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Transformers: Alternators

Got a great pic of G1 Op or BW Megs? Whether it's 2-D or 3-D it's welcome as is any other form of art outside the custom figure world.

Postby TM MegatronX » Wed Oct 19, 2005 4:29 pm

Well I can't wait for you to post it! Please hurry and get it posted! I love this is one of the best that I have read and can't wait to see how it all pans out.
My Power is Infinite, Your Destruction is Assured!
TM MegatronX
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Postby johndillinga2003 » Tue Nov 01, 2005 5:06 pm

20 will be posted this week I had to revise somethings to fit better with the movie.
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Postby johndillinga2003 » Tue Dec 13, 2005 4:45 pm

Chapter 20

An Agravated Marissa Fareborne charged her way into Director Wenthworth's office slaming the door closeed behind her.
"How dare you!" she growled.
"Ahh Miss Fareborne despensing with the pleasn-".
"Save it, You over stepped your authority by authorizing a opperation against the Binal-tech labortories".
Wenthworth stood from his desk standing over her, "Your posistion has been compromised by your association with Witwicky and Chase. Your judgement has been clouded".
"My association with them is irelivent to the current situlation at hand, You have over steped your authority!" Marissa growled.
"Irelivent?. The Decepticons return to Earth telling me the Autobots failed on that aggreement they signed, The Decepticons steal technology from Chase's company that is proclaimed as energy efficient alternative to today's fuel needs. Chase and Witwicky purchase numorous vehicles under the statement of various cars needing diffrent construction methods" Wenthworth spoke as he came around his desk,
"Non with standing the stack of reports detailing opperations and theft fitting the Decepticons usual motive operandi, And regular vehicles showing up and the Decepticons taking off suddenly with the new vehicles following them?. That leads me to believe that not only have the Decepticons returned to pillage our planet, But the Autobots have also returned to wage war on the Decepticons with our planet lossing out in the end!".
Marissa grunted, "Where's your proof?, Show me concrete evidence that suports your claims-".
Wenthworth reached for a folder and passed it to Marissa, she opened the folder revealing Photo's of Transformers one photo clearly showig an aerial view of Sideswipe, Sunstreaker and Ravage during a fight in the desert.
Another showed the rebuilt Decepticon combiner Meansor stomping infront of security cams from the recent attack on a power plant.
Marissa dropped the folder down on the desk and crossed her arms across her chest.
"Effective emeditly you are suspended from your posistion indefinatly and all of your cleances removed, You have betrayed your fellow workers and your planet. Get out of my office and off the grounds of this complex" Wenthworth growled as two M.P.'s entered the office to escort her out.
"My father will hea-"
"Your father will do nothing, Remove her!" Wenthworth ordered as he returned to his desk.

Smokescreen and Sliverstreak pulled into their assigned spots, his rear scaners pin pointing the locations of the three Stunticons further back in the line up and relayed the data to Sunstreaker.
Engines of the various cars around him reved up as the human drivers prepaired to begin the race.


The signal tree at the front of the Line lit up staying in the red.
Almost time Smokescreen mused.
"You ready to get shown up?" Sliverstreak mocked.
"Im built for this your not" Smokescreen retorted laughing afterwards.

The lights began to blink from red to yellow as they decended down the tree the suronding cars reved their engines more and more as the Tree hit the Green.

"GO!" the anouncer shouted as the cars raced off,
Sliverstreak moved up the line trailing two cars behind Smokescreen as the approched the first of the obstacles in the first turn, the mounds of dirt that each of the cars leaped over and landing as they continued on down the track.
"I hope your Suspention can take this" Sliverstreak mocked as he closed the gap between Him and Smokescreen.
"It can, And a lot better then yours can" Smokescreen replied.

The three Decepticons began their move up the line knocking cars out of the way and into the barricades on the side.
The anouncer called the play by play action laughing at the roughness of the Decepticons involved.

"If we don't stop them the Humans are gonna get hurt!" Smokescreen growled as he shot forward.
"I know, but how with out risking being discovered?" Sliverstreak replied.
"We'll do the same thing they are doing but we do it to them!" Smokescreen growled as he and Sliverstreak moved up, "But with the anouncer giving the play by play they'll know our plan before we do it!".
"Not necessarily" Sliverstreak replied as he sent out a jaming signal which fried the announcer's audio system.
"Nice" Smokescreen replied.

They moved up getting in posistion behind the trio of Decepticons, Wildrider and Breakdown covered the rear as Dragstrip held the lead.

Smokescreen noticed that the cars further up in the lead began to slow down along the turn in the course, "What in Primus is going on?".
Five armored Military vehicles with the E.D.C. logo appeared up ahead causing the racers to swerve out of the way and crash into the track side barricades.
Dragstrip, Wildrider, and Breakdown slid to a hault and transformed to their robot modes, weapons aimed at the armored vehicles.
Smokescreen and Sliverstreak slid to a stop and started reversing to back away from the trio of Decepticons.

"Smokescreen we got a problem" Sunstreaker's voice reported.
"Yea I can see that!", Smokescreen replied as a voice shouted over a speaker.


"Huh, What!" Sliverstreak grunted in shock.
"Stand down!" Smokescreen ordered as armed humans surounded the two Autobots, Leaving the armored vehicles to cover the Decepticons.
"Were in trouble..." Sliverstreak grunted.
"Sunstreaker fall back to base"Smokescreen ordered.
"Too late they have me surounded as well" Sunstreaker replied, "but i managed to report this to base before the surounded me".
"Good. Now the only question is how did they discover our presence here?" Smokescreen asked, As his vehicle scaners looking over the armored humans around them.
"Were slaged!" Sliverstreak replied.
"Whatever you do dont transform and avoid harming the humans!" Smokescreen ordered.

< Start: Alert Mission Failure, Subjects: Sunstreaker, Smokescreen, and Sliverstreak have been identified by E.D.C. End transmission >

Prowl Stood up and slamed his balled fist into the control pannel leaving a indent behind.
"You see it as clearly as I do, Fareborne betrayed our presence to her superiors!"
Prowl growled as he looked at the split monitor image showing Spike.
"No. She is not the one responsible, Some one purposly left her out of the loop for a reason and my money is on that guy, Wenthworth" Spike shouted back, "You guys knew the risk of returning to Earth, Optimus knew it as well and decieded to send you back here. He knew Megatron would try for Earth again, But this time thanks to Starscream and Swindle's altering of the Cosmic Rust virus, Megatron had the addvantage over you all, If it wasn't for us you Autobots would be rusted piles of scrap. Hell I even decieded against my better judgement to help you out after Daniel was killed because of the Final battle between you and the Cons!".

"Enough" I shouted as i walked in to the chaos "We have enough problems with out bickering amongst ourselves, Spike seperate the tubs leading to the surface from Metroplex, If needed were gonna abandon him for the Volcano and hide out in the Ark. If there is someone else in charge of the E.D.C. at this time we need to be ready to evaculate Metroplex. Rodimus has led most of the others to the Ark and are waiting for the rest of us there" Sideswipe spoke aloud.
Spike nodded, "Good luck guys" and severed his link to the comm channel.

Jazz, Windcharger, and Tracks entered the control room, "Were all finished here" Jazz spoke.
Sideswipe nodded as he and Prowl began the final shut down sequence sending Metroplex into Statis.
"Let's go" Sideswipe ordered as the others moved out before him, He stopped and looked back as the hatch way they walked out closed behind him, He looked back at the inert form of Metroplex, "Hopefully we return soon my old friend" Sideswipe transformed and raced away heading for the Underground escape tunnel.

The massive deteriating form of Megatron layed still on the observation bed looking down at the two human alies and the human technical specialist sent by Berger personally.
"I want the trasfer to the new body done as quickly as possible" Megatron rasphed as electrical shorts showered through out his body, His internal systems shorting in the same manner.
"Im leaving Shockwave incharge untill I am restored".
Shockwave noddded Slightly in responce and looked towards Ravage standing near by, "All of your affairs will be attended to untill your return Megatron" Shockwave replied as he pressed a section of his side and looked down at the humans, "Let the process begin".
Ravage gave a feral grin as he pushed a button on the device he held, A deviece stolen from a Autobot capable of time travel. A questioning voice from behind him went ignored as a brilliant flash of light filled the room Ravage looked back at the inert form of Deadend behind him and then looked over at Shockwave as the frozen form of the three Stunticons began to materialize close by transported back to the Decepticon's base so their forms would remain safe in statis lock within the bubble of space time.

Shockwave moved off to attend to his task as Ravage headed towards his task a small Transwarp shuttle equiped with a simular deviece, he began a cold start and launched the shuttle skywards. Once he reached high orbit he set his course for Cybertron and launched the Shuttle into transwarp.

It is time to avenge the Decepticon's lost honor...
Last edited by johndillinga2003 on Sun Dec 18, 2005 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 210
Joined: Fri May 23, 2003 5:21 pm


Postby TM Engage » Thu Dec 15, 2005 7:46 am

Loving the storyline. I have been copying it out to a Word document and fixing the spelling and grammar mistakes. No offense meant, just a stickler for spelling. Keep it up!!

Oh, I didn't catch any mention of the Alt modes for IronHide and Brawn. Are you leaving them ambiguous in case they are released as toys? I think one of them should be the H3T shown below. I was even thinking that the H2 should be IronHide and Brawn the H3T. Your decision of course.
TM Engage
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Location: Israel

Re: FanFic

Postby johndillinga2003 » Sun Dec 18, 2005 7:33 pm

Engage wrote:JD,
Loving the storyline. I have been copying it out to a Word document and fixing the spelling and grammar mistakes. No offense meant, just a stickler for spelling. Keep it up!!

Oh, I didn't catch any mention of the Alt modes for IronHide and Brawn. Are you leaving them ambiguous in case they are released as toys? I think one of them should be the H3T shown below. I was even thinking that the H2 should be IronHide and Brawn the H3T. Your decision of course.

Acctually Motormaster Is based of the H3T, Ironhide was and still is based off the Upcoming Alt Prime design and Brawn I orginally intended as a jeep (hound) with a shorter leg but im rethinking him as a Scion XB (As orginialy Skids was also a jeep...Limited thinking at the time lol) But as more modes become known, For instance Rodimus is a Chevy Colbalt SS, (Based on a possible Alternator Rodimus rumor) and Dragstrip is pretty much Decepticharge, Wlidrider is his repaint as per the Wildrider/Blackwidow BT shown earlier this year and Breakdown is a convertable Mustang (Which I might end up making out of the Wheeljack mode) Bludgeon I orginally intended as the Mustang GT-R but he is now a Honda S-2000 (More Samurai looking in bot mode)

Also this is the end of the Series (For Now) the Next installment will be the first chapter of the Alternators: The Movie FanFic.
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Postby TM Engage » Mon Dec 19, 2005 8:16 am

Dude that sucks. You can't leave the storyline hangin like that. Where am I going to go for storyline for my Alts now?!

EDIT: I really should read till the end of a sentance. So you are going to make a FanFic "Movie" This going to be a "film" or just more text?
TM Engage
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Location: Israel

Re: Dude?!!!

Postby johndillinga2003 » Tue Dec 20, 2005 1:00 pm

Engage wrote:Dude that sucks. You can't leave the storyline hangin like that. Where am I going to go for storyline for my Alts now?!

EDIT: I really should read till the end of a sentance. So you are going to make a FanFic "Movie" This going to be a "film" or just more text?

It will be a written movie like a script sort of... A lot Darker Some Autobots from this series don't survive the temporal changes to the Universe set into motion by Shockwave and Ravage...nor do some Cons... during the first act A hero dies (again) and is replaced by another counter part but thats all your gonna get out of me :P
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Postby TM MegatronX » Fri Dec 30, 2005 6:13 am

As always great chapter and I can't wait to see it continued in the movie version.
My Power is Infinite, Your Destruction is Assured!
TM MegatronX
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Location: Atlanta, GA


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