Howdy! Indeed you read right, i am indeed in search, of Universe 2008 Hot shot.
I'll be straight, ive checked eBay, and i flat out can't find any universe 08 ones within the UK, and the price for shipping from the US is just too much at this time. I would prefer to keep purchases within the UK, as i just don't have the kind of money for import fees at the moment. So if you're outside the UK, thank you so much for reading! But yeah gonna try and stick to UK only.
If anybody is selling this guy complete, id be interested for a reasonable price ^^ Im also looking at the original Armada Hot Shot, if anyone has him i may also be interested, though i'll be honest my eye is mostly on the Universe 08 version atm.
I have a few items for sale myself, if theres something you are looking for yourself, i may just have it, and would be down for a trade! If not, more than happy just paying ^^
Thank you for reading! Have an amazing day ^^