Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

A raging, reckless robot. The most fearsome and powerful Dinobot ever. Particularly nasty when he's reminded that he now resembles a human. Outer shell equipped with jet pack and atom smashing submachine gun that pierces all forms of armor and eats away enemy fortifications. Inner robot armed with double-barrelled, self-propelled rocket launcher. In dinosaur mode, serrated steel jaws can tear through solid rock. Jet boosters in legs also provide flight capabilities.
Strength: | 10.0 |
Intelligence: | 4.0 |
Speed: | 3.0 |
Endurance: | 10.0 |
Rank: | 9.0 |
Courage: | 10.0 |
Firepower: | 8.0 |
Skill: | 9.0 |
Total: | 63 |