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Transformers Generations Selects Series Discussion

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New Images and Video Review of Generations Selects Hubcap

Postby ZeroWolf » Fri Jun 19, 2020 7:54 am

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Greetings Seibertronians! The folks over at the Autobase Aichi Blog have posted several images of interest over on their twitter feed. These are new images of the forthcoming Generations Selects figure, Hubcap! We got a glimpse of Hubcap a few weeks ago but these images give us a much better look at him.







That's not all though, as these images were taken from a brand new video review of Hubcap! The reviewer was Jon Toys Reviews on YouTube and we've included the review for you below to check out.

Hubcap is a new redeco of Earthrise Cliffjumper sporting a new head.

Will this be your first chance at the Cliffjumper mold? Has Cliffjumper made such an impact on you that you want to track down Hubcap? Or are you just wanting a new representation of this old minibot? Let us know in the Energon Pub and stay tuned to Seibertron for all the latest news and reviews!
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Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

Postby Skritz » Fri Jun 19, 2020 8:41 am

Still a bit shocked this isn't Bumblebee...but Hubcap.
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Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

Postby Sentinel_Primal » Fri Jun 19, 2020 8:41 am

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Hubcap actually looks better than I expected him to. The initial leak made me think the yellows would be way too different, but it looks like they've done a better job than I thought
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Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

Postby TF-fan kev777 » Fri Jun 19, 2020 8:52 am

If find it interesting that they are using part of Brunt for the gun, I wonder if any other grey pieces of him will show up elsewhere.
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Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

Postby leokearon » Fri Jun 19, 2020 9:32 am

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Hubcap was my first TF and and new version would be cool. But I'll probably pass sinc eit is likely they will charge Deluxe Selects money for a scout class
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Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

Postby Decepticon Stryker » Fri Jun 19, 2020 9:52 am

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Something's throwing me off about Hubcap's head. It almost looks like it's 3d printed. Hopefully this means we'll be getting more minibots.
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Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

Postby william-james88 » Fri Jun 19, 2020 10:01 am

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Skritz wrote:Still a bit shocked this isn't Bumblebee...but Hubcap.

We've known all along that hasbro wasn't gonna use the same exact mold for both Bee and Cliff, they said that when Cliff was first revealed.
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Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

Postby kirbenvost » Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:29 pm

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I really like his head! I wasn't planning on picking up another version of this mold, though I love Cliffjumper. This has me reconsidering.
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Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

Postby Emerje » Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:39 pm

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leokearon wrote:Hubcap was my first TF and and new version would be cool. But I'll probably pass sinc eit is likely they will charge Deluxe Selects money for a scout class

The Deluxe Selects price is the same as Deluxe retail price. The figure is way better than Scout/Legends class, much more complex engineering-wise, it belongs at a Deluxe price point despite being a short figure.

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Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

Postby ZeroWolf » Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:56 pm

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Emerje wrote:
leokearon wrote:Hubcap was my first TF and and new version would be cool. But I'll probably pass sinc eit is likely they will charge Deluxe Selects money for a scout class

The Deluxe Selects price is the same as Deluxe retail price. The figure is way better than Scout/Legends class, much more complex engineering-wise, it belongs at a Deluxe price point despite being a short figure.


I wish people would stop using height to judge size class.
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Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

Postby o.supreme » Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:00 pm

Motto: "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
ZeroWolf wrote:I wish people would stop using height to judge size class.

It takes time, even I have been guilty at times, and fall back into that mode occasionally. Has there been a universally accepted "standard" of what designates a particular price point, or class? I've seen people talk about mass and/or parts count before, but this is a niche argument that needs to be made far more mainstream if this is the case.
Bucket/Want List: Botcon 2016 Customization Class Ratchet (G2 Deco), or Customization Class Ratchet (Marvel Comics Deco) **would also be willing to pay for an Unpainted Botcon 2016 Ratchet, TT Legends Fortress Head (only) with working Electronics

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Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

Postby ZeroWolf » Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:07 pm

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I always thought it was amount of plastic that went into it (hence why taller figures were more hollow) though it could be argued that I was deluding myself. There probably isn't an official standard
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Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

Postby Flashwave » Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:56 pm

Motto: "Our society's downfall will not be this war. The war IS our society. That which will get us will be the little things. Some humanoid race, some tossed cannon, the little things that no one looks out for. THAT is for what we must be vigilant."
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o.supreme wrote:
ZeroWolf wrote:I wish people would stop using height to judge size class.

It takes time, even I have been guilty at times, and fall back into that mode occasionally. Has there been a universally accepted "standard" of what designates a particular price point, or class? I've seen people talk about mass and/or parts count before, but this is a niche argument that needs to be made far more mainstream if this is the case.

That has always been the case as far back as I can remember, parts and materials costs. That's why we never got Breakdown in Transformers Prime. Only, it used to be that the budget was locked down to per figure, with each toy getting an equal part of the budget for the wave. In Energon, Hasbro told us that we had a choice of 3 of the Combiners with two seperate limb molds each or 2 combiners with 3 limb sets and thry went woth more characters. The argument of "size" comes from toys all roughly having the same amount of mass as each other given that they have the same materials cap, (and Hasbto has never been forthcoming about what that cap is) and as materials got more expensive, figures got smaller, but smaller proportunate to their own wave. It was not until recently when Hasbro removed the "per figure" budget cap and allowed for less complex figures to share excess parts hudget with other, more complex figures of the same price point. And thats how we get exampmes of Cliffjumper alongside guys like Hoist or Siege Itonhide.
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Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

Postby ZeroWolf » Fri Jun 19, 2020 4:03 pm

Motto: "My past no longer binds my future..."
Weapon: Battle Blades
Isn't Cliffjumper more complex then those whose size he relates to though? All the reports I've read that while not 'Deluxe' height he feels more like a deluxe in hand.
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Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

Postby aronjlove » Fri Jun 19, 2020 4:36 pm

ZeroWolf wrote:Isn't Cliffjumper more complex then those whose size he relates to though? All the reports I've read that while not 'Deluxe' height he feels more like a deluxe in hand.
All the legends class cars from Prime Wars had basically the same transformation: fall on their face, tuck in their arms, then flip back their legs. Maybe fold down a hood. Then rinse and repeat. Cliffjumper is complex enough it takes a moment to remember what to do if I haven't messed with him in a while. And the partsforming gives him a shield and a massive cannon or two pistols. The Legends class figures I have did not come with any accessories.
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Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

Postby Flashwave » Fri Jun 19, 2020 5:42 pm

Motto: "Our society's downfall will not be this war. The war IS our society. That which will get us will be the little things. Some humanoid race, some tossed cannon, the little things that no one looks out for. THAT is for what we must be vigilant."
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
ZeroWolf wrote:Isn't Cliffjumper more complex then those whose size he relates to though? All the reports I've read that while not 'Deluxe' height he feels more like a deluxe in hand.

That's exactly the point though, in some ways Cliff jumpers more complex than hoist, even though voice is twice the size
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Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

Postby ZeroWolf » Fri Jun 19, 2020 5:44 pm

Motto: "My past no longer binds my future..."
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Flashwave wrote:
ZeroWolf wrote:Isn't Cliffjumper more complex then those whose size he relates to though? All the reports I've read that while not 'Deluxe' height he feels more like a deluxe in hand.

That's exactly the point though, in some ways Cliff jumpers more complex than hoist, even though voice is twice the size

Ah I see! I thought you were arguing the opposite ;)^ My fault
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Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

Postby ZeldaTheSwordsman » Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:02 pm

Motto: "Earthrise restock or riot"
You thought it would be Bumblebee, but it was I, Dio Hubcap!
* Cybertron Galvatron key, missiles
* Omega Lock
* Primus Cyber Key, coattail panel
* Powerlinx Comettor
* Cyb Jetfire R gun and missile
* RiD Galvy dragon head, beast arms
* DotM Ironhide windshield, R hood assy.
* ROTF Jetfire R JTFR panel

Di Bonaventura is not a credible or trustworthy source. And most fans do like the diversity push, thanks.

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Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

Postby blackeyedprime » Fri Jun 19, 2020 7:18 pm

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leokearon wrote:Hubcap was my first TF and and new version would be cool. But I'll probably pass sinc eit is likely they will charge Deluxe Selects money for a scout class

I'm the same. Only picked up cliff jumper because of a discount. In hand, he still doesn't feel like a deluxe (other than his joints) but it really wouldn't considering deluxe classics cliff jumper and comparing it to rts windcharger that was legends price that has some clever engineering/play (better ankle tilt and feet by far).

Maybe earth rise cliff jumper/hubcap could have been legends price with ball joints but I won't pretend to understand Hasbros pricing/production or laughable excuses made for it but people pay the same price for a 50g bag of chips as a 100g bag of chips :( if it works for food then why not toys :/
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Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

Postby ZeldaTheSwordsman » Fri Jun 19, 2020 11:20 pm

Motto: "Earthrise restock or riot"
1. The Legends/neo-Scout size class is on hiatus because of Micromasters occupying the price point
2. Ball joints are too feeble for the C.O.M.B.A.T. system. They just can't take the weight as well. Especially not ball-joint elbows and hips.
3. Cliffjumper has the mass of a Deluxe (which kiiiiinda undercuts what you said about 50g vs. 100g bags of chips), and comes with accessories - which he wouldn't if he'd been made as a Legends-class.
Last edited by ZeldaTheSwordsman on Fri Jun 19, 2020 11:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
* Cybertron Galvatron key, missiles
* Omega Lock
* Primus Cyber Key, coattail panel
* Powerlinx Comettor
* Cyb Jetfire R gun and missile
* RiD Galvy dragon head, beast arms
* DotM Ironhide windshield, R hood assy.
* ROTF Jetfire R JTFR panel

Di Bonaventura is not a credible or trustworthy source. And most fans do like the diversity push, thanks.

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Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

Postby Rodimus Prime » Fri Jun 19, 2020 11:31 pm

Motto: "Individual freedom above all else."
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:1. The Legends/neo-Scout size class is on hiatus because of Micromasters occupying the price point
2. Ball joints are too feeble for the C.O.M.B.A.T. system.
3. Cliffjumper has the mass of a Deluxe (Get this through your smegging heads already people), and comes with accessories - which he wouldn't if he'd been made as a Legends-class. So blackeyedprime, you can take your comment about 50g vs. 100g chip bags and shove it up your exhaust port.
Okay, that's a bit uncalled for. You made your points, isn't that enough?
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Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

Postby ZeldaTheSwordsman » Fri Jun 19, 2020 11:39 pm

Motto: "Earthrise restock or riot"
Alright, I'll edit now that my irritation has cooled down...
* Cybertron Galvatron key, missiles
* Omega Lock
* Primus Cyber Key, coattail panel
* Powerlinx Comettor
* Cyb Jetfire R gun and missile
* RiD Galvy dragon head, beast arms
* DotM Ironhide windshield, R hood assy.
* ROTF Jetfire R JTFR panel

Di Bonaventura is not a credible or trustworthy source. And most fans do like the diversity push, thanks.

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Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

Postby blackeyedprime » Sat Jun 20, 2020 3:07 am

Motto: "Me Grimlock, you slag."
Weapon: Particle Beam Cannon
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:1. The Legends/neo-Scout size class is on hiatus because of Micromasters occupying the price point

2. Ball joints are too feeble for the C.O.M.B.A.T. system. They just can't take the weight as well. Especially not ball-joint elbows and hips.

3. Cliffjumper has the mass of a Deluxe (which kiiiiinda undercuts what you said about 50g vs. 100g bags of chips), and comes with accessories - which he wouldn't if he'd been made as a Legends-class.

See the point where I don't pretend to know Hasbros pricing and production. If you think you have some special insight, golf clap.

Some already existing exceptions to that by his wave mates hoists floppy knee joints and previous thrilling 30 hoists ball jointed shoulders/waist that can support weaponising.

No undercutting at all and can be expanded on - when a bag of crisps that's at least 30% oxygen compared to one that isn't -because that's definitely one of cliffjumpers accessories for his price point :)
Selects packaging for hubcap might be different and then they won't even be including the oxygen, now that undercuts.

And I won't be editing my golfclap. Totally called for.

*Had to edit to sort out how message displays not it's content.
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Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

Postby ZeldaTheSwordsman » Sat Jun 20, 2020 4:28 am

Motto: "Earthrise restock or riot"
No, I didn't think I had any special insight - just felt like the situation called for a reminder that the Micromaster 2-packs are hogging the price point that would normally be used for the Minibots' size class. So until those are over with, it's either Minibots beefed up to Deluxe with a combination of accessories and extra body mass... or no Minibots.

Ball-joint shoulders are generally a different matter from ball-jointed hips and elbows (Especially the darn elbows; those perforce have fairly open sockets that seem to develop play easily - or flop under the weight of heavier weapons). In any case, Hasbro has actually stated outright that concerns over load support are why they have eschewed ball joints for anything load-bearing; note their conspicuous absence from the hips and shoulders of Deluxes in this line, places where ball joints were fairly prominent in the Prime Wars trilogy.

Size classes are based more on "mass of plastic used" than "volume the figure occupies". Cliffjumper has a lot more meat on his bones than the likes of Titans Return Bumblebee despite being of comparable height (not to mention separate hands), and he comes with the pieces to make up his big gun from MTMTE while most of the larger deluxes get one weapon piece and that's it.
* Cybertron Galvatron key, missiles
* Omega Lock
* Primus Cyber Key, coattail panel
* Powerlinx Comettor
* Cyb Jetfire R gun and missile
* RiD Galvy dragon head, beast arms
* DotM Ironhide windshield, R hood assy.
* ROTF Jetfire R JTFR panel

Di Bonaventura is not a credible or trustworthy source. And most fans do like the diversity push, thanks.

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Re: Transformers Generations SELECTS Series Discussion

Postby ZeroWolf » Sat Jun 20, 2020 5:50 am

Motto: "My past no longer binds my future..."
Weapon: Battle Blades
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:You thought it would be Bumblebee, but it was I, Dio Hubcap!

This pleases me.

At the moment, size classes are based on mass, and I feel we're having this argument more and more often.
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