Scorponok's alt mode actually looks really good with the realistic alt mode head and I like that he comes with the missiles and the Cyberbee, but Scorponok is the least interesting BW Predacon character-wise and his proportions are a bit off to me. If they do a Sandstorm or Double Punch repaint, I'd probably jump on it, but I think I'll pass this version.
Galvatron still looks good (and he looked better with the shoulders reversed), but I'm not attached enough to G1 Galvatron to spend Leader class money on him. If they repaint/retool him into Energon Megatron like we've mentioned/speculated before, I'll be all over it.
I've not bought any Titans and still have no intention of doing so, but that Ark is VERY tempting. The fact that he comes with Mainframe and the alt mode scanner drone is great, and he REALLY reminds me of Tidal Wave, which is a strong selling point for a UT kid like me. If they do another version of Mainframe without the Ark in his original colors like was suggested on the Selects thread, I'd grab that.
Seibertron wrote:Nemesis Primal wrote:...isn't Scorponok a Deluxe, not a Voyager?
Yes, you are correct. That was my mistake. I read it at $29.99 for the MSRP, and because Scorponok had previously been a larger Mega class, my brain just went with that made complete sense for Scorponok. I updated the news article accordingly. Thanks Nemesis Primal!
No problem Boss Bot