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Nova Cronum II

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Nova Cronum II

Postby Cryhavok » Sat Dec 22, 2007 12:24 pm

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
Shuttle Dauntless

Slag chuckled one more time and turned back to the consoles. He looked forward to many more incidents like this. Incidents were fun.
Looking at the console didn't really help distract Slag though, as he knew precious little of what any of the buttons did. He figured the green circle was the radar screen and the moving picture with the squiggly lines was a map of what was below him, but it was beyond him what the Secondary Photon Detector or the Engine Emergency Reinitialiser. He decided to leave all the controls to Swoop, and looked out at the rain.

Rain on Cybertron has different than it had been on Earth. On Cybertron, it was mostly formed from factory output, various byproducts of energon and weapon production. It tended to be quite oily and mildly acidic: Sometimes the Decepticons deliberately seeded the clouds with more chemicals to create a paralysing electrolytic acid which could fell lesser Autobots and even damage the Dinobots. Slag didn't know the scientific details, he'd just gotten used to the idea of getting out of the rain if it tingled. It had take Jetfire some explaining that the rain of Earth was composed of a harmless combination of hydrogen and oxygen: Not that Slag wouldn't have punched those caves into that cliff anyway.

All this thinking about rain and science returned Slag's mood to its normal state of Foul. "Hey, can't you Swoop make shuttle go faster? Us Dynobots got important business to get to, bad enough we waste time getting Old Rusty."

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by Longshot on Sun Dec 09, 2007 8:36 pm

Autobase Nu - Command Center

Some orns, it seemed like Primus himself was working behind the scenes to overload Prowl's formidable processing capacity. And if this weren't one of them, then it was certainly as close as the military analyst wanted to come.

Kup's unit, based on Topspin's hasty communication, appeared to have come under attack. That hadn't exactly been unexpected. What was surprising was that the assault appeared to be taking place within the borders of Nova Cronum itself. A bold move by the Decepticon in question, but not a particularly astute one--at least, not on the surface of it. Being one to err on the side of caution, Prowl had to believe for the moment at least that no mechanoid would display such confidence in his ability to undertake such a reckless incursion without good reason.

Processing the various requests coming in from other Autobots throughout the base, Prowl soon formulated the first phase of his response to this latest surprise move by the Decepticons.

"Springer, you're cleared to reinforce Kup's team. Take Wheelbar with you as backup. No heroics; I expect you both back here in one piece when this situation is resolved. We don't want a fresh pile of bodies waiting for Minerva once she finally recharges, do we?" Prowl shot the Triplechanger a small, humorless smile before activating the communications array.

>>Silverbolt, you and the Aerialbots will resume air patrols along the border with Polyhex. But stay clear of the combat zone for now; that airspace is about to become extremely inhospitable for anything travelling above ground level.<<

With that, Prowl activated the defense grid for the sector of the Maximus Line closest to the beleaguered Autobots. Automated long-range anti-aircraft weapons came online, disgorging a hail of high-explosive plasma rounds into the air through which the Decepticon Prototype was soaring.Longshot

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by sumowrestler on Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:25 am

Autobase Nu-Main Hangar Bay

"Understood, Prowl. We will be on patrol until assistance is needed else where."

Silverbolt then looked at his fellow Aerialbots. They had their orders even though he knows that there will be a couple of Aerialbots who would be disappointed in not the fight. After the major incursion that they had, Silverbolt will be quite happy with a fairly simple patrol.

"Alright Aerialbots, it is time to transform and fly out of here. We have a patrol along Polyhex to do."

Silverbolt walks towards the main doors and pushes the button to open them up. Once they are open, he transforms and flies out of there.sumowrestler

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by *Silverblade on Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:26 am

Command center

Springer would have rolled his optics at Prowl if he could. He was such a stiff, Springer wondered if the Mech even knew how to act around a fembot. Minerva was her own Femme and would be proficient whether there were injured bots or not. But he did have to agree, the medic did not need to collapse again and they did not need any more injuries.

“See you in a few Prowl, Keep up the good work.”

He really didn’t need to say that last bit but….. the mech was so work addicted Springer couldn’t resist. He wondered if prowl even knew the meaning of fun. ~ Poor guy, when we have some down time I definitely need to take him somewhere fun. ~ Springer made his way out into the hall and opened a channel to Wheelbar.

>> Wheelbar, Springer here. Meet me at the entrance ramp by Hanger 2. You’re coming with me we need to give backup to Kup an Topspin. I’ll fill you in en-route.<<

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by BlackDiamond on Mon Dec 10, 2007 5:33 am

Maximus Line: Crash Site

Devcon was firing at the ‘Con (Sixshot) when it suddenly dropped out of the air onto the ground.

Forced to make a split astrosecond decision, Devcon launched himself over the rubble he had taken cover behind and charged towards the Decepticon. Raising his arm as he charged towards his opponent, the blue mech fired his plasma blaster.

He didn’t bother to do much more then preliminary aiming, as he was more interested in nailing the ‘Con while it was preoccupied with Topspin and Nova, then he was in killing it. Hopefully he had reacted in time and would be able to strike it with his plasma discharge and knock its attacks towards the other two off target.BlackDiamond

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by Alpha Strike on Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:35 pm

Maximus Line: Crash Site

"You have got to be kidding me." Nova's optical scanners refocused and realligned as he watched as the target managed to dodge a direct lock of his cannon, and fly through an entire field of fire that not even Starscream could have gotten through with out at least a few dings in his armor. To add to the problem, the target came to a complete stop on the ground and took on a second alternative form. A dual barrelled battle tank was soon sitting where the landed Starfighter once sat.

Nova watched as the main turrets turned on the axis. The concussive blasts of the first volley fired towards Topspin caused his own cover to shudder and rattle. The explosions that soon followed dislodged the piece of junk from its molten mores. Soon after Nova Strike finds himself looking down the barrels of the decepticon's guns. Not giving any time, he slapped his right blaster to a magnetic strip on his hip. He manages to sprint back the way opposite the incoming shells.

Explosions sent his previous hiding cover into shrapnel and his previous spot a molten pool of liquid slag. The concussion waves sent Nova Strike into a short flight and a face plant into a mound of metal shavings. "A triple changer?" He swore as he pushed himself out of the mound of scrap.

Nova's right palm found itself wrapped around the small cylindrical casing of a flash bang smoke grenade. "Well buddy, I don't know or care who ya are, but seeing as ya wanna fight big guns to big gun... I'm all for it." The blue warrior entered into a swift sprint and flipped over into spin retracting his arms and legs as he reformed into a high speed vehicle. As he landed the massive turret that formed up on his shoulder, typically, now combined with the rest of his blasters emerged from the dome of his vehicle mode roof. Hitting high speeds, Nova Strike banks around various craters, shells and debris. He fires his powerful cannons over and over directly towards Sixshot.Alpha Strike
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Re: Cybertron - Nova Cronum
by Light Blade on Wed Dec 12, 2007 9:16 pm

Crash site

Topspin desperately dived to one side as Sixshot fired at him, the shells missed, just. The force of the explosion blasted Topspin forward. Topspin stayed down, pretending to be stunned. As he heard Sixshot’s shells fire away from him, Topspin transformed and unleashed a barrage of fire from what was now Sixshot’s rear. Laser cannons fired at the turret, whilst Topspins high voltage electric cannons blasted the hull of the tank. Topspin had chosen his position well, confidant that he would have time to transform and escape if the con turned his attention back to Topspin.

Autobase Nu - Medbay

‘No problem Brewer.’
It required little effort on Broadside’s part to pick up the dainty femme and carry her to a CR chamber. Gently placing her inside and closing the door, Broadside switched the machine on. Then, silently wishing Minerva a speedy recovery he turned back to the rest of the mechs in the med bay.

((OOC: Hmm... interesting new setup here.))

Autobase Nu - Medical Facilities

"You're doing fine," Brewer watched Broadside take the female medic to the CR chambers, aiming his comment to Forte, "Once the area is cleared of patients, you and Broadside can go off and find new assignments - if you want." He finally looked at her and flashed a smile. Then, turning to around, he walked off to find Archangel and to get a quick refuel before going into the rather huge patient to come.

Forte only nodded and kept watch. There were about three more bots who only suffered minor injuries, but still needed to be looked at. She wasn't sure, but the CR chamber probably counted, too, which held quite a few more Transformers. She remaiend at her post until Broadside returned so she could tell him Brewer's suggestion.

Last the green mech could remember, Archangel had gone into the CR chamber room, which would be fine with him - the refuel tanks were located nearby, anyway. He took a seat at one of the tanks and hooked himself up. All the while doing, this planning out his next move to get ready, and checking his systems for any problems. He had never really taken on such a huge roll as to repair Omega Supreme. Mostly, he had just stabalized and took care of extremely minor problems. Brewer was growing nervous, but he had to get himself calmed down. Such instability would only cause trouble in the repair room, and he didn't want to make a mistake on such an important Transformer. Inhaling deeply, the Search and Rescue Specialist dimmed his optics and cleared his processors to a slow and steady pace. Once he was done refueling, he would go find Archangel, who he hoped would be well rested and ready.DeathCaller

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Re: Cybertron - Nova Cronum
by Davekma on Thu Dec 13, 2007 1:40 pm

Incoming Encrypted Message From Iacon

Prowl, this is Trailbreaker. Hope you're not to busy, but I've got some orders to pass on to you from Optimus. He requests the services of 6 Autobots currently under your command, namely Broadside and The Aerialbots, for an upcoming mission. Time is pretty short, so could you please inform them to make their way here as quickly as possible for a full briefing, Trailbreaker out

Autobase Nu ~ Medbay

While all the drama with Minerva was unfolding, Archangel had quietly finished up the work on Orpheus, cajoled the huge, but quite simple 'Bot into getting into a CR chamber, and also booked himself in for a stint as well, albeit a rather short one "Well, she can't accuse me of ignoring her orders now" The Medic said to himself with a smile as the chamber door closed.

After a (very) small amount of time, the chamber door opened once more, and Archangel stepped out feeling...adequately recharged. Hearing voices, he looked around to see Brewer handing out orders to Broadside, before taking a seat and getting a recharge himself, looking as though he was trying to get his head together. Checking on Orpheus quickly, Archangel began walking over towards the green 'Bot "Chip for your thoughts Brewer?"

Shuttle Dauntless

"Oh, I've been better.." Inferno began in reply to Smokescreen "..I had to lug an unconscious Roadbuster all the way to Iacon from Tagan, while trying to avoid getting my aft blown to pieces by the new 'Con drones. Other than that, I'm not too bad" The S&R Specialist smiled, he had to joke about it to some extent, if he didn't, he'd probably go mad.

"Anyway, enough about me, where have you been hiding?.." Inferno inquired of Smokescreen as the shuttle hit the turbulence "..I haven't seen you in Orns. I hope you've been working on something good, I'm spoiling for some payback" Inferno continued, grinning in anticipation.

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Re: Cybertron - Nova Cronum
by Tenkyoen [AKA: WheelBar!] on Sat Dec 15, 2007 2:02 pm

Autobase Nu~Med Bay

WheelBar's head tipped up when the comm link-sent command came in. He turned to Sub-Zero and the others.
"Looks like we'll have to cut this visit short." He smiled and waved as he took off for the entrance ramp Springer had instructed.

WheelBar re-opened his comm link to respond.
<<Understood Springer, I'm on my way.>>Tenkyoen [AKA: WheelBar!]

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Re: Cybertron - Nova Cronum
by DeathCaller on Sat Dec 15, 2007 5:59 pm

Autobase Nu - Medical Facilities

He didn't hear the footsteps of Archangel approach him, and Brewer took a few nanoseconds to react to the Medic's request. Looking up and reactivating his optics, the green mech replied, "Minerva wants you and I to take care of Omega Supreme while she's out. I'm just worried to make a mistake." He straightened himself out, satisfied with what amount of refueling he had, and unhooked himself, "Feeling better?"DeathCaller

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Re: Nova Cronum
by The J Writer on Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:39 am

Maximus Line - Crash Site

Great, not only is he big...and packing enough guns to stock an arsenal...and a Triplechanger... Kup frowned as he watched Sixshot land, transform into tank mode, and begin firing on the others, ...the slagger has the audactity not to go down when I tag his overgrown tailplate!

The one positive was that the Decepticon was not yet firing on the old-timer. Either he thinks I'm not as much of a threat as the others, or he's saving the best for last. I think I'll believe the first one, for my own sake, if not my ego. Standing up from his prone aiming position, Kup emerged from cover and ran to another piece of rubble, this one nearer to Sixshot's own postion.

Using the prinicples of battlefield tactics...and drawing on my vast knowledge of Transformer design and anatomy...I'm willing to bet my last energon chip that this big, ugly slab of Decepticrap has armor plenty thick to keep my fire out of his innards. Best bet's to try and slow him down, maybe keep him from transforming into his faster flying mode again. He drew a bead on the Decepticon, taking aim at the tank's treads. Acid laser should eat those treads, even if it doesn't get through the skirt armor. He began firing at the treads, with carefully measured bursts.

Opening a comm channel, he knew it was time to get the other Autobots in the fight onto the same page. Random firing and acrobatic antics rarely won a battle.

>>"Let's slow this big slagger down and keep him on the deck," he told them. "Target his treads and engine, if you see one that looks like you might be able to damage it." He was about to end the transmission, but decided he'd best add one more bit of instruction.

"And aim, slaggit."<<
"I paint my daemons as scars of blood in a barren landscape where all is lost."

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