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Autobot alternative armies: The Night Planet Refugees: Prologue.

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Autobot alternative armies: The Night Planet Refugees: Prologue.

Postby G1 Smoketreader » Tue Sep 28, 2010 4:29 am

Motto: "Continue building from within,attack your designated target,defend everyone."
Weapon: Double-Barreled, Armor-Piercing Particle Beam Cann...
BACKSTORY (Collaborated from the Memory-logs of Override, Ultra Magnus, Omega Supreme and Vector Prime-Eventually compiled by Perceptor and edited by the Night Planet Refugees and now frequently told by Ironhide and Kup to young Bots).

Accessible today by Planet Key, Hecatron, the night planet, was one of the earliest Cybertronian secondary colonies.

Originally an inhabitant of a binary-sun system, it was one of the worlds that the SeventhModule Primes had journeyed across in their time. Unshepherding of their childer, and yet attuned to their ceaseless quest of Energon-Source appropriation, the SeventhModule Primes did build a Sun Harvester upon the world, although the Primes then did move on as was their wont,their childer were of free analogue and many were therefore exempt of the election to follow:Many stayed behind.

The planet was devoid of a native life-format, but a crystalline compound, modestly porous to Energon, was readily locateable in local space and planetside in craters.Most of the planetside Transformers who elected, over time, to bond with the emerging Cybertronian-template society developing on the Night Planet took forms that either attempted to mimic this compound - modestly again - or else replicated previously encountered battery type mechanisms, of alien origin.

These mechanisms could house banks of crystals and generate Energon-Radiation surplus by rubbing or grating the radiation fields of the crystals against one another using electro-magnetics,bleeding out rad-friction that was trapped in amplification coils and channeled into reservoirs. The Transformers of the Night Planet gradually expanded on this tech base themselves, eventually learning to use MicroSpaceBridges to "sew" threads of one Electromagfield (EMF)into another and then "tear out" the thread, creating tiny rents in the subject EMF bubble that yielded proportionatley greater Energon-radiation surplus quantities.

In due time, the SunHarvester was fired up.The particular SunHarvester on the Night Planet was fired up twice, originally in the closing of the era of the SeventhModule Primes, and once more during the closing of the Era of TwelfthModule Primes,just before the ThirteenthModule Primes inherited the Governing of Cybertron.

Before the Night Planet had begun Energon production, the primary manufacturer and distributor of Energon throughout the fledgeling Cybertronian Empire was Hecatrons' sister world, The Sun Planet, which in turn had inherited its' role from the Giant Planet, a planet which had produced Energon not by SunHarvester but from the worlds' core itself.

The sun planet-a trinary star desert world- contained mineral deposits which were highly conductive of Energon, and its' era is considered the pinnacle of intellectual growth in the Cybertronian Empire.An ancient sun Harvester existed there also,and had already been used twice.A Mandate of the FirstModule Prime - Primus himself - had decreed that the last sun of the Sun Planet be kept preserved in case of a time of great need.

Secondary and tertiary grade mineral deposits continued to be harvested from the Sun Planet well after the primary mineral resource was exhausted.The sun planets' inhabitants gradually learnt how to graft these deposits into the molecular composition of their own forms,some becoming the ancestors of the first Illuminators-one of whom,Gestalt Illuminatrix, is considered the First Champion of the Night Planet.

This new molecular grafting knowledge was also delivered to the 'big brother' of the Sun Planet-the Giant Planet: The reformatting of the inhabitants of the Giant Planet allowing them to consume proportionately lesser amounts of Energon in relation to their massive size and and Terraforming-template functions.

With the new freedom to travel for more prolonged periods through Energon-dry environments, some small groups of Giant Planet and Sun Planet Transformers found their way to the Night Planet.Although the SunHarvester of the Night Planet was of a primitive interpretation in comparison to others that the SeventhModule Primes created later, the knowledge of the Sun and Giant Planet pilgrims on how to create Energon Processing and storage/distribution facilities was first-hand.The Complex built on Hecatron was, for its' time, hailed as a marvel and a wonder.

Gradually, Hecatron was bestowed with its' first leader - Gestalt Illumantrix - a six member Combiner who was voted the title of "Marshall of the wandering Tribes and assembled Energon Harvesters of all of Hecatron and her satellite colonies".

Gestalt Illuminatrix established a Sherriff body from amongst the locals to safeguard the Energon supplies from wild Transformers who had adopted the formats of baser stargoing and SpaceBridge-going life-forms that scavenged Energon Osmotically or chewed on the facility power cables and so on, or else loners and 'Ne'er-do-wells' who were migrating to Hecatron with intents ranging from Energon theft to Energon Piracy.
In time, word came to Gestalt Illuminatrix that his beloved Homeworld, the Sun Planet, had exhausted itself of all Alpha Grade Energon-yielding minerals and was being reformatted into a research center and knowledge repository,hoping to someday harness the secondary mineral deposits' potential to yield Alpha grade Energon supplies.
Gestalt Illuminatrix drew up a series of emergency-grade defensive schematics (war was not then yet a widespread concept),commissioned their building, and departed to assist in the reformatting of his homeworld.Many of his Sun and Giant planet companions left with him, however, as a sense of brotherhood had been established within this group.
When Gestalt Illuminatrix returned, Aeons had passed. War had become a familiarity, albeit a story that happened elsewhere, outside of the Cybertronian Empire, and many of his companions were no more, as he had journeted to some of the Warzones.
The Energon supplies of the Night planet were gone, and the SunHarvester had already been fired up its' second and last time, destroying the second sun and plunging the world into darkness.

The Energon facility that Gestalt Illuminatrix had helped design was now Neonex, the Neon Nexus, a Megacity of light.At its' heart was the Neon Palace, the Great Marketplace where Pilgrims and offworld Energon Merchants and Transporters were welcome to reside and partake of 'the rejuvenating light'. The body of Sherriffs had become a Knighthood, Bodyguards who escorted the Merchants and Convoys to and from the city to the Planet Gate, which had been built elsewhere long before the city itself had been designed.

Outposts had come into existence,skirting in the circumference of the city's holdings, but some of these were Pirate Havens, whilst others were the private dominions of self-made lesser Barons, occasionally won through deed, and usually through debt.

Upon seeing the Transformation, Gestalt Illuminatrix departed the Night Planet once again, declaring that he would journey, as a pilgrim, to Cybertron, and petition the Council of Primes for a true leader for Neonex.
Shortly before Gestalt Illuminatrix and his companions had reached the Planet Gate that led to Cybertron, they found a "strange Autobot child" waiting for them in the middle of the road.
The "Child", slightly feral,of Female template,and bearing a Green,beastlike faction symbol together with an unfamiliar Autobot faction Symbol and of a highly developed technical layout, requested that Gestalt Illuminatrix accompany it to its' Tribe,who were hidden, knowing that the fighting strength of Gestalt Illuminatrix's company was too great for them to hold at bay.
The Tribe had sent the child to wait alone on the road knowing that Gestalt Illuminatrix and his companions would not immediately assume it was part of a pirate band,which she insisted that she and her tribe were not.

Noble and fearless, Gestalt Illuminatrix bade his Companions wait, seperated into his six team members and followed the child.

In a hidden alcove, a group of feral,degenerate and yet cultivated and amazingly technically advanced Transformers awaited the Combiners.The strangers bore a variety of faction symbols,all of heraldic and cultural paramaters symphonous with the Council of ThirteenthTemplate Primes, whom they called "The thirteen Primes".Their vocabulary files were incomplete, many Cybertronian words were unknown to some of them, especially the most Ancient words to the youngest strangers, and many more of their words were mashed 'slang' type versions of two other words.

Their spokesman was a Purple-eyed, softly speaking Autobot of a refined type of predatory body language named Ghostwind-Jet Black of AltMode with a Protoform af all white.

Two 'councillors' flanked him: The first, a Golden Autobot of unmistakeable Sun Planet Auric frequency,albeit muted and distorted, sat on an outcropping of rock, troubled in appearance.Its' Protoform was blockier than that of the others, in terms of sleekness, and although many of its' panels were of an opalesque or Coralesque gold color, some others were dented, chipped and even colorless.It appeared to have been assembled in some places from parts of other Transformers, and its' faceplate seemed crudely modifed to fit.Its' eyes were the eyes of a civilized Cybertronian-blue and of a stable light.This one listened carefully to each word that Ghostwind spoke to Gestalt Illuminatrixs' combiner group as a hunter would follow the movements of its' prey.It spoke only to Ghostwind, quietly, never correcting but sometimes adding an additional detail to Ghostwinds' words, which Ghostwind would repeat out loud.

Standing to the other side of Ghostwind was a heavily modified and somehow familiar, yet unfamiliar Transformer,who knew the dialects of the Night Planet very well,and spoke with the words of the noble caste intertwined into its' clipped,militaristic speaking patterns.Again of Jet Black Altmode, its' protoform was silver and Gold- of the anatomology of the very newest generations replacing those of Gestalt Illuminatrixs' Era. This one had no qualms supplementing the words of Ghostwind, and his truthful words were those of an unminced, bothering truth.The members of Gestalt Illuminatrixs' combiner team all realized the Jet black Altmode components of a handful of the ferals were invisible to passive scanning.
The noble-militant told the Combiner team that they already knew him,from before the Battle Damage and modifications he now wore, and that they sincerely didn't want to work out who he was.

The group spoke for a long while.The ferals initially spoke in riddles, their conversation going round and round and gradually drifting towards a central topic: "Do NOT journey to the Council of Primes, Journey to the Heart of Cybertron, to the Spark of Sparks, and do not petition it, but REQUISITION it for a leader for the Night Planet,otherwise it will not comply... and tell nobody of us. Two,or more of us you will see again, but even we will not know of this meeting.Do not speak of this meeting even to us".

Confused, the Combiner team withdrew to hold a council of their own.The next day, they returned again.
"If you stand by your words" the Combiners told the Strangers, "Come with us to the Council of Primes and Petition them.In their wisdom, they will know what to do.They can Petition the Heart of Cybertron for the Leader we journey for.The Spark-of-Sparks will surely listen to them.To begin such a venture with deceit, camoflage, conceal events from the Council is unwise, and cannot be expected to be met without retribution.

This time, another Stranger stepped out of the Darkness.Unseen the previous day, he was again Jet Black of Altmode.His Protoform was silver, and a great deal of upgrades were welded onto his Almode, the majority were of a severely abused and unpainted silver metal.Many of his upgrades were of a degenerate tech.Field assembled,jury rigged upgrades.Several parts were obviously cannibalized from other Transformers.
The Gestalt combiners recognised the mature adult bot immediately, not by body,but by face.He was a very dedicated young Night Planet Sherriff,one of the rare few who had been upgraded to Sargeant in the field rather than due to service-time.Well known to them,his name was Switchstreak.

Only Switchstreak was much older.He bore the arsenal of an allrounder,not of a young militant volunteer,and he looked and moved with a disconnection to his surroundings that the young version of Switchstreak, the enthusiast and first-call volunteer, had never indicated to bear.The combiners knew this body language-it was that of one who is well accustomed to being surrounded by death and destruction of both friends and foes.

The combiners greeted Switchstreak,who met them warmly, yet coolly.

"My name is Killswitch now," he told the gestalts, removing a panel from one of his upgrades as he neared them.The Degenerate bot gestured to one of his companions,a neon red/gold sleekster who trooed over and assisted Killswitch in removing an indecipherable,fist sized block of mecha sprouting a mass of wiring from within the opened panel. Following instructions from Killswitch, the NeonBot turned the internal component so that its' underside was facing the Combiner team. On the underside was yet another unfamiliar heraldic device, a purple one with a triangulated chin and a spiked row crowning the top of the facial device.Not all of the symbol was present.It has visibly been cut from a larger piece of material with a plasma torch and attatched to the component that now belonged to Killswitch.

"I can't tell you much," Killswitch told the combiners, "But I can tell you this: if you see this symbol,fight.Fire first,and keep firing until you're either out of ammo or out of operation.If you lose a battlefield to this symbol,NEVER leave any of your companions in stasis on that battlefield.Use snipers to finish them off or they'll be coming at you the next time you see them.If you do abandon them in stasis and they make their way back to you intact, they have come to infiltrate and cause harm.I recommend you don't hesitate to destroy them on sight."

"If you see this face on a Transformer," Killswitch added,"make it your designated target.Defend everyone long enough to get to minimum safe distance from this face,tell them to hide and continue building from within,and fight as well as you can.Try not to be taken in stasis".

The cominers flooded the darkness with a barrage of questions as Killswitch reinstalled the foreign component.

"I can tell you nothing more" Killswitch replied."I apologize:I can say nothing other than what I already have".

"If you stand by your words," the combiners said again,"journey with us and warn the council of of this news".

"We are on a time schedule," Killswitch responded,"what you ask is impossible for us to do at the moment".

"And what you ask of us is impossible for us to do as well" the Combiners replied.

As Killswitch and the Combiners spoke, a time-space Bridge opened nearby,surprising everybody present.The ferals dove for cover whilst the combiners assembles into Gestalt Illuminatrix.The loud clap of the Time-Space bridge and the bright shockwave caused the Gestalts' commlinks to ping with multiple signals.Within moments many of Gestalt Illuminatrixs' airborne companions, waiting far away, were by his side.Moments later the landborne companions had arrived as well.Outnumbering the degenerate interlopers in a two way stand-off.

In the center of it all, an adult female Autobot knelt, wounded, yelling "HOLD YOUR FIRE"

Gestalt Illuminatrix and Killswitch bellowed the order to their own factions.


The female grunted and rose to her feet.Her Altmode was a fiercely sleek ensemble of overlapping parts, one section of winglike paneling broken at the pinion, one shoulder dislocated and held loosely in place by cables.Wisps of thin grey smoke danced around
occasional sparks at her throat and cheek when she spoke, her vocabulator softly whirring and clicking as it cycled through self repair modes.

Looking around, the female seemed hesitant, afraid.She gazed with a pain-filled familiarity at all of the Degenerates, and eventually froze when her optics fell on the Autobot Child who had been sent to wait for Illuminatrix and his convoy at the Gate Key road.

The Autobot child, who had a twin sister standing beside her, was surrounded by a group of adults.The adult female moved to this group, some of whom moved to her.

It was stock-standard practise for Transfrormers to mimic and occasionally replicate any and all interesting and useful traits of newly met races. The adult female newcomer used a series of diverse alien gestures indicating affection to many of the degenerates, some familiar to Illuminatrix and many unfamiliar. To two particular adults amongst the Deganerates-one male and one female who were both heavily perplexed with her appearance-the gestures were of the tenderest recognisable expressions, including types of caresses and embraces.It was clear from their dialogue-these were her parents.

When the newcomer knelt to greet the twins,she could visibly not decide which one to give more attention to.

It was clear as raw energon that the Adult newcomer and one of the Autobot children-the one who had waited on the road- were exactly the same individual.

The other one of them was her sister, and from the gestures, Illuminatrix and all the other onlookers were guessing that the sister was not functional in...

...the future.

"At ease". Illuminatrix ordered his warriors.

All waited. The Female newcomer did not make any attempt to rush her greetings.

Eventually, she directed her attention to all gathered.Very many of her own had very,very many questions.But the child was gone in her.This was a Warrioress.
She held up one hand to silence the assembly.
"He doesn't go to the core", she told Killswitch, gesturing towards illuminatrix with a nod."He goes to the council".

Several of the Degenerates shuffled slightly where they stood.A few of Illuminatrixs' warriors directly some soft-voiced questions his way: "What is she talking about?"

The Warrioress turned her gaze on Illuminatrix.
"We need to talk." she told him."Away from everyone".

Illuminatrix nodded.
"I believe we do."

"Everyone has a hobby.Even people who say they don't still have one under another name.If we're sick,injured, we still go to it and get down to see how it is.If it needs something, we bring it,make sure the attention is perfect.It exercises our care and protection and gives us back philosophies.It's a living thing to us,and is the most perfect way to teach a young person how to be towards a living thing. It's something that should never be taken away."
-my Wife
G1 Smoketreader
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Re: Autobot alternative armies: The Night Planet Refugees: Prologue.

Postby G1 Smoketreader » Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:13 pm

Motto: "Continue building from within,attack your designated target,defend everyone."
Weapon: Double-Barreled, Armor-Piercing Particle Beam Cann...
The Female Time Traveller was named Harmonia, and her Sister Distortia. She could not reveal it at the time, but her Parents were Shadowbolt and Echovolt. She also had an older brother in the Tribe: Arrowbolt.

She said a MiniCon had assisted her in making the Time-Space jump, although she had to run a gauntlet of aggressors to reach it.Her Sister had fallen to that Gauntlet.

Despite her fresh grief, Harmonia spoke to the Combiners reverently, as if they were DemiGods.She explained that her arrival was the third time that her Tribe had to backtrack to prevent him from going to the Council of Primes, and that they were running out of opportunities to keep having to do that.

The Combiners were reluctant to believe everything that they were hearing without proof, of which none was forthcoming.Harmonia kept explaining that if she told the Combiners too much, they would change.

Eventually, Harmonia asked the combiners to wait for her,and returned to her Tribe,which was having difficulties of its' own staving off questions from the rest of Gestalt Illuminatrixs' companions.When she returned to the Combiners, she had fetched from amongst her own people and brought back with her a small but ancient and dilapitated Transformer.It was a forebear of the MiniCons,and by all rights should have long since been offline.Its' AltMode was that of an avian creature, of a long since extinct species that had learnt to nest around and somehow migrate through the various Planet Key Gates whenever they were activated.Somebody or something had deliberately plucked out its' wings long ago,the stumps since sealed with some kind of self-hardening industrial epoxy gel to deter damage from the elements to the internals of the Bot.One of its' eyes was still functional, the other was shattered and dented,caked with ancient grime.Its' shoulders were stooped and its' leg joints encrusted with what appeared to be fossilized dust or grit.A shot from some type of Brittle-ray or 'Metal Brittlizing ray' had rendered the left side of it's little torso striated with an effect similar to shattered glass.Some very small fragments of armor were missing from the torso altogether in the shattered area.

"This is Toodles", Harmonia told the Combiners,"He rescued us on...He has rescued us many times".

Toodles vocabulator sounded like a flat battery going to sleep. It 'Moo-gle-boo-gle-d' a faded greeting with mid-missive lags that caused the Combiners to cringe with sympathy. The little Bot followed up with a short-burst transmission, however, which not only decrypted its' moops and bloops but relayed recorded memory logs of what the tribe had been through.

The Combiners never revealed exactly what they were shown, and Harmonia was not included as a recipient of the Decryption-relay, but whatever they saw, the combiners never asked another question.

Something that is known is that Toodles embedded a short burst standby file in the Combiners, with clear instructions as to where and when on Cybertron they should broadcast the file.In it, a message to Toodles' MiniCon descendants was stored.Toodles explained that exactly six would come and remain with the Combiners at least for a short while,although he did not know which six they would be.He explained that when Gestalt Illuminatrix returned to the Night Planet, a rival would be waiting to challenge him, and that,although he was going to win anyway, the MiniCons would help him win the battle faster, and hopefully deter the rest of the rivals who would have come in the wake of the first from finally doing so.
Toodles warned the Combiners to treat the appearance of the rival as the first sign of a period of neverending hardship.

Shortly afterwards, Gestalt Illuminatrix and his convoy, and the strange Tribe, parted ways.

Harmonia returned to her Tribe only once more, and gave to her younger self a sensor-invading, file hacking 'meltdown inducer' and to her twin sister a sensor jammer.She estayed long enough to accept a few repairs, and then explained that she had to find a way back to her point of origin. Apologizing, she bade farewell and departed for the Cybertron Planet Gate.

Gestalt Illuminatrix and his companions arrived very near to the location that Toodles had designated in his instructions.They went there first,and the transmission was broadcast.Several dozen MiniCons came trotting to his location immediately.The first six kept coming, the rest, spotting the first six, went back to whatever they had been doing earlier.

A seventh MiniCon loitered for a time, appearing to observe the pilgrims thoughtfully,but it did not approach.

The Pilgrims continued on their journey to the planet core, but, after long periods of getting lost, backtracking, and the occasional sidequests, their journey would result in their arrival at a Cybertronian Elite Guard waypost.The wayposts were always on the right road to the core, but the way was always restricted.
A public detour was available to the Citizen Interface Chamber: a pool of energised liquid metal where the creator manifested in a Holographic format.Some said this was Vector Sigma,some said this was Alpha Trion,and some said this was Primus.
Regardless, it was the public interface to the core,tho few Autobots still travelled to it since the Ancient times, when it was much closer to the surface.

Uncertain as to whether the Chamber would be sufficient with the warnings of Ghostwind,Killswitch and Harmonia, Illuminatrix hesitated.The MiniCons urged him on.

No Autobots alive know what happened in the chamber.The pool and the Hologram asked the Pilgrims to wait, and they did, for a very long time.The MiniCons would periodically become hyperactive, which gave the impression to the pilgrims that they could hear through the walls and that something was going on.

Eventually,the pool created a large Protoform, and other MiniCons entered the room with a Stasis chamber and a Spark module containing a spark.The Hologram instructed that the Protoform, a descendant of the Primes, should have its' Spark chamber installed on its' homeworld, and that it elect its' own name and form.A MiniCon would accompany the Pilgrims and become the new Primes' formal companion.

When the Pilgrims finally returned to the Cybertronian surface, a very long time had passed.The MiniCon who had loitered nearby when the group first arrived was waiting for them.It spoke for a little while to the other MiniCons accompanying the pilgrims, and the MiniCons spoke back to the loiterer.Eyeing Gestalt Illuminatrix up and down one final time, the MiniCon joined the group.Apart from the designated companion of the Protoform, Illuminatrix now had seven MiniCon helpers: One for each of his team members, and one for himself.
It was not mathematically possible for Gestalt Illuminatrix,the former leader of the Night Planet, to know the identity of each and every one of its' inhabitants and visitors 'on spec',but very many of them knew him.

He had barely stepped through the Key Gate and onto solid ground when he was met with the news that a Rival had come to challenge him for leadership of the Night Planet.
The news was repeated to him by a new face with every step he took towards NeoNex: A Gladiator Champion naming himself 'Amalgamatron,The Unfallen Champion',wanted to fight for title of supreme lord of the Energon City.

To the Death.

Amalgamatron was a combiner,and had already retired as a gladiator when the games were still virtually unheard of.His real name was Amalgamus.He was a newer model than Illuminatrix, one-third the pilgrims' age,and combat oriented in design.Lord Straxus had purchaced his services as a bodyguard the last time most Cybertronians had heard of him.The few who were deeper in the know stated that Straxus had gotten rid of him some time later.Apparently too many other ex-Gladiators had been unable to work with him and get along with him at the same time.

Rumor had it that Amalgamatron had rejected Straxus' termination of his services and had reacted by attempting to destroy his employer.The same rumors implied that Straxus put a hole in him the size of a scout.Somebody had taken the time to refurbish him quite well,Illuminatrix was told.

The Champion had learnt of the arrival of Illuminatrix as well,and departed the city in order to hunt the Pilgrim down immediately.

Illuminatrix was still in line-of-sight of the gate when Amalgamatron found him.Without issuing challenge,Amalgamatron stated the stakes - planetary control - and the conditions - all weapons,to the death - and attacked.

Seven MiniCons.

Gestalt Illuminatrix was definitely caught off guard.He stated afterwards that he could not possibly understand how he would have won anyway, as Toodles had told him. The Gladiator was fast, rough, technically precise and fighting with nothing to lose.
The MiniCons made Illuminatrix three times faster and tougher.Precision was boosted by splash damage.They were ferocious.Even after the Rival fell, the MiniCons kept telling Illuminatrix what to do.He was "bad", they said, no one of his team mates could be permitted to survive.The Fallen must not rise again.
"Everyone has a hobby.Even people who say they don't still have one under another name.If we're sick,injured, we still go to it and get down to see how it is.If it needs something, we bring it,make sure the attention is perfect.It exercises our care and protection and gives us back philosophies.It's a living thing to us,and is the most perfect way to teach a young person how to be towards a living thing. It's something that should never be taken away."
-my Wife
G1 Smoketreader
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Re: Autobot alternative armies: The Night Planet Refugees: Prologue.

Postby G1 Smoketreader » Fri Oct 15, 2010 1:13 pm

Motto: "Continue building from within,attack your designated target,defend everyone."
Weapon: Double-Barreled, Armor-Piercing Particle Beam Cann...

The Prime Protoform retrieved from Cybertron by the Pilgrimes was taken, in its' stasis module, to the heart of the Night Planet Capital.

In the oldest chamber of the Capital-the chamber of life, were the oldest Night Planet Transformers, transformed into the original Energon processing machines and storage batteries.

The original Generations were buried beneath the weight of the city built above and around them. The next few were visible and accessible to the Pilgrims and the workers assigned to the chamber.Most were dead, long since rendered offline by the processing of age and time. The few still operational were less than drones in technical constituence and no longer could concieve, let alone remeber, that they were once beings.The descendants of Gods. They had been doing what they were doing for Millennia.

The workers were few and varied.Mostly smaller Sparkabots and the odd MiniCon.There wasn't really much to do in this area. The Ancients were barely logged in to the rest of the Enargon collecting facilities' network.

The Protoform was placed into the Heart of the Chamber.The Stasis module was opened and the Spark Chamber installed. The MiniCons did it all.

The awakening delayed. It appeared that the Protoform was continuing to sleep. It is assumed it somehow found a way to commune with the ghosts of the past as it slowly rendered itself online.

The Creature that emerged was as beautiful as any other Prime.It was initially starved of Energon-an anomalous phenomenon, and interacted with the almost dead proto-machinery before any of the pilgrims.

It's own MiniCon installed it with a modern speech program and the Pilgrims then began to speak to it.
It appeared to have difficulty computing immediately. Training was going to be required.

It appeared the pilgrimage wasn't over.

The Prime creature was announced to the General Public. Many flocked to see it. Many offered tribute and gifts.

The Pilgrims slowly trained it as it began to listen, then speak, then converse, and then even laugh and joke.The Governor of the Night Planet, Ultra Maximus, held an official celebration-ceremony. An Outpost Baron, one Count Zero, responsible for a large freighter maintenance facility, provided a great deal of equipment for the training sessions, which he somehow always seemed to have spare.The Pilgrims eventually noticed that Count Zero was one of the Tribe members from the future- the one who told them they didn't want to work out who he was.He seemed unaware of their attention.

Since Piracy levels were starting to increase since the arrival of Amalgamus, Count Zero had taken on a Security Chief, one Bounty Hunter by the name of Ghostwind.

In time, a delegation arrived from Cybertron, sent by the Thirteen Primes to investigate the arrival of the Night Planet Prime.
Law forbade the Prime from being taken away from his charges if there were other Primes available to fill his role elsewhere, and it also forbade the questioning of the heart of Cybertron, but the Council wanted to "interview" Gestalt Illuminatrix and he was obliged to allow himself to be taken away. Ultra Maximus continued the training.

Something happened at the Interview. Gestalt Illuminatrix refused to answer many questions,most likely because he did not want to reveal anything about his interaction with the strange Tribe.He was Jailed on Cybertron and never returned to the Night Planet.


The Prime eventually Matured, and selected the name Maximus Prime after his Mentor.Ultra Maximus relinquished his governorship, but was reappointed immediately.

Piracy was on the increase, and the Sheriff-Knights were kept busy.Count Zero had supplied them with enough used parts for two to take on new Starship bodies, tho he almost went Bankrupt by doing so, the alternative was to have his facility bombed out around him.

Slowly, a trend bacame apparent amongst retired Cybertronian Gladiators.Many began to appear amongst the slums and shantytowns in the border regions, systematically challenging estate holders to games or battles of chance, gaining status here and there.Few were legitimately strong-most were badly outdated or irrepairably damaged, but they kept on arriving.Those that the locals didn't gradually kill off, Ghostwind murdered.

Some locals were caught up in the underworld community that the Gladiators were making strong, and the profiteering began to spread to extortion and then bribery and gang warfare.Many of the unlawful locals found themselves on Ghostwinds' hit list, and he killed them all, the communities eventually branding him a serial killer for his actions. Count Zero countered this by propagating a media report claiming that Gladiators were aiming for control of the Energon production facilities, which eventually resulted in some isolated rioting and more murders.

Sadly, Ghostwind was not legally sanctioned to commit murder,and he was forced into a confrontation with Maximus Prime and the Sheriffs, all of whom were his allies.Maximus swiftly defeated Ghostwind, but showing mercy, the Prime did not terminate him as he had assisted the planet immeasurably.Ghostwind was instead exiled, and he left for Cybertron.


It happened suddenly.

A considerably large fleet attacked the Night Planet via Wormhole. The Majority were configured for combat.Many were even of military design.They declared themselves the Decepticons.

Almost all of the outposts were destroyed.Even the civilians took up arms and many of the known Pirates sided with the civilians against the invaders.

The Gladiator gangs joined the Decepticon attack.

Although the Invaders were many, there was little uniformity in their modes, equipment, and formations.Their discipline was poor, and although their ground units were effective at street fighting, they were no good at fighting in the open field.Although heavily armed, they were outnumbered, and none could outgun the Night Planets OMEGA security-bases' and orbital platforms' combined firepower.Four of the seven decepticon capital ships were destroyed, and almost all of the smaller invaders who made it planetside were wiped out. The problems were caused by the flying warriors,who destroyed many of the OMEGA series sentinels and carpet bombed many of the ground fighters, friend and foe alike.Their tenacity was what ended the battle abruptly,as they accidentally caused a crippled orbital platform to crash onto the City itself.Neonex and the Energon production facility were blown apart in one tremendous explosion that wiped out most of both armies.The battle was worse than either a draw or a stalemate:It was a complete disaster for everyone involved.

The Decepticons withdrew, their army almost totally destroyed, their objective accidentally annihilated.It was a very long time before they appeared again.Survivors reported their cpommander, but he was never identified.
"Everyone has a hobby.Even people who say they don't still have one under another name.If we're sick,injured, we still go to it and get down to see how it is.If it needs something, we bring it,make sure the attention is perfect.It exercises our care and protection and gives us back philosophies.It's a living thing to us,and is the most perfect way to teach a young person how to be towards a living thing. It's something that should never be taken away."
-my Wife
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