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Member Spotlight - Counterpunch Takes The Seat

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Member Spotlight - Counterpunch Takes The Seat

Postby Stormrider » Wed Oct 01, 2008 2:13 am

Weapon: Atom-Smasher Cannon
Stormrider: Good evening and welcome to the show. I hope you found my secret location alright. So, how does it feel to be in the passenger seat for a change? Ready to go for a spin?

Counterpunch: I’m a terrible passenger. I sleep the entire trip given the opportunity.

Stormrider: Let’s get the most obvious question out of the way - How do you categorize yourself? - Transformers Connoisseur, Advisor, or Vigilante?

Counterpunch: I am the Rush Limbaugh of Transformers fans.

Stormrider: Remember; say “no” to OxyContin, kids…

Counterpunch: I’ve actually never done ANY drugs…

Stormrider: Do folks still come to you for advice?

Counterpunch: Yes and I never, ever thought I’d be in that position. I did very little opinionated posting in maybe the first year or more that I was on this site. I read a lot though. I bought a lot of toys and I stuck around. I still read a lot of stuff and I still listen to what others are saying. I’m still open minded when it comes to the hobby particularly about fiction. The only thing I think I really stick to my guns on is in regards to what toys are worth, rarity, and knowing why a given toy turned out the way it did. But yes, when it comes to toys and the hobby of collecting, I do get a lot of questions.

Stormrider: Any tips you want to pass on now?

Counterpunch: Wait 3 minutes before hitting the ‘submit’ post button. Heh, nah, but I do think there is a tendency to say what is on our mind before our mind has had a shot at the editorial process…

Stormrider: So hypothetically – a new member comes to you with a dilemma. His girlfriend is putting her foot down with his collection? What should he do?

Counterpunch: I hate this question a lot. It’s a double edged sword. For one, grow a backbone. No one should be dictating life to you. Your decisions are your own. The other side is that we have to be rational. We have to actually interact with people and the world. No matter how you slice it, collecting toys is NOT the norm. Comparing it to other hobbies, sports, drinking, spending money etc…well, none of that works. It’s not always about ‘you’, so you have to be sensitive to the others around you. Once the toys isolate you or separate you from other people, then those voices of discontent about your toys are no longer being ‘jerks’, they’re reaching out to help you.

Stormrider: Were you ever a noob?

Counterpunch: Yea…Here is my fantastic story of Great Justice!(TM)… I bought the G-1 Reissue Ultra Magnus from TRU after he had been out in the store for some time. I think he was like, $70 or something absurd. At any rate, I got him on clearance for $40. I had not bought a Transformer in years and there was this immediate desire to “get a few more”. After a trip to a local toy store and purchasing a $20 re-deco of Sideswipe (from RiD), I went to eBay and found a wonderfully “mismarked” G1 Constructicon Giftset for twelve friggen dollars… I’m sure no one needs any hints as to how that worked out.

Stormrider: When did you first start collecting Transformers?

Counterpunch: When I was 4 years old. Then again when I was 20.

Stormrider: What got you into them?

Counterpunch: Jealousy.

Stormrider: It gets us every time. So tell us – what particular toy did your friend have that ate you up?

Counterpunch: Optimus Prime. His fists stored in his chest! His weapons stored in his truck. It was a miracle of modern engineering.

Stormrider: What was your first toy?

Counterpunch: G1 Optimus Prime

Stormrider: Were you collecting other toys at the time?

Counterpunch: When I was 4? I dunno…He-Man? As I got older the only other thing at the time was the ReSaurus line of Street Fighter figures.

Stormrider: Speaking of toys, what was the biggest toy let down?

Counterpunch: Heh, Energon Jetfire. I don’t know why but I thought that toy would rock my socks off. Instead, it Captains the USS FailsInEveryWay. Tiny head, bubble-hands, horrendous combined modes…arg.

Stormrider: How many Transformers do you have?

Counterpunch: I have around 100 G1 figures. In terms of Armada, Energon, Cybertron, and Classics…It’s easier to list the figures I do not have: BotCon06 Megatron & Waspinator, DVD Noisemaze, and about 25 or so Mini-Cons. I have a spreadsheet actually.

Stormrider: Have your collecting habits ever waned? Why?

Counterpunch: As a kid, Ninja Turtles stole the show away from Transformers. As an adult? Not so much. I’ve been dedicated since I found my first re-issue. Now what the future holds…is Street Fighter 4. I bought a PS3 and a HDTV in preparation alone for this. SF4 will steal my heart, my attention, and my time. I think TFs and SF can co-exist though.

Stormrider: You went through a little security problem earlier this year. How’s that working for you now?

Counterpunch: I have a LOT of insurance.

Stormrider: Any advice for fellow members?

Counterpunch: Get insurance.

Stormrider: Are you New School or Old School?

Counterpunch: Drop Out.

Stormrider: What is your favorite series?

Counterpunch: Toy or show?

Stormrider: Worst character?

Counterpunch: Beast Machines Tankor. What a hack job they did on making him turn out to be Rhinox! I think that’s the one fan issue that genuinely makes me angry. Rhinox deserved more. It is hard to write up a genuinely good good-guy these days. Everyone wants edgy anti-hero Wolverine clones. Rhinox was the man. Bad writing stole that and relegated future stories of Rhinox to sorting the whole bloody mess out.

Stormrider: Worst series ever?

Counterpunch: Energon’s tv show was the worst series ever. The premise is “Hey, let’s bring Unicron back to…”…hold on. Bring Unicron back? Check please.

Worst toy series ever, Action Masters. I refuse to apologize for this nor will I try to find some way to ‘fit’ them in to continuity. If retarded drew a line, Action Masters jumped over it. Non-transforming Transformers…

Stormrider: Your top 5 most treasured figures?

Counterpunch: You said ‘treasured’ which to me is different than favorite.

MP Convoy – gift from the fiancé which was pretty much her acceptance of the hobby

Unicron – It was like Transformers had ‘arrived’ again. Finding and buying him when he was new and hard to find was comparable to getting Fort Max as a kid.

Victory Leo – First purchase I made which was genuinely expensive. Buying that was like recognition that work and school paid off.

DW Reissue Megatron – Reminder of hard times…I pawned some stuff and returned birthday presents to get him

BotCon toys – not for the toys or seekers, but as a reminder of the events and places.

Stormrider: Energon – How should it be consumed?

Counterpunch: Moderation is for other people…

Stormrider: Wheelie or Daniel? Who’s more annoying?

Counterpunch: That trite BotCon comic that kills them (literally and figuratively) with bad writing is worse than anything those two ever did. Wheelie shot Galvatron in the face. I respect that.

Stormrider: Audio chips and gimmicks.

Counterpunch: I could do without them personally. It is a cost I pay and really have no interest in other than making sure it is not broken. I understand that it helps kids to identify with a toy, so, whatever really. For every miserable one (Armada Galvatron’s “Thepowerismine!”) you get an awesomely insane one (Armada Red Alert’s “Whooo oooo ooo RED ALERT!!!”).

Stormrider: Primus or Quintessons? Who created the Transformers? Please solve this age-old question.

Counterpunch: Primus. I kind of see Transformers as the universe’s maintenance men. They can go anywhere, adapt, and fix problems that either other races or Unicron has created. Of course with free-will and all they have kind of fallen off their job description.

Stormrider: What are your feelings about exclusives? Are they too frequent? Not enough? Too many?

Counterpunch: Store exclusives are the ‘everyman’ BotCon toys. They’re affordable. Plentiful enough for most people to find them and they give us decos that would otherwise never have seen release. I really enjoy store exclusives (but there are too many this year).

Stormrider: Are they driving completists insane or adding spice to collections?

Counterpunch: A real completist is unshakable. Price, scarcity, deco…real completists are too driven to care. If store exclusives drove them insane, they’d be locked up from the start. Exclusives add spice to the Non-completist collection.

Stormrider: Would you call yourself a completist?

Counterpunch: Yes, but only in regards to the AEC trilogy and Classics. I don’t act this way out of any kind of villainy or such, but in my own mind I am creating a “complete” cast of characters. G1 did this remarkably well. Now with better toys today, I am enjoying making a new cast of Transformers that still recognizes the old.

Stormrider: Let’s chat about the exclusive Skywarp & Thundercracker Classics/Henkei. What’s your feeling about the issue?

Counterpunch: It’s complicated, well, my opinion on the matter is. Basically, if BotCon says exclusive, I expect exclusive. If they are forthright and say, “Look. This is exclusive to this market and due to the arrangement with Takara & Hasbro, it may see a foreign release elsewhere in limited numbers.”; then I’m ok with that. Basically, I’m good with whatever, so long as the rules of the game do not change.

Stormrider: Was this a debacle on Botcon’s part?

Counterpunch: No. BotCon and FunPub were heroic in ensuring that the toys were available at all.

Stormrider: Or, were folks being unreasonable?

Counterpunch: Unreasonable in wanting the toys? No. Unreasonable in acting like they’re entitled to the toys? Absolutely.

Stormrider: How about Takara’s plan to release them? Fair game or unfair?

Counterpunch: If they are playing by the rules that they established at the beginning, it’s all good.

Stormrider: Do you have a set pre-ordered?

Counterpunch: I had a set pre-ordered. I recently canceled it. I just got to thinking…’This is really dumb. I already have these…’

Stormrider: What’s your trust like now for future Botcon exclusives?

Counterpunch: It’s like, whatever. Really. I think they learned their lesson. I doubt any ‘A’ list characters will show up again.

Stormrider: Let’s talk G1. Did you watch the show? Any speculation of what happened to Chip?

Counterpunch: I did watch the show when possible. As a kid, it just did not air very frequently where I lived.

Chip hooked his wheelchair up to the mechanism that launches Roller in Prime’s trailer. Everyone had a good laugh.

Stormrider: Did you cry when Optimus Prime died?

Counterpunch: I really liked Rodimus…

Stormrider: Transformers 25th Anniversary is coming soon. Are you giddy like a school girl?

Counterpunch: I am really looking forward to BotCon. It’s just going to be insane. I think there will be some pleasant surprises next year too.

Stormrider: Any guesses what will be in store?

Counterpunch: I expect both Frank Welker and Peter Cullen to be at the event. I expect the BoxSet to be a wild selection of molds ala Universe or Transtech (somehow).

Stormrider: Do you have anything on your wish list? Do you even have a wish list?

Counterpunch: Nah, not anymore. I finished up tracking down all of my ‘highly desired’ items this year. Now it’s just about keeping up with the Joneses.

Stormrider: There are tales that you are quite the minicon collector. How many do you own?

Counterpunch: I don’t keep count. (Honestly)

Stormrider: Is your set complete?

Counterpunch: No. I mean, I have a great many of them. “ALL” is definitely within reach and there are a few very kind people who are looking out for me to make sure I can achieve that. Mini-Con collectors really do stick together. There are about 25 or so official releases I still need. All in good time.

Stormrider: Transformers Movie time! What are your premonitions for the upcoming TF2?

Counterpunch: None really. At heart, I am a toy collector. I try to leave the media stuff (movies, comics, cartoons) to the side and just enjoy them for what they are. There is too much critique of the shows and the movie in my opinion. I mean, Masterforce from a “critical” point of view is garbage, but it’s fun as hell to watch…

Stormrider: What do you think of Shia?

Counterpunch: He’s got a great agent. I think he’s a good actor who had done a really good job of marketing his career this early on.

Stormrider: Are you holding out for any special characters?

Counterpunch: Not really. Well, I take that back…I want to see Sunstreaker in all his sociopathic glory. He and Sideswipe could possibly be show stealers.

Stormrider: What did you think of Transformers Movie 2007?

Counterpunch: I was overwhelmed. Believe me; I know how popular it is to go critical on any and everything these days, especially movies, especially on the internet. I watched that movie and had a friggen great time. My fiancé watched it with me and had an even better time. We as a fan base have it so good…

Stormrider: Okay, we’re going finish this up with one of your favorite games – Word Association. I’m going to say a word or phrase and you need to respond with a word or phrase.


Counterpunch: Poorly written.

Stormrider: Soundwave?

Counterpunch: NEW Soundwave!

Stormrider: Shockwave?

Counterpunch: Douchebag.

Stormrider: G1?

Counterpunch: Bozo the Clown (They did NOT air G1 in my area for a time and it was the ONLY way to watch the show…)

Stormrider: G2?

Counterpunch: Say ‘No’ to Drugs

Stormrider: Japanese Transformers?

Counterpunch: Head On!

Stormrider: Chinese KO’s?

Counterpunch: F’ that noise…

Stormrider: Minicons?

Counterpunch: Thepowerismine!

Stormrider: Transformers creation?

Counterpunch: Not Robo-sex.

Stormrider: Michael Bay?

Counterpunch: Heroic.

Stormrider: Female Autobots?

Counterpunch: All the time.

Stormrider: Punch

Counterpunch: and pie.

Stormrider: Well, that pretty much wraps things up. You’ve been a wonderful guest. Thank you for playing. I would love to give you some parting prizes, but they’ve all been stolen. So let’s see that collection…

(Click the image to see more)

Stay tuned to find out who Counterpunch ensnares for his next interview.
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Re: Member Spotlight - Counterpunch Takes The Seat

Postby Tigertrack » Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:38 am

Motto: "A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination."
Weapon: Sniper Rifle
Nice job. Always good to learn more about Counterpunch.

Great answers.
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Re: Member Spotlight - Counterpunch Takes The Seat

Postby Skullcrunchberries » Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:57 am

Motto: "It's time to pull up a groove and get fabulous."
Weapon: Twin Rocket Launchers
I've known the man for a good few years, and he still manages to surprise me.

Quite the enjoyable read, I must say. An excellent insight into one of our favorite "villains" :3

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Re: Member Spotlight - Counterpunch Takes The Seat

Postby Gutter Bunny » Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:46 am

i was hoping these interviews were still occurring. Glad to see the douche got his turn under the microscope :P
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Re: Member Spotlight - Counterpunch Takes The Seat

Postby Nickolai » Wed Oct 01, 2008 7:04 am

Weapon: Battle Blades
Your 'Why I Love Transformers' articles are among the best forum posts I'd seen this year anywhere online. Inspired me to go for completing AEC at some point in the future.

BTW, I see the Photobucket collection belongs to 'Daidoji Kage'. L5Red much?

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Re: Member Spotlight - Counterpunch Takes The Seat

Postby Counterpunch » Wed Oct 01, 2008 7:11 am

Motto: "Everything I do is divinely sanctioned."
Weapon: Jawbreaker Cannon
Nickolai wrote:BTW, I see the Photobucket collection belongs to 'Daidoji Kage'. L5Red much?

I am OLD school L5R.

I fought to rescue Hoturi. I had a full play set of Crimson and Jade. I was there for the battle of the Second Day of Thunder.

I have a Kachiko promo card from the debut GenCon signed by Matt Wilson...

Alas, when we were burglarized last year, my L5R card collection was massacred. They stole the box with my complete character card set and my action card box. :|
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Re: Member Spotlight - Counterpunch Takes The Seat

Postby Trale Strife » Wed Oct 01, 2008 7:52 am

Counterpunch rules because he shares 2 of my biggest passions...TF/toy collecting and STREET FIGHTER!!! Awesome...anyways frickin sick collection man and displayed beautifuly, must be a blast dusting etc haha. Hopefully someday we shall meet in a duel to the death...via SF4 online of course! :twisted:
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Re: Member Spotlight - Counterpunch Takes The Seat

Postby Counterpunch » Wed Oct 01, 2008 7:53 am

Motto: "Everything I do is divinely sanctioned."
Weapon: Jawbreaker Cannon
Trale Strife wrote:Counterpunch rules because he shares 2 of my biggest passions...TF/toy collecting and STREET FIGHTER!!! Awesome...anyways frickin sick collection man and displayed beautifuly, must be a blast dusting etc haha. Hopefully someday we shall meet in a duel to the death...via SF4 online of course! :twisted:

I await your challenge warrior.

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Re: Member Spotlight - Counterpunch Takes The Seat

Postby SoundStang » Wed Oct 01, 2008 7:57 am

That was a great read... I am glad to be one of the few to have seen his collection in person... It is quite impressive....
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Re: Member Spotlight - Counterpunch Takes The Seat

Postby Nickolai » Wed Oct 01, 2008 8:01 am

Weapon: Battle Blades
Counterpunch wrote:
Nickolai wrote:BTW, I see the Photobucket collection belongs to 'Daidoji Kage'. L5Red much?

I am OLD school L5R.

I fought to rescue Hoturi. I had a full play set of Crimson and Jade. I was there for the battle of the Second Day of Thunder.

I have a Kachiko promo card from the debut GenCon signed by Matt Wilson...

Alas, when we were burglarized last year, my L5R card collection was massacred. They stole the box with my complete character card set and my action card box. :|

Oh man, exactly the same as me L5R-wise AND a 2d fighter fanatic? Seriously, almost all I did during 2001-2002 was play CvS2. It took me a year and a half to get shoshosho and paint perfect. :sad:

I meant, L5R should have died a decade ago. They're not just beating a dead horse anymore, that thing is downright skeletal already. I was WAY into it 1996-1998. I loved the supercrazy broken stuff like Lion killing 2 provinces before you could take your turn, that OVERPOWERED (understatement) ho-bag Osugi, the fact that Crab were super popular but basically godawful, allowing for many tourney wins. :grin: I spent all my allowance and lots of holiday money on that game up until ToV.

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Re: Member Spotlight - Counterpunch Takes The Seat

Postby Counterpunch » Wed Oct 01, 2008 8:13 am

Motto: "Everything I do is divinely sanctioned."
Weapon: Jawbreaker Cannon
Not like I'm shy, but here are the obligatory 'in person' pics:



Nickolai wrote:Oh man, exactly the same as me L5R-wise AND a 2d fighter fanatic? Seriously, almost all I did during 2001-2002 was play CvS2. It took me a year and a half to get shoshosho and paint perfect. :sad:

I meant, L5R should have died a decade ago. They're not just beating a dead horse anymore, that thing is downright skeletal already. I was WAY into it 1996-1998. I loved the supercrazy broken stuff like Lion killing 2 provinces before you could take your turn, that OVERPOWERED (understatement) ho-bag Osugi, the fact that Crab were super popular but basically godawful, allowing for many tourney wins. :grin: I spent all my allowance and lots of holiday money on that game up until ToV.

I've always been an A3 person and for a time I was formidable at 3S. I've backed off those two a lot and settled down with ST. ST is all about fundamentals and I don't have time to practice genai jinn or VCs anymore...

I and a few others around me are some of the best KOF MIRA players in the country. :oops: We promote the hell out of that game.

Interestingly enough on the L5R thing...the one tournement I won I had planned to play an LSD deck. Last minute I shifted to Crab Oni and went undefeated.

The Crane is my clan though. I could just not ever play the style that would let them win at tournements. As the results counted to story, I just didn't want to whore them out to the honor arches. I wanted more Iron Crane stuff...(so I lost :) )

Osugi rules. Making her Unique was a bitch move. :grin:
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Re: Member Spotlight - Counterpunch Takes The Seat

Postby Nickolai » Wed Oct 01, 2008 8:34 am

Weapon: Battle Blades
Ah KoF. I miss it. I was pretty damn good at 95, 98, 01 and 03. Those are all we basically got here. I have no idea where the franchise went after 04.

98 was my specialty though. I liked start-Terry, start-Yashiro and the most imba character of all time (seriously, don't bring him back ever if you can't really fix him) Goro. Goro was hands down just... defies description. I've killed more entire teams with just Goro than I spent tokens total on 98.

Downforward C - obscene.
D, downforward C, superthrow - disgusting
Downforward C, roll, downforward C, roll, Earth shake - yuck
Just standing there and poking with B and D - horrible

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Re: Member Spotlight - Counterpunch Takes The Seat

Postby olokin » Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:08 am

This was a great interview. Nice pics too. Will there be more of this member spotlight?
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Re: Member Spotlight - Counterpunch Takes The Seat

Postby Counterpunch » Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:38 am

Motto: "Everything I do is divinely sanctioned."
Weapon: Jawbreaker Cannon
olokin wrote:This was a great interview. Nice pics too. Will there be more of this member spotlight?

That's the plan.

Serious inquiries only.
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Re: Member Spotlight - Counterpunch Takes The Seat

Postby Dead Metal » Wed Oct 01, 2008 10:25 am

Motto: "Don't do drugs, beer's cheaper anyway!"
So he started collecting around the same time as me.
Nice interview, will CP be making more of these now?

Jeep! wrote:Why do I imagine Dead Metal sounding exactly like Arnie?

Blurrz wrote:10/10

Leave it to Dead Metal to have the word 'Pronz' in his signature.
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Re: Member Spotlight - Counterpunch Takes The Seat

Postby 1337W422102 » Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:02 am

Motto: "I come from the Net."
Weapon: Double-Barreled, Armor-Piercing Particle Beam Cann...
Transformers AND Street Fighter? Epic win. Why aren't more chicks throwing themselves at you??
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Re: Member Spotlight - Counterpunch Takes The Seat

Postby OPTIMUS MAGNUS » Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:08 am

Great read and nice collection CP. Love those "in person" pics lol. sweet set up you got there. :APPLAUSE:
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Re: Member Spotlight - Counterpunch Takes The Seat

Postby kirbenvost » Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:16 am

Motto: "Deal with it."
Weapon: Sniper Rifle
Awesome interview. Cool to hear about the man himself! You always have such rational and well thought out points of view, Counterpunch. I admire that. And the crazy devotion to minicons. To me they're just an afterthought, an accessory to a larger figure, but you really appreciate them. That's so cool.

Unfortunately I can't view said Collection Of Legend, whatever hosting site they're on seems to be blocked at my workplace. I shall see it later!
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Re: Member Spotlight - Counterpunch Takes The Seat

Postby Savage » Wed Oct 01, 2008 2:38 pm

Weapon: Diffraction Sword
Great interview, great collection pics.
And as for what you said about BotCon09, I'm sure it's gonna rock harder than even 07. See ya there!
WANTED: Botcon 2007 Dreadwind | BotCon 2014 Scorponok & Devcon
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Re: Member Spotlight - Counterpunch Takes The Seat

Postby Burn » Wed Oct 01, 2008 2:43 pm

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings to randomly click things in the Admin Panel to see what it breaks."
Counterpunch wrote:
olokin wrote:This was a great interview. Nice pics too. Will there be more of this member spotlight?

That's the plan.

Serious inquiries only.

ahem ... forgetting something? ;;)
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Re: Member Spotlight - Counterpunch Takes The Seat

Postby Counterpunch » Wed Oct 01, 2008 2:59 pm

Motto: "Everything I do is divinely sanctioned."
Weapon: Jawbreaker Cannon
Burn wrote:
Counterpunch wrote:
olokin wrote:This was a great interview. Nice pics too. Will there be more of this member spotlight?

That's the plan.

Serious inquiries only.

ahem ... forgetting something? ;;)

Actually no.

You're next up.
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Re: Member Spotlight - Counterpunch Takes The Seat

Postby Delicon » Wed Oct 01, 2008 4:40 pm

Motto: " Other sites lack the meat!"
Weapon: Battle Blades
I too have had the pleasure of seeing this collection in person.

I also replaced about half of it with knock-offs while he was in the other room playing video games.

Interesting insights as always, CP.
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Re: Member Spotlight - Counterpunch Takes The Seat

Postby Malikon » Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:57 pm

Cool interview, and your collection is impressive as hell.
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Re: Member Spotlight - Counterpunch Takes The Seat

Postby kirbenvost » Wed Oct 01, 2008 8:11 pm

Motto: "Deal with it."
Weapon: Sniper Rifle
Holy epic collection, Batman! :shock:
Old collection pics
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Re: Member Spotlight - Counterpunch Takes The Seat

Postby -Soundwave- » Wed Oct 01, 2008 10:37 pm

Motto: ""Cries and screams are music to my Audios.""
Weapon: Shoulder Mounted Rocket Launcher
Heh, cool interview, and whoa nice shelf.
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