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Events taking place on Cybertron or its moons are played out here.

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Postby The J Writer » Sat Dec 22, 2007 3:17 pm

The badlands of Kaon are home to the fortress Kolkular, the seat of the Decepticon Empire. Looming over the blasted landscape like a mushroom cloud, malevolent Kolkular houses the nerve center of the Empire as well as its most precious military and technological secrets. The factories of the Forge produce pack after pack of newly-designed Sweep drones, and in Unicron's Belly, Autobot and neutral prisoners languish under the torments of their cruel captors. Decepticon operatives scheme against the Autobots (and each other) as Megatron makes his way back to his fortress, new plans already in motion.
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Re: Kaon

Postby Rebel Raven » Mon Dec 24, 2007 5:16 pm

Sonic Canyons – The Battlefield

(OOC:The last round of Kaon's combat was lost, but I recall what went on roughly what went on. Also I recall roughly, what went on in other reas of Kolkular if the information is needed.)

Rancid had freed himself from the violent arm bar applied by Discord by detonating the knife in his own hand, and thus lost it.
Afterwards he had welded a spare knife to his arm in place of the hand on his way to loot Swiftscreech of his ranged weapons to replace his soldering gun which apparently isn't strong enough for this excercise though Swiftscreech's weapons are a sword and a gun arm which means the trip isn't going to be too fruitful in all likelihood.

Discord's damage from the knife blast was enough to make her mad, but not enough to defeat her, rather give light damage to her face, chest, and arms as Rancid's hand had contained the blast.
Through the pain she plays possum, and with minimal movement she aims then fires at Rancid with her heat Laser in a sneak attack as he seeks to gather what he can from his fallen, but alive comrade.

Meanwhiles Torment was recovering, and preparing to fend off Rage.

Elsewhere Bugly trains in the hard light simulator.
Octopunch drinks in the Cantina.
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Re: Kaon

Postby The J Writer » Mon Dec 24, 2007 6:25 pm

Sonic Canyons - Near the Battlefield

"Look at those morons," Ransack told Venom as he peered down into the Canyons from his well-hidden vantage point. "Wasting their energon on each other instead of some nice, combustible Autobots. And who trains with dummy weapons? Nothing teaches like the real thing."

The Insecticon warrior braced his concussion blaster on the edge of the cliff on which he rested, and sighted down on one of the Sweeps in the distance, then on one of the other Decepticons with whom they were battling. "Blam. Wreckage."

With a harsh laugh, Ransack turned back to Venom. "No energon in it, though. Still, it'd be fun to see how these rookies react to us opening up on their little game."

Except Shrapnel would probably be pissed if we revealed our location. Pissed bad. Venom here would probably agree with him, for reason to tip our hand to the Empire too soon, right? He glanced sideways at Venom, then back at the Decepticons training deeper in the Canyons. Who's our leader, anyway?
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Re: Kaon

Postby FuzzymusPrime » Tue Dec 25, 2007 10:40 am

Kolkular - Corridors

Banzai-Tron emerged from one of the training rooms, happy with the workout he had just completed. His new body seemed impeccable, agile, strong, robust, and with near-nanomyte precision, which was all-important for a fighter with Banzai-Tron's abilities. Other than the unusual configuration of the new robot form, there was no indication that just a deca-cycle ago, he'd been all but written off.
Of course, just because there are no scars doesn't mean I've forgotten.

Passing the hard-light Simulators, Banzai-Tron noticed they were in used: Bugly was registered as the only occupant. Banzai-Tron smiled and left the Mystic to his training: He had little time for someone who spent so much time talking about energy fields which connected us all. And the Hard-light simulator was no good to him: Such constructs had no fracture points in their photonic simulated bodies, so Crystalocution techniques just didn't work.

Heading for the Cantina, Banzai-Tron spied Skyjack and Terrorcharge walking along the corridors. "Well hello, do we have some new recruits here? Who might you gentlemechs be?"
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Re: Kaon

Postby Rebel Raven » Fri Dec 28, 2007 11:01 pm

Kolkular – The corridors.

Bugly exits the hard light trainer dusting off his hands. His training regimen was simple enough. The program mainly consisted of electrical bolt training, and of fist sized orbs that he would deflect, and dodge using mainly his arms to do this to help hone his reaction times and reflexes. He didn't care for the grandeur of ripping apart fake Autobots. And he knew they didn't fight as well as he'd like so he merely made his own programs. Programs thoroughly encrypted and fortified with passwords to prevent people from taking them. Maybe even learning his limitations. Especially stopping them from actually controlling his programs!

Kolkular – The Cantina.

Octopunch returned to a past time of his on shore leave. Drinking, and lamenting over his trophy room which was far from him now. Why couldn't they have sent him to Tyrest? Some place near the rust sea? He hated feeling like a fish out of water, but that's the way things are. Not that he's incapable of combat out of the seas. He's one of the best soldiers, and with so few battles at sea he had to adapt, and fight on land.

He rolls a shiny crystalline gem in his digits. Something he carried with him when away from his grotto. Aside from being aesthetically pleasing visually it doesn't seem to be anything special, though. Maybe a lost optic lens, or the like from a fallen mech. Or maybe some one eyed Mech. around? Only he knew for sure.

Still he drinks his oil, nursing the stein. Kaon was so quiet. It was one of the worst,and best posts all at the same time.
No Autobot would attack here. Kaon is one of the most densely defended places on the planet. Besides, the Autobots don't go on the offense a lot, rather they tended to turtle up in their defenses. That means it's so very quiet here.

But at the same time, the throne of the empire resides here. Megatron resides here. To guard this place is to guard the capital of the Decepticon empire. Not exactly an exclusive, or a job only a select few get, but it is important none the less.
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Re: Kaon

Postby JaAm » Sat Dec 29, 2007 9:32 am

(OOC: Sorry for not posting, I've had computer issues.)

Kolkular, corridors
Skyjack took a glance at Banzai-tron. It looked like he was an important officail. All the better for him to wotk with. Keeping in mind what Scourge told him to do, he replied, " I'm Skyjack, Espionage unit. And you?"

Sonic Canyons - Near the Battlefield

Venom almost had apanic attack over Ransack's question. Was someone in high command hiding his leadership? First that setup on Sol-3, now this? Quickly, he responded to Ransack, "I'm in charge, of course. The squad leader, I'll have you know." Then a lesser thought crossed his mind. "Who's supposed to be supervising Chop Shop? I don't need any more complaints from his victims."
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Re: Kaon

Postby FuzzymusPrime » Sat Dec 29, 2007 12:03 pm

Kolkular, corridors

"Skyjack? I think I've heard of you before, Intiltration expert? I keep up to date on who Intelligence bring in, it's my job after all. I'm Banzai-Tron, Recruitment and Elimination, and I don't blame you if you don't recognise me, I've had something of a makeover." He paused to pose slightly, giving them a profile. "See the resemblance? You'd want to, if you're a master of disguise like they say they train you guys to be."
"Anyway, it looks like we're in downtime at the minute. The flyboys have had their day, and Roadblock and Shockwave have led the charge. Why don't we celebrate this glorious megacycle with a drink or two? Your friend can tag along, I don't know anything top secret, and I promise to kill you if you say too much." Chuckling, Banzai-Tron indicated the Cantina.
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Re: Kaon

Postby *Silverblade » Sat Dec 29, 2007 4:10 pm

Sonic Canyons

Torment stood and turned to face the direction rage would approach from. A feeling of being watched swept over him. Not the optics of Scourge, but the glare of other transformers. The Halloween painted sweep did not have time to dwell on this though. His attentions were focussed on the red female hellion who was soon to engage him in battle. He had already made sure of the positions of Discord, Afrershock, Rancid and Swiftscreetch. They were fine where fine as they were. Rage would almost absolutely go into berserk mode and no one would be safe from her wrath. Torment had witnessed her work enough to know how dangerous she could be.

The hunter heated up his arm canon and prepared his lasers. He was very sure fighting the twins would be a much different situation, but a battle was a battle even if it was just a training exercise. Torment waited patiently like a big cat awaits to pounce.
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Re: Kaon

Postby JaAm » Sat Dec 29, 2007 5:42 pm

Kolkular, corridors

Skyjack looked hard at Banzai-tron. Odd, he looks familiar... Hmm... "Well, Guess I'll have to take you up on that offer. I could use a break." He turned to Terrorcharge. You coming?
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Re: Kaon

Postby The Chaos Bringer » Sat Dec 29, 2007 9:57 pm

Sonic Canyons - Near the Battlefield

Chop Shop wandered near the battlefield to watch the fight. He was carrying a small part of something. He didn't know or care what it was or what it was part of. All that mattered was that he had it, and he was in a relatively deserted area of Cybertron. The only Decepticons nearby were obviously preoccupied by their training exercise and would pay him no notice. They would also provide him with entertainment while he contemplated where he would hide his latest prize and what his latest alibi would be.

But he was not alone.

He suddenly realized that he had stumbled upon Ransack and Venom.

It could have been worse. I could have bumped into someone that would have taken me straight to Megatron for having this. But these guys 'll never rat me out.
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Re: Kaon

Postby Optimist Prime » Sun Dec 30, 2007 7:32 am

Motto: "One shall stand, one shall fall."
Weapon: Static Laser Gun
Kolkular ~ The Forge

Macabre sat amongst his non-sentient brothers deep in thought. As much as he enjoyed the time to let his fanciful thoughts carry him away. He was also troubled by the lack of significant orders. Scourge had yet to contact him upon his return form deep space. It seemed the rest of the hunt was off in another direction, leaving Macabre to decide his own fate. At times like these he preferred to have someone give him orders. It helped him keep his mind off the pain he wanted to inflict on the Autobots and a large portion of the Decepticons.

The thing that kept him from overstepping his authority was his absolute fear of losing respect from his superiors Scourge and Cyclonus, and the God-Emperor Megatron. To set back the cause of the sweeps would be too much for him to bear. His confidence of the superiority of the sweep soldiers was absolute, but there are those among the Decepticons who would go to great lengths to ensure their demise. To bring such shame to the uber-mech hunt would be unforgivable.

Still, he was glad to have been given a new life. To be on a path to righteous glory. It filled him with a sense of purpose. Previously he had been a two-bit assassin. Far from being a standout in the Decepticon ranks. One failed mission too many landed him on an operating table as an unwilling participant of the sweep experiment, the final solution. The pain he had endured throughout the experiments was beyond excruciating. Many lesser machines would have gone into permanent stasis lock from the trauma. For Macabre, It filled him with an unholy energy manifesting in the ability to generate and channel raw electricity with his bare hands. He looked back to this time with great pride. The pain the sweeps have endured have tempered them into cold killing machines. That is why the sweeps will be the army that fulfills all Megatron's desires.

Well I suppose I must determine the location of Scourge if I am going to further our cause today. After that I will see what my brothers and sisters are doing. Soon, I'm sure, we will be venturing forward to strike at the reeling Autobots. We will tear their still beating energon pumps from their chests and devour their life enengy while they slowly fade from existence. It is not enough to simply kill. They must despair at knowing their cause is lost.

With that thought, Macabre rose from his seat in the Forge and headed for the communications center. Surely in the Cradle Soundwave could locate his master.

Kolular~ the Cradle

Confidently entering the room, Macabre searched out the communications officer. Seeing Soundwave at his post, no doubt up to something, he appoached him with a salute.

"Glory to God-Emperor Megatron!"

Standing more at ease, but still wary of Soundwave, he spokein his typical icy tone.

"Greetings Soundwave. I am looking for Master Scourge. Could you help me locate him? And if possible, could you locate the rest of the hunt?"
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Re: Kaon

Postby JaAm » Sun Dec 30, 2007 8:54 am

Sonic Canyons, near the battlefield

Venom noticed the arrival of Chop Shop and said "Whatever you're holding, put it down, Chop Shop," without even looking at him. I know these boys like I know my hand, they'll never get away with anything. That was one thing he could be calm about. But he was kind of bored. How come we haven't been given an assignment yet...
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Re: Kaon

Postby The Chaos Bringer » Sun Dec 30, 2007 3:45 pm

Sonic Canyons, near the battlefield

Chop Shop was startled by Venom's command. He swiftly tossed whatever it was he had in his hands behind his back.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

How does he just know that I've got something? How does he always know?
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Re: Kaon

Postby JaAm » Sun Dec 30, 2007 5:16 pm

Sonic Canyons, near the battlefield

Venom sighed. "Chop Shop, I've survived more attempts on my position and life than you can count, I know this squad well enough to know that you've stole something, and right now I'm praying to primus that it didn't belong to a high-ranked offical. Give me what you're holding." Hoping he scared the kleptomaniac into handing over what he found, Venom silently started fretting over two things: One, that Chop Shop stole something from high command, forcing him to hide the little theif, and two, that the Insecticons hadn't been given a target. I thought we were supposed to be the best assination squad in the army, so why aren't we more busy?Putting everything together in his typical paranoid fashion, Venom came to a conclusion. We'll be silently outsourced. They'll just forget about us.
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Re: Kaon

Postby Depthscream » Mon Dec 31, 2007 12:48 am

Sonic Canyons - The Battlefield

Swiftscreech wondered why Rancid would want to take his weapons. All he had was a sword and his arm cannon, which Rancid would have to rip out of his arm.

Oh well, I can't say anything. I'm supposed to be dead.

Then Swiftscreech turned his attention to something else, Torment looked like he was preparing for something to come.

Rancid's as good as gone and Aftershock and I are out, so why is he preparing?

Re: Kaon

Postby Devastron » Mon Dec 31, 2007 1:30 am

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Sonic Canyons, near the battlefield

“Like knowing Chop Shop stole something is special, special.” Shrapnel crawled over to the other Insecticons in his alternate mode. Clutched in his forward arms was a chunk of the ship that had brought them back to Earth. He had grabbed it on their flight away from the moon. The metal had aged well on Earth and the atmosphere had given it a distinct and delightful flavor. He had been munching on it ever since the various Insecticons had set up a little ‘nest’ in the canyons. Unfortunately he was down to just a small scrap. After that was gone he was going to be bored and he wasn’t going to sit around idly like the rest of his team.

“We should contact Megatron and see if we can get a mission, mission. That information Ransack gave him on this mudball should get us back in his good graces, graces.” He chomped down the last bit of the scrap metal and transformed. “We keep our current location secret, secret, just in case he is still angry with us, us.” He turned to look directly at Venom. “I’m not going to wait here waiting for energon to fall into our laps, laps.” Shrapnel felt no need at all to follow Venom or his decision. He was the most powerful of the group. He didn’t feel like he had to be restrained by any of the others, especially the cowardly and weak Venom.
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Re: Kaon

Postby Kid_Kapatilsm » Mon Dec 31, 2007 9:53 am

Sonic Canyons- The Battlefield

Rancid was hit by the heat laser, his left leg taking the damage. The armor was melt quickly. He cringed in pain as he continued to remove Swiftscreech's arm cannon. He ran as fast as he could, at the same time removing his own arm and replacing Swiftscreech's. It was big on him, and disabled his transformation, but it was better than his saudering rifle.

He fired multiple round at Discord, hoping to hit her with his clunky new arm.

Note to self, get new weapons and give the stupid one back his arm.

He performed a back flip as the he fired at the Sweep and took cover behind a large rock, hoping the blast would distract her enough to get away.
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Re: Kaon

Postby The Chaos Bringer » Mon Dec 31, 2007 11:08 am

Sonic Canyons - Near the Battlefield

Chop Shop picked the small device back up and looked at Venom.

"It's just a spare part I found in storage. It wasn't attatched to anything so no one will immediately notice its absence. Eventually they'll notice but it looks broken anyway so I doubt they'll miss it."

He looked to Shrapnel.

"If Megatron intended to use us again we would already have an assignment. He's obviously content to let us stay here and out of his sight. Besides, he has his Sweeps to do his dirty work now. We're... probably being replaced."
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Re: Kaon

Postby Rebel Raven » Mon Dec 31, 2007 8:41 pm

Sonic Canyons – The Battlefield

She was a bit amazed at how fast Rancid performed major surgery like that, and to get it right so it actually worked. Amazingly with only one hand and no tools short of a soldering rifle. She expected it to take him a bit longer than a few moments. Long enough for a second shot to be fired which would've been astroseconds after her previous shot.
Maybe he should've been a medic.

Still, Discord isn't about to let Rancid get used to those alien parts, let alone take advantage of any advantage the new firepower affords.
Does the re-equipped bot even have the energon to keep up with the demands of such a weapon? Does he have the power routed to his new arm to use the full power of each shot? It's not like he picked up a new rifle. He might have over extended himself.
'We are all built the way we are for a reason. He'd best hope he knows what he's doing.' She thought to herself. 'Well, time to capitalize while I can.'

She dodges the awkward shots from him with considerable grace not letting him adjust too quickly and not letting him fire more than a handful of times. Most of the shots, what few he could get off, as she approached, whizzed by her close enough to singe her armor, one shot striking her dagger wielding arm damaging it sufficiently to hinder it's movement.
All the while she were making her way closer and closer with every evasive action fueled by her sensors picking up the energy spikes of his shots, her reflexes, and her flight speed.
Her evasive maneuvers closed the gap between them quickly. The look on her face is full of murderous intent.

She knew he'd have upgraded his weapons or else he wouldn't have wasted time with the limb replacement. She can't afford to get careless, and assume he hadn't stepped up his firepower considerably, or that he won't get used to the weapon soon.

She watched where he were going, using her sensor systems to their fullest to know the lay of the land like she lived there. 'Little coward sure can run with a Sweeps grade laser wound in his leg.'
It was obvious what he planned on. The rock was obviously there. He was obviously going to use it for cover. She was ready to take advantage being fairly close but in medium range.

And it happened.
A lull in the firing, and a blind spot formed as he were practically forced to look away reducing his accuracy with no spin in his back flip.
She has her window of opportunity.
Discord takes advantage of it with her rocketing at him at a precisely calculated speed and trajectory getting her positioned above him performing a rocket assisted flipping kick over his shot during the back flip seeking to bring her foot down on his torso like a Mech. sized sledgehammer during his back flip looking to crush him like a tin can under her bulky bell-bottom like lower leg.

Once she finishes the flip kick she seeks to rocket feet first down on him to try and pin him to the ground at the side of his abdomen and his new arm's shoulder looking to damage the fresh, but hurried grafting.
She adds multiple laser shots aimed for his chest and head.
If it wasn't for the shot in the arm she took on her way up here, she would have likely stabbed him violently, eviscerated, and vivisected him as well with one of his own daggers.
She's not a pure warrior, but the look on her blemished face owing to the exploding dagger would fool anyone. It was evident she wants to mess him up.

She'd keep the pressure on Rancid. She won't let him get comfortable. She knows that he has an advantage in ranged combat, and her strengths are in melee. She won't let him take advantage of his ranged combat ability. She made that mistake with Aftershock.

00:00:000 Time's up on her wait.
'Bang.' Entered Rage's mind as she leapt off the the cliff with an unusual grace. On her way down she flipped multiple times, then landed thunderously on the ground on her feet.
And then the grace ends. She charges forward on foot like a crazed animal, her fangs bared and her talons flexed.
"IT'S RIPPING TIME!!" her chilling voice fills the canyons over all the other noises with with a joyous glee that announced her intent oh so clearly. From her previous works it wasn't uncommon for the unprepared to spring oil leaks on both sides of the war.
Maybe even the Insecticons near by would grasp what a monstrosity the Sweeps are, and maybe even what a true monster this Sweep is.
Yeah, she felt that she were being watched.
Oh Primus smiles upon them that she doesn't know for sure or else she might have been turned from the battlefield to crush them like the bugs they are! Or worse yet, she'd pull their wings off with her full power after this little warm up.

Few match Rage's zeal for combat. Her lust for the ultra of violence.
Virtually every battlefield she'd been on had been littered with bots annihilated beyond identification, and in the middle of it all, her just looking for more to rend and rip apart.
Fear and dread ran rampant as Decepticons realize some of their number are missing after those battles, and among the wreckage that looked like half the population of Cybertron had been in a pile up there's likely more than a few unlucky Decepticon grunts that got in her way as she cut an oily swath across the war zone. A few Decepticons would attest that their lost arms, and legs were due to getting too close to the death dervish that is Rage.

They dared not question Rage about her victims to avoid sharing that fate. Especially after combat after she were high off victory. She is low in rank, but some wonder if she really answers to -anyone- at times.
And they didn't speak to Scourge of the matter. He, too is a frightening figure.

Out of the elite Sweeps, it's Discord who likely has the least scary reputation.

Her voice sounded like a small army with her enraged state of mind overpowering her vocal processors giving her voice the ominous synthesized echoing backdrop under her feminine voice.
In truth, she is a small army. Not just as a Sweep, but as a well armored, decently armed, combat minded sweep. Her construction defines her to, pretty much more than any other sweep, enter the fray and turn the tides by simply destroying the enemy. A lot of the enemy. All of the enemy.

She isn't good at her job. She isn't great at it. She's slagging incredible at it.
Though in truth she has never been tested for a foe like Torment let alone another sweep. The outcome is somewhat in the air.

With that her reasonable side took the back seat, trying to maintain some semblance of professionalism but all in all it was just there for the ride, reminding the anger that this is an exercise. That lethal force is not authorized. The angel on the Devil's shoulder.

Fairly predictably, she charged Torment first pretty much ignoring her heat laser. From the body language of Rage, it's possible she's ignoring Torment's weapons as well.
Glowing red optics stared dead at her brother. It's something a lot of Decepticons have learned to fear.

The truth is hard to know. She isn't an idiot, she's well equipped, but her high test anger is unpredictable.

Torment has time, but precious little before he's in Rage's melee range, even as she travels on foot.

For many it'd be a worrisome sight to see Rage's talons spark, and fail to activate. If they weren't turned off, she'd be tearing through her opposition full tilt.
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Re: Kaon

Postby The Chaos Bringer » Tue Jan 01, 2008 11:47 am

Kolkular - Medical Bay

Turmoil paced around, occasionally stopping to examine the room.

"Crude. This equipment is too crude. Not good enough to suit my purposes."

He looked around once more at all the nothing happening.

"I should go to research. They might be able to find a way to cure me."

With that, Turmoil left the Medical Bay and wandered down the corridoors, babbling incoherently to himself.
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Re: Kaon

Postby JaAm » Tue Jan 01, 2008 7:34 pm

Sonic Canyons - Near the Battlefield

Venom turned and adressed his unit. "All right, everyone, we will not be replaced, that I'm sure of. It's just that there isn't a whole lot to do here in Kaon." Of course, the statement was false. Venom knew the Insecticons were being replaced, and it was up to him to stop it from happening. "OK, here's what we're gonna do. I'm going to see if I can get to Megatron and have us transfered to Polyhex. You guys meet me at the Cantina in Kolkular when I say to." After saying that, he grabbed the spare part, threw it into the canyon, transformed, and flew off.
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Re: Kaon

Postby Kid_Kapatilsm » Tue Jan 01, 2008 8:44 pm

Sonic Canyons- the Battlefield

Rancid wondered to himself why he allowed her to strike him so foolishly.

But no matter, he had a plan as always. As he fell from the first kick he made an acrobatic manuever, spinning his body around using his right arm as a swivel, avoiding the rocket kick and the shots fired at him from above.

Discord made the same mistake he had made earlier:
assuming that her opponent was not as skilled in close combat as herself.

He delivered a quick volley of energy shots at the Sweep, too close to miss, too fast to dodge at this range. He was proud of his ability to stay in functioning condition even with the new weapon. He never took much fuel to function and always had a large ammount in his extra energy reserves.

He then pushed himself off the ground and made a spinning leap, firing more shots and finally reboundung off the canyon into the form of Discord, grabbing ahold of her and pushing her into the other wall of the canyon.

"I hope you enjoy this, because I'm not!" said Rancid as he crashed his opponent into the rock wall.
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Re: Kaon

Postby Rebel Raven » Tue Jan 01, 2008 10:51 pm

Sonic Canyons – The Battlefield

Discord reacted quickly to his dodge of her pin attempt, and frankly Rancid underestimated her again.
She palm strikes his gun arm pushing it aside and hopefully damaging it with her jarring defensive move, and she side steps at the same time. It's not a full on dodge like he might have expected but she avoided his volleys just fine via the rediretion of his shots and the side step half turn away from his gun arm.

Before she could continue her devastating string of maneuvers he was off like a shot.
He moved like he were never shot in the leg.
That doesn't matter, she's not going to be easy prey even with the damage she's taken either. This tin foil bot might have his talents, but he's battling a Sweep.
His shots while were met with the rock that he sought cover from earlier. She rolled over the rock in a fast, graceful maneuver and took cover laughing at him mockingly.

He indeed managed to grab her with his one hand, but he forgot that the gun arm lacks a hand! That means his grip is only half as good as he only has one hand, and her damaged arm isn't damaged enough to be unable to move meaning she has both her hands at her disposal in these quarters.

She grins at him, and grapples his arms as well, and maneuvers to be between his arms to keep that gun arm from being able to aim at her.

Discord grunts as she's slammed into the wall, and then laughs at him again. He forgot that as badly damaged as she might be, the majority of the armor on her body is intact, and still protective. She's battered from the collision but not enough to go down for the count.

Her good arm shoots over his new arm's shoulder then slips behind his neck then pivots around his neck in a flash and under his shoulder gripping his under his arm at the shoulder joint and hopefully taking control of it preventing it from having full mobility.
Her other arm, while damaged, is in a position of advantage to prevent his gun arm from aiming towards her. And if he isn't careful the dagger still in her hand could gouge into his new arm.

She powers her flight system and seeks to pull him face first into the rocky wall in a quasi-DDT or in other words looking to smash his head face first into the rocky wall with lovely violence with maybe the velocity to damage his neck, or maybe rendering him unconscious from the impact, then Discord starts flying almost against the canyon wall looking to drag his face against the rocky wall eager to give him the rug burn from Pit. This is a move designed more for revenge for the blemish on her face.
But if his face were ground off, or he were put out of commission, that's fine and dandy.
Oh! Maybe a nice big, sharp rock'll slam into him and crush his lil'cranium?

Oh, and the arm with his hand would be against the grind as well, wouldn't it? Damaged maybe, ripped off? Oh, the possibilities!

Her mind balanced the joyous thoughts of his horrid maiming and focus on the fight supported by her sensor suite monitoring everything in the vicinity including Rage's coming violence. She has that feeling of being watched by new eyes, too.
She hoped for the best, and that best is what would put him in the most agony and pain for the longest time, and destroy his ability, and will to fight. That savagery leaking through her barrier of grace decorum and diplomacy.

She keeps his gun arm pointed away from the wall, and away from her. She isn't going to allow him to blast the wall if she has anything to do with it, and with that create some sort of distraction.
Even if he could fire it at the wall, it'd be fired behind their path along the canyon wall, and less useful as a distraction.

Further she adds multiple, violent, rocket powered knee strikes aimed for his abdomen using the extra armor at her knee joint as a knife-like point focusing all the impact into as small of an area as possible to try and penetrate his armor, and get at his valuable innards, holding him firmly with her arms to keep him from being flung off from the impacts of her knee shots, rather at a good angle to really taste the dirt.

All the while she laughs with a malevolent nobility looking to keep his nose to the grind stone literally.
Rebel Raven
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Re: Kaon

Postby Kid_Kapatilsm » Wed Jan 02, 2008 8:58 am

Sonic Canyons - the Battlefield

Ow. ow. ow. ow. ow.

The hard rock screeched acrossed Rancid's faceplate, grinding out most of his features.The Sweep had won, he had no doubt about that at this point.

But it was as predicted, the Sweeps were the new killer-apps that the Decepticons needed. He was old technology now.

The assault on his frame stopped when Discord led him into a large rock, crushing his cranium into the stone pillar. He fell. He fell hard.

His mangled form lain on the ground below, his body exhausted from the bout.

"By the way... I rather liked my face." said the biker-bot right before he shut down.
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Re: Kaon

Postby JaAm » Wed Jan 02, 2008 2:23 pm

Kolkular, Command center

Venom flew into the command center and transformed. As he saw the only people there was Soundwave and some Sweep. Then Venom had an epiphany. That's it! he realized, Soundwave's trying to replace us! First, he'll keep us from getting work. Next when we're sitting around using up resources, he'll have us taken to the Forge to be turned into his mindless minions, like Laserbeak or Ravage. I'm not gonna let that happen! venom, nervous about Soundwave realizing that he was onto him. Venom calmy stode up to the communications officer and said, "Hate to interrupt, but I need to speak to megatron. Could you establish communications with him? Venom knew he won. If he says yes, I can advoid replacement, and if he says no, he'll give himself away. Either way, I win.
Last edited by JaAm on Thu Jan 03, 2008 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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