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We thank o.supreme for letting us know that there are some great preorders available now. Just to give you an idea of how momentous this is, this is a toy that was selling for $350 USD plus shipping on e-bay just last week, as we can see in the thumbnail.
o.supreme wrote:Remember those Siege Amazon exclusive 2 packs? I know some fans paid Hundreds for the Skywarp set in the aftermarket... But they're back for a limited time, get em' while you can.
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The dust has settled. The dozens of wrong predictions are in the past. The speculation can end. Finally, a new episode of the Twincast / Podcast has arrived! Oh, and there's this Haslab Liokaiser thing happening too. Not sure if you heard about it, but if you haven't, Scotty P, Aaarnhide19 and Kuhlio are going to spend a bunch of time discussing it on this episode. All that other stuff from Megacon 2025 comes up too, it's a pretty good time.
Episode #369 “Gattai-Funding” is available directly and in our RSS Feed, and should appear on Apple Podcasts and many other Podcatcher sites within 24 to 48 hours of when you see this news post.
Here's what we discuss in this episode:
Haslab Liokaiser is up and ready to be gattaied. And funded. Gattai-funded?
The episode finishes up with Bragging Rights, which are regretful for the show's host
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Sounds like the video missed the Liokaiser reveal part of the panel as the beginning of the video sees them talking about Liokaiser like they've already shown it off. They also keep mispronouncing his name as "Leokaiser" instead of "Liokaiser".
Sky-Byte is very articulated in shark mode, they wanted to replicate his cartoony "Muppet" qualities from the cartoon.
Heatwave is a "partial" of Legacy Bulkhead. The fact that the mold looks like it was intended for Heatwave all along was not intentional and was a happy accident. Comes with his axe and fire hose blaster.
Timelines: Hearts of Steel - 2-pack of Optimus Prime and Starscream
Second 2-pack consisting of Megatron and Bumblebee
"Transformers: Timelines" will be a new Pulse-exclusive line in which the same four characters will be released every year, but with a different theme centered around different time periods with different altmodes. So next year we'll get another different set of Optimus, Megatron, Starscream, and Bumblebee, and next year's theme for 2026 has already been picked, but they won't tell us what it is yet. This year the theme is the "Hearts of Steel" comic mini-series from 2006.
They hope to eventually get a fan vote going for what the theme for 2027 will be, so fan could pick what time period the same four characters will be in.
The goal is at least two releases each year, but it will always be the same four characters of Optimus, Megs, Screamer, and Bee each year. "But, if it does well, there's no reason that you couldn't see the rest of the Seekers in Legacy or anything like that." All Deluxe scale, too.
Space Bridge teases - all preexisting art, no actual toy pics all will be on display in physical reveals next month at New York Toy Fair:
Target-exclusive Studio Series 86 3-pack of Perceptor, Ramhorn, and Ratbat - Ramhorn is all new, Ratbat will have boosters, Perceptor will have some extra tooling to bulk him up to better match his animation design.
Devastation Troop-Builder pack - Elite Decepticon Ground Unit and Seeker, "partials" of Earthrise Runabout/Runamuck and the Earthrise Seeker mold, com with new weapons and heads.
Carnivac VS "Fistiron" - Got around the "Ironfist" trademark issues by just inverting his name, "we know what his name is supposed to be", no talk of what molds they use.
Sandstorm VS Slugslinger - "Handsome Face Sandstorm" is what they call him internally, it's the cartoon face with no mouthplate, did not talk about if Slugslinger is still a Headmaster or not
Cybertron Sideways - Got a big reaction from the audience, no real details given.
Cybertron Excellion - redeco of Cybertron Hot Shot.
Q&A session:
Liokaiser does have ankle hinges for enhanced posing.
When Polar Claw?!! "Eventually". He comes up every once in a while. It's always hard when they're not a mainstay character who showed up in a show. But Polar Claw is a definite possibility.
Evan confirmed that Carnivac will not have his Pretender shell, is a "partial" of TR Wolfwire, and will retain the Headmaster gimmick instead of the shell gimmick. He also "100% confirmed" that they fixed the major breakage issue the Wolfwire mold had.
General question about the design process for figures. A complex but interesting answer is given (watch the video at around 14:50). It's a case-by-case thing, but the whole process takes about 18 months.
Marauder Megatron is definitely possible. They did Wasp, after all. They did look at Marauder Megatron for inspiration when designing the Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Concept Megatron. They're always looking at that stuff that never made it to market and it's definitely possible.
No Centurion version of Hearts of Steel Bumblebee, but... "folks out on the internet will probably have you covered."
Steamboat Shockwave has a chance because it's something Mark wanted to make "really badly". At one point, he was trying to get it into mainline, but it didn't make sense with everything he had going on. What Timelines is right now is almost like a test, and if any of these segments do well enough, you can definitely see them dipping a toe back into those universes and timelines, and maybe then they'll start showing up more in mainline. There was a Prowl, there was a Ratchet, there were many great designs in Hearts of Steel that could show up again.
Question about Gamer Edition pulling from other games besides Devastation and the WFC/FOC games. Evan says it's possible and has been asked before about a Titan-sized Thunderwing from the Prime game, to which he both laughs but also thinks is a possibility. He also brings up the games based on the live-action movies and the unique characters those games had, like the movie games' version of Shockwave and Warpath. He even jokes about the old Commodore 64 game or the giant floating Decepticon shield boss from the Mystery of Convoy game.
Question about having to cut anything out of lines when creating them. Evan says he can't think of any specifics off the top of his head but does state that that has definitely happened. He does cite an instance where a character had to be cut once or twice because they couldn't get it to fit into the scale that they had thought was appropriate. Like something that was meant to be a Deluxe and couldn't fit as a Deluxe and so had to be a Voyager instead, but still had to wait until later because all the Voyager slots were filled up at the time. It happens pretty constantly. But there's usually a rough idea going into it, and it's when you think it can fit only for it to later be proven wrong that it ends up not fitting at all. But most things do usually see the light of day a little bit later.
Question asked about a rumor that Hasbro will be doing a Leader-scaled version of IDW Fort Max, possibly from the Armada Megatron mold. Evan confirms that that's just a rumor and doesn't know where it came from, but he thinks the idea would be great. They'd also have to do a Rung, though, since "everybody needs their therapist". But he'd like to dig into more of those IDW designs, "they're definitely on the table".
Joked about the DJD: "It's a little hard to sell into marketing about a character that turns into an electric chair, OKAY?! Just a little difficult!" Nickel's probably as close as they can get to doing another DJD character besides Tarn.
Question about a Studio Series Dispensor. "The Mountain Dew robot?! Ah, that's a licensing nightmare." LOL Definitely possible, definitely on the table. There's also some anniversaries coming up, and some earlier Studio Series movie characters might get redos since "they weren't done as well back then when they should have been."
Question about the Timelines fan vote, if it might add one more Autobot and one more Decepticon to the lineup. Evan thinks at some point in the future that's definitely the plan. He stans Ironhide.
Jokes made by audience and Evan about a Broadside that turns into a U.S.S. Flagg. "Oh, sure, it fit in a garage." Totally non-serious.
Question about making figures more customizable. Selects Antagony with the Scavenger head mentioned as an example, but they asked if figures could be more largely disassemble-able, like with less pins and more screws, to allow fans to color-swap parts between redecoed figures of the same mold. Evan says they don't really think too much about the customization market but takes it into consideration as something maybe can think about going forward. But he's pretty sure they wouldn't release something that is just "matte gray, primered, ready to go", but maybe that's something they'll look into. He's pretty intrigued by this question.
"More Mini-Cons, please?" Yes. "As we keep diving deeper into Armada, I think we owe you all more Mini-Cons." He thinks that's something they'll definitely get out to us. "Gotta get the Combiner Mini-Cons out there, at least."
If there was to be another new release of Cybertron Optimus Prime, it would probably be a new one instead of a rerelease of Siege Galaxy Upgrade. That's something that both Hasbro and Takara are pushing for, as they want to recreate the combining limb gimmick and the backpack gimmick. But it's not something to expect this year, but maybe some point in the future.
Question about the Thirteen toys, their designs and altmodes. Evan says Mark's handling the Thirteen and always starts with the Covenant of Primus book as it's his favorite lore book, but he also digs deep into the other versions of the Thirteen out there. There is a cohesive vision behind them. We'll get some this year and the rest next year. There's a lot of deep cuts for them.
Sky-Byte's gun only stores inside his mouth in shark mode. When not in his mouth, there's nowhere else to store it.
End of panel.
Here is a video of the Liokaiser part of the panel that was missing from the other video:
Unfortunately, the person recording kept the camera only on the panelists and ignored the slideshow images.
For areas that don't have Hasbro Pulse, select retailers will be listing Liokaiser on Monday. For the first time, even Brazil is listing this.
They consistently mispronounce Liokaiser's name as "Leokaiser".
Each individual bot is roughly 5.5 inches tall.
The terms they're using are "Chest Animal" and "Chestforce". For obvious reasons. "That's how we got away with that."
The decos in the renders are not final. They want to be animation accurate and there might be a deco update later.
The original Liokaiser had very little combiner kibble, so they wanted to recreate that as closely as possible. The only thing they had to add to make the combiner was the pelivs piece, everything else is completely built in and integrated into the individual figures, including the combiner head, which was a kibble piece on the original toy but is now completely stored inside Leozack. The hands are all stored inside Guyhawk, "Ellbat", and Deathcobra.
They HAD to call him "Ellbat". So, everybody just play it cool. If you say it real fast, it sounds like how it's supposed to sound. "It's in canon, now, he's British." The pose in the render is a reference to his hypnosis ability from the animation.
"Jaruga". This one was a bit contentious on how to spell the name, just because of the fun translations of L to R in Japanese. They shifted things around here and there, but they settled on "Jaruga" because Evan is from the Kre-O team and that's what they did back when he was on the Kre-O team. (NOTE: The Kreon's name was actually spelled "Jarugar".)
He turns into a dune buggy, but they didn't think that sounded cool enough, so they instead called it an "off-road race car".
Evan snuck in the "meme pose" for Killbison's render and no one called him out on it. He means this:
One of the combiner feet is built into him. One of the things they learned from Combiner Wars Predaking was about how the combiner thighs were built into them and that made the bots really chunky, so that's kind of the reason they made the separate pelvis piece.
They're really confident about hitting the 10,000 backers for this set since the previous HasLab hit a whopping 27,000 backers (seemingly ignoring the facts that the last HasLab was both an Optimus Prime toy and based on one that actually appeared on American television).
They were insistent about doing Deathcobra. In addition to making him a spare arm for the combiner, they considered going the Seacon route by making him a blaster for the combiner, but because he's so heavy they decided to make him a shoulder cannon instead. In arm mode, the helicopter blades can act as a shield, taking inspiration from other Japanese anime shows that Evan is a fan of (he doesn't specify which but acts like if you know, you know).
The electromagnetic nunchaku were very difficult to turn into a toy since they can take any shape they want in the animation. They're actually using the Masterpiece Megatron chain piece to make it a combining element, so all the pieces can go together to form the long version. Six pieces included and can all combine together so you can make it as long as you want. They all store underneath the vehicle modes.
Megacon had some beautiful reveals today for Transformers fans. Not only did we get the Haslab announcement but that LioKaiser is available to back now. The order only goes through after the backing period is over so placing an order now is no different than placing an order in two weeks.
But back to the reveals, we got a look at the 4 Hearts of Steel toys. They come in two packs of Optimus/Starscream and Bumblebee/Megatron. We also got a good look at Age of the Primes Skybyte (new mold) and Heatwave (based on Legacy Bulkhead). We have images of those below along with more images of Liokaiser, who will be the same size as Legacy Devastator.
We thank Vander who took images at the show and posted them on Facebook.
Via IGN @ MSN, confirmation that LioKaiser will be the next HasLab figure!
From the renders, it looks like the set will include not just the core 6 members of the team with their respective Breastforce Chest-Force animal partners, but also the first official toy of Deathcobra. The product images show Deathcobra forming a shoulder-mounted weapon for LioKaiser, and the HasLab page confirms that he WILL also be able to take Hellbat's place as the left arm.
The HasLab page is now live with a 45-day countdown and a price of $299.99 / £299.99. The estimated ship date is Fall 2026.
Per the Pulse page, the six combiner members are all listed as (distinctly small) Voyager scale figures at 5.5 inch height, with the combined figure standing 12" tall. The base set includes the 6 core members, with the additional Deathcobra figure being the first unlockable tier (at 13,000 backers). Liokaiser's Electromagnetic Nunchaku (16,000 backers) and the 3 display stands (18,000 backers) are the remaining two tiers.
Pixelmaster posted a pictorial review about the new Swapticon 5 pack what includes Optimus Primal, Apelinq, Gator Megatron, Skullcruncher and Scorponok.
We also have additional pictures from Cybeast.
Only set of Swapticons that came out in retail here. It goes for 199 HKD here (25.54 USD in the exchange as we speak), but for some magical reason there was a discount so I only paid 139 HKD (17.84 USD). As the gimmick suggests, this is just a kiddy version of the deleted Baboon-cat hybrid scene in Cronenberg's The Fly.
Megatron's gator head and Skullcruncher tails requires a one time assembly, and Scorpy needs to partsform his tail from his robot mode back to the bottom of his feet every time you "transform" him" (aka laying the toy downwards) from robot to half beast mode. The tail is molded in Maroon, with the grey being painted over and are in 3mm flight stand peg. The only articulation for these toys aside from the head are the arms that can swivel up and down. Apelinq is a hybrid of his original toy and the ROTB design (the arm blades are sculpted), whilst Primal seems to draw from the Beast Combiners art colors wise (or maybe the other authentics Primal). Aligator Megatron's head reminds me of Botcon Megatron from the Breakdown ?
The intended combination is (front to back) Apelinq + Primal, Megatron + Skullcruncher, with Scorpy unforunately third wheeling the couples.
The mechanism works by slotting the spring loaded heads together, then locking it in by rotating it with the 3 L locks on the sides and back. This means that you can combine them in the wrong direction.
Overall they are fun distractions. Recommended if you're a fan/ curious of the concept, but don't expect it to be life changing or be impressive.
TFW user Lazerwave has gotten ahold of the highly anticipated Studio Series Que from Dark of the Moon! He got a bunch of pictures showing off the figure in both modes, his accessories, and comparisons with the Takara exclusive original DOTM deluxe and with the other Studio Series Autobots! I got permission from him to share those pictures here as well.
He also gave a few notes on the figure itself, which I’ve summarized here:
- He gave Que an 8/10 overall and recommended it for anyone looking to complete the DOTM cast or Wheeljack fans in general
- Articulation and detail are both improved over the original deluxe
- The lab coat flaps on the sides of robot mode are hinged, so they can articulate a little bit outwards
- For cons, he notes that the 5mm ports in the hands make it look like he’s holding cups, and that he felt the shoulder kibble was handled better on the original deluxe.
A few of my own notes:
- He does scale accurately for Studio Series! Que is 15 feet tall in the movie (about the same height as Dino and Sideswipe, and a little shorter than Bumblebee). We can see in the pics that this is true of the figures as well.
- We heard that the staff can store on his back, but I think this is our first time seeing it. The pistol can attach to the staff as well, so both can be stored there.
Here’s our first look at Que with the other Studio Series DOTM Autobots!
Looks like Earthspark is going out with a bang as Hasbro will be releasing 2 new molds for their deluxe line up: Soundwave and Hashtag. Unlike what may be reported elsewhere, Hashtag is not a rerelease of the Takara retool, it simply looks the same at first due to the fact that the toys represent the same character in her season 2 alt mode. Soundwave is a nice blend of the G1 character and his Cybertron self. His calves are turned so that they can fit in the box, his legs will look sleeker when they are properly transformed. This comes to us from In Demand toys, let us know what you think.
Hero Mashers are back, in MixMashers form! Chuckdawg1999 has a review of the first standard class mix which includes Optimus Primal, Bumblebee and Starscream. Not a glowing review though, you can check it out below.
chuckdawg1999 wrote:While I like the concept of MixMashers, the limited articulation due to the sculpt makes it hard to enjoy the figures.
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