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Howard Stern in the movie?

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Postby Riotflea » Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:56 am

Emperor Primacron the 1st wrote:
The Avatar of Man wrote:
Phenotype wrote:I'm glad he's not doing it, keep that misogynist pig out of Transformers. That guy has no respect for women, men that act like him make me sick.

How can he hate women? He has a wife and a female co-host, and is courteous to every chick he has on the show (and it is frequent). If anything, he really...reallly loves women. I'd say it takes guts to say, "It's your buisness if you display yourself for money, despite what society demands... just let me watch." If anything, he's for female liberation. Note all the women CHOOSE to be on his show, and many are quite wealthy porn stars.

Hell yea. :D

I think He/she is upset that Howard has GOOD LOOKING women on his show, and chicks who use their bodies to get rich. And Howard's the best guy out there for free speech.

he probably wasnt never even asked , that guys such a piece of crap.. He was just trying to connect himself to something big probably.. Im glade that lowlife is off normal radio.

Normal Radio SUCKS! It's watered down, censored, bleeped, dumped and FULL of commericals. Lots of radio station's ratings went to hell after he went satilite.
Hell, I'm sick and tired of these radio guys having to say "A-hole" , "F you", and so on. Hell, even scientific words are bleeped these days and since the FCC's 'decentcy crusade' after Janet's titties popped out on TV in 2004, radio's been what in the name of god damn hell is so great about regular radio?

Sorry, but guys like Imus, Oppy & Anthony, Rover, Mancow, Drew & Mike, etc are all a bunch of chumps who never made me laugh. Here in Detroit, the station Stern was on went through 3 or 4 different morning guys cause each one sucked worse than the other.

George Noory or Bell would be cool to hear on the radio in the film, though.

Nicely said.

Howard Stern OWNED regular radio. Not many had the balls to stand up to the FCC like he did.
So, he goes to Sirius Satellite Radio, gets paid 500 million dollars and the FCC then passes a ton of bad laws on the remaining disc jockeys still stuck on free radio.

They aren't even allowed to say "douchebag" (or possibly "scumbag") anymore without getting massive fines. Is that "free speech"?

Those who say he puts women or gays down just don't get what he is.
He's been the voice of what men (and an increasing amount of women) WANT to hear on their drive to work... SEX. LOTS OF IT.
It's tasty.
It's invigorating.
It's coffee without the caffeine.

And gays?
If he's so "bad" to them, then why is he constantly given free speech awards from that community? Because
HE, above all others, brought the normalcy of them into the limelight, from out of the shadows. He gave them a voice when noone else would.

When Howard Stern retires in a few years, free speech in America is going to be losing a large chunk of it's heart.

As for him turning down the movie spot, his agent's right.
It doesn't matter if the movie's good or a bomb, it won't either be because he had his voice in it for a millisecond or not.
He didn't need to be there. Sure, it MIGHT have given Sirius a mild advertisement, but Stern certainly doesn't need it. He's in his prime right now. What was his Christmas bonus last year? 83 million or something? Why mess with his Sirius-exclusive formula? I think after raking in 583,000,000 dollars, it's safe to say you MIGHT know what you're doing in regards to your public exposure.

Stern never had the time in bewtween doing his job to know what "Transformers" are. So... why would he just blindly step into a movie that has the potential to be poopy? He has no idea what Transformers are. To him, they could be a hit or... it could deliver a hit.
So why even bother, y'know? It was an educated move that he concluded on the spur of the moment, as there's very little time to answer such invitations. He did the right thing.
And really, speaking as both a Transformers AND Howard Stern fan, I'm glad he didn't as well.

But hey, if alot of you want to keep saying he's "sexist" or just "filthy", then go right ahead. He's a mirror of society and all those that make it up.
A pretty accurate one, at that.
He delivers an honesty that your government no longer allows one to express on "free" radio without losing your job or the station's radio license.

Oh well, if listening to the watered-down, government controlled drivel from Clear Channel stations is your thing, none of what I'm saying can probably even be comprehended... thought it's all black and white in it's simplicity.
Headmaster Jr
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Postby Castle74 » Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:11 am

Didn't Howard Stern admit that he was behind the "Gag Order" on the Opie & Anthony show to not to talk about Stern at all while he could talk about them all he wants? Even tough they work for the same company? He also said in that same interview that he's all for free speech except when its about him.

Free speech huh? :-?

He left commercial radio for a bigger paycheck and left a huge part of his audience behind. Alot of his fans have signed on to Sirius but not as much as Sirius was betting on...not 500 million dollars worth....

As for commercial radio...yes it does suck. Not so much cause of the FCC but for the companies themselves. They are now in so much fear after the Imus debacle and the Janet Jackson incident that they are censcoring themselves. More so than the FCC is. There are some words that are ok with the FCC but not with the radio station itself. A form of "Corporate Censcorship".
So between that, the deluge of commercials and lack of good tunes, I've all but given up listening to the radio(except for O&A, Mets baseball & NY Ranger games)
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Postby Riotflea » Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:31 am

Castle74 wrote:Didn't Howard Stern admit that he was behind the "Gag Order" on the Opie & Anthony show to not to talk about Stern at all while he could talk about them all he wants? Even tough they work for the same company? He also said in that same interview that he's all for free speech except when its about him.

Free speech huh? :-?

That must have been back in the free radio days, for they don't work for the same company.

I find it funny how Opie & Anthony badmouth Stern so bad... they steal the bits from his show & recreate it on theirs. Better yet, their "big break" into radio came from an appearance on Howard Stern. :lol:

He left commercial radio for a bigger paycheck and left a huge part of his audience behind. Alot of his fans have signed on to Sirius but not as much as Sirius was betting on...not 500 million dollars worth....

He left free radio for a MINT, not a bigger paycheck. :grin:
As for if it was worth it... well, Sirius lurched up in one year's time to be neck in neck with XM, then going about trying to merge them into Sirius.
Oh, but unfortunately, Clear Channel, who has the monopoly on "free" radio, has congress in it's back pocket. They cry that the merging of 2 satellite radio companies will be a "monopoly", yet somehow Clear Channel was able to have laws changed so as to purchase multiple stations in every radio market across the US. Yay?
What are they so afraid of, if Howard is so insignificant now?

As for commercial radio...yes it does suck. Not so much cause of the FCC but for the companies themselves. They are now in so much fear after the Imus debacle and the Janet Jackson incident that they are censcoring themselves. More so than the FCC is. There are some words that are ok with the FCC but not with the radio station itself. A form of "Corporate Censcorship".

Sure, there's been more in-house censorship, but only after the government went kookoo for cocoapuffs with what one is and isn't allowed to say.
It's a nightmare of freedom and it changes constantly for the worse. There are no more people like Stern on free radio with an audience large enough to hold the FCC up to the light.

So between that, the deluge of commercials and lack of good tunes, I've all but given up listening to the radio(except for O&A, Mets baseball & NY Ranger games)

Good for you, I mean it. Though doesn't either Sirius or XM have those things you mentioned? Then again, I'm not sure if Opie & Anthony are still on XM. I mean, who would want to keep 2 guys who (somehow?) get ratings as low as ZERO POINT ZERO in major markets? You could literally, no joke, get higher ratings than that by just playing the sound of someone screaming in a loop.
Headmaster Jr
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Postby Castle74 » Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:21 pm

Riotflea wrote:
That must have been back in the free radio days, for they don't work for the same company.

I find it funny how Opie & Anthony badmouth Stern so bad... they steal the bits from his show & recreate it on theirs. Better yet, their "big break" into radio came from an appearance on Howard Stern. :lol:

He left free radio for a MINT, not a bigger paycheck. :grin:
As for if it was worth it... well, Sirius lurched up in one year's time to be neck in neck with XM, then going about trying to merge them into Sirius.
Oh, but unfortunately, Clear Channel, who has the monopoly on "free" radio, has congress in it's back pocket. They cry that the merging of 2 satellite radio companies will be a "monopoly", yet somehow Clear Channel was able to have laws changed so as to purchase multiple stations in every radio market across the US. Yay?
What are they so afraid of, if Howard is so insignificant now?

Sure, there's been more in-house censorship, but only after the government went kookoo for cocoapuffs with what one is and isn't allowed to say.
It's a nightmare of freedom and it changes constantly for the worse. There are no more people like Stern on free radio with an audience large enough to hold the FCC up to the light.

Good for you, I mean it. Though doesn't either Sirius or XM have those things you mentioned? Then again, I'm not sure if Opie & Anthony are still on XM. I mean, who would want to keep 2 guys who (somehow?) get ratings as low as ZERO POINT ZERO in major markets? You could literally, no joke, get higher ratings than that by just playing the sound of someone screaming in a loop.

Ok, first thing first, Stern admitted on Sean Hannity's radio show that he had Mel Karmazin put the gag order on O&A to keep them from talking about him. To be honest, when they first came on they had nothing but praise for Stern and what he's done. When Stern started calling them clones, O&A hit back and Stern ran to the boss to do something about that.
Which made no sense cause thye worked for the same company and were on different timeslots.

And only Anthony made an appearance on Stern's show and that's even before they got big in Boston. It was still called "The Opie Show"(pretty lame huh?). Anthony even admits that he just wanted to get out of construction work and would have went with Stern if he brought him onboard(Hindsight 20/20 huh?)

And Stern has ripped off other jocks including O&A. One instance where Howie played a racist song that was originally played in an O&A most offensive song contest. You could even hear Anthony's "inappropriate bell" and O&A laughing in the audio. It was so blatant it was disgusting! :))

And yes, Stern did sign for a mint worth of money((half a billion?). Don't blame him the slightest. Get a nice paycheck and not have to deal with the FCC? Where do I sign up right?

Commercial radio doesn't really fear Howard but for what can a combined XM/Sirus competitor could offer listeners. They could offer all the same services as regular radio(news, sports, talk, etc.) which a much larger and more diverse music than commercial radio could ever provide. Alot of it commercial free I might add. Plus add in the fact that you wouldn't have to change stations when driving far to find a new station.

As for the censorship thing, it is getting worse on commercial after the Imus thing. Now alot of stations can't say more things they couldn't before. Recently here in NYC, two jocks were fired for playing an old bit of a joke done to a Chinese restaurant. It wasn't an FCC violation but some group protested it and wanted their firings, which they got. Something both Stern and O&A could have easily gotten away with only a few years ago.
And you're right no one is around to hold the FCC up to the light. Stern did for awhile but like he said he couldn't do it anymore so that's why he's going to Sirius. Some want to but the corporations(maaaaan!) don't wanna shell out the heavy fines the FCC puts on them.

Finally, O&A will be back on XM come June 15 due to them angering management over their handling of their apologies over the "Homeless Charlie" incident which made national news recently(Something Stern has not really done in awhile). Luckily they are on commercial radio still and doing ok. So ok that Free-FM here in NYC dumped their whole "talk" format and went back to being K-Rock and played rock with O&A still on in the mornings(Cause it was the best rated show on the platform). Like they would fire the #6 radio show in 2007 in a major radio trade magaine like Talkers!(Where Stern dropped down to #12 from #1 following his move to Sirius. He's below Mancow who doesn't even have a major market anymore)

By the way what's Stern radio ratings nationwide? 0.0

Should this thread be on the Fantasy Battles thread instead? Just sayin.....
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Postby Riotflea » Sat Jun 09, 2007 5:50 am

You're forgetting that satellite radio is an emerging media, Sirius only having somewhere between 6 and 7 million paying customers. It's a radio you not only have to buy, but pay to have activated.

Opie and Anthony however... wow... to be on in an established market and pull a zero point zero rating?
It's almost impossible to do. Confoundingly so!
Even the worst of the worst shows can pull a 0 point something.
I mean christ, Las Vegas... would Stern have pulled a 0.0 in that market? Did he ever?

On a quick Google, he was #1 Las Vegas, though the article is from 1998. ... 88107.html

Code: Select all
When Stern started calling them clones, O&A hit back and Stern ran to the boss to do something about that.

Problem here is, they WERE cloning his bits. Anyone who had worked to get to his level of power would have done the same, or risk having some unoriginal snot-noses taking his timeslot for cheaper pay.

And Stern has ripped off other jocks including O&A. One instance where Howie played a racist song that was originally played in an O&A most offensive song contest. You could even hear Anthony's "inappropriate bell" and O&A laughing in the audio. It was so blatant it was disgusting!

It ain't pretty, but accidents like this are bound to happen over such a long career. Users submit content, someone doesn't do their homework, and, well...

Commercial radio doesn't really fear Howard but for what can a combined XM/Sirus competitor could offer listeners. They could offer all the same services as regular radio(news, sports, talk, etc.) which a much larger and more diverse music than commercial radio could ever provide. Alot of it commercial free I might add. Plus add in the fact that you wouldn't have to change stations when driving far to find a new station.

I totally can't even look at a regular radio anymore.
I can't even remember when I turned one on last.
But no, Clear Channel and it's ilk do indeed fear Stern. Word of mouth gets around, people hear people on a radio talking ...well, I want to say "filthy", but it's more like people talking as normal people do.
Think about it... if a car manufacturer installs that year's fleet of vehicles with Sirius radios that are lifetime pre-paid... aside from the superior selection and content, you're going to have Stern as a powerful force that keeps people away from government-sucking terrestrial radio.

Reason being, Stern's 2 channels aren't just a music, sports or weather channel, it's a man talking often about WHY terrestrial radio is so bad and how bleak it's future is. He... I guess you could say he "educates" people on all the bullshit that Clear Channel and the government do.

Just look at how many times his name's come up from congressmen during debates on whether this industry that's in it's infancy can merge to be a little bigger.

Stern and free radio is like the Doctor to the Daleks.
Headmaster Jr
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Postby Castle74 » Sat Jun 09, 2007 11:57 am

This is the perfect opportunity to ask: What exactly makes O&A "clones" of Howard Stern?

When did he do the 55-gallon drum challenge? How about Homeless Shopping Spree? Oh, I know: they must have ripped off what Joe Rogan (a friend of Howard’s by the way) called “the greatest moment in radio EVER”, the ‘baby bird’? And WOW? You can’t possibly believe the “bandana around the antenna” bull!

Do they do some things that Howard did first? Absolutely. Howard can be credited for having naked women in his studio, creating edgy, envelope-pushing humor, and speaking his mind. But it doesn’t mean that he “invented it” (hoo hoo) You can point to some bits that Greaseman and Imus have done that Stern used. How about his latest step in the “revolution of radio”: The roast. Or is Howard claiming the Friar’s Club stole from him now?

The point is: It is possible to take a basic idea and make it your own without being accused of being a clone. Stern and his fans just can’t handle that another edgy radio show does original humor, has its own hardcore fans, and doesn’t want to be fed bull to fit an agenda.

O&A didn’t copy or rip off anyone. They do a completely different show from Howard. "Clone" is just a defense mechanism because Stern hates the fact that they're successful.

Stern was #1 in Vegas in 1998? So were the Goo-Goo dolls if I'm not mistaken. So were the NY Yankees too. Where are they now? 10 years ago? The WTC was still here....
What's his ratings in Vegas now? 0.0.

Accidents do happen? When Stern does it it's an accident but if someone else does it....They're ripping me off Robin!

To be honest O&A are a slow growth show. They just got back on regular radio a year ago. It even took them awhile to be the best afternoon drive time show here in NYC. They are doing rather well in NYC(the biggest market), Boston, Philly and Chicago to name a few.

Also by being on terrestrial, O&A have access to bigger guests. Alot of the times guest want to promote something and want to do it to a wide audience that terrestrial can provide. And by doing so helps the show by giving it more exposure. Just this week they had on Michael Chiklis(Fantastic Four, The Sheild), Chuck Lidell(UFC) and Nicole Richie. When's the last time Stern had a big guest on Sirius? Had em all the time on terrestrial.

I remember a time when everybody talked about Stern, now since his switch over nobody talks about him. However I have been hearing people mention O&A. Plus, when the Imus thing happened the newspapers were not quoting Stern's response(which they would have done before) but were quoting...O&A.
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Postby Black Convoy RiD » Sun Jul 01, 2007 1:44 pm

Thank you Sweet Jesus! Frenzy doesn't deserve that degree of cruelty! Hell, not even Starscream deserves that-- That's saying something!
Black Convoy RiD
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