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A New Energon

Earth is a beautiful planet, lush with life, overflowing with energy and ripe for the taking. The Decepticons want to conquer it and harness that energy for their own purposes. The Autobots want to keep it out of Decepticon hands. This forum contains their battles and struggles all across the planet.

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A New Energon

Postby Ember » Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:36 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Former Nuclear Waste Repository – Yucca Mountain

The same bright blue light that engulfed the Guardian’s bounce platform appeared in the desert of Nevada from out of nowhere. When the light finally vanished it left in its wake the three Autobots. Once the slight vertigo passed Perceptor turned to look at Tracer.

“The coordinates I had you enter leaves us approximately thirty miles from our intended location. The site is clear so there should be no interference from any humans due to the lateness of the hour.”

Tracer took a look over her shoulder and noticed the dark silhouette of the mountain in the distance.

“How do you want to handle things once we get there?”

Perceptor placed the storage canister down before he took up the scanner. He entered in a few commands before he began taking a few readings.

“Once we arrive I will enter in to the mountain and look for the energy source. I want you to remain at the entrance and keep guard. The area will be vacant, but humans are very unpredictable therefore there will be that chance we may be noticed.”

Taking her optics off the mountain and looking back at the scientist, Tracer nodded in understanding and took on her alt mode and opened her passenger door. Perceptor then placed the storage canister in along with the scanner. Perceptor then took on his own alt mode, compressing in order to fit within Tracer. After he was secure the scout sped off to their target with Razr running along at only half his top speed.


A trip that should have taken thirty minutes had only taken ten for the Autobot scout, and had Razr not held back he would have been on the mountain in mere moments. Tracer made it up to the southern portal. She stopped just a few hundred feet from the entrance and opened her door; there Razr carefully took a hold of Perceptor and placed the microscope on the ground. The scientist and the scout quickly took on their root modes with Perceptor taking up the canister and the scanner.

“Alright. I’m heading in. Keep your optics open and inform me if you notice anything out of the ordinary.”

With his orders give, Perceptor didn’t bother to wait for any kind of acknowledgement from Tracer. Once the scientist had disappeared into the portal and she could not hear his footsteps, Tracer removed the portable long range communicator. She activate4d the device but soon found that she was unable to get a clear signal on the frequency she needed. Tracer let out a heavy sigh before she peaked back down the portal.

“Razr, I need to move away from the mountain. I want you to stay here and keep a lookout for Percy. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

Razr took seat on his haunches and watched as Tracer made her way from him and the portal entrance. She had moved out a considerable distance when she finally was able to get a clear signal. Quickly and carefully Tracer entered and older private frequency and then sent out her message.

>>”Oil Slick. This is Tracer. I know it’s been a long time, but I would like to meet with you at your earliest convenience. It’s getting harder and harder, and I know you can help me. Please, when you receive this message contact me. You can reach me at our old frequency.”<<

Her message sent, Tracer shut down the device and placed it on the ground in front of her. She then took out her rifle and destroyed the communicator taking extra precautions to ensure there were no usable pieces left. Once she was satisfied she holstered her weapon and walked back up to the southern portal to wait with Razr.
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Re: A New Energon

Postby Ember » Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:39 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Former Nuclear Waste Repository – Yucca Mountain

It took some time but Perceptor was finally able to make it to the one tunnel where the readings were the strongest. He looked around carefully but saw nothing that could account for the readings. He finally put the scanner down and moved to one of the tunnel walls. He placed a hand on the cool ignimbrite.

“It has to be beyond these walls.”

Not seeing any other way, Perceptor removed two explosives form a storage compartment and affixed them to the wall. He set the timer and took cover down a side passage. Thirty seconds passed by slowly, too slowly, but finally the devices discharged. The sound that reverberated throughout the cavernous shaft made the scientist wince in pain before he shut down his audios.

After the smoke had cleared he moved carefully back into the main tunnel structure and examined the large hole. Taking out his scanner once more he took a few readings and smiled slightly at what he saw. Using the device as an impromptu GPS system, Perceptor moved through the breach and continued his search for the elusive source of the energy readings.


Tracer had taken up a position just outside the southern portal with Razr, but the wait, though it was short, was becoming unbearable. She began pacing, the thought of having to rely on something she had given up so long ago nearly sickened her, but the choice to resume its use was the only way to ease her symptoms. It was becoming too difficult to even think anymore. Her emotions were turning into a hindrance, and if she let things continue to deteriorate she would wind up locked away in a padded room.

Tracer balled up her hands and pressed them hard against her temples. She stiffly rammed her fists against the side of her head and groaned anxiously.

“Agh! I just want it to stop. Please let him contact me. He’s never left me waiting; he’ll get me what I need. I know he will. He’s always done it before.”

She stopped her pacing as she lowered her hands and tilted her head up, optics taking in stars that dotted the night sky. After a moment in the position she let out a heavy sigh and then lowered her head. The blue femme looked down and smiled slightly at Razr who sat close so her right leg. The turbofox placed his paw gently on her foot and cocked his head to one side. He was worried. Tracer carefully sat down on the ground next to him. She then gently cupped his face and pressed her forehead against his.

“It’s alright, Razr. He’ll call and after he gives me what I need I’ll be better, you’ll see. I’ll be normal. I’ll be normal.”
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Re: A New Energon

Postby Devastron » Tue Sep 27, 2011 11:15 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Message to Tracer on specified frequency

>>"A meeting can be arranged. Time and coordinates are provided. Be prepared to pay. Tricks or ambushes will result in your secret being exposed and immediate retaliation by myself."<<

Coordinates and a time window were tagged on the end of the message.
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Re: A New Energon

Postby Ember » Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:54 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Former Nuclear Waste Repository – Yucca Mountain

It had been a few hours since Tracer had taken a seat next to her companion. The effect Razr had on her was uncanny, just sitting and gently petting him seemed to calm the anxious Autobot. Ever since she had rescued him and repaired him, he was the only one who could center her.

Tracer had her optics transfixed on the sky watching as the stars seemed to dance in the heavens. The femme let out a sigh of contentment when she heard the notification from the receiver she carried in her storage compartment. She quickly got to her feet and took the device out. Before she joined up with the Autobot faction she found a discarded communicator and modified it to only receive incoming messages. The frequency was permanently set to the one she and Oil Slick used to arrange their meetings.

With the receiver in hand Tracer accessed the message. Her optics brightened at the sight of Oil Slick’s communique. She committed the coordinates to memory and quickly deleted the message from the device. After a moment the contemplate Tracer looked down at Razr and smiled.

“Alright, Razr, I have to go, but I’ll be back as soon as I can. And don’t worry, I’ll be careful.”

The femme leaned down and pressed her forehead against the turbofox’s. She then made her way down to the road and transformed to her alt mode. Her destination lay to the west at M Chemical, located in Santa Fe Springs, California.

Now the only thing she had to worry about was what kind of payment Oil Slick would require. I’ll worry about that when I get there.
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Re: A New Energon

Postby Devastron » Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:00 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Forest near the Chemical Plant

Oil Slick emerged from the shaft of light, quickly brushing off the disorientation that came with orbital bounces. His customer did not appear to be around so he took a moment to check his supplies. It had been wise in the end to bring the variety of chemicals that he had. He would likely be able to fulfill whatever request Tracer had, provided she could meet his payment. Of course from their past dealings the Decepticon was fairly certain what she would ask for, and he always kept that in high supply. Even being banned by both sides wasn’t enough to keep all of the various stimulants and additives out of the hands of those who craved them, or those eager to profit off of them.
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Re: A New Energon

Postby Ember » Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:32 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
M Chemical, Santa Fe Springs, California

Tracer had arrived at the meeting site just a half hour before and parked in the front lot. She was growing anxious, but when was she never anxious now. The scout had set her scanners to Oil Slick’s signature, but she still had no readings on the Decepticon chemist. Tracer let out an annoyed sigh as she settled in for what might be a few hours before her contact finally showed.

After twenty minutes she finally got a reading on Oil Slick’s signature. It’s about time. She pulled out of her space and slowly drove to the rear of the building where the lot bordered a wooded area. Once at the outskirts of the tree line, Tracer transformed to her root mode and cautiously stepped into the darkened wood.

Not wanting to seem threatening, Tracer kept her weapons offline as she approached her dealer.

Oil Slick, thanks for agreeing to see me.”

The Autobot scout began rubbing her hands together as she paced back and forth in front of him.

“I thought I’d be okay, but it’s just getting harder and harder. I can’t take this anymore. You have to help me, please!”

She sounded desperate, but she didn’t care. If it was the only way to get what she needed she’s gladly assassinate an officer to get relief.
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Re: A New Energon

Postby Devastron » Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:47 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Forest near the Chemical Plant

Oil Slick watched as the Autobot approached, his weapon systems online and tracking her as she approached. He had no intention of starting a battle, but if she or other Autobots did he wanted to be sure that he got in a devastating shot on her. He relaxed only nominally as she began to speak, the possibility of it being an elaborate ambush declining greatly.

The Decepticon watched as Tracer spoke and moved around anxiously. She was obviously suffering some form of withdrawal or simply a deep craving for his chemicals. Her mental disorder was well known to him and this came as little surprise to him. More then a few of his customers had deep rooted problems in their cerebral circuitry. It made it all the more interesting for him to study them and the effects of his chemicals on them.

Once she was done talking Oil Slick produced a small sealed vial. He briefly stared at it before lowering it and talking to her in his usual flat tone. “I assume you desire your chemical stimulant of choice in the pasty? You are aware that Syk has been banned by both sides. You put yourself at great risking taking it, let alone asking an enemy for it. I am also taking just as, if not bigger risk. The asking price will be consummate with the risk I am taking along with the difficulty or procuring it. Are you willing to pay such a high price?”
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Re: A New Energon

Postby Ember » Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:58 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Forest near the Chemical Plant

Tracer stopped her pacing only when she noticed Oil Slick holding a sealed vial up in the air, no doubt wanting to gain her attention. She stared at the vial for a moment before he lowered it out of her line of sight and he began to speak. She only barely registered what he was saying and simply nodded in half response.

“Yes. It’s the only thing that has ever helped.”

She raised her optics to meet his through his glass dome. The scout had known for some time now that Syk was banned by both factions, but since he was willing to come out here on her request she knew that he paid little to no attention to the ban.

“I know of its status amongst both factions, and I’m willing to take the chance, as it seems you are.”

She grew quiet as she mulled over his final statement and subsequent query.

“I’m willing to pay anything, just name it.”
Her optics zeroed in on the vial in his hand.
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Re: A New Energon

Postby Devastron » Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:13 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Forest near the Chemical Plant

Oil Slick almost smiled at her desperate state. She was trying to hide it now, but her earlier mannerisms had long given her away. Now would come the moment of truth however, to see if she would actually live up to what she said or not, as his price was going to be high. With the war going on he had little use for whatever materials she could provide him, particularly since she likely had minimal access to anything he would want. No, the price would be the one thing most valuable in a war, information.

“I require the rosters of Autobots forces in and around this planet and their current deployment. I also want to know the command structure the Autobots have in place and any immediate plans they may have in this system. Most of this information should be easy for you to acquire, and some of it may take some work. I have little doubt that you will acquire it though Tracer, as I alone know how badly you want this.” He held up the vial again, allowing her to get a good look at it.
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Re: A New Energon

Postby Ember » Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:33 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Forest near the Chemical Plant

Tracer’s optics were fixated on the vial as she waited for Oil Slick to give her his demands. She questioned her actions only once before sidelining the thought of calling the meeting off and heading back to Nevada. She needed this, she always did. Why she quit was something she asked herself for vorns.

Tracer’s optics flashed as she raised her head to look the chemist in the optics. Rosters? Command structure? How was she going to gain access to those? Prowl handles those items personally. It would mean her breaking into his quarters at worse, or just hacking into the main computer. Neither of which would be easy. With her mouth agape she started to shake her head, but she stopped when he raised the vial in front of her.

Instinctively she reached out for it as she gave him her answer.

“All right. I’ll do it, I’ll do anything, just…..just please, give it to me.”

Once she got the vial and she took the Syk she’d be able to come up with a clear and concise plan to get the information Oil Slick required in order to provide her with a steady supply.
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Re: A New Energon

Postby Devastron » Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:39 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Forest near the Chemical Plant

Oil Slick nodded at Tracer. He briefly considered making her pay up front, but she was obviously in no condition to obtain the information he required. That would also risk her giving up on getting it or breaking her apparent dependency on it. Either way he would come out with nothing, and giving up this lone vial was a small price to pay for the potential rewards.

“Very well, consider this a token of good faith.” He flipped the vial over to her. “But if you wish to have anymore you will start to provide the information I asked for. I will also assume you will keep our meetings a secret from everyone if you wish them to continue. At the slightest hint of deception or obfuscation on your part the deal will be off, permanently. Do we have an agreement?”
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Re: A New Energon

Postby Ember » Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:54 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Forest near the Chemical Plant

Desperation flooded her entire frame as she focused, not on him, but the vial held put in front of her. Tracer was considering lunging forward and simply seizing it from his grip, but before she did he spoke and flipped the vial to her. It landed gently in the palm of her hand, her digits closing tightly around it. Tracer forced an awkward smile before she looked back up at him.
Now that she had what she needed she focused on words. There was no way she wanted to screw her chances of Oil Slick cutting off her supply.

“Agreed. I have no intention of revealing our meetings. After all, it would be detrimental to me as well.”

Tracer cocked her head to one side as she thought of something she needed to have addressed.

“How long do I have before the effects wear off? Please tell me you’ve enhanced it to last longer. I don’t know how long it’ll take for me to get the information you want.”
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Re: A New Energon

Postby Devastron » Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:02 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Forest near the Chemical Plant

The Autobot was more desperate then even he had suspected to be asking questions such as this, not to mention clutching the vial like it was the last bit of energon in existence. It would be a virtual guarantee that she would come up with the information he required. Oil Slick felt the smallest twinge of amusement at her distress, but it didn’t show on his seemingly frozen features. With the information he could gain from this arrangement he could bolster his standings among whatever command structure the Decepticons would have, be it or Starscream or someone else. While he did not crave power for its own sake, the benefits it would provide to his work would be well worth it.

“It is a new variant of Syk of my own creation. As it has yet to be tested on a functioning being I cannot say how long it will last. You can report on its duration and any other effects it has on you as part of your payment. I am sure you will be closely monitoring that in any case.”
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Re: A New Energon

Postby Ember » Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:19 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Forest near the Chemical Plant

The scout listened intently to what the Decepticon chemist had to say in regards to the duration of the effects of the Syk. A hint of doubt crossed her processor, but it only lasted a moment before she pushed the thought aside and refocused her attention on the rest of what he was saying.

Back on Cybertron the Syk he provided lasted for a day and a half depending, of course, on the situation she was in. The more Energon she burned through the faster the drug’s effects wore off. If this altered Syk lasted longer than a day and a half then getting a majority of the information would not be very difficult.

“I’ll do that.”

She began to back off slightly. “I….I’ll contact you when I have the information you want, and the information concerning the….” She lifted the hand clutching the vial.
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Re: A New Energon

Postby Devastron » Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:24 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Forest near the Chemical Plant

Oil Slick tilted his head at Tracer. “Of course you will. I will be awaiting your reply on the usual frequency.” He would have to come up with another excuse to meet with her, but that would be a problem he could solve when he reached it. At that point the rewards would allow for some level of greater risk. For now that it was time to conclude the meeting lest Scrapper become suspicious over how long his mission was taking.

“I assume you need to return to your comrades, as do I. I have no desire to arouse suspicions among the Decepticons so if our dealings are concluded then I will be on my way.” He transformed into his alternate mode, quietly revving his engine as he observed Tracer.
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Re: A New Energon

Postby Ember » Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:36 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Forest near the Chemical Plant

Tracer nodded in response to his affirmation that she had to return to her comrades just as he had to. She stopped her back peddling when he mentioned that he had no desire to linger any longer than he already has.

“Yes. We’re done.”

She watched as he took on his alt form and revved his engine. Tracer too took on her alt form and revved her own engine. Not wanting to stick around Tracer backed up and quickly turned around heading for the parking lot when she first arrived.

Once she was on the road she accelerated and headed East back toward Nevada and where she left Perceptor and Razr.
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Re: A New Energon

Postby Ember » Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:46 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Nevada State Route 374 - Outside of Beatty, Nevada

With the meeting hundreds of miles behind her, Tracer accelerated along her desired route until she was just outside of the small town. With less than 2,000 inhabitants the likely hood of her being seen when she reverted to her root mode was remote at best. However, just to be sure the femme took advantage of a large outcropping of boulders.

Once concealed, Tracer transformed and slid down the side of the largest boulder. She cross-crossed her legs after she removed an injection device and the vial she had obtained from Oil Slick. Tracer raised the vial to eye level and watched intensely as the liquid sloshed from side to side. The movement was almost as intoxicating as the drug itself.

Shaking her head she broke her trance and quickly set to work getting her injector ready. A click here and a nimble insertion, and the device was prepared for use. Tracer stared long and hard at the apparatus before she finally let out a heavy sigh and tilted her head upward. Her optics focused on the sky above as she brought the injector’s extended needle to the main fuel line running along her neck.

She let out a hiss as the needle point penetrated the flexible tubing that made up her fuel line. Not wanting to endure the sting any longer than necessary, Tracer engaged the trigger letting the narcotic loose in to her systems. She quickly removed the injector and placed a hand on her neck and rubbed it gently.

A moment passed before she let the device in her hand fall to the ground and rested her head against the boulder. With her optics off lined, she wanted to give the drug as much time as possible to take full effect.

A smile began to spread across her face as she finally felt the relief of stable thought. There were no more racing thoughts, no more apprehension, and no more depression. All that remained was clear and concise. Tracer let out a satisfied sigh before on lining her optics and looking around. She picked up the injector and sored it away. Standing up, Tracer quickly took on her alt mode and got back onto Route 374.

Former Nuclear Waste Repository – Yucca Mountain

Her entire trip had only taken a few hours which meant that preceptor would most certainly be still in the mountain digging for his sample. She didn’t want to waste any time and quickly drove up to the southern portal entrance where she found Razr waiting.

Tracer transformed and looked down at her friend. Razr cocked his head to one side before he placed his paw on her foot and pressed down. Tracer let out a soft chuckle as she knelt down to his level and gave him a gentle pat.

“I told you I’d be back.”

“What do you mean ‘you’d be back’?”

Tracer shot up and turned around only to come face to face with Perceptor. The scientist turned sniper was holding the canister in one hand and the scanning device in the other, a look of concern etched on his face.

Tracer stammered but only for a moment before she conjured up an excuse.

“Oh. Uh, Perceptor. I thought I had seen something in that out cropping.” She pointed to a large formation off to the right of the entrance. “I told Razr to stay put while I had a look around.”

Perceptor seemed to physically relax taking her word; after all she was the scout.

“Ah, very good then. I take it you did not come across anything of concern?”

Tracer shook her head in response. “No. It was clear.”

“Well then. I have what I came here for. You may assume your alt mode and take us back to the bounce location. Once we’re there I’ll initiate the retrieval protocol.”

Not wanting to hesitate any longer, Tracer transformed and opened her door allowing Perceptor to place the canister, and then him within. When they reached the bounce location, the scientist and canister left her seats and Tracer transformed. Moments later the trio and their burden vanished in a beam of bright blue light.
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