Video Review of Transformers Power of the Primes Leader Rodimus Prime / Hot Rod
Sunday, December 10th, 2017 3:51AM CST
Categories: Toy News, ReviewsPosted by: Va'al Views: 29,207
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The figure includes a smaller, deluxe-ish Hot Rod figure, which then interacts with the armor for the Evolution gimmick, including some partsforming for the arms; we also see this figure's Matrix and the compatibility with Prime Masters (and potentially Titan Masters, if so inclined). Check out the Chinese language review of this latest incarnation of everyone's favourite space winnebago below, and join the discussion in the Energon Pub!
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Posted by Cybertronius Primus on December 10th, 2017 @ 3:57am CST
Posted by Stuartmaximus on December 10th, 2017 @ 6:43am CST
didn't know the Insecticons could carry these
Posted by Mechastrike on December 10th, 2017 @ 7:12am CST
Posted by dragons on December 10th, 2017 @ 7:18am CST
Stuartmaximus wrote:somehow I see Pointblank being made out of that Hot Rod mold
didn't know the Insecticons could carry these
Ok looking. Figure. Didn't know insect icons figures could do that as well
Rodimus leader figure combined rodimus mode is ok hot rod looks better car and bot mode I skipped past articulation in video watching gijoe figure reviews oh look three differnt gijoe but they all move same nothing special same with transformers articulation reviews rodimus combined mode look like brick but better looking from other rodimus primes. Figures we had in past
Posted by Ironhidensh on December 10th, 2017 @ 7:27am CST
Posted by Flashwave on December 10th, 2017 @ 11:35am CST
Ironhidensh wrote:So when the he'll are the leaders coming out?
Soon. Remwmbwr we got these figures WAY early. If its anything to go by, Amazon isnt releaaing them until the 15th. Canada didnt roll them out until just now. Awe were it supposed to have anything until this week
Posted by Randomhero on December 10th, 2017 @ 12:36pm CST
Flashwave wrote:Ironhidensh wrote:So when the he'll are the leaders coming out?
Soon. Remwmbwr we got these figures WAY early. If its anything to go by, Amazon isnt releaaing them until the 15th. Canada didnt roll them out until just now. Awe were it supposed to have anything until this week
Not really. The release time for power of the primes wave 1 was always beginning of December
Posted by Nemesis Destron on December 10th, 2017 @ 1:06pm CST
Posted by shajaki on December 10th, 2017 @ 3:05pm CST
Posted by ToaLeePrime on December 10th, 2017 @ 6:52pm CST
Posted by Ted_Spaghetti on December 10th, 2017 @ 7:18pm CST
Posted by Quantum Surge on December 10th, 2017 @ 7:22pm CST
Posted by shajaki on December 10th, 2017 @ 7:34pm CST
MegaX Master wrote:I've been waiting for a proper Rodimus for nearly 7 years
All joking aside, Classics Rod is limited but ok, TR is pretty great, and MP-28 is an absolute dream
Posted by Quantum Surge on December 10th, 2017 @ 9:53pm CST
Quantum Surge wrote:The Hot Rod figure on it's own looks like it makes a better Rodimus, and it's not just the design! If he was put next to Classics Prime, I think the two would scale better (though their designsl styles would be jarring next to each other: one is more modern looking and the other looks like one of those Funko Kenner style figures in TF form).
The pic below isn't mine, but I will say that the scale between Prime and Rodimus would look pretty good. Again, their aesthetics would honestly be jarring considering what they're meant to represent (Classics Prime being more like a modern version of G1 Prime and Rodimus being more like a simplified version of Masterpiece Rodimus Prime if there would be one); plus, Classics Prime has that '6-inch action figure for older collectors' vibe while POTP Roddy gives me a Funko ReAction vibe that I'm not really into since I'm more into the Classics-T30 Generations aesthetic.
Posted by Wolfman Jake on December 10th, 2017 @ 9:56pm CST
MegaX Master wrote:I've been waiting for a proper Rodimus for nearly 7 years, so I was really excited about this when I first saw images of it in the summer, but everytime I see a new picture or In- Hand- Images, I have more and more doubts about it. For starters, Hot Rod's bot mode is great, but ruined by the windshield backpack. Then the Rodimus Prime mode. The back is pretty crap with the trailer bits hanging off, while in the front, the chest sticks out way too much. At least I can say the vehicle mode is better than leader Optimus'. Let's hope that Primal will work better than these two we're getting in Wave 1.
Yeah, that windshield "butt flap" kind of ruins an otherwise great looking Hot Rod figure. I wonder if you can at least fold that up to sit more against the back instead of just hanging down behind the thighs. It looks like the hinges might allow for that, but it's hard to tell without actually having the figure in hand. It's certainly not a perfect solution either, but it would at least make Hot Rod look better from the front. For now, I think my Transformers Legends Targetmaster Hot Rod will remain my defacto Hot Rod on my "Classics" shelf.
Posted by william-james88 on December 10th, 2017 @ 10:16pm CST
shajaki wrote:MegaX Master wrote:I've been waiting for a proper Rodimus for nearly 7 years
All joking aside, Classics Rod is limited but ok, TR is pretty great, and MP-28 is an absolute dream
But the problem there is that those are all Hot Rods and none of them are Rodimus toys. The only full bodied Rodimus toys we got were the G1 version, Titanium and MP 09.
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on December 10th, 2017 @ 10:35pm CST
william-james88 wrote:shajaki wrote:MegaX Master wrote:I've been waiting for a proper Rodimus for nearly 7 years
All joking aside, Classics Rod is limited but ok, TR is pretty great, and MP-28 is an absolute dream
But the problem there is that those are all Hot Rods and none of them are Rodimus toys. The only full bodied Rodimus toys we got were the G1 version, Titanium and MP 09.
There was this Rodimus Prime-colored released in United:
Best of both worlds? Nah.
Posted by Skritz on December 10th, 2017 @ 11:15pm CST
I mean, to my knowledge its far too early for such pieces to exist (and be available) but still...
Edit: And nevermind, those actually do exist already, albeit for Cyclonus. Neat!
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on December 11th, 2017 @ 12:44am CST
Did you know he pulls a Silverbolt btw?
Posted by Va'al on December 11th, 2017 @ 1:32am CST
As we wrote for the Canada story, however, do note that the leader class figures, Rodimus Prime and Optimus Prime, have yet to be found anywhere so please let us know if you find them. You can also post your findings in the Sightings section and Sightings forums in the Energon Pub.
Posted by Flashwave on December 11th, 2017 @ 1:44am CST
Like most of you, I boo'd Windcharger because of his head, which in stock photos looks like its just painted on a flat block. In person, his face does actually have some distinctive depth to it. The vehicle mode is cool and the transformation is stable while still hollow in the middle for a driver, unlike the floppy Wheelie. He's a good size too for being a (Deluxe priced) Legends figure. The head is not great, and I Windcharger is not a character I get Jazzed about, but I am all and all glad I had added him to the collection. He'll be different from my CHUG Tailgate (I never got the windcharger redeco of that)
Slash is a fun little Dino, but she's extremely thin compared to all of her wave mates. The Swivel Joints on mine's thighs are tighter than the hall joints, so when I transform her I keep wrenching the legs off the hips. Excited about a new Dinobot character though. And a light, fast "Motorcycle" Dinobot like Slash is a nice juxtipose to the heavy armored "Tank" Dinobots. To be Honest, I was more hoping for a Scorn, I prefer Movie Scorn's figure to Movie Slash's, but to each their own.
I do however think Beachcomber is my favorite. Not because of the character or having his G1 figure, but we don't have many Dune Buggy TFs, and I love a "relative Scale." Big guys are big, small guys are small, alt modes are relatively close. Beach Comber is a small bot, an his alt mode is somewhat smaller than the Deluxe Cars, like a Dune Buggy should be. But he also has a Stocky Robot mode and feels like a figure who is close to worth the $10 price point for no more than he is.
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on December 11th, 2017 @ 2:23am CST
Posted by gothsaurus on December 11th, 2017 @ 9:41am CST
I'd chime in to say the designs of these toys are fantastic. They look very G1 and the transformations are clever, not too simple. The new female dinobot is a welcome new character with design so consistent to the style and feel of the original toys that it fits right in. Bravo Hasbro/Takara.
On the down side, the paint was the worst I've seen in YEARS. I literally culled through the entire bin trying just to find one each of each toy without a glaring paint mishap. Some had globs on their face, a swash of bright blue eye color across the side of the head, chips out of the chest, or black marred areas on the silver of the dino legs.
I ended up buying TWO Windchargers to attempt to assemble a complete, decent-looking one out of two... because none had a passable chest AND face together on the same toy.
Bottom line, give them a good looking over before you buy. Quality control on paint is very lacking.
Posted by Super Megatron on December 11th, 2017 @ 9:41am CST
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on December 11th, 2017 @ 10:45am CST
Emerje wrote:D-Maximus_Prime wrote:Oh my gosh, guys!!! I just realized something!!! Grimlock's enigma of combination would go perfectly with TLK Nitro to make him a Shockwave!!!!
Doesn't Nitro already basically have a Shockwave head?
Shockwave on the left, Nitro Zeus on the right.
Ok, maybe a different version of a Shockwave that would still be really cool
albnok wrote:
So here's Grimlock's enigma on Titans Return Nitro and Titans Return Cogman. Head doesn't turn!
Thanks for doing this! While Cogman doesn't really work, Nitro Zeus actually really works with that to me
Posted by Flashwave on December 11th, 2017 @ 12:24pm CST
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:I think Starscream does not fit the slender form that is Liokaiser, because of his width in Torso Mode:
Did you know he pulls a Silverbolt btw?
To me, assomeone who has the Hasbro set, I would be okay with the proportions, but I need enough to be different. Jarguar and the hlicopter dude, for example, that would make the set less like a repeat of the Hasbro limbs
Posted by steals_your_goats on December 11th, 2017 @ 12:25pm CST
Flashwave wrote: He's a good size too for being a (Deluxe priced) Legends figure.
What do you mean by this? Where are deluxe figures $10?
Posted by Rodimus Knight on December 11th, 2017 @ 12:31pm CST
Posted by Bucky on December 11th, 2017 @ 1:41pm CST
gothsaurus wrote:On the down side, the paint was the worst I've seen in YEARS. I literally culled through the entire bin trying just to find one each of each toy without a glaring paint mishap. Some had globs on their face, a swash of bright blue eye color across the side of the head, chips out of the chest, or black marred areas on the silver of the dino legs.
Yeah, my deluxes came from TRU today, and I was surprised that my Dreadwind has paint splatters all around his head and face, and quite a lot of excess plastic that I needed to cut away. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before on a transformer.
Posted by Wolfman Jake on December 11th, 2017 @ 1:50pm CST
Rodimus Knight wrote:I'm disappointed to see that there is apparently nothing to do with the Trailer when it's not being used for either Rodimus Mode.
Were you hoping for a base mode too, a la the G1 toy? I think that was sacrificed for the "evolution" gimmick this time. It would probably be hard to work a base into the trailers for Optimus and Hot Rod if they also have to be "armor" pieces to add to a separate deluxe figure that look enough like their G1 selves as well as being convincing trailers in alt mode. I know Titans Return was able to do base modes with their leader figures, but honestly, those were pretty iffy at best.
Posted by WreckerJack on December 11th, 2017 @ 2:03pm CST
There is something suspiciously familiar about Dreadwind's colors...
Posted by Flashwave on December 11th, 2017 @ 10:18pm CST
steals_your_goats wrote:Flashwave wrote: He's a good size too for being a (Deluxe priced) Legends figure.
What do you mean by this? Where are deluxe figures $10?
5 years ago.
Posted by Mindmaster on December 11th, 2017 @ 10:34pm CST
Flashwave wrote:steals_your_goats wrote:Flashwave wrote: He's a good size too for being a (Deluxe priced) Legends figure.
What do you mean by this? Where are deluxe figures $10?
5 years ago.
More like eight years ago.
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on December 11th, 2017 @ 10:46pm CST
Mindmaster wrote:Flashwave wrote:steals_your_goats wrote:Flashwave wrote: He's a good size too for being a (Deluxe priced) Legends figure.
What do you mean by this? Where are deluxe figures $10?
5 years ago.
More like eight years ago.
Try 10 years.
Posted by william-james88 on December 11th, 2017 @ 11:08pm CST
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:Mindmaster wrote:Flashwave wrote:steals_your_goats wrote:Flashwave wrote: He's a good size too for being a (Deluxe priced) Legends figure.
What do you mean by this? Where are deluxe figures $10?
5 years ago.
More like eight years ago.
Try 10 years.
Yeah, it was 10 years ago. And we have it better than most. I remember Marvel legends being 10$ and now its nuts, especially for what you get. I remember their build a figure being Galactus and a Sentinel, not another 6 inch figure.
But this is all pointless really. What is the use of comparing to prices from another time when the dollar was worth more and people were paid less?
In reality, Transformers have not increased in their prices compared to what they went for in the 80s when they first came out. They were actually more expensive then with seekers being $15 in 1984, which is $35 today.
That means having all 3 seekers would mean a parent spends the equivalent of $100 for their kid. Thats a shit ton of money for parents trying to make ends meet with a mortgage and kids on just 3 airplanes that look the same. Whoever had 3 seekers growing up in the 80s is luckier then they could ever realize.
So once again, there is little to no point in this comparison.
Posted by Emerje on December 12th, 2017 @ 1:53am CST
william-james88 wrote:Yeah, it was 10 years ago. And we have it better than most. I remember Marvel legends being 10$ and now its nuts, especially for what you get. I remember their build a figure being Galactus and a Sentinel, not another 6 inch figure.
That's about as good an example as any of the difference between licensing your characters and making your own. Marvel Legends' higher prices and smaller BAFs are a direct result of the higher license fees that came with their exploding popularity. Meanwhile Transformers don't have a licensing fee (outside of the occasional car) so what they want to do is only limited by how much they want to charge us.
Posted by Targetmaster Kup on December 12th, 2017 @ 4:05am CST
Posted by TF-fan kev777 on December 12th, 2017 @ 7:39am CST
william-james88 wrote:JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:Mindmaster wrote:Flashwave wrote:steals_your_goats wrote:Flashwave wrote: He's a good size too for being a (Deluxe priced) Legends figure.
What do you mean by this? Where are deluxe figures $10?
5 years ago.
More like eight years ago.
Try 10 years.
Yeah, it was 10 years ago. And we have it better than most. I remember Marvel legends being 10$ and now its nuts, especially for what you get. I remember their build a figure being Galactus and a Sentinel, not another 6 inch figure.
But this is all pointless really. What is the use of comparing to prices from another time when the dollar was worth more and people were paid less?
In reality, Transformers have not increased in their prices compared to what they went for in the 80s when they first came out. They were actually more expensive then with seekers being $15 in 1984, which is $35 today.
That means having all 3 seekers would mean a parent spends the equivalent of $100 for their kid. Thats a **** ton of money for parents trying to make ends meet with a mortgage and kids on just 3 airplanes that look the same. Whoever had 3 seekers growing up in the 80s is luckier then they could ever realize.
So once again, there is little to no point in this comparison.
Um, I got the Wave 3 TR deluxes at Target last year before Christmas for $10 each. That was their sale in late November/early December and I was lucky enough to snag them at $10 each before those pegs went unfilled for the next 5 months. But this is the exception rather than the rule.
Posted by Emerje on December 12th, 2017 @ 7:42am CST
Nik Hero wrote:Oil costs are higher now too, and oil is where we get plastic from.
Oil prices have dropped considerably in recent years so theoretically plastic should be cheaper than it was 10 years ago.
Posted by Skritz on December 12th, 2017 @ 10:39am CST
Emerje wrote:william-james88 wrote:Yeah, it was 10 years ago. And we have it better than most. I remember Marvel legends being 10$ and now its nuts, especially for what you get. I remember their build a figure being Galactus and a Sentinel, not another 6 inch figure.
That's about as good an example as any of the difference between licensing your characters and making your own. Marvel Legends' higher prices and smaller BAFs are a direct result of the higher license fees that came with their exploding popularity. Meanwhile Transformers don't have a licensing fee (outside of the occasional car) so what they want to do is only limited by how much they want to charge us.
Aren't Transformers costlier to design/build/assemble due to all the smaller pieces that move to allow for transformations, compared to a simpler action figure with only a few points of articulation?
Posted by o.supreme on December 12th, 2017 @ 10:55am CST
william-james88 wrote:That means having all 3 seekers would mean a parent spends the equivalent of $100 for their kid. Thats a **** ton of money for parents trying to make ends meet with a mortgage and kids on just 3 airplanes that look the same. Whoever had 3 seekers growing up in the 80s is luckier then they could ever realize.
So once again, there is little to no point in this comparison.
True, I remember being the "poor" kid, though my grandparents did spoil a bit, being one of only two grandchildren. Unfortunately I had friends with parents who were generally more well-off than myself, so yeah, they got all the cool toys. Transformers were more expensive to be sure when compared with todays prices, but they were also made of much higher quality materials overall, especially they 1984-1986 lines. Definitely made of "sterner stuff" .
Posted by bodrock on December 12th, 2017 @ 10:58am CST
Posted by WreckerJack on December 12th, 2017 @ 11:14am CST
I do remember collecting Dragon Ball Z figures and they were about 7.99 to 9.99. (We got mad when they started costing 9.99 lol) This was back in about 2001-2004 ish I think. I didn't get back into the action figure game till 2015 but I was suspicious when I saw how much marvel legends and WWE Elite figures are. I will say that technology has definitely improved and marvel legends and WWE figures are light years ahead of the DBZ figures.
I do own some Transformers from years past thanks to conventions and Ebay. The oldest I own is probably from TFA and I must say the quality is amazing. It feels like ABS plastic (Which is often used to make airsoft guns and even car dashboards) compare that to the toys from TFP and it feels like they used something else which feels a bit more thin. The toys from RiD15 are even thinner and more fragile and brittle.
I think that the reason for this isn't oil costs but the fact that the market has changed. We know TRU is going TU if they can't pay off their debt. We also know more kids play with videogames and tablets so less parents are buying. When the market is smaller, companies need to raise prices to get the same profits. So my theory is that with less overall buyers, hasbro needs to raise prices so that loyal customers will pitch in for the bill.
Of course what we don't know is the total operating costs. Sure oil prices are down from what they were in the mid to late 00's but what other things have gone up? Paint and metal are also used (Think molds) and labor. Also what is the rent like? Assuming a lot of this is done over seas its harder to gauge what the demands are like over there.
Posted by william-james88 on December 12th, 2017 @ 2:50pm CST
o.supreme wrote:william-james88 wrote:That means having all 3 seekers would mean a parent spends the equivalent of $100 for their kid. Thats a **** ton of money for parents trying to make ends meet with a mortgage and kids on just 3 airplanes that look the same. Whoever had 3 seekers growing up in the 80s is luckier then they could ever realize.
So once again, there is little to no point in this comparison.
True, I remember being the "poor" kid, though my grandparents did spoil a bit, being one of only two grandchildren. Unfortunately I had friends with parents who were generally more well-off than myself, so yeah, they got all the cool toys. Transformers were more expensive to be sure when compared with todays prices, but they were also made of much higher quality materials overall, especially they 1984-1986 lines. Definitely made of "sterner stuff" .
Well the first years before the movie were, yes. But while they had diecast, they had less paint apps than today, less parts, less articultion and there was 0 design and engineering cost from Hasbro since they were all toys that pre existed. Toys were also smaller back in G1.
So I think all in all, we are getting pretty good deals.
Also to answer other posts I see above, I too have seen deluxes go to $10 on sale but once again there is no point to speaking of sales when we were comparing to full prices. I bought TR Broadside for $2 a year ago at a thrift store, but I dont say voyagers are $2 toys, I instead say I got a nice toy for cheap.
Also, the poil prices people are quoting have nothing to do with the oil used to make these toys. Hasbro has told us time and time again that its the resin cost that matters, not oil costs. The oil prices are the ones used for fuel and for your car to drive. Resin however is a synthetic using a different type of oil (not fuel) and its the labour costs that go into making this resin which is the biggest factor. So not necessarily the fluctuation in the organic source.
Posted by Emerje on December 12th, 2017 @ 8:19pm CST
Skritz wrote:Emerje wrote:william-james88 wrote:Yeah, it was 10 years ago. And we have it better than most. I remember Marvel legends being 10$ and now its nuts, especially for what you get. I remember their build a figure being Galactus and a Sentinel, not another 6 inch figure.
That's about as good an example as any of the difference between licensing your characters and making your own. Marvel Legends' higher prices and smaller BAFs are a direct result of the higher license fees that came with their exploding popularity. Meanwhile Transformers don't have a licensing fee (outside of the occasional car) so what they want to do is only limited by how much they want to charge us.
Aren't Transformers costlier to design/build/assemble due to all the smaller pieces that move to allow for transformations, compared to a simpler action figure with only a few points of articulation?
Exactly. They have all that going against them and they're still far cheaper than the licensed products that all share the same relative articulation and in many cases even the same parts.
william-james88 wrote:Also, the poil prices people are quoting have nothing to do with the oil used to make these toys. Hasbro has told us time and time again that its the resin cost that matters, not oil costs. The oil prices are the ones used for fuel and for your car to drive. Resin however is a synthetic using a different type of oil (not fuel) and its the labour costs that go into making this resin which is the biggest factor. So not necessarily the fluctuation in the organic source.
The graph I gave was for crude oil, the raw stuff straight from the ground, not refined oil used for fuel. This is what's used to make plastic. The resin they're talking about is the plastic itself in its final form (when plastic is sorted for recycling the number inside the triangle is the "resin identification code"), but you can't get to that point without starting from crude oil so of course it's going to have a big impact on the production costs.
A couple quotes from Wikipedia:
Plastics are typically organic polymers of high molecular mass, but they often contain other substances. They are usually synthetic, most commonly derived from petrochemicals, but many are made from renewable materials such as polylactic acid from corn or cellulosics from cotton linters.
FYI: Polylactic acid (PLA) is a biodegradable plastic used most commonly in food packaging and medical procedures, and 3D printers, not something like toys you'd want to last a long time.
The two most common petrochemical classes are olefins (including ethylene and propylene) and aromatics (including benzene, toluene and xylene isomers). [...] Olefins are the basis for polymers and oligomers used in plastics, resins, fibers, elastomers, lubricants, and gels.[...] Olefins includes ethylene, propylene, and butadiene. Ethylene and propylene are important sources of industrial chemicals and plastics products. Butadiene is used in making synthetic rubber.
Another quote from this article regarding the effect of crude prices on products made from it:
When the cost of oil goes up, production costs are increased and profits reduced for industries that depend on oil. Producer costs — not consumer gasoline costs — are the reason high oil prices threaten to shrink industrial production of goods directly affected and also of energy-intensive products such as aluminum and paper.
So yeah, I don't know what Hasbro is talking about if they think crude oil prices don't effect the cost of the plastic they make their figures out of. Maybe the question was outside the scope of the person answering it or they're simply in denial or knowingly being misleading because they weren't exactly being upfront about the figures shrinking in 2012?
And I don't deny that there are labor and production costs in making the plastic, but those are stable expenses, those change gradually. You can't get that far without your biggest raw material which fluctuates all the time.
Posted by william-james88 on December 12th, 2017 @ 9:26pm CST
And just for reference, here is when Hasbro mentioned resin instead of crude oil when it comes to rising material costs: ... -up/34229/
Posted by Emerje on December 12th, 2017 @ 9:49pm CST
william-james88 wrote:Thanks Emerje, sorry I mistook the crude oil price you were showing for the fuel prices (what we see at gaz stations).
And just for reference, here is when Hasbro mentioned resin instead of crude oil when it comes to rising material costs: ... -up/34229/
Well, there you go, that actually proves the point.
I enjoyed the financial slides. Interesting bit on 61 about slightly increasing resin costs expected for 2016.
Now look at what happened to crude prices between 2015 and 2016.
But you are right about the gas prices not being directly related as there's a number of additional factors that can cause those prices to fluctuate even further such as refinery fires, refinery winter maintenance, and tropical storms. Crude prices could stand still and any number of those issues could cause gas prices to fly up without effecting plastic.
Posted by Skritz on December 12th, 2017 @ 10:10pm CST
The only truly horrible thing, quality-wise, in retail Hasbro Transformers are the lazy stickers which peel even in the packaging. Those are my only major, obvious and raging complaint. Those are atrocious and I wish they used tampograph and/or paint a bit more because some figures turn into peeling mess.
Posted by Bounti76 on December 13th, 2017 @ 4:02am CST
Still no Leader Rodimus Prime or Optimus Prime to be seen, though. If you find those figures, please shoot us an email at, and be sure to list your own sightings on our sightings page and in your local sightings forums to help out your fellow collectors. Happy hunting, everyone!
Posted by Nemesis Destron on December 13th, 2017 @ 5:01am CST