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Postby Cryhavok » Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:24 am

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
The devastated citystate of Uraya serves perhaps as the most gruesome remainder of the Great War's effect on Cybertron's once beautiful landscape. Once the home of the magnicifient Crystal City, Uraya is now little more than a ruined wasteland with no real strategic value for either faction. With recent capture of Tagan Heights by the Decepticons, Uraya's importance as a border zone between the Autobot heartlands and Tagan Heights has once again led the Autobot High Command to militarize the region.
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Re: Uraya

Postby Rebel Raven » Mon Jan 28, 2008 4:23 pm

Uraya- The Long Shot

Shrike nods to Clench "Understood, Sir."
That's certainly a bitter pill to swallow, the notion that she lacks the firepower to down a flying vehicle. "I shall take your advice, Commander Clench and certainly try to shoot down the craft, even if I lack the firepower."

Shrike already had plans on combating the shuttle, and would adapt once she saw the craft as it would be a new sight for her, but even still, her basic ideas of blasting the engines in a more focused strike are there, and she would hope to surprise everyone with her prowess, but if she, and Triggerhappy combined cannot down the Autobot shuttle, why would they stop? If the two are on their own then .. No, no doubts, only actions. Follow the plan.
Hopefully this battle will be where she can make her mark in the Decepticon Army. Still, she must keep her head, and not get in over her head. This group of Decepticons are going off to fight elite Autobots who cannot be underestimated by any stretch of the mind.
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Re: Uraya

Postby Tasbirk » Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:37 pm

The Long Shot

Mindwipe was simply aghast at the ease with which Triggerhappy had thrown off his command. The apostate ran a quick diagnostic of his hypnotic systems. Everything checked out, indicating a clear link had been established with the target's processors. It was there that the problem lay.

"My...apologies, Sir. Triggerhappy's command subroutines are a bit...disorderly. Yes. I shall have the matter in hand...momentarily. Yes."

Focusing the full force of his entrancing abilities, the shrikebat accessed Triggerhappy's processors directly. "You are in my power now, Triggerhappy. Yes. My your will. You will remain silent...unless spoken to, until we reach our destination. Yes."

Now that he had some measure of peace in which to concentrate, the commando made quick work of the minor repairs to Triggerhappy's leg. Satisfied with his efforts, Mindwipe returned to his seat.
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Re: Uraya

Postby Optimus Frimal » Tue Jan 29, 2008 10:01 am

The Long Shot

Triggerhappy wanted to say something as Mindwipe headed back to his seat, but for some reason, he couldn't, no matter how hard he tried. And believe me, he tried very hard.

'Agh! Why can't I speak? That idiotic ventriloquist, or whatvever its called that he does had no effect over me last time. I need to talk! I've never not spoken for this long before! What if when I can speak again, I've forgotten, what do I do then? I don't want to forget how to talk, I like talking! I really like talking!' And so Triggerhappy's thoughts continued for quite some time...
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Re: Uraya

Postby The J Writer » Sat Feb 02, 2008 10:16 pm

The Long Shot

As the commando unit approached a suitable location in which to set up their ambush, a small chime went off to alert the Longshot's passengers of their nearness to their destination. Weirdwolf looked up from the work of sharpening his thermal sword and, upon seeing the readouts on the pilot's terminal, returned the weapon and sonic whetstone to subspace. His large hands wrapped around the control levers and he began laying in a descent course.

"Point-six breems time of estimated arrival is," the tracker told Clench. "Gulch a there is, for concealment of our ship perfect."

The blade-like gunship slowed somewhat as Weirdwolf tipped its nose groundward to lose altitude. The rough flatlands of Uraya rose up to meet the Decepticon craft as he brought it in for a landing in a long, narrow gully several dozen meters deep.
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Re: Uraya

Postby Cryhavok » Sun Feb 03, 2008 12:14 pm

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
The Long Shot

As Weirdwolf steered the gunship down, Clench sent out the last commands through his dataline connection into the gunship's mainframe before disconnecting. The onboard stealth generator of Longshot hummed to life, rendering the ship's exterior invisible from visual sensors. Rising up, the old pitfighter marched from the helm of the vessel to the cargo bay. Opening the access hatch leading out of the ship, Clench motioned the other Decepticons to move out.

"You have your orders. When I will give the command we'll fall back to this position. Do not give away the Longshot's position before that in any circumstances. Keep long distance radio traffic to minimum and use only direct laser links for on field communication." Clench gave his final pointers.

"Spread out."
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Re: Uraya

Postby Rebel Raven » Sun Feb 03, 2008 8:40 pm

Uraya- The Long Shot

Shrike nods to Clench "Understood, Sir."

She exits the ship, then articulates her thrusters which power both her alt mode, and her robot's flight mode. The large hip mounted thruster systems ignite, and push her along the ground as she skis away on her feet at a good clip, moving her away from the Long shot staying low and under radar.

Uraya- away from the Long shot
She finds a spot that provides her a good view of the horizon towards the Autobot side of Uraya, and then leans against cover to wait for the enemy ship. From her position she can quickly transform and take to the skies using the shattered plate of earth that hides her from the front as a take off aid.

Shrike is quite determined to cripple the craft despite what anyone says short of ordering her not to. After all, any good martial artist knows that it's not always how hard you hit your target, it's how, and where you hit the target.

Her emerald optics watch the Horizon, and her radio is on and ready to receive.
She keeps her rifle and shield mounted on her thrusters so they need not be moved during transformation.
Her position offers her some protection not just from oncoming fire, but protection from being seen. Her ground level offers her protection from being detected by aerial radar.

Shrike, feeling assured in her position, transforms into her cruising mode, pointed upwards with the aid of her cover and her thrusters which remain off to keep her thermal reading low.
She looks much like a rocket ready to be launched skywards. The large blades that are mounted on her wrists and feet make up the nose of the rocket, which offers up potential as a ramming device.
On one side her deadly, high powered beam rifle is mounted and readied on one thruster, the shield on the other thruster.

All that's left to do is wait patiently for this talon's prey using the natural environment for cover and with weapons and thrusters powered down to avoid unnecessary clues to her location and strike like a demon when the time comes. To use sudden violence of action, and strike fear into her foes with lethal precision.

Oh, she loves her job
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Re: Uraya

Postby *Silverblade » Tue Feb 05, 2008 6:10 pm


Silverstrike waited for the shuttle to land. She had been silent even after Clench had given their orders. The argent femme had done surveillance for many missions and was well aware she would be alone up there. Countless times her speed had saved her from being shot down while in recon. A few times she had even played wounded bird allowing the autobots to chase her as she fell in and out of their weapons range in order to lure them into a trap or away from some secret project. Though she highly doubted the L.S.C. would fall for such tactics, even if very few if any autobots knew of her or her function.

The soft azure glow of her optics rested on Mindwipe. Her gaze followed his every movement. She missed the past orns when the two of them trained alone. Under his careful guidance she had become an adept, quite impressive in hand to hand combat for such a light machine. She smiled quietly as the memory of the day she bested him came to her. The former priest had been quite pleased. There had been a moment …. a brief pause where she had felt odd that day and ever since. Sometimes she found herself staring at him, wondering if he had noticed ….. and then how oddly he reacted at times.

She rose from her seat and took the few steps separating them, her reflective frame glimmering in the shuttle lights. She became slightly distracted with Shrike’s departure, Triggerhappy would join the femme shortly but he was not her concern. Silver took this moment to speak to him.

Mindwipe, it will only take me a few astroseconds to get into position. If you want I can wait for you outside.”
The silver female stepped out into the Uraya territory walking slowly away from the Longshot. There was no sign of the autobot ship and it would be a waste of fuel for her to turn tight circles in the atmosphere while they waited. The Metallikato mistress activated her sword and looked it over while she waited for the necromancer to join her.
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Re: Uraya

Postby Tasbirk » Sat Feb 09, 2008 11:38 pm

The Longshot

As the elite strike team fanned out, Mindwipe heard Silverstrike's comment. Or was it an invitation? It was so difficult to tell what his prize pupil wanted these days. Or even what he did.

His mind should have been on the mission. Engaging the storied Lightning Strike Coalition was no easy task. He should have been meditating, centering his processors for the coming battle. Yet the Valckastan femme seemed bound and determined to occupy all of his ram.

To the pit with it! he decided. I must speak to her. Yes. If only to get these...thoughts from my mind!

He approached Silverstrike, trying to keep his faceplate a mask of cordial neutrality. He was not entirely successful. He wasn't entirely certain what to say. Every time he tried to make sense of the changing situation he found himself in, -something- found a way to interrupt. Even when it did not, his protegee was evasive and distant.

Yet it was she that had asked to speak to him...perhaps it was time to try another approach...

The Shrikebat screwed on a roguish smile, beaming down at the argent femme. He reached out to place one strong hand lightly on her shoulder. Despite the electric thrill he felt upon contact, he was committed to this new course of action.

"I am glad you were assigned to this mission...My Shining One. Yes. I know I can rely upon your skills." His voice was filled with pride.

The apostate's expression became pensive. "Silverstrike, " he said, whispering her name. "I think that I have developed...a new appreciation for...a certain femme. Yes. I wonder if she might...feel the same way?" He let the question hang in the air, just for an astrosecond.

Then, before she could reply, he continued, affecting a wistful air. "Do you think that Shrike would ever be interested in a mech like me?" he punctuated this with a long, dramatic sigh.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't burden you with such...musings. If you will excuse me, I shall see what my brothers are about. Yes."

The hypnotist gave the seeker a swift bow, and flew off towards Weirdwolf. The tables...they have turned. Let us see if she takes the bait...yes. Landing beside his comrade, Mindwipe shook his head with a chuckle. "I am a wicked, wicked friend. Yes. But then...what femme was ever built that could not make a mech wicked?"

Letting the matter drop, he returned his thoughts to the current conflict. "So what is the situation? Have we any...sign of the enemy?"
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Re: Uraya

Postby Rebel Raven » Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:43 pm

Uraya- Away from the Long Shot

If she didn't know any better she'd say her audio sensors had gone up a few degrees. An unusual sensation that broke up some of the monotony of waiting for the Autobot ship to arrive.
But as quiet as her wait is, she doesn't need to spend her time doing things that would hinder her readiness like struggling at small talk with others, or loosing her mind and slaughtering an annoying comrade.

Shrike remains in her launch ready position below aerial radar, emitting nothing but the minimalist emissions and mostly if not entirely hidden behind debris to avoid detection, eagerly waiting to show the Empire her talents and make the LSC delayed by repairs or walking to Tagan if not abandoning the assault altogether. A talent that would, maybe, have her put above and beyond the common grunt perhaps. A talent that deserves to be increased. Rewarded.

Oh the joys of evolution. The prospects of new heights of combat it held.
The joys of more military strength would come to her sooner or later, and she would indulge in every single upgrade.
First, however, she must get into a position of respect and/or power, and to do that, she must become a potent force. Not every great transformer had started off as they are today. They got upgrades along the way, and if she has her way, she will follow in their footsteps somehow.

She remains vigilant of the skies, waiting for the opportunity, with various tactics in mind, and the intent of capitalizing on the inherent flaws of most winged craft, and maybe the flaws in radar. Flaws such as the fact that winged craft tend to require forward momentum at all times or fall from the sky which won't give them a mobility advantage against her unless they simply travel faster than her and flee, really. The second major advantage is simply that most winged craft can only fire directly in front of them, thus if you stay above or below their field of fire, you have the firepower advantage. With her mobility she's in a good position to gut the beast, or break it's back, metaphorically speaking. And, really, that's her plan. To gut the beast of it's engines. Slice open it's hide, then blast through the hole created to inject destruction!

Plans like these mean her combat never truly revolved around pure brute force and firepower despite being an aerial artillery piece. With only 3 or 4 rounds available to fire a 10ft wide armor destroying beam 2 miles out from a projector some 2ft wide required some energon and she kept the cannon's needed energon in a battery of sorts that partitions it from her main supply, but it isn't so separate that she cannot use the battery as an emergency fuel cell or her main fuel supply as an emergency battery. Because of her limited cannon ammo she isn't exactly the ideal artillery piece at the time being as she has a thin, feminine, agile frame instead of all the mechanics and technology available to the big, bulky tanks. Though, unlike those big bulky tanks, she has a great deal more mobility.

In truth, she anticipates this battle much the way a human would anticipate a seasoned, sauced, piping hot 24 oz. steak with a scent smelled yards away. The way a dog looks at 3 pounds of raw hamburger.
And with any luck, hamburger will be very much what the Lightning Strike Coalition will resemble when she leaves the battlefield.
Not that she knows anything about Earth, the life-forms, and their cuisine, mind you.

She thinks much about how to approach the shuttle and about how to battle the Autobots once they exit, though odds are the shuttle assault will be the easiest part. Battle plans from almost mindlessly blasting at it to a surgical strike to even calling out and goading some random Autobot for a duel in singular combat so they would halt their flight just to fight her.
The latter was laughable, however. It's not that she does not believe in singular combat, it's that neither side can be trusted to keep it singular. The Autobots have their teamwork mentality, and as soon as she gets the upper hand and maybe even if it's a stalemate, they'll blast her. The Decepticons are treacherous as they're already setting an ambush, and they'll blast their way into a duel as well.
All in all, the surgical, and hopefully stealthy strike will be the optimal path ahead of her. Afterwards she can make challenges, and what not.
Shrike chuckles lightly at the thought.
No, we're already outnumbered, supposedly. Hopefully not out classed, however. Pairing off is not going to work.

The notion of personal combat made her think about her assault on Tagan Heights. Quake fought that Autobot fool in singular combat. If it wasn't Quake it would have been her most assuredly, and that Autobot would have rued the day his spark ignited, let alone the fact he went into action against the the assault force all alone.
She battled more than one in Autobot singular combat at least most of the time she fought, and she won those two battles. Too bad she didn't get their names, or had any Intel on them besides the combat prowess they've shown.
No! Pride cannot cloud my desires. Only power! Power to serve the Decepticon Empire for an eternity or until the empire crumbles! With my dying spark, with my entire laser core, as long as there are Decepticon leaders, all I desire is the power to fight for the Empire! Praise, and pride cannot be allowed to dull my skills.
Yes, she knows loyalty very well it being the only reason she is among the Decepticons as far as she knows, and only truly craves power to serve loyally. Those two driving forces are first and foremost in her mind. In fact, they were near obsessions! She knew that, and part of her would loathe such a thing, to be obsessed, but it was a goal she felt noble and she could not truly hate that. To fight, to be loyal, and seek only to further those motives.
When she gets to the strength that Autobots would quake with fear at the mention of her name, and she could defeat anyone she engaged in combat with, maybe she would calm down a bit?
But such a trip is a long one. She can't expect a technological leap in evolution to just happen out of the blue. To be served up to her with no work. She certainly can't just ask for it. She must earn the opportunity to grasp evolution.

Maybe when this battle ends, she will have shown enough talent to impress all the right people, and be sought after for those who need a potent warrior. Maybe promoted? All stepping stones on her path to becoming the superior warrior for the empire. It was unlikely that she would be able to impress people and stay the same rank. And odds are power will not be given to a grunt. At least to an unimpressive one.
Maybe she will make a name for herself on both sides of the war in this battle. A hero sought after among the Decepticons and planned into tactics, and a respected figure to be remembered and feared amongst the Autobots to be planned for in every assault. Again, not for the fame, but for the opportunities for growth in power!
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Re: Uraya

Postby Cryhavok » Tue Feb 12, 2008 1:25 pm

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
Ruins of the Crystal City - The Sculptor's Forum

Clench had not wasted time standing next to the Longshot, instead he had headed out into the ruins of Crystal City to scout for a proper spot to set up an assault. There wasn't much left of the city once renowned of its beauty but the city ruins would still hide him from the sensor sweep from an approaching shuttle without having to use energy inefficient external stealth equipment.

While scanning the area carefully against potential threats, Clench's couldn't avoid thinking about how the rest of the team would perform. Weirdwolf, Mindwipe and Skullcruncher would know their roles, the old Decepticon gave them little attention in his thoughts. If Silverstrike was as good as Mindwipe believed, she'd have no trouble finding the enemy vessel fast enough to allow the assault unit to reposition if it were to be required. Shrike seemed to be serious enough to do her job right no matter the cost, Clench could only hope the rookie was also able to babysit after Triggerhappy. If the nutjob would endanger the mission... he would deal with him.
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Re: Uraya

Postby *Silverblade » Sat Feb 16, 2008 10:34 am

The silver con femme deactivated her sword as Mindwipe touched her shoulder. The smile the hypnotist wore caused her to quirk an eyebrow. If she had been a creature of flesh her breath would have caught in her throat from the way he had said her name. He had never spoken to her in such a tone before. But then his next string of dialect surprised her. ~Shrike? ………… Shrike? …… He barely knew her. What kind of game was the Vampiric commando playing?~

She stared after him with her recon formatted optics. As he landed near Weirdwolf a slight narrowing and darkening of her brilliant blue orbs were the only sign of how she felt. She turned away just in time to see Clench head out. As she put her sword away she made a mental note of each team member’s position then took to the air. She did not transform just yet as the speed at which her altmode moved would waste fuel requiring her to turn tight circles in the air. With a high pitched whine the argent seeker activated each of her specialized sensor Thunderwing had built within her. Lastly she turned on her long range radar. It was meant for use in space but would suffice for what she required here.

Taking to a height most seekers avoided hovering at she turned to face the more active Autobot territory. Skullcruncher, Weirdwolf, Triggerhappy, Shrike, and the others were no more than tiny blips to her. Their “friendly” Decepticon signatures were ignored by the sensitive internal workings she had activated. The mirroresque angel was waiting for something bigger, something that wouldn’t avoid her detection so easily. The moment the ship was targeted she would signal the others and transform. Her best option was to dodge the enemy fire and kite them into position. This way Clench’s team and the two air support could take action. She hissed to herself as she hovered alone.

“Damn Thunderwing, for denying my long range weaponry.”

Though it was her own attitude and open insubordination in front of Megatron that had caused her father to decide to keep her without proper long range weaponry, he was also mistrustful of her and had taken measures to leave her unable to sustain any powerful lasers should she try to install them herself. It also made it much harder for her to function with the other seekers under Starscream’s command. She was well aware of Thunderwing’s distaste of her long time acquaintance with him. Over the vorns she had learned to improvise, and in order to survive she had no choice but to become the best at what she could do.
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Re: Uraya

Postby Rebel Raven » Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:41 pm

Uraya- Away from the Long Shot

Shrike rests peacefully in her launch position watching the skies, still feeling that odd sensation of warmed audio recievers. She spots Silverstrike starting her rounds looking much like the stars that dot the sky with her mirrored exterior, and flight exhaust.

Shrike's CPU is ablaze with battle plans and running scenario after scenario finding optimal paths based on a lot of guesswork, really. She has little to no data on the LSC, and has never seen an Autobot gun ship before, but that won't stop her.

Still, she dislikes the fact that there are simply to many variables. The Autobots, their ship, and her allies. Especially Triggerhappy who seems thoroughly chaotic.
Then again the chaos of war is always present, and combat rarely goes as planned for long. That's why she loves to adapt. Adapt, evolve, survive, fight. There's that obsessive line of thinking again. It's a bit annoying at times, but it doesn't cloud her judgment, or focus.

Still, as obsessive as she might feel, what's left to do? Drop her guard, and let the Autobots gain the advantage of initiative? Oh, they'll come. Sooner or later, and she -must- be ready. Unless the Autobots are going to land the shuttle themselves, and deploy into what's likely to be a hailstorm of firepower, she has to drop their shuttle somehow. And even if they did land themselves, she'll make sure they don't get to take off with any amount of ease.

'It's quiet. I hate quiet.

Time seems to crawl for her with only the glorious battle in her combat computer keeping her company for now, and eventually it'll be all too real. Never ending battle as scenarios replay, and replay with virtually every variation she can think of taking place. The longer the Autobots wait to attack, the more prepared she is.
Plans of fast, agile combat leaving numerous Autobots laying on the ground in cut up, blown up bits left to rue the day they thought themselves elite. Her fighting style, ever evolving, ever growing cobbled together from seeing arts performed, and what her hyperactive combat computer brews up dreams up a fast paced combat that is full of quick, agile, unorthodox movements, and some that are orthodox. She almost dares to fancy herself an exotic fighter. Someone who no one can prepare for without knowing how to fight like her, and as far as she knew, no one has that know-how because no one else has her form. Maybe she would never fight the same way twice. It's an easy thing to shift gears in combat to match the foe be they big, small, tall, strong, weak, fast, slow, heavily armored, or what have you.

Still, she is new to running with the big dogs. She has no idea how well she can battle anyone until she meets them. It's why she never ever wants to underestimate anyone, ever. And she hopes she had not overestimated the elite team she is working with. She would have faith in their abilities to see them through the battle, and maybe force the Autobots to do the retreating instead of the Decepticons.
It's all she asks that they have some self reliance, though she didn't seem to have a problem helping a 'con in need as she demonstrated in the taking of Tagan. It was tactically wise to keep another gun firing after all. Hopefully anyone she helps will never have the opportunity to return the favor. She plans to never need help. Then the memory of calling for backup in her first major campaign reminded her that she's not yet the super soldier she wants so much to be, and she's reminded just how weak the Autobots can be to have been ousted so easily.

An absurd thought crosses her mind. She wonders if anyone could relate to her on a level beyond the simple emblem that's worn by her comrades. It wasn't as simple a lust for combat. It's a desire to -perfect- combat as opposed to rely on the same tactics, and fighting like a drone. To be able to battle at all ranges of combat, including melee. Glorious melee where combat becomes the art of what a person can do with their body, or at least what they've been trained to do.

Bah! Why is she thinking this? She's never cared for anyone. Well, short of Thunderwing or some reason she may never fully grasp. A commander she had never seen in person until recently. Only a brief exchange and the sound of his voice loosing her like an arrow of destruction had been their interaction. She could only chalk it up to loyalty and the fact that he allowed her her chance at glory. It doesn't matter right now though.

Then there's Silverstrike. The only other female she has ever seen. Maybe some level of kinship runs through Shrike's mind. It's not as if the femmes of this planet are going extinct, or in any small numbers, but still, they seemed rare.

She could only figure that each and every Decepticon femme is a competent being. And that would make her wonder about female Autobots? What sort of bots were they? Would they be even half as dedicated to combat as Shrike is herself? Or were they all too demilitarized in the life before the war to ever match mettle with the born war machine that is Shrike??
She would very much like to meet one and find out. Maybe if she can stop the LSC from advancing on Tagan the Autobots will be forced to send another team, and among them will be a fine example of an Autobot female. Hope they don't disappoint.
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Re: Uraya

Postby The J Writer » Fri Feb 22, 2008 1:51 am

Ruins of the Crystal City


Weirdwolf absorbed Mindwipe's bizarre statements about femmes. Ahh, as expected I it is! The hypnotist and the silver air warrior that had joined them at Tyrest had been spending an inordinate amount of time together lately. The tracker knew something of their relationship - or at least enough to know that Mindwipe was a sort of mentor to her, if he understood the situation correctly. But perhaps there was more to their relationship than Weirdwolf had seen firsthand. He had suspected as much, and now it seemed Mindwipe was confirming those suspicions himself.

" good are they in cases most," he cautioned. "Plotting, scheming, always. A femme...the energon angers. A distraction constant!"

The tracker leaned in closer to his nefarious comrade. He was curious to know just what was going on, in case it might impact their success in the battle to come. The enemy had not yet been sighted, but it was only a matter of time.

"Brother me tell it! Silverstrike friend yours...with her going on what is?"
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Re: Uraya

Postby Tasbirk » Mon Feb 25, 2008 11:30 pm

"Ha! Clearly, you have not spent nearly enough time around brother," Mindwipe said in response to Weirdwolf's first comment. "Or have spent just enough time, yes?" the shrikebat responded to the tracker's second statement.

The question that folled provoked no quip, however. Instead, the hypnotist's faceplate twisted into a scowl as he attempted to find the answer. "Nothing!" he said at last. "Or...perhaps everything. Yes. I had thought perhaps...things between myself and and my Shining One had...changed."

"Yet every time I try to...ascertain where we stand, I make no progress. We are interrupted, or the femme in question is evasive and contradictory." His frustration with the situation was evident in his strangely lilting voice. "But it matter now," he added with far more certainty. "I am through chasing her. Yes. Either she will come to me...or I am mistaken, and need think of it no more."

"But come now...Brother Weirdwolf. We have a battle to prepare for! Surely we can find more...entertaining topics to occupy our waiting time than the peculiarities of femmes! Yes!" The apostate's face took on a sinister smile. "I should very much like to see Kup the coming conflict. Yes. The power plants of those older models lend their energon a rich, ferrous flavor that is...surprisingly satisfying. Yes."
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Re: Uraya

Postby The J Writer » Sat Mar 01, 2008 3:24 pm

Ruins of the Crystal City

Mindwipe's words had not quite set Weirdwolf at ease. Mind his clouded clearly by...with that femme an obsession! Still, the tracker had never known Mindwipe to behave anything but professionally and efficiently when it came time for Clench's unit to do what they did best - destroy Autobots. Until something indicated to Weirdwolf that Mindwipe's focus had been lost, he would make no judgment regarding Silverstrike's influence upon the hypnotist. Ironic it is...the manipulator manipulated!

" Kup a second crack quite enjoyable would be!" Weirdwolf had not had the chance to tangle with the old Autobot in the raid on Nova Cronum, but he would certainly welcome it this time around. Most Autobots couldn't come near matching Weirdwolf in brute strength or nastiness, but Kup was closer than most, to be sure. "The Autobot wolf-mech...another around-go I would like as well! Lucky he was our meeting last."

The tracker gazed out at the horizon. He was curious if the two Decepticons in the air had yet spotted the Autobot craft, and so opened a comm channel.

>>"Silverstrike, Shrike...sign any yet of Autobots the?"<<
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Re: Uraya

Postby *Silverblade » Sat Mar 01, 2008 4:40 pm

Uraya / Nova Cronum Border

Weirdwolf’s voice came calmly across her transmitters. She turned her body to look down at the tracker and his brother opening her end to tell the wolf alt con of her void of findings…. But as she turned her frontal long range systems hit in the direction of the Autobot base Nu in Nova Cronum a movement on the horizion caused her to freeze. Carefully she focused her long range space sensors on the blip. It was at first slightly frustrating as the equipment was designed for off world use. The ship came into focus, better than she expected. The dauntless was approaching them at a good click. The shining femme then opened her channel to the whole team.

>>Yes Wolf they approach now……… Clench, Sir the LSC approaches from the east leaving Nova Cronum. The Dauntless is moving well over mach 3 ……. Preparing to kite target into position.<<

The silver seeker transformed into her unique reconnaissance fighter alt mode, the light from countless stars reflecting deep within her hull. Her engines flared with an azure glow as they heated internally preparing her for movement. She gave one last scan to see where her comrades were before engaging her thrusters. Silver was on them faster than any average flier, but she was sure to keep her speed low. It was more important to be agile now than swift. Her path brought her dead even with the ship’s canopy allowing her to open fire upon the bridge but more importantly showering their visual ports with laser fire. Her weaponry wouldn’t even scratch the glass but it would certainly gain their attention. She pulled up at the last astrosecond, allowing the occupants of the ship a good view of her reflective chassis.

Silverstrike flipped, a move that would have made Starscream jealous, as she made her pass coming up behind the ship. She skillfully maneuvered herself around to the front once more, purposefully putting herself in weapons range. Her fuel pump pounded, the situation was far from easy and she was not adequately armored, for such a hit but….. she had done this many times before. Her assertiveness came from experience, she was not here to find glory or play the hero. She did not risk another transmission for fear of its detection; such a slip could give away her intensions. For now she would play the suicidal young seeker glory hound. She thought to herself Sometimes the seeker stereotype had its advantages… thanks Screamer.
Last edited by *Silverblade on Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Uraya

Postby Rebel Raven » Sat Mar 01, 2008 9:50 pm

Uraya- Away from the Long Shot

She replies in direct laser communications to Wierdwolf, >>Affirmative. The Autobot ship and Silverstrike are in sight, and the Autobot craft will be met with precision violence, and hopefully brought down during Silverstrike's kiting maneuvers. She sounds confident in herself to say the least, and not in an invincible idiot rookie way, but in a cold calculated tone that made it evident she has a plan.

The laser transmission to Wierdwolf would not come from the sky where he assumed Shrike would be, but from a well covered position where Shrike remained low redy to ambush before the ambush which may allow greater advantage to her mostly ground pounding allies as th Autobots might think the worst is over when Shrike's ambush happens, and hopefully she's under the radar of the Autobot craft, and hidden from their visual. More so if no one on the ship has seen Shrike before as her alt mode is pretty unique so they may not readily recognize her even if they saw her.

While Shrike is hard to see, the Decepticon forces may be able to see her transformed into her dart like flying alt mode, pointed skywards like some grand crimson missile ready to intercept the Autobot ship.
Her form looked to be reminiscent of Ramjet in terms of function with her wrist and foot blades making up the nose cone of the dart like craft meaning ramming is an option. Only her high powered energy rifle and her shield would be visible as an armament, but with Shrike, looks are deceiving, and they would see her go to work very soon.

Shrike would watch Silver begin kiting maneuvers, and Shrike prepares to attack. She begins calculating the possible trajectories of the ship's crash via her near prodigious combat computer, and seeks to locate the engines of the craft. That is her target of targets. The heart of the beast. Without the engines it is dead!
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Re: Uraya

Postby Optimus Frimal » Sun Mar 02, 2008 3:54 am

The Long Shot

Triggerhappy sat aboard the Longshot. Just sitting like a vegetable, completely unaware of what was going on around him, still only worried about the fact he couldn't talk. That is, until he overheard the rest of the group talking about being in position, at which point Triggerhappy shot up straight, transformed and headed out of the ship. Straight towards where Shrike was waiting, transforming directly above Shrike and landing with grace and precision beside her, which was most unlike Triggerhappy.

'Wait a minute.' Triggerhappy thought. 'I didn't just do that, well I didn't want to do that anyway, must be that slaggin Mindwipe, he must of messed me up, made me... not myself.'

"I apologise for my absence. At which point of the plan are we at?" Triggerhappy asked Shrike, without a single wise crack, simply getting straight to the point.

'Well, at least I can talk again' He thought. 'Or can I? That wasn't really me speaking was it? What's wrong with me!'
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Re: Uraya

Postby Rebel Raven » Sun Mar 02, 2008 7:34 pm

Uraya- Away from the Long Shot

Shrike remained in her alt mode, but speaks plainly to Triggerhappy since he was right by her. "I await Silverstrike's kiting maneuvers to bring the Autobot ship near. Then we shall ambush the craft with speed and violence, and focus on the engines to try and bring it down so the ground forces can help finish the job. I shall assault the belly of the craft using their radar silhouette as cover, I ask that you assault the spine of the craft as you see fit. This will make the odds of us shooting each other next to nil, and it shall divide their attention." In essence a classic pincer attack. "Further as with many flying craft, they tend to lack the means of shooting anything that isn't directly in front of them without missiles which can be dodged, or destroyed. Until then, I highly recommend you stay still, hidden, and quiet so we are not spotted visually, and remain low so their radar has a lower chance of detecting us." She spoke bluntly, and like she knew what she was doing. Hopefully, she did.
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Re: Uraya

Postby Cryhavok » Tue Mar 04, 2008 4:40 pm

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
Ruins of the Crystal City - The Sculptor's Forum

Waiting was always difficult. It didn't separate rank and file from commanding officers and out of the whole Decepticon commando unit that had been sent out to ambush the Dauntless, Clench's wait was certainly the longest. To stay focused and calm while the others would engage the enemy and live through the thrill of the battle... it was almost intolerable. He yearned to be there, in the frontlines - cleaving through the ranks of the opposition, crushing them under his feet. Waiting was not his game but during his considerably long lifespan he had learned the rules of the game. He would keep his bloodlust to himself until it was time to unleash its whole devastating might upon his enemies.

With Silverstrike finally reporting a contact with the Lightning Strike Coalition, Clench could only smile within.


Today he had to wait to be able to hit hard and fast from the shadows. But it would hardly be the whole battle ahead.
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Re: Uraya

Postby Tasbirk » Thu Mar 06, 2008 4:17 pm

Shuttle Dauntless

Swoop had to admit, the shiny Decepticon sure was fast. 'Course, it looked like its wings were made outa foil. And either it couldn;t shoot for slag, or it was pathetically underarmed. Maybe both.

"Me Swoop got a Seeker on the scope, Boss-Bot. We're taking fire!" He took a quick look at his displays before continuing. "No damage. Hull's just soaking it up. Me got nothing else on the screen. Looks like it's a loner." He peered at the HUD again, taking a closer look at the data. "This 'Con looks like a recon model. Long range design. No telling if it's a scout from Polyhex or Tagan." The pterodactyl looked over his shoulder for a nano-klick.

"The Seeker's petro-rabbiting. What we gonna do about it, Grimlock? We goin' after it?"
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Re: Uraya

Postby Devastron » Sun Mar 09, 2008 1:09 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Shuttle Dauntless

The flight to Uraya had been uneventful. Grimlock hadn’t expected to be anything else, but he could always hope for some action. He spent the time going over the latest intelligence reports he downloaded from Nova Cronum. The front had pretty much moved away from Uraya. It meant they would have to travel to see some action but it meant their headquarters should be relatively safe from attack. It wasn’t exactly ideal, but he could make it work.

The Dinobot commander looked up at the screen as Swoop spoke up. He didn’t recognize the seeker himself, but that didn’t mean much considering his long absence from the planet. Swoops assessment of it did seem accurate though as it was fast and its weapons weren’t that spectacular. It was a bit odd that a lone seeker like this would attack them. It could be a trap or it could just be some bored lone seeker. Either way it was action. It was time to show the Decepticons that he was back.

“Follow it Swoop.” He then spoke to the rest of the crew. “Battle alert, we taking this one down. Lock guns on target and open fire.”
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Re: Uraya

Postby Rebel Raven » Sun Mar 09, 2008 2:20 pm

Uraya- Away from the Long Shot

Shrike makes her move as the Autobots begin pursuit of Silver. Her thrusters come to life and she flies on an intercept course for the Dauntless only a meter from the ground or so, trying to stay below radar.
When she nears the point of interception she makes a sharp climb heading directly for the bottom of the ship hoping to stay in the shadow of the Autobot's own radar signature and remain hidden with that cover.

Shrike switches from her cruise mode to her assault mode during her sharp climb at at a precise angle aimed for the belly of the beast. The process of changing modes is a simple one. The nose of the cruise mode simply splits into 4 blade tipped limbs capable of grasping targets like a large hand. This change also reveals the 580mm beam cannon that is at the center of the 4 limbs like the beak of a squid at the center of it's tentacles. Shrike does not fire the beam cannon yet, though! With limited ammo, she must be certain of every shot with an obstacle like the armor of the Dauntless.

Like a disembodied talon of a giant bird of prey she seeks to sink the super heated armor cleaving blades of the 4 limbs into the lower hull of the ship behind the front of the wings, and hopefully behind any guns the Autobot ship and anchor herself there so she can do maximum damage at close range.

With luck, her attempt to latch onto the Dauntless will be a success, and the Autobots would never know what hit them until it was too late!
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Re: Uraya

Postby Tasbirk » Thu Mar 13, 2008 3:34 pm

Shuttle Dauntless

"Acknowledged!" Swoop shouted to Grimlock. The pilot maneuvered the shuttle to pursue the fleeing Seeker. Accelerating, the Dauntless struggled to close the distance between it and its smaller, more agile prey.

"That's one fast 'Con," the bombardier commented. His voice was a mix of frustrated determination and begrudging respect. "But it already proved we got one things it doesn't...guns! Weapons are hot. Optimum range in twenty nano-klicks."
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