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Cybertron - Polyhex

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Cybertron - Polyhex

Postby Devastron » Mon Jul 23, 2007 10:55 am

Weapon: Energo-Sword
(All events taking place in the Polyhex area of Cybertron can be posted here)
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Postby Tasbirk » Mon Jul 23, 2007 1:51 pm

Task Force Team Two- En Route to Cluster 0987

As Team Two left the city proper Rapture kept a wary optic on the surrounding terrain. The tall Seeker was surprisingly light on her feet. She kept up with Dead End and Heap with little effort.

"Radio silence and passive scans only from here on," she told her team.

Her mind ran the numbers. At their current rate of travel they were in danger of reaching the target before the Guardian reached the Minimum Safe Distance. While that would give them additional time for the repairs, it carried greater risk as well. Heap seemed sure the repairs would be time consuming, she thought. We'll have to play this as close to the hard deck as we can get away with.

"Dead End, give me a current distance on the Guardian. My current estimates put us at the target zone early. Double check that for me. I don't want to cut this too close."

"Scramble, I know we went over the repair sequence twice back at base, but I want you to walk me through it again. I want to hit this on the first pass."
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Postby Warthog » Mon Jul 23, 2007 3:33 pm

Task Force Team One
Warthog stared out the window blankly, sensors firing off mental klaxons at each scavenger and barely twitching mech. He saw the Guardian on the very edge of his range, dangerously close to Team Two.

"Looks like the Guardian is gonna pass closer Rapt's team's path than ours," he said to Skywarp and Thundercracker. "But I dont want to take that chance. From here on out, all weapons are hot and everybody is on watch all the time. Somebody get this repair garbage figured before we get there...I dont want to take all day in case we have to run in and do a rescue mission if Omega gets too close to Rapt's team."[/b]
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Postby Armorwind » Mon Jul 23, 2007 4:15 pm

Task Force Team One

"Yeah I bet I could," Thundercracker chuckled at Skywarp's joke. Knowing the other seeker was hurt, he knew just messing around would cheer him up.

He held the kit tightly as he listened to Warthog. He had been more silent than he normally was. In fact, he still busied himself with thoughts of Rapture and Gallows.

We can talk when we both get back, he thought. That is, if we get back.

"Right," the seeker said, sounding somewhat startled by Warthog's comments. He wasn't sure if the others noticed his absent-mindedness. He charged his lasers. "That's just how I like it."
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Postby Aggiebot » Mon Jul 23, 2007 10:00 pm

Task Force Team One

Skywarp cocked his laser and then turned to Thundercracker, "You got that Med Kit figured out? You know I was never good at Repair Tech..."

Then, as Omega Sumpreme appeared in the distance Skywarp asked Warthog, "After we find a safe enough location to unload, we need to get to the coordinates for installation quickly, without attractin too much attention...what's the plan?"
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Postby Davekma » Tue Jul 24, 2007 6:51 am

Killzone ~ Outer Polyhex Perimeter

Havok met Bane's gaze briefly, before shaking his head and moving off, responding to Thrall's call for retreat. The former Gladiator didn't particularly like the fact that his fellow Corrupticon had seemingly got the high ground, but he wasn't about to start getting on Thunderwing's bad side. No, this was a Corrupticon issue, and it was one that would be resolved in it's own time, and without the intervention of any of the Decepticon high command.

As he walked up alongside Thrall, Havok's thoughts turned to other matters, more immediate matters, namely, who was in command of Polyhex in the absence of Shockwave, since the Military Operations Commander had been taken back to Kaon for repairs, no word had reached them as to who was running the repair operation of the Polyhex line.
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Postby Warthog » Tue Jul 24, 2007 10:20 am

"I assumed that the rails could take Astrotrain right up to the front doors of the building....if not we'll unload and move in fast, with me and Astrotrain watching our tails since we can take more damage. We'll probably have to split up to find this contraption we're working on, unless you boys or Astro knows whereto look."

Warthog tapped the side of his head,indicating his long-range internal sensors. "This old head can detect our path through the facility and debris, so I can direct us while inside. If I remember right, there were automated guns, but I'm hoping the Autobot attack busted 'em."

"Once we find the generator, we'll gather and sit tight while we get this installation done. I'll be on Guardian watch; the rest I'll decide as we go along."
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Postby Longshot » Tue Jul 24, 2007 4:06 pm

Motto: "Feed them to the Sharkticons!"
Task Force Team Two - En Route to Cluster 0987

"Too close for comfort," Dead End returned unhappily in response to Rapture's request for a status update. "And getting closer. But if you're asking for specifics, I'd put it at about two hundred sixty klicks and closing. By the time we reach the target cluser, the brute will be so close we'll be able to smell his exhaust emissions." An exaggeration, perhaps, but not a great one. Frankly, the Stunticon had never wanted to be as near a Guardian as he was now, much less any nearer.

"Provided the Autobots didn't think to equip him with X-ray vision, however--though with our luck they almost certainly did--we should reach the Cluster far enough ahead of his patrol cycle to avoid detection. Although whether we'll be able to make it out again is anybody's guess."
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Postby Scramblebot » Wed Jul 25, 2007 6:43 am

(( OOC: Sorry Unexpectedly disappeared for Two days wasn't planned))

Task Force Two: Enroute to Defense Cluster 0987

Scramble turned to glance at Rapture for a moment then shrug her shoulders once. "It should be a relatively easy process. Take out whats busted and replace it with the new." Obvious. "We'll probably run into some melted emplacements and likely ruptured fuel pumps and no telling what else." Shaking her head.

"It should be simple as long as that Titan doesn't show up to rain on our parade, we ought to be in and out quick as long as we stay on our toes no?" A small smirk. "I can't give you a better estimate without being able to see the damage with my own optics." The medic reached up and tapped on her own left optic.

Blitzwings Group.

Ruination grumbled kicking a random piece of rubble out of the way. "Nothing." He muttered simply. The large mech however didn't let his guard drop. The Chainguns connected to his forearms whirling slightly off and on, keeping them both at the ready. "You thinkin dey'll show up while we are out here?" TO spite how displeased he was with the assignment, he didn't want to fail...even if it was a search and rescue for inferior mechs that got themselves hurt.

--Signature slaughtered--
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Postby Tasbirk » Wed Jul 25, 2007 3:42 pm

Task Force Team Two

As the klicks passed slowly they began wear on Rapture. Though outwardly stoic, she began to almost envy Heap and Dead End. The two male Decepticons seemed to be having an easier time of it. Rapture had never walked this far in her life. She could feel the desire to take to the air pulling at the back of her mind. She had no doubt Scramble could feel it as well. All Seekers did. But like herself, the medic beside her seemed to be taking it in stride (so to speak).

The midnight femme's thoughts turned to Thundercracker and Skywarp. She wondered if either of the male Seekers could have resisted the urge to fly this long. It was one of the many reasons she had assigned her old classmates to Team One. She and Scramble had not always been Seekers; they could handle the long klicks of walking better.

Thoughts of Scramble's origins turned Rapture's mind towards memories of her own. More to herself than anyone else, she spoke.

"It's times like this I miss having four legs."
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Postby *Silverblade » Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:32 pm

Blitzwing's Team/Killzone ~ Outer Polyhex Perimeter

Blitzwing stared at the corpse of a fallen decepticon, Crushed beyond identification all seve for the emblem on one wing. He nodded as Ruination answered him.

"Possibly, I hope we aren't out here for nothing."

Blitz could feel the big warrior’s frustration, lifting his gaze the triplechanger strode ahead. Confident in Rampage’s sniffing the mech followed a strange feeling he had, leaving the two to rummage through the cold aftermath. He climbed the remains of a devastated weapons system in a few strides his purple hued body disappearing behind the wreck. What met his optics caused a flare of anger. Upon the ground lay a young decepticon foot soldier, on he had helped during the battle. Ripping the downed mach apart was a rusting decrepit scavenger the dull glow of its energon-starved eyes paused to look at the purple commando. Its haggard body frozen with indecision, Blitzwing made the choice for it. He fired hitting the thing in the chest knocking it backwards. With deadly precise steps Blitz approached the scavenger, it whined and garbled writhing on the ground. Blitz reached down taking its head in the palm of his hand, and with a sickening crunch, crushed the thing’s cranium. He stood watching as the body convulsed then lay still. Silently he turned to look at the fallen soldier. The young con was beyond repair, wires and fluids were everywhere. A faint flicker pulsed from the mech’s optics. Somehow the soldier was able to speak but Blitz could not see how, as most of his body was ravaged, puddles of fluid stained the ground and random sparks leaped haphazardly from his joints.

“Blitzwing, sir, Please …. Please, end my suffering.”

Blitzwing looked in the direction of Ruination and Rampage for a moment. This soldier was asking for mercy, was this something Blitzwing could give? His two fellows could not see him from beyond the damaged surrounding junk piles. He looked back down at the mech, laser aimed at his open chest directly over his spark.

“May the glory of the Decepticons be yours and your memory live on in our victories.”

A shot of magenta light left the tip of Blitzwing’s weapon. The young mech’s suffering had ended.

Blitzwing turned away, walking slowly back to his team. As he came into view he quickly hid the mixed emotions that had come with what he had done. He decided he would report Breakaway’s death when he returned. He stopped suddenly, as a voice picked up on his auds.

“Do you two hear that?”

It sounded like the Corrupticons.
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Postby The J Writer » Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:23 pm

Task Force Team One

Astrotrain could list on one hand actuator the things he was truly, truly afraid of. Unicron was one, he supposed, if the planet-devouring god really existed. Megatron was certainly one, all the more frightening than Unicron because he was quite, quite real. The mightiest of the Guardian robots, Omega Supreme, was one, too. Big and bad as he was compared to most Transformers, Astrotrain was bite-sized next to a behemoth like Omega Supreme. Like a Micromaster trying to fight a gestalt. Squish!

He moved nearly silently along the mag-lev line, nothing but the soft hum of his motors to give him away. Speaking through his internal speakers, he checked in on his passengers and cargo.

"We're about half a breem away, Warthog. It's been a while since I've been around these defense emplacements, but we'll need to watch out for the sentry guns," he explained. "If power's still flowing to the emplacement's system, the sentry guns will be active. Hope your Decepticon security clearances are up-to-date," he chuckled.
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Postby Darth Vegeta » Thu Jul 26, 2007 1:18 am

Polyphex: Shockwaves Tower

Nightraid awaited the arrival of a superior for new orders.
Hands crossed behind his back, the Seeker tactician glanced to the side. The small Bludgeon stood both firmly yet with a certain strange 'looseness' about him. The Master of Metalikato said nothing, purplecoloured hand resting on the girp of his sword. Vizoroptics staring forward.
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Postby Stormshadow » Thu Jul 26, 2007 3:43 am

Blitzwing's Team/Killzone ~ Outer Polyhex Perimeter

Rampage had dectected the scent about the same time Blitwing heard them. Listening carefully Rampage nodded "I can also smell them" what Rampage didn't mention was the scent of energon mainly becuase he'd figured Blitzwing had already dealt with that.

Prowling forward the cybertronian tiger weaved his way forward sniffing carefully. While he was in agreement with Ruination and Blitzwing Rampage didn't feel the need to voice it. The psycopathic predacon was far more interested in fighting rather than simply searching around like some kind of advanced animal. He wasn't bothered by the fact he was litterally walking through corpses; after all if he wasn't on a mission he'd probably be out and about killing scavengers.

Suddenly Rampage came to a halt "Over here; now" he sent back having just spied the corrupticons. Laying low he supprsessed the urge to rush forward and kill. While he waited for the others to arrive.
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Postby Armorwind » Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:44 am

Task Force Team One

"Heh, and I was?" Thundercracker quipped back to Skywarp. He, too, just noticed Omega Supreme. "We might need a bigger kit."

Thoughts ran through Thundercracker's cerebral circuits. He had never really seen too many Autobots of that size and power. The idea of being so insignificant when compared to this monster sent chills down his spinal neurowires. It felt like fear, but at the same time he couldn't quite exacty identify his emotion. He had to distract himself.

"Astrotrain, you take too long," the seeker called out. "I'm bored."[/b]
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Postby *Silverblade » Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:40 am

((ooc: I tried to go back and read as much as I could so If I left any one out let me know and I will edit this post))

Blitzwing's Team/Killzone ~ Outer Polyhex Perimeter

Blitzwing moved at a faster pace to catch up to the predacon, looking once over his shoulder to be sure Ruination was following them.
There in the killzone he saw Bane, and Havok with Thrall. he slowed to a walk giving Ruination a chance to catch up.

The purple Triplechanger approached the once MIA group, his red optics glowed with dull anticipation. He held out a hand asking Rampage to hold back for a moment, since he knew the Tiger did not like conversation. He aproached Havok and Thrall first since they were closest in his path.

"What's the matter with you guys? Are your Communications down? You should have been back Astro minutes ago. Command sent us out to find you and bring back what was left. They are thinking you guys are offlined. Come on time to go Onslaught wants you back ASAP. We need to move before we jepordise our position."

Blitzwing stood arms folded waiting for a response, he did not expect them to just roll over and obey but, He hoped they weren't stupid enough to disobey direct orders, especially if they were ordersfrom someone else. His gaze wandered over to Bane, he was sure his conversation was not going unnoticed.
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Postby Warthog » Thu Jul 26, 2007 12:03 pm

"We're here," Warthog barked to the others as Astrotrain slowed to a halt. "My sensors show Omega inside detection range, so we're on radio silence from here on out unless something really, really bad happens."

Warthog stepped out of Astrotrain and immediately threw himself to the ground as a laser blast seared a shallow trench in his thick shoulder plate. Crawling back into teh transport, he surveyed his long-range sensors, seeing them covered in tiny red dots now.

"Automated security still let's hope Omega didnt see that."
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Postby Scramblebot » Thu Jul 26, 2007 2:04 pm

---Task Force One---

"Wouldn't know always have two myself." The medic however was quite comfortable walking. Perhaps a little more so than she was in the air oddly enough. When it all boiled down to it, she was made a seeker so she could criss-cross across the battle field in a timely manner if need be.

"About how much further we got?" Scramble asked looking from RApture to Heap and Dead End curiously.

---Blitzwings Group---

Ruination grumbled then turned his head sharply to stare at Blitzwing. "Not see but hear!" He said tapping the side of his head. Suddenly he grunted as Rampage notified them of what he had detected.

The Lumbering tank mech needed little prodding to follow his group commander, even calling his energon warhammer from subspace as they went along. Stopping as he finally two the corrupticons, those ruby optics narrowing. He said nothing letting Blitzwing do the talking. The chainsgun on his forearms began to spin off and on again, always stopping just short of activating. It would seem the tank bot just hoped they would refuse.
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Postby Tasbirk » Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:40 pm

Task Force Team Two

"We should be there in about four breems," Rapture told Scramble. Her keen Seeker's optics could make out the massive form of Omega Supreme in the distance. It's going to be close, she thought.

Rapture had been monitoring the Autobot frequencies since they had left Polyhex. While she did not have her creator's gift for decryption, even an unintelligible transmission was a sign of life. The Autobot channels had been remarkably quiet thus far. Even the Guardian Robot rarely transmitted. Apparently he's not much for conversation, the femme mused. In any case her observations led her to only two possibilities.

The sleek interceptor turned to her team.
"I've been listening in on the enemy frequencies since we set out. I figure even if we can't understand it, comm chatter means they're here. I'm getting nothing but static. Even Omega doesn't seem to check in very often. Which means either their withdrawal was complete, excluding the Guardian; or any 'Bots in the killzone are running silent."

"Both possibilities work in our favor. Either the Guardian is alone or their Operatives will have to compromise their position to report us."

Gazing toward the Autobot Giant, Rapture concluded that Dead End had been right. Omega Supreme would pass within five klicks of them, maybe less.

"Let's pick up the pace a little. I want to be inside the Cluster before the Giant reaches us."
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Postby Stormshadow » Fri Jul 27, 2007 5:15 am

Blitzwing's Team/Killzone ~ Outer Polyhex Perimeter

Rampage hung back as ordered; a soft growl escaped his vocaliser. He didn't like it but he obeyed tail twitching from side to side as he watched Blitzwing address the corrupticons. His joints perpared to bound in at a moments notice should it be asked of him.

Otherwise he waited; not something he was good at but he did it nevertheless. He watched as Runiation rumbled past seeing the tank bot's own entusiasm matching his own.
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Postby The J Writer » Fri Jul 27, 2007 8:58 am

Task Force - Team One

"Great," Astrotrain growled as Warthog verified the existence of the automated defense systems. Hovering impatiently on the mag-lev rail, he quickly considered alternate routes into Cluster 1499. There was only one he could recall, and it was a dangerous one at that.

"Well, what are we gonna do?" he asked. "Barge in and hope the defense systems don't take us down before we can rip out a primary power feed?" The question was pretty much a rhetorical one. Charging the emplacement likely would result in a lot of damage, if not death, and the power feeds to the sentry guns were purposely well-protected. Pausing, he spoke again.

"Cluster 1499 has an underground rail access point," he said. "No sentry guns down there. Nothing but a big metal door guarding it, and we can probably pop the locks on it. Problem is, nearest entrance into the underground is six thousand meters toward Omega Supreme."
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Postby Warthog » Fri Jul 27, 2007 12:38 pm

"We're taking our chances with the Guardian," Warthog grunted, turning to stare harshly at the Seekers. "We are even sensors silent at this point...if that big son a scavenger has any sort of detection gear, we're not gonna be the ones to set it off, got that?" His thick, three fingered hands brushed the melted metal from his minor wound as his internal radar slowly died.

"Astrotrain, try the underground rail. If the doors too bad, we're blasting it."
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Postby Teletron » Fri Jul 27, 2007 5:20 pm

Heap, lost in his thoughts, hadn't noticed the compensator on one oh his treadwheels had given out, causing him to list slightly to the right. He lowered the power to his opposite tread before it could get to bad. He'd hoped Scramble hadn't noticed; last thing he wanted was to be chewed out for dodging repairs.

But really, who could blame him? Over eighty percent of his systems were so old they were too obsolete for most modern medics or doctors; his diagnostic read like a history report to them. Usually, they tried to replace his older parts with newer ones, but they almost never worked properly, and often caused him a great deal of pain. No, Heap thought, better to just not worry about it.

Addressing Rapture beside him, he says, "If we run into that Guardian, I'd suggest a staggered assault from me and Warthog, while the rest of the team works to complete the mission. He and I may not be the fastest or the best armed, but chances are a lot higher either of us could survive a direct hit from that thing,"
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Postby Warthog » Fri Jul 27, 2007 6:34 pm

OOC: I may be without internet access for anywhere from 4 days to 3 weeks starting tomorrow night, so in that space feel free to use and abuse Warthog however you need to so long as he's still alive when I get back :grin: Sorry guys and sorry for OOC
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Postby Tasbirk » Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:25 am

Task Force Team Two- Cluster 0987

"Agreed, if it comes to that," Rapture replied to Heap. "But you two only cover our withdrawal." She shook her head, grimacing. "I know you remember how slagging tough those things were in the old days. I certainly do. And the reports say this one can transform as well. It comes at us full-on we pull out, end of story. I'm not getting my team killed for nothing." I'm not Starscream, the Seeker added silently.

Seeing the target up ahead, Rapture changed the subject.

"We're here. Full stop. I'm going to see if the point defense systems are active."

The agile femme quickly made her way towards the entrance. What she found was not comforting. She motioned for her teammates to join her.

"The whole structure is powered down. The point defense is scrapped. I think it's salvageable, though. Let's get inside before Omega spots us. Stealth takes priority over repairs until he passes. Scramble, give give a full assessment of the damage. Heap, you and Dead End get the gear inside. I want to see if I can salvage the point defense systems. We might need them."
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