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Cybertron - The Siege of Polyhex

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Postby Warthog » Wed Jul 18, 2007 11:17 am

Shockwave's Towre

Warthog nodded his agreement with Astrotrain. Warthog was very well acquainted with the dangers of flying in at Omega Supreme; the Guardian had previously shown himself very adept in anti-air combat, and even as one of the largest Decepticons present, Warthog still felt no desire to get grounded anywhere near a Guardian.

"Most of us couldnt keep up with you Seekers anyway," the gruff mech told Rapture. "I agree Astro. That way if all the slag hits the fan, we can still fly out or blast our way through. None of us are a physical match for the Guardian, but if he catches us I'm sure me, Astro, and Heap can at least be annoying."
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Postby The J Writer » Wed Jul 18, 2007 2:43 pm

The Killzone

"Damn kids, can't even manage a tactical pull-back without someone holdin' their hand actuators," came an audible grumble as Kup approached the scene in truck mode, his aged engine rumbling louder than that of newer-model Autobots as it nonetheless hauled him without fail to his destination. Transforming into robot mode, the displeasure on the old soldier's faceplate was more than evident.

"What part of 'get back to Nova Cronum' don't you lot understand? Was it the 'get,' the 'back,' or the 'to?'" His optics swept around the area, to Archangel, Wheelbar, Juggernaut and the others. "Let me put it in simpler terms for ya." He angrily pointed his index finger in Nova Cronum's general direction. "GIT!"

The old drill instructor in Kup's personality program was clearly showing, and despite the angry look on his faceplate, maybe even having a little fun. Still, his was serious work. A disorganized withdrawal was one of the most dangerous things a military unit could experience, and the 'Cons, though momentarily pushed back, were hardly beaten. Omega Supreme is buying us time is all. We get comfortable, we get killed.

"And you should know better," he said in slightly lower tones as he passed by Springer, cuffing him on the shoulder as he stood there seemingly socializing with a couple of other Autobots. His gruff basso rose to its previous volume once more.

"Break up the sowing circle, ladytrons! Move it, you oversized protoforms!"
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Postby Armorwind » Wed Jul 18, 2007 3:08 pm

The Killzone

"Sorry, kid," Springer said to Wheelbar . As he stood there, he felt pain run through his servos. He winced, playing off his facial expression as a smile. "This is the only group of Autobots you'll find out here. Glad to see you're eager, but the battle's done. You'll have to wait until next time. Deals like these don't stick around for long." He was glad to see the young Autobot had so much fire in him. "Right now we're just worried about getting back to the base."

As if on cue, Kup arrived. And he chose to chew out the triplechanger.

"Oh come on, Papa Kup, we're alright," Springer said in a confident tone.

The truth was he had been a bit cocky by waiting so long. But he hadn't wanted to strain the other injured Autobots. Nor did he wish to add extra stress to the medics as they were searching, rescuing, and stabilizing the unconscious 'bots. He didn't want to risk leaving any one behind. But he shook it off.

"You heard rust 'n servos," said Springer. "Let's roll before we become dessert for any scavengers or Decepticons"
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Postby Aggiebot » Wed Jul 18, 2007 4:11 pm

Shockwave's Tower, Polyhex- Command Center

Skywarp studied the grid and made note that Astrotrain had made a valid point. "Astrotrain is right. It would be way too slow to move through all that rubble and debris, we had a hard enough time in the Search and Rescue mission. Plus, if Omega Supreme is going to go down, it will have to be from his legs."

Then Skywarp looked at Rapture. "What do you say Officer Rapture? Is this a good enough plan for you," he commented in sarcasm.
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Postby Tasbirk » Wed Jul 18, 2007 4:36 pm

Shockwave's Tower- Command Center

Rapture took in her team's comments. She swallowed the urge to return Skywarp's sarcasm in kind. He's baiting me, she thought. Playing his game will only make us both look bad. Instead she smiled.

"Astrotrain's idea is brilliant, Skywarp. I can't believe I didn't think of it myself. But then I don't have a tenth of his knowledge of the monorail system." She turned her attention to Astrotrain himself.

"Sharp thinking, soldier. I'd say you're right. The rail line is the way to go."

Rapture turned to face her superior. "I believe we have a working mission plan, Commander Onslaught. With your permission, i would like to begin preparations immediately."
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Postby Longshot » Wed Jul 18, 2007 6:52 pm

Motto: "Feed them to the Sharkticons!"
Shockwave's Tower, Polyhex - Command Center

Onslaught absorbed the feedback and opinions offered up by his subordinates, quietly pleased with his decision to appoint Rapture as leader of this motley little assortment of mechanoids. The Seeker was taking to the role quite readily, optics barely flickering at the near-insubordination of Skywarp. Her command style was quite unique, given the nature of Decepticon hierarchy; she appeared to favor a gentler touch, not only in dealing with dissent, but in lauding meritorious service--such as that so recently provided by Astrotrain. Whatever the case, he was hardly concerned with offering a critique. If her methods were sound, then she would survive and prosper. If not . . .

If not, well, it would be a lamentable waste of a lovely design. But a certain level of attrition was inevitable in the prosecution of any war. Particularly when the surest method of ascending to a command role lay in deposing or discrediting ones own superiors.

Dead End, meanwhile, had emitted an indelicate, mechanical snort at Warthog's comments. "Annoying as a cybergnat to a Centurion droid. That's about as much as any of us can hope to achieve against a Guardian. If that thing realizes we're out there and gets belligerent, we're all goners."

"That will be quite enough, Stunticon," Onslaught interrupted firmly. "Do not forget that we are Decepticon warriors. We have bested the Guardians in battle before."

"After taking massive casualties," Dead End added dourly. "I believe the kill ratio was something on the order of a hundred to one. How many are we?" He looked around as though conducting a silent head-count. "I don't know about the rest of you, but I would hate to be a victim of mathematics."

"If I have to direct the medic to extract your vocalizer in order to maintain morale, then understand that I will not hesitate to do so." The formidable Combaticon Commander glowered down at the smaller Decepticon until Dead End averted his optics and gave a short, lugubrious nod. Onslaught's attention returned once more to Rapture. "I've ordered a few drones to begin assembling the materials your unit will be transporting and installing within the Clusters: two portable generators and several tons of heavy ordnance. It will all be waiting in the main armory once you are ready to begin the operation."

Onslaught leaned back once more, dismissing the holo-display and turning his attention to the data streams coming in from the drones working on the inner defense line. "Stealth is vital, but so is speed. To that end, I recommend dividing your unit into two teams, one of which can make use of the monorail system, while the other moves overland. But however you decide to proceed, do not activate the generators immediately after installation. The Autobots would detect the power surge, alerting them to our endeavor. We can engage them by remote at the proper time."

His voice grew more distant as he grew increasingly absorbed in the larger issue of fortifying Polyhex as a whole. But the Combaticon seemed to snap out of his reflective reverie for a few moments as he added, "And do nothing to antagonize the Autobots directly. We will not be the ones to break this ceasefire--not without direct orders from the High Command to that effect. If you should come under enemy fire, you are to return to headquarters immediately for reassignment. Let the Autobots believe they have us cowed--it will make our counterassault that much more devastating. Dismissed."
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Postby Tasbirk » Wed Jul 18, 2007 7:56 pm

Shockwave's Tower- Command Center

Rapture saluted her CO before turning to address her team. Her voice was firm as she issued her orders.

"All right. You heard the Commander. Two squads, one for each weapons emplacement. Squads are as follows."

"Squad One: Astrotrain, Thundercracker, Skywarp, Warthog. You will take the emplacement at Cluster 1499."

"Squad Two: Dead End, Heap, Scramble and Myself. We're on the ground. We'll handle Cluster 0987."

"Remember, this is a stealth operation. It does us no good if the Autobots find out what we're up to. I want both squads underway within the megacycle. Get to it."
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Postby *Silverblade » Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:26 pm


Sub-Zero turned to face the oncoming noise of Kup as he approached. The old warrior began to address the small group with a touch of annoyance. Sub-Zero smiled inspite of the seriousness. He liked this old timer, his spark had kick. Turning his sensors back online Sub-Zero transformed into his dire-wolf form. His brilliant blue optics glowing with anticipation.
"I'm ready when you guys are."
A hint of light reflected off his hind lasers. As he turned in the direction Kup had pointed, ears swiveling automatically.
"Archangel, do you want me to help carry one of those guys?"


Command Center

Blitzwing kept his yap shut, arms crossed over his chest. He knew the best thing was to keep his comments to himself. He listened intently as the shapely seeker went over their options, he didn’t care what approach they took he was a one con demolition squad by land or air, it was all the same to him. Lock and load! Slash and burn Baby!! A dangerous grin spread across his face as he pictured himself unloading a round of ammo upon the Autobots.

The triplechanger's attention snapped back to the room he didn't give a fried circuit if they had noticed his little daydream. As long as he was in on the attack he would do anything the femme asked of him. His optics turned to look at Onslaught and he wondered if the commander would put Blitzwing’s talents to use. He directly stated they would not break the cease-fire, and Blitzwing’s hopes sank with those words. He so wanted to destroy something or someone.

Saluting Onslaught he spoke,
“Sir, is there anywhere you might be able to use me?”
Last edited by *Silverblade on Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Warthog » Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:38 pm

Shockwave's Tower

Warthog nods gruffly to Rapture, looking at the flyers in his team. At least they'd be able to flee if things got rough. Unfortunately, he didnt see 'warp or 'cracker being the runnign kind, even if it was smart. At least he trusted Astrotrain.

"Who's CO in squad one?"
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Postby Tasbirk » Wed Jul 18, 2007 10:00 pm

Shockwave's Tower- Command Center

Rapture contemplated the ground attack specialist's question for a moment before answering. Technically Skywarp was next in the chain of command. She had hoped her former friend would have matured in their time apart, but his recent behavior had proved otherwise. The old jealousy he held towards her was obviously as strong as ever. It was doubtful he could be trusted to command such a sensitive operation. And there was his earlier disrespect to deal with as well. As perfect a moment to put Warp in his place as any, she thought.

The femme looked Warthog directly in the optics.

"You are."
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Postby Scramblebot » Thu Jul 19, 2007 12:24 am

Shockwaves Tower. Command Center.

Scramble absorbed the missions details quitely. Truth be told she only had minimal combat training, so she kept any ideas she had to herself. At Onslaughts threat to have Dead Ends vocalizer removed she turned stareing at the Depressing Stunticon, as she tapped her own throat lightly. However it was painfully obvious that she was only teasing were as Onslaught was likely quite serious, biting back a small chuckle.

Optics snaping onto Rapture as she divided up the teams. "Commander." She said looking at Rapture "I might have something that could assist our teams moving the equipment they need to carry faster." The Medic held an uncertain look on her face about the idea of taking on the Guardian.

Again her head turned to the members of the second group in there little team. "I have an extra Medical kit, that you can carry with you if you like incase any of you are wounded." She pondered for a moment. "That is if any of you are smart enough to use it." An indirect insult, directed at Skywarp which was who she was looking at when she made that comment.


Shockwaves Tower Command Center.

"Sir!" The Large Tank Decepticon known as Ruination bellowed shortly after Blitzwing. "I need to feel smooth steel skin crushed under my bulk. Command me!" His ruby colored optics flareing to life at his oddly sharp request.

"Allow me to distract the Guardian!" Ruination wasn't much of a thinker, nor did he have much foresight at all. His optics dimming as he struggled to form his words properly now. "Let me...Go into the ..." Shaking his head. "Middle. THe big one..The guardian!" He growled. "The one that cheated Megatron, myself and all of us of our glory!. LEt him see me and he will come to watch...They." He grunted waving a hand towards the two squads. "Will have time."

It was clear Ruination struggled with his words, he was a bot of action. He wasn't sure if he said it properly at all. Forming a fist with his right three fingered hand he slammed it against his own thick chest armor in a salute as he awaited Onslaughts reply to his...questionable idea.[
Last edited by Scramblebot on Thu Jul 19, 2007 12:36 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Aggiebot » Thu Jul 19, 2007 12:25 am

Shockwave's Tower, Polyhex- Command Center

As Rapture assigned Warthog the position of Squad Leader, Thundercracker almost exploded verbally but kept his mouth shut after Onslaught had given him a displeasing look. Inside, he exploded with dispise for his former female friend. He never had any negative feelings toward Warthog and wouldn't now; it wasn't his fault.

It was all Rapture's fault. It had ALWAYS been her fault ever since the days in the academy. She always stripped him of the things he wanted, beginning with the attention of their former commander, Gallows. And since then he always seemed to be sought as second-best to her. Skywarp knew he could fair just as well as she could in battle and he knew he had the potential to lead well. Although he always admitted to himself that Rapture was a good leader, he kept it to himself; not even his closest friend Thindercracker knew of this thought. But it was the simple fact of knowing that she was a great leader, and the fact that everyone seemed to like her no matter what, that made him despise her. He was simply jealous, and he knew he was.

Then he heard the medic Scramble make a comment regarding the lack of skill and intelligence that his squad might have. Seemingly, he felt as if the comment was directed toward him. Skywarp pretended as if not to hear the comment. He thought to himself, She turns the whole slaggin' team against me, just like at the Academy...

He had great difficulty in restraining himself from saying anything to Rapture or Scramble, but accepted her assignment. He looked into her optics and gave her a look as if to tell her, " screwed me once again..." Somehow he knew that she understood what he meant by the look and then turned to Warthog with a completely different reaction.

"What are your orders Warthog," he asked in an obediant, honest, and slightly submissive form.
Last edited by Aggiebot on Thu Jul 19, 2007 12:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Scramblebot » Thu Jul 19, 2007 12:27 am

(User Error, sorry for the extra posts please delete.)
Last edited by Scramblebot on Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Scramblebot » Thu Jul 19, 2007 12:35 am

(Double post sorry please Delete.)
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Postby Darth Vegeta » Thu Jul 19, 2007 2:18 am

Nearby Polyphex H.Q.

Nightraid, the black and red Tactician Seeker walked past his Seeker comrades. Checking them. His faceplate hid the grim shape his mouth had taken. Many of them had been damaged after the battle and they all looked a bit 'ragtag'.
Several Seekers seemed to be M.I.A. And he assumed them dead as there was no trace of them. With a bit of luck they'd pop up wounded. But he didn't hold up high hopes of that happening.
Reorganizing them as good as possible in some workable small squadrons, he tried to maintain a certain balance, being aware of the strengths and flaws of many of his fellow Seekers. Checking the wing of a comrade, he came to the conclusion, he too was ready to continue the fight.
Taking a step back, he looked at all of them. These survivors would have become better Cons by the experience of the last battles. The longer a Seeker survived, the more battles he fought, the less chance they'd die next time. The newcomers however... were fodder and no careful planning or organisation on his part could change that. They always tended to be eager, reckless or overconfident... but a few trials by fire luckily changed that bad mentality... unless they were good enough to compensate for a bad mental outlook on things.
"Alright you're all ready... if recruits join our squadrons... hopefully sooner than later... disperse them equally among you all so no squadron is more handycapped than another and experience is shared between veteran and newcomer" he stated. He saluted, slamming a black fist into his chest. "Long live the Decepticon Empire!" he said with his eloquent elitist accent.

The battlefield ruins near Polyphex

Bludgeon stalked the area near H.Q.
Stealthily moving from rubble to rubble, from ruin to ruin.
Passing remnants of fallen 'bots and 'cons.
He cared little, their deaths were honorable and glorious. There was no need for regret. The small but skilled Master of Metalikato's purple and green body crouched. He hadn't received new orders yet and until than he'd keep an eye out for survivors. To finish enemies or save comrades and off course... to patrol the area. He still hungered for more combat... .
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Postby Davekma » Thu Jul 19, 2007 4:42 am

The Killzone

"Hey, I wouldn't say no to a raise if you could swing me one..." Archangel joked in reply to Springer's offer, finally finishing his work on his latest patient, noting that the transport was just landing.

Just as he was about to get everyone to head towards the transport, the tones of a rather displeased Kup reached the Medic's audio sensors. He could understand that the old 'Bot was slightly perturbed with the tardiness of the groups withdrawl, but he was also slightly annoyed himself with the apparent lack of care shown to the injured members of the group.

"Primus, what crawled up your tailpipe and died?" Archangel inquired of Kup as he got back to his feet, hearing Sub-Zero's offer as he did so "Yeah, grab the 'Bot you brought in and head for the transport.." The Medic replied "..Springer, could you get Skywatch to the transport please, I'll take a look at your injuries once we're onboard as well"

Walking over towards Wheelbar, Brewer and the last remaining casualty, Archangel handed out his final 'order' "You two, get our injured comrade here onto the transport, you can work on him once we take off Brewer" Turning his attention to Kup once more, the medic felt it neccesary to justify why they were still out in the battlefield.

"Apologies for us 'ladytrons' still being out here, I was in the middle of handing out emergency attention to several casualties who wouldn't have survived a trip back to Nova Cronum on someone's back, or even on a transport. So it's not, as you seem to believe, a lack of comprehension of the orders handed out to us, it's just a lack of willingness to risk moving injured Autobots, hope you don't mind Sir"
Last edited by Davekma on Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Luciferus » Thu Jul 19, 2007 9:37 am

Motto: "I didn't lose! It's a delayed victory!"
Weapon: Electro Scrambler Gun
Killzone - Outer Polyhex Perimeters

Ignoring Havok's quadro-sentimal babble the Black Death walked past him and Thrall.
"You can make yourself useful and call for a retreat. We're going back to Polyhex once Thrall is done with his charity work." Bane didn't like retreats, but he was no ignorant either. He knew that only the Corrupticons and a few other individuals was fit enough to fight the Autobots at the moment. Now was a better time to get repaired, regrouped and lay down a new strategy. Bane touched the crack on his chest. That fembot had done something not many could. He would get his revenge on this subformer soon enough... and it wouldn't be pretty.


Juggernaut who had just by coincident arrived where Springer and his group was, looked down at the hotheaded oldtimer. Jugger was old, but this one was even older though maybe not by much.

"Be careful you don't burn a microchip or two, Kup" Jugger said in jest. Despite the horrors of war they just had witnessed, Jugger knew a little jest or two might be good for morale at this time.
Jugger clapped the smaller senior officer on the head and continued his walk with a lightly laughter.
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Postby Stormshadow » Thu Jul 19, 2007 10:34 am

Shockwave's Tower, Polyhex- Command Center

Rampage wasn't really paying that much attention to the whole thing. He was just sitting there watching all that was taking place idly rareing to go out into cobat and rip apart what ever sore excuse for an autobot happened to cross his path. Still he restrained himself; after all just dashing out onto the battlefield really wouldn't help anyone and while he wasn't too concerned with playing by the rules he was concerned about the mass of guns that were currently owned by the number of people in this room.

So he forced himself to wait it out; reminding himself that Onslaught might have plans for him and he would be able to sate his lust for life fuel as soon as he was able. Yes with that thought he was able to sit there and wait; calmly. Yet it wasn't a patient calm it was more of the calm before the storm; the patience was a dam that might just break at any concievable moment. Rampage was as eager and as psycopathic as ever.

Though as Runination bellowed his request even Rampage spared him a slightly amused glance; true he would love to fling himself into combat but getting squished by the guardian was not the way Predacons went. He would much rather rip apart the groundlings; those who were pathetic in their attempts to fight back. Occassionally there would be one who would give him a decent fight; but most fell quickly. Still taking on the guardian was a little far fetched even for one as far gone as Rampage. Though he wouldn't object to it by any means if ordered; he did find it a little odd to say the least.
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Postby Warthog » Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:22 am

Shockwave's Tower

Warthog simply nodded appreciatively to Rapture. What a way to put these hotshots back into reality. Caution would be needed, and Warthog had a very good motto in that regard--one cannot err on teh side of caution.

Hearing Scramble's offer of a medical kit, the enormous mech clapped her shoulder familialy. "I'm sure one of these boys can figure it out..." He gives a calming look to Skywarp, one of those 'we'll talk later' looks, as he walks past to Onslaught. Addressing Skywarp and Thundercracker: "We're following Astrotrain's lead for now. Prepare yourself however you need to and get everything loaded at the monorail."

Looking at Onslaught, Warthog shows none of teh submissiveness of teh smaller mechs. "If we have to go airborne to get in and give up some of the element of surprise, are we authorized or should we just get our afterburners back to Polyhex?"
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Postby Tenkyoen [AKA: WheelBar!] » Thu Jul 19, 2007 4:22 pm

The Killzone

WheelBar wasn't too surprised about Kup chewing him and the others out, it was just his style. WheelBar had heard it so many times over that he had gotten used to it.

He helped Brewer load the injured Autobot into the transport and sighed. He wasn't to good in the medical field, he felt so useless when all he wanted to do was help.

"Hey Brewer," WheelBar turned to the other Autobot. "If you are going to work on him, can I help? I mean, I don't really know how to fix a bot, but I guess I could hand you tools and stuff..."
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Postby Longshot » Thu Jul 19, 2007 6:41 pm

Motto: "Feed them to the Sharkticons!"
Shockwave's Tower, Polyhex - Command Center

Onslaught's silent ruminations were soon interrupted by a veritable barrage of inquiries from his subordinates. Tempting as it was to simply ignore them until he had finished coordinating the final pieces of his larger strategy to secure Polyhex, experience had taught him just how hazardous such negligence could be. A soldier acting on his own initiative could be a very dangerous thing, if his energies were not properly channeled by at least a very basic set of directives. And their situation was quite tenuous enough without some excess of warrior spirit inciting the Autobots to renew their offensive.

He held up a hand to forestall Blitzwing and Ruination for a moment, opting to deal with Warthog first, as Onslaught held his mission to be of more significant priority. "Travel via the monorail system and overland as necessary. Avoid flying in the direction of the target Cluster as much as possible--if our adversaries discover you in the outlying regions and piece together your objectives, then all of our efforts will be wasted. Ultimately, however, I will trust in your own discretion to be an adequate guide as to when you should hazard revealing yourselves. Until you give me cause to doubt it," the Combaticon added.

Onslaught's featureless faceplate then turned to Blitzwing, Ruination, and Rampage, the three Decepticons not included in Rapture's mission to repair the Weapons Clusters. He had something altogether different in mind for them. "I applaud your enthusiasm," he began dryly, "but a head-on confrontation with the Guardian is precisely what we wish to avoid just now. However, there are several Decepticon units, such as the Corrupticons, that remain unaccounted for, units that have not checked in with headquarters or been confirmed as terminated. I want the three of you to sweep the edges of our territory--quietly--until they are found. You will then return them to the Tower. Blitzwing will command."

It was entirely possible that simple communications failure was to blame for their failure to respond to his original summons. But Onslaught was not one to discount the possibility that they had simply ignored him, either. And given the dispositions of the former gladiators, the Combaticon most certainly did not want them mucking about on the frontline unsupervised.

"Remember: the Autobots are not to be engaged under any circumstances. That is how it is to be until the High Command issues new instructions. If one of you so much as spits lubricant in the direction of Nova Cronum or the Guardian, I'll have you all packed off back to Kaon for Megatron to deal with personally."

Dead End had been observing the interactions between his fellow Depticons with varying levels of interest. But he quickly grew tired of mech-watching--how could he not, when all they did was go on and on about minutiae?--so the crimson Stunticon made for the exit. He knew where the armory was, and figured he might as well get down there quickly since he was probably going to get stuck with all the heavy lifting, anyway. At this rate, he was never going to get to buff out all the dents the 'Bots had left in his chassis during the last exercise in futility.

"I'll be preparing the munitions for transport," he noted in the general direction of Rapture and Scramble. "Please feel free to join me once you finish acting out this latest installment of All My Circuits."
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Postby *Silverblade » Thu Jul 19, 2007 10:29 pm


Sub-Zero padded over to the unidentified bot. Gently he slipped his canid form under his body, careful not to jar him. Sub-Zero lifted him without much effort and started over to the transport. His mechanical tail wagging as it did whenever he felt he was accomplishing something good. He placed the soldier into the transport and craned his neck to glance at the others, a maw full of razor sharp fangs grinning with welcome appraise. He paused in mid step, his nose twitching. As a response to what he had picked up the cyberwolf leaped up onto the transport and stood protectively by the unconscious bot. There were too many in this crew for a scavenger to try anything but the scent was still there and it made his internals turn red. A menacing growl escaped his throat, as his optics glared a bright almost white blue.

As he turned his head he realized how foolish he must have looked, and put his alerts on stand down. His optics dimmed to a dull glow, as he mumbled. “Slag for brains, you need to get better control of your self. Their gonna think you’re a nut job.”

To the others he stated casually, “Just scavenger scent, pretty far off. But I thought I’d give em a warning.”

With that he lay down next to his charge. Averting his gaze with a guilty conscience. What he wouldn’t give to be a simple transport unit again.


Command Center

Oh the joy of being a Decepticon, such caring sparks we are. Blitzwing thought to himself sarcasticlly as he watched the interaction between the seekers. Onslaught’s vocals pulled his away from his distraction. He turned to face the commander. The orders weren’t the thrill of a lifetime but they were just that … orders. And action was what the Triplechanger lived for, it was far better than base sitting. A tactful grin spread across his face as he saluted Onslaught once again. The fact that he had been put in charge washed over him like yesterday’s rain. A con he may be but he was a commando first and foremost and in that sense he was used to being first.

“Excellent sir, I’ll be sure to keep temptation at bay. Wouldn’t want to give those prime kissing loosers an excuse to make a move.”

His optics flashed dangerously as the sweet sensation of crushing the lifespark out of an Autobot wafted through his memory banks. He would not admit it but he would make sure the predicon and the tank didn’t give into their urges, and not because he was honorable but because it had been a long time since he had seen Megatron. Blitzwing was not looking forward to another meeting.

Normally a crew like this would have sent his circuits on live wire! Oh the absolute carnage the three of them could produce. The crushing power and Melee they could have created. But … ah well, perhaps another time, if he was lucky the opportunity would arise.

He turned to Ruination and Rampage,
“Well boyz let’s get a move on. Those MIA’s better not be fooling around out there cause I ain’t in the mood to deal with slackers!”

If they were indeed injured he would deal with it when they were found. Blitzwing’s cyberjet altmode would come in handy if that was the case. His optics paused stopping on Rampage. A thought entered the purple Triplechanger’s head. How good were the predicon’s sensors? Could he sniff out the missing cons?

Rampage, tell me, how advanced are your olfactory sensors?”
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Postby Tasbirk » Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:36 pm

Shockwave's Tower- Command Center

Rapture turned towards the door, motioning for her Squad to follow. "I'm listening, Scramble.You can fill me in as we help Dead End with the gear."

Although no outward sign betrayed it, Rapture was truly worried by the condemning look Skywarp sent her. My first cycle as CO and I already have someone on my tail, she thought. Have to make the best of it. The clever Seeker's thoughts quickly found a way to turn her old friend's grudge to her advantage; and more importantly towards the benefit of the Decepticon Empire. She opened a private channel to Warthog.

Her words had been sincere. She knew the old ground attack specialist by reputation. A mech with his service record should be giving ME orders, she thought.

She turned her attention back to the medic at her side as she followed Dead End towards the armory. "What is it you have in mind, Scramble?"
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Postby Scramblebot » Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:03 am

Shockwaves Tower - Command Center.

Scramble smirked at Warthog, calling forth her spare Medical Kit from Subspace she handed it over to the older Mech, before turning to follow after Rapture.

"I've a method to temporarily over energize a mechanoids physical prowess. The increase isn't monumental, but it could help if something heavy needs to be moved fast in a pinch."

She offered as she followed Rapture to the door and supposedly towards were there respective equipment for the mission lay. Catching Dead Ends Comment she couldn't help but shake her head slowly. "Only if your the one thats going to be scrapped for a plot device..." Scramble attempted to make the best of the situation, truely if she let her mind wander on the work she did on the battle field, she would have likely destablized long ago.


Shockwaves Tower Command Center.

"It will be done." The big mech did his best not to let, any disappointed play in his voice. Then again..he likely failed at that. Turning his bulk to face to Blitzwing. "Your orders? Are we to force the return of the missing, if they are found to be fully functional and not co-operative?" He slowly clenched and unclenched both his three broad fingered hands.

Onslaught had ordered no engagments, but there was always the hope of finding an Autobot that wouldn't follow there own commanders orders, or by the inferno perhaps even a neutral that picked the wrong time to transverse the area. Neither was likely, but one could hope.
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Postby Stormshadow » Fri Jul 20, 2007 7:24 am

Command Center
Rampage huffed a little at being told that combat was a definate no; no. Which annoyed him no end; however he also wasn't quite dumb enough to disobey. With a slight inclination on his head Rampage made it clear to Onslaught that he would obey.

Rampage tilted his head at Blitzwing's question "Advanced enough for me to hunt" he spoke after a few moments meaning that he might indeed be able to sniff out those missing; or at the very least find the general area.

Rampage cast his optics over both Blitzwing and Ruination; he would as usual only really speak if he were spoken to but that didn't mean he wouldn't listen. Tail flicking from side to side Rampage stayed in alt-mode for the time being. After all his sensors were dulled in his robot mode and if what he suspected Blitzwing was intending was true then it would be a waste of time to revert back to his root mode.
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