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Iacon II

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Iacon II

Postby Cryhavok » Sat Dec 22, 2007 12:13 pm

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
Autobase Prime ~ Prime's Ready Room

Taking the datapad from the hand of Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus saluted both he and Fortress Maximus before turning and exiting the room, heading back into the Command Center, already setting out a plan of what was needed "Trailbreaker can contact those on the mission roster while I make my appointment with Ratchet. By the time I've finished there, Broadside and the Aerialbots should have made their way here from Nova Cronum" The City Commander thought to himself as the doors slid open and he entered the Command Center once more..

Autobase Prime ~ Command Center

"First rule of comedy: Always know your audience" Trailbreaker thought to himself as his attempted joke with Landfill failed, the new and improved refuse that fell near him didn't go unnoticed by the Defensive Strategist, but he didn't have the spark to mention it to the good natured Transport 'Bot "Don't worry about it Landfill, just put it down to me still being pretty wired from the Tagan withdrawal.." Trailbreaker began in reply to Landfill "We could always gang rush you and clean some of that gunk off of you I suppose.." He thought to himself, though not out loud "..Nah, it would never work, nobody would want to touch him" Trailbreaker concluded.

"..As for what we should do, I'm all for taking a break personally, but I understand that some of you may feel differently.." The Defensive Strategist paused and rubbed his chin as he pondered what there was to be done, only to be interrupted by the return of Ultra Magnus "Well, if it isn't the return of the prodigal Big Blue, good to see you again Magnus, where've you ..."Trailbreaker began, only to be cut off mid sentence as the City Commander held up one hand, and handed him a datapad with the other "I need you to take this and carry out the instructions on it immediately Trailbreaker, it's self explanatory, but time is of the essence. I'm required in the Medbay, I'm relying on you to get this done for me 'Breaker"

Not wanting to stop and answer any questions, Ultra Magnus nodded to all those present and quickly took his leave of the area, heading for the Medbay. Figuring that this must be something pretty important to say the least, Trailbreaker said nothing to any of those around him as he looked over the details of the mission and those on the roster "Looks like I better be a bit discreet with this, if I let any of them in on this, they'll all want to go along probably" He thought to himself as he began preparing a standard coded message to send privately to all those already in Iacon (Landfill, Perceptor, Swerve, Sureshot, Bumblebee, Searchlight and Windcharger)

Attention, Autobots recieving this message, you are required to make your way to the base's main hangar and board the Ark-13 as soon as possible for a soon to depart mission to Planet AC488. You will be briefed once aboard the Ark, that is all

Quite content that his message was as concise as possible, Trailbreaker sent it, and immediately began writing up a message to send to Prowl in Nova Cronum.

Autobase Prime ~ Medbay

"There, done, now get your big orange aft into CR.." Ratchet ordered as he finally finished his work on Roadbuster "..And before you object, if you don't listen to me, I'm not returning your beloved rifle to you" He added, a quietly smug grin evident as he knew he had the Wrecker beaten. Grumbling quietly, Roadbuster slapped his hand down on the CMO's shoulder, quite hard it had to be said, before returning the grin and heading off for a recharge.

As he wiped his hands off, Ratchet took a look around his Medbay "Looks like we're pretty much do.." He began in thought before he was interrupted by the arrival of Brawn. "Hmm, well, you're in luck, I've got a window open, hop up on the table here and I'll see what's what.." Ratchet replied to Brawn, gesturing to the nearest table "..Just how do you think you have knocked something loose anyway?" The CMO inquired, noting that there were no outward signs of damage to his new patient.

Shrugging his shoulders, Jedishen turned and waited for Stormfire to pass him "Makes little difference to me, I was heading up there with Strafe anyway, seemed kind of rude to ignore you, and Blurr.." The Scout replied sincerely, though quite blunt in his tone. Though he preferred working alone, Jedishen didn't purposely go out of his way to alienate himself from those around him, it made no sense when the possibility of working with others was always there, he knew that a successful mission always came before personal issues.

As Stormfire was addressed by the aforementioned Courier, Jedishen began walking towards the Medbay exit, checking his weapons as he walked, purely out of habit "Hmm, that rifle needs a bit of work.." The Scout thought to himself as he noted that part of the rifle had been melted "..And that pistol needs a complete overhaul as well" He continued, already forgetting he was supposed to be walking with the others.

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Re: Cybertron - Iacon
by FuzzymusPrime on Thu Dec 13, 2007 2:08 pm

Autobase Prime - Command Center

Perceptor watched as Mirage took Jazz aside before the Operations Commander could answer his observations. He was slightly annoyed at the seeming lax attitude to taking command of the situation. Then again, if we did have a completely rigid command structure with 100% military efficiency, I dare say we would end up much like the Decepticons in short order.

Then Perceptor noticed he'd recieved a message from Trailbreaker, standing not 2 mechanometers away from him. He was just about to launch into another tirade about efficient use of resources when he saw the content of the message. With this, all thoughts of what was happening in the command centre left his mind utterly.

An off-world mission! Extraordinary!!! This is an unparalleled scientific oppurtunity! I wonder what type of planet it is, and how different is is from Cybertron. Will it be rocky or metallic? Liquid-cored or dormant? Will it have life on it? Oh, the possibilities...
Almost bumping into Landfill, Perceptor headed towards the main Berthing Pads, where the Autobots' small fleet of Ark-class vessels lay.

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Re: Cybertron - Iacon
by *Silverblade on Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:49 pm

“Well well this is unexpected.”

Sureshot said as he started down the corridor towards the hanger. With a brief pause he turned away from his original destination and walked into the armory.

“If I’m going off world I might as well be prepared.”

Selecting 4 weapons almost identical to his own he tossed them into his subspace storage and continued on his way to the Hanger.

Entering the large landing space, Sureshot looked around, spotting the chosen vessel he casually boarded and took a seat inside to await the details of what was to come. Strangely he felt calm about it. When normally something like this would be exciting.
~Hmmm well maybe I’m just tired I guess.~
Last edited by *Silverblade on Thu Dec 13, 2007 9:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Cybertron - Iacon
by Bluestatic on Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:59 pm

Autobase Prime ~ Medbay

Strafe nods "yeah we were going up there anyhow; ya know to see what's going on and all that. You're welcome to come with us" he pushed aside his own personal paranoia about Stormfire's alter ego for the time being. After all he didn't want to hurt the poor guy's feelings. He grinned as he followed after both Jedishen and Stormfire slightly amused when he noticed the former was somewhat preoccupied. He looked over to Blurr to check the courier was with them.

Strafe couldn't help but feel nervous all the time; though he normally delt with it somewhat well Right now, however; he was doing everything in his power not to jump and seek cover or shoot something as he was prone to do when extreemly nervous. The anti-stormfire's warning had worried him greatly; at the back of his mind the wispering fear that he was not safe and it might harm him kept him on edge.Bluestatic

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Re: Cybertron - Iacon
by sumowrestler on Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:54 pm

Autobase Prime-Engineering and Research

As Swerve finished off the alloy and tiding up the shop waiting for Perceptor to return, he recieved a very interesting message.

Hmm, maybe I will finally be able to get new metallic samples from this planet hopefully. It will also be nice if it is fairly open so I won't have to worry about running into too many things. Well, I better get going just in case they are in a hurry.

Swerve starts his way to the shuttle bay area.sumowrestler

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Re: Cybertron - Iacon
by Blackstreak on Fri Dec 14, 2007 2:27 am

Autobase Prime: Command Center

"Thats what bothers me, Road Rage," Blackstreak replied to the female Autobot. Tagan Heights got hit unexpectedly because of that. He pointed at the radar screen being blank. Everyone is in here and not out there reporting anything in. I just got out of a stellar-cycle of CR because of the assault and you are the first mech to actually speak to me directly." The scout began to feel frustrated and angry so before he slammed his fist on the console he checked himself. "I'm leaving on a scouting mission to some random place it looks like because no one will tell me where I need to be."

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Re: Cybertron - Iacon
by Rebel Raven on Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:03 am

Autobase Prime- Command Center

"You're right, Blackstreak. There's stealth units out there. They could be creeping closer and closer as we speak. But odds are they're too busy regrouping, and rebuilding. If the Decepticons aren't steamrolling us, it's for a good reason."
"I am not certain a scouting mission some place random would help, though at the least it'll be good to have that shakedown cruise of your systems. In my opinion it's best to stay here in the command center. Commander Prime will likely finish his talks with Commander Magnus soon, and he may need some trusty bots nearby to run a mission. Personally I'm hoping to be one of those bots."
She continues. " If not? Well, sometimes you just have to take initiative. Go talk to people. See if there's any orders that you could take. Maybe you'll luck out and end up on a series of small things that lead to something big?" She replies sagely. "You may not get what you want, but you may get what we need."She spoke of her situation, looking at a radar screen that was one of the smplest things she could find, the rest being out of her league in technology.

"Times like this are a mixed blessing, comrade. While it's not so exciting at times like this, it's a much needed rest. Time to collect one's self, and prepare for the next battle even though no one knows what it'll bring. If we were fighting constantly, we'd get run down, and whittled away eventually. Enjoy the peace while you can."
Rebel Raven

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Re: Cybertron - Iacon
by Light Blade on Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:05 pm

Autobase Prime - Medbay

Stormfire turned his attention back to Jedishen and Strafe
‘Thanks guy’s I’ll join you if you really don’t mind. I think ‘It’ has gone, I can’t detect him anywhere in my systems.’
Stormfire then turned towards the blue mech (Blurr), giving him a long appraising look. He didn’t remember seeing the mech’s faceplate anywhere before, but the mech in question certainly recognised him.
‘I’m sorry’ Stormfire began ‘but I have no idea who you are. The last thing I remember before being in this room is giving a report to Maximus about the Tagan defence. If you helped get me here then thank you, I’m truly grateful.’
This really was an awkward situation. Stormfire simply stood their, betraying no emotion, just waiting to see how thins would play out.Light Blade
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Re: Cybertron - Iacon
by Blackstreak on Fri Dec 14, 2007 10:40 pm

Autobase Prime: Command Center

"I guess your right," Blackstreak relaxed and let the frustration ebb away as he spoke with the female autobot. "I need to be glad theres no fighting going on all the time. But on the other hand I can't just be idle either." Noticing the post next to Road Rage was empty he sat in the chair and began logging in to the computer banks checking for any reports sent to him. There were none as it would make sense. Who would send him reports when he's been stasis locked for a while.
Then he turned back to Blaster, "Can I get a roster of scouts assigned to this base? I need to get back in the swing of running our own patrols."
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Re: Cybertron - Iacon
by .op. on Sat Dec 15, 2007 1:56 am

Autobase Prime----Command Center

Scoop listened to all of the discussion and then noticed the big Monsterbot Repugnus storm out. The brute needed to calm down and follow orders and some may talk to him. He sighed and then turned to his screen. This was boring work for him. He wanted to be out there helping his fellow autobots turn the tide on the Decepticons. He had to be patient though. Just like Jazz said. He then turned to everyone who seemed to get mission assignments and said "Good luck and kick some decepticon exhaust." He then turned to his station silently hoping orders were coming for him.

Autobase Prime Observation room

Streetwise heard Hotspot's message and imediatly began to rearrange the furniture while saying to Groove, and Blades "Hotspot is on his way down. It seems he wants to have a meeting of sorts about what Prime and the command staff might have us doing next. Personally I hope we get a little action." Streetwise knew that what he was saying would not make Groove to happy. He was always wanting to find a way to settle the differences without fighting. It seems however that this was not ever going to be an option for any transformer.

Autobase Prime Hallways

Repugnus couldn't stand the nerve of some bots. Having him held up here when he could be scrapping con bodies and doing what he did best. Cause as much destruction as possible. As he turned the hallway heading towards the space port he shoved to nameless Autobots out of the way. "Move runts." He then made his way to the hanger door and went in..op.
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Re: Cybertron - Iacon
by Ember on Sat Dec 15, 2007 2:51 am

Autobase Prime – Command Center

He had been sitting for nearly half this orn….or so to him it seemed. And then something wonderful, something he had never foreseen….a message, a coded one. A smile grew on his somewhat dour countenance as he spun in his chair. Finally, something other than just inputting data files.

Quickly turning to the keyboard to log off, Bumblebee then, literally, jumped from his chair and began to make his way through the long and winding halls of the base to the hanger bay.

The miniscule yellow mech opened a secure link with Trailbreaker as he swiftly moved through the corridors.

>>”Trailbreaker, this is Bumblebee. I’m heading for the hanger now. I’ll meet you there.”<<

Closing the private link, Bumblebee took a running leap into the air.

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Re: Cybertron - Iacon
by Rebel Raven on Sat Dec 15, 2007 3:04 am

Autobase Prime- Command Center

"Yeah. I know how you feel. Making progress towards winning the war, and being active in it? We all need that now and again. And we'll get it." She replies to Blackstreak, then leaves him to his business, resuming giving the radar her full attention.
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Re: Cybertron - Iacon
by Kid_Kapatilsm on Sat Dec 15, 2007 5:41 am

Autobase Prime - Energon Bar

Panzer sat at a table polishing his new weapons, smiling brightly. Prepping for batle was something he always did, there was no peace time for the large blue mech. He was a warrior, he had always been one, he would always be one.

At times he thought of what would happen if the war ended and he still functioned, but then he figured mercenary work was a pretty good choice.

He sat there for awhile, drinking an iron laced nuclear shaker on the cubes still polishing and cleaning his weapons. Soon he grew impatient, he needed action. He needed to be needed.

He logged into the local base radiowave signal.

He this is Panzer, anyone o' you guys need some muscle or somethin'?Kid_Kapatilsm

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Re: Iacon
by The J Writer on Sun Dec 16, 2007 3:01 am

Autobase Prime - Command Center/Intelligence Office

"I would sooner lock myself in a closet with Ravage than confine myself to a similarly small space with you," Mirage told Jazz in slightly less than good humor. "But comprimising situations aside, perhaps the Intelligence Office will serve our purpose for now. There's at least a slight chance the Decepticons haven't managed to bug it yet."

Walking toward one of the numerous doors that ringed the Command Center, Mirage placed his hand on a lock to the left of the Intelligence Office's entrance. Text on the lock stated, READING, followed by RECOGNIZED. The door whooshed open to admit the two Autobots, and Mirage entered.

The Intelligence Office was actually several offices clustered around a large main room that hummed with surveillance and monitoring equipment as well as data terminals with access to the countless volumes of Autobot intelligence data that had been collected over the countless vorns of civil war. Mirage went to a table located roughly in the center of the main room, and sat on its edge, crossing its arms.

"We have problems," he began. "The Decepticons have a new piece of technology in the field that turns one warrior into three and is nasty enough to put half a dozen Autobots, including Roadbuster, on Ratchet's operating table."

He laughed bitterly. "And best of all, we didn't see it coming...and have no idea how it works."

Autobase Prime - Outside the Medical Bay

"Wow," Sunstreaker said as Bluestreak approached and began speaking. "That's the most intelligent thing I think I've ever heard you say," he chided his fellow Autobot warrior. "Usually you rattle on about nothing for hours at a time. Not that I hang around to hear it."

Though his words were unpleasant, Sunstreaker actually had something approaching a positive opinion of Bluestreak. The gunner was a talented warrior - though he's no me, that's for sure - and his battlefield interactions with Sunstreaker had been quite positive. Many a time they had routed Decepticons or stormed an enemy position together. Still, the gunner's constant chatter frequently annoyed Sunstreaker. But then again, who wasn't annoyed by Bluestreak's banter?

"Pretty funny, the gunner not knowing where his guns are," Sunstreaker joked. "Well, I need to get some reloads for my surface-to-air missile launcher anyway. I guess you can come to the Armory with me..."

The golden warrior headed off down the corridor.

Autobase Prime - Prime's Ready Room

Optimus Prime nodded thoughtfully as Fortress Maximus expounded on strategy for dealing with the Decepticon presence in the Tagan Heights. The general was quite correct on all the points he made. Air superiority belonged to the Decepticons; a direct assault would be costly and difficult, if not outright unsuccessful; and stealth would be key in any effort to attack the Decepticons in their new territory. And with the Aerialbots headed to AC488, the first point becomes all the more true.

"An all-out assault is the last thing on my strategic processor," Prime agreed. "Besides the fact that we probably don't have the mechpower to pull it off, it would likely leave the Heights in rubble. We'd need to bring in the Protectobots, which would almost certainly mean Defensor. And if Defensor entered play, so would Devastator. The best we could hope for is our gestalt being the one still standing after the smoke cleared."

Prime crossed his arms and sat back down at the large table. After a moment, he pressed a few buttons, bringing up holomaps of the charted tunnels going between the city-states. He studied the projection for a moment before speaking again.

"The Throttlebots sealed primary access tunnels between here and Tagan, but the old secondary and tertiary arterials are still open," he observed. "If we could get a team into the Heights, we could slow down their process of digging in, maybe disrupt it entirely. But we don't want to do real damage to the Heights themselves."

Forty percent of the planet's manufacturing capacity...a big chunk of its energon production, what's left of it, anyway...too valuable. Any military action into the Heights ran the risk of crippling (further crippling, Prime corrected himself) one of the most precious production resources on Cybertron. Were Prime to initate a full-scale assault, it would rapidly become a question of who would blink first - the Autobots, or the Decepticons. Fight on to defend it, you may end up winning a pile of smoking scrap. Withdraw...and you lose the most valuable territory on Cybertron. I somehow doubt Megatron would blink first, but...

"We'll see what Jazz and Mirage can contribute to our thinking on the Heights. But first, we need to figure out what we're going to do about the Maximus Line," he told the Line's namegiver. "In your honest opinion, Maximus..."

He paused for a moment, knowing that the question he was about to ask was not a pleasant one for the creator of the vast defensive edifice in Nova Cronum.

"What is the Line defending us from anymore?"The J Writer
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Re: Iacon
by Depthscream on Sun Dec 16, 2007 12:57 pm

Autobase Prime - Observation Room

Groove frowned a little at Streetwise's response. Everyone always wanted to fight! Why? It didn't solve anything, it always made the problem bigger. But, it seemed he wouldn't have much of a choice. Groove was a Protectobot. He couldn't forget that.

"Maybe we'll get something more helpful to do"


Autobase Prime – Corridor

“Rattle on?” Bluestreak replied, as he followed Sunstreaker down the corridor towards the armory. “I don’t rattle. I just like to make conversation that’s all. I like communicating with my fellow Autobots, and I find that most like talking to me, as well. They seem very interested in what I have to say and they hardly ever interrupt me. Well, sometimes, but not very often. Some might walk away when I’m in the middle of speaking, but I’m sure that’s only because they have to get back to work or they’d hang around longer. And as far as me not knowing where my guns are, well, I kinda lost them during the attack on the Heights. So, I need replacements. It must’ve happened when I got caught in that explosion that almost knocked me outta commission for good. Rattled my circuits real bad. Thank Primus for Trailbreaker, though. He saved my tailpipe back there, so I know he likes talking to me. I owe him big time. By the way, do you know where Trailbreaker is? I’d like to thank him.”

Bluestreak paused a moment and noticed that the armory was directly ahead. He then continued talking to his golden friend. “Oh, there’s the armory! Thanks for the help Sunstreaker! I couldn’t have found it without you. Well, I probably could have, but it would’ve taken longer.”
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Re: Iacon

Postby Cryhavok » Sat Dec 22, 2007 12:13 pm

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
Re: Iacon
by Philcom on Sun Dec 16, 2007 11:10 pm

Autobase Prime - Intelligence Office

Jazz put his hands in front of him and just smiled at Mirage's strong objection to having the meeting in a closet. "Heh only joking Mirage." Though he wondered if Mirage was just being himself, or there was some other reason Mirage said he didn't want to be stuck with him in a small area. Maybe he wondered too close to Landfill or something. As he followed the spy, Jazz put that issue away so he would be able to focus on to more important issues at hand.

Mirage took the tabletop leaving Jazz just to stand nearby. As he mentioned the new Decepticon technology, and problem was the right word to describe it. "We all know they're playing around with that kind of tech... but how in the world did they pull this one off? That type of combiner made up right under our noses. I though those new type of Decepticon air support* me and Prime met on the moonbase were enough trouble."

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Re: Iacon
by VkmSpouge on Mon Dec 17, 2007 1:37 am


Searchlight received the encoded message and turned around to head to the hanger. A new planet interested him, the idea of discovering cool new things was exciting. Searchlight always reckoned he would be an explorer except that he'd be one of those who would try to steer away from danger, giving the widest berth possible.
<Searchlight to Trailbreaker, I am on my way to the hanger bay,> he radioed his fellow Autobot.
<Searchlight to fellow Throttlebots, I'm going to be away for a while, not sure when I'll be back...Wideload, Chase and Rollbar, please keep Freeway out of my room, I don't want everything glued upside down to the ceiling again,>
<Acknowledged Searchlight, we'll try to keep Freeway at bay,> Wideload replied.

Command Centre

Rollbar was relieved that Landfill had left the room. His chemical detectors had gone on strike. Even though the cause of the smell had gone the stench lingered on in the room. Rollbar suspect he would be able to pick up Landfill's scent in the command centre for weeks to come.

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Re: Iacon
by Alpha Strike on Mon Dec 17, 2007 2:57 am

Observation Deck

Hotspot waited briefly just outside the door to the observation lounge where his team had mostly assembled. He was still in conversation with First Aid and it was as he suspected. The medic was almost done with his work and already wary of what his commanding officer was plotting. It was tough having two pacifists among his ranks, but the Protectobot Commander had come to terms with that limitation long ago and accepted their differences. Though it still limited what his team could do and what assignments he could accept. Perferably he would have loved to be moving on to retake Tagan swiftly before the cons dug in too deep like a slarvonian tick and became almost impossible to dig out. "Alright First Aid, soon as you are done, get your self recharged and get your tools. Meet me at the West Gate to the base in about three breems. We're moving out."

He acknowledged First Aid's responce and turned off his communicator. He pressed the panel on the side of the doors and entered into the room where the rest of his team had gathered. As the massive sliding glass doors closed tightly and beeped sounding the lock had been established he looked upon each of his troopers. "Alright guys listen up cause I am only mentioning this once. We're moving out immediately towards the western borderlands. Its pretty much confirmed that Tagan has changed ownership and Iacon isn't in the best of positions to muster prolonged siege defenses anytime soon. Best course of action is to get the high ground and start seeing what them slaggers are doing and hopefully help the others plot their responces and strategies accordingly."

Hotspot withdrew the datapad from his compartment and plugged it into a hologram emitter. Instantly it brought up a geographic map of the area of the Southwestern edge of Iacon territory. It was rustic, desolate, jagged and perfectly positioned to set up some basic listening devices and such. The archieves said at one point there had once been a large scientific complex in that area before the great war, but chances now that it was nothing more than ruins and scattered debris. While there was probably little standing it offered plenty of concealment for their positions. The map orbitted the highest hill in the area, showing the limited approachways in green, cliffs in red and several recorded ruins marked in three dimensional blue. Not the most strategic point in Iacon, because of Tagan's previous ownership, but now... who knew.

"This area is our target. Our objective is simple, we are going to investigate this area. Secure it from any potential Decepticon prying optics and hold it until remote listening stations are installed and operational." He looked over at Blades with a nod letting him know that once again he'd have to be the team's transport. But considering the proximity to the border of the other three territories, it probably would be made up before too long. "This area is not the most prestiegious area by any means. Reports of raiders have come in from time to time, so we'll be on guard as First Aid gets the site established. Streetwise, study this map carefully and start devising patrol routes before we arrive. I don't want the Decepticons to catch us by suprise... Groove will be our lead... Any Questions?"

He let them ask their questions, which he hoped were few and to the point. Once they were completed he closed the floor for discussion and moved on to the next matter. "We leave in three breems, get yourselves recharged and rearmed rapidly. Blades, stop by Warehouse 13 and pick up the equipment crate required for this operation. Its paperwork has already been filled out so there should not be any trouble... With out any more problems, lets get moving. DISMISSED PROTECTOBOTS."
Autobase Prime: Command Center

Landfill looked at Trailbreaker curiously as Magnus walked by towards the repair bay. "Why send me a communication when I am right behind you?" He said tapping the defensive strategist on his shoulder. A shrugg soon followed and he shook off the question hurridly. It was not very life threatening to be answered and indeed it was more for the amusement of both autobots.

Thus he gave a salute to the officers; Jazz, Trailbreaker and even Rollbar, pivoted on his heels and departed the chambers. The trail of refuse was thick and rancid as he left, reminding each of them of his presence and of course telling them that he was going away.

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Re: Iacon
by Bluestatic on Mon Dec 17, 2007 4:39 pm

Autobase Prime - Medbay

Strafe nodded; if 'it' was gone then that was a good thing right? Well anyhow even with his paranoia and abject fear he managed to smile. "Sure...and errr thanks for the reasurance; heh I get nervous a tad to easily sometimes" Strafe tried to diffuse the awkwardness of the situation. He might not manage very well but at least he tried. Anyhow; if they wanted to get in on any of the action he supposed they ought to get going.Bluestatic

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Re: Iacon
by FuzzymusPrime on Wed Dec 19, 2007 2:35 am

Autobase Prime - Ark-13 Berth

Perceptor entered through the main hangar bay and off to one side, where the large but enclosed shuttlebays gave to stupendously large, open-air berths, where the Autobot Space Fleet, the Ark-class vessels, lay in waiting. Old vessels they were, most built before the War had even started, then left idle as the War made their original purpose of exploration and colonisation obsolete. Ark-13 was one of the few that was left ready to go: Perceptor had personally inspected it several meta-cycles ago to ensure this. Still, it would be prudent to look over the systems again and double-check the maintenance drones had been doing their job.

Up ahead, Perceptor's optics saw Sureshot entering the vessel, and Bumblebee and Searchlight coming up behind his, but his primary optics were deep in a datapad, reviewing what was known about AC488 (very little, the most recent data still seemed to be classified) as well as the remaining equipment in his lab that might be needed: Without sufficient parameters, however, Perceptor couldn't really plan what he needed to take with him.

Infuriating, this waiting, without our breifing we have no idea what we are facing. I do hope we recieve adequate insight with as little dissertation as possible. Though if I recall correctly, there is supposed to be some sort of standard mission profile for use of the Ark.

In the middle of the ramp, in full view of those aboard the ship and those heading towards it, Perceptor stood, gorging on the information he was recieving.

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Re: Iacon
by Ember on Wed Dec 19, 2007 8:11 pm

Autobase Prime – Med Bay

Status: Functional

CPU: Online

Minutes from Last Online Status Check: 2 Cycles

His optics finally registered his current position. He must have been in a CR Chamber, it was the only explanation. Finding his courage to move his cranial unit, the red warrior looked around through the CR Chamber window. A slight, cocky ,smile made its way to his face as he reached for the chamber’s release module.

A slight hiss escaped the chamber as Sideswipe opened the door.

“Ah. Now that’s much better.”

Looking around the room, Sideswipe spotted Ratchet. He knew he could always rely on the medic to put him and Sunny back together the right way. Smiling broadly, the athletic mech made his way to Ratchet. Placing an arm nearly around the medic’s neck Sideswipe closed his elbow capturing Ratchet in a loose headlock.

“Hey Doc! Thanks a heap for the great job… usual.”

Letting Ratchet go before the medic stabbed him with a laser scalpel in the optic, Sideswipe made his way out of the Med – Bay.

Once in the hallway the red warrior opened a link with his golden twin.

>>”Hey bro, it’s me. I’m back and feelin’ great. Boy, that Ratchet is a savior. Where the Pit are ya, Sunny?”<<


Autobase Prime – Corridors

Hot Rod moved slowly through the base’s long and winding corridors, his processor wrapped mainly around the previous mission. He did not fight to the fullest of his abilities, but that was not what was bothering him.

Turning to another hallway, the Cavalier made his way further into the base.

What in the Inferno happened to Roadblock during the battle?

He continued to ponder as he walked.
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Re: Iacon
by sumowrestler on Wed Dec 19, 2007 10:44 pm

Autobase Prime - Ark-13 Berth

As Swerve continued to find his way through the base, he finally arrived at the proper hangar bay. He then sees his fellow scientist doing what he usually does, being buried in a datapad. He also notices a certain minibot that he hasn't seen in who knows how long of a time.

"Hey Bumblebee, where have you been all of this time? We minibots should stick together considering how few of us there are. I see that Perceptor is doing his usual thing. Do we have any clue what kind of mission this is besides going to a new planet?"sumowrestler

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Re: Iacon
by The J Writer on Thu Dec 20, 2007 12:12 am

Autobase Prime - Armory

Not bothering to hide the annoyed sigh that most Autobots had heard countless times from Sunstreaker, the warrior shook his head as he and Bluestreak entered the primary Armory of the Autobase. Guy talks like he'll stop functioning if he shuts up for two astro-seconds. Worst part is, he doesn't have something interesting to talk, I Sunstreaker was a topic Sunstreaker loved to discuss.

Jabbing his finger into the faceplate of a passing armorer drone, Sunstreaker barked out his munitions requirements. "Six rounds, high-explosive armor-piercing shaped-charge Mark LXI surface-to-air."


Sunstreaker shoved the drone in the direction of the ammunition storage units. "Shut up, droid. I'm hunting big game and a frag missile won't do the job."

Interrupted by a tone in his head, Sunstreaker's mildly angry visage changed to near delight as Sideswipe commed him. He quickly answered.

>>"Siders! I'm in the Armory loading up. Meet me down here. We can celebrate your recovery by stuffing Bluestreak into an ammo bin."<<

Sunstreaker was only half-joking.

Autobase Prime - Intellignce Office

"It could be worse, I suppose," Mirage said to Jazz. "The Decepticons could have built another gestalt."

He rubbed his chinplate thoughtfully. "To be quite honest, an argument could certainly be made that it was those new flying drones that carried the orn. Roadblock's impact was as much psychological as physical. Still, if there's any possibility that this new technology is easily mass-produced, it is a major threat. Tripling the Decepticon army with a quick upgrade to its existing warriors is a frightening prospect."

Standing and moving to a computer terminal, the spymaster tapped a few keys and examined the datafeeds regarding the Decepticon capital territory.

"Any word out of Kaon recently? I suspect the work done on Roadblock happened there rather than in that ruin they call Polyhex or in Thunderwing's quiet little manse in Tyrest."The J Writer
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Re: Iacon
by ~Windcharger~ on Thu Dec 20, 2007 2:52 am

Autobase Prime ~ Outside

Upon receiving his orders, Windcharger let out a whoop of excitment. Glad to have another opportunity to prove himself, he ignored the incedental damage he had accrued on his little slalom excursion through the streets of Iacon. He headed directly to the main hangar with determined sensors on the road ahead.

Autobase Prime ~ Ark 13 Berth

Entering the hangar bay, Windcharger transformed back to robot mode. Seeing Bumblebee, Perceptor, Swerve, Searchlight and Sureshot made him smile. He waved hello to the group.

"Hey guys! Finally some action. Anyone know where were going? Must be a long trip if were taking the Ark."

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Re: Iacon
by Smokescreen GT on Thu Dec 20, 2007 3:14 pm

Autobase Prime - Armory

“I need two shoulder-mounted rocket launchers and an ion-charged disperser rifle, please,” Bluestreak said to the armorer drone before it had a chance to disappear into the ammunition units to retrieve Sunstreaker’s ammo.


“The usual will do fine,” Bluestreak replied. “Just make sure the shells are the ones that contain four warheads each that I can independently target. I like them best. Destroys more Decepticons, and Primus knows you can never destroy too many ‘cons. You know the shells I mean, right? Because if you don’t, I could always come back there and find them my….” The drone didn’t wait for Bluestreak to finish and quickly left to retrieve the weapons and ammo for the two Autobots. “Oh, I guess he’s in a rush.”

Just then, Bluestreak heard Sideswipe’s voice over Sunstreaker’s comlink and the wisecrack response from the yellow ‘bot. “Ammo bin? I don’t think I’d fit in one of those.” Bluestreak said with a smile, knowing full well that Sunstreaker was only joking. At least he hoped he was! “I guess maybe if you took me apart I’d fit, but you’d probably need more than one bin! I do have a pretty big tailpipe, after all! Been letting myself go lately. Too many energon shakes!” Bluestreak chuckled. Of course, he was the only one laughing.

Moments later, the armorer droid returned with the Autobots’ weapons and ammo in hand. The drone handed Bluestreak his rocket launchers and disperser rifle. The talkative ‘bot swiftly placed the rifle into his subspace storage. He then turned his attention to his launchers which were already fully-loaded with the shells he had requested. “Perfect. Just the way I like ‘em,” Bluestreak muttered to himself and placed both rocket launchers securely onto his shoulders. He then turned to Sunstreaker. “Well, I’m all loaded up and ready for action. Thanks again for the help. You mentioned before that you were hunting ‘big game’, which I’m sure means Decepticons. Need any assistance? I’m a real good shot!”
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Re: Iacon
by Philcom on Thu Dec 20, 2007 7:33 pm

Autobase Prime: Main Medbay

>>"Alright Hot Spot I'll be there."<<

First Aid only gave a short response to his summons to join the other Protectobots on another mission soon. It was probably another one of Hot Spot's crazy plans, and First Aid wasn't sure is he was ready for that quite yet or not. Either way he had to be there if not just to make sure the team doesn't go too far and end up blown across Cybertron. He would use his weapon to fight... if not only to prevent damage to his own team, though he hated to cause harm to any mechanical being, even Decepticons, but if a choice had to be made he's have to protect fellow Autobots. In battle situation however, he felt that Blades usually made up for the reluctance with his extra aggression.

"Going on a mission?"

First Aid turned around to find out who had been speaking to him. Standing nearby, looking even more stranger then normal... for him at least. "When did you come in?"

"Need a damage report." Red Alert held up a datapad, "Already got it though. But I couldn't help overhearing."

"Autobots go on field missions all the time." First Aid replied, he didn't want Red Alert thinking more of this mission then it probably was. Though at this time, Red Alert probably knew more about the mission then he did.

"Yeah." Red Alert went through the datapad, his attention towards First Aid starting to dwindle, "Carry on..."

Autobase Prime: Intelligence office

"Gotta wonder where the Decepticons are getting the energon for all this." Jazz wondered aloud when Mirage went on about the new type of combiner and Roadbloak. "More advanced mechs require more energy then normal. We're not doing much better with our energy use, but it's generally only in response to their advancements."

Jazz shrugged when Kaon was mentioned, "You probably know just as much as I do. I was thinking of looking up Thunderwing's place, myself. All the quiet makes me nervous."
"I paint my daemons as scars of blood in a barren landscape where all is lost."

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