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Nova Cronum

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Re: Nova Cronum

Postby Tasbirk » Tue Apr 29, 2008 2:26 pm

((OOC: We seem to be down a player here. For the duration of this scene, I will be controlling Deathscreamer.))

Tygus Span- Nova Terminus

Salvo after salvo pounded the battered pylon. At last the massive structure gave way with a colossal screech of tearing metal. The surface of the Tygus Span began to twist and buckle, as one side of the Nova Terminus lost its last vestige of support.

True to her word, Rapture opened a channel to order the attack on the third column. However, before she could transmit a single word, Ghost broke in, reporting enemy contact. The canny femme's satisfaction did not diminish with this news. Contact with the enemy was, after all, an inevitability she had planned for.

>>"Acknowledged,"<< she replied to Ghost before addressing the rest of the Task Force.

>>"Seekers! Well done. Ghost has just reported 'Bots inbound. Dirge, Ramjet, and Thrust- Attack run three authorized. Proceed to target zone. Dunehopper and Deathscreamer- break and attack."<<

Rapture broke formation, her vectored thrust capabilities in full display as she banked at an incredibly sharp angle. The midnight femme activated her afterburners, sprinting to aid her transparent subordinate.
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Re: Nova Cronum

Postby The J Writer » Sun May 04, 2008 11:44 pm

Near the Tygus Span


It was finally the moment that Dunehopper had been waiting for. It was was time to brawl with some Autobots. After all the bombing runs and boring flying around in a holding pattern over the target area, the good guys had finally gotten off their cans and arrived to do something. The golden Seeker cut altitude and dove down toward the incoming Autobots. As he neared ground level, he transformed into robot mode, skimming along a few dozen meters above the surface as he approached from the rear.

"Hey, Auto-punk!" he called to Drillbit. "Eat rockets!"

The multi-barreled missile launchers on Dunehopper's arms in place of the usual Seeker lasers spat projectiles at the mining tank. I hope this guy can take more than one barrage! I'm looking for a good fight, not an easy cheap-shot kill!
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Re: Nova Cronum

Postby Nassuman!! » Mon May 05, 2008 10:41 am

Near the Tygus Span

It seemed that Drillbit was the target of the first attack. That was fine by him, he could take a hit. But taking a hit wasn't on his agenda right now.

He transformed,sending himself in midair and firing his lasers towards Dunehopper. Gravity kicked in and sent him down towards the ground. He transformed again before the hit the ground and dug a hole into the ground avoiding the missiles from his attacker.

Aerial units, slag. Not what we're good at is it? said that voice in the back of his head once again.

<<If you guys haven't noticed I'm in deep slag right about now!>>
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Re: Nova Cronum

Postby Daze » Mon May 05, 2008 4:43 pm

((OOC...I will be taking the place of Deathscreamer, any questions please ask Tasbirk))

Near the Tygus Span

Daze had been waiting to here that transmission come though for some time now, his cervos quivered with excitement. He was getting rather bored flying around waiting on the towers to come down, he would help but his weapons wouldn,t even have made a dent. But now it's combat time, an he'd been waiting to give an autobot a good lashing.

"Daze reporting, I'm on my way."

Moments later he arrived on the scene.

"This is Daze, enemy spotted, comencinng attack run."

The first autobot daze came upon was Springer with his little wolf friend riding along. He began to open fire at the two unsuspecting autobots. He yelled out "Do I have your attention yet." as he dove toward the ground hitting bot mode before he touched down in front of the two autobots and began frantically lashing out at them with his energon whip, just a tad to excidedly.

((OOC....This is my first actual post let me know if theres anything I should do differently with the next one.))
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Re: Nova Cronum

Postby *Silverblade » Thu May 08, 2008 7:26 pm

Near Tygus Span

Ghost's almost invisible form held steady as he received the transmission from Rapture. Speaking to the spirit flying beside him Ghost calculated the projection before letting loose his firepower.

“Hope you can keep up sir”

Ghost began to strafe Springer's team with his elite form of stealth not one of them would be able to pick up his signature and they would need to strain their optics just to get a visual on him. The ground around the autobots light bright with laser fire as ghost passed over them.


Springer swerved to avoid the rain of laser fire brought from some invisible source. His momentum threw Sub-Zero against his armored plating. Before he could speak Dunehopper opened fire on Drillbit forcing the bot to take cover.

“Hold on Drillbit we're coming.”

Springer pulled up short as another seeker blocked his way. The dark colored psycho was lashing a whip at the wrecker commander.

Zero[/] go help Bit[/b], I'll take care of this one.”

Sub-Zero leaped from Springer and bounded over to where Drillbit was. Sliding to a halt the Wolf-bot opened fire on Dunehopper. All the while keeping an eye out for the invisible attacker from earlier.

Suddenly his ears pricked at the sound of approaching engines. The odds were not good. Soon his team would be out numbered.

Springer transformed and took aim at Daze,

“Yeah, Kid ya got my attention, but it's the negative kind.”

The triplechanger opened fire on Daze.
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Re: Nova Cronum

Postby Daze » Wed May 14, 2008 3:50 pm

Near Tygus Span

Now being fired at Daze began to sprint around Springer who was now firing at him, still flicking his whip about like a mad man thrashing around, it was doing just what he wanted though, kicking up what ever matter of dust and debree on the ground to mess up the autobots accuracy atleast thats what he was thinking it would do. Daze yelled to Springer as he circled him attempting to taunt the autobot into continuing his barrage

"Comon autobot I'm right here can't you hit me! Perhaps your optics need to be adjusted."

He tried to maintain his cocky attitude as Springers shots barely missed and having one graze his wing,and the whole time hopeing the bot wouldn't notice the emp charges he was dropping as he ran makeing thier duel area as small as possible, his idea was to keep Springer from getting to much distance so he can get up close an personal and limit firing range.
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Re: Nova Cronum

Postby The J Writer » Thu May 15, 2008 8:58 am

Near the Tygus Span


Dunehopper cursed as Drillbit's laser fire lashed his well-armored Seeker frame. In the excitement of actually having Autobots to destroy he had largely forgotten evasive maneuvers. Sub-Zero's fire caught him as well, peppering his underside with scorch marks. To buy himself a moment of respite, he transformed back into jet mode and climbed out of the Autobots' range. Gathering himself, he decided his next move.

Time to close the distance again and have some real fun! Dunehopper ignited his afterburners and swooped down at a steep angle, using his superior low-altitude flying skills to make the difficult maneuver look easy. A few dozen meters above the ground, he transformed back into robot mode and landed directly behind Drillbit, positioning himself so that the drill-tank Autobot was between him and Sub-Zero.

"Eat it, eat it, eat it!" he bellowed, firing more rockets at Drillbit.

OOC - Color me confused, then. How is he underground and firing at the 'Cons? Shoot me a PM to clarify and I'll edit this post as needed. ~J
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Re: Nova Cronum

Postby Nassuman!! » Thu May 15, 2008 11:07 am

((OOC: Bit's underground J Writer and I doubt dunehopper could position himself in a way to actually be able to aim at him.))
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Re: Nova Cronum

Postby BlackDiamond » Sat May 17, 2008 9:01 pm

Motto: "Anything worth fighting for, is worth fighting dirty for."
Weapon: Rapid-Fire, Electrostatic Pulse Rifle
Autobase Nu:

As Devcon waited with the infinite patience he was known for, a live message from Optimus Prime came over the Autobot comm. systems.

>>All Autobots not assigned to Permanent Garrison Units or Autobase Nu, proceed immediately to the following coordinates with all possible speed," he ordered, uploading the last known coordinates of Grimlock's ship. This is a Level III Mobilization. I repeat: this is a Level III Mobilization. Prime out."<<

All Autobots? That will be one heck of a battle, Devcon readjusted his gaze so that his optics were studying the direction of the coordinates.

I wonder if I should go? There will be a lot of ‘Cons there to take care of and doubtless even a few that I have been specifically searching for the past couple of vorns. If I go though… I will have to work with a ton of other ‘Bots. If I don’t go however, other Autobots might get offlined because there wasn’t another mech there to lend a helping plasma cannon to the fight.

Letting air escape from his intakes in a slight sigh, Devcon knew that he would have to go help. Regardless of his reservations about non-solo endeavors, he was still an Autobot and couldn’t just abandon the others in what was more then likely going to be a massive fight. Plus to ignore the message would also be to ignore Optimus Prime and that would be flat out disrespectful to do to the Autobot leader.

His decision made, Devcon leapt into the air and transformed into his space cruiser mode and took off for the Heights.
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Re: Nova Cronum

Postby Tasbirk » Tue May 20, 2008 1:19 pm

Tygus Span- Nova Terminus

The third pylon was starting to crack under the combined fire of the 'Coneheads'. However, this positive development was not the focus of the mission's CO. She had other things on her mind presently.

Rapture transformed as she got a visual on the Autobot officer. It was him. Springer. The mech that had killed Gallows. Slowing to a mere 200 miles per hour, the midnight femme shook with fury as she fought to maintain some semblance of control.

He's right there, she seethed internally. All I have to do is reach my hand out, and crush him. Avenge my dear Choker. Suddenly, something clicked with her mind. A cold, ruthless realization that froze her processors. But killing him means nothing, does it? He's an enemy. I'm -expected- to kill him. And he didn't just kill Choker. He made him watch his troops get slagged right under his watch. He made him fail as a leader.

The former Cassetticon's ruby optics scanned the battlefield. They fell upon another familiar foe. His name was Zero, she believed. An old rival of her twin, Ravage.
A jagged smile curled her lips. What better way to avenge Gallows than to repay Springer in kind?

The prototype interceptor locked onto the tiny lupine Autobot. unleashing a full barrage of Swarm micro-missiles.
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Re: Nova Cronum

Postby *Silverblade » Thu May 29, 2008 5:50 pm

Tygus Span – Nova Terminus

Springer felt like he was shooting at some crazed type of predicon only in seeker form. With Daze distracting him her did not see Rapture's assault on his small team mate. Daze's taunts fell upon seasoned audio receptors. Springer had heard it all before and just kept his fire steady. The triplechanger did not see the EMP charges left by the crazed seeker. And as Daze had hoped Springer had become surrounded. As the dust cleared the Wrecker leader's optics flash as he recognized the dark midnight blue femme con before him. She was the same as the sculpture he had taken from the con commander he had killed so long ago. His vocalizer caught as he watched ..........

Zero continued firing at Dunehopper but pulled up short as the seeker landed putting Drillbit between them.

“Darn, you sneaky winged creep.”

The wolf-bot transformed into his robot mode pulling out his laser pistols. But sadly he had not noticed he had come under fire from Rapture. His blue optics flashed as he became aware of her swarm missiles. Zero dove to the ground avoiding most of the nasty things but......

There were too many, he received three hits blowing his armor open exposing his inner circuitry. Sub-Zero lay on the ground stunned. His receptors flashing on and off as he struggled to put all his systems back on line. Feebly he lay looking up into the sky and his optics fell upon a female seeker.
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Re: Nova Cronum

Postby Nassuman!! » Thu May 29, 2008 6:11 pm

Tygus Span- Nova Terminus

Pinned down, Drillbit and Zero were stuck between a bot and a hard place.

He watched as Zero was shot down and at the mercy of the femme seeker. He couldn't let a comrade go like that, even one he didn't know too well. He found himself within himself again, having conversations with himself.

Alright hotshot, whatcha gonnna do now?

I'm gonna go all out I guess.

Wouldn't have it any other way.

He charged for Rapture, no more plans, no more running, just combat. He made a leap into the air and fire a high power plasma shot at the femme. After he made sure that would at least distract her, he followed up with a volley of high-speed concussion blasts.
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