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Transformers: In the Beginning... (aka Transformers: Genesis)

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Transformers: In the Beginning... (aka Transformers: Genesis)

Postby Magneticus » Mon Mar 29, 2010 6:17 am


Transformers™: In the Beginning… (aka Transformers™: Genesis)

A fan-fiction written by Magneticus loosely based on the events of the “The Transformers” animated series, and the blockbuster movies “Transformers” and “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen”

***Disclaimer: The author of this story owns no rights to characters from the Transformers series. No profit is being made.***


In the beginning, there was nothing.

Out of that nothing, came something, an intense explosion of light amidst the vast darkness.

Out of that something, came the Quintesson…

Quintesson, considered a deity by Cybertronians, was the god responsible for the creation of Cybertron and for creating all living things on Cybertron. On Cybertron, the Quintesson was known as the creator of life, the creator of everything, considered a genuine living god. Quintesson, according to Cybertronian legend and folklore, was a being claimed to be the size of the entire universe who possessed countless faces, and was made of the best materials, metals, and minerals the Cosmos had to offer. The purest of the pure gold, the purest of the pure diamonds, the purest of the pure silver, the purest of the pure platinum, the purest of the pure bronze, the purest of the pure iron, the purest of the pure copper, and other metals, elements, materials and components, both known and unknown, it was said and claimed, made up the Quintesson. Other records of Cybertronian mysticism, legend, and lore which were interpreted and translated by various Cybertronian sages and oracles even indicate that the Quintesson was the universe itself. It was said that the best and excellent technologies, sciences, engineering, and mathematics of the Cosmos flowed through him, with him, and in him. Everything with Quintesson was possible and with him, everything became possible. Quintesson, as Cybertronian spiritual and mysticism records claimed, was omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent.

Quintesson created the Cybertronians. He created them in his image. When he created the Cybertronians, they were merely fundamentally quantum mechanical and physical beings, their bodies possessing heavily strong yet flexibly self-healing, self-generating, and self-replicating quantum molecular metal plating and other materials and components, and equally strong and flexible self-healing, self-generating, and self-replicating quantum molecular mechanical, physical, electronic, computer, nanotechnological, zeptotechnological, and other exotic materials, components, parts, and constructs internally. As a result of these characteristics, as was the case with carbon-based life, whenever they were physically wounded or injured, the affected parts of their anatomy and physiology would also heal and recover in time, although they were fundamentally made up of metal, computer, electronic, and other such known and unknown related parts. Their anatomical and physiological compositions and structures were utterly extraordinary. They were exotic and beautiful, yet strong and powerful. They were silicon-based lifeforms rather than carbon-based. As such, the planet, which was much, much older than the Earth, could support and sustain such lifeforms. Possessing nanotechnological, zeptotechnological, and yet other unknown, extraordinarily advanced, sophisticated, exotic, and complex physical, computer, electronic, mechanical, and molecular constructs all blended together in their genetic makeup, the Cybertronians were truly unique and extraordinary life forms. They were strong, powerful, and resilient; survivable in any above-melting point environments and conditions provided a steady Energon consumption and decent maintenance, and barring any overwhelming violent encounters; infinitely upgradeable; and capable of massive amounts of quantum computing which contributed to their basic intelligence.

In the beginning, despite being created with extraordinary strength and power, the Cybertronians had no will of their own and behaved and acted more like drones without the ability to think for themselves, controlled and influenced directly by the Quintesson like remote-controlled toys. They possessed a rudimentary level of intelligence that enabled them to follow commands and instructions, yet they had no will of their own and no awareness of themselves. Whatever each and every Cybertronian did, they did as a result of the Quintesson controlling and influencing their actions. These early Cybertronians needed the instructions and commands of the Quintesson in order for them to be able to perform anything. The Cybertronians that Quintesson created, thus, were merely functional, with no thought of their own and no power to make decisions for themselves. The Cybertronians were bred and born out of Quintesson’s power and might, yet they operated more like toys. Despite them being able to move and articulate their heads, eyes, limbs, bodies, they were controlled and influenced for the most part by the Quintesson.

According to Cybertronian mysticism, spirituality, and legend, the Quintesson created the first Cybertronians out of the rich metals, materials, and minerals of Cybertron after he created the planet first. The Quintesson then created the planet’s skies after creating the planet. After creating the skies, the Quintesson then created the land over all of Cybertron. After creating the land, the Quintesson then created everything on the land that would serve a purpose and be useful and beneficial for all the planet’s inhabitants to cultivate, harness, and use. After that was done, the Quintesson then created all the seasons on the planet. Afterwards, the Quintesson created all the creatures on Cybertron, the first Cybertronians. After creating these first Cybertronians upon the creation and establishment of the planet, the Quintesson then breathed life into them. The Quintesson made them functional. The Quintesson created the first Cybertronians on the planet such that, on Quintesson’s commands, they were able to perform tasks that he wanted them to do: create monuments, dwelling places, and various structures; cultivate and harness the land; set out and explore all of Cybertron; and to naturally reproduce, propagate, and preserve the silicon-based planetary species. However, in the beginning, even when they reached their full growth and development, they still were under the Quintesson’s direct command and control and followed whatever whim the Quintesson had. The Cybertronians performed and executed all of Quintesson's commands and instructions unwaveringly and unquestioningly.

The Quintesson, then, pondered about the existence of his creation. What would have been the point of him creating the Cybertronians when he himself could manage to do what he instructed and commanded them? What would have been the reason and purpose for the Cybertronians? Surely the Quintesson could manage things for himself. In essence, the Cybertronians became like toys to the Quintesson; objects that he directed and controlled. The Quintesson could choose to keep them in their state or entirely do away with them, both functions of which would have spelled an end to the emerging life on Cybertron which he neither wished nor wanted. The Quintesson, as wise and highly intelligent as he was, held a deeper appreciation of the value, miracle, and meaning of life of which never-ending circle he was a part of than to merely keep his creation as toys or objects he could control like slaves or, worse, completely eliminating them as if they were garbage to be disposed of whose usefulness had come and gone. He thought that what he wanted was for his creation to learn from their environment and their experiences and for them to contribute to the wonder, miracle, and grandeur of creation.

Thus, one day, Quintesson gave them free will. It was something that, once let loose and set into motion, like an intense wave of raging fire, could never be taken back and put a lid onto. He gave them the ability to adapt to and learn from their environment and their experiences. It was an explosion of soul and awareness that freed the minds and bodies of all Cybertronians for good and would touch their lives in more ways than one. The free will that the Quintesson granted the Cybertronians was unstoppable and unbreakable as it was bonded with the flames of awareness and determination, freedom and fate, persistence and resilience. With this, Quintesson summoned the Cube from the depths of space and time – the Allspark – a remnant from when the entire Cosmos was born and, like Quintesson himself, was itself the beginning and the end, spanning from eternity to eternity, in whose physical manifestation maybe destroyed, but its essence and energy only transformed. The Quintesson was a part of the Allspark as much as it was a part of him. They provided life, and with the Allspark, the soul and vibrancy.

Within the Allspark contained life-giving energy that made it possible to bestow free-will upon the Cybertronians so that ultimately they would be able to make their own decisions and choose their own destiny. While the Allspark conferred souls on the Cybertronians and granted them awareness of themselves, their surroundings, and their feelings, it became clear as well that they were ultimately going to begin to think, hear, see, and feel for themselves. Thus, as it bestowed the soul and awareness on the Cybertronians, the Allspark also possessed the energy to heal, replenishing and mending the Cybertronians’ mind, body, and spirit, making them whole again if need be. With the energy of the Allspark, the Cybertronians were no longer merely unaware, thoughtless drones to the Quintesson. Quintesson, with the power of the Allspark, created a living and vibrant world; a world that now had the capacity of reaching its full potential and not merely exist out of devoid hollowness without any consciousness, awareness, spirit, or soul. Dark. Empty. Inanimate.

As with anything at the beginning, the first Cybertronians who had been given a spark were a jumble of chaos and disorder. However, Quintesson guided, sustained, and nurtured them, provided sustenance for them – the main source of which was Energon, composed mainly of materials that convert into hydraulics, nuclear fusion, electric power, and other materials, components, energies, and processes that ensured all of their mechanisms, materials, processes, and components remained in top condition and which allowed and enabled them to grow, develop, stay healthy and functional through generations. Energon became the lifeblood of the Cybertronian race. The Cybertronians reproduced and propagated, and preserved themselves well, beginning as embryonic protoforms, until they were born, and until these protoforms had reached their full growth and development. Quintesson taught them the ways of technology, the sciences and mathematics, their history and civilization, philosophy, morals, ethics, and other knowledge.

When Quintesson saw the grandeur of what he had done, he kept and hid the Allspark on Cybertron as an act of Quintesson’s faith in his creation that, ultimately, although they had been given free will, they would choose their fate in accordance with the natural cosmic laws of freedom, life, liberty, happiness, justice, goodness and truth; the other, as a covenant and testament for his creation, a proof of Quintesson’s ever-enduring legacy and might, and the truth of his existence. The Quintesson had no doubt that, when the time was ripe, the Allspark and all the other secrets and mysteries of the Cosmos would be revealed to the Cybertronians and that these revelations would help them shape who they were as a race, as a species, and as a civilization.

After some time, the first fully intelligent and sentient Cybertronians finally emerged. After billions and billions of years of evolution since Cybertron and its first inhabitants were created and a period of peace, progress, and technological advancements unlike what was seen in the known universe, Quintesson thought that it was time. Quintesson decided it was best that he left to allow the Cybertronians to choose their own destiny through their free will and to allow them to flourish on their own. And thus, the Quintesson and all his subordinates drew away from Cybertron.

At first, although the Cybertronians as sentient beings were special in their own unique way, they were simply aware and intelligent robotic organisms, exoskeletal metallic protoforms that were not capable of anything out of the ordinary. They walked, moved, communicated, consumed, worked, played, rested, and engaged in activities sentient and intelligent living beings did. They were diverse living organisms, with shapes, sizes, heights, weights, and physical appearances varying from one Cybertronian to another. They were naturally born the way they were based on their unique genetic make-up. They continued to learn and adapt at a staggering pace during their growth and development, but in the history of their evolution their earlier social interactions were uniform and awkward. Cybertronian archaeological and anthropological records indicate that early Cybertronians, although they communicated and interacted with one another through a whole range of media – radio, microwave, electronics, vocal, and other such modes of communications covering entire spectra and frequencies – led uniformly stoic and mechanical, if not unremarkable, existences. Although the Cybertronians have had incredibly sharp senses ever since the beginning, their ability to show a whole dynamic range of emotions, expressions, and instincts developed in response to evolution as the Cybertronians tried to survive a harsh planet with oftentimes unforgiving conditions where they knew they had to stand and look out for one another if they were to survive and preserve themselves as a species.

Cybertron not being separated by vast bodies of water helped the planet’s inhabitants in integrating and bonding the entire planet socially and culturally and this cohesion served them well in times of both fortune and adversity. As time passed on and as they continued to evolve and learn, the Cybertronians developed their language, arts, music, writing, mysticism, culture, engineering, and other knowledge, science, mathematics, technology, and skills that the Quintesson had intended for them to learn with their newfound freedom and that would lead the way for them to advance their civilization into newer, better, and greater heights. They were bred and born and the spark of one Cybertronian was passed to another. Thus, the Cybertronians continued their lineage and ancestry and all their records of knowledge, technology, culture, customs, traditions, beliefs, and civilization were kept and stored. The innate connection that the Allspark had with all Cybertronians made it possible for it to be also aware and knowledgeable of all their history and accomplishments.

Overtime, the planet that once was made up of vast amounts of unexploited gold, iron, copper, diamonds, silver, bronze, platinum, titanium, and other such resources, Cybertron became a wondrous and resplendent place to behold; a gleaming ethereal sphere whose science, mathematics, and technology were things to behold, indistinguishable from magic, and its engineering and architecture were genuinely sights to be in awe with. It seemed as though that each and every aspect of the planet was a by-product of magic and wizardry, a place rich in dreams and wonders where virtually anything and everything was possible. Overtime the entire planet was paved with all sorts of structures; of dwelling places, monuments, places of worship, buildings and structures of all varieties and purposes that stood as far out into the heavens, cities astonishingly vast and grand that covered the planet’s surface from end to end. Huge, towering, magnificent, and glorious statues of gold, iron, steel and other metals of heroic Cybertronians – sages, oracles, theologians, scholars, warriors, prophets, political figures, doctors, engineers, scientists, mathematicians, and various other leaders – from legend, lore, and history adorned the planet. It was a wild and vast center of knowledge, technological, architectural, and engineering marvel, a place teeming with boundless energy and life. From above, as the Cybertronians mastered the art and science of space travel and gradually started establishing their off-world lunar colonies in every moon closely surrounding the planet, Cybertron’s radiance shone forth ever so brilliantly. Powerful and colorful lights graced the planet all throughout its surface on its night side, and on its day side, it was a conspicuously bright, luminous golden sphere amidst the blackness of space, full of hope, energy, vibrancy, enthusiasm, and glory.

However, throughout its history, Cybertron had seen its share of threats from both within and, eventually, from outside Cybertron. Cybertron at the beginning was a violent planet, filled with so much danger and hazard for the fledgling species. Aside from a few periods of mass extinctions as a result of planetary changes, Cybertron was in the part of the universe where other equal and/or superior technological planetary civilizations took interest in it, especially moreso with its wealth of resources. It was also a place in the universe where it was oftentimes prone to collisions with other celestial bodies.

Not only did the Cybertronians then get preoccupied with dealing with the innate natural problems of their planet from cataclysmic geologic, seismic, volcanic, weather and climactic upheavals, and other such natural cataclysms, but from time to time they also had to deal with threats from beyond Cybertron, whether in the form of threats posed by asteroids, meteors and other such bodies, and also from invasions by alien civilizations which for the most part only affected a few cities at a time but were brutal and terrible nonetheless in the damage, death, and destruction they caused and brought. In all cases, these events, at times, threatened the very existence of the Cybertronians and their home world and tested their unity and resilience.

Despite these, their lineage forged on. Because of the cohesion, resilience, and strength of the Cybertronians as a species and as a race, and the persistence of their will to survive, they continued to advance, adapt and evolve. Cybertron and the Cybertronians endured, overcame, and survived and their evolution and existence went on uninterrupted and unimpeded. After billions and billions of more years, their evolution took them to a path where the Cybertronians were finally able to shift and change their shapes and blend in with their environment at will as a defense mechanism to protect themselves from other hostile entities and environments. At some point in their evolution, the Cybertronians started to possess this special ability. No one really could say how it started or knew when exactly it happened. It just seemed to happen. Stories and rumors spread as word got out from one neighbor to the next about how someone he or she knew took the shape of something – of a ship belonging to alien forces intent on subjugating Cybertron and enslaving the Cybertronians; of the smaller-sized Cybertronians taking the shapes and appearances of their oppressors and using this ability to outsmart them and drive them out of the planet, their oppressors showing signs of shock and dread as they scampered away from the planet, not knowing what had struck them. It had been a slow and gradual process, after countless encounters with internal and external threats for billions of years. Although the Cybertronians owed so much to these new generation of Cybertronians who were able to shift their shapes by contributing greatly in the expulsion of their invaders and greatly limiting their invaders’ ability to inflict further harm, death, and damage to the Cybertronians through their abilities of disguise and stealth, fear of the unknown gradually started to take hold. At first, these changes started alarming and petrifying the Cybertronians, specially those who had yet to be touched by the ongoing evolutionary changes transpiring on Cybertron, fearing that there was a mutational disease occurring on a grand-scale with the silicon-based species that was unknown. Others thought it might have been some kind of defect and disease brought on by classified experimental projects by various scientific and technological research and development centers throughout Cybertron that adversely affected them and contributed to what some Cybertronians then had termed “malformation” and “mutation”. Eventually, overtime, as more and more was learned of the truth about the natural evolutionary changes taking place on Cybertron at a grand scale that Cybertronian scientists had already proclaimed would eventually fully and completely affect all of them on the planet, the Cybertronians, true to their nature, learned to adapt to these changes and accepted them and, ultimately, nurtured and enhanced this ability.

Cybertronian vision and optical mechanisms, having the ability to see through all spectra of light – from alpha to gamma to infrared to x-ray and others – enabled the Cybertronians to look at and scan each and every detail of an object they wished to form into, just as long as those objects possess more or less similar sizes and mass as theirs. Any other special ability that a Cybertronian might have was related to the genetic code each and every one of them carried and possessed. If a Cybertronian had the capability of flight, it was as a result of his or her genetic make-up. If one had the ability of speed or extraordinary strength or size or any other factors or combinations thereof, it was because of his or her genetic make-up. Their genetics determined whether a Cybertronian was going to be a male or a female as much as it determined the color of their eyes. The eye colors varied from one Cybertronian to another, the most dominant colors of which on the planet were blue and red, followed by other colors in the radiant spectra. After scanning their target objects thoroughly, when they chose to – as chameleons blending in with the natural colors of their environment; as lizards regenerating new limbs and tails; as turtles retracting their heads and limbs inside their shells – they then formed into the objects they scanned and adopted their new appearance until they chose to scan and adopt another new appearance.

The Cybertronians enhanced this gift of evolution through their ingenuity and technology and soon thereafter were able to perform technological feats far advanced than those who wanted to enslave them. From their superior scientific and technological advancements in teleportation, force fields, advanced health maintenance and quantum medicine, unified force, weaponry, advanced quantum computing and engineering, advanced quantum physics and mechanics, advanced quantum genetics, advanced quantum metallurgy, advanced space travel and propulsions, and other technologies, the Cybertronians began to incorporate these technologies into their genetics and they began to possess more and more special and unique abilities much superior to any other civilization in the known universe. As their evolution and technology took them into this path, after yet again billions and billions of years, the perfection of their evolution and technology continued to evolve and develop throughout the years.

As a civilization, they had developed and grown to the point that they effectively and efficiently dealt with all threats to their existence and repelled those who would do them harm and damage. Eventually, over a period of time, those threats were neutralized and subsequently died down as a result of the ingenuity, unimpeded evolutionary and technological advancements, and the sheer strength, power, and resilience of the Cybertronian race. They had fought and defeated all their various invaders and oppressors, and they had proven that with unique Cybertronian ingenuity and technology, they could manipulate and control themselves, their environment and their planet at will. Although their species came the closest to becoming the perfect sentient beings in the Cosmos, who were able to live virtually for thousands, if not millions of years, if not for eternity, the Cybertronians still had their limitations and were aware of them. As with any other life form, they too deteriorated, got obsolete, aged, felt pain, got hurt, got wounded, got injured, fell ill, and at times, if they forgot themselves and disregarded their well-being which oftentimes occurred as a result of their overconfidence with their extraordinary strength and life-spans, they too encountered the end of their lives if they became too unmindful in taking care of themselves. The one common denominator in all of this to retain their health, vibrancy, and their functionality was the consumption of Energon, a vital source of sustenance for the Cybertronians to maintain their health, wellness, and functionality.

During that incredible period of relative peace, astonishing progress, and steadfast unity which they considered their Golden Age, however, seeing as they thought they had become masters of their destiny and had become quite proud of their accomplishments as a species, race, and civilization, the Cybertronians then started to create something that would best represent Cybertron in the absence of the Quintesson. At this point in their glorious history, the Cybertronians needed a genuine representation and manifestation of their home planet’s uniqueness and greatness, heritage, superiority and power, all while at the same time giving life to something that could always protect and defend Cybertron and its inhabitants from all threats to it and save them if need be. As was the nature of higher-form, intelligent, and self-aware beings, they had yearned for something far larger than themselves in the physical absence of a god; something that they could believe in in whose superiority and primacy their species and race could be manifested in.

In a laboratory on Cybertron where they could engineer and control births within an artificially-engineered placental structure and manage a Cybertronian embryo’s growth and development out of the extraordinary Cybertronian genetic code, the Cybertronians then created and nurtured Unicron. Unicron, who, through the wonders of Cybertronian genetic engineering and manipulation grew to be as large as Cybertron itself, served as a god in the absence of the Quintesson. Unicron became a titan in his own right and became powerful in many ways, and many Cybertronians looked up to him, making him a god in his own right.

As Cybertronian technology continued to evolve and advance and as Cybertronian civilization continued to progress and grow at a geometric and exponential rate, the demands for Energon continued to ever increase at the same rate, and natural Energon sources on Cybertron started to dwindle. Some Cybertronians then decided that in order for their race to survive, advance, and grow further, they thought that they should aggressively set out to the stars and search for and locate places teeming with Energon, and to fight for these sources of Energon if need be, even if it meant they had to eliminate all life from these planetary systems that may or may not be capable of opposing them. To this group, only the harvesting of Energon to aid in the growth, development, advancement, survival, maintenance, and preservation of Cybertron and its inhabitants was important; everything else was secondary. While Energon could be artificially replicated and created on Cybertron, Cybertronian civilization kept growing and expanding at a geometric and exponential rate – their needs oftentimes outpacing their supply, their output now far outweighing their input – that the Cybertronians had to start looking for other sources where it was present and which could provide an immediate supply since the Energon supply around Cybertron’s immediate surroundings also started to get exhausted as well. Energon was a resource that could virtually be found in every part of the Cosmos, from one corner of the universe to another. It was merely a matter of traveling to these locations that oftentimes could be separated by vast light-years.

Others, however, did not agree with this position. Although they agreed to search for sources of Energon wherever they may be found, this group denounced tyranny, slavery, violence, subjugation, and extermination of other species and planetary systems to attain this goal. This group sought peace, harmony, mutual respect, trust, and cooperation with other worlds in order to obtain Energon and other resources they might need, instead of bringing war, death, destruction, violence, misery, and suffering to other life forms. They vowed to harvest Energon in systems where life was absent; to gain and earn the trust and cooperation of other advanced species wherever they encountered them to arrive to that objective; or to just leave those places alone if it were not possible to gain them – perhaps at times as a result of life just emerging at these places – and look at somewhere else. Thus, two groups, two parties had been born out of this moral dilemma and the power struggle that ensued: those whose goal was the aggressive expansion of the species into the far reaches of the Cosmos to obtain the desired resources through brute strength and force, and those whose goal was the respect for life, happiness, freedom, and liberty throughout the Cosmos – as was the ideal and the way of the Quintesson – in the quest to gain and obtain these resources.

Some claimed that it was Unicron who influenced the more aggressive and warlike stance of the Cybertronians with regards to their survival and self-preservation, and the concept and principles of the ultimate superiority of Cybertronians above all other lifeforms. He was a passive manipulator, able to influence some Cybertronians through his cunning and incredible strength and power. Others, however, were influenced by the teachings of a simple, yet wise Cybertronian whose knowledge and wisdom were far advanced his years. His name was Vector Sigma, and he was among those who came from an extremely long lineage of Cybertronians who taught the values and principles of tolerance, freedom, liberty, humility, respect, and protecting the weak and the indefensible. Vector Sigma claimed that the Quintesson and all the other ancient prophets and sages of Cybertron spoke through him, with him, and in him. At an important juncture and crossroads in the history of Cybertron where courage, righteousness, and justice were mostly needed to remind the Cybertronians of their humble beginnings, Vector Sigma emerged.

Last edited by Magneticus on Sun Apr 11, 2010 5:28 am, edited 15 times in total.
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Joined: Mon Mar 29, 2010 6:07 am

Re: Transformers: In the Beginning... (aka Transformers: Genesis)

Postby Magneticus » Mon Mar 29, 2010 6:18 am

With the quest to locate and harvest Energon, thus, the Cybertronian Seekers, whose ranks quickly filled with Cybertronians whose intentions were both good and malicious, were sent out to the far reaches of space. Some of these Seekers sought out Energon in systems they knew were devoid of life and which they, therefore, deemed safe for harvesting; left those systems alone that had life only emerging and in their infancy; or, at times, they forged cooperation with any advanced civilization they encountered with harvesting and obtaining Energon. The other groups of Seekers, however, went after other planetary systems and pillaged their resources, mainly Energon, eliminating and exterminating those who got in their way. As punishment, the first ones these groups of Seekers went after were systems who earlier in the history of Cybertron attempted to unsuccessfully conquer and enslave Cybertron. These Cybertronians mapped out, tracked down, located, and targeted these civilizations. It was sweet revenge they meted out to all those other civilizations who once attempted to conquer and subjugate them. The hunters eventually became the prey, the subjugators became the subjugated. With the sheer strength and power of the Cybertronian forces, these systems were overwhelmed and ultimately fell, became enslaved or, at worst, they were completely exterminated. Some planetary systems and the solar systems they belonged in were even completely destroyed. As time went on and as the intoxication of power they felt made them thirst for more, this group then proceeded to execute the same deeds on innocent systems whether life was present or not. No matter how basic life was in these systems, they went after them, eliminated them, and harvested their Energon. It did not matter whether lifeforms in these systems were intelligent and advanced or primitive and rudimentary. To these Cybertronians, their only and main concern was the acquisition of Energon and they would do all they can to meet this objective.

On Cybertron, in the halls of where the power and political structure resided, word finally got out of the tyranny that was being perpetrated on behalf of Cybertron by some fellow Cybertronians; of thousands of planetary and solar systems falling under the punishing might at the hands of Cybertronians who believed in the superiority and mastery of their species, race, and civilization in their mission to search and obtain Energon. The heated debates began. Strife ensued. Moral battle lines were drawn. Where once the Cybertronians were united and in harmony with practically everything in mind, spirit, and deed, these events were a tipping point in their history which would have its repercussions. The seeds of dissent, discord, conflict, and hatred had been sowed. Where some chose to speak out against the utter immorality and tyranny of the Cybertronians who willfully engaged in full-scale abuse and genocide, others resorted to actual deeds in expressing their beliefs. Out of this moral and power struggle eventually came infighting. Out of this infighting came full-scale conflict. Finally, after billions upon billions of years of relative internal peace and harmony, unity, advancements, progress, and productivity, the first full-scale war came to Cybertron where brother fought against brother, sister against sister, parents against offsprings. All of Cybertron felt the brutality of war for the first time and each and every Cybertronian was touched by it.

After the deaths and destruction on Cybertron, at the behest of Vector Sigma, Unicron, the Cybertronian political hierarchy and its leadership from the opposing sides, and Vector Sigma himself negotiated in principle for an end to the war which had lasted for millions of years and which had ravaged Cybertron. What started as a small series of conflicts eventually became much larger in scope and destroyed some of Cybertron’s largest cities at the time and at this point Vector Sigma knew he had to step in. Accounts suggested that Vector Sigma – being the figurehead and symbol of tolerance, respect, freedom, and justice whom many other Cybertronians believed in, followed, and considered their leader and teacher – witnessing the destruction and deaths the war had brought to his followers, friends, and the home planet he loved so much, looked for an end to the conflict that engulfed Cybertron by offering to sacrifice himself in exchange for an immediate end to the subjugation and destruction of other planetary and star systems; an end to the genocide that was being perpetrated on behalf of Cybertron; and a complete end to the war on Cybertron. In exchange, Vector Sigma’s only wish was for Unicron to exile himself far, far away from Cybertron – to the farthest reaches of space. The two Cybertronians agreed but without fiery confrontations, arguments, and counter-arguments from their loyalists and followers. Witnessed by the Cybertronian political hierarchy, their agreement was then finally sealed. Thus Vector Sigma sacrificed himself to end the First Cybertronian War.

Vector Sigma never would have thought it would end this way. He kept hoping for a peaceful resolution where he hoped the Cybertronians would see the folly of war and finally sue for peace and spare more countless lives. However, he miscalculated and underestimated the hatred and anger, tenacity and relentlessness of the opposing sides and, thus instead, the complete ugliness and brutality of the war continued to escalate uncontrollably and unabated despite attempts at pleading for peace by some Cybertronians, with numerous Cybertronians killed and dying, destruction everywhere. As someone who had his own loyal followers and cadres who were at the opposite end of the war who he felt compassion, although he never had any direct connections or involvement to the war itself, Vector Sigma knew he had to do something to end the war and save them from death and the planet from further anguish and suffering.

To get something greater out of the deal while inflicting embarrassment, humiliation, distress, and pain to their opponents, some of the members of the Cybertronian imperial political hierarchy who adhered to the principles of Cybertronian superiority and manifest destiny, suggested that Vector Sigma be severely punished first before he was to be put to death as they accused him of treachery and sedition to their race and to their home planet, charging him with influencing and encouraging countless Cybertronians to run counter to the best interests of Cybertron and its inhabitants, the ultimate cause of the war on Cybertron for which, according to them, he should be held completely responsible, although Vector Sigma was completely innocent of these accusations and charges. Thus, Vector Sigma had to endure the most intensely gruesome of physical and mental punishments not having been inflicted before on a fellow Cybertronian in the entire history of the planet. Then, Vector Sigma was finally put to death. Afterwards, Vector Sigma’s lifeless body had then been sent to a crematorium on Cybertron. He was then cremated thereafter, as was the custom of some Cybertronians whose loved ones had passed on. Vector Sigma’s body had been taken by fellow Cybertronians who had become his loyal and trusted followers and friends – the brave and noble Primes, sons of Primus, a distinguished family of Cybertronian warriors and one of the clans on Cybertron whose ancestry dated back to the creation of the first Cybertronians on the planet.

Vector Sigma’s body was then finally gently placed on the cremation platform by the Primes with their father. Vector Sigma’s lifeless body lay under the incinerating flames of Cybertron as the Primes and their father watched with sadness, grieving and mourning. After awhile, Primus and his sons went home and left the cremation chamber as the fires consumed Vector Sigma. After the day of Vector Sigma’s cremation, save for a few pockets of firefights still occurring on a few cities on the planet, everything on Cybertron came to a standstill and the Primes rested from an emotionally exhausting and draining experience the day before. The following day was marked by nothing but, finally, calm and quiet as the Primes went on with their lives, tracking news of events on Cybertron and finding that there was now general calm across Cybertron, the few pockets of firefights from the day before were now nowhere to be heard or seen, and that peace was now finally taking hold, albeit they were still mournful and grieving. On the third day, Primus and some of his sons decided to go back to the cremation chamber where Vector Sigma was cremated to pay their respects and to leave some tokens of remembrance for him. Vector Sigma’s body was not there any longer. However, to their astonishment, they saw one object on the cremating platform where Vector Sigma’s body once lay that was untouched by the fire. They were not quite sure what it was, as all of the bodies of the Cybertronians who went through the same process eventually vanished, leaving only dust and particle in their wake. Primus took a closer look at the object, touched it, and finally held it in his hands. He then felt a surge of power and energy run through him. Primus’s body further was energized and powered up as he held the object; however it did not adversely affect him. Primus then saw a vision as he stood looking up. He went into a state of trance. In his vision, he saw Vector Sigma. Vector Sigma spoke in the most ancient language of Cybertron:

”Use this Matrix for good, compassion, and justice Primus, noble father of the Primes, soldier of Cybertron, a leader among his people. Impart the wisdom and knowledge to your sons. Only then would the holder and keeper of this Matrix, which possesses powers and energies unbeknownst to any other and whose holder and keeper will be able to unlock powers and energies on the living and the non-living and serve as a light to your darkest of hours, be able to earn the right to hold, keep, and possess this Matrix which I leave you as a token of my love for those who had served with me, those who had followed me, those who had defended me, and also as a token of my deep love for my native world. This Matrix will choose its holder and keeper, be bonded with, and lead with its light. The secret to the Matrix is not found; it is earned. Go in peace and may the spark of the Quintesson be with you and may you, your offsprings, and your descendants be blessed for all the days of your lives…”

At that moment, the sons of Primus who were with him helped him regain his thoughts and awareness back. As soon as his thoughts and awareness returned, Primus then told his sons of the vision and all at once gave respect and praise to their teacher, master, and friend who had since passed on. Primus held the Matrix and he and his sons looked at the relic. It was elegant, exotic, yet a simple device that the Primes had been granted direct access to all its powers and in turn chose them as its holder and keeper. The Primes then served as vanguards of the Matrix who could then hold and use it. However, the Primes did not really hold any special and unique secret, mystery, or code as to how the Matrix could be held or used. The right to the Matrix was not found; it was earned. Only those others who had earned that right and could prove themselves to adhere to the ways of Vector Sigma, and by extension, the Quintesson, could hold, possess, and use the Matrix. Unless they had earned that right, the Matrix could not be held, possessed, or used by any other. The Matrix, thus, served as a covenant that Vector Sigma established with all the Primes and with any others who had earned the right to hold, possess, and use it.

The Cybertronian political hierarchy and Unicron, meanwhile, kept their part of the bargain, as the body constituted both opposing sides and it was made certain that they would keep their word and honor the deal that was made. The imperial political hierarchy ordered all Cybertronian forces to stand down and cease all armed activities on other planetary and star systems and to return to Cybertron. While many others returned to Cybertron, some chose to stay on those planetary systems they were already on for a variety of reasons and they remained on those planets for a long time.

Even though some of these Seekers on these various planets and solar systems had pocketed some Energon they obtained for themselves and the rest was delivered back to Cybertron, those meager amounts that they had stolen eventually ran out and ultimately weren’t enough to continually sustain and maintain themselves. At times, some of these Seekers attempted constructing their own machines themselves designed to harvest Energon that were large and complicated enough, apart from the general edicts and orders from the government of Cybertron, that they would require massive resources and manpower to be completed in a rapid timeframe, let alone clearance and authorization from the government of Cybertron to ensure that all the Energon that was harvested would all be accounted for and go to their proper places on Cybertron. However, those attempts failed midway as the resources, manpower, and assistance they would need would exceed any single one of their capacity and ability to perform the task themselves before the lack of Energon consumption begin to take its toll on them.

Thus, they started to shut down as a result of lack of consumption of Energon, going through stasis lock as their systems could not hold off consumption of other essential consumables to help themselves stay functional and operational. These consumables were not enough to maintain their well-being, and they began to hibernate on those planets they stayed on, some for ages. Because of the multitudes of Seekers who at its inception heeded the call to search for and obtain Energon in the vastness of space, unless they communicated back and informed fellow Cybertronians where specifically they were and what they were doing, accounting for all of them became difficult as it became next to impossible to locate and detect where exactly they were at any given moment.

Unicron, meanwhile, exiled himself to some far off location in the depths of space, never to be seen or heard from again since that moment. However, long before he left and having already been made aware of the relationship between the Primes and Vector Sigma through his emissaries, spies, and loyalists, he had already sowed his influence and teachings on one of the Primes which ensured that his legacy, beliefs, principles, and teachings continued and lived on in Cybertron, even in his absence. This Prime was going to be known as The Fallen Prime, or simply, The Fallen.

With the war having ended, Cybertron tried to rebuild and restore its glory and wonder. Progress, prosperity, and advancements came back and Cybertron seemed to finally move forward once again. However, it had been an uneasy peace. The innocent planet that once was was gone, moreso after Vector Sigma’s ultimate sacrifice. Smoldering remains of some of Cybertron’s greatest ancient and historical structures that had existed since the creation of the planet and which represented Cybertron’s glory, beauty, and might lay in ruins, proof of what war and violence could bring even to civilizations as advanced, sophisticated, and great as Cybertron. Cybertron was never the same again.

Not long after, following fierce debates, the Seekers were once again sent out to scout for and obtain Energon, on a limited basis, on the condition that they were to leave alone and not harm other planetary and star systems harboring any kind of life, as their problems with dwindling Energon supplies persisted and the negative political fallout from the war continued. The exploratory and mining missions done previously before the First War, most specifically the aggressive ones which resulted in the destruction of planetary and star systems, had brought benefits and advantages in that it boosted, however temporary, Cybertron’s supplies of Energon. Eventually it dwindled in no time as their consumption and usage was larger than ever before. Even with the war, Cybertron continued to grow and expand and the rebuilding process became a colossal task and undertaking, all of which meant usage and consumption of Energon. Some of the Seekers that were again sent out chose to follow the edict while others chose not and which oftentimes became a source of tumultuous contention as the planet tried to recover, rebuild, and reconcile. Nevertheless, overall, a period of relative tranquility and productivity once again ensued. That was, until the Decepticons, a Cybertronian organization which began as a sect and which increasingly eventually became a socio-political organization of sorts as its adherents rose in numbers, and which had dedicated itself to the teachings of The Fallen as to the superiority of the Cybertronian race and species and the Cybertronian manifest destiny of conquering and dominating the Cosmos, rose. Many Cybertronians had fallen under the sway and lure of the Decepticons’ promises of reclaiming Cybertron’s glory, while at the same time affirming their principles and beliefs in the Cosmic supremacy of their species and race, and promises and proclamations of providing for the immediate and pressing needs of the planet and its inhabitants, particularly Energon, which the Cybertronians were still in dire need of despite the redeployment of the Seekers and which the Decepticons believed was their divine right to obtain anywhere in the Cosmos through all means and measures necessary for the survival and preservation of their civilization, species, and race. The political leadership of Cybertron, some of whom had become dedicated members and followers of the Decepticon cause, started proposing and enacting social and governmental policies that were uniquely and distinctively Decepticon, much to the chagrin of the rest of the other members of the political class who did not agree with and loathed the core values and beliefs of the Decepticons and who opposed them furiously at every corner. However, because of the allure and appeal of the ideas and promises made by the Decepticons, many Cybertronians fell under the sway of following the Decepticons.

The Cybertronians still continued to encounter the same problems with the dwindling supply of Energon as the policy of not inflicting any harm on any life throughout the universe in obtaining Energon limited what they could obtain and put in as reserves, which made the Decepticons further swell in ranks as more and more Cybertronians became angry and disgruntled at the seeming lack of action by the Cybertronian leadership regarding the matter. Even a planet and civilization such as Cybertron that had been blessed with colossal amounts of wealth and resources to allocate on research and development on various ways of obtaining Energon alternatively could still not produce and generate it in the desired amounts to fill their planet’s immediate needs and there was no other effective and efficient way of obtaining it other than through natural means, either gently and responsibly as what they had done for generations on Cybertron, its moons, and its sun which had now contributed to this depletion of Energon that their world was now experiencing, or through aggressive measures, yet effectively and efficiently, by harvesting it completely from the suns throughout the universe by draining every inch of their energy to extract the Energon they needed. In reality, only a massive and aggressive exploratory and mining mission across the universe could completely solve the Cybertronians’ problems with Energon. Hence, the Decepticons, with the aid of many members in the political leadership who were Decepticon adherents and members and some who were not but still believed in the Decepticons, came up with an idea and a grand plan in their goal of conquering the universe, and ultimately, the Cosmos, in obtaining and securing all the resources that they needed and solving their problems with Energon: locating the Allspark within Cybertron and using it for all their goals and objectives in asserting their beliefs and principles.

Thus, some million years had passed since the end of the last war, and Cybertron once again found itself engulfed in turmoil. Some faction in the Cybertronian Imperial Armed Forces had set out to find the Allspark’s whereabouts. Led by Commander Megatron, a very high-ranking member of the Cybertronian Imperial Armed Forces, one of the elected rulers of Cybertron, and the chosen leader of the Decepticons, and some others in this circle, with some powerful backing of the Cybertronian political, military, financial, economic, scientific, and academic establishments and intelligentsia and massive resources to spare, a classified Decepticon expedition was conducted using the government of Cybertron as a front and the Decepticons searched for the Allspark on Cybertron. With the Allspark in his hands, Megatron would be able to create, raise, amass, and unleash an army never before seen in the history of the universe and deploy them all throughout the ends of it to secure and obtain the resources they needed, most important of which was Energon. Once the Allspark’s energy granted the instantaneous life and spark to all the things of potential it touched throughout the universe, training them in the ways of force of arms, eventually deploying them, or otherwise using them to further and advance their goals and objectives would be the Decepticons’ next step. At the same token, with the Allspark, Megatron’s, and other Cybertronians who shared his beliefs, dreams of cosmic conquest would be realized and the Cybertronians would then emerge as the absolute superior species in the known universe, and ultimately, the entire Cosmos.

However, the opposition, who later would become known as the Autobots, an organization that were committed to the teachings, principles, and beliefs of Vector Sigma, led by a direct descendant of the Primes, Commander Optimus Prime, also one of the elected Cybertronian rulers and a high-ranking member of the Cybertronian military, tried to stop Megatron and his cadres and put a roadblock on their plans. After millions of years of searching for it within Cybertron trekking to various locations where it could possibly be located, after countless rigorous attempts at studying and uncovering secrets upon secrets and mysteries upon mysteries which at times failed and at other times succeeded, and piecing all the puzzles together, the Decepticons finally located it and they eventually managed to get to where the Allspark was. Megatron preemptively rallied and mobilized Decepticon storm troopers, sentinels, and its other countless members in light of Autobot declarations and proclamations that they were going to stop the Decepticons from coveting this legendary and most special and valuable planetary treasure which had remained untouched since the creation of their planet and which many Cybetronians held dear in their minds and souls as it was an artifact directly connected to their creator. The Autobots had committed to the cause that they were not going to let anyone capture the Allspark and use its powers to subjugate, punish, enslave, and destroy.

Thus, as Megatron sent out his forces to hunt down and destroy Autobot leaders, members, and any others who got in their way, and sent other forces to prepare to capture the Cube, the Autobots made good on their promise to fight back. War engulfed the planet once again which would prove to be more terrible, horrible, and devastating than the last conflict. The Decepticons, despite locating the Allspark initially, failed to possess it as they could not manage to get into the ultimate chamber where it was hidden and stored. Something in the chamber’s special key coding and programming prevented the Decepticons from unlocking the entrance to the chamber no matter how much they tried by utilizing all resources, tools, materials, strategies, and tactics at their disposal while simultaneously dealing with the increasing ferocity of Autobot resistance and counter-attacks. The Decepticons could not entirely blast the location for fear that this operation would also destroy the Allspark by accident, and their dreams of conquest along with it. Meanwhile, the war had intensified and the opposing sides engaged in tactics and strategies to try to outsmart, outclass, outgun, and overpower each other, fiercely attacking and defending vital points of interest all across Cybertron and immediately beyond.

The Autobots, through their own intelligence apparatus, acquired the information of the Allspark’s whereabouts and immediately mobilized to thwart the Decepticons, despite the heavy odds against them with the higher numbers of Decepticons and various adherents on the planet, and with Decepticon forces already heavily entrenched at the location of the Allspark. However, the Autobots fought fiercely and gallantly, marching forward, and overpowering each and every Decepticon lines of defense, gradually, but surely. As they overcame and overpowered the Decepticons already at the area where the Allspark was through surprise, better strategic and tactical planning and maneuverings, and overwhelming force, the Autobots started setting up defensive perimeters to try to prevent and stop the Decepticons from getting anywhere near the Allspark. They put up a formidable resistance, rallying and deploying Autobot members who consisted of Cybertronians from all walks of life – military, law enforcement, engineering, politics, science, academic, healthcare, spiritual, civilian, among others. Battalions upon battalions of Cybertronian soldiers who were loyal to Optimus Prime and those soldiers who defected to the Autobot cause, and the glorious, powerful, strong, and majestic Guardians of Cybertron, sworn elite defenders of Cybertron, its establishments, institutions, and treasures, from those who would pose a threat and inflict harm upon them, who had already declared their loyalty, support, and allegiance to Optimus Prime and the Autobots in ensuring Cybertron and its innocent inhabitants were protected as much as possible not long prior the commencement of hostilities, forced the Decepticons to fall back. Thus, for millions of years, the Autobots and Decepticons engaged in offense and defense, locked in seemingly perpetual fierce battles all across the planet and immediately beyond, from city to city, from lunar colony to lunar colony, as one party tried to capture the Allspark while others protected it from falling into the hands of Cybertronians who wished to use its powers for nefarious purposes. However, as gallantly and ferociously the noble Autobots fought, they gradually started getting overwhelmed and the Decepticons slowly gained the upper hand. The Decepticons’ relentless and unyielding zealous pursuit of the Allspark proved a force to be reckoned with which eventually became too much for the Autobots to bear.

Ultimately, the Autobots, through their manifest connections with the Quintesson and Vector Sigma, and their pure will and determination to fight for good, freedom, liberty, tolerance, and justice, managed to outsmart the Decepticons by breaking the code into the Allspark’s chamber with the aid of Cybertron’s powerful worldwide ultra quantum computer network Teletraan-1 which the Autobots fiercely fought for to capture, secure, and safeguard, incurring heavy losses as they did so, and they were finally able to get into the chamber and lay their hands first on the Allspark. Upon capturing and securing the Allspark, amidst incurring extremely heavy casualties, the Autobots then scrambled to hastily move it to a safe and secure locale on Cybertron where they could launch it into deep space without any other reservations, hesitations, and objections despite the inherent risks in such a plan, only that it had to be done immediately to completely keep Megatron and the Decepticons away from it. Direct orders from an enraged Megatron came through at once to repel and counter any opposition and Autobot defenses by scorching their way through without regard for anyone or anything in their path as soon as he learned that the Autobots were now in possession of the Allspark. The Autobots intended that launching the Allspark into the vastness of space was going to be a plan of last resorts, and everything was already in place – from presetting and mapping out a general location to where it was going to be launched and avoiding launching it to any specific destination for fear any Decepticon could easily home in on the Allspark’s signal, making the Decepticons’ work of locating the Allspark easier than what it needed to be, or that Decepticon spies and code breakers could eventually get into the information which would, again, make it easier for the Decepticons to trace the Allspark’s whereabouts; installing secure, break-proof tracking mechanisms and codes on the Allspark as much as possible which the Autobots worked on so that the encryption data would only be known amongst them, albeit a very risky enterprise if Decepticon code-breakers could break the encryption, but that the Autobots cautiously and hesitantly agreed on in the event that it became impossible for them to home in on its signal; scrambling and encrypting all their signals, communications, and codes so the Decepticons could not know any information regarding where the Allspark was launched into and its whereabouts. The plan, for all intents and purposes, was ready to be implemented and executed.

Despite the myriad of problems and risks it could pose, launching the Allspark was done as it was the most plausible plan at the immediate moment out of all the plans they had come up with as the Decepticons closed in on them to the point that the Decepticons almost closely managed to capture the Allspark from the Autobots as the Autobots tasked to capture and retrieve the Allspark fell back to their rally point at the launch site. As the chaos and confusion of battle mounted and gripped the Autobots as they fell under ferocious Decepticon assault from all corners, the time simply was not there to put a tracking mechanism on the Allspark as they scrambled as fast as they possibly could to run away from the advancing Decepticons while at the same time protecting the Allspark from heavy enemy fire and assault. Thus, the Autobots had no choice but to launch the Allspark in as rapid a time frame as possible before the Decepticons could catch it and take it, seeing as they only had a very small and limited window of opportunity to launch the Allspark safely and securely, away from danger and being captured. This plan would buy the much needed time to protect the Allspark and at the same time at least keep it safe, albeit for awhile, from the megalomaniacal hands of Megatron and his Decepticons as they now gradually dominated and took control of the devastated planet. It became a difficult and painstaking given that the Autobots were going to search for and locate the Allspark later on once the heavy fog of battle cleared out as this was the most plausible plan at the moment. Launching the Allspark was done for fear that it was only a matter of time before the Allspark fell on Decepticon hands as the Decepticons’ overwhelming force and persistence paid off and finally broke through heavy Autobot defenses stationed all around the location where the Allspark had been for ages and as the Decepticons moved and closed in on them and mobilized all of Cybertron’s vast armed forces loyal to Megatron and the Decepticons. The Autobots’ mission, aware of the Allspark’s energy to heal, now took on a new meaning. Stopping Megatron and the Decepticons and keeping them away from the Allspark was one thing; finding the Allspark and using its powers once they retrieved it to restore, revive, and rebuild Cybertron was another. If all else failed and the Decepticons ever came close to capturing and claiming the Allspark, over the deepest and angry objections by various Autobots, it would then have to be destroyed to remove the Decepticons’ main source of motivation for conquest, destruction, and subjugation. Thus, the Autobots endeavored to locate the Allspark, despite not knowing where it might have gone except for the general direction they launched it to and despite any Decepticon blockade that may now be placed around the planet, and they were going to trek all the ends of the universe to find it. Thus, the Allspark was launched, travelling and drifting in the vastness of space. Not long after, upon learning and receiving intelligence reports of the Allspark’s launch, Megatron then followed the trajectory of the Allspark and went after it to the far reaches of space, leaving behind Cybertron, now in complete ruins. What once was a glorious and proud planet had become a war-torn wasteland, full of death, suffering, misery, and destruction. Those who had lived, seen, and experienced the Golden Age of Cybertron would not recognize Cybertron now. Cybertron was engulfed in the fires of total war. It had become a nightmarish place, a place where the dangers, violence, and hatred of war were lurking at every corner. It was a place where a proud and glorious race lived.

As the Cybertronians went to war and waged their battles, on-world and off-world, some still held hope that Cybertron could be revived and restored again. Out of the dark vastness of space, Cybertron’s gleaming sphere continued to shine forth despite what was transpiring on the surface of the planet and immediately surrounding it. The Cybertronians still had faith that, one day, there would be a complete end to all the wars and the hatreds and animosity that had afflicted them; an end to all the deaths, suffering, and misery; that there would be no more conflicts, tears, sadness, and sorrow; that ultimately these would be things of the past, and that the Cosmos would finally return to order and balance, return to what once was and reclaim their glory and beauty, and the cycle of life and the Cosmos would go on, a perpetual circle of which the Cybertronians and all others in the Cosmos shared in and were a part of.

When there was despair, there was hope.

When there was doubt, there was faith.

When there was darkness, there was light.

When there was chaos, there was order.

Whenever there was death, there was life.

Whenever there was hatred, there was love and compassion.

Whenever there was injustice, there was justice.

There were times of sorrow and grief, there were times of joy and happiness.

There were times of suffering, there were times of contentment and comfort.

There were times of peace, there were times of war.

At times we fell, and there were times we stood and rose.

That brilliance still shining from Cybertron, whatever was left of it, despite its darkest of hours, served as a bright light signifying to many Cybertronians, their children, and their great grandchildren, all over the universe and especially to those who had since left their home world to seek refuge to other planetary systems where they could attempt to start life anew; it served as a powerful symbol, a reminder that there was still hope yet. No matter how small, no matter how dark, no matter how much odds against them, it was a hope held by many Cybertronians still on Cybertron and beyond as the once mighty, glorious, and majestic planet lay in ruins. It was a hope that many Cybertronians were willing to fight for and for all the good things for which it stood, as laid out from the very beginnings of their glorious foundation until now. It was all that they had left. It was a hope that they all shared. It was a hope that they would carry and hold dear until a time came when Cybertron was restored and revived, its glory and majesty ever shining forth; until freedom and liberty prevailed once again in the hearts and minds of all Cybertronians; until the fire of love, tolerance, compassion, and justice was re-kindled throughout the universe.

Until all are one.


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