TFCC 2013 Membership Incentive Depthcharge Image
Tuesday, February 19th, 2013 3:32PM CST
Categories: Toy News, Collector's Club NewsPosted by: El Duque Views: 26,225
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Here is DEPTHCHARGE - the Transformers Collectors' Club FREE Membership Incentive Figure for 2013! This figure will be sent to any Transformers Collectors’ Club member whose membership is active by March 16, 2013. Depthcharge will come with his weapon and an exclusive Tech Spec. Members can expect to receive this figure, with all his accessories, in late spring/early summer.
If you join after the March 16th deadline, you will be eligible for the 2014 figure. All previous Membership Incentive figures are SOLD OUT, so you won't want to delay.
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Posted by GuyIncognito on February 19th, 2013 @ 3:41pm CST

Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on February 19th, 2013 @ 3:45pm CST
Posted by GuyIncognito on February 19th, 2013 @ 3:48pm CST
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:I think he looks rather decent. The weapon could use some paint on the teeth, but I won't complain.
Perhaps, but I'm not willing to pay $40 for a "decent" Deluxe figure, are you?
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on February 19th, 2013 @ 3:56pm CST
GuyIncognito wrote:JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:I think he looks rather decent. The weapon could use some paint on the teeth, but I won't complain.
Perhaps, but I'm not willing to pay $40 for a "decent" Deluxe figure, are you?
I am actually, for TakaraTomy figures

Posted by Nemesis Maximo on February 19th, 2013 @ 4:15pm CST
Too bad the Transmetals had serious paint dandruff. Otherwise they might've given him some gold.
Still think it fits Depth Charge. And that's good, because he was one of the coolest Beast Warriors.
Posted by Mkall on February 19th, 2013 @ 4:17pm CST
Posted by zonkers on February 19th, 2013 @ 6:21pm CST

Posted by STngAR on February 19th, 2013 @ 6:43pm CST
zonkers wrote:i give up on transformers collectors club... this G2-inspired color schemes the last couple years are just so ugly... maybe if that were what i cut my transforming teeth on, it might be different, but they're just not for me...
G2 inspired?
Depthcharge is one of my favorite Beast Wars characters. Cant wait to get my hands on it.

Posted by zonkers on February 19th, 2013 @ 6:49pm CST
G2 inspired?
i do mean the technicolor-yawn color scheme.. i realize depthcharge is a beast wars character, but these colors still seem in line with the g2 theme, to me-- bright, overly-contrasty, garish... only semi-related, but i never cared for the beast sagas, either...
edit-- of course, these are only my personal tastes, i begrudge no one if they like this figure... i only just wanted to say out loud, for this collector, i am not motivated to pursue tfcc figs any more

Posted by Blurrz on February 19th, 2013 @ 7:04pm CST
zonkers wrote:G2 inspired?
i do mean the technicolor-yawn color scheme.. i realize depthcharge is a beast wars character, but these colors still seem in line with the g2 theme, to me-- bright, overly-contrasty, garish... only semi-related, but i never cared for the beast sagas, either...
This is really more in line with the '06 set than anything G2 really. Albeit 7 years too late. By your descriptions figures such as Grapple and Hot Spot are G2 - The actual figure is going to be much less vibrant than the photo suggests, I'm sure.
Posted by craggy on February 19th, 2013 @ 7:31pm CST
Posted by zonkers on February 19th, 2013 @ 8:24pm CST
Blurrz wrote:This is really more in line with the '06 set than anything G2 really. Albeit 7 years too late. By your descriptions figures such as Grapple and Hot Spot are G2 - The actual figure is going to be much less vibrant than the photo suggests, I'm sure.

but this depthcharge just strikes me as so 'busy', color-wise... its like everything is competing to be the primary (main) color... i think the blue is very primary (RGB-wise), the yellow doesn't strike me as 'gold', & also appears very primary, & then the pink (too light for magenta? i don't get the impression of purple) is a real turn off... i understand what you're saying about the pic making it look too vibrant, but i still have to say, based on this pic, i'm not motivated to stay a tfcc member... i've been turned off by all the tfcc g2 reprisals, & to me, this fig is not any kind of a departure... the only one of their g2-inspired repaints i acquired was punch-counterpunch, & even on him, the lavender & neon green on the tail, as well as the red trim on the wheels, all lend to this 'busy' feel... thankfully on him those are all relatively minor touches...
i think it goes for most of us that we are most attached to the characters we grew up with... i was a g1 kid... maybe if i grew up with the beast sagas, i'd feel differently...
Posted by Manterax Prime on February 19th, 2013 @ 8:31pm CST
Posted by MGrotusque on February 19th, 2013 @ 8:32pm CST
Won't get it but i like it.
Posted by zonkers on February 19th, 2013 @ 8:38pm CST
Manterax Prime wrote:TFCC can say Depth Charge all they want, but any fan of Beast Wars/Machines and RID who knows their bots will look at this and say "Sky-byte"
actually, that was my 1st guess before i read the name

Posted by Rated X on February 19th, 2013 @ 10:23pm CST
Posted by triKlops on February 19th, 2013 @ 11:15pm CST
love that mold and the color scheme pops
fills the temporary DCharge space in my collection until i get a BWars fig
Posted by King Kuuga on February 20th, 2013 @ 4:30am CST
Rated X wrote:I only renewed for the Botcon discount. I guess he will join TFCC Airazor, DOTM Quickstrike, and PE Black Arachnia in my "Beast Wars never Happened" Cybertronian shelf. Hasbro alligns continuities, but I erase them and incorporate their characters into G1.
Beast Wars is part of G1. So you're taking G1 characters and putting them....back into G1.

Or if we see DOTM Quickstrike and PE whatever they're calling the Blackarachnia bike as being from actual separate continuities, aren't you just aligning everything under G1, IE the same thing you lambast Hasbro for doing under a different banner? Your collection is yours to do with as you please, certainly, but what I recall of your explanations always seem to ride on false reasoning.
Well, this guy is okay. It's not my Depthcharge that I grew up with (and whose toy I never actually owned, I only had Rampage), but it's a cool-looking fig. I'd probably spring for an actual Transmetal Depth Charge on eBay, though, if I were in the market. Pre-Earth Beast Warriors don't really strike my fancy, and this one just doesn't seem right. His name is Depthcharge, after all, he should be a submarine or something.
Posted by Rated X on February 20th, 2013 @ 8:12am CST
That Bot wrote:Rated X wrote:I only renewed for the Botcon discount. I guess he will join TFCC Airazor, DOTM Quickstrike, and PE Black Arachnia in my "Beast Wars never Happened" Cybertronian shelf. Hasbro alligns continuities, but I erase them and incorporate their characters into G1.
Beast Wars is part of G1. So you're taking G1 characters and putting them....back into G1.
Or if we see DOTM Quickstrike and PE whatever they're calling the Blackarachnia bike as being from actual separate continuities, aren't you just aligning everything under G1, IE the same thing you lambast Hasbro for doing under a different banner? Your collection is yours to do with as you please, certainly, but what I recall of your explanations always seem to ride on false reasoning.
Well, this guy is okay. It's not my Depthcharge that I grew up with (and whose toy I never actually owned, I only had Rampage), but it's a cool-looking fig. I'd probably spring for an actual Transmetal Depth Charge on eBay, though, if I were in the market. Pre-Earth Beast Warriors don't really strike my fancy, and this one just doesn't seem right. His name is Depthcharge, after all, he should be a submarine or something.
Beast Wars references to G1 are very vauge. Most notably you have the Ark back the age of the Dinosaurs before they awoke. No explanation is offered on why Megatron shares the name of his Predacessor, If Optimus Primal is related to the line of Primes after Ginrai, or why the Beast Wars robots are so small next to the ark robots if they came from the same "Cybertron". Did Cybertron shrink in it's 2nd golden era ? Then you have Starscreams ghost. (Even though Unicron gave Starscream his body back in G1 and wasnt a ghost anymore) I only watched the series once and cant remember any other vauge refrences to G1. To me it seems like the writers wrote G1 into the story later on in the series to appease G1 fans who wernt buying into the beast era. But it doesnr seem to be something they intended to do from the beginning in my honest opinion.
On my collection, Anything from another continuity automatically becomes "Ancient Cybertronian" from G1. You got a whole planet full of unseen robots and who's to say the G1 episodes covered all their stories and sagas. I keep thinking about the G1 movie scene where Unicron attacked Cybertron and Shockwave said "Were under attack, Decepticons scramble !" Out comes thousands of generic Decepticons who can easily be represented by figures from other continuities that look Cybertronian. Same is to be said with generic Autobots on the episode where the Aerialbots travel back in time or when the Quints controlled Cybertron leading up to the great wars. Like I said, I just erased the other continuities and re-purposed the figures as generic G1 characters. Unlike Hasbro, I didnt allign anything.

Posted by Kibble on February 20th, 2013 @ 10:05am CST
Posted by King Kuuga on February 20th, 2013 @ 12:41pm CST
Rated X wrote:No explanation is offered on why Megatron shares the name of his Predacessor,
He chose it deliberately.
If Optimus Primal is related to the line of Primes after Ginrai,
He's not. He's a random Cybertronian who chose the name as a tribute to the great Autobot leader, similar to what Megatron did. From a toy standpoint, before the show, the BW characters were meant to be the original Optimus Prime and Megatron, hence the names.
or why the Beast Wars robots are so small next to the ark robots if they came from the same "Cybertron". Did Cybertron shrink in it's 2nd golden era ?
I don't remember if this is explained in the show or supplementary media, but there was a great reformation where all Cybertronians upgraded to smaller, more efficient bodies.
Then you have Starscreams ghost. (Even though Unicron gave Starscream his body back in G1 and wasnt a ghost anymore)
Honestly I don't remember this at all, so I can't provide any input.
I only watched the series once and cant remember any other vauge refrences to G1. To me it seems like the writers wrote G1 into the story later on in the series to appease G1 fans who wernt buying into the beast era. But it doesnr seem to be something they intended to do from the beginning in my honest opinion.
The writers were initially on the fence about whether to set Beast Wars on Earth or not, and they eventually settled on it being Earth at the end of the first season. Large and small references to the G1 cartoon were there from the beginning, and any question of whether it was in the G1 timeline was settled in Beast Machines.
Like I said, I just erased the other continuities and re-purposed the figures as generic G1 characters. Unlike Hasbro, I didnt allign anything.
To be technical, Hasbro didn't align previous continuities. They took ideas from old ones and made a new one to hold all new properties. It's not like G1 Optimus Prime is running around with AEC Hot Shot and Movie Ironhide. On the flip side, that's basically exactly what you're doing. Even if you pretend the figures are unseen G1 characters, they're still technically from other universes. So by erasing the other continuities and putting their characters in G1 (even if you make them into new G1 characters), you're doing more aligning than Hasbro.

I don't want to dwell on this too much, because it's not the point of the topic. I just wanted to address some of your points. Obviously, you're free to do as you want with your collection.
Posted by Rated X on February 20th, 2013 @ 1:44pm CST
That Bot wrote:Rated X wrote:Then you have Starscreams ghost. (Even though Unicron gave Starscream his body back in G1 and wasnt a ghost anymore)
Honestly I don't remember this at all, so I can't provide any input.
Season 3 Episode 15 Ghost in the Machine
I guess we have a different opinion on what alligning means, but that cool.

Posted by RiddlerJ on February 20th, 2013 @ 2:00pm CST
zonkers wrote:Manterax Prime wrote:TFCC can say Depth Charge all they want, but any fan of Beast Wars/Machines and RID who knows their bots will look at this and say "Sky-byte"
actually, that was my 1st guess before i read the name
But they already did Sky-Byte.
Posted by Arctorro on February 20th, 2013 @ 8:31pm CST
Rated X wrote:Most notably you have the Ark back the age of the Dinosaurs before they awoke.
Ummm... BW had nothing to do with the Dinosaur time period. All "dinoformers" in the show scanned fossils that were in the ground.
Rated X wrote:No explanation is offered on why Megatron shares the name of his Predacessor,
It is stated that BW Megs "took his name" from the original Megs.
Rated X wrote:If Optimus Primal is related to the line of Primes after Ginrai,
BW Optimus mentions being a descendent of Optimus Prime, but that might've been in BM, can't remember for sure.
Rated X wrote:Then you have Starscreams ghost. (Even though Unicron gave Starscream his body back in G1 and wasnt a ghost anymore)
And then SS body was badly damaged and wasn't he last seen drifting off through space? I always believed that he was killed again.
Rated X wrote:I only watched the series once and cant remember any other vauge refrences to G1. To me it seems like the writers wrote G1 into the story later on in the series to appease G1 fans who wernt buying into the beast era. But it doesnr seem to be something they intended to do from the beginning in my honest opinion.
That Bot wrote:The writers were initially on the fence about whether to set Beast Wars on Earth or not, and they eventually settled on it being Earth at the end of the first season. Large and small references to the G1 cartoon were there from the beginning, and any question of whether it was in the G1 timeline was settled in Beast Machines.
It was Hasbro that was on the fence. The writers basically made it Earth and added a second moon just in case Has wanted it to be an alien planet. They admit that they didn't know much about G1 when they started but continued to add little bits here and there as they went.
Posted by KNM2012 on February 21st, 2013 @ 12:24am CST

As with the talks of the Beast Era being part of the Generation One continuity, that is pretty much like the role of Deputy Supreme Commander. Let me explain - In the original Takara (read: Cybertron v. Destron) continuity, the two known characters to hold this role were Ultra Magnus (Transformers: The Movie, Kiss Players) and Sky Garry (Battlestars). And the main purpose of their role was to hold the position until a proper successor comes along. Which means that since Takara had never appointed Metalhawk this position in the animated continuity of Masterforce, he was also given the position of Deputy Supreme Commander (as he was able to appoint the rank of Supreme Commander to Ginrai). So pretty much, that is what Hasbro's version of the Beast Era is - The Deputy Supreme Commander. As in overlooked, underused, and not sure it does exist by some.
Point being is that the writers did connect Beast Wars to Generation One. Atop of Optimus Prime, Megatron, and their crew being there, Rattrap did point out that Arcee was his multi-great-aunt. Plus, everything else people have already said. But for me, I would prefer following the Takara version. On account that its continuity is etched into G1 history, which includes Robot Masters. That, and Convoy ended up not becoming just a name... But a rank as well. But that is for a different topic.

Posted by Sabrblade on February 21st, 2013 @ 3:12am CST
Like others said, the dinos were already dead. Megatron, Dinobot, and Terrorsaur scanned fossils.Rated X wrote:Beast Wars references to G1 are very vauge. Most notably you have the Ark back the age of the Dinosaurs before they awoke.
He took it form the Covenant of Primus, naming himself after the great conqueror named "Megatron" as described within its datatracks.Rated X wrote:No explanation is offered on why Megatron shares the name of his Predacessor,
1. Primal was named after Prime.Rated X wrote:If Optimus Primal is related to the line of Primes after Ginrai,
2. Ginrai is not a Prime.
3. Ginrai is Japanese continuity. He doesn't exist in any American continuity. And since you so blatantly treat the G1 cartoon as Numero Uno, G1 cartoon Optimus Prime became a Powermaster at some point after "The Rebirth", further illustrating Ginrai's lack of existence there.
They explicitly referred to the "Great Upgrade" as being an energy conservation measure in the conversion from Autobot to Maximal. Iacon was abandoned and new cities like Cybertropolis were built higher up on the planet's surface.Rated X wrote:or why the Beast Wars robots are so small next to the ark robots if they came from the same "Cybertron". Did Cybertron shrink in it's 2nd golden era ?
Some postulate that Starscream made his BW appearance chronologically prior to his two G1 ghost episodes, between TF: The Movie and "Starscream's Ghost".Rated X wrote:Then you have Starscreams ghost. (Even though Unicron gave Starscream his body back in G1 and wasnt a ghost anymore)
Rated X wrote:I only watched the series once and cant remember any other vauge refrences to G1.
- Ravage
- Galvatron
- Teletraan I
- Primus
- Unicron
- Shrapnel
- The Hate Plague
- Arcee
- Crystal City
- Constructicon
- "You Optimuses do enjoy sacrificing yourselves"
- Silverbolt's naming himself reflecting how G1 Silverbolt named himself
- The Matrix
- "Where all are one"
- G1 Megatron's message
- All the Autobots and Decepticons inside the Ark
- "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings"
- "Transform and roll out"
- Subgrid Zarak
- The Nemesis
Regardless, the final product trumps authorial intent.Rated X wrote:To me it seems like the writers wrote G1 into the story later on in the series to appease G1 fans who wernt buying into the beast era. But it doesnr seem to be something they intended to do from the beginning in my honest opinion.
So you took pieces of other continuities to suit your own continuity, and then discarded the rest of the other continuities that you didn't need, yes? Well, that's exactly what Hasbro's done with the Aligned Continuity. They "aligned" bits and pieces, elements of existing continuities, while discarding the stuff that they didn't need, to make their Aligned continuity. What you've done only differs in specifics, but the concept itself is identical.Rated X wrote:Like I said, I just erased the other continuities and re-purposed the figures as generic G1 characters. Unlike Hasbro, I didnt allign anything.
Posted by Henry921 on February 21st, 2013 @ 5:11am CST
But I do want to keep reading Beast Wars: Shattered Glass, so I am going to subscribe...
Posted by KNM2012 on February 21st, 2013 @ 5:47am CST
Sabrblade wrote:1. Primal was named after Prime.Rated X wrote:If Optimus Primal is related to the line of Primes after Ginrai,
2. Ginrai is not a Prime.
3. Ginrai is Japanese continuity. He doesn't exist in any American continuity. And since you so blatantly treat the G1 cartoon as Numero Uno, G1 cartoon Optimus Prime became a Powermaster at some point after "The Rebirth", further illustrating Ginrai's lack of existence there.
Correcting you right there.
1) Toy bio says that Optimus Primal is Optimus Prime. But this being the cartoon chat, you are right even though it is not confirmed if he chose the name "Optimus" or was simply given the name. Because in Japanese continuity, he was given it... As it is both a name and a rank within the Cybertron faction.

2) Technically both correct and incorrect. Incorrect because the body used was meant for Convoy and the manga hinted at the notion that he might have been the reincarnation of Convoy. Correct because Ginrai Convoy sounds like a Japanese country music singer name, not a Transformer.

3) 100% incorrect. When Hasbro established "Commemorative Series II" Powermaster Optimus Prime (with Apex Armor), they established that Ginrai was his Nebulan partner. TFwiki, however, says Hi-Q. But both Shmax and Wikipedia says Ginrai. So while it was Hi-Q in the Marvel continuity, and unknown in the post-Rebirth continuity, the name Ginrai has been established within the toy portion of the continuity.

Now that is settled... Do you think I should establish "Alternity" Dai Atlas as an "Exclusive" (because his role prior to joining the Alternity is unknown) or have him be a "G1-based Supreme Commander" (despite what I just established)? And please note that I only have three categories, and the third is "Manga."

Posted by KNM2012 on February 21st, 2013 @ 5:52am CST
Henry921 wrote:I may wait until after the deadline and just roll the dice on the 2014 figure. Not impressed with this one.
But I do want to keep reading Beast Wars: Shattered Glass, so I am going to subscribe...
Tell me how it turns out. Because after the lackluster feeling I got with ReGeneration One, and the fact that I picked up the other two series just out of curiosity... I figured that I will be $40 more curious before spending that and another $80 on more Transformers related stuff.

But honestly... I am expecting this to be their best story yet.

Posted by Flux Convoy on February 21st, 2013 @ 6:45am CST

Posted by Sabrblade on February 21st, 2013 @ 10:39am CST
The original toy bios were written before the show was conceived and have nothing to do with the show. The show changed several things from how the toy bios were written, and thus the original toy bios are not canon to the cartoon.KUMA-NIN Maximus wrote:Correcting you right there.
1) Toy bio says that Optimus Primal is Optimus Prime. But this being the cartoon chat, you are right even though it is not confirmed if he chose the name "Optimus" or was simply given the name. Because in Japanese continuity, he was given it... As it is both a name and a rank within the Cybertron faction.![]()
Also, I wasn't talking about the Japanese continuity at all in this point, so it's needless to bring it up in this point.
Not all Primes are Convoys and not all Convoys are Primes. And Ginrai was never given the title of "Convoy" despite his being given the Supreme Commander rank. No Supreme Commander after Rodimus Convoy (aside from Convoy himself after resurrection) got the title in the G1 era.KUMA-NIN Maximus wrote:2) Technically both correct and incorrect. Incorrect because the body used was meant for Convoy and the manga hinted at the notion that he might have been the reincarnation of Convoy. Correct because Ginrai Convoy sounds like a Japanese country music singer name, not a Transformer.![]()
When I said "Ginrai doesn't exist", I meant specifically the human trucker-turned-Godmaster character, who has never appeared in any American fiction.KUMA-NIN Maximus wrote:3) 100% incorrect. When Hasbro established "Commemorative Series II" Powermaster Optimus Prime (with Apex Armor), they established that Ginrai was his Nebulan partner. TFwiki, however, says Hi-Q. But both Shmax and Wikipedia says Ginrai. So while it was Hi-Q in the Marvel continuity, and unknown in the post-Rebirth continuity, the name Ginrai has been established within the toy portion of the continuity.![]()
The "Ginrai" you're thinking of is the Nebulan scientist Hi-Q. The reason his Commerative Series II toy was named "Ginrai" was because, at the time, Dreamwave had given Hi-Q that name in their "More Than Meets the Eye" profile books. Hi-Q is simply named "Ginrai" in the Dreamwave continuity, but he is not the same guy as the Masterforce character and I was speaking of "Ginrai the character" not "Ginrai the name".
Posted by GuyIncognito on February 21st, 2013 @ 1:10pm CST
Posted by KNM2012 on February 21st, 2013 @ 6:10pm CST
Sabrblade wrote:The original toy bios were written before the show was conceived and have nothing to do with the show. The show changed several things from how the toy bios were written, and thus the original toy bios are not canon to the cartoon.
However, your own words is that "Prime is named after Prime" and not "Optimus either was named after, or chosen the name of, Optimus. And that he only obtained the name "Prime" when he allowed his spark to merge with Optimus' spark." And that both the name and reason behind their chance meeting was said to be tied to the original Optimus Primal's bio. Something, while not obviously cartoon canon, does help further validate the point you were trying to make.

So yeah... You can say whatever you want, it is not the complete fact.

Sabrblade wrote:Also, I wasn't talking about the Japanese continuity at all in this point, so it's needless to bring it up in this point.
Let me make this clear - I don't care. Why? Because this subject was brought up in Robot Masters. As in further proof that you are correct, and even Takara treated both series as part of the same timeline/continuity.

Sabrblade wrote:Not all Primes are Convoys and not all Convoys are Primes. And Ginrai was never given the title of "Convoy" despite his being given the Supreme Commander rank. No Supreme Commander after Rodimus Convoy (aside from Convoy himself after resurrection) got the title in the G1 era.
Really. You mean the fact that I have a complete listing of every Supreme Commander, Convoy, and Prime on my laptop means that I do not know that? Oh wait... You made a huge error in your response! Because all knowledgeable fans know that the use of "Convoy" was not a title or rank until the beginning of Takara's Beast Era. The use of Convoy in Takara's fiction was due to the fusion of Hot Rodimus and Convoy. This was based on the fact that Hasbro fused the two characters with the use of the Matrix, hence why he went from being Hot Rod to Rodimus Prime.
Sabrblade wrote:The "Ginrai" you're thinking of is the Nebulan scientist Hi-Q. The reason his Commerative Series II toy was named "Ginrai" was because, at the time, Dreamwave had given Hi-Q that name in their "More Than Meets the Eye" profile books. Hi-Q is simply named "Ginrai" in the Dreamwave continuity, but he is not the same guy as the Masterforce character and I was speaking of "Ginrai the character" not "Ginrai the name".
And when it comes to Hasbro, IDW, and the copyright laws, you are wrong on both accounts. My point is valid, as it is based on whatever and however the hell Hasbro treats both Ginrai and Hi-Q. And seeing how they no longer seem to consider DW's work valid... You can say whatever you like, but it does not mean that it is the final say.

Now with you being corrected, I am hoping to hear from those who can stay on this topic, as I am more interested in those who like the figure... Not those who need to put their pride before the topic (ala 2012).

Posted by Sabrblade on February 21st, 2013 @ 6:38pm CST
I was talking about the show character and nothing else. Cartoon Optimus Primal as a character was named after G1 Optimus Prime. That's all I was saying.KUMA-NIN Maximus wrote:However, your own words is that "Prime is named after Prime" and not "Optimus either was named after, or chosen the name of, Optimus. And that he only obtained the name "Prime" when he allowed his spark to merge with Optimus' spark." And that both the name and reason behind their chance meeting was said to be tied to the original Optimus Primal's bio. Something, while not obviously cartoon canon, does help further validate the point you were trying to make.![]()
So yeah... You can say whatever you want, it is not the complete fact.![]()
Robot Masters? Why bring that up when that wasn't related to what I was talking about?KUMA-NIN Maximus wrote:Let me make this clear - I don't care. Why? Because this subject was brought up in Robot Masters. As in further proof that you are correct, and even Takara treated both series as part of the same timeline/continuity.![]()
In the case of Ginrai, however, he wasn't a Convoy. He was a Supreme Commander, but not a Convoy. That's all I was saying.KUMA-NIN Maximus wrote:Really. You mean the fact that I have a complete listing of every Supreme Commander, Convoy, and Prime on my laptop means that I do not know that? Oh wait... You made a huge error in your response! Because all knowledgeable fans know that the use of "Convoy" was not a title or rank until the beginning of Takara's Beast Era. The use of Convoy in Takara's fiction was due to the fusion of Hot Rodimus and Convoy. This was based on the fact that Hasbro fused the two characters with the use of the Matrix, hence why he went from being Hot Rod to Rodimus Prime.
The Dreamwave stuff still existed. It's not like it was just erased from reality. IDW even reprinted the "More Than Meets the Eye" books in trade form, in which Hi-Q is named Ginrai and is a different guy from the Ginrai I was talking about.KUMA-NIN Maximus wrote:And when it comes to Hasbro, IDW, and the copyright laws, you are wrong on both accounts. My point is valid, as it is based on whatever and however the hell Hasbro treats both Ginrai and Hi-Q. And seeing how they no longer seem to consider DW's work valid... You can say whatever you like, but it does not mean that it is the final say.![]()
In other words, there are TWO guys named "Ginrai" in the multiverse. One's a Godmaster (the guy I was taling about), and the other's a version of Hi-Q. The former is the one who doesn't exist in American fiction, and that's all I was saying.
Oh right, yeah, there's Depth Charge.KUMA-NIN Maximus wrote:Now with you being corrected, I am hoping to hear from those who can stay on this topic, as I am more interested in those who like the figure... Not those who need to put their pride before the topic (ala 2012).
Depth Charge... GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME! *grabby hands* Oh yeah, I want it!

Posted by KNM2012 on February 23rd, 2013 @ 12:34am CST

1) I was giving you a hard time. However, you do need to tone down the "human encyclopedia" aspect as it makes you come off as Longrack. As you put too much emphasis on what you feel is the valid truth. Tone it down, and listen to others. Because in the end, you can either be the "helpful guy to new fans" or the "prideful member who can go too far." Past experience, dude. So just ease up and enjoy what others tell you.
2) Remember that dismissing people will have them dismiss you. We admire your passion for the franchise, but you need to allow yourself to be educated on the things others know. Because you may actually learn something you did not realize was there until you hear it from another. (Trust me, this is how I became a published writer.)
3) Eat a Snickers. You aren't you when you are hungry, and you come off as the type of person who should write down your own insight in either a blog or in some other style. I used to do it last year until things got messy here. But I am going back to doing that in hopes of getting some work within the franchise with TOMY.
Oh... And while you are enjoying the chance to get Depthcharge, feel free to realize that I was giving you a hard time... And that I came to this site for fun, not stress.

Posted by Burn on February 23rd, 2013 @ 12:55am CST
KUMA-NIN Maximus wrote:1) I was giving you a hard time. However, you do need to tone down the "human encyclopedia" aspect as it makes you come off as Longrack. As you put too much emphasis on what you feel is the valid truth. Tone it down, and listen to others. Because in the end, you can either be the "helpful guy to new fans" or the "prideful member who can go too far." Past experience, dude. So just ease up and enjoy what others tell you.
2) Remember that dismissing people will have them dismiss you. We admire your passion for the franchise, but you need to allow yourself to be educated on the things others know. Because you may actually learn something you did not realize was there until you hear it from another. (Trust me, this is how I became a published writer.)
3) Eat a Snickers. You aren't you when you are hungry, and you come off as the type of person who should write down your own insight in either a blog or in some other style. I used to do it last year until things got messy here. But I am going back to doing that in hopes of getting some work within the franchise with TOMY.
I'd just like to say one thing here.
Pot .. kettle .. black.

Oh... And while you are enjoying the chance to get Depthcharge, feel free to realize that I was giving you a hard time... And that I came to this site for fun, not stress.That, and I am passing this piece because I think I know what may be in store for Generations 2013, and hope for an ALL SPARK toyline.
Oh hey, thanks for mentioning Depthcharge. Great way to get the topic back on track.

I'll also let the whole "giving Sabreblade a hard time" being taken as baiting slide ... this time.
Posted by KNM2012 on February 23rd, 2013 @ 4:53am CST
Burn wrote:I'd just like to say one thing here.
Pot .. kettle .. black.
Burn? Seeing how the follow-up response does not have me think you said that as a compliment, so let me point out that despite my past issues with him and one other dragging me into arguments that have disrupted my life (and the last one having you ignore my pleas not to go through it again)... I see Sabrblade having the same publication-enriched future that I had. The only difference being that if he sought it out, and eased up on the "human encyclopedia" aspect in favor of just knowing his potential friends... He can become the next Hydra.
So let me say this as both a former moderator and as a person who uses Buddhism as a means to dispel his PTSD: "A man who favors authority over friendship, is a man who dispels the chance to be their best."
As in the fact that when I told you that I am cooperative because of my own knowledge as a moderator, I meant it as a sign of friendship... Not to be dismissed because you don't have to. And I bet you that if you did, we would be talking as friends and everybody else here would follow your lead. In other words: You realize that I am bad at communication at times, relax around me, and trust me as both a friend and as a member. In return, you would find my promise of being easy to cooperate is factual, be there when you need my help, and become a better person because others followed started giving me excuses to talk to them as friends... And not tease Sabr because I see him as an ally (and failed because he too has no reason to know me better).

You guys can PM me if you want to know the real me. Because this is the last response here (period) as I have to email somebody I have not talked to ever since my minor accident. That, and I need to find that one link for Sabr, and finding something that long ago is not easy. And other stuff that none of you would be interested in. So...

Posted by Burn on February 23rd, 2013 @ 5:34am CST
That was a subtle way of saying to keep it on topic...
Posted by RhA on February 23rd, 2013 @ 5:41am CST
KUMA-NIN Maximus wrote:I see Sabrblade having the same publication-enriched future that I had. The only difference being that if he sought it out, and eased up on the "human encyclopedia" aspect in favor of just knowing his potential friends... He can become the next Hydra.
And lead us all into a bright, golden future in SPAAAACE. Could he obtain the matrix, because supreme commander, a Prime and a Convoy? Sabrebladimus Prime? If only! A dream is born!
Seriously,that's the best part of the best rant I've read in ages.
Also, Depth Charge isn't my cup of tea. Colors aside... He lacks bulk.
Posted by Bowspearer on February 23rd, 2013 @ 8:04am CST
Posted by Blurrz on February 23rd, 2013 @ 5:04pm CST
Posted by Sabrblade on February 25th, 2013 @ 1:52am CST

Burn wrote:I'd just like to say one thing here.
Pot .. kettle .. black.![]()

Ew.RhA wrote:Sabrebladimus Prime?
You kidding? This mold is perfect for him. That headsculpt just works so well for him, the trident calls back to his original toy's sword/javelin tail weapon, and the overall body shape matches the shape of Depth Charge's pre-Earth body.Bowspearer wrote:Poor mould choice for him imho. The robot mode has been made to work, but they really needed a mould which had an alt mode which either worked as a sub or as a spacecraft. This doesn't really work as either.
Not to mention that Depth Charge's pre-Earth model also showed up again in Beast Machines, recycled for someone on Botanica's ship and gave us a good look at its body build, which the Terradive mold meshes pretty well with (barring some minor differences like the wings and such).

As for the altmode difference, not sure why he'd need a sub altmode when Beast Machines showed no oceans on Cybertron. Or a spacecraft mode considering that he was an Imperial Peace Marshal and likely didn't leave the sector he protected--Colony Omicron--that much. Recall how, after his Transmetalization and altmode-scanning on Earth, Depth Charge was an aquatic warrior with an aerial-based feature. In this case, the Terradive mold portrays an aerial warrior with an aquatic-based feature. It's like a strange-yet-awesome case of complementary opposites that just makes this figure work.