuse that laser on him to shrink Gigastorm down to tiny size as a punishment for one of his schemes against Galvatron.o.supreme wrote:For any thinking a TR Trypticon retool into Gigastorm would be a good idea, remember the character is NOT a Titan in fiction, he is slightly bigger than average bot, CC would be perfect, but that would necessitate a brand new toy.
Placing Titan Trypticon next to original Beast Wars molds to compare their scale to each other, the Titan mold isn't too far off in size from how big Gigastorm was compared to his teammates when outside the base. In fact, he'd probably be the only Titan who would actually be in scale with normal-sized Cores/Deluxes/Voyagers/Leaders.
Posted by o.supreme on December 15th, 2023 @ 5:00pm CST
Posted by First-Aid on December 15th, 2023 @ 9:22pm CST
Sabrblade wrote:Let me introduce you to a couple of main lines called EarthSpark and Rise of the Beasts.Overcracker wrote:What they need to do is a new main toyline that is not G1 updated like the Generations lines have been.
ROTB is still not new original characters. And EarthSpark is really just G1 in an alternate universe. Again, nothing really earthshattering.
We need something completely off the rails...
Then again, I don't know how much the most recent layoffs at Hasbro are going to affect things. Generally, losing 20% of your workforce slows things down a bit.
Posted by Rodimus Prime on December 16th, 2023 @ 2:29am CST
I do agree that the next few years should shift focus from G1 and move on to other toylines, specifically Car Robots. So many opportunities.
As for future titans, even though I just wrote G1 needs to take a backseat, I do think that Metroplex is on serious need of an update, if not a completely new mold.
And my personal preference, not shared by most, is that the rest of the combiners could be released as Titans, with the group leader a commander class figure and the limbs voyagers instead of deluxes, especially in Superion's case. But my #1 wish for the next titan would be JRX. 3 leader-sized trains combining. Then Omega Prime.
Posted by Burn on December 16th, 2023 @ 2:48am CST
First-Aid wrote:Sabrblade wrote:Let me introduce you to a couple of main lines called EarthSpark and Rise of the Beasts.Overcracker wrote:What they need to do is a new main toyline that is not G1 updated like the Generations lines have been.
ROTB is still not new original characters. And EarthSpark is really just G1 in an alternate universe. Again, nothing really earthshattering.
We need something completely off the rails...
A genuine telling of the war on Cybertron. Yes, it still has that G1 connection, BUT, you have your regular characters like Prime and Megatron as background characters, introduce new characters, ones that fight on the front line, tell the story from the trenches, not from the leadership. At some point they can encounter a new Titan.
You get an all new story with new characters connecting to existing characters, you get all new designs, all new toys, an all new mythology. It's a lot of work.
It's why it'll never happen.
Posted by blackeyedprime on December 16th, 2023 @ 11:15am CST
Then maybe since they did the bumblebee/prime mask things...a Titan sized Beast machines megatron head that you can actually wear and maybe a wearable unicron head too that just forms into a playset/scenes from the movie.
Posted by Nemesis Destron on February 13th, 2024 @ 10:48am CST

Posted by o.supreme on February 13th, 2024 @ 11:42am CST
Posted by Sabrblade on February 13th, 2024 @ 12:09pm CST
What upcoming Fort Max?Nemesis Destron wrote:Hey crew, so how many more accessories is the upcoming Fort Max to have over the previous release?

Posted by o.supreme on February 13th, 2024 @ 2:08pm CST
Sabrblade wrote:What upcoming Fort Max?Nemesis Destron wrote:Hey crew, so how many more accessories is the upcoming Fort Max to have over the previous release?
I assumed he was talking about the reissue of the 2016 TR Titan Fortress Maximus. I think it was supposed to be released this month, but was pushed back to the Summer. As far as I'm aware, its exactly the same as the 2016 release. Other reissued Titans have been exactly the same, there's no reason to indicate as afar as I know, this one would be different. ... ss-maximus ... /32707?o=4
Posted by blackeyedprime on February 13th, 2024 @ 2:16pm CST
Posted by Sabrblade on February 13th, 2024 @ 2:25pm CST
Sweet! Then I'll actually have room to fit it in my collection!blackeyedprime wrote:Biggest difference is it will be a core class sized figure at titan price

Posted by Emerje on February 13th, 2024 @ 8:29pm CST
o.supreme wrote:I was under the impression, it was exactly the same? Which surprises me in that, I know they don't like to include electronics in TF's any more because of the expense, and propensity to break down. I thought they may have removed them, but not so far as I am aware.
It's a 2016 figure at 2024 prices so they aren't really losing anything by keeping the electronics. At this point the mold has been used so many times it's already been long paid for so this is really one of those releases that are largely profit.
Posted by #1 Signal Lancer fan on February 14th, 2024 @ 8:12am CST
- Primus
G1 Broadside
Energon Omega Supreme
Energon Tidal Wave repaint
IDW Tidal Whale
IDW Necrotitan
IDW D-Void
Cybertron Starscream
Energon Unicron repaint
Animated Omega Supreme
Animated Lugnut Supreme
Prime Unicron
I'm sure I've missed some other great candidates here
Posted by o.supreme on February 14th, 2024 @ 9:24am CST
#1 Signal Lancer fan wrote:I'm sure I've missed some other great candidates here
See my Signature

Posted by Nemesis Destron on February 26th, 2024 @ 12:29pm CST
o.supreme wrote:#1 Signal Lancer fan wrote:I'm sure I've missed some other great candidates here
See my Signature
Holy crap to get either Road Caesar or Metrotitan...c'mon with it HasLab!!!!

Posted by JoeBot83 on March 2nd, 2024 @ 3:38am CST
Posted by o.supreme on June 14th, 2024 @ 10:17am CDT
I'm not really interested in Tidal Wave as a character, but owning every Titan so far now might be some sort of subconscious burden. However space is becoming an issue. Also there's the perplexing omission that the Base Mode has no AIRLOCK connectors, which is odd. I cant understand The design teams reasoning...
2021 - The ARK - Has no ability to connect with any other Titans, but this makes sense as it is an independent space ship with no base mode.
2022 - Cybertron Metroplex - Also has no Base mode, but they threw in AIRLOCK connectors just for the heck of it.
2023 - The Nemesis (same, - No Base Mode but threw in AIRLOCK connectors to simulate the Boarding Schutte scene from the first episode, however the ARK itself doesn't have this feature

2024 - Tidal Wave - Has a Base mode but no AIRLOCK connectors

despite these small misgivings, I hope that everyone who wants Tidal wave gets it, and enjoys it. I'm going to again gamble on this one. I'm going to say that if it goes on deep discount, Ill get it. If not, then so be it.
I waited on Cybertron Metroplex for about 6 months, and it served me well. Even now, two years later its still available for almost half price. However I got the Nemesis right away , and I'm glad I did, since it never went on discount. Tidal wave could go either way. Since he is not an Original Series character, there will be less popularity, but probably more so than for Cybertron Metroplex. However villain characters seem to be produced in smaller quantities, so this could be the same for Tidal Wave leading to it selling out relatively soon. I guess we'll wait and see.
Posted by Rodimus Prime on June 14th, 2024 @ 2:33pm CDT
Now if Hasbro does me dirty and releases a new deco in Selects like they did Black Zarak, I'll... Just buy that one too I guess.

Posted by o.supreme on June 14th, 2024 @ 2:45pm CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:Now if Hasbro does me dirty and releases a new deco in Selects like they did Black Zarak, I'll... Just buy that one too I guess.
I think many who are a fan of that PS2 Armada game are counting on it (I'm personally much more of a fan of Transformers Tataki, which came out a year earlier, but only in Japan

The only question is, will they do the straight Green deco from Armada, or add the Lightning effects from Energon? -I seriously doubt we'd ever get a 3rd version of TW. Although they could go the UK/ Toy Galvatron route....
They could have a Selects Green Tidal Wave, and add Lightning Effects stickers as an option.

Posted by Rodimus Prime on June 14th, 2024 @ 5:49pm CDT
Wasn't it called Takatai? And weren't the graphics utterly atrocious? I remember wanting to play it because Geewun, but then I saw gameplay videos online and got over it quickly.o.supreme wrote:Rodimus Prime wrote:Now if Hasbro does me dirty and releases a new deco in Selects like they did Black Zarak, I'll... Just buy that one too I guess.
I think many who are a fan of that PS2 Armada game are counting on it (I'm personally much more of a fan of Transformers Tataki, which came out a year earlier, but only in Japan)
Well the game deco and toy deco are the same, aren't they? Energon Tidal Wave is colored totally differently than Armada, not even stickers would help.The only question is, will they do the straight Green deco from Armada, or add the Lightning effects from Energon? -I seriously doubt we'd ever get a 3rd version of TW. Although they could go the UK/ Toy Galvatron route...
Posted by Glyph on June 14th, 2024 @ 6:42pm CDT
Tatakai, as in "Battle" / "Fight".Rodimus Prime wrote:Wasn't it called Takatai?o.supreme wrote:I'm personally much more of a fan of Transformers Tataki
Look, sometimes I have to try to live up to my avatar.
Posted by o.supreme on June 15th, 2024 @ 9:05am CDT

As for those games, Yeah, not a lot of people liked the Japanese PS2 games, but I think few actually played it, just looked at videos online. But I had modded my PS2 to play Super Robot Wars games, and getting "Fight the Future" was like an amazing dream come true, being able to play as dozens of OG series characters (there was 2 full play-thoughs as Bots or Cons), repetition, challenging controls, and laughable voice acting aside. I just found Armada to be boring, and random, didn't know where to go or what to do most of the time. I think I used game shark cheat codes to skip to the final battle with Unicron once and called it a day. The game is still in my garage somewhere after 20 years. Admittedly I haven't played the Japanese game either in a long time, but I know I logged many , MANY hours unlocking every character. I mean for all its flaws, the fact that they jammed over 100 characters in that game (38 of which were playable) was impressive. Devastation was a far superior modern game, but it definitely needed a sequel to make the number characters you encounter more robust. A shame that will never happen.
Posted by Sabrblade on June 15th, 2024 @ 8:15pm CDT
It's just "Transformers" (トランスフォーマー). No subtitle.Glyph wrote:Tatakai, as in "Battle" / "Fight".Rodimus Prime wrote:Wasn't it called Takatai?o.supreme wrote:I'm personally much more of a fan of Transformers Tataki
Look, sometimes I have to try to live up to my avatar.

Posted by Rodimus Prime on June 16th, 2024 @ 1:00am CDT
I used to have both of those, I displayed them with their arms swapped. The lighter gray looked better on Energon Wave and the darker matched with Armada Wave.o.supreme wrote: