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Transformers 2 (warning 16 pages worth of work)

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Transformers 2 (warning 16 pages worth of work)

Postby Wheelimus Prime » Sun Mar 01, 2009 1:11 am

Motto: "Seems Legit"
Weapon: Sonic Umbrella
i would like to thank everyone who was a part of this process (names i would love to provide, but where lost long ago when i started this sucker)

Wheelie’s house, 3 billion years before earth

(Alarm blaring)

"Oh man, oh man I'm going to be late”, shouts Wheelie. Hurries off to find Armour plating and puts it on wrong.

"Shoot, now i have to find my other Armour,” shouts a very angry Wheelie. He then transforms and speeds off towards Iacon haphazardly.
"Ok you know you were doing 456.234 miles above the speed limit!" shouts Towline.

"I know, I Know, I'm very late for something”, shouts Wheelie shooting off for Iacon.

IACON, AWC council room-

"Wheelie your late, council meeting just ended. We’ve voted you out of the council, go gather your things and leave imediately", said Joma.

"Look, I have an excuse. I was-----", started Wheelie

"Wheelie save it and leave at once, we've been hearing your excuses long enough", interupted a very annoyed Evolution Prime. Wheelie storms off to locker room.

Mumbling, "I'll show them for voting me out of the AWC."

Wheelies house, deep in laboratory, 2:44 earth time

"They think they can kick my out of the AWC" Wheelie grumbles as he fixes past experiment," well I'll show them and give my new weapons to darkmount and the RDD leaders". He then transforms to plane mode and heads for Moon 2.


High above Cybertron, Moon 2

"Now where is Sturmcannon, he should be here by now”, whispers Wheelie.
Heavy footsteps

"Over here, make this quick as I could be crushing Korona right now"

"I've got these,” says Wheelie as he hands Sturmcannon the guns, “this one is very effective against heavy Autobot alloy"

"Good, good, just one question: Does it come in blue", Sturmcannon says making an evil smile.

"So its a deal then”, says Wheelie.

"Yes, its a deal”, says Sturmcannon,"for now”, he whispers to himself.

IACON, AWC meeting place

" Hey, do you guys think it was a good idea to ban Wheelie from the AWC, I mean we lost a great footstool,” said Rocker.

" Yeah I know what you mean,“ said Celenium

“ Hey you have to admit he was kind of lumpy,“ said Korona

“ Ok that’s enough you three and what ever happened to Evolution Prime?“ asked Joma.

“ He was here a moment ago,” suggested Searcher.

Wheelie's underground lab

"Mmm, mmmm, mmmm", muffles Evolution Prime.

"Stop that, no one can here with my transmitter proof walls", says Wheelie, " and think about it, you missing and me returning you will get me promoted to above AWC foot stool."

“You will never get away with this,” shouts Evolution Prime.

“ Look I have waited a long time for this and I’m going to get what’s coming to me, and you won’t even remember any of this.”
3 billion years would pass; the Autobots would find themselves losing an uphill battle. The Decepticons would later control most of Cybertron and every star system within light years of it, except for a small water-filled, rocky planet called: Earth…

Last Decepticon free planet, earth time 2008

“ And that was all the data our government would let us know,” said Quickmix.

“ So what ever happened to that wheelie guy,” asked Scattershot.

“ As far as we know Wheelie went after the Allspark like Megatron ”

Explosion rocks the school and soundwave, dirge, thundercracker, and ramjet come rushing in.

“ Where is Optimus Prime?” Hissed Ramjet

“ We honestly don’t know,” said Quickmix.

“ I say we rip them apart until they tell us, “ said thundercracker.

“ That won’t be necessary guys, “ said Starscream.

“ Starscream is that really you,” said soundwave.

“ Yes it is, and I need you guys for a mission,” said Starscream.

“ What do you want,” said Dirge.

“ Its Megatron, he was defeated in battle on this strange planet called Earth, the inhabitants were really ugly,” said Starscream.

“ Okay we will help you, “ said the group of Decepticons, “but what’s in it for us”

“ But only to help restore Megatron to his glory,” said Starscream almost sarcastically.

Earth, California, Two years after the city battle

S7 cars start driving up to Optimus Prime. Optimus transforms and greets the men coming out of the cars.

“ Hello there, Optimus, we have something you may want to see,” said an S7 officer.

“ Okay let me see it, “ said Optimus Prime.

“ Well the problem is, its in Antarctica”

“Okay let me send the coordinates to my team, “ said Optimus, “ Autobots report to this location.”

“ Are we good to go now?”

“ Yes, yes we are.”

Penn State University, 2009

“ Yo, Sam, want to study after class? “ asked Ben.

“ Naw, I’m going to see Makaila, “ answered Sam.

“ Okay, catch up with you later, I guess, “ said Ben.

“ Yeah sure.”

Later That Night.

“ Sam, you up? “ asked Bumblebee.

“ Just barely, what do you need? “ answered Sam.

“ Its Optimus, he says we have to go to Antarctica to see something from S7, “ said Bumblebee.

“ S7? I thought the president terminated that program, “ said Sam

“ Yeah I thought so, too, “ said Bumblebee.

“ Okay, well I’ll go get Makaila then, “ said Sam

Antarctica research facility

The Autobots walk into a chamber under the ice and Longarm starts talking to Sam.

“ Hello guys long time no see, “ said Optimus Prime.

“ Yeah it must have been two years, “ said Sam.

“ So what have you guys been up to this whole time? “ said Makaila.

“ Okay please fallow us into this room, “ said S7 officer Joe. Everyone starts staring in aw at the gigantic frozen robot on the platform ahead of them.

“ Okay what you all are about to see is bigger than anything you will probably see in your life, other than a building, “ said Chief Officer Simmons, “ oh and sorry about the bad weather, it has to be the worst storm yet.”

“ Whoa and I thought you all were big, “ said Sam.

“ What is that? “ Said Makaila.

“ Oh no, it can’t be him, “ said Ratchet.

“ Who is Him, “ said Simmons.

“ He would be Wheelie,” said Iron Hide

“ Who Is Wheelie, “ said Sam.

“ Wheelie would be the one who plunged us into our civil war, as the legend puts it, “ said Optimus Prime, “ long ago, before Earth ever existed, he kidnapped Evolution Prime, our AWC supreme commander. Unfortunately, he was never returned. And, until today, he hadn’t been seen since after he took over Cybertron.”

“ We must destroy him before he can cause anymore damage, “ said Ratchet.

Alarms blaring, “ cryocontainment failure, repeat: cryocontainment failure!” blared the computer alarm.

“ Oh no, this can’t be good, “ said Bumblebee. Ice starts to crack and fall off Wheelie. Wheelie start shaking off ice and trying to get his feet unstuck from the floor.

“ I…. Am…. Back…. and better than ever, “ shouts Wheelie.

“ Oh no, Autobots fall back, fall back, “ shouts Optimus.

“ Oh its payback time Autobots, “ shouts Wheelie as he activates his plasma cannon.

“ Humans move back, “ shouts Ironhide.

“ We must defeat Wheelie,” shouts Longarm.

“ I am no longer Wheelie, I…am Wheelimus Prime, “ shouts Wheelimus, “ Prepare to die, Autofools. “

“ Autobots and humans fall back, “ shouts Optimus.
Wheelimus flies after Optimus and pins him to the ground with his plasma canon pointed toward Sam and Makaila.

“ Where is the Allspark, Prime? “ shouts Wheelimus prime.

“ We don’t have it, it was destroyed at the city battle, “ struggles Optimus. Wheelimus growls and throws Optimus to the ground. He then transforms into super sonic jet and flies out of the chamber.

“ Out of my way insects,” says Wheelimus to himself, “ I must have a disguise and make my move. Any of my warriors out among the stars, come to me. “

“ Optimus what should we do? ” Said Longarm.

“ Lock the outer doors,” said Optimus.

“ What? That’s suicide, “ said Ratchet.

“ No its our only hope, we must keep him in the research facility, “ said Optimus.

“ Sir permission to lock the main doors? “ said S7 officer John Newbsky.

“ Lock the doors, now, “ said Simmons.

“ Lock all doors now, “ said John. Doors slowly close and Optimus prepares to battle Wheelimus.

“ Oh, who said anything about going through the doors, “ snarled Wheelimus, “ I am going to blast my way through the facility.”

Wheelimus prime rushes toward Optimus and throws him into the roof and escapes through the hole Optimus made.

Part 4: The Invasion Begins

High above Earth, International Space Station [ISS]

Soundwave crashes into the ISS and transforms into it.

" Now to just sit back and wait for the others," says Soundwave to himself.

Maywood, Arizona

Meteor streaks to earth and hits a nearby building. Dirge climbs out of smoldering pile of building.

“ What is with all this stuff in the middle of my landing path,” said Dirge.

Area 51, Nevada

Meteor streaks to an aircraft hangar in the base, and troops start swarming the area watching the meteor-shaped object.

“ What was that? “ asked one of the officers.

“I don’t know but--- ahhhh, “ screamed the other officer as he was being stepped on.

“ Die ugly meat bags! “ shouted Thundercracker as he destroys the base. He then walks over to an experimental scramjet and flies off.

Antarctic Ocean edge

“ Ratchet can you pinpoint the location at which Wheelimus flew off?” Asked Optimus Prime.

“ Give me five sec---done, he flew off in a northeastern direction, “ replied Ratchet.

“ Simmons, can we get a ride back to the US, “ asked Optimus.

“ Yes, its right over on the other side of the beach, “ answered an S7 officer.

“ Next time let me answer,” said Simmons.

Phoenix, Arizona

“ I have been waiting here for 45 minutes, what took you guys,” asked Starscream.

“ Well you can’t ex---,” started thundercracker.

“ Oh never mind---,” said Starscream.

“ Hey I’ve got a lock on the Autobots signal,” interrupted Soundwave.

“ Well where are they,” said Starscream.

“ It appears they are headed in a northeastern di---oh no,” stammered soundwave.

“ What, what is it,” asked Starscream.

“ It, it appears that wheelie had come through the same course, “ said Soundwave.

“ I don’t care we will destroy the Autobot scum whether or not wheelie is on this planet,” snarled Starscream.

Misercordia University, PA

Wheelimus Prime transforms and lands on the main entrance gate. Hundreds of students start running around as they get blasted to bits.

“ Uh, Dean Anderson, we have a problem,” says one of the teachers.

“ Well what’s the problem, “ says the dean as explosions and screams can be clearly heard.

“ A large robot-like thing is killing most of the stu--,” replies the teacher, frantically.

“---Hello, Pennsylvania State police, we have a pro--,” starts the dean on the phone, clearly ignoring the teacher. The entire office is blown up in a swift explosion.

Lehman High School, Lehman, PA

“ Wheelimus is headed this way, Prime,” says Ratchet.

“ Sam, Makaila, Bumblebee, evacuate this building,” says Optimus. Instantly as Optimus says this, the nearby elementary school parking lot is blasted in a fire explosion.

“ Autobots clear out,” shouts Iron hide. A 747 comes screaming into the giant field near the High School. It then swiftly transforms into the twisted heap of metal known as Wheelimus Prime.

“I though I was done with you---“ starts Wheelimus as a bomb its his back. Starscream, Dirge, and Thundercracker come screaming through the air blasting at both Wheelimus and the Autobots.

“Arghhrahh,” screams Wheelimus as he transforms back into a titan of a jet. He then starts unleashing missile upon missile on the Decepticons. Optimus fires a blast at Wheelimus’s chest as he lands from slaughtering the small band of Decepticons.

“ Ah,” Wheelimus screams as he begins turning from a black-yellow colour to an off-white colour. The dark mist that was once surrounding wheelimus starts to form into a burning black figure: The Fallen.

“I’m…I’m free,” screams wheelimus.

“not for long,” groans The Fallen. He then rushes toward wheelie, engulfing him in the misted that was once his body.

“no…no, not this time,” screams Wheelimus as he struggles to break free.

“ Your, mine, forever wheelie,” screams The Fallen.

“no, I’m through being your servant of evil,” screams wheelimus. He pulls his gun up to The Fallen’s chest and blasts full power at him.

“no, I will be back,” howls The Fallen as he begins to dissapate into the atmosphere. The Autobots gather around an exhausted wheelimus.

“So, you where really under The Fallen’s control?” asked Optimus Prime.
“ I’m afraid so,” replies wheelimus, catching his breath.

“ So, where do we go from here?” asks Sam.

“ The Fallen was not destroyed, I will go about hunting him down and making sure he goes offline,” answered Wheelie.

“I doubt that was the last of the Decepticons,” said Ratchet.

“ Yes, Your right, we will have to make sure the last of the decepticons go offline for good,” said Optimus.

The autobots said their farewells to each other and began their separate ways. Ratchet went back to the reformed Cybertron to become a medical Doctor of both Transformers and Humans. Iron Hide and Optimus went on skirmishing missions on earth and the Solar System to find that there were about 249 other decepticons in this system alone. Longarm went on to start his own towing company for the people of Earth. Wheelimus (now Wheelie, again) was never heard from again, probably lost his life taking on The Fallen.

Deep under the ocean floor, two pairs of red eyes come flickering on.


this was fun to write, most of it takes place in pennsylvania because it's my home state.
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Art for Signature and Avatar by Trishields.
neliz wrote:Wheelimus, you old bastard, let me help you with a new signature.
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