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Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed

Transformers News: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed

Tuesday, February 14th, 2017 10:05PM CST

Categories: Toy News, Rumors
Posted by: william-james88   Views: 73,723

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It has been a long time we have heard anything regarding this year's version of the Combiner Wars boxsets like Victorion and the G2 combiners. The rumours are that we are getting two sets this year, with redecos of Titans Return molds with each set having a leader, voyager, 2-3 deluxes and a titan master. This is where Tidal Wave, Nautica, and the clones are supposed to show up. Their contents are still rumours, which will hopefully be confirmed this saturday, but their existence is now fact.

The first Titans Return gift set, the Speed Pack, has been found on a Toysrus computer. We even have the listing, price and code. The set is listed as EX-Generations SRS Pack 1 Speed. The Canadian SKU is 290858 and it is listed at 149.99 CAN, which is the same inflated over compensating exchange rate price the Combiner Wars boxsets. So this also confirms that these Titans Return sets will be the same price point as the Combiner Wars ones, at around $ 100 USD. The fact that this is listed at Pack 1 definitely hints to there being more packs, as rumoured. Do any of you have any idea as to what the SRS might mean? Are you ready for more redecos? Let us know in the comments!
Credit(s): novabeam10 on TFW2005 forums

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Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859604)
Posted by Nemesis Maximo on February 14th, 2017 @ 10:23pm CST
SRS probably stands for SERIES. Just throwin that out there.

And man, if this is the only way to get a hold of Tidal Wave and Nautica, i might be sad.
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859605)
Posted by Burn on February 14th, 2017 @ 10:24pm CST
SRS ... Serious ... Serious Speed ... Turbocharged Serious Speed ... TURBOMASTERS
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859606)
Posted by It Is Him on February 14th, 2017 @ 10:25pm CST
It's clearly just 10 versions of Blurr, in various stages of moving fast. Sold!
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859607)
Posted by Hellscream9999 on February 14th, 2017 @ 10:31pm CST
So, having messed around with hot rod for most of the day, I have to say that he'd be a perfect figure if it weren't for the idiotic grey arms on his titanmaster, had they been cast in red plastic and helped define his head a bit better he'd be without flaw in my eyes (which probably says something to someone)
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859609)
Posted by Cobotron on February 14th, 2017 @ 10:37pm CST
Hellscream9999 wrote:So, having messed around with hot rod for most of the day, I have to say that he'd be a perfect figure if it weren't for the idiotic grey arms on his titanmaster, had they been cast in red plastic and helped define his head a bit better he'd be without flaw in my eyes (which probably says something to someone)
YES! Especially about an Autobot.
You're right though about the TM's arms. Especially because of that sculpted circle that is continued on the arms. The arms should have been red.
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859610)
Posted by william-james88 on February 14th, 2017 @ 10:41pm CST
Nemesis Maximo wrote:And man, if this is the only way to get a hold of Tidal Wave and Nautica, i might be sad.

Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859611)
Posted by Hellscream9999 on February 14th, 2017 @ 10:49pm CST
Cobotron wrote:
Hellscream9999 wrote:So, having messed around with hot rod for most of the day, I have to say that he'd be a perfect figure if it weren't for the idiotic grey arms on his titanmaster, had they been cast in red plastic and helped define his head a bit better he'd be without flaw in my eyes (which probably says something to someone)
YES! Especially about an Autobot.
You're right though about the TM's arms. Especially because of that sculpted circle that is continued on the arms. The arms should have been red.

He reminds me of a cowboy for some reason; but yeah, the silver arms are just painfully bad to look at
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859613)
Posted by Hellscream9999 on February 14th, 2017 @ 10:51pm CST
william-james88 wrote:
Nemesis Maximo wrote:And man, if this is the only way to get a hold of Tidal Wave and Nautica, i might be sad.

Be very prepared :twisted:
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859618)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on February 14th, 2017 @ 10:57pm CST
Hellscream9999 wrote:Be very prepared :twisted:

Also be prepared for redecos and retools, no new molds. :twisted:

You already knew that? O... :oops:
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859619)
Posted by william-james88 on February 14th, 2017 @ 11:00pm CST
I like that Hot Rod but he isnt without his issues. he totally fails at an essential aspect many Hot Rods fall victim too, obstructing his glorious spoiler.

Hot Rod has been consistently shown as having his spoiler come over his back in a glorious fashion , framing his head which is the only thing that splits it. it gives him an awesome silouette. But for some damn reason, the modern toys always give him tall dumb looking arms, which look unnatural and restrict poseability.

Look at these shots, his spoiler is never obstructed by his arms or other bits aside from his head:



Getting good shots of G1 is not easy so here's this well made fan art which shows the main hot rod design as I like it:


It comes from the G1 toys which also had that notion that the spoiler shouldnt be obstructed:


By clearly showing the spoiler, you also get a nice mix of bright colours with the yellow purposefully clashing with the red.

And yet what do we get?

This failure


And these arms which compeltely hide out the spoiler


The new MP wasnt bad, but it has these odd red bits coming out of his giant back back which disrupts the silouette


At least this toy gives it the necessary clearance to invoke the framing device, and it looks great


So yeah, a decent toy, but there is definite gripe to be had for ruining a staple design.
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859620)
Posted by Hellscream9999 on February 14th, 2017 @ 11:04pm CST
william-james88 wrote:rants about a spoiler

And people say I'm nit-picky, guess this is just a boon from not giving two sh|ts about g1 or g1 accuracy. It looks like a piece could have been used to lift it up some, but I feel it wouldn't matter as his shoulders are massive...
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859622)
Posted by Sabrblade on February 14th, 2017 @ 11:11pm CST
william-james88 wrote:It comes from the G1 toys which also had that notion that the spoiler shouldnt be obstructed:
But, Hot Rod's cartoon model was designed by Floro Dery before it was turned into a toy design. Unlike most other G1 toys, the movie characters were designed "movie first, toy second" instead of "toy first, cartoon second".

william-james88 wrote:At least this toy gives it the necessary clearance to invoke the framing device, and it looks great

Only because the instructions for that toy neglect to mention one additional step for transforming the spoiler to let it rest lower behind the toy's collar (much more like on the cartoon model below) instead of behind its head as seen in that pic above.

Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859628)
Posted by RAR on February 14th, 2017 @ 11:38pm CST
Well my long chased after Optimus arrived to day - he's a bit hollow feeling and I do prefer Blaster but he's not shabby overall.


Anyhow speaking of Hotrod - and his head issues I notice Apex's arms (pardon the pun) has a circle on it like Hotrod's head so perhaps the arms could be swapped ?


Also Re: Hot Rod if you are having issues with the legs not tabbing in - the vehicle mode I figured out what the issue is - it's his knees causing the problem they need to be full 100% folded to allow the side to tab flush if you just casually fold the knees as they are a double joint that slight misalignment is enough to stop the side sitting flush.

I thought I'd mention it in case anyone else had that issue.
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859630)
Posted by Wolfman Jake on February 14th, 2017 @ 11:45pm CST
Hellscream9999 wrote:So, having messed around with hot rod for most of the day, I have to say that he'd be a perfect figure if it weren't for the idiotic grey arms on his titanmaster, had they been cast in red plastic and helped define his head a bit better he'd be without flaw in my eyes (which probably says something to someone)

I've got your solution, Hellscream. Get Titans return Chromedome (if you haven't already). Pop off the Titan Master Stylor's arms; they're jut on simple ball joints. Take Hot Rod's Titan Master Firebolt/Firedrive and do the same. Swap arms between them and reassemble. You are going to LOVE the results. The red plastic is almost a perfect match between Stylor and Hot Rod, and swapping in gray plastic on Stylor is hardly noticeable behind Chromdome's face anyway.
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859631)
Posted by Kurona on February 14th, 2017 @ 11:56pm CST
Wolfman Jake wrote:
Hellscream9999 wrote:So, having messed around with hot rod for most of the day, I have to say that he'd be a perfect figure if it weren't for the idiotic grey arms on his titanmaster, had they been cast in red plastic and helped define his head a bit better he'd be without flaw in my eyes (which probably says something to someone)

I've got your solution, Hellscream. Get Titans return Chromedome (if you haven't already). Pop off the Titan Master Stylor's arms; they're jut on simple ball joints. Take Hot Rod's Titan Master Firebolt/Firedrive and do the same. Swap arms between them and reassemble. You are going to LOVE the results. The red plastic is almost a perfect match between Stylor and Hot Rod, and swapping in gray plastic on Stylor is hardly noticeable behind Chromdome's face anyway.

Just tried this out myself... gotta say, I'm loving the results :D Thank youuuuu~
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859638)
Posted by Qwan on February 15th, 2017 @ 12:43am CST
Wolfman Jake wrote:
Hellscream9999 wrote:So, having messed around with hot rod for most of the day, I have to say that he'd be a perfect figure if it weren't for the idiotic grey arms on his titanmaster, had they been cast in red plastic and helped define his head a bit better he'd be without flaw in my eyes (which probably says something to someone)

I've got your solution, Hellscream. Get Titans return Chromedome (if you haven't already). Pop off the Titan Master Stylor's arms; they're jut on simple ball joints. Take Hot Rod's Titan Master Firebolt/Firedrive and do the same. Swap arms between them and reassemble. You are going to LOVE the results. The red plastic is almost a perfect match between Stylor and Hot Rod, and swapping in gray plastic on Stylor is hardly noticeable behind Chromdome's face anyway.

I've tried it too, and I have few pictures so people can decide if they like the look before swapping (I HIGHLY RECOMMEND not doing the swap until you're sure you like the look, for reasons upon which I will elaborate at the bottom.)

Here they are, the two of them together. I'll say right now I'm not actually a huge fan of the results - the more similar colors so help the head itself blend better, but having those same colors behind the faces actually ruins the shape I perceive their faces to be.

Here's Hot Rod's head, and oddly enough, for once it actually looks better on camera. The extra red behind his face makes it look way more boxy - where before at least I could sort of see the grey bits as antennae (like Optimus') behind his head, now it just looks like that whole red bit is his face and then his unique head shape is gone.

Chromedome's got more or less the same issue. I guess it might work better for someone who wants a more boxy G1-looking head instead of the pointier IDW-styled one, though, so there's that.

The two arm-swapped TMs together. I know it probably won't matter too much to most, but I really don't like the way they look now that the arms have been swapped. (It's also a good showcase of the Sharpie work I did to make Firedrive look less bland, but that's beside the point.)

And that picture also makes a great segue into why you should be CERTAIN you like the arms swapped before you do it yourself. I don't know if it's just my copy, but the TMs' shoulder ball-joints were not the same size. That just resulted in a loose left arm on Stylor-with-Friedrive's-arms, nothing big, but as you may notice in the above photo, the larger ball on Firedrive means that Stylor's arm now has a huge (relatively speaking) crack in it. That's not a stress mark, that's an actual crack in the plastic, all the way through from the outside of the cup to the inside. :shock:
It seems to be holding together for now, but please bear this in mind if/before you decide to try this yourself. It may so happen that it's a one-off problem and I'm being over-dramatic, but I just really don't want lots of people to end up with broken Stylors/Firedrives if the problem ends up being more widespread.
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859642)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on February 15th, 2017 @ 1:13am CST
Oh I dunno. I love my Titans Hot Rod. I've lowered the shoulders a bit on mine (and obviously repainted the lot cos I wanted a more Marvel-esque look, I know that's not to everyones taste but it's my figure). And well... you can always just have him posed at an angle to see the spoiler better?
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859643)
Posted by Deadput on February 15th, 2017 @ 1:33am CST
More $150.00 Cad box sets with more to come?


Eh being broke ain't my problem anyways have me moneys Hasbros!
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859645)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on February 15th, 2017 @ 1:45am CST
Deadput wrote:More $150.00 Cad box sets with more to come?


Eh being broke ain't my problem anyways have me moneys Hasbros!

At least two have been rumored, each with its own theme.
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859646)
Posted by Deadput on February 15th, 2017 @ 1:55am CST
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:At least two have been rumored, each with its own theme.

Yeah I heard the rumors including the Strength set.

The speed pack supposedly comes with Nautica from Blurr/Brainstorm, Quickswitch from Sixshot, Fastlane, Star Convoy and a Titanmaster called Thunderclap.

Bankruptcy is fun.
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859648)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on February 15th, 2017 @ 2:02am CST
Deadput wrote:
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:At least two have been rumored, each with its own theme.

Yeah I heard the rumors including the Strength set.

The speed pack supposedly comes with Nautica from Blurr/Brainstorm, Quickswitch from Sixshot, Fastlane, Star Convoy and a Titanmaster called Thunderclap.

Bankruptcy is fun.

So that's where the alternate head for Voyager Optimus Prime has gone too. And Thunderclap sounds like a retool of the Optimus Prime Titan Master for Wave 5 :-?
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859653)
Posted by Stuartmaximus on February 15th, 2017 @ 4:28am CST
The trouble with Quickswitch is that they'll prob also give him a submarine mode since he has a gun mode

Btw i just found this

Erm.....ignore seems to be old news #-o but it still doesn't explain why they're adding combiners(Landcross, Abominus) to a TR roster :???:
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859654)
Posted by steals_your_goats on February 15th, 2017 @ 4:32am CST
Stuartmaximus wrote:The trouble with Quickswitch is that they'll prob also give him a submarine mode since he has a gun mode

You do realize that the "submarine" mode is just a gun mode flipped upside down right? That was their way of getting a gun mode into the figure without calling it a gun.
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859655)
Posted by SureShot18 on February 15th, 2017 @ 5:24am CST
I sure hope someone on eBay parts out this set so I don't have to spend $100 on just Nautica.
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859656)
Posted by Autobot N on February 15th, 2017 @ 7:11am CST
As far as box sets go, I feel like we will get 4 in total. We already have Speed and Strength, which correspond to 2 of the stats on the collector's cards. In the end, I wouldn't be surprised if we get Intelligence and Firepower sets.
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859662)
Posted by GuyIncognito on February 15th, 2017 @ 8:26am CST
Should we assume Tidal Wave is a repaint/remold of Broadside? Is it possible that it could be something else, like a Leader or a Titan? It'll probably be the Broadside Voyager mold, but I'd love to see them scale up the mold into a Leader or turn the Metroplex mold into Tidal Wave. (Couldn't that work, since it already has a "carrier mode"?)
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859663)
Posted by william-james88 on February 15th, 2017 @ 8:28am CST
GuyIncognito wrote:Should we assume Tidal Wave is a repaint/remold of Broadside?

It's broadside. Also, it cant be a leader because there are only 1 leader per set and the two leaders are blue optimus and quickswitch.

Also, a word from Death:

DeathReviews wrote:My minions were finally able to successfully order the kickback figure from! It still says "out of stock", but we got four and it processed the order! Get them quickly!

Use the code "LOVE2017" for a 10% discount!
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859668)
Posted by GuyIncognito on February 15th, 2017 @ 8:47am CST
Nautica has never had a toy before, right? Assuming it's a repaint/remold/retool, do you think it would be Scourge?
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859669)
Posted by william-james88 on February 15th, 2017 @ 8:47am CST
GuyIncognito wrote:Nautica has never had a toy before, right? Assuming it's a repaint/remold/retool, do you think it would be Scourge?

It was said to be Blurr.
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859670)
Posted by GuyIncognito on February 15th, 2017 @ 8:49am CST
william-james88 wrote:
GuyIncognito wrote:Nautica has never had a toy before, right? Assuming it's a repaint/remold/retool, do you think it would be Scourge?

It was said to be Blurr.

Oh. Given her name, I would have gone with the nautical theme and used Scourge.

Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859671)
Posted by Autobot N on February 15th, 2017 @ 8:54am CST
Speed Set:
Titanmaster Thunderclap
Deluxe Fastlane
Deluxe Nautica
Voyager Optimus (this is where the rumored Star Convoy head could come into play)
Leader Quickswitch

Strength Set:
Titanmaster Powerhouse (probably)
Deluxe Iron Apex (a Hasbro Godbomber, but as a Deluxe)
Deluxe Pounce
Voyager Tidal Wave
Leader Magnus Prime (The blue PMOP that Chainclaw and the Transmissions Podcast rumored)
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859674)
Posted by TF-fan kev777 on February 15th, 2017 @ 8:57am CST
GuyIncognito wrote:Should we assume Tidal Wave is a repaint/remold of Broadside? Is it possible that it could be something else, like a Leader or a Titan? It'll probably be the Broadside Voyager mold, but I'd love to see them scale up the mold into a Leader or turn the Metroplex mold into Tidal Wave. (Couldn't that work, since it already has a "carrier mode"?)

Titan? no way. The whole set is priced lower than a single titan.
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859676)
Posted by Sigma Magnus on February 15th, 2017 @ 9:01am CST
Autobot N wrote:Speed Set:
Titanmaster Thunderclap
Deluxe Fastlane
Deluxe Nautica
Voyager Optimus (this is where the rumored Star Convoy head could come into play)
Leader Quickswitch

Strength Set:
Titanmaster Powerhouse (probably)
Deluxe Iron Apex (a Hasbro Godbomber, but as a Deluxe)
Deluxe Pounce
Voyager Tidal Wave
Leader Magnus Prime (The blue PMOP that Chainclaw and the Transmissions Podcast rumored)

Well, so much for TR completion. :-(
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859677)
Posted by It Is Him on February 15th, 2017 @ 9:02am CST
Carnivius_Prime wrote:Oh I dunno. I love my Titans Hot Rod. I've lowered the shoulders a bit on mine (and obviously repainted the lot cos I wanted a more Marvel-esque look, I know that's not to everyones taste but it's my figure). And well... you can always just have him posed at an angle to see the spoiler better?

That looks so much better than the retail release. Nice work!
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859678)
Posted by Bumblebee21 on February 15th, 2017 @ 9:02am CST
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859679)
Posted by Albatross250 on February 15th, 2017 @ 9:06am CST
Autobot N wrote:Speed Set:
Titanmaster Thunderclap
Deluxe Fastlane
Deluxe Nautica
Voyager Optimus (this is where the rumored Star Convoy head could come into play)
Leader Quickswitch

Strength Set:
Titanmaster Powerhouse (probably)
Deluxe Iron Apex (a Hasbro Godbomber, but as a Deluxe)
Deluxe Pounce
Voyager Tidal Wave
Leader Magnus Prime (The blue PMOP that Chainclaw and the Transmissions Podcast rumored)

There's no Cloudraker?
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859683)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on February 15th, 2017 @ 9:09am CST
It Is Him wrote:
That looks so much better than the retail release. Nice work!

Thank you. Not quite finished yet as I'm gonna apply the Reprolabel flame stickers i bought a month and half ago (cos the chest orange and yellow on the figure look too similar and flame could use outlining and my hands are steady enough to paint it on) and I wanna clean up some paint on the Firebolt (the Targetmaster gun, not the Titan Master head). But yeah I'm much happier with Hot Rod after some tweaks. :)
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859690)
Posted by Autobot N on February 15th, 2017 @ 9:23am CST
Albatross250 wrote:
Autobot N wrote:Speed Set:
Titanmaster Thunderclap
Deluxe Fastlane
Deluxe Nautica
Voyager Optimus (this is where the rumored Star Convoy head could come into play)
Leader Quickswitch

Strength Set:
Titanmaster Powerhouse (probably)
Deluxe Iron Apex (a Hasbro Godbomber, but as a Deluxe)
Deluxe Pounce
Voyager Tidal Wave
Leader Magnus Prime (The blue PMOP that Chainclaw and the Transmissions Podcast rumored)

There's no Cloudraker?

3 possibilities:
1: There is no Cloudraker
2: He and Wingspan are in Wave 6 (unlikely)
3: Like I hypothesized, there are two more packs (Intelligence and Firepower), and Cloudraker and Wingspan will be in those.
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859691)
Posted by Albatross250 on February 15th, 2017 @ 9:27am CST
Autobot N wrote:
Albatross250 wrote:
Autobot N wrote:Speed Set:
Titanmaster Thunderclap
Deluxe Fastlane
Deluxe Nautica
Voyager Optimus (this is where the rumored Star Convoy head could come into play)
Leader Quickswitch

Strength Set:
Titanmaster Powerhouse (probably)
Deluxe Iron Apex (a Hasbro Godbomber, but as a Deluxe)
Deluxe Pounce
Voyager Tidal Wave
Leader Magnus Prime (The blue PMOP that Chainclaw and the Transmissions Podcast rumored)

There's no Cloudraker?

3 possibilities:
1: There is no Cloudraker
2: He and Wingspan are in Wave 6 (unlikely)
3: Like I hypothesized, there are two more packs (Intelligence and Firepower), and Cloudraker and Wingspan will be in those.

#-o #-o #-o #-o
Looks like i'll have to get Overlord first :BANG_HEAD:
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859695)
Posted by william-james88 on February 15th, 2017 @ 9:31am CST
Autobot N wrote:
3: Like I hypothesized, there are two more packs (Intelligence and Firepower), and Cloudraker and Wingspan will be in those.

Thats the one that rings most true with me.
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859698)
Posted by Stuartmaximus on February 15th, 2017 @ 9:39am CST
So....Scorpy's the next Titan after Trypticon ... 2350310201
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859700)
Posted by william-james88 on February 15th, 2017 @ 9:42am CST
here is the rumour to get people up to speed. Its from 4 chan so we will keep it to the boards for now.The part that rings most true to me in all this is the arcee titan master being a loudmouth redeco

Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859714)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on February 15th, 2017 @ 9:58am CST
Still disappointed that Scorponok's a Titan. Would much prefer Leader class similar height to Powermaster Prime (or Ginrai version) but I guess cartoon takes prioty over the mostly superior comic characterization most of the time when it comes to designing new G1 updates.

Easy pass on Arcee most likely too. Keeping my generations figure.
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859718)
Posted by Kurona on February 15th, 2017 @ 10:06am CST
Just gotta love that the first time the best female Transformer gets a toy, it's in an expensive-as-heck boxset with characters no-one cares about. :roll:
I'll be over here crying about Nautica for the rest of the year and hoping Lotty, Anode and Lug get better treatment. ... and making sure this post is the last I say on the matter.
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859720)
Posted by RAR on February 15th, 2017 @ 10:13am CST
That Arcee is just a head ( and minivehicle) rumour has been going around a while now.

When we get a look at the other females we may get an idea if a repaint is likely as a deluxe some time.

Pretty silly to miss her out as she is an official Headmasters after all so she sort of does need a body.

That 4chan statement sounds a bit meh I wanted more beasts - but Insecticons are not a huge importance to me (unless they do the female ladybug too)

I'd rather have Combiner Wars compatible Seacons and the odd leftover headmaster like Nightbeat, Squeezeplay, Fangry, & Horribull. That would suit me a lot more than random Targetmasters.

But I can see how Turbomasters might be something they can shoehorn into that idea - if they made the skyscorchers or Predator planes like that i'd be a lot more interested.

But serious finish the existing set Hasbro - it drives me nuts when you go off half cocked.
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859721)
Posted by Stuartmaximus on February 15th, 2017 @ 10:13am CST
Carnivius_Prime wrote:Still disappointed that Scorponok's a Titan. Would much prefer Leader class similar height to Powermaster Prime (or Ginrai version) but I guess cartoon takes prioty over the mostly superior comic characterization most of the time when it comes to designing new G1 updates.

Easy pass on Arcee most likely too. Keeping my generations figure.

If you want a much smaller & more comic accurate one then go 3p & get Lord Scorpion(yeah....i know he's waaay smaller than a Leader).
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859726)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on February 15th, 2017 @ 10:23am CST
Stuartmaximus wrote:
Carnivius_Prime wrote:Still disappointed that Scorponok's a Titan. Would much prefer Leader class similar height to Powermaster Prime (or Ginrai version) but I guess cartoon takes prioty over the mostly superior comic characterization most of the time when it comes to designing new G1 updates.

Easy pass on Arcee most likely too. Keeping my generations figure.

If you want a much smaller & more comic accurate one then go 3p & get Lord Scorpion(yeah....i know he's waaay smaller than a Leader).

Cool. Hadn't seen that one. He looks great in all modes (even 'base' mode) but damn he's tiny! Voyager size comparable with Titans Megatron, Galvatron and such would be passable but this one's barely any bigger than a Deluxe from the pics I've just seen of him stood with Blurr and Mindwipe. Why even...
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859727)
Posted by RAR on February 15th, 2017 @ 10:25am CST
Kurona wrote:Just gotta love that the first time the best female Transformer gets a toy, it's in an expensive-as-heck boxset with characters no-one cares about. :roll:

Machine Boy is knocking off a number of the smaller 3rd party toys only making them bigger they may eventually get around to doing a modest size Scorpy - unless someone beats them to it an makes an Ultra class one like happened with Warbotron's Grimlock.

I don't hold any strong feelings about Nautica - she'd be no more to me than say Navi' I'd just be glad to have her as she's another fembot is all.

I'm much more interested in the "Named Characters" so long as they are decent as The clones never came out in the UK so I don't have them.

I wonder what they plan to do about the tiny size what is currently Titanmaster if there is not any more Titanmasters - I guess they will just carry on doing them only they'd be guns instead of heads - I think it would make more sense to just make the small figures have a vehicle mode if possible - but I expect it isn't if they are 'that' small.

Micromasters are 3 times the mass of a Titanmaster and even the little Targetmaster ones from generations were quite a bit bigger.

I'm curious though.

Also boxed sets always end up cheap if they are widely distributed sets.

I'd personally rather had a red-blue Leo Prime over Tidal wave - I have nothing against Tidal Wave - I just have no huge need for one (unless someone can figure out a way to combine it with the CW Green Megatron).

ALSO Quickswitch as a Sixshot repaint is a terrible idea unless they remould it extensively (which they likely wont) I'd have actually really liked a Greatshot though.
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859729)
Posted by Stuartmaximus on February 15th, 2017 @ 10:29am CST
Carnivius_Prime wrote:
Stuartmaximus wrote:
Carnivius_Prime wrote:Still disappointed that Scorponok's a Titan. Would much prefer Leader class similar height to Powermaster Prime (or Ginrai version) but I guess cartoon takes prioty over the mostly superior comic characterization most of the time when it comes to designing new G1 updates.

Easy pass on Arcee most likely too. Keeping my generations figure.

If you want a much smaller & more comic accurate one then go 3p & get Lord Scorpion(yeah....i know he's waaay smaller than a Leader).

Cool. Hadn't seen that one. He looks great in all modes (even 'base' mode) but damn he's tiny! Voyager size comparable with Titans Megatron, Galvatron and such would be passable but this one's barely any bigger than a Deluxe from the pics I've just seen of him stood with Blurr and Mindwipe. Why even...

Dunno? Iron Factory seem to do all their figures small

Anywhoo...i'd better bring this back around to Titans Return before the staff get ticked off that we've gone off topic for a mo

As for the Scorponok being the next Titan Class figure after's entirely possible ;)
Re: Titans Return Box Set Speed Pack Confirmed (1859730)
Posted by Sabrblade on February 15th, 2017 @ 10:30am CST
Carnivius_Prime wrote:
Stuartmaximus wrote:
Carnivius_Prime wrote:Still disappointed that Scorponok's a Titan. Would much prefer Leader class similar height to Powermaster Prime (or Ginrai version) but I guess cartoon takes prioty over the mostly superior comic characterization most of the time when it comes to designing new G1 updates.

Easy pass on Arcee most likely too. Keeping my generations figure.

If you want a much smaller & more comic accurate one then go 3p & get Lord Scorpion(yeah....i know he's waaay smaller than a Leader).

Cool. Hadn't seen that one. He looks great in all modes (even 'base' mode) but damn he's tiny! Voyager size comparable with Titans Megatron, Galvatron and such would be passable but this one's barely any bigger than a Deluxe from the pics I've just seen of him stood with Blurr and Mindwipe. Why even...
Iron Factory's toy are scaled for the Legends/Legion class Cyberverse scale.

If you're willing to pay high end third party prices, you might as well just go for the BotCon 2015 Scorponok. ;)

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