Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

Par's Vice Chairman Rob Moore, who said to bear with him because he wasn’t a “morning person” and was instead used to his traditional Monday night slot, highlighted several upcoming sequels and reboots, including another Paranormal Activity for Fall, as well as a reboot of the horror franchise, Rings for November 13th. In between for Halloween will be the original horror comedy A Scout’s Guide To The Zombie Apocalypse which he said the studio was particularly jazzed about because of the title which got laughs from the exhibitors.
He also promised the theater owners that Michael Bay was hard at work developing a fifth Transformers movie since the first four have made an astounding $3.7 worldwide, music to the ears of this crowd which is ALL about box office. But first Bay is directing Thirteen Hours, a war movie set around a daring rescue mission in Benghazi that is already set for release on Martin Luther King weekend next January. Bay’s also producing a sequel to last summer’s successful ($485 million worldwide) reboot of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle franchise, Ninja Turtles II, set for June 3, 2016.
RhA wrote:Poopstorm in 3... 2... 1...
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Burn wrote:You made your opinion perfectly clear with your earlier post ...
Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:Burn wrote:You made your opinion perfectly clear with your earlier post ...
Yeah... I know...
For real though, can't he make Badboys 3 or something instead?
SKYWARPED_128 wrote:Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:Burn wrote:You made your opinion perfectly clear with your earlier post ...
Yeah... I know...
For real though, can't he make Badboys 3 or something instead?
Bad Boys 3 don't pay nearly as well as TF 5, or 6. Nobody says no to cash, and like I said, Hasbro and Paramount are so afraid of rocking the boat that they'll keep piling money on his lap until he agrees to make another TF movie.
...that is, until his TF movies stop making money. Just a matter of time before they grow too stale to bring in the audiences, TBH. Which is probably why they're playing around with the whole MCU-style expanded universe thing for Transformers.
"When" is anybody's guess. But until then though, brace yourself for more Bayverse in the future.
Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:SKYWARPED_128 wrote:Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:Burn wrote:You made your opinion perfectly clear with your earlier post ...
Yeah... I know...
For real though, can't he make Badboys 3 or something instead?
Bad Boys 3 don't pay nearly as well as TF 5, or 6. Nobody says no to cash, and like I said, Hasbro and Paramount are so afraid of rocking the boat that they'll keep piling money on his lap until he agrees to make another TF movie.
...that is, until his TF movies stop making money. Just a matter of time before they grow too stale to bring in the audiences, TBH. Which is probably why they're playing around with the whole MCU-style expanded universe thing for Transformers.
"When" is anybody's guess. But until then though, brace yourself for more Bayverse in the future.
Given that AoE performed very well in terms of profits, I don't think that's going to be a trend any time soon. Oh well. At least I actually like movie Hound, Drift, and Crosshairs.
SKYWARPED_128 wrote:Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:SKYWARPED_128 wrote:Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:Burn wrote:You made your opinion perfectly clear with your earlier post ...
Yeah... I know...
For real though, can't he make Badboys 3 or something instead?
Bad Boys 3 don't pay nearly as well as TF 5, or 6. Nobody says no to cash, and like I said, Hasbro and Paramount are so afraid of rocking the boat that they'll keep piling money on his lap until he agrees to make another TF movie.
...that is, until his TF movies stop making money. Just a matter of time before they grow too stale to bring in the audiences, TBH. Which is probably why they're playing around with the whole MCU-style expanded universe thing for Transformers.
"When" is anybody's guess. But until then though, brace yourself for more Bayverse in the future.
Given that AoE performed very well in terms of profits, I don't think that's going to be a trend any time soon. Oh well. At least I actually like movie Hound, Drift, and Crosshairs.
Yeah, at the core of it, CGI robots will almost always save the day--it actually made ROTF watchable if you fast-forwarded past the human bits, didn't it?![]()
Seriously, though, AoE was pretty decent since Bay/Kruger finally put some emphasis on the lore or the TF's (Creators, knights, etc.) instead of cooking up yet another Macguffin for the human protagonist to go on an Easter egg hunt. Could have done a better job of introducing the Dinobots, but it's a start. And since it's Bay, I never expect too much.
And finally, he got rid of the ass-clown characters (Lucas and Tucci sort of count, but at least they were actually funny and far more tolerable than Leo, Ken Jeong or Sam's mom). The lack of army presence was quite refreshing as well.
Burn wrote:*yawn* Here we go again. The discussion about why the previous movies were bad.
Thought we might have made it to page 2 before that dribble popped up AGAIN.
Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:Burn wrote:*yawn* Here we go again. The discussion about why the previous movies were bad.
Thought we might have made it to page 2 before that dribble popped up AGAIN.
Are we not allowed to talk about what worked and didn't work in the previous films?
Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:SKYWARPED_128 wrote:Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:SKYWARPED_128 wrote:Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:Burn wrote:You made your opinion perfectly clear with your earlier post ...
Yeah... I know...
For real though, can't he make Badboys 3 or something instead?
Bad Boys 3 don't pay nearly as well as TF 5, or 6. Nobody says no to cash, and like I said, Hasbro and Paramount are so afraid of rocking the boat that they'll keep piling money on his lap until he agrees to make another TF movie.
...that is, until his TF movies stop making money. Just a matter of time before they grow too stale to bring in the audiences, TBH. Which is probably why they're playing around with the whole MCU-style expanded universe thing for Transformers.
"When" is anybody's guess. But until then though, brace yourself for more Bayverse in the future.
Given that AoE performed very well in terms of profits, I don't think that's going to be a trend any time soon. Oh well. At least I actually like movie Hound, Drift, and Crosshairs.
Yeah, at the core of it, CGI robots will almost always save the day--it actually made ROTF watchable if you fast-forwarded past the human bits, didn't it?![]()
Seriously, though, AoE was pretty decent since Bay/Kruger finally put some emphasis on the lore or the TF's (Creators, knights, etc.) instead of cooking up yet another Macguffin for the human protagonist to go on an Easter egg hunt. Could have done a better job of introducing the Dinobots, but it's a start. And since it's Bay, I never expect too much.
And finally, he got rid of the ass-clown characters (Lucas and Tucci sort of count, but at least they were actually funny and far more tolerable than Leo, Ken Jeong or Sam's mom). The lack of army presence was quite refreshing as well.
Well, I didn't really have any attachment to the pre-AoE characters either, aside from Ironhide. While there wasn't any kind of character development with Hound, Drift, or Crosshairs, they did make watching the scenes with them in it fun. The main reason is that they reminded me of the Maximals from Beast Wars. Not any characters specifically, just more in the way they behaved as a loosely-tied group who get on eachothers nerves more than they could work as a unit, and they were led by an over-worked Optimus who was pretty much done with trying to get them to behave. That's why I liked them.
Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:Are we not allowed to talk about what worked and didn't work in the previous films? I kinda assumed that would have something to do with the next one, but I guess I'm wrong?
Burn wrote:Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:Are we not allowed to talk about what worked and didn't work in the previous films? I kinda assumed that would have something to do with the next one, but I guess I'm wrong?
What is there to discuss that hasn't been discussed in every other movie news thread?
There are non-news threads for it to be discussed in.
Every time though a news article is posted about the movie, it quickly degenerates into why the previous movies were bad. Then SlyTF1 comes charging in to defend things and it gets so so messy and everyone just goes round and round and round.
The horse is beyond pulp now.
noctorro wrote:Who would you rather have directing the next Transformers movie?
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