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Re: Kaon

Postby Ember » Sat Jan 05, 2008 9:03 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Sonic Canyons – Battlefield

Bombshell dove from the hive when Shrapnel bellowed out his battle-cry. The psychological warfare specialist fired two mortars at the Sweeps from his head-mounted cannon as he made his way closer to the fray. Transforming to his rhinoceros beetle mode, Bombshell headed toward the back of Torment. With the Sweep presently occupied with Venom’s shots, Bombshell aimed for the mid-back of the Sweep. Once attached, he’d begin feasting. A wicked cackle escaped the Insecticon as he drew nearer to Torment’s back.
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Re: Kaon

Postby The Chaos Bringer » Sat Jan 05, 2008 9:13 pm

Sonic Canyons - The Battlefield

Chop Shop continued to fire at Discord and began swiping at her with his spear in an attempt to discourage further advances. Though the Sweep was damaged, Chop Shop knew that Discord was still dangerous at close range and did not care for being torn apart. He planned to escape this alive.

Aftershock quickly disabled his audio receptors and readied his borrowed heat laser. Once it was at full power again he aimed and fired at Venom. After using a weapon as accurate as his sniper rifle the heat laser seemed clumsy and hard to aim. However, being the sniper that he is he quickly got the hang of aiming it. Many times he fired at Venom in an attempt to assist Discord. Though the Sweep had broken his prized shotgun he had developed a grudging respect for her. She had beaten him in a fair fight and not everyone could do that. (At least, that's what Aftershock would like to think.) He wasn't going to just let her get overwelmed by Insecticons. She deserved better than that.

Then Aftershock noticed how much support Discord was getting with Venom and realised that no one was helping her fight off Chop Shop. Ceasing his attack on Venom, he got back to trying to remove the piece of metal in his back. After a few tries, he managed to pull it out, enabling him to use his jets. He launched himself at Chop Shop and grabbed him, and the two began an airborne wrestling match. Aftershock wasn't a good enough fighter to really hurt Chop Shop, but he made it impossible for the Insecticon to continue attacking Discord or pretty much anyone else.
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Re: Kaon

Postby FuzzymusPrime » Sat Jan 05, 2008 9:39 pm

Kolkular - Cantina

Banzai-Tron was dismayed at hearing of Skyjack's lack of memory. Simple Mem-chip failure is too much of a coincidence in our line of work: Sounds to me like Skyjack either screwed up or learned too much, and he got his memory wiped. I don't think that's standard procedure. Or at least, I hope not.
He handed Skyjack his drink, a High-grade on the Crystals. "Octopunch is right, they don't need more mechs in Polyhex or we'd have shipped out already. Putting too many troops in the wrong place ain't good strategy: Never know when the 'Bots will get lucky and find a way to attack us here."
"But hold on...Who's this 'Scourge' fella? That's one name I haven't heard since I've been out. Is he some new spymaster? Last I knew, Soundwave was the nearest thing to an overall intelligence coordinator that we had."
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Re: Kaon

Postby Depthscream » Sat Jan 05, 2008 10:15 pm

Swiftscreech knew exactly what Torment was trying to get him to do. The pain in his head had worn off quickly and he could only hear buzzing.

He quickly picked a target, Chop Shop. Mostly because he didn't want to fight Ransack. He ran straight towards his target and swung his sword at Chop Shop's right arm.

This should surprise him, I think.

Re: Kaon

Postby Rebel Raven » Sat Jan 05, 2008 10:43 pm

Sonic Canyons – The Battlefield

Discord got no reply from Scourge. She wasn't too bothered by this, though. She only reported in, and reported her actions, not asking anything. As long as he were appraised of the situation.

If they weren't busy pointing weapons at each other, Discord would have cared about Venom's mood. In fact she would've said just about anything, truth, lies, and anything in between to get in good with him and the rest of his troops. Well, maybe not to that extent.
She's not even a dedicated warrior with her diplomacy programming, though one might say otherwise with her performance here. She'd be glad to hear that.
Discord is the silver tongue of the Sweeps, and she would look forward to turning the Insecticons against her enemies and the enemies of the Sweeps.
She might even sow some friction in the Insecticon squad along the way. She is Discord, after all.

But the first meeting is a troubled one.
From first impressions, she has the understanding Venom doesn't like Discord, let alone cares about -her- mood. In fact she perceives Venom to be just one more person looking to destroy the Sweeps. He probably is.
She's not even fully aware Venom is the leader at this point.
Maybe if he shot Shrapnel first maybe she wouldn't be hell bent on slaughtering the insects.
Definitely assured of his leadership role if he called the fight off, and if he did she'd not be in this mess, and she'd be sweet talking them by now while calming Rage down.
By faltering to reign in his men he made himself look like another grunt, and just made Discord's self appointed job of keeping Rage from beating half of Kolkular and everyone in it to scrap that much harder. She started to fight. She started to fight in a battle that has no restraints. People are shooting at her.
Yeah, Rage is gunna calm down quick. And I'll rule the Decepticon Empire as the Empress of Destruction. she thought to herself sarcastically. An appealing thought, but unlikely.

And lets be honest here, what was she supposed to say while being ganged up on? 'Thank you! More cheap shots, please!', or 'Please trample me and shoot me in the back!'? Maybe she'll keep the infighting professional?
They're ganging up on her, and as far as she knows she's going to get scrapped if she doesn't scrap them first. She's fighting for her spark as far as she's concerned. She's understandably irritated, you see.
Still, she holds her tongue at the hypocrisy of Venom talking about ego. Seriously, would the Insecticons have assaulted like his if they didn't have an ego problem themselves?

Ransack had announced his presence. His shots rang out after Venom's trio of darts while she approached Chop Shop eager for him to be the first killed.

It was frustrating having to survive this onslaught from Chop Shop, Ransack, and Venom. Most of her body armor was intact, but that would not be the case forever.
It was debatable which Sweep needed the most help here. Discord is proving to be a scrappy, resilient femme, but she's also the most damaged overall, and being triple teamed of all things.
Could she ask for help? Pit no.
Should she expect help? Who knows. Quite possibly one of the biggest downfalls of being a Decepticon is that camaraderie is low on the probability list. More so when you are a Sweep and other major groups are nearby, like the Insecticons.

With projectiles coming from 3 Insecticons coming at her now, she over-clocks her engines, and in a super sonic jump she creates a half sphere Sonic boom to disrupt the air in a near visible wake of air detonating the cannon rounds prematurely and knocking the darts out of the air while getting the pit out of the way. She nearly blew out her flight system accelerating that fast, blurring from point A to point B. Safe to say she can't do that again. Her internal sensors were reading stress damage in her flight systems already, but she had to hold out!
One might call it desperation now.

Maybe she still has some good fortune after all?
Aftershock had done the unexpected by assaulting Chop Shop physically, and actually stopping him. That threw a wrench into her plans. She were hoping to disarm Chop Shop and use his weapons, and decimate him. Still, the joys of sowing loyalty amongst others is worth it, hm?
>>That's greatly appreciated, Aftershock.<< She adds a message of good will to the end of her transmission to him >>If you require help with that gnat, let me know. By the way, Swiftscreech is coming to help you.<<

Her sensors picked up a lot. Ransack's little display from earlier nearly had her sensors ringing and rattling, but she had enough distance to allow her to weather it. She can't get close to the noisy Insecticon. And sensors shown one coming up behind torment.

With a backwards arc she rockets and dives towards Bombshell radioing to Torment >>Insecticon coming up behind you! I'm going to try and intercept him, and get him off you. I need you to fire on Ransack because I can't get close to him to bash his face in.<< She spoke in a tone that could threaten Macabre's sub-commander role.

She comes in like a bullet aimed right for the top of Bombshell's alt mode, not pushing her thruster systems too hard to keep it on it's last legs, but still moving at lightning speed.
She uses both hands as she positions the dagger she had been carrying for some time at the fore front of her sky dive looking to drive the armor piercing energon blade she .. lets say borrowed from Rancid into Bombshell and gash him open before he can inflict his weapons on Torment as her opening shot.

As badly as she's bashed up, she's still going to fight, and not let anger cloud her judgment any more than it has. That leads to tactical blunders for most. Few, like Rage harnessed it oh so well.
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Re: Kaon

Postby Kid_Kapatilsm » Sun Jan 06, 2008 10:58 am

Sonic Canyons- The Battlefield

Spawn of a glitch!! Not right now!

Rancid got up quickly, moving to the best defensive position he could manage.

<< Aftershock, are you functioning? And how is the Idiot doing? We need to strategize and quick!>>

He looked to Discord, the sweep lead the assault on the Insecticons.

Well look at that...

He scanned the battlefield, looking towards any ally that could turn this tide. It was then that he noticed Rage.

Rage was a special case, if infuriated she would rip apart any bot in her way. This thought allowed him to formulate a plan.

Rancid's best skill was infuriating his opponents, as well as his allies. He opened a private comm link between himself and Rage.

<<Weakling, you let them attack us? And you call yourself a Hound!>>

I'm going to regret this...

Rancid waited for the Crimson flier to notice him and prayed to Primus she would want to kill him, going through anyone else to get to him, especially the Insecticons...
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Re: Kaon

Postby The Chaos Bringer » Sun Jan 06, 2008 1:47 pm

Sonic Canyons - The Battlefield

Aftershock had succeeded in getting Chop Shop away from Discord. Not wishing to get seriously hurt in physical combet, he kicked Chop Shop away and left him to Swiftscreech.

<<Rancid, I'm doing just fine. Swiftscreech seems to be in fighting shape too. But Discord is getting swamed here. Give her a hand.>>

Aftershock surveyed the battlefield. Most of the Insecticons were close to his comrades. Too close, in fact, to fire at without risking hitting his comrades. He was an above average sniper, but even he had to consider the possibility that he might miss or the combatants might move. But he noticed Ransack was an avaliable target. Capitalising on this, he aimed at him very carefully and fired.

Chop Shop was kicked away with more force than he predicted. Luckily for him this worked to his advantage, and he avoided Swiftscreech's attack. For now.

He was impressed with the courage of these rookies, and gave Swiftscreech a swordsman's salute, the kind that invited one to a one on one duel.

"Your move." He taunted. He doubted Swiftscreech could even hear him, but he didn't care. Of course, taunting a deaf bot by talking to him could be fun.

"If you have the guts."
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Re: Kaon

Postby Rebel Raven » Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:51 pm

Kolkular – Bugly's office

Bugly intently watched the sensor array's data.
"And more pawns come to play. Venom, and Macabre. But.. where is Scourge? That cold blooded Mech. is certain to be watching. Maybe he orchestrated this? But why against his own soldiers? To test them? Likely. That's why their illustrious leader hasn't done anything. Even the Insecticon leader and sub-commander are there. Scourge is just the heartless bot to leave his soldiers to test them like this. But.. I could be wrong."
He mused to himself in the dim room with only a few consoles lighting him, ominously.
He chuckles to himself a bit as he spots Scourge on the sensor array momentarily.
"There he is. And he still leaves his troops in the fire. A nice test. I hadn't seen something this interesting in a while."
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Re: Kaon

Postby Depthscream » Sun Jan 06, 2008 5:13 pm

Swiftscreech was angered by his inability to hear what Chop Shop was saying. But, the Insecticon gave the swordsman's salute. He knew what that meant. Good, this is how all battles should be played. He jabbed his sword at Chop Shop's mid-section, trying not to show fear. Swiftscreech was planning to try and knock the Infiltrator over. Chop Shop was bigger than Swiftscreech and Swiftscreech was going to try and make that a good thing for him.

Re: Kaon

Postby The Chaos Bringer » Sun Jan 06, 2008 5:40 pm

Sonic Canyons - The Battlefield

Chop Shop blocked Swiftscreech's jab with his spear. He was far too skilled for tactics like that. It would take true, ferocious fighting to bring him down. He doubted Swiftscreech, tired and broken, would be able to do it. But then again, anything's possible.

He stretched his insect arms out in all directions, in an effort to look more intimidating to an enemy that obviously had great courage.

"My turn."

He pulled back his spear, and swung it as hard as he could at Swiftcreech's side, just above his waist, hoping to slice through.
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Re: Kaon

Postby *Silverblade » Sun Jan 06, 2008 5:47 pm

Sonic Canyons

Torment saw the bright threatening flash of Venom’s weapon as the little sneak fired upon the orange and black hunter. Thankfully Torment was built as one of the faster sweeps. The bulk of his chassis was out of the way by the time Venom’s shot had reached him. It cut across his leg and punched a hole onto his “wing”. Sparks of purple hue, jumped wildly from the slice left in the hunter’s left leg, and his wing became frozen in place. Venom’s words fell on uncaring auditories, but the fact that his wing was now off balance made Torment snarl. If he hadn’t the orange faceplate over his visage Torment’s mouth would have been twisted in anger. His optics flashed dangerously as he turned to face Venom again. Only to be interrupted by a transmission from Scourge.……

>> As you command Sir.<<

Torment was not pleased. The fact that Macabre was being sent to assist them was only a sign that Scourge was unhappy, and if they failed they too would be punished along with the insecticons.

The swift sweep hunter ignored Ransack after his single shot, as the bug, had blocked his firepower anyhow. His anger had been focused upon Venom but his motion sensors warned him of the approach of Bombshell from behind. As he turned to face the new attack he saw Aftershock open fire on Venom, which allowed Torment to completely turn from his original target. Then as the hunter was turning Discord’s Transmission came to him. The timing was thin and he hadn’t time to respond to her before she was on top of Bombshell. But he heard her request.

The Halloween painted sweep launched himself into the air. Activating both his Disrupter canon and his heat lasers. Torment came at Ransack from the side, firing first his canon then his lasers. He then folded his wings in slightly using them as shields from incoming fire.
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Re: Kaon

Postby Devastron » Sun Jan 06, 2008 10:07 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Sonic Canyons

Shrapnel cackled loudly as the Sweep he had targeted charged at him. This one wasn’t too bright apparently, and had a temper. Charging head long at him the electronic warfare specialist found it easy to target Rage with another burst of lightning from his antennae before swinging to the side and avoiding her charge. Bugs might be easy to squash, but that was only if you could catch them.

The Insecticon was still chuckling as he spun around in the air and fired again at Rage. “Apparently these new warriors weren’t built with brains, brains. Perhaps we should crack one of their heads open and see what is inside, inside.” These creatures couldn’t even put up a fight, let alone replace them. He, of course, conveniently ignored how they had ambushed them during a training exercise. They might make decent cannon fodder or grunts, but the skills and ferocity of the Insecticons were not matched by the likes of these, or so Shrapnel thought.
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Re: Kaon

Postby Optimist Prime » Sun Jan 06, 2008 10:24 pm

Motto: "One shall stand, one shall fall."
Weapon: Static Laser Gun
Sonic Canyons ~ The Battlefield

<<By your command Master. I shall see to it that the Insections... suffer for their transgression... like the vermin they are>>

Macabre communicated back to Scourge. Increasing to his top speed he would arrive at the scene of the battle in a matter of nano-kliks. He relished another opportunity to see his brethren apply their craft as only they could. Full well knowing that he wasn't the strongest warrior among the sweeps, he enjoyed seeing the destruction some of them were capable of.

His advanced sensors could now pick up every movement on the battlefield. He may not be one of the strongest sweeps, but few could deny his merit as one of the craftiest. Using the information gathered by his sensors, he quickly formulated a plan. It seemed that Discord might be in need of some help. He plotted an enterance trajectory that would allow him to enter the fray blasting away with his disintegrator cannons without putting Discord in harm's way.

It seems that poor Ransack will be my target. Pity.

Arriving on the scene, Macabre opened fire with his disintigrator cannons as he planned. A barrage of projectiles rained down on the Insecticon. Transforming in mid-air, he brought his heat laser to bear. Strafing to his left he opened fire again. Not the sharpest of shooters, but he moved with alarming speed and awareness of his surroundings.

"Sweeps! You do us proud! These disgusting insects cannot hope to stand against our united forces! Let us put them to an end!"

Macabre knew that he was boastful, but seeing what the combined might of the Hunt could do made him that way. Insecticons were brutish and savage in their ways. The Sweeps are refined warriors, with more power and better strategy.

Landing lightly close to Discord, he made no attempt to seek cover but maintained an alert position.

"Couldn't mangage to talk your way out of this predicament Discord?"

Macabre spoke with a sarcasm that he knew would betray his fondness of the femme. An astute sweep like her couldn't miss it. She was perhaps the most aware of all of his true feelings about the Sweeps. He was prepared to do anything to assure their dominance in Megatron's empire.

Taking in the battle around him, he plotted his next move. Waiting, to see who would be his next victim.
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Re: Kaon

Postby The Chaos Bringer » Mon Jan 07, 2008 6:46 am

Sonic Canyons - The Battlefield

Aftershock stood in awe of Macabre. He had heard of him, but never seen him in action. For that matter, he had never seen any of the Sweeps before this day. And now, he was fighting alongside them.

Snap out of it or you're gonna get shot!

Afterskock looked around. If the commanders sent reinforcements, then they clearly were supposed to continue fighting. So he would. But he would not make the same mistake he made during the training exercise. He found cover on the edge of the canyon, from which he would snipe. He chose a target: Shrapnel. Remaining mostly covered, he took his time and aimed properly before firing a shot and ducking back behind his cover.

This time I'm not going to let myself get beat.
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Re: Kaon

Postby Rebel Raven » Mon Jan 07, 2008 7:05 pm

Sonic Canyons- The battlefield.

Rancid almost made a tactical error.
Rage's radio activated and she heard his insult, though it wasn't much of one.
He got a reply in a loud angry voice that booms back at him >>YOU'RE NEXT!!!<< Short, simple and she sounds like she means it. Even in radio broadcast her voice has that ominous synthesized backdrop.
Rancid got lucky though. If she wasn't fighting Shrapnel, she'd have made a U turn and made Rancid -dead-. He might remain lucky depending on what happens.

He is right though.
'Rage gets Mad! Rage gets STRONG! RAGE SMASH!!' to put it bluntly.
But she tends to cause great harm to anything that makes her mad.

But Rage is more focused on Shrapnel at the moment. Rancid's Insults don't mean much against Shrapnel's actions.

Rage evaded the second bolt from the lightning rod Insecticon in a brief climb, but not totally. What amount of the bolt that hit her crackled into her resilient shell and seemed to slow her down, her engines seemed to fade. She passed his side step with her own forward momentum with bullet-like trajectory at sub sonic speeds, transforming just after passing him.

When Shrapnel turned around to fire again he's greeted by Rage who's practically on top of him having made quite the sharp turn using her mobility in robot form and the sub-sonic speeds that she had slowed down to from her charge to aid in the rapid directional change.
Shrapnel's next bolts are dodged as she flies to the side keeping from being in front of him when he fires, then she looks to grab both his antennae in her razor sharp armor slicing super heated talons equipped hands coupled with her colossal berserk strength, heightened speed, and her increased ability to weather damage.

"I'm going to tear you APART!!" She looked quite pleased to be this close to Shrapnel. Question is, would he have the same pleasure considering the murderous look in her eyes?

A happy side affect of her talons being super heated, and her hands being able to take the heat, is that she has insulation against his electrical attacks because of the heat.
Further, the heat transferred to his antennae, should she grab them, might hamper his electrical projections.
Does Rage know that? No.
Her choice is just the down side to having things that look like handles on Shrapnel's head.

By the way, Rage's sensors are informing her of Aftershock's actions against Shrapnel. Rage would, if she has the grip on Shrapnel's antennae try to hold Shrapnel still so the laser, which belongs to Discord meaning it's rather potent, has a greater chance to hit, while trying to damage/amputate the antennae.
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Re: Kaon

Postby Ember » Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:06 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Sonic Canyons – Battlefield

With his attack potentially stopped mid-strike, Bombshell quickly pulled out of the way just as Discord was somehow able to nearly exhaust his engines to get to the giant beetle. Coming to a halt and transforming to his robot form, Bombshell summoned his hand weapon form subspace and began to fire on Torment.

“Let’s see if you can handle this as well.”

With a mental command the bug’s canon on top of his head let loose a barrage of mortars in the general location of Torment. If they hit, a perfect shot, if they missed, well at least the Sweep would be disoriented for a short period of time.
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Re: Kaon

Postby Rebel Raven » Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:46 pm

Sonic Canyons – The Battlefield

Discord was battling Bombshell when Macabre arrived.
"Think they'd listen?" she replied to Macabre blandly in dry wit while trying to shrug off the poison in her systems as it spreads but to no avail. The poison, and diluted as it was, wasn't helping her fight better.
It worked into every damaged system, and made it gradually worse, damaging other systems by causing locking, stress, and the sort.
Structural damage is high on her, and internal damage is mounting. Especially into her flight systems. The overclocking caused damage, but the poison entered, and now it was slowly loosing efficiency. Her agility is dropping.
If she walks off this battlefield under her own power she might be falling apart at the seams. And she probably won't be flying.

Any Sweep monitoring her and the sensor array would register that despite fighting hard she was damaging herself in the process due to that minor domino effect.
Anyone else could see Discord was being fatigued by the damage, and poison, but she is a testament to the power of the Sweeps in not giving up.
To give up would be even worse than getting slagged going down fighting.

Discord took the energon dagger into her good hand, her paralyzed arm couldn't move without help from the other hand so it was no good to her other than a disposable piece of armor until her internal diagnostics purge it, but that won't be any time soon.

Discord lunged on her own two feet at Bombshell ducking low bringing the dagger in an upwards stab seeking to ram the blade into the side of Bombshell's ribs, or shoulder joint in a deft movement.
"You should worry more about me!" she says after the stab attempt. "You'll pay for your cowardice in attacking like this! The Decepticon empire doesn't harbor weaklings!!"
One part psychological warfare, the flip side of diplomacy, and one part truth as she saw it. It'd be different if her allies weren't fighting with a handicap.
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Re: Kaon

Postby Depthscream » Mon Jan 07, 2008 11:07 pm

Sonic Canyons - The Battlefield

As Chop Shop stretched out his insect arms making himself more intimidating, Swiftscreech stepped back a little. There was something about the insect arms that was creepy. They were repulsive to him.

Swiftscreech was hit by Chop Shop's spear, it damaged him but didn't go all the way through his armor. He lifted his leg and attempted to kick Chop Shop in the mid-section, which he could reach if he jumped.

Re: Kaon

Postby Optimist Prime » Tue Jan 08, 2008 9:32 am

Motto: "One shall stand, one shall fall."
Weapon: Static Laser Gun
Sonic Canyons ~ The Battlefield

Macabre could see that the situation for Discord was getting serious. He did not want to see one of his favorite Sweeps come to harm. In fact, he didn't like to see any of them harmed and Discord was the most vulnerable of them all. Gifted in diplomacy, she was lacking in combat prowess. Perhaps that was why he identified with her. Macabre was not the heartiest of the Sweep warriors either, but he did savour the kill on a different level than most.

"Allow me m'lady."

Macabre dropped his shoulder and launched himself at Bombshell who was in a most compromising position. As he flew through the air, Macabre grinned devilishly at the prospect of using his shoulder spikes to impale the unsuspecting Insecticon. He had to be careful that his thoughts didn't carry him away from the battle. There would be plenty of time to reflect after the fact.

<<Sweeps! Give them no quarter! We will feast on their energon pumps!>>
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Re: Kaon

Postby Kid_Kapatilsm » Tue Jan 08, 2008 12:57 pm

Sonic Canyons - The Battlefield

The radio transmission echoed into Rancid's audio receptors. Rage was the most unpredictable of the Sweeps, that made her very predictable.

If his plan was to work, he needed to get rid of any distractions and minimize damage to Rage, allowing her to exact her revenge on his form. But that was only the first phase of his suicide run.

Rancid was not as fast as other Transformers, but the Insecticons were easy to get to on this battlefield it would take him nano-kliks to make it to them and make it to the next.

He intended to make Rage so mad that she would not care who she hurt, allowing him to lead her into his primary targets and scrapping them for him.

I must have a deathwish.

He fired a few shots from Swiftscreech's gun-arm at Shrapnel. He had to wait for his time to run, carefully observing Rage's status.
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Re: Kaon

Postby JaAm » Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:39 pm

Sonic Canyons - The Battlefield

We're all gonna die. Venom kept running the thought through his head. We're all gonna die. We're outnumbered, and outgunned. Just then, he coaught a glimpse of Chop Shop fighting Swiftscreech. Venom saw this and regained his confidence. You see, no matter how hard he tried, he still had the standard insecticon mentality. Wahoo, free kill! With one sprint past the horde of lasers flying at him, Venom snuck up Swiftscreech's rear, and, detaching his axe from his waist, swung it at the sweep warrior's legs.

Kolkular, Cantina

"Actually," Skyjack responded to Banzai-tron's question, "He's the leader of those new Sweep warriors, who, according to the news ticker behind the Bar, just were attacked by the insecticons. This doesn't look too good. Let's just hope high command doesn't watch the news."
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Re: Kaon

Postby Rebel Raven » Tue Jan 08, 2008 4:57 pm

Kolkular – The Cantina.

"That's Crazy." He shook his head at Skyjack's statement. "Smacking people you don't like? Sure!" he neglects to mention a few people he's 'smacked' don't get back up. Accidental mind you. "But to actually go on a full assault? That's a grade A request for smelting. Treason, isn't it?" He shook his head again in disbelief. "Those 'cons must be crazy." He takes a drink casually.

"Well, I hear Scourge is intelligent in that cold sparked, but I doubt he'd be sitting in his office watching his troops fight. He's probably somewhere close if he isn't fighting himself."
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Re: Kaon

Postby The Chaos Bringer » Tue Jan 08, 2008 5:04 pm

Sonic Canyons - The Battlefield.

Chop shop tried to advance on Swiftscreech, but ended up with a foot in his gut for his trouble. He took the kick hard. Had he been organic he would have been winded. He stepped back and looked his foe straight in the eye.

"Y-y-you.. fight well. A-and your courage is the kind that makes.. legends. I'm almost sorry I have to kill you. You could have been great. If only you had the brains to realize that Megatron is going to replace you. He's going to replace us all. If you had known, if you had chosen the right side, if you had fought against the Sweeps instead of with them, you could have been saved. Now... you will die. By my hand or by Megatron's. You will die."

He pulled back his arm, ready to stab hard with the spear, and saw Venom coming. He hoped that Swiftscreech would try to brace for the spear and not notice Venom coming, until it was too late.
Last edited by The Chaos Bringer on Tue Jan 08, 2008 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kaon

Postby FuzzymusPrime » Tue Jan 08, 2008 6:08 pm

OOC: I don't think the Decepticons have a news service as we would understand it. My post reflects what other players are giving me to work with, it's up to the mods whether that works or not.

Kolkular - Cantina

("Huh? A news ticker? I thought that was just the pricelist for the bar here." Banzai-Tron seemed a little perplexed at this little bit of convenience. "Man, I take a few Deca-cycles off and we get a news crew! And now for some reason I've got horrible images of Soundwave and that Seeker Femme reading out the news on the vidcasts, like used to happen before the war. How nostalgic."

Banzai-Tron watched the report, vague as it was, and heavy on the "BREAKING NEWS" parts more than actual details.) "I wouldn't worry for the Insecticons, Octopunch. They're survivors above all else, and I'm pretty sure they've done stuff like this before. Megatron always lets them back in, because there's just so much stuff they can do that no other mechs can." Uniqueness is a survival trait of the best kind in times like these. I should know.
"I'd worry much more for the newfangled 'Sweep' fellas, unless they're packing heavy stuff the Insecticons will make mincemetal out of them. And eat it too. Still, if this Scourge fellow is their leader, and he has intelligence agents working for him, then they're probably not mere grunts."

"Pit, now I wouldn't mind an old-style vidcast of this. I'd really like to see what's going on. Where is it...the Sonic Canyons? I wonder if we could wangle a Transport or shuttle and get there before the whole things done..."
Last edited by FuzzymusPrime on Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kaon

Postby The Chaos Bringer » Tue Jan 08, 2008 6:37 pm

Kolkular - Corridors

Turmoil finally saw something notable in the corridoors: the Cantina entrance. He was still on his way to research, but one drink wouldn't hurt. Research wouldn't pack up and leave if he didn't get there quickly. And he could certainly use some stress relief.

Kolkular - Cantina

Turmoil entered the Cantina without incident.

Strange, cons usually run from me upon sight. This place must serve reeeaaally good drinks...

He noticed that three Decepticons were watching the news ticker. Guessing that something notable might be happening, he walked over to them to get a closer look.

"What's going on?"

He knew they wouldn't be startled by his sudden presence. Surely they could hear the various sounds produced by the energy seeping from his body long before he spoke.
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