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[CLOSED] Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

The noose around Fortress Maximus' neck tightens. Will the Decepticon 2nd fleet led by mighty Scorponok finally subjugate their old nemesis? And if they do, what will be the fate of the Autobot resistance?

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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Devastron » Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:03 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Southern Wing – Level 4 – Block C

Airachnid waited patiently while the mech considered her offers. He was certainly very sure of himself, and a bit smug as well. Hopefully he was half as good as he seemed to think he was. He had been captured and locked up, so it wasn’t as if he was some sort of unbeatable escape artist. Still, there didn’t appear to be any better options available to her, so she waited while he slowly shot down her offers one by one.

The hunter frowned at his comment of how desperate she was. It may have been a correct assessment, but it wasn’t one she wanted to hear. Only a weakling or a fool wouldn’t be desperate to leave this place and she was neither. She had remained as docile and complaint as she had in the prison to bide her time and to avoid spark extraction. That would be the one thing worse then being stuck in that tiny cell all day.

Finally Kronus shuffled over to the door and made an offer worth considering. Honestly it was an ideal offer, one she had even made to that idiot Brace only for him to turn it down. In retrospect that was obviously because he entirely counted on Kronus for this operation. He didn’t want to upset the delicate balance he had obviously struck here. Brace was still an arrogant, foolish coward, but at least she could understand his reasoning there.

Airachnid bowed at Kronus, a wide smile on her face. “I agree to your terms. There will be plenty other heads in this prison that I would like as trophies, so yours will remain safe.” It would present a bit of a challenge for her to find a way off the planet, but she had faith in her own skills. With her limbs freed, along with her weapons and transformation she was capable of doing quite a bit. At the very least she would rather die free and fighting her way out then living forever in that cell.

“It is indeed Kronus,” she replied to his last comment. “I look forward to our next meeting.” She then waited for the guard to lead her back to her cell. She merely had to bide her time a bit longer and then their would be freedom and payback.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Ember » Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:02 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Southern Wing – Level 4 - Block C

Kronus let out a low chuckle at Airachnid’s agreement concerning finding good help. Brace was useful but only so often. He was the type of mech you could only use for so long before he became a burden…hell, he’d even become a bore. But this Decepticon, now she will most assuredly liven up the plan.

“Oh, you have no idea, Airachnid. I will be waiting for said meeting with bated breath.”

The thief looked past the spider femme and gave Aileron a nod. The guard would need to make his way back out of the block and back to the upper levels. If he left now he’d make it just in time…right before the video and audio feeds were restored.

“You better get on your way, Aileron. You wouldn’t want to be seen down in this pit with the likes of me.”

Kronus stepped back from the door and offlined his optics as he sat down on the slab that served as his berth. At the same time the senior guard stalked forward and took hold of Airachnid’s arm half pulling half shoving the femme ahead of him and out toward the lift.

“I’m gonna kill that slagging degenerate. It’ll be a miracle if any part of him makes it over those walls.”

Aileron escorted the spider femme to the lift and back to the block he had retrieved her from. The trip was shorter as he was able to bypass Brace’s makeshift office. And no sooner had the Decepticon been locked back in her cell Aileron beat a hasty retreat to the sector he was to begin his shift. The flier took his time as rushing would just lead to unwanted questions concerning his whereabouts. No, for now he would take his time.

Kronus listened as the sound of Aileron’s heavy footsteps and Airachnid’s much lighter ones finally faded into the distance leaving the slim, lithe mech to retreat into his own little world…the one that seemed to occupy his mind when things grew stagnant.

The thief let out a heavy sigh and lifted a leg resting his foot flat on the slab. With another sigh he placed his right forearm over the portion of the face restraint that covered his forehead. Such a productive evening this had been.

The sound of a soft moan caught his attention causing a broad smile to form on his face but it remained unseen while in the inky blackness that swallowed his cell. Spree was finally coming off the effects of the sedative. Perfect timing. See, Brace was useful for something after all. And only four breems after Aileron and Airachnid had left. Which meant that the feeds had been active for approximately two breems already. Poor Spree, he was sure to get an audio full from his superiors.

Hmm…the feeds. I’ll have to remember to thank Regulator some time. Nice guy. Too bad he’d only be of use this one time. Such a shame. Oh well, c’est la vie.

When the resonating vibration of the lift coming to a halt on the block’s level was both felt and heard, Kronus smirked. Right on time. I can always set my chronometer to Streamlight. Such a good kid.

“Hello, Streamlight. Oh, you might want to check on the guard. He seems to have fallen into recharge a few hours ago. I tried to wake him but…well you know.”

Streamlight forced back a smile when he heard the older mech greet him, but he grew worried when Kronus explained to him what had occurred during the night shift. He knew he should have been the one to choose his evening replacement.

The slight flier closed the distance between him and Spree stopping when he reached the other guard’s side. He squatted down and shook Spree’s shoulder trying to rouse the drowsy mech further.

“Spree! Wake up! Damn it, get up!”

The larger ‘Bot let out a groan and finally onlined his optics and took a long, hard look at the smaller ‘Bot poised at his side. A goofy smirk crossed his features while he stared directly at Streamlight.

“Oh hey, Stream. What’re you doing here? Is it morning already?”

“Wha…Spree, what happened? You were recharging!”

The young guard shot a look to the cell.

“Kronus! How long has he been out?!”

There was silence from within the cell for a few minutes before Streamlight heard the sound of shuffling feet. They stopped when they reached the door and from the small window he could see the bright red pinpoints that shone through the face restraint that was affixed to the inmate’s head.

“He’s been asleep the entire time he’s been here. Like I said, I tried to wake him up but he was out like a light.”

Spree bolted up from the chair and crossed the short distance from the desk to the cell door. He pointed an accusing finger at the prisoner while looking over his shoulder at the younger guard.

“That’s a slaggin’ lie! When I got here I had one of my rations and then I blacked out! This fragger probably had something to do with it! He set me up…he must’ve had someone drug me!”

Streamlight pushed himself back up to a standing position and shook his head.

“Come on Spree. You and I both know that there’s no way that could happen. Kronus has no contact with anyone in this facility. He only leaves his cell for his scheduled meetings with Ru…oh slag! Rung! I forgot!”

Streamlight practically sprinted to Spree’s side and took hold of the mech’s arm. There wasn’t any time to stand here and argue…he was already late and trying to convince a mech who hated his prisoner that he was not responsible for Spree’s unwanted recharge cycle was not going to make things better.

“Look, Spree, I’ll keep this quiet but only if you leave right now! The video and audio feeds don’t cover the back of the desk and since you were leaning back in the chair no one will know that you were asleep. Now get out of here so I can get my prisoner to his appointment.”

“Fine! But I know that that…FREAK had something to do with this! You better watch your back, Stream, the first chance he gets he’s gonna offline you!”

“Just go!”

The white and red flier ran his right hand down the length of his face while releasing a heavy sigh. This was not going to be a good day. Streamlight shook his head lightly as he moved over to the cell door.

“Kronus, I need you to…”

“I know the drill, Streamlight. Back against the wall…arms out.”

The thief quickly complied…several minutes later his assigned guard had restrained his arm and hands.

“You know, I like you a lot more than Spree. He doesn’t like to talk to me…he’d much rather keep his dreams to himself. But you understand me, Streamlight.”

“Yeah, well, you’re probably the only one who really gets me.”

The duo had already made it to the upper levels of the block and was preparing to enter the final lift when Streamlight’s comm buzzed. It was common that he heard from one of his superiors, but this signature was somewhat of a surprise.

>>”Steelhand? Uh, I wasn’t expecting to hear from you…like ever.”<<

The line grew quiet as the young mech tried to come up with an answer that wouldn’t alarm the senior guard…as well as embarrass himself.

>>”Oh…well, I’m doin’ alright...I suppose. I mean, after I made a complete aft of myself…but I guess it could be worse. At least I don’t need to prove myself to anyone while I’m on duty. But yeah…I’m okay, thanks for asking. What about you…you okay? You sound…I don’t know…shaken up.”<<
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby USDA Prime » Sat Sep 22, 2012 8:13 pm

Motto: "Delicious steaks are the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Double Barrelled Shell Launcher
Senior Guard's Barracks

Steelhand stared at his chest, at the Autobot symbol that had been put there many vorns ago when he made the deal with Autobot Law Enforcement. For so long it had been something that was simply there that he never really thought about. After the nightmare he'd had last night, it stirred up a number of conflicting emotions in him.

I've never really felt like an Autobot..... I know I've fought Decepticons, but it was always inside prison walls. I never thought of them as Decepticons, just inmates.

Steelhand shook his head to try to get his thoughts straight. He'd never liked thinking too hard about anything, it always complicated things. He just needed to do his job and forget whatever that dream meant. Anyway he'd be doing some mining work later after his shift, and Steelhand was sure that would make everything a lot better for him.

It was then that the senior guard recieved a reply from Streamlight. From the sounds of it the younger guard had gotten over his problems from the night before, that was good. Steelhand's optics widened as he found out Streamlight was on duty, and felt a little embarassed when it was mentioned that he sounded shaken up.

Aw slag, I'm supposed to be a better example than that. I can't be bugging other guards like this when their on duty, and I sure as slag can't let him think anything's wrong with me.

Steelhand physically straightened himself out- if Streamlight thought he was shaken up by the sound of his voice, he certainly didn't want anyone else to see that there was something on his mind. He opened up the comm line to Streamlight again.

>>Aw Slag, I'm sorry Streamlight, I wouldn't have messaged you if I knew you were on duty. Hope I'm not gettin' you into trouble or anything. Anyway I'm fine, just had a bad recharge cycle. Guess I'm the one who should have had the Protoform Punch last night, heh. Anyway I'll leave you to your duties, see ya' in the activity area.<<

Steelhand sighed. He still had some time before his shift started, and he didn't feel like going back to the Grease Pit. But there was on thing that had been the back of his mind since his last shift. The senior guard walked out the barracks door and headed for his destination.

Gotta find out.

Medical Ward- CMO's Office

"Aaaaaaah, I needed that....."

Armor Aid shut his optics off as he held the cy-gar-8 in his mouth, savoring the smooth taste, feeling the chemicals enter into his systems. For a moment he could forget about the dead patient lying in pieces in the next room, as well as all the other patients that had been permanently off-lined by his incompetence. It was a good thing he had this secure office that only a handful of the highest ranking prison staff could enter without his permission. This office.

Armor Aid turned his optics back online, chomping onto the cy-gar-8 as he set his arms down on the desk. He looked around at his surroundings of the office, which had remained mostly unchanged since he had taken over as CMO. There were the standard computer terminals and medical equipment that any CMO would need in the job, as well as several file cabinets filled with datapads. Opposite the desk were a couple of comfortable looking chairs and even a couch- Lancet had made it a point to let any visitors feel comfortable when they were there.

His optics shut off again for an astrosecond as he took another deep intake of chemicals. It felt good, comforting, calming. Looking down at his desk, Armor Aid saw a framed holo-photo, with the image face down. He'd seen it countless times, and set it so he wouldn't have to look at it countless more.

Don't look at it, don't look at it....

With hesitation Armor Aid put the holo-photo back upright and stared at the image. It was him and Lancet sitting at the Greasepit, clacking their mugs of energon substitute together. A smile slowly crept on the paramedic's face as he focussed on the image of his late mentor. He was average height with white armor, but he was skinny and lanky, looking like a minibot could break one of his arms in half with little effort.

He was smiling in the picture, Armor Aid had a hard time remembering a time when Lancet didn't smile. He was even smiling the last time Armor Aid saw him, when he was lying on the surgical table with half his circuits spilling out of his back. Armor Aid's smile turned into a scowl as he placed the image back down on the desk so he wouldn't have to look at it. At least until the next time.

For a while Garrus 9's acting CMO just sat at his desk and continued to suck the toxins from his cy-gar-8 into his body. He was perfectly content to stay in his own personal sanctuary, away from the threats and the jokes and the patients that he knew he would never be able to keep alive.


"Slag....", Armor Aid grumbled, putting his head on his hand as he remembered, "And I haven't informed Maximus yet....."

>>Drone 13, go to standby mode.<<

Armor Aid took in several more doses from his cy-gar-8, he would need it if he was going to have to speak to the warden. He put the thin white tube-shaped device between two of his fingers, and after taking a few more intakes for good measure he reluctantly set it on the desk.

"Slaggit, don't remind me what a frag-up I am, I already know.", he murmured before opening a secure comm-link to the warden.

>>Fortress Maximus, this is Armor Aid. I hate to wake you this early with bad news, but that inmate with his head nearly ripped off is dead now. Inmate 5743, Darkwrath. I know the drill, I'll tell the senior staff and have a full report after I finish the autopsy..... Plus send another request to Autobot Medical for a doctor who knows what he's doing. Armor Aid out.<<

The acting CMO sighed, glad to get that over with, hoping the warden wouldn't send him a reply. He picked his cy-gra-8 back up and put it in his mouth for a few more doses of "medicine". He was going to need it for his next call.

>>Armor Aid to Rung. I know you've been seeing Kronus a lot, so I figured you should know; that inmate he just about beheaded earlier is dead now. Inmate 5743, Darkwrath. I'm sure you'll have a session with him soon, so if it helps just tell him it's all my fault and he would have lived if we had a competant doctor. It's not like you'll be lying or anything. Armor Aid out.<<

Closing the commlink Armor Aid put the cy-gar-8 in his mouth once again. As he tried to remember which staff member he had to contact next, he realized something; he put is head down into his hands.

"Slag, why did I say that? Now he'll want to have another session with me."
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Cryhavok » Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:06 am

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
Shadowing Aileron

It took a while for Hardshell to track down Aileron using a single remote controlled diaclone of his. While the Decepticon Secret Service had been able to provide guard roster in addition to the prison layout and security specifications - they simply couldn't keep up with the constantly changing shifts. And there was a good reason for it. Garrus-9 was completely isolated. All transmission traffic was being constantly monitored. An unauthorized crypted transmission would lead to an investigation which would compromise every agent working for the Secret Service. Thus, the only option to move information in and out was to infiltrate the supply and prison transports that visited Garrus-9. Of course, this was not exactly and easy task either.

There was no centralized logistics system providing regular transports. Both prisoners and supplies were usually dropped off by passing Autobot starships of various sizes and specifications, from a basic transport ships to an Ark-class behemoths. This provided an enormous challenge but defeating these odds also proved how skillful the Secret Service truly was. At least Hardshell was not responsible on planning his way in. The means had been provided to him. Getting the message out of G-9? Now, that was something the Insecticon had to be able to do on his own.

This was not an operation he could afford to screw up by acting with haste. If he was discovered, he'd be caught. And no one would be there to bail him out. And so, he waited. He waited and observed as Aileron and other guards on this particular shift moved by him, time and time again. Breem after breem passed until he was fairly certain how the guards moved. And as Aileron was about to pass him by for the next time, the remote controlled drone dropped out from its hiding place and landed on Aileron's shoulder. It was unlikely that even Aileron himself had noticed this.

On the other hand, it was pretty likely the guard noticed the Insecticon clone's next action as the clone slipped under bottom rim of Aileron's helmet and connected itself into a diagnostics port and beamed a message from the High Command directly into Aileron's brain module. The message demanded updates on the usual subjects Aileron provided to the Secret Service but this time it had an addendum heavily targeted towards the prison roster. The message particularly focused on confirming the existence of six inviduals within the facility - these six being Birdbrain, Bristleback, Icepick, Scowl, Slog and Wildfly - the Monstercons.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Ember » Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:43 am

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Southern Wing – Cell Block G

Hauling that Decepticon femme around…or rather helping her along…was not what he had signed up for. Sure the pay was good but to have to be resorted to a mere escort…that would just not do. All in all things were actually good on this rock. Aileron got paid for his work as a senior guard and as a guard for Brace…the little toad. And that was nothing compared to what he got from that other proprietor.

Aileron had just dropped Airachnid off at her cell and turned to leave when he was stopped suddenly by a voice coming from the cell directly across from the femme’s. The guard took a quick over his shoulder and caught sight of Flame who practically had his nose pressed through the bars…he probably would have had the bars not been made of pure energy.

“So, where have you two been? You’ve both been gone for quite some time. You know you can tell me.”

Flame flashed Airachnid a dashing smile before looking to the senior guard who quickly stalked to stand directly in front of the crazed scientist’s cell. The sudden arrival of Aileron jostled Flame’s bravado and he hastily shuffled back further into his cell.

“Listen you piece of deranged slag! My business is my own. You start asking questions you’re liable to get broken…got me?”

The shocked expression that formed on Flame’s usually calm face was enough for Aileron to know that his message came across as understandable. The guard flashed the scientist a slight smirk which was swiftly followed up by a curt nod.

“Now then…you two have a nice sentence.”

He left both bots with a haunting chuckle while he turned and made his way to an adjoining corridor.

“I despise that mech.”

Between Blocks

Aileron’s chuckle died down while he moved through the remaining corridors and on toward the minimum security block where Brace was still located. He’d have to have a nice little discussion with the arms trafficker. Being sent down to that deranged freak’s level without the knowledge of his appointment with Rung was not his idea of being covered. As it was the little rust stain was skating on thin ice.

He was just rounding the last corner when he felt a very well-known sensation from just under the rim of his helmet. It’d happened before and he knew precisely what it was and who had sent it. Aileron kept his gate steady but pushed past the small storage room that served as Brace’s office. The message that had just been beamed directly into his brain module was considered top priority.

Based on what was sent to him via Hardshell’s drone he had been ordered to retrieve as much information on six inmates known collectively as the Monstercons. He had heard of them...individually but never as a unit by such a name.

Without hesitation Aileron greeted his so called friends and superiors showing no outward sign that he had been contacted by High Command. After all he’d done this type of work before so keeping a low profile was like second nature.

Southern Wing – Security Command Center

His security clearance was one of the reasons he had been recruited by High Command not to mention that he was a stout believer that the Autobots were wrong and the Decepticons were right.

Aileron casually entered the security command center and cast a broad friendly smile to all of the mechs present and took a seat at one of the available terminals in the back of the large room. Accessing prisoner files was not unusual so even if someone came across him researching the requested group no one would question it.

With the names of the individuals provided Aileron had little trouble locating them all…Southern Wing, but each one had been locked away in different Blocks. Unusual. Why separate them? It didn't matter to the guard so long as he got the information he had been ordered to acquire.

Once the location of each of these so called Monstercons appeared on screen a sharp needle like rod appeared from the top of Aileron’s right hand which he carefully jacked into a port on the side of the desk top. As soon as the connection had been made all of the necessary data was downloaded to the senior guard’s neo-cortex giving the drone easy access to what it needed.

The process lasted mere astroseconds and when it was complete Aileron returned the screen of the terminal to its proper setting. The flier never left his chair as he waited for Hardshell’s little drone to acquire all of what he needed. All of the inmates’ locations were provided…Icepick – (Cell Block B)…Scowl – (Cell Block G)…Bristleback – (Cell Block D)…Birdbrain – (Cell Block C)…Slog – (Cell Block H)…Wildfly – (Cell Block M).

Among the other details embedded in the data transfer were the easiest access points to all of the provided blocks and the condition of each one of the Monstercons. From there Aileron uploaded the data directly to the drone. As soon as the information was transferred Hardshell’s tiny minion would be on its way and Aileron would resume his work as if nothing unusual had occurred.

Rung’s Office

“Come in Streamlight.”

The nervous young guard stepped through the door of the psychoanalyst’s office with his charge ahead of him. Streamlight led Kronus to one of the available chairs that sat directly in front of the table before the large desk.

While Kronus took his seat Rung flashed the mentally deranged mech a comforting smile and then looked to the guard.

“Streamlight, I’d like to have a brief word with you. Please, step outside. Kronus I’ll be with you in a moment.”

Both Autobots moved into the hallway and Rung motioned for both guards stationed at either side of the door to keep watch over his patient giving him and Streamlight a modicum of privacy.

“Streamlight I’m worried…well worried may be too strong a word…I’m more concerned.”

Streamlight sent the psychiatrist a quizzical look as Rung raised a hand to stop the young ‘Bot from asking him questions pertaining to his observation.

“I’m concerned that you’re becoming too close to Kronus. In this line of work one cannot take anything for granted, and your relationship with this inmate is…well, it’s becoming dangerous. Now, do you associate with any of the other workers here…guards or staff members?”

Streamlight raised his hand to the back of his neck and gave it a gentle rub. He’d never really thought about it but no, he really had no friends to speak of…well, he could count Steelhand but he wasn’t entirely sure if the other guard reciprocated the fact that he was his friend.

“Well, no, not really.”

“Then maybe we should figure out why that is. I want you to come and see me tomorrow. Perhaps if we talk about it we’ll be able to change things pertaining to that manner.

Now, I want you to know that this isn't a request.”

With a broad warm smile Rung placed a reassuring hand on the guard’s shoulder cutting off any protest Streamlight might fire off.

“Um, ookay.”

“Good. I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow morning.”

Rung then gave a gentle pat to Streamlight’s should and stepped back into his office leaving the young mech standing alone confused and speechless. How in the Pit could this have happened?

Now back in his office and the two large guards back at their stations, Rung took a seat across from Kronus, but before he began their session he received a message from a very distraught Armor Aid. Why this mech beat himself up so much was disheartening. Nevertheless Rung opened up a link with the medic.

>>"Thank you, Armor Aid. I'm with the inmate who is responsible for Darkwrath's death. Armor Aid I'd like you to do me a favor...stop by my office in about a joor. I think we should talk."<<
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Cryhavok » Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:40 am

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
Between Blocks

While Hardshell had had his first drone waiting for Aileron, the Insecticon infiltrator had been busy with preparing himself an escape route. And to be frank, he was feeling quite lucky. Out of a hunch, Hardshell had decided to send a drone into the Greasepit, the local watering hole run by Goldrush. He had visited the establishment in person before in order to scavenge spilled energon from the floor and tables. After all, he did not need that much energon to survive when staying in his insect mode. And it wasn't like the drunken louts would notice his visits anyway.

This last visit to the Greasepit was not about acquiring energon for himself though. No, he had gone there to see if the crew of this ship he had arrived with had decided to take some shore leave so to speak. And his hunch had just been proven right. A good deal of the Autobots he had seen in the transport he had traveled on board as a stowaway, were filling their fuel tanks with cheap energon in their desperate search to escape the war even for one night. This meant an opportunity had presented itself for Hardshell to leave G-9 far faster than he had anticipated. And he was going to take it.

Hardshell waited until Aileron left the Security Command Center before he had the drone deattach itself from the guard. It was for a quite simple reason really. The Security Command Center was higher security area and the drone would have faced severe difficulties leaving the zone undetected without Aileron's assistance despite of its miniature size.

Not too surprisingly, it took some time for Hardshell to direct the drone back to his own hidey-hole. After all, the Autobots took their security seriously enough for even a small mistake to cost Hardshell the operation. With the drone finally returning to safety and its precious data downloaded to Hardshell's own memory banks - the Insecticon devoured his clone and slipped out of the crack he had been hiding in.

The trek to the Greasepit was uneventful, if slow and tedious. But given his mission, Hardshell preferred it this way. Fortunately enough, he managed to reach the bar before it was closed for the night and his clueless benefactors driven out. And thus, several breems later - Hardshell had found himself back in the Autobot ship where rest of its crew were already making preparations for take-off. From here on - it was going to be child's play...
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Insidious » Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:36 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Warden's Quarters

A little recharge time had seemed like a good idea at first. For the entire walk back to his quarters Fortress Maximus felt as if his optics might suddenly decide to offline at any second and some random guard would find him the next cycle or orn in peaceful semi-stasis. But it was not to be. No sooner was he back within his own personal domicile than his mind began to race with the myriad of things that he had dealt with in recent cycles.

Everything in Maximus' quarters had been redesigned to accommodate his significant physical stature. And he sat quietly, alone, with several holoscreens blinking in front of him while a huge window allowed the warden a wide view of the surrounding landscape, the planet Elba and vastness of space beyond. The moon on which the prison was located was barren and lifeless--it had been chosen as the location to host this facility for a reason--but Maximus had come to find it peaceful all the same.

But there was always something to disturb that peace...

A fresh transmission from Armor Aid was proof enough of that. But Maximus was not bothered by it. It was part and parcel of what he had signed on for when he initially agreed to take this post. And so he listened attentively as the report came in.

Maximus almost spoke instinctively without thinking, but he stopped himself. Head almost ripped off? What?

Ohhh...the Kronus incident in the activity yard......, Maximus thought, sighing internally and shaking his head slightly. He hoped that there would be a better path for Kronus. He hoped that he might be one of the few to find some kind of actual rehabilitation within the confines of the penitentiary. It was a slim hope of course, since not many did, but Maximus had hoped for it just the same. He tried his best to offer every prisoner that much. What they chose to do with it was on them.

Some choices would of course bear much harsher consequences than others. As was the case here.

>>"Don't worry about it Armor Aid. I was awake. And I don't suspect that will change in the near future. As for Darkwrath--understood. As you said, you know what to do. Get a full report to me ASAP. Need to set up a disciplinary hearing as well. Where's Kronus now?"<<

Maximus suspected that once word began to get around that Darkwrath had finally succumbed to his injuries, those who were known to be associates of his could very well seek to inflict the same punishment on Kronus. Optic for optic mentality was very popular amongst many prisoners, and more yet preferred to exact far worse revenge than anything that was done to one of their own. Kronus would be in danger, as well as anyone who might try to exact such revenge, as Kronus himself was obviously both a dangerous and capable mech, if highly unstable. At the end of the day, Maximus would not see this facility degenerate in to some Decepticon penal colony. Not on his watch.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Ember » Sat Oct 06, 2012 11:12 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Rung’s Office

For several moments Rung simply stared at the datapad in his hand, his free hand gently stroking at his chin. He needed to approach the situation concerning the death of Darkwrath delicately. He had no real idea just how Kornus would react to the news. Well, of course it would probably be something typical of a Decepticon, but this mech was not even a typical Cybertronian. Finally Rung looked up to his patient and flashed the thief a genuine smile.

“You know, doc, you’re smile is even more creepy than...well, that weirdo Darkride…or me.”

Rung made no attempt to respond instead the psychoanalyst decided that the best course of action would be to dive right in and pass on the information provided to him by Armor Aid.

“I have some news on that inmate you attacked in the yard earlier.”

Kronus pressed his back deeply into the chair’s back lifted his left leg and laid it across his right knee. The relaxed posture gave Rung the indication that his patient was far from concerned.

“Okay. Lay it on me.”

With a slight shake of his head and a heavy sigh Rung looked to Kronus’ masked face. He could just make out the deep red illumination of his optics. It always made it difficult to know exactly what expression was gracing the inmate’s features. Reading people’s faces was an art and with Kronus Rung was left hindered. He had no real idea on just what the thief was thinking.

“According to the staff medic Darkwrath did not make it.”

Kronus remained quiet for a few moments taking his time to absorb the information his doctor just provided to him. To anyone else…well maybe not anyone…but to some hearing such news would probably cause them some kind of remorse. Kronus was not in league with any of them.

“Wow. Such a senseless tragedy. I sincerely hope his passing will not postpone movie night. I hear that it’s action packed.”

The response was to be expected but it still disturbed Rung that even Kronus wasn't the least bit perturbed. With a heavy sigh Rung decided to press on.

“I've read through the reports concerning the…incident in the activity yard. According to your account Darkwrath approached you and provoked you into an altercation but you failed to mention just how he provoked you. What happened, Kronus?”

The question seemed to hit a nerve as the psychoanalyst took note of his patient’s fidgeting and uncomfortable mannerisms. Good, I’m getting somewhere. Patiently Rung sat and waited for Kronus to finally relax enough to tell him what had occurred.

“He called me a ‘freak’. I ignored him but then he…”

The slim orange mech lowered the pad and cocked his head to the right. His eyebrows lifted as he anticipated just what he would hear next. He offered the other mech a slight nod encouraging him to continue. He was relieved when his gesture was rewarded.

“…then that slaglicker touched me! He had the gall to put his detestable, dreck covered servos on me! No one touches me! Not without my say so! Everyone knows that. EVERYONE!”

Rung quickly put both hands up letting the datapad fall into his lap. He waved his hands gently trying to get his patient’s attention and at the same time distracting him enough to relinquish the memory from his processor…at least for the time being.

“Okay, okay. Just calm down, Kronus. I know you’re not the kind of mech who likes to be touched, but not everyone knows that. And certainly not Darkwrath.”

Satisfied that Kronus was finally calm enough Rung stood up and made his way to the mech’s side. It was hard to believe that the mech seated before…only slightly larger than him…was capable of nearly ripping a mech’s head from his shoulders. The smaller mech offered up a small smile before moving on to lean against the edge of his desk.

“Did you mean to kill him or were you just trying to hurt him? Did you know how far you were willing to go or wanted to go?”

Kronus tossed his head back letting the back of his masked cranium hit the back of the chair. He mused for a few minutes before he let out a heavy sigh and pushed his body forward. His bound hands slipped between his knees, his head lowered to chest level. Kronus studied the floor for another moment before he carefully stood up from his seat. The thief looked at the slim doctor and smiled behind his face restraint.

“I meant to eat him. Piece by miserable piece. But I couldn’t. Not with this…thing on my head!”

The disturbed mech shook his head roughly as he started to pace the width of the room. He was agitated. Never good especially in mechs that suffered from self-mutilation psychosis. Denying them what they believe they need is a sure fire way of sending them into some kind of psychotic overload. That is what probably happened in this situation.

“When was the last time you were out of your face restraint? That information was never provided in your file. Has it been in place since your arrival?”

The question seemed to muddle in Kronus’ processor and before he could stop himself he blurted out the first answer that came to mind.

“I had it off the other day! But I couldn’t get to anything! My damned arms were strapped to that fraggin’ wall!”

The red of Kronus’ optics dimmed to a dangerous blood red as he slowly turned his head to look at the shocked doctor. Rung stiffened and placed both hands on the edge of the desk. He had to ask the question even though he already knew what the answer would be.

“Wh…who removed it?”

His head still turned and his optics glaring deep into Rung’s own, Kronus gave him what he asked for. Of course he already knew the good doctor reached the correct conclusion.

“Streamlight. I trust him like I trust you. And I know what you’re gonna do, doc. You’re gonna recommend to the warden that he be transferred either to another block or off the planet.”

Kronus shook his head and then turned fully to face the orange mech.

“But you can’t do that. You have a duty of care. Remember? Besides, everything that we discuss in here is covered under doctor/patient confidentiality. Ethically speaking, you can’t say anything to the warden.”

He was right. Rung was bound to keep everything that his patients said and did private, and that meant giving no information to anyone unless the patient allowed it. And Kronus would never allow it. That left Streamlight.

“You’re right, Kronus. I can’t say anything and I won’t. But you cannot use Streamlight this way.”

He stepped away from his desk and walked up to the thief. Tentatively Rung placed a hand on his shoulder. The Decepticon long ago had accepted Rung as one of the few that he allowed to get close enough to make physical contact.

“I know. I’ll make sure to be more detached.”

“Good, now how about you have a seat so we can continue.”

A slight nod was the only response he received before his patient backed away and took his seat. The rest of their session should go as usual, but this time Rung hoped to at least get a little further. And afterward he was going to have to prepare for his talk with Streamlight. Not to mention his talk with Armor Aid that would be coming up shortly.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby USDA Prime » Mon Oct 08, 2012 3:39 am

Motto: "Delicious steaks are the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Double Barrelled Shell Launcher
Medical Ward- CMO's Office

>>-5743, Darkwrath. A full report will be submitted once I've done a full autopsy. I shouldn't have to tell you this, but PLEASE tell your guards to stay out of here unless they have an actual medical emergency. Or better yet, see if you can get them a transfer if they do get hurt, they'll have a better chance of survival. Armor Aid out.<<

The acting CMO put his cy-gar-8 in his mouth and took a long drag, glad to be done notifying the senior staff of the latest casualty at his hands. After spending most of his time avoiding any kind of interaction with the rest of the prison staff, it seemed almost unbearable having to contact them under these circumstances.

As expected he recieved a reply from Rung, which included the always unwanted request of a talk.

"Well, at least he didn't say it was a session, so I don't have to go.", Armor Aid mumbled to himself as he took in some more toxins, "But he'll probably barge in here if I don't"

With a sigh he sent a non-verbal acknowledgement to Rung. He'd show up, but he knew a few tricks to get out early. As he noticed a thin whaff of smoke coming from his cy-gar-8, he received another reply, this time from the warden. He put the thin white tube down on the desk, and thanked Primus the warden had made no remarks about Armor Aid's abilities, or lack thereof. All Maximus wanted to know was the location of Darkwrath's assailant. He opened the comm link again.

>>Kronus is in Rung's office right now, Maximus, as far as I know they had scheduled a session before I delivered the news. I'll have a report to you on Darkwrath within a cycle. Armor Aid out.<<

The paramedic sighed as he looked down at the cy-gar-8 on his desk, now burnt out with all it's chemicals used up. He couldn't delay anymore, he had to get things done to appease the warden.

Like he really know's what's going on.... if he did, maybe Lancet......

Armor Aid looked at the framed image that was face down on his desk again, shaking his head in disgust. He didn't want to go back out there and see the results of another of his failures. But in here was almost as bad- sure, it kept the others out, but it was an ongoing reminder of the good times before, and the good times he and his friend would never have. He put his hand on the frame, considering whether he should smash the picture, toss it against the wall, or simply put it in the disposal unit with the rest of the trash. He shut his optics as he debated with himself.

"Why'd you have to be such a hero, slaggit?", he spoke as if there were someone else in the office, "You risk your life to save one piece of slag, and hundreds more end up dying because I'm not even close to half the doctor you were.... Why couldn't I be the bot you thought I could be?"

In the end Armor Aid simply sighed and left the photo as it was. As much as he hated it, he had to get his job done before anyone started wondering what was taking him so long. He took his hand off the picture frame and picked up the cy-gar-8, putting it in his mouth to ingest any chemicals that might still be in it. After many astroseconds of pointless sucking, he took it between his fingers and tossed it into a small disposal unit next to his desk. He stopped just in front of the door and took a deep intake to ready himself, then walked out.

Medical Ward

Armor Aid walked out to find all signs of his earlier struggles to keep Darkwrath alive were gone. The mech fluids that had splattered all over the walls were cleaned up, as well as all the nuts and bolts and scraps that had been scattered all over the floor. Every surface of the room shined clean.

At the far end of the room was his dead patient, lying on the operating table. No longer was there a tangled mess of wires and circuits. The main body lay there clean and shiny, save for a number of scratches on the chassis. The head sat near the edge of the table, but every severed wire and tube that had once connected the head to the body were now neatly organized and layed out for easy access and examination.

"Maybe you'll luck out this time.", Armor Aid snidly said to the body, "Maybe I'll mess this up and you'll come back to life. Drone 4, medical aide."

At the far end of the medical ward a plain door opened, and a medical drone walked out. Without saying a word the drone came to Armor Aid, standing right next to a table where numerous medical tools and instruments lay. The drone stood there at attention, awaiting whatever orders would come from the acting CMO.

"All right, let's get this done and over with.", Armor Aid grumbled.
Last edited by USDA Prime on Mon Oct 08, 2012 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Insidious » Mon Oct 08, 2012 1:53 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser

On the varying holoscreens that illuminated Goldrush's expansive residential living unit within the Garrus-9 facility ran a series of numbers. The unit was poshly appointed, with the profits from Goldrush's lavish tastes going directly in to Fortress Maximus' other facility operations. He expected that was a significant portion of the reason why he was allowed a longer leash than many others within the facility. His excesses funded a good portion of the operations here without Maximus ever having to bother command for additional resources. There was a limit to what he could do with that leeway, of course. Goldrush was simply not the type who sought to find out what it was.

There were various accounts that Goldrush had active in various star systems around the universe. The golden mech was determined to continually ensure that his resources were working for him just as much as he worked for them. And the compounded interest of the last orn appeared to confirm that everything was running as it should.

This was the primary reason why Goldrush utilized very little recharge time. For him it was a waste. If he could keep himself running on any number of quality, top-of-the-line fuels and energy derivatives then he would do it. Time spent in recharge was time spent not doing something else.

Speaking of which, it was probably about time for him to give his mining operation here on this backwater little moon a direct inspection. That mine had been a significant source of his tangible income and resources as of late, and he didn't want anything jeopardizing that, as workers could certainly do if things went too long without the boss checking in.

Before leaving his quarters, he decided he would send off a transmission to Steelhand. If he wanted to get back in to the old swing of things, now would be as good a time as any to find out of he really still had a taste for the old work.

>>"Steelhand, meet me at the mine shaft elevators. We'll head down and see about getting you reintegrated,"<< Goldrush transmitted as his customized residential doors slid out of his path.

The elevator system that could carry mechs up to the other couple of levels of the prisoner or the mining system far below were not terribly far away. Goldrush had chosen the position of his residential quarters accordingly. He had also paid through the circuit-breaker for both the location and the personalizations he had made, but it was all worth it. Whatever kept him off Fortress Maximus' slag list could be chalked up as a reasonable expense.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Ember » Mon Oct 08, 2012 9:05 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Starport – Autobot Transport

“Where’re we supposed to head to now, captain?”

The small crew had just arrived back on board their transport from their all too brief time in the Greasepit. Truth be told they would have preferred to stay at the bar getting slag-faced instead of rushing back off in order to keep on schedule.

The tall slender mech that had been questioned turned around to face his subordinate and smiled.

“We’re on our way to Salvvatan VI. The outpost is waiting for a supply of medical equipment. And Actuator wanted to know how his brother was doing.”

The other four chuckled before their superior quieted them down to a point where he could finish his explanation.

“Okay, okay. You guys may find it funny but I’d like to see how you’d all feel being away from your loved ones for so long. Besides, Regulator was just transferred to G9 and Actuator’s worried he’s not fitting in.”

Another series of chuckles rang out but died down faster than the last fit. A few more quips and some friendly banter later and the bots finally went back to their respective stations to complete preparations for take-off. Little did they realize but they had retained their stowaway. Hardshell had taken refuge in a slightly offset control panel at the back of the bridge where he could monitor the crew members…and to be sure he would be taken in the right direction.

Unfortunately, the transport was headed in the opposite direction of just where he needed to be. Shame. Hardshell was hoping he’d be able to sit back and just enjoy the ride before he took things into his own hands. Now that prospect had passed. At least there were only five on board and all of them here. The Insecticon settled in to wait for the right moment to turn things in his favor.

While their unaccounted for crew member burrowed deeper to wait his time the crew finished their preparations and finally taxied their transport from the docking slip and slowly maneuvered away from the rock the prison was located on. Once the ship was at a safe distance from the spaceport the engines fully ignited and the spacecraft was on its way.

Open Space

Waiting was something Hardshell was used to. In fact it was expected. This time was no different. There was no reason to blow his cover just yet. Besides, if he did what would be necessary too soon he’d surly be caught. No, he had to be sure the ship was far enough away from its previous location to finish his job.

And now was the time.

The bridge had grown quiet while each of the crew members focused solely on their functions. It was during that lull when Hardshell decided to make his presence known. From his hiding place at the back of the bridge the Insecticon emerged…at first in his tiny insect mode but he quickly converted to his robots mode which caught the attention of everyone in the room.

The looks on their faces was well worth the wait. Hardshell struck out quickly taking care of the communications officer first. The Decepticon let out a high pitched screech as he descended upon the mech with his main set of hands grabbing hold of the frightened Autobot’s shoulders while he sent his second set of appendages through the smaller bot’s chest and on through his spark chamber.

Hardshell shoved the now dead mech’s body to the floor leaving it to lie in a growing pool of energon and other vital fluids. With the life blood of his first victim still dripping from his smaller arms Hardshell ascended on his next target…the navigator.

The last three Autobots that were present had quickly moved to take up their arms while the intruder finished off their comrade but it made no difference. Their communications officer was already gone and by the time the navigator could point his weapon at the intruder, Hardshell was already on top of him…the hand gripping the weapon torn from his arm and tossed across the bridge only to collide with the far wall.

The frightened and pain filled screams that filled the room froze the last two crew members in their tracks but only for a moment. It was the desperate pleas for their help that brought them back to reality. Both mechs took aim with their guns and let loose a barrage of fire, but their attempts to save their friend went horribly wrong when the mech’s body was lifted from the floor and brought up and used as a shield. The navigator’s body jerked and thrashed as shot after shot riddled him. The assault ended only when the remaining crew members had exhausted their ammunition and their friend was dropped unceremoniously to the floor…his body limp and broken…the fatal wounds taken, one through the spark and one placed neatly between the optics and on through the brain module.

In just under a breem the remaining mechs had been dealt with save for the captain who could still prove to be of use if Hardshell came across any security issues. Satisfied with his work the Decepticon set a course for the lush green planet known as Nebulos…Scorponok’s own destination.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby USDA Prime » Fri Oct 19, 2012 5:43 am

Motto: "Delicious steaks are the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Double Barrelled Shell Launcher
Medical Ward

Armor Aid carefully examined the somewhat triangular-shaped mechanical part in his hand, looking for any tell-tale signs of tampering or damage. He inspected the it's input/output ports, carefully opened it to see if any of it's components were damaged. After a minute he was certain he had looked carefully enough, and handed it to the medical drone that stood right next to him.

"Cosmitron is fully intact and functional.", the paramedic said dully, his words being recorded by the medical ward's computer as the medical drone placed it on a table with dozens of other mechanical components.

Armor Aid sighed as he looked down at what was left of his patient; it's chassis armor opened up, most of it's vital components already removed and inspected. Numerous wires and tubes had been disconnected from within the mech and reconnected to a computer at the end of the operating table, to analyze the deceased's various systems, as well as determine the composition of the various mech fluids.

His work was nearly done, and Armor Aid had found nothing to disprove that Darkwrath had died from his wounds. He didn't need to do an autopsy like that, but protocols still had to be followed. And besides determining the exact cause of death, it was needed to find any contraband that the inmate may have managed to hide from Garrus-9's numerous sensors and searches. It was extremely rare though, and so far Armor Aid had found nothing unexpected inside Darkwrath.

"Forceps.", Armor Aid reached his hand out, and the drone unerringly took the medical tool from a nearby table and placed it in the paramedic's hand. As Armor Aid reached into the deceased mech's chassis, he heard the door behind him open and the metal clank of someone walking in.

Slag, he thought as he shook his head, "Why won't they leave me alone already?[/i]

"So which do I get to hear this time?", he dejectedly sighed, "Are you thanking me for getting rid of an obstacle, or are you threatening me for not saving a valuable piece of your operation?

"What are you talkin' about?", Steelhand asked as he walked up beside the paramedic, staring at the dead mech on the table.

Armor Aid sighed with relief, he knew that Steelhand was one of the few guards who weren't on the take.

"Nothing, Steelhand, just a joke.", he said flatly as he handed the forceps back to the medical drone and looked to the guard, "Why are you here? You don't look hurt."

"I wanted to check on him.", Steelhand said, though his mind was clearly more focused on the deceased inmate, "He's, uh-"

"-Dead.", Armor Aid interjected with a scowl, "Yes, he's dead. You know slagging well that anyone who comes in here is dead."

Steelhand was brought out of his thoughts when Armor Aid snapped at him. Other than occasional maintenance he rarely ever came to the medical ward, and this was a good reason why.

"Right. Thanks. I'll get out of your way.", Steelhand simply turned around and walked away from the paramedic, and out of the medical ward.

"Slaggin right you stay out of here!", Armor Aid yelled.

Corridor Outside the Medical Ward

Steelhand was glad to get away from Armor Aid, but only for a moment. In a way Armor Aid wasn't the only one who'd failed at his job, it was Steelhand, after all, who'd been on duty when Kronus attacked Darkwrath. Steelhand's inability to prevent it from happening or ending it before it got out of hand was in many ways Steelhand's fault, even if he knew there were other guards on duty as well.

I wonder if Streamlight'll still defend that slagger. Maybe Kronus is messed up in the head, but that still doesn't excuse him for killing another inmate.

It was then that Steelhand received a transmission that he wasn't expecting, from Goldrush.

"Didn't think I'd start until after activity period.", Steelhand wondered to himself, "Hope he doesn't think I resigned my post or anything. Slag, I don't even know if I could do that."

Steelhand opened a comm line back to Goldrush.

>>Understood, I'll be there as fast as I can.<<

Steelhand hurried himself down the hallway, barely containing the smile on his face. It had been too long since he'd been in a mine.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Ember » Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:40 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Southern Wing – Cell Black G

It was obvious that he would not get any information from that pit-spawned Aileron, and it would seem that the Decepticon spider-femme had no intention of speaking up either…which left Flame at an impasse…continue to goad the femme into giving something up or suck it up and stew. At this rate it seemed that option two was his best option.

With a huff Flame turned around to face the inside of his cell. The scientist tossed his head back and lifted his hands above his head. He then let out a howl before dropping to his knees. Astroseconds passed before he finally quieted down…he let out one final sigh before lying down on the floor.

Things were so much easier early on….and let’s not forget before the war even started. How many lives did I save back then? How many lives could I have saved if they’d just let me do my work? Ahh, I remember it so well, when I was sought out…when they begged me to help. But then…

Babu Yar – The Past

“This is absurd! I am NOT the one who is in the wrong here! Or have you all forgotten who we at war with?!”

The stasis cuffs had already been applied, his arms forced behind his back and an inhibitor claw attached. The small group of officers that had arrived on planet was not surprising, but being taken into custody under the orders of one of the Autobots’ commanding officers was a shock.

“I would suggest you silence your vocalizer less you incriminate yourself.”

As if struck across the face Flame stood in shock but he quickly wriggled free from his handlers only to stop several feet out of their reach. The scientist then turned to face them.

“Command begged me to help win this war! BEGGED ME! They gave me everything I needed to do what I had to do. Nothing was out of the question! Did you know that?! NOTHING!”

Both guards regarded one another before renewing their advance on their prisoner. Flame took several steps away from the approaching mechs while continuing his tirade.

“I’ve done nothing wrong, I tell you, nothing! How was I to know that that was going to happen?!”

With nowhere else to go Flame finally lowered his head in defeat…not in admittance to doing anything wrong, but defeat in that he had no way to escape. The two guards took hold of him and guided him over to the transport.

Flame’s Cell – The Present

Flame let out an exasperated sigh and laid his forearm over his optics. It all seemed so long ago. The battle…the ‘rain’…the death. But the loss of the battle was not why they had come for him….no; it was what he had done prior to that fateful day on Babu Yar.

They called him a lunatic…that what he had done was wrong…that he was no better than a Decepticon. Flame let out a grunt and removed his forearm from his optics. He took a side-long glance in the direction of Airachnid’s cell but turned his attention back to the ceiling before long. To be in league with such scum was possibly the worst accusation bestowed upon the scientist.

Aequitas Chamber – The Past

“Flame. You stand accused of reprehensible war crimes. These include…illicit spark transplants on Babu Yar on not only prisoners but your own men as well.”

There had been a few mumbles that echoed throughout the chamber but none of them seemed to break through the accused mech’s cast iron exterior. He stood…both hands thrust into the receptacles, head held high and optics fixed on the mechs standing beside Chief Justice Tyrest. They all knew the truth and he was their scapegoat.

“Desecration of corpses on Klo, and torture by circuit-boarding on Elpasos.”

There it was. All laid out for all to see…except no one would accept that is was all done for them.

“You have this opportunity to lay claim to your own culpability before Aequitas makes its final judgment.”

His blood red optics bore deeply into each and every mechs’ frame before he lifted his head ever higher and put on an air of complete superiority. Finally, Flame spoke to all present.

“I did what was necessary. Everything I did was for the betterment and in the best interest of the Cybertronian race…our race!”

It was then that Flame locked optics with Prowl.

“Imagine, a war won by the use of a soldier who is devoted to nothing else but winning…winning at any cost! I ask you, would you have done any less?”

He broke off that contact and returned his gaze to the Aequitas machine before him. And then it was over.

“Flame, you have been found culpable of all the atrocities you have been charged of performing. You are hereby sentenced to life in the Garrus 9 Penitentiary. You have the choice of spark extraction wherein your very spark will be removed from your body and stored in The Rig, or you may server out your sentence locked in a cell with the knowledge that you will never leave.”

If it was even possible Flame raised his head even higher before looking back to the gallery.

“I will not give any of you the satisfaction of never seeing me again. I opt to remain in a cell where I promise you, I WILL leave.”

The gallery came alive with murmurs and hushed voices discussing just what occurred. While he was removed from Aequitas and guided toward the exit, Flame cast one last fleeting glance up at Prowl and his cohorts. He would see them again.

Flame’s Cell – Present

In the process of his reminiscing, Flame had gotten up off the floor and took a seat on the small berth set against the wall. With his back pressed against the wall, his foot resting on the berth’s surface and his forearm laid lazily across his knee, the scientist let out a sigh. If only he was out there. If only they understood that he wanted to help. Oh, but they already knew. They knew everything that was done was necessary.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Insidious » Sat Oct 27, 2012 11:16 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Central Freight Elevators

Goldrush had not been surprised by Steelhand's quick response. He certainly seemed eager enough. Yes, that would serve him well down there, even if he only did some moonlighting work. The more guards he had employed down there, the more secure his mining operation on this out of the way station would be, both from unruly miners and unnecessarily inquisitive wardens or other facility officials.

As the massive doors leading down to the mines slowly began to open, Goldrush could see that one of the drillers was being brought up for maintenance, as well as a number of workers who were changing shifts. As the large driller rumbled past him and the various miners offered their employer greetings of one kind or another, Goldrush saw that the driller wasn't the only thing in need of repair. A couple of mechs were being carried on hovercarts, clearly having sustained a variety of injuries. From Goldrush's perspective, the injuries were arguably consistent with any number of potential minor mining accidents, but he highly doubted that was where they had originated. He ran a relatively safe operation down there. He knew the majority of the injuries tended to be sustained from some of the miners other hobbies.

One of the guards gave Goldrush a knowing glance, which he acknowledged with a brief nod as he boarded the large freight elevator, along with a number of other miners who were heading down to begin their shift. The doors then slowly began to close.

"Hold those a klik," Goldrush said. "I'm expecting one more."

Warden's Quarters

So Kronus was with Rung. Truthfully, Maximus figured that was the best place for him, for the time being. Odds were, it would keep him from getting in to any more trouble since he seemed to have a fairly productive relationship with the psychiatrist. Not that it would do him much good while he was serving his mandatory time within the hole.

The large Autobot decided he would make his way there. Surely Rung had already been informed of Darkwrath's status, just as he had. More importantly, he wanted to see what kind of effect--if any--this result had on Kronus.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby USDA Prime » Fri Nov 02, 2012 6:45 pm

Motto: "Delicious steaks are the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Double Barrelled Shell Launcher
Medical Ward

"So that's it.", Armor Aid sighed as he held one of his scalpels between two fingers, and brought the handle up to his mouth. The "operation" was done, all that had been Darkwrath were a few boxes of organized parts and components, and the armor that was now an empty shell lying on the operating table.

Armor Aid looked over his work, ashamed of himself. Another perfect autopsy after a perfectly disasterous operation.

"Who am I kidding?" Armor Aid mumbled as he chewed a little on the scalpel's handle, "I'm not a physician, I'm an executioner and a mortician."

Armor Aid shook his head, trying to get his focus back on his job. He still had a report to finish for the warden.

"Right, right, get that done already.", he sighed, "Don't want Maximus to stick his olfactory sensors in here."

Armor Aid went to the nearby computer terminal that had been analyzing and recording the autopsy. He bit down to keep the scalpel in his mouth- he needed another cy-gar-8, and soon. With his two hands he punched in a few commands to send all the data to the computer in his office. Once done he took the scalpel out of his mouth and set it on the operating table.

"Drone 4,", Armor Aid addressed the medical drone that had assisted him during the autopsy, the drone quickly stepping up to him and listening intently to whatever command he gave, "Remove the body to the mortuary until further notice. Drone 12;", a dormant drone came to life and immediately made it's way to Armor Aid, "Prepare the remaining parts for proper recycling procedures."

Both drones went to work without any signs of hesitation, allowing Armor Aid to return to the sanctuary of his office. He'd enjoy a cy-gar-8 and get his report down in a couple of breems, then he'd have to deal with Rung.

Central Freight Elevators

Steelhand smiled as he nodded to some of the miners he passed by on the way to the elevator. He couldn't help himself, he was just too excited to be doing what he'd been built to do.

It's been too long since my pickaxe dug into a hunk of rock. Hope I can still do it just as well as I used to.

He was glad that it hadn't taken him too long to get here. Though he'd been stationed at Garrus-9 for many vorns he didn't know the full layout of the place outside of his normal station. He didn't want to take the chance of keeping Goldrush waiting too long, the last thing he wanted was the Grease Pit owner changing his mind.

"Hold that elevator, please!", he called out as he as the doors to the lift start to close, quickening his pace. To his relief the door stayed open, and he walked into the elevator that was filled with other miners.

Steelhand grinned like an idiot as he nodded his head and greeted the other miners- he wanted to make a good impression on his future co-workers. Once he finished he noticed the mech in charge, Goldrush.

"Thank you so much for this chance, Goldrush.", Steelhand gladly put out his hand to shake, "You have no idea how long I've wanted this."
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Drop Bear » Wed Nov 07, 2012 3:39 am

Motto: "Well, I'll be a Cybertronic bolt-bat!"
Weapon: Poison-Tipped Missiles
Southern Wing – Cell Block M

“He went down hard, this fellow. I mean, real hard. Now, look, I'm not trying to brag or anything, gents, but I seriously did a number on him like you wouldn't believe.”

A lie. Wildfly, to all intents and purposes, was boasting, and the two prisoners slotted into the cells that flanked Wildfly's on both sides listening to his tale knew this as much as he did—perhaps even more than he did.

“So I said to this loser, 'You gotta pull yourself together if you want to beat me, buddy. So pick yourself up and we'll ring the bell, ready to begin round two.'”

Silence reigned in the wake of Wildfly's words. Not the reaction he strove for. If anything, it was the last thing he wished to receive. Still, his mood remained cheerful despite his unreceptive audience.

“Get it? Get it? I'd already beat the slag out of this wimp and ripped his limbs off.” A pause. “Just pull yourself together? Pick yourself up? This moron was in half a dozen pieces!” A cackle erupted from Wildfly's vocaliser and he slapped his knee joint, as he often did after the telling of a joke.

Again, silence ruled supreme, a flood of it washing away the final few words he said along with the laughter that accompanied them. Not the reaction he had set out to achieve, indeed.

Disgust crinkled his features, taking away the smile and amusement that had previously settled upon his face-plate. Wildfly shook his cranial unit slowly but firmly.

What he was thinking: Those dumb frags wouldn't know a good joke even if it walked up to them and introduced itself.

What he said: “Tough crowd.”

What he then added: “You know, you two dumb frags wouldn't know a good joke even if it walked up to you and introduced itself.”

What occurred next: Nothing, except for the return of the irksome quiet.

Wildfly groaned. Today was proving to be one of the most boring days he had ever endured since his incarceration vorns ago. And that was saying something, considering the amount of time he'd spent in solitary confinement owing to unruly conduct and other various offences he had committed during his imprisonment at Garrus-9.

If only something good happened, something exciting.

Anytime now, he thought. Anytime now.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Ember » Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:08 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Rung’s Office

Several minutes passed before his patient finally simmered down enough to take his seat. As Kronus settled in Rung regarded the slim Decepticon before he stood up and slowly made his way to the shelves where his models were displayed. Orange fingers slid gently along the edge of the center shelf before they stopped in front of the original Ark…his personal favorite. He finally addressed Kornus.

“I’d like to know what you and Streamlight have spoken about.”

From across the room the thief let out a grunt of annoyance. Couldn’t he just let it go? Besides it was all a ploy anyway…in time he’d be free from his cell and his little idiot guard would be dead. But it looked as though he was committed to continue to play along. A low sigh reached Rung’s audios but he refrained from turning to regard Kronus.

“Not much. Mostly the time…I don’t trust my chronometer anymore. He fills me in on whatever comes through as far as news is concerned…things happening on the fronts…he keeps it vague.”

Rung nodded slightly as he reached out and gently lifted the Ark off the shelf. He brought the spaceship to optic level and studied it for a moment. He turned slowly and lightly strode to his desk and took a seat. With his elbows on the desk top and the model displayed before him, Rung finally looked at Kronus.

“And have you spoken to him about anything? Maybe something about your past?”

“HAHA! You’re kidding me right?! Doc, I won’t even talk to you about most of that…what makes you think I’d spill to him? I mean the kid’s nice and all but I’m not gonna let him in all the way.”

Rung shrugged slightly…it was worth a shot. Perhaps steering the conversation back to the inmate and his affliction would help him to open up about other things.

“That’s understandable…after all not many people understand your disorder. It is, after all, quite unique.”

The psychoanalyst put his treasured piece down delicately on the desk’s surface and steepled his fingers. There was no audible reply from Kronus, instead the thief simply glared from behind his face restraint.

“You’ve been restricted ever since you arrived here…so it’s been near impossible to reach any parts of your…body. I’m sure that’s frustrating.”

Kronus’ glare intensified but he decided to lean back into the chair instead of springing to his feet and throwing a fit. Of course it was frustrating…he needed to get to something…anything, he’d even settle for an actuator, but he couldn’t.

“Of course it’s frustrating. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don't think about…that I think about tearing something off and…chewing.”

He leaned back even deeper into the chair, his optics lifted to the ceiling as he reminisced on the last time he was free to do what he wanted.

“I’m wondering, Kronus, had you the chance to do it would you actually have consumed all or part of Darkwrath? If you weren’t restricted would you have even attacked him…even if he did touch you? And after wards, would you still be content with ingesting your own parts?"

Kronus’ lowered his optics so he could take in Rung completely. He gently cocked his head to one side while he digested the small list of questions. A few minutes passed in silence before the lithe ‘Con opened his mouth.

“You wanna know if I’m evolving into a cannibal.”

He thought for a moment as he considered the possibility. He did tell the truth when he said what he really wanted to do to Darkwrath, but he hadn’t given it any serious thought until just now.

“Now I’m curious to know myself. I’ll tell you what…when I get the chance to partake I’ll let you know just how much I enjoyed it. Sound good?”

Rung’s hands dropped to the desk as he stood up and stalked around it to the chair opposite his patient. He quickly sat down and leaned forward…Kronus quickly followed suit.

“That is not what I meant.”

“Sure it was.”

In one quick movement Rung was back on his feet and ready to continue when there was a knock at the door. He made his way to the office’s entrance and opened the obstruction. It was Streamlight. The young guard flashed the doctor a small smile before gesturing over Rung’s shoulder at Kronus.

“Sorry, doc, his session’s over with. I have to take him back down to his cell.”

“Uh, yes, of course. Thank you, Streamlight.”

The white and red flier’s smile broadened as he stepped past the smaller Autobot and made his way into the room and to the chair his charge was seated. He offered Kronus a small nod indicating that he was ready to leave. The thief promptly stood and sauntered toward the door, but he stopped when he reached Rung. But instead of speaking he simply stared into the psychotherapist’s optics for several moments before being coaxed out of the office.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Insidious » Mon Nov 12, 2012 3:12 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Approaching Rung's Office

It looked to Maximus as if he had arrived at a fairly convenient opportunity. If Kronus was still with the psychiatrist, it looked as if his session was coming to an end, as Streamlight had just entered. That was beneficial, as the warden had no overt desire to disrupt one of Rung's sessions.

Maximus resisted his natural inclination to simply give out a command regarding where Kronus' next location would be. They had a functioning staff psychiatrist for a reason on this facility. The warden probably did not take as many of the smaller mech's recommendations as he would like, but he certainly tried to always factor in his feedback. He didn't know how much of the psychiatrist's advice he would be able to accept on this case, at least if it involved any sort of recommendations of leniency, but he certainly intended to listen to the clinician's ongoing diagnostic impressions regarding Kronus' case.

He gave an approving nod to Streamlight as he emerged from the therapist's office with the prisoner in tow and moved to look inside the office itself.

"Just the mech I was looking for," Fortress Maximus said, seeking out Rung. "I wish I was coming here under better circumstances, but I'm sure you can guess the reason why I'm paying you an office visit."

Central Freight Elevators

Goldrush looked over at Steelhand and smirked.

"I'm sure you'll prove to be a worthwhile investment," Goldrush said as the freight elevator doors slammed to a close and the current group began the long, slow descent down in to the mines of the Garrus moon.

"One of the foremen will blend you in to their crew and show you around. Your payment credits will coincide with what you receive as a penitentiary guard. Most find it to be a nice supplement to their standard income. In fact, some of the guards have become so successful down here that their standard Autobot commission has now become their supplemental income."

One of the tools that Goldrush had long used to keep his workforce motivated was the concept of profit-sharing. There was no faster way to incite a disgruntled workforce than to make a huge profit and spread none of it to those who worked below you. Certainly since the days of those miner uprisings back on Cybertron. Those in the industry quickly adapted to new ways of maintaining loyalty or they faded away in to the cruel maw of history. In these mines, if a team happened upon a new vein of some uniquely rare mineral, Goldrush was only too pleased to dole out some increased profit dividends and overclock hours.

"You'll come to find that there are a few others ways to earn some extra funding down there too," Goldrush began, a statement which elicted a few chuckles and muffled comments from some of the other miners who were aboard the elevator, before continuing, "but all of that in due time. I wouldn't want to overload you on your first day."
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby USDA Prime » Thu Nov 15, 2012 3:36 am

Motto: "Delicious steaks are the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Double Barrelled Shell Launcher
Central Freight Elevators

Steelhand nodded with a smile to Goldrush. He had to admit, being called a "worthwhile investment" sounded a lot better than what some of his old mining bosses before the war would call him and the other miners. As the Grease Pit owner began to explain how Steelhand would be compensated for his mining work, the senior guard took his durabylium pickaxe from the clamps on his back, carefully spinning the handle in anticipation while avoiding hitting any of the other miners around him.

"I really appreciate that, boss.", Steelhand said to Goldrush, already getting into the habit of referring to him as a superior, "But to be honest I'm not doing this for the credits. I'm just happy to be breaking off chunks of rock instead of mech armor."

Steelhand's smile seemed to grow even further as he became fixated by the head of his pickaxe. Though he'd had it for vorns, he'd never actually used this pickaxe for mining. What was left of his original pickaxe from before the war was hanging by his recharge berth in the senior guard's barracks. This one he had to specially order back when his only form of income was the illegal fighting pits, but he'd grown to depend on it just the same, albeit for different reasons. It would be good to introduce it to rocks and ore for once.

After many astroseconds of staring at his pickaxe, Steelhand started to notice many of the other miners in the elevator looking at him oddly. It wasn't the first time, many of his friends before the war had given him that look whenever he'd mentioned how happy he was just to be working. From those thoughts, Steelhand started to remember some of his dream from his earlier rechage cycle, making him shiver for a moment.

Stop thinking that already, he thought to himself shaking his head, That wasn't real, just a dream from too much high grade.

Brought back to the real world, the senior guard heard Goldrush hint that there were other means to earn a living in the mines, which garnered a few chuckles from some of the surrounding miners. Steelhand wondered what exactly that meant as he felt a slight bit of doubt.

Probably just some inside joke I don't know, I'm sure I'll be in on it after a few shifts, Steelhand assured himself, Everything's gonna work out fine here, I'm sure of it.
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Ember » Mon Nov 19, 2012 2:12 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Rung’s Office

In all the vorns he had been privy to this position of seeing to the mental health of other mechs this was one time Rung truly wished he had had the opportunity to change his function. There had been patients that had been difficult to work with but he had always found a way to break down those walls. Look at Red Alert. Now there was a bot that was hard to get into. He never trusted anyone. It took nearly six centuries but finally Rung had made a break through.

If he could see to it Red was faring well, mentally, then he would see to it that all of his patients would as well.

Unfortunately for the psychoanalyst, Kronus was perhaps that one mech that he’d never get to help. Just when he thought he’d make a connection the thief would close right back up…reestablish those walls he’d erected centuries ago. He was good, after all he made a living telling lies to get what he wanted…even here. That was what worried Rung.

So here is where he stood, next to his office door staring out at the backs of both Streamlight and his charge. Getting through…not the easiest task.

Once both mechs had disappeared round the corner Rung made to slip back further into his office he heard a voice coming from the area he had just abandoned. The smaller bot turned round and flashed his massive visitor a warm and welcoming smile. With a nod Rung gestured for Max to enter and take a seat…in the meanwhile he too moved to take up his chair behind his desk. Once settled in Rung folded his hands and lightly placed them on the surface.

“It’s good to see you again.”

Rung let out a low sigh as he placed his chin on his now upraised hands.

“I know why you’re here, and frankly, you have every right to be concerned.”


Streamlight had taken a light hold of Kronus by the upper arm as he guided the thief out of Rung’s office and into the hall. Once there he was sure to take the time to ensure that his charge’s restraints were secure and Kronus was unable to remove them. When he was satisfied that everything checked out, Streamlight gently guided the inmate down the corridor.

Just as soon as both bots had stepped forward the imposing form of Fortress Maximus came into view causing the young guard to pause in his movements and look up tentatively to the warden. He was sure not to make optic contact and dropped his gaze just as Max offered him an approving nod.

At the same time Maximus was passing by Kronus shot the warden a loathsome glare…one that could easily be seen through the face restraint strapped to the ‘Con’s head. He followed the warden’s movements as he walked by…optics boring deep into the hulking mech’s back.
Out of sight Kronus turned to look ahead of him once more. He and Streamlight moved along in silence until they were safely out of audial range…then Kronus spoke up.

“You don’t have to be afraid of him you know. He’s nothing but an oversized blowhard.”

The red and white flier shot him an angry look.

“Who said I was afraid of him?! He’s my boss and as such I…”

“Oh stop deluding yourself, Streamlight.”

A sigh escaped the young guard as they entered the lift that would bring them back down to level 4.

“Let me ask you a question, Streamlight. Do you think you’re being punished?” The guard flashed him a questioning glance but quickly looked away. When he was first assigned to this particular position he had felt as if he was being put through some sort of hazing ritual…and he hated it. It took some time to change his outlook but when he wasn’t transferred to another block he began to believe that he was being punished for something.

“No…I…I don’t know.”

“Well. Maybe you are and you just don’t know it.”

The flier looked over to his charge mouth slightly agape. As the lift descended into the deeper sections of the penitentiary the Autobot began to mull over what they recently discussed. Maybe he was right…at least the part concerning him being punished. He shook the thought from his processor as the doors opened and he guided Kronus out and down to ward his cell.

As expected the block was devoid of any other prisoners and guards as this area was isolated from the rest of the prison. Streamlight stopped just in front of the cell door and lowered his gaze to the floor.

“You’re probably right. I suppose we at least have that in common…you’re here being punished just like me...only we’re both locked up, not just you. Heh.”

As if performing some sort of rehearsed dance Streamlight maneuvered his prisoner into the cell, removed his restraints and was making his way back out to take up his post at the desk facing the cell when Kronus called out to him.

“Oh, Streamlight…do you happen to have the time?”
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Foximus » Thu Nov 22, 2012 2:25 am

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Laser Rifle
Southern Wing - Cell Block B


Umbra sat back to look at her work. She had finally finished her board of the Matrix. Honestly, it wasn't much to look at, but it was functional and that was all she needed. She had listened to Vroom's story curiously - not feeling much guilt for eavesdropping since it used to be part of her job description - while she worked as something to keep her mind off of the void that she felt in her spark.

The agent glanced over to the wall separating herself and Icepick, wondering exactly how playing this with Scowl was going to work. For being called monstercons...these didn't exactly seem too monstrous. Not that she would ever say that for fear of unintentionally insulting them. That was wasn't irony...ah, a misnomer. That was it.

"Hey, Icepick. this going to work exactly? I've got everything set up, but how am I supposed to know which pieces Scowl moves?"
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Ember » Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:06 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Southern Wing – Cell Block M

Spree let out a very angry very low grumble as he trudged through the corridors and blocks on his way to the Southern Wing…one ration in hand. For all he knew he was ratted out for sleeping on the job leaving him with this degrading, irritating job…deliver Wildfly his evening ration. Oh boy, what fun.

“Can’t believe this slag! I swear when I get my hands on the fragger who spilled that bit of info they’re dead!”

The enraged guard stepped through the security door that lead into Block M and let it slide shut behind. Once inside Spree went to work locating the Mostercon’s cell. He’d never been in this part of the prison and was completely unfamiliar with its layout…not to mention its inhabitants.

“I bet that little reject flier said something to the boss. Yeah, had to have been Streamlight…that runt’s gonna so get it.”

Still grumbling Spree finally came to a stop before Wildfly’s cell door and peered inside, and scowl etched deep on his face. The guard balled up his right hand into a tight fist and began pounding hard on the door.

“Hey! Time for your slop, scum! Step away from the door so I can toss it to ya!”
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Drop Bear » Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:46 am

Motto: "Well, I'll be a Cybertronic bolt-bat!"
Weapon: Poison-Tipped Missiles
Southern Wing – Cell Block M

Come on down, Excitement! Come on down! It's your time to shine!

But it didn't arrive. In no way, shape or form was it going to make an appearance. Not that Wildfly's realisation of this dismal truth had struck down his hope, leaving it in a critical condition where its survival rested solely upon chance.

He had always known that his sentence was destined for tedium, for stagnation. Fortress Maximus himself—a.k.a. Lord of the Leaden, a.k.a. Boring to the Maximus, a.k.a. If-You-Look-At-Me-Funny-I'll-Throw-You-In-The-Rig—maintained absolute control over every aspect that Garrus-9 had to offer. No good could come from that.

Correction: no good had ever came from that.

So, naturally, excitement had been absent from Wildfly's pitiful existence. Well, at least only until he'd been apprehended and promptly locked up. Which, then again, had happened a very, very long time ago now that he thought about it. And he couldn't exactly remember how or why he ended up at the penitentiary.

So, naturally, excitement had been absent from Wildfly's pitiful existence.

While he ruminated over these thoughts, a terrible force seemed to take to his cell door, savage and unrelenting. A fist repeatedly slammed against it. A voice bellowed something. Yes, that's what they sounded like. In all honesty, what else could they be?

Wildfly didn't know why he spared the noises even an iota of his attention. He knew who it was, and why they had come to his cell.

He clapped his servos together in a display of misplaced enthusiasm. “Ah, looks like one of Maximus's cyber-lapdogs has brought me my chow. 'Bout fraggin' time.”

Wildfly remained where he was, seated at the edge of his cot. He had no intention of giving this guard trouble. Not much, anyway.

“I'm right where I should be.” He grinned at Spree, knowing full well the guard could see him sitting on his cot. “Unless your optics are malfunctioning and you couldn't already tell after having a good look for yourself, you piece of scrap.”
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Insidious » Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:16 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Rung's Office

Fortress Maximus nodded at the therapist's expression of empathy for position that the warden had been put in. It was neither the first nor the last time it would happen, but the acknowledgement of the uncomfortability of the situation was valuable just the same.

"Indeed. Kronus has gone from an assault charge to murder. I'll follow the usual channels like always, but we need to get him in isolation. Pending confirmation of those charges and rendering of additional time, my guess is he's going to be in the solitary housing unit for good while."

Maximus paused for a moment.

"You just met with him. What are your thoughts? I thought he might show some promise until that little display out there in the yard. Now he's steadily rising to the top of my list of most dangerous, still-mobile inmates. I'd hate to consider spark-extraction, doctor, but that seems to be the path he's heading down."

Breaching the subject of spark-extraction in and of itself made Maximus uncomfortable. He had always thought it was an abhorrent and unnatural process. But there were some individuals who gave them no other option. The Rig, the one area on this facility where practically no one wanted to be assigned, was evidence enough of that.

Southern Wing - Cell Block B

Icepick listened as Umbra, with a sense of some satisfaction, sounded as if she had finished creating her own little Matrix gameboard. How nice. It would be lovely having another inmate around here who was able to play a game of such relative complexity. It helped to pass the time somewhat, and Icepick knew that he nor his brothers would be seeing the outside world any time in the near future.

The Monstercon chuckled as Umbra posed her question. He had played the game for so long and become so accustomed to their system that he had long ago forgotten how much more difficult it could be for someone just coming in to adjust.

"A very fair question. Truthfully, during our longer activity period it's much easier as you can see the moves right in front of you and all that. Playing in here is not quite so easy. Scowl and I have developed something of a little system of taps to represent moves..."

Icepick went on at length, attempting to explain the intricacies of the little system that they had developed over time. At each piece change, he couldn't help but wonder if he was only making the situation more confusing.

"...and then, of course, you could take his Prime at that point. Not easy, mind you, but doable. Perhaps it will be easier to do this outside, during our next free activity period. Keep your actuators clean and I'm sure you'll be able to keep participating."

Elba Mines

Goldrush chuckled at Steelhand's enthusiasm. His sentiment was one that Goldrush had seen expressed by a number of miners down here. Working in such a regulated and orderly environment could put a strian on even the most disciplined mechanoids. It was good for many of them to have a vehicle to release their frustration. More than one, even. In truth, Goldrush saw himself as providing a service to the warden just as much as the warden was allowing him the opportunity to eke out a profit on this backwater moon.

"Good attitude, Steels. It'll serve you well," Goldrush said, clapping the young guard on the shoulder as the huge mine elevator came to a slow, rumbling stop and the doors opened.

Inside, the space opened up in to a huge, cavernous system of mining tunnels, equipment, and a considerable array of shift miners getting set up for their daily sojourns.

"Copperhead! Over here!" Goldrush called out as other miners on the elevator filtered past he and Steelhand and went on to do the work that had become almost mechanically standardized for a good number of them. It would be the same for Steelhand, given enough time and effort. A bulkier, caramel-colored mech ambled his way over to them before stopping in front of Steelhand and looking him over.

"Brought me another one, eh?" Copperhead grunted, his optics switching from Steelhand to his daily production reports.

"Yes. I think he'll be good though. He's one of the warden's own. They usually turn out decent work, yeah?"

Copperhead barely grumbled out an answer. Goldrush smirked and waved the foreman off.

"I was going to hand you off but I've got some time so I'll give you the nickel tour myself," Goldrush said, leading Steelhand deeper in to the caverns. He brushed his hands against one of the stony walls that seemed to glitter slightly when touched by light. "A long time ago we found a deposit of energon crystals down here. That was really what motivated the warden to green light a full operation of this size. We haven't come across pure energon in a good, long while, but this moon has proven to be chock full of other rare and not-so-rare minerals. Everybody seems to stay happy. My coffers are, heh."
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Re: Elba System - Garrus-9 Penitentiary

Postby Ember » Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:20 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Southern Wing – Cell Block M

Spree let out a deep grunt as he peered inside of the Monstercon cell and took note of just exactly where Wildfly was. And as the ‘Con had said he was propped on the very edge of his cot. “Heh. Right where ya should be is either in the Rig or dismantled for spare parts.” Spree let out a deep laugh as he entered the security code that would release the deposit terminal for the inmate’s ration. Of course it didn’t mean that said ration actually had to make it to the prisoner and in this case… “You’re a riot scumbag…a real riot…” As soon as the deposit terminal’s lock was released Spree peered back into the cell and smiled. He then slowly poured the cube’s contents out on the floor leaving only a small mouthful and placed the nearly empty container into the receptacle.

“There ya go. Hope you enjoy it. Made special just fer you…it’s a gourmet recipe. Let me know what ya think and I’ll give your regards to the chef. HAHAHAHA!” That said Spree closed the terminal and waited to see just how Wildfly would react…with any luck the ‘Con would throw a fit and thrash around his cell giving the guard reason to subdue him…physically.

Rung’s Office

Rung remained silent his hands remained folded and pressed lightly against the surface of his desk. The subject matter of their conversations was one the psychiatrist was hoping he could have put off for just a little longer, but in light of recent events it seemed that that avenue could not be avoided.

The lithe orange Autobot waited a moment after Fortress Maximus had finished speaking and raised his inter-twined hands and placed his chin lightly atop. Rung contemplated the warden’s query for several breems…he’d have to consider several things… one being the commitment to helping his patients no matter what and the other was to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the inhabitants of the facility.

“I understand your reasoning, Max, however Kronus is already isolated from the other inmates. I had him placed in the lower levels where he is housed at all times. In fact he’s the only prisoner on that level and in that block.” Rung let out a low sigh and stood from his chair. He turned to face the wall behind his desk and set his optics on a wall sculpture. “Housed…that is until I recommended that he have some interaction with other inmates in the Southern yard.” Rung lightly fingered the piece of art and shook his head dejectedly at the thought that he might actually be partially responsible for what had taken place.

“After this last session…honestly, Max, I do not believe taking such drastic measures as to place him in the Rig would be prudent.” He took a look over his shoulder at the larger mech. “I don’t want to lose this one, Max. I want more time with him…I want to understand him. His condition is unusual and understanding it would not only help me to help him, but it would also help me to eventually help others.”

Rung finally turned back around to face the warden and made his way back to his desk and took his seat. “I’d like to increase his therapy sessions. I want to…no I need to help my patient, sir. He was making progress.”

Southern Wing – Level 4 – Block C

Kronus had taken up his usual spot in the far right hand corner of his cell where the shadows always seemed to settle. It was here that he could bask in the inky nothingness that was his existence…that is until he was free.

Both he and Streamlight had grown quiet once Kronus was secure back in his cell. The thief could hear the light tapping of the guard’s typing on his datapad but he still said nothing. It was when the young flier stopped his writing that Kronus finally broke the silence. “Streamlight?” From outside the cell the white and red mech made his way over to the cell and took a look inside. He only spotted the prisoner when Kronus lifted his gaze to the door. “What is it, Kronus?”

The tiny crimson pinpoints that denoted the thief’s eyes slowly dissolved leaving nothing but absolute darkness. His optics now off-line Kronus let out a heavy sigh. “Please? It’s been too long. Please.” It was Streamlight’s turn to sigh. “I…I don’t think it’s a good idea, Kronus. I know I did it once before but…I don’t wanna get caught. Please, don’t ask me again.”

“No one found out the last time. And it helped.” Streamlight pushed away from the cell and took several steps away from the door. The young guard’s optics drifted from the cell and up to the security camera. He knew when the maintenance on the security systems’ firewalls took place and just how long that particular camera would be down. “Just a little while. Please. No one will ever know.”

From within the cell Kronus could see the wall restraints open with a low click. A smile worked onto his face from behind the face restraint. He stood up and took up the required position. “This is the last time, Kronus. I can’t do it again. Got that?” “Yes. I understand.” The thief pressed against the wall and let the binders lock into place. Once he was secured the door to his cell opened granting Streamlight full access within. The flier made his way to the bound inmate and stopped just in front. Slowly and very carefully Streamlight reached up and unlocked and then removed Kronus’ face restraint. “Thank you, Streamlight. Thank you.” A small smile creased the guard’s lips as he offered his ward a slight nod and stepped back.
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