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Brainstorm's Workshop

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Re: Brainstorm's Workshop

Postby JaAm » Sat Feb 23, 2008 1:48 pm

So who plays Aftershock and Rancid? Maybe I'll talk to them.
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Re: Brainstorm's Workshop

Postby Rebel Raven » Sat Feb 23, 2008 3:17 pm

Sunstreaker was responsible for damaging Discord and Torment fairly well, and blasted Scourge pretty hard on top of that. When one Autobot does that much damage to 3 high tech Decepticons it's a bit of a slap in the face as far as Discord goes.

As towards the plans in general, I'm just tossing them out. I have no intent on having Discord act on them unless it gets positive reviews in this thread. Discord is extremely loyal to the Sweeps and the empire, and she would never go renegade.

And do you really mean to say that if the situation were reversed in the ambush and the Sweeps assaulted the Insecticons in the same manner with weapons blasting, that the Insecticons wouldn't be angry at the Sweeps, and looking to get their revenge for attacking them when they were completely unprepared?
That no Insecticon would swear revenge on a Sweep for kicking them while they were down?
That if the Sweeps actually won that the Insecticons wouldn't be burning up in anger?
I find it hard to believe considering their motive for the ambush was a matter of ego and pride, and seeing the Sweeps as replacements. That the Insecticons attacked simply to show that they are better than the Sweeps.
That if the roles were reversed that the Insecticons wouldn't be planning revenge.

And I'd hardly call an assault with weapons fire, blasting apart people, and seeking to turn someone into scrap "Brawling." In fact you posted something similar.
The upper Decepticon ranks might tolerate brawling and fighting, but if it escalates into an open shooting match between the Seekers and Sweeps, they will put a swift stop to it. Assassinating and declaring war inside the faction will not be tolerated.

Granted you were speaking of the Seekers and Sweeps, not the Insecticons and the Sweeps, but I think the 2 situations are similar enough for that post to be relevant. I doubt the Insecticons even on their best day could take down 3 Sweeps in a full assault before the Sweeps could return fire thus making it a shooting match.
I suppose none of the Sweeps short of Scourge are important enough to count as an assassination attempt as opposed to attempted murder, no matter what their egos might have to say about it. :P
I do recognize the Insecticons are in trouble, too, though they have escaped punishment so far.

Brawling to me is throwing a punch after heated words, or after getting drunk, and looking to just beat a person up in general but not with any intentional deadly force, maybe a blunt weapon at worst, and actually slugging it out rather than pulling a gun and shooting which was the first action the Insecticons took.
Then again this is a world where limbs can be replaced perfectly, and taking wounds that no human could possibly live through is possible.

I recognize the intent of the assault was to start something between the Sweeps and Insecticons, but I think the Insecticons flying down and taunting the Sweeps about the fact that the exercise lasted as long as it had, or that they, especially Discord, had been beaten up as bad as they were by grunts might have done the trick. Punches would probably fly, and a brawl would ensue until someone decided to pull a weapon. Even Rage might have kept her head and not activated her claws seeing it as a less than lethal attempt, rather an attempt to leave the Sweeps damaged and crawling back home.

Naturally, Discord is concerned with the safety and general well being of the Sweeps which includes morale. It's first and foremost. Having read and comprehended Sun Tsu's The Art of War, I plan to apply some of that knowledge to her leadership abilities and hopefully cultivate her into a leader among leaders. And no she'll not be spouting freeform poetry from The Art of War.

With that in mind, she has no intent of making the Sweeps do something that would get them in trouble with the rest of the Empire. Her loyalty is beyond question, which is why she really hates infighting.

That doesn't mean she can't be angry with anyone, or hold grudges, right?
I thought that sort of thing was the Decepticon way? :P At least as long as it doesn't interfere with business, anyhow.
Besides, her mentality is only human. She isn't perfect.

I admit Discord's thoughts are consumed with hatred, anger, and burning revenge but it's not all she is about. She is vain, somewhat egotistical, loyal to a fault, mildly ambitious, intelligent, silver tongued, dare I say somewhat noble, and charismatic among other things.
Maybe a bit snobbish, and elitist.

Right now, she's angry because she's supposed to be a tough warrior with cutting edge technology yet Sunstreaker beat up two of them not more than a dozen cycles ago or so, and blasted Scourge with a missile on top of that, and that the Insecticons went and kicked her and her siblings while they were down not to mention opened fire on them with unrestrained blasting, and she were sent limping away from battle in both instances on top of that. Sure she survived, and did plenty of damage, but her pride took a few hits in that she were barely able to leave under her own power, if at all able to leave under her own power.

She's also kinda new to the world and in time she'll recognize she can't go swearing revenge on every last Autobot that defeats more than one named Sweep with a personal vendetta, that battles can be won or lost, that she isn't the super warrior that'll come out with nary a blemish to her paint job after even the most intense fights, and mellow out with character growth.

If she were placed in the middle other Decepticons and not busy filling obligations (Like getting repairs, or reporting to Scourge to see if he has any orders for his new XO) she's certainly be plying her diplomacy towards furthering the Sweep's goals and being the PR femme among other things.

JaAm wrote:So who plays Aftershock and Rancid? Maybe I'll talk to them.

Kid_Kapatilsm plays Rancid. The Chaos Bringer plays Aftershock.
Rebel Raven
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Re: Brainstorm's Workshop

Postby The Chaos Bringer » Sun Feb 24, 2008 10:58 am

Devastron wrote:To me, it seems, the Sweeps are rapidly becoming one note characters, obsessed with avenging anything that could possibly considered a slight against them. I've seen them swear a vendetta against nearly every character they've met so far. I'd like to see them do something else. Perhaps they need to be split up a bit more than they currently are so they can mingle with other non-sweeps. I'll have to consider that.

I agree. The Empire is currently fighting a massive scale war. The Decepticons don't have the time or the resources to waste on personal vendettas. I'm sure Megatron would be very very unhappy indeed if he found all his soldiers were scattered about getting revenge against individuals instead of uniting to fight the Autobot forces at large.

That's why my last story idea made the next encounter between the Sweeps and the Twins accidental. Everyone wants the two sides to meet again, but it can be done in a way that doesn't portray the Sweeps as petty.

Also I'm brewing up plenty of ideas for what to do with Turmoil. Rest assured he will be doing much more than getting revenge on anyone and everyone. :wink:
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Re: Brainstorm's Workshop

Postby Devastron » Sun Feb 24, 2008 4:27 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Rebel Raven wrote:Sunstreaker was responsible for damaging Discord and Torment fairly well, and blasted Scourge pretty hard on top of that. When one Autobot does that much damage to 3 high tech Decepticons it's a bit of a slap in the face as far as Discord goes.

As towards the plans in general, I'm just tossing them out. I have no intent on having Discord act on them unless it gets positive reviews in this thread. Discord is extremely loyal to the Sweeps and the empire, and she would never go renegade.

My point is I would like to see you toss out an idea that isn't solely about the Sweeps getting revenge. All the ideas I've seen with the Sweeps are: fighting the Seekers, revenge on the Insecticons, revenge on the Autobot twins and now revenge on the Dinobots. The game shouldn't be consumed by the Sweeps seeking revenge for every slight they've felt in the game. They are going to get beat up, they are going to lose some battles. They need to learn to get over that.

And do you really mean to say that if the situation were reversed in the ambush and the Sweeps assaulted the Insecticons in the same manner with weapons blasting, that the Insecticons wouldn't be angry at the Sweeps, and looking to get their revenge for attacking them when they were completely unprepared?
That no Insecticon would swear revenge on a Sweep for kicking them while they were down?
That if the Sweeps actually won that the Insecticons wouldn't be burning up in anger?
I find it hard to believe considering their motive for the ambush was a matter of ego and pride, and seeing the Sweeps as replacements. That the Insecticons attacked simply to show that they are better than the Sweeps.
That if the roles were reversed that the Insecticons wouldn't be planning revenge.

Don't put words in my mouth. Did I ever say 'no, you can't plot against the Insecticons?' I never did. My problem is that you have presented ideas in this thread and every single one of them deals with the Sweeps getting revenge on a different group. I'd like to see a little more variety.

And I'd hardly call an assault with weapons fire, blasting apart people, and seeking to turn someone into scrap "Brawling." In fact you posted something similar.
The upper Decepticon ranks might tolerate brawling and fighting, but if it escalates into an open shooting match between the Seekers and Sweeps, they will put a swift stop to it. Assassinating and declaring war inside the faction will not be tolerated.

Granted you were speaking of the Seekers and Sweeps, not the Insecticons and the Sweeps, but I think the 2 situations are similar enough for that post to be relevant. I doubt the Insecticons even on their best day could take down 3 Sweeps in a full assault before the Sweeps could return fire thus making it a shooting match.
I suppose none of the Sweeps short of Scourge are important enough to count as an assassination attempt as opposed to attempted murder, no matter what their egos might have to say about it. :P
I do recognize the Insecticons are in trouble, too, though they have escaped punishment so far.

And it wasn't tolerated was it? Both sides were yelled at and Venom got smacked for it. Scourge punished Macabre more for losing than anything else I believe. You seem to think there was some sort of unequal punishment over the fight, when that isn't really the case. Venom could have punished them further but basically lost the respect of his troops when he volunteered to torture them and put mind control devices in them. He probably could have stayed with the Insecticons if he had accepted Shrapnel's leadership. As far as High Command is concerned, the case is closed. Venom failed to control his team so he is no longer in command of them. Actually, sounds kind of like what happened with the Sweeps.

Brawling to me is throwing a punch after heated words, or after getting drunk, and looking to just beat a person up in general but not with any intentional deadly force, maybe a blunt weapon at worst, and actually slugging it out rather than pulling a gun and shooting which was the first action the Insecticons took.
Then again this is a world where limbs can be replaced perfectly, and taking wounds that no human could possibly live through is possible.

Also remember that injuries were already taken during the training exercise. The Insecticons didn't do all of the damage themselves. Its a point the Insecticons aren't going to bring up themselves, but it is true. Also, the Insecticons did have an excuse, a very flimsy one, but an excuse of being off world and not recognizing the Sweeps or knowing it was an exercise. And yes, Transformers can take a lot more damage than humans so 'brawling' is a bit more broadly defined.

I recognize the intent of the assault was to start something between the Sweeps and Insecticons, but I think the Insecticons flying down and taunting the Sweeps about the fact that the exercise lasted as long as it had, or that they, especially Discord, had been beaten up as bad as they were by grunts might have done the trick. Punches would probably fly, and a brawl would ensue until someone decided to pull a weapon. Even Rage might have kept her head and not activated her claws seeing it as a less than lethal attempt, rather an attempt to leave the Sweeps damaged and crawling back home.

Actually the intent was to give the Insecticons something to do. I had no interest in starting a rivalry with the Sweeps. I just wanted to get the Insecticons back into the things and reestablish them on Cybertron and in the Decepticon hierarchy. Picking on the new hotshots seemed like a good way of doing that. Taunting a bunch of Decepticons they don't know about being beaten by another bunch of Decepticons they don't know doesn't have the same affect. It makes the Insecticons look like cowards for not fighting themselves.

Naturally, Discord is concerned with the safety and general well being of the Sweeps which includes morale. It's first and foremost. Having read and comprehended Sun Tsu's The Art of War, I plan to apply some of that knowledge to her leadership abilities and hopefully cultivate her into a leader among leaders. And no she'll not be spouting freeform poetry from The Art of War.

Keep in mind she was promoted because another guy got demoted. It wasn't some great accomplishment she did. Also remember that Macabre isn't going to be in the doghouse forever.

With that in mind, she has no intent of making the Sweeps do something that would get them in trouble with the rest of the Empire. Her loyalty is beyond question, which is why she really hates infighting.

That doesn't mean she can't be angry with anyone, or hold grudges, right?
I thought that sort of thing was the Decepticon way? :P At least as long as it doesn't interfere with business, anyhow.
Besides, her mentality is only human. She isn't perfect.

I admit Discord's thoughts are consumed with hatred, anger, and burning revenge but it's not all she is about. She is vain, somewhat egotistical, loyal to a fault, mildly ambitious, intelligent, silver tongued, dare I say somewhat noble, and charismatic among other things.
Maybe a bit snobbish, and elitist.

The thing is that is all she has done, hold grudges against everyone. I'd like to see more than that. The Sweeps need to do something more than that.

Right now, she's angry because she's supposed to be a tough warrior with cutting edge technology yet Sunstreaker beat up two of them not more than a dozen cycles ago or so, and blasted Scourge with a missile on top of that, and that the Insecticons went and kicked her and her siblings while they were down not to mention opened fire on them with unrestrained blasting, and she were sent limping away from battle in both instances on top of that. Sure she survived, and did plenty of damage, but her pride took a few hits in that she were barely able to leave under her own power, if at all able to leave under her own power.

Sunstreaker barely walked away from that battle and Sideswipe wasn't even able to do that.

She's also kinda new to the world and in time she'll recognize she can't go swearing revenge on every last Autobot that defeats more than one named Sweep with a personal vendetta, that battles can be won or lost, that she isn't the super warrior that'll come out with nary a blemish to her paint job after even the most intense fights, and mellow out with character growth.

She needs to learn it faster then. I don't want to see the Sweeps reduced to a revenge squad.
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Re: Brainstorm's Workshop

Postby Rebel Raven » Sun Feb 24, 2008 5:14 pm

Alright, I'll see if Discord can switch gears towards getting over the fact she, arguably, got her aft handed to her, and let go if the notion that the Sweeps want revenge, and see towards other plans.
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Re: Brainstorm's Workshop

Postby JaAm » Mon Feb 25, 2008 3:01 pm

The idea of revenge shouldn't be completely ignored. If the Sweeps see the twins on the battlefield, then they might go out of their way to go after them. As for Venom, Anybody who's character has abone to pick with the Insecticons, drop me a PM and we can work something out.
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Re: Brainstorm's Workshop

Postby The Chaos Bringer » Mon Feb 25, 2008 4:10 pm

JaAm wrote:As for Venom, Anybody who's character has abone to pick with the Insecticons, drop me a PM and we can work something out.

First I'll need to be sure the mods approve of a Venom's Brigade storyline. Then I'll need to know what kind of an outcome I can expect to come from it. As long as Aftershock won't end up getting killed or anything then I'll gladly be a part of this.
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Re: Brainstorm's Workshop

Postby JaAm » Mon Feb 25, 2008 5:34 pm

I've already PM'ed a mod and got permission. You don't have to worry about anything bad happening, since you can pull out when things start to hit the fan. (Belive me, that's what Venom'll do, given his cowardice.) Also, Just out of curiosity, Who's on the Ark-15, and what are their positions?
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Re: Brainstorm's Workshop

Postby The Chaos Bringer » Mon Feb 25, 2008 6:40 pm

Well Aftershock does have a superiority complex the size of the sun so being in Venom's army should be right up his alley as long as it makes him feel important.

Mind, Aftershock will be very suspicious of Venom at first so it may take some ego stroking to convince him to join. And any promises of grandeur will certainly help.

So will this army be nomadic or will hey have someplace to call a makeshift base of operations?
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Re: Brainstorm's Workshop

Postby FuzzymusPrime » Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:30 pm

JaAm wrote: Just out of curiosity, Who's on the Ark-15, and what are their positions?

It's the Ark-13, and it's in Nova Cronum. Everyone is either aboard it or in the base it's sitting in. If I recall, the crew list is Ultra Magnus, Bumblebee, Perceptor, Sureshot, Searchlight, Landfill, Swerve, the 5 Aerialbots, and Broadside.
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Re: Brainstorm's Workshop

Postby JaAm » Tue Feb 26, 2008 4:56 pm

Ok, and do they know about the Thanatos?
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Re: Brainstorm's Workshop

Postby Devastron » Tue Feb 26, 2008 6:35 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
JaAm wrote:Ok, and do they know about the Thanatos?

Please don't spam this thread with questions like this. This is for storyline planning. We have other threads for discussions like this.
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Re: Brainstorm's Workshop

Postby Rebel Raven » Sat Mar 01, 2008 8:30 pm

Well, I've some up for a plan that doesn't involve revenge, and can be used at most any time.

Provided the Quintessons had ever existed in this RPG, they likely built bio-mechs as seen in the cartoons in the US.
Maybe while the "male" transformers were sent to do the heavy lifting so to speak, the Femmes were in charge of a nursery of sorts for some of the last Biomech models that had not been entirely phased out. As guards, caretakers, and what not.

Long after the Quintessons left Cybertron, some machines remained dormant. More than a fair share of these are Quintesson experiments.

With the recent battles nearly shaking Cybertron to the core a one a billion shot happens, and one of the nurseries is reactivated from dormancy, and with that, and the Quintesson's domineering personalities in mind, any femme interested in the story is teleported to the nursery to work.

As they react differently than what the likely corrupted program asks (Likely due to the fact they're confused as slag.), it mistakes them for rebels, and sends assorted implements of death from bio mechs to maybe some fairly advanced drones to dispose of them. Due to this the femmes must work together to survive long enough to figure out where they are and escape the deep caverns of the Quintesson labs.

Meanwhile there's some chaos as the femmes, some fairly high ranked, and/or well liked/loved, vanish right before the optics of the male transformers leaving not a trace. Even Sweeps are unable to track any of them despite having some of the most advanced sensors in transformer history.

The males could handle things in many ways. Blame each other for kidnapping their femmes and have a battle, form search parties, and maybe dare I say.. work together to find the femmes?
And what happens when the femmes are found?

What of the remaining machinery? Could it become an exploitable resource and site of a new battle?

What would I call this story plot?
"Ladies night out?"
"Femme Power?"

Or maybe,
"Female Autobots? I thought they were extinct. ”
—The ever-observant Shockwave, "The Search for Alpha Trion"

Though, hopefully, the Femmes won't become extinct.

There's a handful of problems I can see with this:
1, The probability that there's more female Decepticons than Autobots at present, but some can be NPCed temporarily to even things out if one feels such a need.
2,There may be players of femmes who don't want to take part in such a plot, but they could be in situations where they escape the notice of the reactivated Quintesson machinery,though no one is sure what it is, or maybe the machinery could only teleport so many before the teleportation function breaks down for good, which it will do after teleporting the femmes regardless.
3,The Quintessons aren't intended to be introduced yet. Then again no one might be aware it is Quintesson technology. It's pretty obvious, though.
4,This whole odd plot may not be acceptable.
5,The players of only males will feel left out of the action, though this plot does affect them to some degree as the males will likely be part of the battle of blame, or part of the search team.
6,I'm sure there's other reasons not voiced here.

The benefits? Well, aside from a few cans of plot worms opened, the situation can cause character growth via meeting other femmes who are likely strangers, and who knows what could happen between them besides pointing weapons at each other?
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Re: Brainstorm's Workshop

Postby The Chaos Bringer » Mon Mar 03, 2008 5:46 pm

I've got an idea, though I know it's been used in Transformers before.

What if Prime and Megatron suddenly disappeared? How would the factions handle the situation? Starscream would promptly take over the Decepticons of course but what if second in command disappeared too? What if both factions were suddenly leaderless? I'm sure the Autobots would recover faster than the Decepticons but then what would they do? Would they try to capitalize on the Decepticons' inevitable disorder and attack or would they try to make peace?
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Re: Brainstorm's Workshop

Postby JaAm » Tue Mar 04, 2008 2:15 pm

I'm not big on Rebel Raven's idea, however, I like the concept of a femme-only plotline. But for that we'd need more people to play the femmes... Also, there is an interesting question. With the transformers finally leaving cybertron, sooner or later the Quints might get involved. it's cefinatly a starting point, though.
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Re: Brainstorm's Workshop

Postby Luciferus » Tue Mar 04, 2008 3:54 pm

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I think we should have some team-up action between the bots and the cons, where they are reluctantly forced to join up to defeat a common threat.

Fx. try imagine the Corrupticons teaming up with the Protectobots, that would certainly be interesting :grin:
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Re: Brainstorm's Workshop

Postby Roadbuster » Thu Mar 06, 2008 10:57 pm

It may or may not work but how about eventually we do a TF/GI JOE crossover? Yes the GI JOE stuff didn't work last time but if the TF's are to have limited contact with the humans, when we get there, we occassionally have the Cobra and the JOEs mix it up with the Transformers? It'd be better using them on occassions rather than a seperate ongoing GI JOE story arc that would get scrapped due to waining of interest.

As for the Quintessons, I believe it was decided the Quints, the Cybertronian Empire, and Unicron's minions (save Galvatron) would not hav a role in this universe like the last one.
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Re: Brainstorm's Workshop

Postby Optimus Frimal » Sun Mar 09, 2008 5:06 am

Luciferus wrote:I think we should have some team-up action between the bots and the cons, where they are reluctantly forced to join up to defeat a common threat.

Fx. try imagine the Corrupticons teaming up with the Protectobots, that would certainly be interesting :grin:

Perhaps a group like the Reapers or the Vok could attack once the groups have headed for Earth?
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