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[CLOSED] Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

The noose around Fortress Maximus' neck tightens. Will the Decepticon 2nd fleet led by mighty Scorponok finally subjugate their old nemesis? And if they do, what will be the fate of the Autobot resistance?

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[CLOSED] Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Cryhavok » Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:32 pm

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
Elba has known the sting of war and knows it still. Its primary moon serves as home to one of the foremost criminal detention facilities in the universe. Many of the galaxy's most hunted war criminals have passed through its doors. Under the watchful purview of Fortress Maximus, the facility has long been a valuable resource--ensuring that captured prisoners have the threat of their presence removed from the battlefield.

Its Autobot staff is strict but not abusive. Various security-levels exist within the massive facility, until one finally reaches the Rig, where the sparks of some of the most dangerous Cybertronians to have ever been captured are held.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Insidious » Wed Feb 01, 2012 12:56 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Warden's Office

Elba. What a planet. It was so beautiful from his elevated distance. Night had fallen on this side of the world's nearest moon, bathing the Garrus-9 detention facility that had been constructed there in darkness. All was quiet inside, as it usually was. Save for the occasional flareup of tensions, those who had been detained here knew that if they treated the Autobot staff with some measure of respect, they would be afforded the same. It was typically only the new transfers who caused much of an issue. In their minds, the war was still happening, and Megatron would come along any second to free them all. Those that had spent any significant stretch of time on Garrus knew differently. The war was out there. What was in here was something entirely different.

“Commander, sir,” a young Autobot detention deputy by the name of Treadrock began, poking his cranial unit through one corner of the large entryway that lead in to an even much larger office space. It had been modified more than once to fit the needs of the current warden of the facility, an Autobot by the name of Fortress Maximus.

“Treadrock,” Maximus said, a faint smile gracing his metallic features for barely a nanoklik before returning to its standard stoicism. “What’s going on?”

“The techheads got something for ya, I dunno what. I listened to it. Sounded like noise.”

Maximus leaned back a little, wondering what exactly the techies aboard the Steelhaven might have stumbled across.

“Thanks,” Maximus said. The Autobot deputy nodded and backed out of the office doorway as Maximus turned to his personal station and initiated a link with his ship, which was completing a patrol run of the area nearby. It only took a moment or two before Max found the specific crewmembers that he was looking for, and a moment or two beyond that for them to respond. “I hear you have something for me.”

“Yes, sir,” the bridge officer who also headed up Max’s engineering crew said. Maximus’ office was then filled with the sound of unintelligible, low-pitched harmonics. The cadence seemed to rise and fall occasionally, like it might have contained words at one point, but no longer.

“And what exactly am I listening to?” Maximus asked, as the volume decreased back to acceptable levels.

“We believe it was a communiqué of some kind.”


“Well, yes sir. It’s impossible to know for sure. The transmission’s properties suggest that it was affected by a gravity well of some kind, though we do not know if it was naturally occurring or artificial.”

“So, you’re telling me that you’ve picked up something, of some kind, that may or may not have originated from somewhere?” Maximus asked, his tone becoming lower and more serious. The officer looked taken aback for a moment, his optics wanting to look anywhere but Maximus’ own. Maximus then smiled. “It’s alright. I’ve been expecting something from the science team on Nebulos. If that was it, I’m going to have to show Skyhammer how to write an actual mission log. Thanks for the heads up.”

The Autobot on the other end suddenly looked incredibly relieved. “Of course, commander,” he said, before his face disappeared.

Well, it wasn't everything that Fortress Maximus had hoped for, but it was something. Maybe he'd give it a look later and see if one of his guys here on Garrus could make something different out of it. Until then, a checkup on the captives was probably in order. Getting to his feet, the large Autobot ducked a little in order to get through the door without scuffing the metal and stepped out in to one of the connecting corridors of the facility.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Longshot » Thu Feb 02, 2012 11:52 am

Motto: "Feed them to the Sharkticons!"
Southern Wing, Block G

With one last, surprisingly delicate brush of his thick fingers, Slog put the finishing touches on his mural. It was a crude thing, the brown monochrome pigment mixed from whatever materials he was able to scrounge, the figures represented in the lines and whorls highly stylized, primitive. Here and there, equally unsophisticated sculptures worked in soft, unfired clay added three-dimensional elements to the work. Spanning the entire perimeter of the cell and incorporating practically every inch of available space in some form or another, the piece was as extensive as Slog’s modest accommodations would allow—it probably would have spread out over the entire block by now, if that option had been available.

Even the most generous of critics would have strained their cerebro-circuitry trying to come up with praise for it, Slog knew. The sculptures started to sag within deca-cycles, the improvised paint chipped readily and flaked away. By his count, this was the eighteen thousandth six hundred and ninety-second time he had completed a whole circuit. He was probably off by several thousand, but it had been many vorns before he’d even begun keeping track.

No, the whole thing was more than a bit garish and marred by impermanence and the inadequacy of Slog’s available tools and supplies. But it was something. It was art.

Imprisoned on Garrus-9, Decepticons soon learned that finding something was of critical importance, something to occupy their hands, their time. That, or they quickly opted for spark-extraction. The only other alternative was madness.

Not that Slog was precisely a Decepticon. At least, not as far as he remembered. He very well might have been, he supposed. But he and the others had been here so long, it was difficult to recall just what their original crime had been. None of the other prisoners they had met since being transferred to the general population seemed to recognize him or his close compatriots, anyhow. All any of them knew was that they had been here for hundreds of millions of mega-cycles, and that they were never, ever getting out as long as the Autobots had anything to say about it.

That had frustrated him, once upon a time. Now it was simply the way things were. Garrus-9 was Slog’s entire universe, and it wasn’t really all that bad. There was something to be said for the familiarity, the routine. And at least they were no longer locked in isolation pods in the maximum security block.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Mazinman » Mon Feb 06, 2012 2:22 pm

Garrus-9--Dela Minimal Security Wing

The Autobot saboteur known as Vroom laid down on the floor of his cell staring up at the ceiling. It was, by far, the dirtiest part of his cell as he had occasionally stuck something up there. The guards forced him to keep his cell far too clean for his own tastes but they usually forgot to look up in their inspections. Looking at the variety of parts, oils, and other materials up there soothed him. They made him feel less like if he had to play under the rules of others all the time.

This place was the embodiment of torture for a thrill seeker like Vroom. Everything in the minimum security section of the prison was so safe that it nearly drove him crazy. Occasionally he would attempt a daring escape only to surrender when he was just about to leave the facilities then willingly return to his cell. Neither the guards or other prisoners understood his actions but both where entertained by his antics. In a way, he had good back full circle to the entertainer he was before the war.

His actions were not smart as every little adventure added more time in this prison but he did not care. It beat going insane and he could always escape for real if he really wanted He shut down his optics and allowed himself to lose himself in thought. It was always the same vision, the memories of the event that brought him to this place in the first place. it was his own penance for what had happened. Perhaps one day he would decide he had suffered enough finally leave.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Insidious » Mon Feb 06, 2012 2:46 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Southern Wing, Block G

"Your ration, freak," Icepick heard the guard say as the small rectangle of energon was placed in to his cell. The Monstercon heard the telltale iron clang of metal against metal, letting him know that the guard on the other side was perfectly safe and he was now free to collect his goodie.

With a slight spring in his step, Icepick walked over to the door and slid back the panel, retrieving the energon nugget that was scarcely any bigger than one of the digits on his actuator. He quickly consumed it and let the minor rush of energy flow through him.

"Soooo delicious, as always," Icepick said, laying on an extra dose of his typical, deceptive cheer. Well, perhaps incongruous was a more accurate term. Most Cybertronians with a personality such as his were not also violent. Icepick was generally always in a pleasant mood. But that hadn't prevented him from being locked away in one of the more high-security, isolated wings of the penitentiary. He had been one of the first for the Autobot prison staff to "experiment" with, putting him in to the general population of the prison. Icepick soon found himself segregated once again with his Monstercon brothers, as he had been found holding a metal spike, standing over the deactivated body of some nameless Cybertronian that had managed to catch his ire. It had been a mistake they would not soon repeat.

Icepick had smiled during the incident and all the way back to his more familiar, isolated cell.

"I look forward to a fresh encounter tomorrow, guard," Icepick said, idly walking back to the rear corner of the cell and crouching down.

"Whatever, glitch."
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Devastron » Tue Feb 07, 2012 12:08 am

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Southern Wing, Block G

Scowl lay on the floor of his cell, optics deactivated, doing the only thing he really could do anymore, listen. They may have put inhibitors on his speakers long ago to prevent any breakout attempts, but his hearing was as sharp as ever. Icepick’s cheery voice came through to him as if he were right next to him, his comrade’s permanent cheerfulness bringing a slight smile to his face. He could just make out the faint sound of fingers scraping along a wall. Slog was creating art again, or whatever could pass for art in this place.

In reality he didn’t even have to listen to know what was going on. It was the same thing every cycle, every deca-cycle, every millionth cycle it seemed. They had been imprisoned so long that it felt like everything all of the prisoners could say or do had already been done. Now they all just went through the motions, just existing, doing what they had always done. For Slog that meant creating art, for Icepick it meant continuing to act cheerful. For Scowl it meant listening, and so he continued to listen to the same words, the same sounds he had heard a million types before.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Ember » Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:00 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Southern Wing - Level 4 - Block C

The cell was dark. It was always dark. But he never complained; he preferred it that way. The less he saw the less he’d want to be stimulated. So he simply sat, waited. The guard would soon come. What was his name again? Stream-something-or-other? He let out a soft chuckle. He’d have to ask again, or at least wait until it was offered.

A light rapping on the door brought him from his musings. The small covered window on the door slid to one side and the piercing blue optics of the guard whose name escaped him shone through. With his own optics finally online he stood and nodded even before he was told to do so.

“Time for your ration. You know the drill.”

From his position Kronus backed up against the wall and raised his arms above his head, his legs spread slightly apart. From outside of the cell Streamlight watched carefully as Kronus assumed the position that had been required of him since his arrival. Satisfied that it was safe, Streamlight depressed a single button revealing a keypad. He input the security code and the restraints in the cell activated.

With Kronus’ arms pressed against the wall the restraints snapped around his wrists and ankles. A light on the keypad illuminated indicating that it was now safe for the guard to enter the cell. As always when the door slid open, Streamlight hesitated to make his way inside.

The act had become the norm, and after a few vorns Kronus grew bored with it. Once Streamlight stopped in front of the prisoner he checked the restraints visually.

“Tell me. Am I being released today?”

The voice from behind the restraint mask was soft, as it always was.

“Why do you ask me that every cycle? You know what the answer will be.”

Kronus tilted his head to one side as he took in the expression on Streamlight’s face.

“I’m hoping the answer will be different this time.”

The guard shook his head slowly from side to side before he removed a syringe from the bag he had carried in. Streamlight gestured with his chin for Kronus to place the back of his cranium against the wall. The prisoner complied. There was never any reason not to.

He turned his head to the left giving the guard enough room to inject the energon directly into his main line. It was the only way in order to keep the guards and the prisoner safe.

Streamlight removed the syringe and placed it back into the bag.

“To answer your question, no, you’re not being released today.”

Kronus nodded his understanding.

“Perhaps tomorrow then.”

Streamlight flashed him an uneasy smile before he quickly exited the cell and powered down the arm and leg restraints leaving its occupant alone in the dark.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Longshot » Wed Feb 08, 2012 10:22 am

Motto: "Feed them to the Sharkticons!"
Southern Wing Control Room

Ah, another day in paradise. Whirl supposed he probably shouldn’t complain; he was fulfilling a necessary duty in relative comfort, all his maintenance and energy needs were met, and nobody was shooting at him. For most Autobots, that would be ideal, the closest they could get to the old days. He wasn’t so sure, though. It felt like something was … missing. Not quite complete. The most accurate description he could come up with for it was “itchy”, but that was impossible since he was a purely mechanical being and his body produced no histamines. Or any other kind of gooey organic stuff.

So that persistent, nagging sensation just stayed with him most orns, with Whirl lacking any means of appeasing or even classifying it. Sometimes, that made him a little bit short-tempered, but none of the other guards seemed to notice. The prisoners generally didn’t interact with him at all, if they could help it.

The cycloptic mech surveyed the banks of monitors before him, each tied in to the security net which kept the various blocks of the southern wing under constant surveillance. Other than Streamlight doing his regular rounds, it all looked quiet. It usually looked quiet. Quiet and routine pretty much defined existence on Garrus-9, for both prisoners and guards alike. There were actually moments when Whirl feverishly wished something at least marginally interesting would happen. A little riot, a minor escape attempt. Anything to make him feel like he wasn’t just rusting away on this rock, fifty million parsecs from everywhere.

“The prisoners received their fuel rations, Ramraider?” he asked, moving to stand behind the smaller Autobot and tapping listlessly at the control panel with one of the sharp projections that comprised his four-pronged claw.


Whirl nodded, tapping the command that would activate the wing’s internal communications broadcasting array. They both knew what came next; there was no need to narrate the entire procedure out loud. The two of them had executed this bit of protocol so many times before, they could probably do it while their higher functions were in stasis lock by now.

>>”Prisoners will prepare for their regular activity cycle,”<< he droned disinterestedly. >>”Cell doors will be released five astroseconds from termination of announcement. Repeat: prepare for commencement of activity cycle.”<<

Terminating the comm., he glanced down at Ramraider, whose optics remained fixed on the security monitors. “Guess I may as well get down there. Wouldn’t want the tedious shuffling back and forth to get started without me …”
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Mazinman » Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:43 pm

Garrus-9--Dela Minimal Security Wing

Vroom's optics came back online at the sound of the announcement. He slowly got to his feet and stretched. It was hard for him to get excited about leaving his cell as he was not likely to find anything that would really entertain him.

"Alright, lets get this over with."

He said as he waited for the door to open in front of him. As he did so the last images of his memories fade from his immediate state of mind although they never quite left.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Insidious » Sat Feb 11, 2012 2:43 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Approaching Southern Control Room

Whenever he could, Maximus tried to make himself available for oversight and support during certain portions of the activity periods for the prisoners. It was a continual reminder to his staff that he was not some disinterested commander as well as a reminder to the prisoners that we was at least somewhat accessible. He could only imagine how differently this facility would be run--for better or for worse Maximus did not exactly know--if someone like Ultra Magnus or Prowl was in charge of the place.

Catching Whirl as he was exiting the control room, he offered a brief nod of acknowledgement. It was both the typical greeting and dismissal around Garrus unless circumstances warranted more information.

"Up to your always efficient standards," Maximus said as he turned to follow Whirl down to the open activity area, hearing the telltale grind of multiple locks releasing and doors opening.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Ember » Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:40 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Southern Wing – Level 4 – Block C

Just settling in on the hard berth, Kronus prepared himself for another long, drawn out silent evening. Not so much as a peep from the other prisoners made it to his audios, but this was something he had already become used to. What he wanted was to get this cursed restraint mask off giving him the opportunity to tear into…something.

He drew a deep intake of air, his fans spun to life expelling the dirt and dust that had just entered his filters. The sound was more grating than soothing. And then came the announcement. The one he wished had included him.

Kronus shook his head. He’s way too dangerous to let wander around in gen pop, even with the restraint mask in place. It seemed that no one advocated on his behalf anymore. But then why would they?

The thief placed his arms behind his head and listened as the locks on the cells above were released, and the prisoners filed out. What he wouldn’t give to be in a space where he could actually stretch out.

No more dwelling on the matter.

After a moment more, Kronus turned on his side and waited for his next ration, just like every cycle.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Longshot » Mon Feb 13, 2012 9:46 am

Motto: "Feed them to the Sharkticons!"
Southern Wing Activity Area

Whirl tilted his head to one side when the warden addressed him, his single golden optic revealing nothing of what might have been passing through his processors. “In point of fact, Maximus,” he said as the pair walked, “my standards would probably compare unfavorably with those of a starving scraplet. And efficiency and I have never been on the best of terms.” It was important for a mechanoid to acknowledge his failings. Or at least give the minor ones an occasional nod, the better to keep even less appealing vices tucked out of sight.

The two Autobots soon reached a reinforced blast door, which unsealed and opened at their approach to reveal a series of wide catwalks overlooking the secure yard where the prisoners were occasionally allowed to stretch their joints. Whirl approached the railing, resting a claw upon it as he appeared to contemplate the turf below, packed hard as ferrocrete by megacycles of aimless pacing. “But it’d be more challenging not to do this job well, after having been at it so long. I know the structure is an important part of ensuring compliance, but there are moments when it gets oppressive. Sometimes I feel as much a prisoner here as them.”

He waved down to indicate the first of the mechanoids to emerge from the cell blocks comprising the southern wing. Of course, Garrus-9 was no typical Autobot brig or dedicated holding facility. Every mech consigned to that rock was there for a reason, and typically that reason involved being too unstable or just too slagging rotten to be held anywhere else. The prison was a necessity. As was having a qualified and disciplined guard staff on-site.

Yet that strange restiveness refused to abate. If anything, it had taken on a new dimension of claustrophobia.

“But I suppose it’s worth it …”
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby USDA Prime » Mon Feb 13, 2012 1:29 pm

Motto: "Delicious steaks are the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Double Barrelled Shell Launcher
Southern Wing Activity Area

As the prisoners slowly filled up the yard, Steelhand did his normal routine of watchful pacing. He said nothing, keeping his optics open for any trouble. He always hoped there wouldn't be any, that his presence and reputation would be enough to prevent any problems.

As usual the inmates kept some distance from Steelhand. By now they all knew what happened if they ever tried to cross "Cave In". It had been over a stellar cycle since the last time a prisoner tried to make a name for himself against the former miner and gladiator. Steelhand couldn't remember the mech's name, but he knew that the troublemaker spent several days in the medical ward.

The prisoners filled up the area. As was normal many got together in their usual cliques- some formed on the outside, others started in the detention center for protection in numbers. Many had made their own routines for their only free time, whether it was physical activity, socializing, or just standing in the corner thinking to themselves. It was rare that fights broke out, whether with other inmates or the guards, and Steelhand being there was a small reason why. If they ever knew the truth, that he had no desire to fight or hurt any of them, and that he wanted nothing to do with his gladiator past, they probably would have challenged his authority more often. That was the only thing Steelhand appreciated about his reputation.

As Steelhand kept his vigil, he noticed two of his superiors, Whirl and the warden Fortress Maximus watching from the catwalk above. The gray warrior looked up to them and gave a quick nod of acknowledgement, then went back to his normal paces through the inmates.

Back to work, back to work.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Ember » Mon Feb 13, 2012 9:32 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Southern Wing – Level 4 – Block C

He hadn’t even slipped into a full recharge when the sound of footsteps entered the corridor that led to his cell. Strange, it can’t be time for my next ration already. Not wanting to believe he was now hallucinating, Kronus tightened his focus on the wall he was facing and tried to think of something else.

The metallic foot falls grew louder but as they seemed to close in on his door, they suddenly slowed and then stopped altogether. His optics brightened at the sound of the lock being released and the cell door opening, albeit slowly.

Streamlight. His guard.

“Uh…I’m going to need you to stand up.”

From his berth, Krous responded.

“Spark extraction? And here I thought I was behaving.”

Streamlight hesitated for a moment as he took in what the prisoner had said. It was a surprise that he wasn’t asked if he was being released. The guard shook his head as he finally answered.

“No.No. You’re not…I was sent to retrieve you so that you can be moved to the activity area.”

Upon hearing that, Kronus slowly turned to face the young mech and then sat up. From behind his restraint mask the thief smiled. It was the first time since he had arrived.
At the first sign of movement Streamlight took a step back toward the door, but stopped when he was sure the prisoner wouldn’t attack. Nodding to Kronus, the guard gestured for him to stand up.

“I’ll…I’ll need to restrain you, a…and you’ll be required to keep them on while in the activity area.”

Streamlight revealed a pair of energon wrist shackles.

Kronus stood, but did not move toward him. Instead he simply offered his arms out in front of himself. Streamlight kept his optics glued to the mech as he placed the shackles around the thief’s wrists. Kronus tilted his head to one side as he took in the guard’s movements.

“And the restraint mask? Will it also remain in place?”

Streamlight stopped for a moment as he tried to come up with a way to break the news to the mech. Unfortunately, nothing was coming to him.

“I’m sorry, but it has to stay in place.”

A heavy sigh escaped through the mask.

“It’s alright. I’m already accustomed to it.”

Finally secured, Streamlight guided Kronus through the cell door and to the lift.

Southern Wing Activity Area

The lighting on Level 4 was always set low, leaving no room for light to penetrate his cell, but once he and his guard exited the lift the intensity of the illumination caused him to raise his restrained arms and cover his over sensitized optics. It took several seconds, but finally they calibrated enough for him to un-shield them.

The two mechs stopped up to the door so that Streamlight could enter his security clearance. The door opened revealing an area littered with a variety of mechs. ‘Cons and ‘Bots alike. Here it didn’t matter what faction you were, once on G9 you were nothing more than a prisoner.

The young guard placed a hand on Kronus’ back and pressed slightly to get him to move on.
The crimson and blue mech stepped past the threshold and took in the sight of all the other inmates. None of whom he had ever laid optics on. Slowly he made his way into the courtyard and looked up to the catwalk that surrounded the area. There, as high and almighty as he imagined him, was Fortress Maximus. The mech standing beside him, Whirl. A mech possibly just as crazy as the inmates housed within these very walls.

There were only a few guards meandering through the crowds, but the one that caught his optics was a tall dark gray mech. He seemed to be carrying himself as though he had no fear of retaliation from any of the mechs gathered in the courtyard. He’d have to remember that.

Slowly, Kronus made his way to a secluded section of the yard and simply watched. After all, this was his first time out in gen pop, and if he wanted to keep his new found freedom he would have to behave…how unfortunate.

After moving Kronus into the yard, Streamlight made his way into the gaggle of prisoners and then maneuvered his way to Steelhand.

“We have a new attendee.”
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Mazinman » Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:04 pm

Southern Wing Activity Area

Vroom waited until the door finished opening and walked out of his cell and headed towards the activity area. Vroom honestly looked forward for this period of time as it offered the greatest opportunity he had every day to experience the unexpected and, on a good day, a hint of danger. However the great boredom he experienced during the day limited his excitement.

He stopped as he arrived at the activity area. He looked around as a spark of mischief began to glow on his optics. He began to walk forward again as his mind began developing tactics on how to have some excitement. For the first time all day a smile came to his face.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby USDA Prime » Tue Feb 14, 2012 8:57 pm

Motto: "Delicious steaks are the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Double Barrelled Shell Launcher
Southern Wing Activity Area

"Grunt, Skydirt. Is there a problem here?", Steelhand calmly asked as he got in between two prisoners who looked ready to rip each other's optics out.

On the left was Skydirt, a purple and brown seeker, slightly taller than Steelhand. On the right was Grunt, a short, but bulky blue Autobot, probably an off road vehicle alternate mode. Steelhand couldn't count the number of times he'd had to break the two up. More often then not it was just some tough-bot posturing, each of them trying to impress the other members of their gangs.

"N-n-no problem at all Steelhand!" the seeker backed up quickly with his hands up.

"Yeah, none at all.", the short Autobot replied, still standing his ground, "And I don't need your help taking out one stinking Decepticon!"

"He's not a Decepticon.", Steelhand talked down to Grunt's face, "And you're not an Autobot. In here you're both prisoners."

After what seemed like a cycle the smaller inmate finally backed away. Just another day at the office for Steelhand.

Just then Streamlight had made his way over, informing the former miner of a new prisoner in the yard. It didn't take too long to see who it was, the restraints being a dead giveaway.

"That's the cannibal, Kronus, right?", Steelhand asked, although he already knew the answer.

Steelhand shook his head disapprovingly, which was the closest he would ever get to complaining. All the guards had been informed about Kronus' condition, and it had often been a point of discussion when new security measures and techniques were brought up. Despite those discussions, Kronus was one of the few prisoners he wasn't sure how to handle if the situation arose; he was fast, intelligent, and worst of all, unpredictable. Having him still in his facial restraint was reassuring, but only so much. If he felt worried about this development he didn't let it show.

"It just means one more dangerous criminal in here.", Steelhand reassured, "We just do our jobs the same as always."

Steelhand went back to his rounds, pacing around the yard. Occasionally he would veer from his normal routine to keep a closer watch over the thief, though he tried not to make it look obvious.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Longshot » Wed Feb 15, 2012 9:40 am

Motto: "Feed them to the Sharkticons!"
Southern Wing Activity Area

Though it wouldn’t be entirely accurate to say that Slog enjoyed the activity cycle, it would be equally incorrect to assert he disliked it, too. It was, he supposed, pleasant enough to be able to walk more than a few steps in any direction without running into a wall, but his relatively modest stature undoubtedly meant he was more comfortable with his cell’s modest dimensions than most prisoners. For the most part, though, the time he spent in the yard was just another part of the orn-to-orn sequence of events that had always prevailed on Garrus-9. There was nothing much to love or hate about it.

Still, it was a chance to gather additional supplies for his work. Now and then, Slog would surreptitiously gather a bit of the tightly-packed earth and conceal it in one of his external storage compartments. The whole thing was nothing more than a shallow ruse, of course: the guards and administration were perfectly aware of his proclivities, just as he knew they knew what he was doing. Yet with near-universal consent on all sides, it was permitted to continue, so long as Slog at least made a credible effort not to be too overt in gathering his only available medium.

The activity cycle was also an opportunity for faceplate-to-faceplate social interaction. Slog preferred to keep to himself in general, but there were a few exceptions: the others, the ones that had been on Garrus-9 as long as he had—which was to say, virtually from the astrosecond the prison’s doors were first opened. They were six, and though he’d known each of the other mechs for megacycles beyond counting, he couldn’t recall whether their association predated their confinement. He couldn’t recall much before Garrus-9.

Peculiarly, they never all seemed to be in the same place at the same time. Slog hadn’t noticed at first, and then when he had he’d attributed it to caution on the part of the guards: five prisoners were marginally easier to handle than six. But since the population had grown, that explanation had become increasingly less likely. It was simply too strange, the regularity of it: one rotation, Wildfly would be confined to solitary; the next, Birdbrain would be assisting the administration on the other side of the facility; after that, he would be placed in temporary holding while the guards hosed down his cell.

Something was amiss. Just what it was, however, Slog couldn’t say.

His optics flickered slightly as he noted the presence of Icepick and Scowl. He wondered which member of their informal little troupe had been withheld from circulation this time.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Insidious » Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:07 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Southern Wing Activity Area

Fortress Maximus smiled a little at Whirl's response as they had arrived at the catwalks overlooking the activity yard. He could not deny that, on occasion, he too felt the oppressive distance from the bulk of Autobot operations in the universe. Out here, they had to take care of business for themselves. If their friends on the frontlines of the war needed help, there was no practical way for them to do so. If they, in turn, needed assistance here for some reason, it would be orns before it arrived--if Autobot Command could afford to spare any assistance at all. It was a mentality that made the staff of this prison surprisingly self-sufficient. That talent had only increased as time went on.

Maximus was always quick to admonish himself when he began to think that way--letting the isolation get to him. He was quick to remember that here, at least, he was able to keep the peace. Here there was no continuous war. Here there were no Cybertronians dying each and every orn. There was peace, of a kind. Peace that was interrupted every so often with a flareup of tension, but then it was settled and the facility eventually returned to normalcy again. It always did. That's why he had to appreciate Prime's assigning him here. Despite the isolation, it certainly beat the alternative.

"If you have any ideas at how to relieve some of that oppression, you know my door is always open," Maximus said, even as his visual focus was elsewhere. "I suppose I've become used to it. Probably too much."

Looking down at Steelhand and the other Autobot guards that were in position to maintain order during the activity period, Maximus returned the unspoken greeting with a nod of his own. Though Maximus was perfectly willing and able to talk when the situation required it, on most occasions a simple nod or glance between colleagues who had worked together so closely for so long was all that was necessary. Maximus had known very few of the individuals stationed here prior to their arrival. Names, if even that. Now, many of them were as close as spark-siblings. If the time would come someday when Maximus was called to serve on the frontlines again, there's no crew that he would rather go in to battle with. Such was the nature of serving together in an environment like this one.

Max could sense the mood shift--as palpable as if he had been prodded with a volt rod--when Kronus was brought in to the activity area. Within the walls of Garrus-9 were some of the strangest and most dangerous Cybernetic life forms that one could ever want to encounter. Kronus was one such individual. Despite their best efforts in certain situations, it never took very long before everyone in the facility knew what an individual prisoner was here for. Kronus was no exception. His reputation--perhaps not the most widely known in the universe--still managed to precede him. Maximus had taken every precaution possible to both ensure Kronus' safety, as well as that of his staff and the other prisoners. Even so, one of the regular topics during their staff debriefings was a reminder to not become lax when it came to monitoring and staying on top of the various security procedures that had been put in place. Maximus knew going in to this job that security would be important, but it had to be balanced with whatever small freedoms they could allow and still maintain order.

His optics were drawn to a brief moment of tension between a couple of the prisoners, but the situation was quickly de-escalated by Steelhand. Another approving nod.

"Keep up the good work," Maximus said at last, looking back at Whirl briefly before starting to walk off.

"Maybe they'll hand the warden job over to you at some point," he added with a slight grin.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Ember » Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:32 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Southern Wing – Activity Area

Streamlight kept his position next to Steelhand as he watched Kronus move away from the other inmates. Obviously the mech did not want to interact with anyone until he felt he could handle himself. It was how things were handled on G9. Prisoners had to move in slowly, even when they were finally accepted they still needed to establish themselves within the pecking order. Something Streamlight wasn’t sure Kronus would be able to do.

“Self cannibal. There’s a difference. He’s more likely to chew his own arm off than bite a chunk out of anyone else.”

Streamlight shrugged as he let his optics wander over the masses.

“Of course there was that one incident when he was locked away in the asylum. Bit off the right side of someone’s faceplate.”

The thought sent a shiver down the young guard’s spinal structure.

“The mech gives me the creeps. But he’s never given me any trouble in the time I’ve been his guard.”

Streamlight grew quiet as Steelhand laid out the truth. Everyone who wound up in a cell at lights out was a dangerous criminal here. Getting soft would assuredly cost you your spark. The mech watched as the former gladiator moved away and continued on his rounds. Streamlight followed suit and moved back toward the other designated inmate groups.

In his secluded locale, Kronus simply observed the comings and goings of the rest of the populace. He had slid down into a seated position, his knees drawn up, while he took note of everyones’ movements. Again his optics caught sight of Steelhand as the tall mech kept him in his sight while he moved back amongst the inmates.

Kronus’ optics narrowed as Steelhand finally disappeared into the crowd. He was so engrossed on watching that he failed to notice the two mechs that stopped in front of him. The first, a hulking red and black mech, gave a swift kick to his left ankle.
The restrained mech let out an angry hiss as he looked up to see who the offender was.

“Would ya look at what we have here.”

The large mech looked to his associate who started to chuckle.

“He must not know the rules. You do know the rules, don’t ya freak?”

Trying to avoid any kind of confrontation, Kronus simply ignored the taunts and slowly stood up. Without regarding his would be attackers he moved past them but was caught by the arm. The actuators dug into Kronus’ arm causing another hiss to escape his covered mouth.

“I think you need to be taught a lesson. No one. And I mean NO ONE, gets to make himself comfortable without seeing me first.”

Kronus, again ignored the already irritated mech and pulled his arm from the other’s grip. Before he could get away, however, the large mech grabbed hold of his shoulder.

“Hey! I never said you were excused!”

Moving almost too fast for the other’s optics, Kronus stepped out of the tight grip and quickly maneuvered himself behind the manhandler. In one swift motion the thief had his restrained arms around the red and black mech’s neck, the energon chain digging hard into his neck plating.

“If I were you I’d stop while I was ahead. Before, you know, you actually lose your head.”

To emphasize the seriousness of his statement, Kronus pulled harder on the restraints causing them to tighten.

“Now, I know you’re not going to offline due to loss of air, but I do know if I pull hard enough I can pop that cranium right off your shoulders. Now that would be fun, no?”

The mech shook his head vigorously, or as vigorous as he could at least. His compatriot had already scurried off, probably to find a guard in hopes of saving his own plating and to make good with his large friend.

By this point it hardly mattered if he was to lose his freedom, after all he still had to defend himself.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Mazinman » Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:16 am

Southern Wing Activity Area

Vroom continued to moved through the Activity Area until the sight of Slog caught his optic sensor. He decided to head his way and pay him a visit. He always did find it more interesting to socialize with Decepticons than the few Autobot prisoners that the prison held. The conversations with Decepticons usually held the hint of danger that entertained him.

He walked over the Slog and patted him in the back.

"Hey 'Con. Your Slog right? Prison life inspire much your art?"
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby USDA Prime » Fri Feb 17, 2012 4:57 am

Motto: "Delicious steaks are the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Double Barrelled Shell Launcher
Southern Wing Activity Area

Steelhand made another pass by Kronus, observing as closely as he could before moving once again into one of the larger crowds of inmates. So far the self-cannibal had kept to himself, which wasn't much of a surprise. Given the thief's rare, unusual condition it seemed unlikely any of the other inmates would accept him, unless it was for their own amusement.

Steelhand stopped as he thought he heard a commotion. He turned around, many of the prisoners had started to surround the area Kronus had been. One inmate seemed to be running in a panic, shouting for a guard.

"GUARDS! GUARDS!", the prisoner yelled, "GET THAT SLAGGIN' FREAK OFF HIM!"

Steelhand didn't hesitate as he hurried straight through the crowd, pushing his way past any inmate that was in his way.

Slaggit, should have kept closer to him.

As soon as Steelhand made it to the center of the commotion he grabbed his pick axe off his back. The restraints that he was glad to see only a breem ago were now being used in a way that hadn't been intended. The energon shackles, meant to contol and restrain Kronus, were now being used by the thief to forcibly rip off a larger inmate's head.

Steelhand knew what he had to do, though he didn't like it. Though some guards tended to forget, Steelhand always knew that part of his job was to ensure the prisoner's safety.

"Kronus, stand down!", Steelhand orders as he got in closer.

<<Need backup guards in south wing activity area, have medic on standby.>>

Steelhand took his left hand off his pick axe and raised it toward the large mech that Kronus had in his grip. Taking careful aim, Steelhand fired his energon cutting beam at Kronus' energy restraints to help free the larger prisoner.

"STAND DOWN NOW OR WE WILL USE FORCE!", Steelhand ordered as he kept a firm grip of his pick axe with his right hand.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Longshot » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:35 am

Motto: "Feed them to the Sharkticons!"
Southern Wing Activity Area

Regarding Vroom out of the corner of his optic sensor, Slog weighed how best to answer the other mech. It was not a conversation he would have chosen to initiate; Vroom had a reputation in the southern wing that made any sort of interaction with him a hazardous proposition. Autobots usually became targets for the many frustrated Decepticon prisoners upon their incarceration, but this one had navigated those treacherous waters with uncanny cleverness. And it was something of a minor legend, the difficulty Vroom gave the guards with his many ingenious attempts at escape.

More to the point, Slog doubted he was really all that interested in art. More likely he was simply trying to instigate … something.

“Little enough use is there for art, in this setting,” he said carefully. “Most have more immediate concerns than refining their aesthetic sensibilities.”

A sudden commotion elsewhere in the yard drew Slog’s attention away from Vroom. Two mechanoids not known to him appeared to be embroiled in a rather serious interpersonal dispute, necessitating the intervention of the guards. Tense as things could be on Garrus-9, it was rare for open violence to erupt. The spectacle would be at least moderately diverting, for as long as it lasted.

“New raw materials, perhaps, for my next piece,” Slog mused.

* * * * * * *

“Don’t even joke about that kind of thing, Maximus,” Whirl protested to his commander’s retreating back. Warden? Him? That would be a fate worse than having his internals devoured by mechannibals while he was still online. How holding the job hadn’t driven Max’s cerebro-processors into involuntary shutdown was a mystery for the ages.

He didn’t have time to dwell upon what dire turns his future might take, however. From his vantage above the activity area, Whirl was swift to note the disruption in the usual progression of pacing and harmless posturing. Even before Steelhand’s call for backup went out, he was leaping off the catwalk and transforming into his aerial alternate mode. His talent for shooting accurately from the hip while flying at unusual angles was particularly handy at times like these.

“Is this Primus punishing me by answering my prayers?” he wondered aloud. He’d never been a particularly mystical Autobot, but perhaps there was some room for providence in his world view, after all. “I wish I had a million energon cubes! That’d sure show me.”

While he waited to see how his impromptu experiment panned out, Whirl transformed again and fired several blasts from his paralyzo box at both Kronus and the other unruly prisoner as he descended. It stood to reason that the usual warnings had been given by that point, so there was no point wasting his fuel. Better to just subdue both mechs now and sort out who was at fault later.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Ember » Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:27 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Southern Wing – Activity Area

The pressure on the red and black mech’s neck was increasing by the second, and his attacker was not about to let up. Kronus continued to pull tightly on the energon shackles until he started to hear the unmistakable sound of snapping wires and tearing metal.

He wasn’t surprised when Steelhand showed up to end his attack; in fact he had expected it. Steelhand seemed to be the one who didn’t know what to make of him. All the better. Even with the restraint mask in place, Kronus was still able to see and anticipate the moves of the large guard. Almost too quick to register, the thief had pulled his attacker off his feet high enough for the cutting beam fired by Steelhand to miss the restraints and hit the larger mech square in the chest plate.

“AGH! N…not me…HIM!”

Kronus let out a deep chuckle as he lowered the larger mech back down to the ground. The pressure on his neck components only increased as the thief positioned himself behind him effectively shielding himself from the overzealous guard.

“This was not my doing. But I am going to finish it. Besides, what’s one less prisoner to hand out rations to? No one’s going to miss him. I know I won’t.”

Kronus grit his teeth as he pulled one last time on the restraints. His attacker’s neck cables fully snapped leaving only a minimal amount of metal to hold his cranium in place. Rearing back for one last tug, Kronus let out a cry as the shots from Whirl’s paralyzo box hit him square in the back. But the shots didn’t stop at just him; it seemed that Whirl had taken aim at the other inmate as well.

As Kronus fell to his knees he looked up at the copterformer and from behind his restraint mask flashed him a smile. At least he wasn’t going down alone.

“Wait! STOP!”

The cry came from across the yard as Streamlight finally made his way through the gathered prisoners to see what was happening to the mech he was supposed to be guarding. The young mech stopped when he saw Kronus laying half a top a much larger mech, who was sprawled on the ground in a growing pool of energon.

“Primus! Didn’t you think to talk the guy down?! You didn’t have to go and exacerbate the situation by threatening him!”

Streamlight holstered his weapon and made his way to both downed mechs. He took a look at the nearly decapitated priconer who was now in stasis from loss of energon, and then at Kronus who was conscious but unable to move.

“He…started it.”

Streamlight looked up to both Steelhand and Whirl, an irritated look plastered on his faceplate.

Rung’s Office

It took some time, but it seemed that today he had gotten to at least one of his more difficult patients. Sometimes it was the guards who proved harder to help that the prisoners. After seeing the mech out, Rung made his way to his desk where he picked up one of the many datapads that had accumulated there over the past few days.

He studied the information contained therein before he placed the device back down and moved to the window behind his workspace. The view was far from spectacular; in fact the only thing that could be seen was part of the outer wall and a portion of the Southern Wing’s activity area.

The psychiatrist’s interest was piqued, however, when he noticed the inmates begin to swarm to a location just out of his view. Rung let out a disappointed sigh. Not knowing what was happening was disconcerting, but it was also the norm.

He turned back to his desk where he opened a line to Maximus. Hopefully the Warden was already made aware of the situation, but it couldn’t hurt to make extra sure.

>>”Sir, it’s Rung. I’m not certain if you’ve been contacted, but it would seem that something is happening in the southern wing’s activity area. Sir, should I expect an influx in the coming future?”<<

Garru-9 was nothing like his practice back on Cybertron. Back then he only had to deal with mechs who were only half insane, but here, just about everyone was completely insane. Why Autobot command had thought stationing him here would be a good idea was far beyond his grasp.

Since his arrival he’s only helped a handful of mechs, but he’s lost twice as many more. Either to suicide or to the murderous tendencies of the masses. Rung shook his head as he waited for the Warden’s response.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Mazinman » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:13 pm

Southern Wing Activity Area

"Art is what you make of it. I was a bit of an artist myself before the war began although my art mostly had to do with performances." Vroom chuckled. "Even though I am stuck here I am still entertaining even though now its considered illegal. Truth be told the moment I figure out how to get access to the armory my stunt extravaganza is getting fireworks again." There was mischief in his voice but accented with a level of sad truth. He really did miss those days when his explosions would be immediately followed by cheers not screams of agony. A simpler time which could never really be recovered.

Vroom turned to see the same new arrival that Slog had. Not the first time something like this had happened.

"Thought you would have better standards than that. That is just sad. I think a Protoform Scout Troop could do a better job guarding us than those idiots." Vroom said as he watched the events unfold. He spoke in his usual clear tone without concern as to who might overhear him.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby USDA Prime » Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:47 pm

Motto: "Delicious steaks are the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Double Barrelled Shell Launcher
Southern Wing Activity Area


Once his cutting beam had missed the shackles and hit the large inmate in the chest, Steelhand stopped firing. Taking a full grip of his pick axe he tried to run behind Kronus to take him out directly. Before he could do anything though, the thief violently ripped apart the other prisoner's neck with the shackles, an act that even made Steelhand grimace. It was only through the actions of Whirl that managed to end the violence, though their job was not yet over.

<<Medical emergency, southwing activity area, inmate in stasis with severe neck damage, loss of energon and mech fluids

Steelhand looked down on Kronus and his victim. Kronus was unable to move, but otherwise seemed unharmed. His victim, on the other hand- metal armor and wiring scattered around the scene, his head held to his body by a few threads of armor plating, fluids pouring out of him. It reminded Steelhand of one of his opponents in the fighting pits....

It was then that Steelhand heard the protests of Streamlight. Steelhand had often worried about the younger guards attitude, he didn't control his emotions as well as he should have. In this sort of environment such outbursts would be seen by the inmates as a weakness to exploit. Someone would have to talk to the young bot about it, maybe one of the superior officers or maybe even Steelhand. But it would have to wait. A fight like this with such a violent ending could possibly rile up the other prisoners to more violence.


Steelhand walked closer to Streamlight, looking the young guard right in the optics.

"Not here. Not now.", he said in a low, stern voice, "We do our jobs."

Without waiting for a response Steelhand went back to work, making sure all of the prisoners were out of the way while they waited for a medical unit.
Last edited by USDA Prime on Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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