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Autobot City: Hidden Foundations

Earth is a beautiful planet, lush with life, overflowing with energy and ripe for the taking. The Decepticons want to conquer it and harness that energy for their own purposes. The Autobots want to keep it out of Decepticon hands. This forum contains their battles and struggles all across the planet.

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Re: Autobot City: Hidden Foundations

Postby sumowrestler » Tue Oct 01, 2013 4:25 pm

Weapon: Saber Blade
Lake Shore

"I do believe everything is up here, sir. We haven't had a chance to check operational status yet. Slingshot did ask before you got here about Silverbolt. I also share Slingshot's concern. Is our squad commander still flying or did he get grounded somewhere? It will be nice to be a whole unit once again."
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Re: Autobot City: Hidden Foundations

Postby Phaze » Sun Oct 06, 2013 2:24 pm

Motto: ""All's Fair in Life and Death""
Weapon: Nuclear Charged Fusion Cannon
Peruvian Valley – glacial lake shore

Silverbolt’s majestic airframe appeared from the cloud cover he’d been using as cover from prying eyes. As he banked gently his radio burst into life.

>>"Nova Strike, Silverbolt, we have a situation. The shuttle carrying Hound and the Aerialbots has crash landed in the lake. The automated emergency beacon on board should be sending out a signal shortly. Lock on to it and converge on the craft’s location to render assistance. Be mindful. Besides our comrades there is sensitive equipment in the cargo hold including a med bot. All must be retrieved and handled with care. I will be heading down to the shoreline momentarily to lend a hand, as well."<<

His team on earth and in trouble the Aerialbot commander shuddered as he started to descend as swiftly and silently as he could. As he got closer to his intended destination relief entered his mind as he noted all 4 of his fellow Aerialbots stood along the shore. Thou what was concerning was the green autobot that was leaving the shoreline and heading for the forest.

Silverbolt transformed into his robot mode and slid along the shore line for a few metres he stood upright and strode forward looking at his squad. He heard the last few words of Skydives enquiry “I’m fully functional and combat ready the more important question is how are you?” Silverbolt was casting a squad leaders eye over his charges they looked a bit waterlogged but fully functional. Silverbolt turned to Prowl “sorry for my absence had to take cover in the clouds low flying prop planes where skirting the outside of the valley”

Silverbolt looked at the other Aerialbots before he turned back to Prowl “you’ve got all of us Aerialbots here what do you want us to do?”
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Re: Autobot City: Hidden Foundations

Postby Marcus Rush » Fri Oct 18, 2013 12:40 am

Weapon: Automatic Acid-Pellet Gun
Peruvian Valley: Mine Entrance - Tent City

The small curved end of the dental chisel waved in a slow and deliberate circular motion as the working pick began to carefully remove centuries of harden sediment from the cracks of the plastered statuary fragment. Simple strokes peeled off small nearly infinitesimal grains of dust from the dingy artifact. The pick stopped briefly as the artifact was raised up passed the small portable propane lantern into the dim dark haze of dust. A puff of air escaped the lips of the archeologist, removing the loosened materials off the crowned chevron shaped item.

Anikara set the pick down next to the base of his lamp on the thinly covered plastic card table. Without so much as a simple break of concentration, only the pale light of the lantern and the flicker of lightning as a back drop, he picked up the jeweler’s eye piece and placed it into a squinted right eye. Slowly he rotated the piece on an axis between his thumb and middle finger. He picked up a small brush and placed the horse haired bristles upon the strange crown and began to further remove the hardened debris he had so painstakingly chipped away.

Crashes of hellfire exploded across the skies before it was joined by the thunderous applause of ghosts long dead. The steady pelts of heavenly artillery had become something of an annoying droll to the sparse population of the primary tent that would serve as the command center, lab, mess hall and office for the expedition. Located at the apex of a cul-de-sac that comprised seven slightly smaller tents dedicated for bunks and food storage, it was on the far side of the mine entrance.

Silent sweeps of the brush were drawn up across the central fork between the two spires of the artifact. Each descent of the horse hair bristles were drowned out by the ever present hum of his propane lantern and power generator located at the farthest back of the tent. He blew again, this time dislodging a small fragment of dirt from the middle peaks of the crown, and allowed his work to settle down upon the table. He pulled off the eye glass and set it next to the artifact and allowed his eyes to adjust to the new contours of light. Ahead of his line of sight, wraths drowned by the symphony of storms and gods, flickered in and out of existence as they walked past the opening flap of what he had begun to dub the Center.

Men with arched backs and broad shoulders grunted and groaned in unison in the pale brilliance of crackling lightning overhead and the two battery powered flood lamps highlighted their silhouetted dance of intensive labor. Picks plunged deep into the mud; breaking loose thick seems of water laden earth, stone and mire as they clove their trench to the edge of the slopes. The gods beat their kettle drums as each sharpened edge of the molded steel tools delved deep in to the earth, trying to keep pace with the rivers of rain water that flowed relentlessly from the cliff face and sheer walls that shaped the natural cul-de-sac of stone, dwarfing the inverted reflection of tents below.

Anikara rubbed his eyes briefly before turning his attention to the vacant laboratory station situated on the far corner of the tent. Only a few standing flasks of glass had been set up in a wooden holder that stood next to a beaker half filled with a blue solution. Another burst of thundering timpani rolled directly overhead and caused the small set up to shake violently, the solution swashed back and forth before it began to stabilize once more.

He pushed himself up from his station and made his way over to the main flaps that sealed the interior of the tent from the continuous deluge outside. A quick tug on his jacket and a pull to straighten his jet black tie, Anikara pulled one of the canvas flaps and took a single step into the flood lamp illuminated quagmire that surrounded his burgeoning tent city. He settled his position on a slick yet steadily placed stone that served as the tent’s door mat, a stamping ground to remove clumps of mud from the boots of those who wished to enter the Center.

“Mister Sandoval!” he called through the pouring sheets of rain. The explosion of an overloaded power cable was his reply as a bolt of lightning struck one of the transport trucks dead center in its engine block, frying its electronics. “Mister Sandoval,” He called once more as men raced from their labors to clear debris out of tent four after a small portion of the mountain had broken away and began to encroach upon the canvas haven. Two men yelled something to another group carrying boulders excavated from the mound where the mine entrance was suspected to be. They simply nodded, their responses lost in the symphony of heavenly destruction on high. Anikara shook his head, his feet getting drenched though his head was protected by the overhanging tarp of the tent. He watched as the two men carried their loads to tent four and began to construct a make shift breakwater around their inundated bunks.

“Sorry Sir,” A huffing voice echoed from behind the furthest truck that was smoldering after its graceful death at the hands of vengeful gods. He splashed and nearly tumbled over the man made streams now roiling and flowing swiftly with rainwater. As the stocky built man turned the path a burst of electricity lanced out from the clouds and exploded upon the surface of a distant glacial chasm. A ball of fire licked the skies before dying in an invisible boil of smoke.

“I do not like being made to wait Mister Sandoval.”

The man finished his final sprint and a single hop over the largest stream that served as the main channel through the camp in which all of the other smaller cuts in the earth fed. “My apologies, one of our vehicles got hit. This storm is the spawn of El Diablo no doubt about it. Never in my day have I…”

Anikara held up a silencing hand as thunder in the distance echoed through the valley. A back drop of more spears of lightning lanced across the rent skies, provided Anikara a rather more imposing silhouette than before. “I do not wish to hear your excuses or your mystic mumbo. I do, however, wish to hear why I have not yet been granted entrance to the mines?”
Sandoval flipped back the saturated wisps of hair that sagged down from his balding pate. “Sir, this storm is a mess enough. The men are working to construct the drainage and walls to protect the outpost. Most of them are exhausted. By our projections, we should be able to bring our efforts to that task at first light. Once we have established our solid foundation.”

A brief chuckle, a staggering and menacing sound that filled the gaps between the rending echoes of thunder that rebounded from the mountain tops. “So what you are telling me Mister Sandoval is that these men are incapable of following simple instructions? Establish our camp before midnight and then begin shifts in excavation of the mine entrance. Such simple instructions, and they are unable to follow them to the letter?”

“No… I mean yes sir they are, but this storm is hindering…”

“Need I remind you of our time tables Mister Sandoval,” his voice raised briefly to emphasize the point of time. “If you are unable to start the process and get that mine entrance open… then I am sure that there are other individuals in this mire quite willing and equally as capable of taking your position.”

The threat did not require explanation, not after the scene on the roads leading down to the bottom of the valley. The woman who had accompanied the state historian circa businessman circa… had left a rather powerful impression on everyone in the expedition, including Sandoval himself. He knew already that his life was something that was expendable, all of theirs were, greed of some tended to play hell on those who required the work. A risk he had been willing to take, though at the present moment in time he was beginning to regret signing on that dotted line.

“I understand sir. We will begin excavations immediately.”
Anikara allowed a small gleam of a smile to curl out of the side of his left lip; it flickered in the electrical dance from above. “Good good, I knew I could count on you to accomplish this task. Now no more excuses. Divide your crew if you must, but get that mine open.” He pivoted on his heel and disappeared into the primary tent as the voice of Sandoval, the foreman of the operation, began to bellow instructions to retrieve the explosives from one of the central trucks.

Peruvian Valley: Tent 3

Mai pulled at the straps of her night gown as a burst of chilled wind swooped down from the glaciers above the valley. Bolts of lightning and timpani rolls of thunder added further to her discomfort. She rubbed her shivering arms before pulling the blanket tighter around her body. Another boom caused her knuckles to whiten in frustration, it added to the constant patter of pounding against the canvas fabrics.

After an hour of retiring to her self contained sanctuary that she had conquered as her very own, after all she was the only woman in this particular adventure and required the privacy, Mai had spent time storing her clothes along interior lines to dry out at the far corner. Once the foot locker was extracted from the truck and placed at the base of her cot, she stripped down only to redress in warmer garb. During that period she spent looking up at the top of her dark tent, watching the flashes of light and bracing for the cascade of eventual thunder that followed moments later, or simultaneously depending on the strike. She would turn from time to time to watch the shadowed figures race past her residence carrying tools and supplies to the various trench projects that had been forced into progression by necessities of natural disaster.
She did not really care what was going on, at least the details of the operations. It took away from her more pressing matters that had resulted in her deployment to this forsaken vale in the middle of the Peruvian mountain range. Mai stifled a yawn as she mused quietly in her cot. “Some assignment,” she muttered to herself as she fluffed her blanket as another burst of cold air rippled the canvas walls. “A simple escort operation to keep an eye on the bookworm, keep him pliant to the mission and of course ensure that everything went smoothly.”

A low moan of frustration escaped her lips as an explosion reverberated through her tent which was followed by screams and shouts from the men outside. She did not move from her semi warm cot and allowed the hired help to deal with whatever crisis was evolving. Mai doubted it required her attention anyways, if it had they would already be crying her name in fear of some invisible monstrosity that hid in the shadows.

Seconds ticked off and the shouts died down, allowing her to quietly resume her rest period. She released a muted sigh. Bored did not exactly describe her present state of mind, she was tired of flirting with the uninteresting politician opportunist, though it did help to secure her place by his side and his ear when decisions needed to be made. It was not surprising what the mire mention of gold or untold riches did to a normally placid individual, especially in this region of the world. Stability was far and few between, and more often than not those who came into unexpected wealth tended to take advantage of weak institutions and rise to power. Mai simply had to push the proper buttons and wait until the time came, all while making sure her mark was not killed off by some neo government operative bent on usurping all her employer’s hard work.

Another flash and cadence of thunder boomed overhead. This time new shouts came from the direction of the Center as new orders began to be dispatched. A single word was discerned ‘Charges.’ Mai’s attention was now solidified and she threw off her comfortable blanket. Resolving herself that sleep would not reach her this night, and knowing that her council would probably be required in the looming hours, she swiftly made her way to her trunk.

Mai dressed quickly in a pair of slacks, black, and a loose fitting scarlet blouse. She pulled her holster around her waist and hid it under a thick jacket she drew from her trunk. Once she straightened her hair and checked the cartridge in her weapons, she exited her tent to join Anikara. Trying desperately to tune out the biting cold, blusterous blare of thunder, spears of light that sent energy crackling through the air and spine, and the whispers in the dark.
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Re: Autobot City: Hidden Foundations

Postby Ember » Sun Oct 20, 2013 10:15 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Peruvian Valley – Central Andes Mountains - Jungle Clearing

Bee let out a low hiss as he shifted to get into a more comfortable position. If only he hadn’t taken that fall and fragged up his shoulder. After settling down, and the sharp pain in his shoulder diminished, he turned to Prowl. The tactician had delegated he stick with Rewind while the cassettobot headed out to frighten the group of humans that was headed in their direction.

The yellow minibot sighed low and began following Rewind through the thicket of the forest tree line. After only about an astrosecond his processor turned to the humans hot on their trail. He had hoped that they wouldn’t have had to deal with any interference with the natives. The last thing he wanted was a confrontation, or worse, having to harming them. Not gonna happen, he thought.

Bumblebee stopped when Rewind did but held back so as not to hinder the smaller mech’s work. As he watched, and listened, Bee shifted and leaned against a sturdy tree. The movement sent another quick but painful shock through his shoulder drawing out a growled hiss though clenched jaws.

His hand slowly rose as his pain receptors finally settled down enough for him to move. It stopped at his mangled joint where he gingerly began to rub. His movements suddenly stopped, however, and his posture straightened when the sound of Prowl’s voice echoed through his comm-line. >>“Understood, sir.”<< It seemed that Hound had arrived and with a medical drone no less. The espionage specialist let a small relieved smile grace his features. “Oh thank Primus. This thing is killing me,” he mumbled.

“Hey Rewind. How’s it going?” he called to his diminutive friend. At the same moment he quarried Rewind, Bumblebee had opened a line with Hound. >>“Heya Hound. Glad you could join the party. Say, um, how long do you suppose it’ll take you to get to Rewind and my location? No offence to you but I’d really like to meet that medical drone you brought along.”<< Bee chuckled over the line which sent another burst of pain through his shoulder joint. The sensation caused the little yellow mech to grunt rather loudly.
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Re: Autobot City: Hidden Foundations

Postby sumowrestler » Thu Oct 24, 2013 11:32 am

Weapon: Saber Blade
Lake Shore

"It is good to see you in operational order, Commander Silverbolt. With the length of time you've spent on this planet, I was getting a little concern things had went for the worse. It does feel good to be reunited with you. I do agree with your question to Commander Prowl. It did seem a little odd for him to summon us down here unless there is quite a bit of human aircraft we need to be cautious about."
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Re: Autobot City: Hidden Foundations

Postby Marcus Rush » Thu Oct 24, 2013 3:42 pm

Weapon: Automatic Acid-Pellet Gun
Peruvian Valley: Lake Shore

Nova Strike gave a simple nod to Prowl as he gave Hound a swift slap to the side of his cranial unit. The ranger sort of expected the medical drone to be the one to knock some sense into the fun loving scout, but Prowl was entitled to enjoying one of the perks of being a command level officer. He wiped a clump of lake grass from his shoulder, unable to hear its subsequent plop into the morass of mud that flowed and bubbled under the intense bombardment of rain.

He stepped over a cutting stream that had appeared recently. He tapped the medic on the shoulder and pointed up the path where Prowl had come. "Bumblebee is probably up that way. Stay low and keep out of sight of the local fauna, more often than not, they bite."

The medic nodded and crouched low before disappearing into the flora and sheets of rain.

The ranger turned his attention to the gathered Aerialbots and smirked as Slingshot attempted to brush off the clumpy coat of mud that had been sprayed upon them by Nova Strike's emergence from the lake. "If I had to guess, the reason we brought you here would be self explanatory."

Nova Strike activated his holster that was embedded in his left hip. The whir of the servos were lost as one of the infrequent bursts of thunder rolled over the valley from the far distance near the pass. Two small silver discs emerged spinning. He quickly caught the two instruments and slapped one to each wrist magnetic strip before closing the holster.

"Oh sure, its about as obvious as you are obnoxious Ranger." Slingshot finally pulled a smear from his optical visors. He grumbled and grunted as he surveyed his compatriots. "Seriously, if there aren't any Decepticons in the region then my talents are seriously being wasted here."

Nova Strike smirked again as he stepped through a puddle. "I did not know rusting was a very important talent Flier. Besides, I would think you and your squadron would rather enjoy a chance to spread your wings and intake the fresh ozone laced air."

Slingshot did not respond well to the shot and immediately began to charge the taller more powerful soldier. It would have been prudent for Air Raid and Fireflight to secure their hot headed wingman, if he bothered to give them an opportunity. Instead the sniper ducked over a surprised arm and pushed his way up close and personal to Nova Strike. "You listen here punk. I do not rust. My talents are what keep this unit from falling prey to those blasted seekers. And if it weren't for me, you ground pounders would have been destroyed eons ago." He pushed his index finger into the ranger's chest to emphasize his point that he was not happy.

The ranger simply chuckled. "Easy small fry. I didn't mean to get your propeller in a twist."


"Besides wasn't it my efforts that freed you from a thousand year bath?"

Slingshot spat and swore as he stepped back out of Strike's face. He still poked the ranger's chest. "That doesn't mean anything. I could have gotten out of it by myself."

Nova Strike placed a hand on the shoulder of the irate and irritated flier. He squeezed briefly before pushing the smaller mech back towards his teammates. "Sure you could have. I would save that fire for the operation you and your team are about to preform. You may need that resolve."

Peruvian Valley: Underbrush near the Human Camp

The medic emerged through the brush, ignoring the slap of twigs as they lanced back into its face plate. It side stepped a fragment of stone and plaster, a remnant of a long lost civilization or at least human habitation. It did not pay much attention to it, that was not its function, save that worries for Rewind or drones that had been programmed for archeology.

It pushed back a thick stem of brush and revealed to its optical node, one yellow cybertronian cradling its shoulder. "Please state the nature of the medical emergency." It repeated its greeting again before it knelt down next to Bumblebee, a scanner already out and waving over the damaged shoulder.
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Re: Autobot City: Hidden Foundations

Postby Smokescreen85 » Wed Oct 30, 2013 1:03 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Peruvian Valley - Underbrush near Human Camp

Hound slowly made his way up the path, following close behind the medical drone that he had brought down with him. Bumblebee and Rewind shouldn’t be too far ahead and then the humans not far beyond their position. The green scout’s job was a simple one. He was to scare away said humans so that the Autobots could accomplish their mission. Hound’s only concern was for the safety of the natives. The last thing he wanted was for any of them to be harmed because they were overly frightened by whatever holograms the jeep-former created. It seemed harmless enough, but one never knew if a human would over react and fall off a cliff or into a deep hole because they were too afraid. It was something the green mech would have to consider when generating his illusions.

Hound reached the jungle clearing first and found that no one was there. The medic continued onward through the underbrush towards where the human encampment was located. The holographic specialist scanned the region in front of him and quickly detected not only the encroaching natives but both Bumblebee and Rewind, as well. In fact, the quick medic was almost to the injured minibot. Unfortunately for Hound he was not as small as the trio of 'Bots that he was attempting to join and thus he needed to literally get down on all fours in order to approach the underbrush near the camp without being seen.

“It’s times like these that I really wish I was human,” Hound whispered to himself as he slowly crawled through the underbrush, his scanners attuned to his diminutive comrades. He didn’t reach them as quickly as the medic, but he got their nevertheless. “Sorry it took so long ‘Bee,” Hound replied to Bumblebee’s communique, keeping his vocals low so that the humans nearby wouldn’t hear him. The continuing thunderstorm overhead helped a great deal with shielding his words from the ears of the natives. “I’m not as small as you guys so I had to move through the brush very slowly so I wasn't spotted.”

The green scout then looked over at the tiny archivist. “Hey, Rewind. How’s it going little buddy?” Hound patted the cassettebot on the shoulder plate before glancing up and through the trees. The humans had established quite an encampment with numerous tents, vehicles and other equipment situated around the general area. “So, these are the humans that Prowl wants us to scare off, huh?” Hound’s words were still directed at Rewind as it was the small mech who would provide the sound effects to go along with the green scout’s visuals. “They seem like they’re pretty entrenched here. Whatever the reason, they’re here for the long haul. It might take something pretty big and nasty looking in order to scare them all away. The superstitious ones will be easy to run off, but the smarter and more scientific minded humans will not be so easily swayed.”

Hound paused for a moment, rubbing his chin guard before shifting his optics to Rewind again. “You got any ideas on what kind of holographic image I can create that might do the trick? I’m open to anything just as long as no humans are harmed in the process.”

Peruvian Valley - Glacial Lake Shoreline

Prowl was pleased at the confirmation that everything had been salvaged from the submerged shuttle and appeared to be in good working order. However, that last part had still not been verified to his liking and would have to be resolved in due haste. The military strategist was also happy with the arrival of Silverbolt to the proceedings. Thankfully, the Aerialbot leader had not become lost in the storm after all and could still be of use on this mission. However, what did not please Prowl was the bickering between Slingshot and Nova Strike. It served no greater purpose but to further irritate the black and white’s soaked audio receptors.

“All right, enough you two,” Prowl said in a slightly elevated voice so that everyone knew he was not joking around. “Squabbling amongst ourselves isn’t going to get the job done any faster and believe me there’s plenty for all of you to do.” The military strategist locked optics with each Autobot on the beach before continuing. “The reason I called the rest of you Aerialbots down here is because we require more mech power in order to accomplish our goals. We’ve found a potential location for our future Autobot City here on Earth, but a group of humans have gotten in our way and made an encampment around the sealed entrance to the mine. It’s only a matter of time before they get inside. Hopefully, Hound’s holograms will be enough to drive them away and out of the valley. However, that will only solve our current problem and not prevent further incursions into this region.

“Therefore, we must make it so that no one else can enter this valley or even know that a valley is here. That's where all of you come in. The equipment that I had you bring down with you comprises holographic projectors and force shield generators. Together, once they are in position, they will create a fake mountain range that will hide this valley from all prying eyes. This immense hologram will be reinforced by the shields thus making it appear solid. Local superstitions should be enough to convince the natives that the valley was reclaimed by whatever gods they believe in. Regardless, it will allow us more freedom of movement to excavate the region and build our new home here planet side.”

Prowl paused for a moment to let everything he had just said sink in to everyone present. “Now, thanks to the combined efforts of Silverbolt and Rewind, we have a pretty good 3D holographic map of the entire valley. I have marked the various places where the projectors and generators need to be placed in order to successfully create and sustain the faux mountain range. Some of the areas are in elevated regions which is why fliers are required here in order to expedite the process. Of course, the equipment cannot be turned on until Hound and Rewind are successful in their scare operation. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t get a head start on things.”

The military strategist then pulled out two datapads, giving on to the Aerialbot Commander and the other to the ranger. “Silverbolt, I have provided you and your team with multiple coordinates, many of which are in higher altitudes. I leave it to you to hand out individual assignments to your men. Nova Strike, your datapad contains coordinates for lower lying regions. Once Bumblebee’s shoulder is fixed and I can find where Freeway wondered off to, I will send them to join you.”

The black and white then took a step back and looked around at the mechs on the beach. “Make sure to run diagnostics on the equipment first to ensure that everything is functioning properly. If there are any problems with anything alert me immediately. Understood? Now, are there any questions before you get started?”
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Re: Autobot City: Hidden Foundations

Postby VkmSpouge » Thu Oct 31, 2013 2:25 pm

“Subtle entrance!” said Freeway laughing at how the shuttle had crashed into the water of the lake. It was an impressive the amount of water that could be thrown up. At least he knew that these shuttle were built with crashes in mind and that the occupants were likely to be fully functional after an impact like that, “They might have even shown up on human radar devices though,” he was uncertain how effective human radar was, it was only a technology they had for a few decades but it might be enough to detect one of their shuttles.

It was good to see that Hound was in one piece, “You might want to open up your compartments and dry yourself out, check for any Earth fishes that got inside your circuits!” he chuckled hard.

Freeway looked at the mud covered Slingshot and the other Aerialbots and grinned, “Now I've heard of stealth planes and camouflaged jets but I've never seen one take it to such a detailed level. But tell me; how many mudballs are seen flying at supersonic speeds?” the Throttlebot broke into laughter, “Well if you want to clean off I think you guys know where the lake is,” he said eliciting more laughter from himself.

Laughing loudly Freeway almost did not hear his name mentioned by Prowl, “Oh you want me to join up with the ranger-bot? That's fine. I'll get right on it, Prowl!” he said making his way over to Nova Strike. It was actually good timing to break away from the hysterics of the mud covered Aerialbots, a few warning lights on his HUD were alerting him to potential short fuses from over excited laughter.
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Re: Autobot City: Hidden Foundations

Postby Foximus » Tue Nov 05, 2013 12:55 am

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Laser Rifle
Peruvian Valley - Underbrush near Human Camp

"It's going 'Bee, but I'm afraid sound effects aren't gonna be enough to drive these humans off..." Rewind called back softly to the yellow minibot. "I sure hope Hound gets here soon..."

The tiny archivist sat still in the underbrush and did his best to project the sounds in a way that the acoustics would make the source untraceable. Once Hound got here, the cassettobot could get a little more...creative with the sound effects to match the visuals that Hound would provide. This rain wasn't doing his camera lens any favors, but at least it provided some addition cover for them.

Rewind glanced back when he heard a new voice, hoping it to be Hound. Alas, it was only a medical drone. At least Bumblebee could get patched up that. That was enough to cheer the archivist on. He looked back at the human encampment and the shapes moving about in the dark. These humans were sure persistent. They just had to scare them away though and without harm coming to them. At the sound of someone approaching, Rewind glanced back again and was delighted to see Hound had finally arrived.

“Hey, Rewind. How’s it going little buddy?"

"Good, Hound! It's great to see you. Lovely weather we're having, huh?" Rewind chirped cheerily.

“So, these are the humans that Prowl wants us to scare off, huh? They seem like they’re pretty entrenched here. Whatever the reason, they’re here for the long haul. It might take something pretty big and nasty looking in order to scare them all away. The superstitious ones will be easy to run off, but the smarter and more scientific minded humans will not be so easily swayed. You got any ideas on what kind of holographic image I can create that might do the trick? I’m open to anything just as long as no humans are harmed in the process."

"Hehe...I thought you'd never ask!" Rewind said mischievously, "From what I've gathered about this region, it used to be home to a primitive civilization of humans called the Inca. Did you know that they used to do human sacrifices at the temples? Children in the Inca's case. They thought they were sending their children home to the stars. Anywhere you go with humans though, the religions usually have wrathful gods. So I figure some of those might be good. Oh. And the spirits of fallen Inca warriors? This region was conquered by foreign tyrants looking to acquire the lands' riches. So. We can use that."

Rewind fell silent and waited to hear what the larger mech thought of his suggestions. He had done his research on this planet. Hopefully, it would pay off in some way when it was actually needed. It felt really good to be relied on for input like this.
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Re: Autobot City: Hidden Foundations

Postby Foximus » Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:41 pm

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Laser Rifle
Transmission from Ark-22 to Prowl

>>"Yo, Prowl! This is Blaster, coming to you from the bridge of the Ark-22. What's the latest? How're you 'Bots holdin' up down there? Send up a shout!"<<
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Re: Autobot City: Hidden Foundations

Postby Marcus Rush » Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:47 pm

Weapon: Automatic Acid-Pellet Gun
Peruvian Valley - Glacial Lake Shoreline

Nova Strike accepted the data pad with a slight yet resolved sigh. He thumbed through its contents briskly, ensuring that each coordinate was cataloged and placed on the mental map he had created using his sensor sweeps and sonar bursts. "Who's bickering Commander?" He shook his head and looked up from the data pad with a restored smirk of arrogance and joviality that would loosen even the hardest emotional block.

His internal navigational computer plotted the best course to the site, a slightly larger living center to the south near where that small religious site had been. A simple and controlled burst from his advanced sensor package confirmed the existence of artificial contours to the topography. Possible evidence of the missing terrace farming and subsistence methodology that was lacking at the previous site. Did not change much on the over all scheme or approach, just the actual transit methods he would have to employ.

Nova looked back at the Aerialbot, who was still smoldering, and gave a brisk smile to reassure it wasn't meant to be anything more than in good fun. He then turned his attention to Freeway as the smaller mech emerged from the underbrush. "Well given that this item is pretty large, it would appear that I am the one who will have to bear the burden once again."

He reached over and palmed one of the silver discs he had removed from his internal armory. A small tug pulled it free from its magnetic locks, it shimmered briefly under the light of an overhead lance of charged electricity. He flipped it over to the mission commander. "I don't trust long range communications in this type of environment. That strobe grenade should serve as a good signal without giving away our existence, especially with this storm raging."

He tossed the other strobe over to Silverbolt before approaching the large generator and photonic emitter. Emergency alternatives, it was always good to be prepared just in case the worst should happen and their communications frequencies become overwhelmed. Though having Freeway present would be useful to he and Bumblebee, once the smaller mechanism was ready for travel, it did not guarantee that Prowl or the Aerialbots would be able to keep in contact. So the strobes would not only add to the eerie feeling the humans were experiencing, but it would aid as the final activation signal... though he doubted they would actually be forced to resort to such primitive actions.

Nova placed his hand on the largest generator, meant for the basin he had been assigned. He pushed off a small pool of standing water that had collected in one of the dents before he allowed his arms to drop to his side. A swift click in his internal systems activated the transformation process. Almost instantaneously Nova Strike was in vehicle form. Two thick mechanical cables emerged from the rear of his alternative mode and clamped onto the generator. The trunk latch popped and the cylinder was hefted out of the mud and secured in the designated storage bin of that particular earth model.

Immediately he could feel his back tires sink into the muck ever so slightly under the new found weight of the item he had been designated to carry. "Hey Pathfinder," he called out to the Throttlebot with a light tone. "Break the path, you take point and try not to lead us into any pits, this damn thing is heavy." With that he activated his engines and allowed Freeway to take the lead before slowly advancing down the shoreline towards the basin settlement.
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Re: Autobot City: Hidden Foundations

Postby VkmSpouge » Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:09 pm

At least Nova Strike was doing all of the heavy lifting for this task, Freeway would just have to clear a nice path for him through all the trees and make it as easy as possible for the ranger to move the equipment into an appropriate position. Freeway decided that the best way to cut the path was to properly scout a route out first, so that they wouldn't make any wrong terms and potentially take too long having to double back.

The Throttlebot moved up through the trees and the mud, scaring lots of wildlife away in the process as he took his time to find the best possible route to where the generator needed to be placed. While he could knock down trees that could leave hole behind so he chose a winding route around most trees and resorted to simply trimming branches off with his laser pistol .

It was all that it was good for really, at some point in their Autobot careers someone higher up in the command chain though probably way below Wideload in intelligence had decided that a scout team like the Throttlebots only needed the bare minimum in armaments, so tiny laser pistols it was. At least Freeway could augment it with various grenades and explosives, the others just had to scavenge for proper weapons in a battlefield.

“Okay, got a route planned,” said Freeway coming back to Nova Strike after some time getting the lay of the land. He took out his laser pistol, set it to beam and started slicing through tree branches and clearing the route of bigger rocks to let Nova Strike drive up behind him.
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Re: Autobot City: Hidden Foundations

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sun Nov 24, 2013 12:05 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Peruvian Valley - Underbrush near Human Camp

“Did you just say ‘human sacrifices’?!” Hound whispered back to Rewind with a shocked expression stretched across his faceplate. The green mech knew that humans had a penchant for violence, but he had no idea that ancient fleshlings actually sacrificed one another to false gods. The revelation that children were even killed made Hound’s fuel pump skip a beat. “Wow, I had no idea. Thank Primus they don’t do that anymore.” The scout paused for a moment, looking over at the tiny archivist. “They don’t, right?”

Rewind’s suggestion of using wrathful gods and long dead Inca warriors as a way to scare these modern humans off resinated well within Hound’s processor. The image that first popped into the green Autobot’s mind was that of a recent television show the Earthling’s seem to love called The Walking Dead. It was about a zombie apocalypse where the dead rise to feed on the living. While the concept was an impossibility, even for Cybertronians, it gave Hound the perfect way on how to best visualize the spirits of the dead Incas. “I like your suggestions, Rewind. Some Inca zombies and vengeful gods coming right up!”

Hound carefully crawled forward through the underbrush to get a clearer view of the human encampment. Once he was in the best position he could be without being spotted, the scout adjusted his hologram gun, pointing it through a break in the trees towards the series of tents and vehicles that were situated around the collapsed mine entrance. Once the images he wanted to project were downloaded from his memory banks, Hound activated the hologram gun, hoping his illusions would do the trick without causing any serious or life-threatening injuries to the fleshlings. “Okay, Rewind. whip up some appropriate sound effects for these scary guys!”

Within moments, dozens of zombie-like Inca warriors rose out of the ground and proceeded to walk at a slow pace into the camp. Each were in varying degrees of decomposition, looking like rotting corpses but with a slight glow emanating from around their forms to signify their spiritual origins. They wore tribal garb and carried weapons such as spears and clubs. Some had their arms raised and outstretched as if they were going to attack and rip apart anyone that got too close. Simultaneously, several monstrous apparitions appeared overhead flying around the camp and dive bombing any unfortunate humans that were caught outside. These images were based off of the movie Poltergeist, a well regarded horror film and ghost story.

“There, it seems to be working,” Hound pointed out, continuing to keep his vocals low as some of the humans within the encampment began to run around in a panic. “I sure hope these images get them out of here quickly. Using my holograms drains my power cells faster than normal. I’m not going to be able to keep this up forever.”

Peruvian Valley - Glacial Lake Shoreline

Prowl was very happy that no one seemed to have any questions for him regarding their new assignments. That meant his team members were actually paying attention to him for once and thus he did not have to repeat himself, which was something that always succeeded in putting him in a bad mood. Of course, there were lots of things that made the military strategist unhappy so if it hadn’t been a multitude of pointless questions fired in his direction then it would’ve been something else that would’ve agitated him.

Prowl’s attention was quickly drawn to Freeway, who had decided to finally join the party and crack a few jokes at everyone’s expense in the process. Ahh, there was the agitation now. “Not as subtle as your entrance, Freeway,” the black and white replied stoically before accepting the strobe grenade from Nova Strike. The strategist said nothing as the ranger loaded one of the generators into his vehicle form and prepared to move out with the tardy Throttlebot having already plotted a route through the forest. Silverbolt and the other Aerialbots had yet to move out, giving Prowl a sinking feeling that something was amiss and perhaps he would get bombarded with additional questions after all. However, before any such inquiries could be made, the black and white received a status request from Blaster up on the Ark-22.

>>”Blaster, this is Prowl. All is going well with only a few minor issues to report. First, Bumblebee has suffered a minor shoulder injury and is being attended to by a medical drone. Nothing to worry about. Second, the shuttle carrying the requested reinforcements was struck by an atmospheric discharge and crashed into a lake. The craft is lost. However, all who were on board are accounted for and fully functional. All equipment has also been salvaged. Finally, while we have found a potential location for our future Autobot City, there are humans in the area that are impeding our progress at further analysis. Therefore, we are attempting to use holograms and sound effects in the hopes of safely scaring them off. All infiltration protocols are being followed to the letter and we have not been discovered by the fleshlings. In addition, I have initiated a plan to conceal this valley from any further intrusions by the local population. I will update you on our progress when there is something further to report. Prowl out.”<<

The military strategist cut his comm line to the Autobot Communications Expert and returned his attention to Silverbolt and his team. “Is there any reason you and your men are still milling about when there’s work to get done? If there are any questions, ask now. Otherwise, I will leave you to it. I have other matters to check on.”
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Re: Autobot City: Hidden Foundations

Postby Marcus Rush » Fri Nov 29, 2013 3:26 pm

Weapon: Automatic Acid-Pellet Gun
Peruvian Valley - Glacial Lake Shoreline

Slingshot gave a humph as he unfolded his arms. He knew, at least on the surface, that this was not a time to pout. His retort for Nova Strike's insolence would have to come at a later period of time. For now, he had a job to do... even if the two commanding officers of their squadron were enjoying gathering rust.

The sharp shooter stepped forward to the stash of materials that had been salvaged from the bottom of the lake. He reached down and hefted up one of the smaller holographic field projectors and pulled it to his chest plate. "I don't know about there rest of you four, but I ain't about to let a little H20 keep me grounded. I want to get the scrap out of here as soon as possible and get back to the battlefield... where my skills aren't being wasted."

With that he gave a nod to Fireflight, motioning for the wingmech to grab the larger shield generator and to follow suit. He transformed into jet form and shot off into the night towards the coordinates he gleaned by stealing a glance at Nova Strike's padd.
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Re: Autobot City: Hidden Foundations

Postby Phaze » Sat Nov 30, 2013 7:29 am

Motto: ""All's Fair in Life and Death""
Weapon: Nuclear Charged Fusion Cannon
Peruvian valley Shoreside

Silverbolt was considering the best course of action for distributing the right mechs for the right beacons when Prowl interrupted his thoughts.

Before he could respond Slingshot's loud “hmph!” interrupted his train of thoughts for the second time in Astro seconds. As the smallest of the Aerialbots took off complaining as he did so the tall Aerialbot opened a comm channel to Slingshot.

“Your skills are being put to use where command deem it needed and if you take Fireflight with you keep him focused I don’t need him drifting off and alerting the humans”

Silverbolt turned back to Prowl “no sir was in the process of allocating my team to the various locations. Air raid, you and Skydive take the other two areas I got the last one. Just remember to check the equipment before you activate it”

Silverbolt gave an exasperated sigh as he thought of slingshot impulsive smaller than his aerialbot teammates. Maybe if he got the chance the Aerialbot commander would be able to help his self esteem issues. Silverbolt turned from prowl and the other aerialbots to the equipment that needed moving. Being the largest of the Aerialbots Silverbolt easily lifted the generator that was to be placed he swiftly transformed into his alternate mode and took to the dark sky which embraced his sleek form he soon vanished from sight.
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Re: Autobot City: Hidden Foundations

Postby sumowrestler » Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:27 pm

Weapon: Saber Blade
Peruvian valley Shoreside

Skydive shook his head as Slingshot being impatient. One of these orns, his impatience will cost him and this squad a fight. Being the marksman of the group, one would have thought patients would be in ample supply for one to get just the right shot. He then shook his head out of his thoughts as Silverbolt gave him his assignment. Skydive then picked up the component he needed and transformed throwing the item into his cockpit. Once things were in the right place, he took off and headed towards the location. Lightning was still flashing everywhere but if Skydive had to guess, the electrical discharge was releasing less frequently then it was when they crashed down. Even with the less discharges, it was still dangerous so he was careful in his flight. If anything, this was a good test of his flying abilities and training. Maybe something similar could be programmed into the training simulator back on the arc-22.

As Skydive flew, he kept sensors on the storm. The moment he sensed an electrical discharge, he moved to avoid it. One bolt came to the right of him and was several feet away. The thing he wasn't expecting was the rush of heated air coming from the lightning flash along with the thunder. The shock wave pushed him farther to the left than expected. He barely missed another shot which came to his left. This one made him go into a quick barrel roll. He than was able to correct himself. This pattern continued with the strikes being random. Sometimes the discharges he registered didn't come close because they were higher and more horizontal then vertical. After flying in this storm, it makes sense why the shuttle was shot down. It doesn't even come close to being as maneuverable as the Aerialbots. Even if he and Air Raid were flying it, there is a very high chance they would still been in the lake.

After a couple of cycles, Skydive found his target destination and landed fairly safely. The wind at this location was fairly strong so it blew Skydive off course a little as he came in. Thankfully this location had enough rocks to block some of the wind.

>>Commander Prowl and Silverbolt, I'm at my location but the storm is still too strong to set up my piece of equipment. I don't want to risk it being hit by an electrical discharge. We might need to wait for the storm to either weaken or move on with hopes the humans are long gone by then.<<
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Re: Autobot City: Hidden Foundations

Postby Foximus » Mon Dec 02, 2013 9:37 pm

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Laser Rifle
Peruvian Valley - Underbrush near Human Encampment

Hound's reaction to the mention of human sacrifices was priceless. The tiny archivist chuckled a bit under his breath. He remembered that he had a similar reaction when he first read that information. So much so that he had done a bit more digging into the topic. "No, they don't do that anymore. Well. Mostly. There are some really small religious sects that do that sorta thing still. It's generally frowned upon nowadays."

“I like your suggestions, Rewind. Some Inca zombies and vengeful gods coming right up!"

Inca zombies? Huh. Humans had heaps upon heaps of literature and information relating to the undead, specifically zombies. There were sports made out of it, virtual reality entertainment programs based on the sole concepts. Movies, books. It was everywhere. The archivist nodded his head in agreement. That should work a bit better. He began to compile a new track with added 'zombie' noise effects.

As Hound began to project them, Rewind started up the new track, blending seamlessly into the first. Moans and groans of the ranks of the undead grew louder and louder. As Hound threw in flying apparitions, Rewind was reminded of an Irish ghost called the banshee with a horrible high-pitched scream. He cued up some suitable sound effects for them: hissing, screams, snarls, laughter.

"Nice touch with those flying things," Rewind said to Hound, keeping his voice down, "And yeah, it does seem to be working. Only one question. Is it enough?" As the archivist watched the panicking organics, he glanced up at Hound as the larger mech voiced his concerns about his power cell. "Well, if you run out of juice, we're going to have to come up with something else. Let Prowl know if you start to run low," Rewind commented, "But hopefully, they'll run away quickly."

As Rewind cast his dimmed blue optics back toward the human camp, the little archivist sighed as his thoughts wandered back to Chromedome. He wondered how he was doing. He should've told Chromedome that he was leaving. Oh well. The mnemosurgeon couldn't get into that much trouble could he?
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Re: Autobot City: Hidden Foundations

Postby Marcus Rush » Mon Dec 09, 2013 3:14 am

Weapon: Automatic Acid-Pellet Gun
Peruvian Valley: Village of the Stone Skull Serpent

Wood splintered and cracked in the cruel swirling wind that came off the glacier above the swollen torrent that raced and tore down to the turbulent lake below. Leaves strained in the convergence of pressures, broadleaf trees bent at unnatural angles. Stressed to breaking points they tore in half, their trunks shattered into fragments, adding to the maelstrom of shrapnel that nature cursed upon those who traversed the roads towards the elevated punctuations along the shores.

As Nova Strike followed Freeway up the elevated roads towards the indicated coordinates where the largest of the generators would be established, temperatures were swiftly beginning to decline. Ice was forming on the cobbles, creating the already dangerous road an even more hazardous highway from hell. His augmented tires kept him from sliding around or falling down the side of a gully that had been cut recently by flood waters from the glacial streams, his audio receptors struggling to filter out the bubbling and roiling of the torrent to his side.

A snap from above was the first indication of trouble. His sensors pulled off the road and immediately locked onto the peak of the trail. Small rocks were rolling down, a dislodged figure or at least what had once been the figure of a humanoid skull, bounced from one end of the cobbled trail to the other before it ricocheted off the trunk of a tree and disappearing out of the illuminating cone of his headlamps. It was a precursor to the slide that was following.

Nova Strike did not know the composition of the boulder that destroyed the road, he really did not even care to know how large it had been or where it had originated. All he cared about was the fact he narrowly avoided falling into the swollen stream. Rain pounded his windshield, the wipers barely able to keep up at full force as the river of mud began to stabilize as the main mass was washed down to the lake.

It had narrowly missed swallowing Freeway, the throttlebot being held tight by an emergency tow cable that had launched from Nova Strike's turret. The winch pulled the smaller mech back from the edge, then released him as the final slab of earth slid passed.

"Hope you are alright little guy. Not a good night for this operation. Remind me to log a protest with my travel agent." He retuned his sensor package and activated an internal topographical map. The slide was not necessarily a hindrance. A burst of new data began to flood his processors as his internal computers rewrote the topographical map to take in the changes of terrain. Nova changed his direction slightly and sunk into a debris secured mire.

Mircro spikes elongated to their maximum length and Nova began to climb the steeper incline. Passed a pair of stone carvings of ancient statues, each with heads of serpent skulls without features flesh. He allowed Freeway to take the lead and secure the courtyard before he pulled further into the village square.

"Coordinates are near there... those statues with the primitive spears." He lowered the generator down into a shallow puddle and returned to robot form. He staggered back and fell against the wall of a ruined building, its purpose lost to time. "I... I need to recover my bearings. Freeway, you need to get the generator installed and ready... Damn that thing was heavy."

Collapsed Mine Entrance: Human Camp

"I don't like it." One of the laborers complained as his back arched low reaching down to set one of the charges. His fingers twisted the blasting cap into place, a steady beat of water pounding his exposed flesh.

"Tell me about it. This could wait till the rain stops. "The man above him responded as he installed another charge higher up in the rubble. "But the man who writes the checks wants to get into dry ground, who are we to tell him off?"

The first man shuddered as whispers crossed his hearing followed by a loud snap of thunder. "Ain't that. This place gives me the creeps. Maybe we shoulda listen to da other guy."

"And get shot for the effort? No thank you. Sides that girl the boss gots scares me more than this place."

The charges were finally set and the two men climbed down their assigned section of the rubble pile. They were shivering and drenched as they reported their progress to Sandoval, and were in turn ordered to shore up the trenches for the camp. Whispers continued to proliferate the air, thunder claps caused the men to shake. Whispers demanding death, a blood debt that needed to be repaid.

The final picks were dropped into a crate as the man made drainage trenches were dubbed complete. The workers raced to the trucks to return their gear and bask in a moments reprieve from the storm. Each man unusually on edge as they spoke of voices on the wind. Words of the damned, vengeance being sought that could never be achieved. At least that was what they had hoped.

Mai flipped the canvass flap back over her head and entered into the primary tent where Anikara had established his seat of power. Quietly she waited at the edge of the entrance as her pseudo employer continued to brush the detailed angles of the statuary fragment she had found earlier.

As she watched him set the brush down and pick up a dental pick to peal away another small layer of mud and dried sediment, the flap flew up behind her. Sandoval charged in, his flannel shirt saturated underneath the slicker he had acquired from one of the drivers. "The charges are set sir... I thought you would like to be informed before we detonate them?"

Anikara set the pick down on the table. He reached over and pulled out a note book from underneath a small stack of books on Incan history. One book fell to one side and opened partially to a chapter on Incan mythology. The Curse of the... he closed the book and opened his note pad. Swiftly he jotted a few pieces of detail into his personal records before he closed it and placed it in to his pocket. "Of course. Mai, I trust you are well rested, our men will require..."

"I am rested enough for the task at and Ani." She spoke in a silken tone, hiding a shred of distrust in the vale. "The men are currently unloading the last of the supplies. Once the mine is opened we will begin moving the stores inside."

"Good. Then Mr. Sandoval, I suggest that we begin this operation now and secure a drier place for our men."

Shouts began to tear through the camp. Picks and shovels began to clang against stone and splash into muddy swamps. Frantic footsteps race across the rain swollen trenches and streams. "RUN... DEAD!!!" Almost instantly new shadows began to appear across the canvass that separated the trio from the rest of the labor force of hired hands. The shadow of a rock spun from one set of shadows and plowed straight into a slow staggering mass... it bounced and fell to the ground and the mass slowly advanced.

"What in the name of Chri..." Anikara was cut short as a burst of lightning slammed into an electrical lamp tower generator, causing it to explode.

"Ancestors... they are pissed."

"Watch your tongue. We have to make amends... run."

"Quick, find a virgin."

"A virgin? What for?"

"Don't these things always want a sacrificial virgin? Maybe they will go away if we give them one?"


The figures raced back towards the trucks as the trio emerged from the tent. Mai drew her weapon immediately and fired on the first shadowed figure, plugging it twice in the back of the skull. There was no effect, the being instead twisted its head at an unnatural angle. Its drooling and half decayed features oozing off in the unnatural rain storm.

"Zombies?" Anikara whispered as he made sure to put Sandoval and Mai in the front lines. "Spirits of the undead guardians of this valley. Inconceivable."

"Umm Miss Mai, please tell me you have successfully fought off Zombies before."

Mai sneered briefly as she unloaded the entire clip into the staggering mass of flesh. "Who do I look like, some big chested bimbo from those American video games? Be serious Mister Sandoval, Zombies are not real."

Anikara watched the figure draw lines in the mud as it slowly advanced on the tent. Already two of the trucks were fully loaded with workers and racing towards the pass. "Convincing, but there has got to be a logical explanation. Probably a psychokinetic link brought on by a traumatic experience, most likely an event such as the electrical discharge from the generator."

The being reached out for the gun and Mai spun around to deliver the back of her heel to the creature. A blob of skin tore from the soldier's face and bounced into a puddle, disappearing as it left the holographic matrix. As the spearman fell to the ground wounded and disoriented, flying serpents descended on the remaining workers. Their final will shattered as fangs sunk into their shoulders, legs and arms. The terror was palatable as they ran to the trucks and began to follow those who had fled at the first onslaught of the undead.
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Re: Autobot City: Hidden Foundations

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sun Dec 22, 2013 1:33 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Peruvian Valley - Glacial Shoreline

Prowl nodded approvingly at Silverbolt when the Aerialbot Commander assured him that he was allocating his team and resources accordingly. At least the black and white didn’t have to repeat himself again or further explain what needed to be done. If he had to, the military strategist might as well just do it all, himself. Thankfully, that was not the case as the Autobot fliers took to the air with the necessary equipment in tow and were gone in a flash of lightning and thunder. Likewise, Nova Strike and Freeway were well on their way, as well, leaving the mission leader alone on the shoreline.

Turning on his heal, Prowl walked off the beach at a brisk pace and traversed alone the narrow pathway that lead back into the forest. For all of the problems he had encountered thus far on this simple scouting endeavor, things were slowly progressing, although not as quickly as he would have liked it. Still, some progress was better than none at all. Now, all they needed to do was get rid of those pesky humans without causing any harm to them and then the Autobots could conceal the valley in a shroud of holographic mountains.

Peruvian Valley - Jungle Clearing

After a little over a breem, Prowl arrived back at the clearing to find no one there. Even the injured minibot was no where to be seen. “Great,” the black and white muttered quietly as he attuned his sensors ahead through the forest. After a quick scan, he picked up four Autobot signatures hiding within the underbrush near the human encampment. Rewind, Bumblebee and the medical drone were small and easily hidden. Hound, however, was another story. The holographic expert was much larger than his diminutive companions and the risks of being spotted by the fleshlings were greater. Although, it was likely necessary for Hound to get that close in order to effectively use his hologram gun and by the sounds of terrified humans running to and fro, said weapon was already in use.

“Well, at least he’s green like his surroundings,” Prowl said under his breath as he transformed into his Nissan GT-R police car mode. His holomatter avatar appeared next to the vehicle as the strategist’s consciousness transferred therein. With four Cybertronian robots already hiding in the underbrush, there was simply no need to add a fifth and elevate the risk of exposure even more. The fake human officer carefully entered the thick jungle and made his way towards his robotic comrades.

Peruvian Valley - Underbrush near Human Encampment

“Thank you,” Hound responded to Rewind’s compliment in regards to those flying creatures the green scout had created to aid the ground-dwelling Inca zombies. The tiny archivist’s follow-up concern as to whether or not the multiple holographic monsters would be enough to scare away the locals was soon addressed by the screams and cries of scared humans running back to their vehicles in order to escape the zombie rampage. “Seems to already be working, Rewind. It looks from my angle like they’re all running for their lives. Hopefully, it won’t be too long before they’re out of the area entirely.”

Hound then checked his energon levels. With all of the holograms he was currently maintaining, his power was dropping fast. “Well, my power cells are below fifty percent now, but I should have enough to last until every last human is gone.”

“Let’s hope you’re right about that, Hound,” a voice said from behind as a human in a police man’s uniform suddenly appeared from the thicket of trees and shrubbery.

“What?!” Hound exclaimed as he turned his head around while trying to keep his hologram gun aimed in the proper direction. “Prowl?! By the maker, I almost didn’t realize it was you.”

“Indeed,” the strategist’s avatar replied, keeping his voice low. “I didn’t feel the need to add another giant robot over here. These plants and trees can only hide so much.”

“My apologies, sir, but I needed to get my real self close enough to project the holograms,” Hound clarified without sounding too loud or indignant.

“I understand,” the faux police man responded with a nod. “However, you could have done so in jeep mode and blended in better especially considering the humans are using jeeps, as well. Still, you’re green coloring does an adequate job, regardless.”

“Duly noted, Commander,” Hound relented, turning his attention back to the human camp. “The humans seem to be on the run, sir.

“Yes, I can see that. Keep it up,” Prowl’s avatar responded before glancing over at the archivist. “Rewind, if Hound runs out of power before all of the humans are dispersed you’ll have to up the volume on the sound effects. If that doesn’t do the trick I may have to siphon off some of my own energon to Hound to keep the holograms going. Keep me posted.”

It was then that Prowl received a transmission from Skydive, who seemed overly concerned about setting up his equipment while the storm was raging. The military strategist opened a comm line back to the Aerialbot:

>>”Skydive, this is Prowl. Maintain your position. The hologram emitters and force field generators need to be set up as this valley must be hidden once the humans are gone. According to the latest atmospheric data received from the Ark-22, this storm should be letting up enough very soon that you can proceed with your assignment without a problem. However, if you feel that the storm is still too intense you can try setting up a lightning rod nearby to draw any atmospheric discharges away from your position. There should be one in with the equipment. Prowl out.”<<

Cutting his communique with the Aerialbot, Prowl’s avatar then maneuvered through the underbrush towards the injured minibot, who was being attended to by the medical drone. “Bumblebee, how’s that shoulder doing? Once you are all patched up, I need you to join Nova Strike and Freeway and help them with the equipment at their assigned coordinates. Understood?”
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Re: Autobot City: Hidden Foundations

Postby Marcus Rush » Tue Dec 31, 2013 4:46 pm

Weapon: Automatic Acid-Pellet Gun
Collapsed Mine Entrance: Human Camp

Anikara ducked as a lumbering creature lanced its deteriorated stone tipped spear towards his jugular. He slid to his right and wrapped his fingers around the first solid object he could find, a tent support pole. Another swing from the chipped and deformed head caused the historian and expedition leader to stagger back, falling with pole in hand. The canvass began to collapse around him, burying the trio in a sea of fabrics.

He kicked again and again as he tried desperately to escape the surprisingly rapid advance of the undead army, to little avail. The canvass contorted and ripped as the stone blade shot into a narrow space between his legs, a flow of water began to drench his lower regions. Quickly he pushed himself further back, his vision relying on the shadows of lightning and lamp to avoid the malice that was the angered spirit... if indeed it was what it appeared to be. At present Ani only cared that he was not impaled by this concoction of evil. Bursts of gunfire caught the glint of the chipped head again as the amalgam raised it over its head to prepare for a finishing blow.

The historian tightened his grip on the tent pole and immediately raised it up at a steep angle, its metal spike boring through the tough hide of canvass and decayed armor. The creature grunted briefly before it slumped forward, its boney fingers clawing at the pole. The canvass fell away as Anikara set the metal rod into the growing pool of mud. The warrior's head snapped up with its green eyes glowing in an ethereal hate. Its claws wrapped around the bar and began pulling it through its torso. Its guttural roar caused the human to scamper to his feet only to trip over the canvass wrapping to fall on the hidden table cloaked by the tent.

Mai spun around and unloaded a pair of shots into the crest of a relatively decorated corpse of a woman. Her rotted chest cavity adorned in fine copper and gold, a head dress of feathers or what remained of green feathers, drew attention from the obsidian flint clad club that it held surprisingly firm in its grip. It swung the club violently down into the mud where the female body guard had previously stood moments before. The bullets pelted the skull before exiting out the other side, abducting bits of turquoise beads with them.

The club was almost instantaneously pulled from the sludge and swung horizontally, sending a massive gash of muck, pebbles and fabric flying away from the crumpled form of Mai. She narrowly avoided the disemboweling blow, thanks to the trench that had been dug to drain the camp. Unconsciously, she reached up to her chest and gave it a rub to ensure no serious injury had been sustained. She winced as a thin cut underneath her breast stung at the tough of her finger tips and cold pounding of water from the nearly relentless rain. "This is beginning to become ridiculous." She pushed her self up just in time to avoid being crushed by a potentially fatal blow. She spun around and stomped down on the club, wincing with each breath. Her revolvers were placed to the side of the construction's temple and she pulled the trigger until the remains of her clips were drained and the braincase was completely shredded.

Mai kicked the decapitated torso down into the mud and dropped the spent clips into the mud. "Ani, we have to get the hell out of here. I don't care what they are, but these things mean business."

"You want me to leave?" Anikara pushed himself up from the puddle gathering in the crumpled tent, blood welling on the shoulders as bits of wood fell free. His face was contorted in pain and wroth as he staggered his way to his feet. "Like hell. This is mine, it would take an act of Jehovah himself to force me to give this up."

Sanoval flew back as a flying creature drove its clawed manses into his chest before its talons gripped him by the shoulders. Blood dripped from the wounds as the creature flew up towards the pass. Claws tore into his back, rending fabric from flesh, his screams of terror lost to distance and thunder.

Mai shook her head as the last of the hardier men raced to the last functional truck. In the waning light of the damaged lamps, she could make out injuries and lacerations that crossed their chests, legs and arms. Results of brutal attacks from these creatures that defied conventional logic. Inwardly she made notes that none of the injuries were fatal, in fact most appeared to have been avoidable has they not been so panicked. It meant that this entire situation just did not add up... why attack with non lethal force? Why attack at all? Was this some sort of new tactic her higher employers failed to brief her on? Whatever the truth was, she knew that it was time to leave and regroup. They would have to return at some other point to claim the wealth buried in the ground below.

She kicked the motionless torso over and picked up the club, replacing depleted revolvers into their holsters. She flipped it from the mud and began to drive it into the fore most construct, tearing through its flesh like sickly green tissue paper. She completed the cut by tearing through it at the knee caps and advancing towards Anikara, who to her surprise remained in place as a shivering and awkwardly laughing figure. She reached out to place a hand carefully on his red stained shirt. "Come on, we can return later. We need to get out of here and regroup, the minerals here are not going..."

Anikara shrugged her off. "I said, it would take an act of Jehovah himself before I abandoned this mine. And I will have what I came for, even if it means bringing this whole place to ruin." He staggered forward towards the mine entrance. The pain etched in his face redirected towards the mine. Each step, a thin trail of crimson flowed to the saturated canvass until it began to blur with the trenches leading to the lake below. "I... I... I will not be denied. Not by you."

He reached one of the few crates that remained intact after the initial breakout of chaos and insanity. He stumbled in the mud and fell to one knee in a river of rainwater washing down from the cliff face. "Not by these figments of imagination, contrived through some drug induced delusion." He palmed a small box like device with a pair of wires leading from the top into the dark rubble before the collapsed entrance.

Mai stepped forward but a hand reached out and grabbed her by her ankle. She fell forward, the club splashing and disappearing into a drainage ditch. She looked back to see the corpse she had previously de-legged, had managed to crawl up enough to strike. She kicked repeatedly, driving the heel of her free left leg into the creature's face, the snap of bone and cartilage echoed within the next few seconds. "Damn it, get off..."

"... And not even these heathen gods long forgotten to time." He flipped the safety primer off and turned the dial on the box. Anikara ignored the pain that each move of his muscles brought him. He turned final counter and removed the final safety feature to the detonator. "I... I will claim what is due me!" His thumb flipped metal shield that protected the final toggle switch. He pulled the switch down. Time stood still.

Bursts of power began to erupt throughout the canyon. The boulders began to fly around the camp, leveling tents and crates. Constructs and flying creatures alike were not immune to the fury, each either suffering a pelting of debris or being enveloped in the blinding dust cloud that ballooned from the detonation of the C-4 packages. Trees below the camp were splintered and torn asunder, the rock fractured and gave way in several areas.

Minutes passed before Mai could look up and attempt to shield her eyes from the lingering dust as it was washed away from the skies. It took a few moments before she realized that she was no longer on her stomach faced down on the ground, but instead being dragged away from the epicenter of the blast. Her legs were sliced in several points and bleeding profusely, caked in mud. After the sparks and dazzles faded from her field of vision she made a strained effort to look towards the mine entrance.

A large sentinel form stood at the entrance of the mine. A large burning spear pointed down towards the two men who were dragging her to the final truck and their escape. It made no move other than to boom its displeasure of their desecration of this holy land. She groaned and let herself be carried into the back of the vehicle as its engine began to rev. Sleep began to climb over her as a burlap blanket was thrown over her mostly exposed body to help prevent the undoubted hypothermia... she could not remember shivering, all she could feel was cold. As she let her eyes sag close a last figure was unceremoniously thrown onto the rear of the truck. Whether live or dead she could not fathom. All she could tell was the world faded into the ether as the smooth dirt path gave way to the cobbles of the road leading towards the mountain pass.

Above the Mountain Pass

Slingshot grumbled as Fireflight plugged in the final piece into the combination shield generator and holographic projector. "A yeti." He drew a turbo wrench from one of the terminal chambers and began to connect the power pack to the amalgam. "You just had to take the long way around the glacier just because you thought you saw a yeti."

"Well it looked like a yeti. It had arms and legs and everything."

Slingshot tightened the first stem bolt and looked up over the device, His facial expressions lost into the darkness but the tone of voice conveyed his irritation. "It was a stump."

"I know that was a stump. But the yeti was next to the stump."

"In South America? You thought you saw a creature that does not exist but is rumored to be from Central Asia... in South America?" Slingshot pulled out the final stem bolt connector and proceeded to tighten it. "Remind me to have the fearless one cancel your subscription to Animal Planet and National Geographic Channels. Its obvious they aren't doing you a lick of good."

Fireflight shook his head. "I swear I saw what I saw. If you don't believe me then I'll let you check my flight recorder."

"I know what you saw, I was right behind you... trying not to get hit by those electrical discharges."

Fireflight shrugged and plugged in a small diagnostic device. He entered a set of commands and allowed the device to begin start up protocols. "Well the good news is that we discovered this storm is beginning to let up as it moves towards the north." The device beeped green confirming that everything was in working order. "And besides if it weren't for the yeti we would have never found that ruined spire over there to indicate our deployment coordinates."

"IT WAS A STUMP!!!" The sharpshooter fumed before he activated his line of sight communication terminal and patched into a link with Silverbolt and Prowl. "We're good to go up here. Not for lack of trying by our special navigator over here."

"I swear it was a yeti. It had white fur and everything..."

Slingshot ignored the protests of his Aerialbot compatriot and continued on. "Give us the nod and we'll activate this blasted thing. Then maybe we can get back onto some real important assignments."
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Re: Autobot City: Hidden Foundations

Postby Foximus » Thu Jan 02, 2014 6:28 pm

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Laser Rifle
Emergency Transmission from the Ark-22 to Prowl

>>"Yo, Prowl! We got a situation up here! Patchin' you through to the boss."<<
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Re: Autobot City: Hidden Foundations

Postby Foximus » Thu Jan 02, 2014 11:12 pm

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Laser Rifle
Peruvian Valley - Near the Human Encampment

As the humans began to scramble about driven mad by fright, Rewind relaxed a little. It did his spark no good to see innocents being hounded by...well, Hound, but it was necessary. They needed them out of this valley. So they could put down the Ark here and make a base...or something. Though why they would even want a base perplexed Rewind. Sure, to counter Decepticon bases, but the one in Mt. Saint Helena had been destroyed courtesy of an eruption. Eh, the Cons were likely going to make another sooner or later.

Rewind glanced back as he heard Prowl address Hound. Or rather, Prowl's holomatter avatar as one of the human police force. He was chiding Hound about being so close to the human encampment in his robot mode. Rewind hadn't really thought of that. Prowl soon turned his attention to the tiny archivist and relayed an updated set of orders.

"Gotcha, Prowl," Rewind chirped back softly.

The archivist turned his optics back to the humans who were locked in what they thought was a life or death struggle. He kept adding in sounds in coordination with how the skirmish was evolving dynamically, adding a sense of realism to an otherwise looped track. A particular human caught his optic as he held up something that looked metallic and shaped like a box.

It was in the next moment that Rewind knew exactly what that little metallic box was. A detonator. The next moments for the diminutive Autobot were filled with a flurry of motion and pain. Pockets of explosives that the humans had planted erupted, unleashing a hail of debris in all directions. One small chuck of stray terran matter had smacked Rewind directly in the cranial unit, sending the tiny archivist sprawling backwards, wondering what on Earth had just happened.


Rewind slowly sat up as the dust from the explosion clouded his vision. The archivist ran a couple diagnostics on his systems. The results came back mostly positive. Some cosmetic damage. Nothing too bad. The archivist glanced about for the others through the dust as it cleared. "Are you all ok?" he asked worriedly.
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Re: Autobot City: Hidden Foundations

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sat Jan 04, 2014 2:52 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Peruvian Valley - Underbrush near Human Encampment

The detonation caused by the C-4 caught Prowl completely off guard. A powerful shockwave from the explosion sent rocks, huge boulders, tree limbs and branches in every direction. The encampment, itself, was leveled as the remaining humans managed to escape down the mountain pass from which they had originally arrived. Debris of all kinds penetrated the nearby forest and underbrush, knocking down trees and shredding bushes. Numerous stones pelted the human avatar, causing it to flicker before disappearing from sight all together. The force of the large blast knocked over a nearby tree, which subsequently fell on top of Hound, damaging his hologram gun and pinning him underneath. As a result, the holographic zombies and flying monsters faded away as though they had never been. Thankfully, they had apparently already done their job, but at what cost to the humans?

“Slaggit!” Hound exclaimed as he laid facedown in the dirt with the fallen tree pressing onto his back. The green scout quickly ran an internal diagnostic and found that he was still in one piece if not a bit banged up. The armored plating across his back was dented, but holding up well enough to prevent any kind of serious or spark-threatening injuries. However, he was still in a bind. “Prowl, Rewind, I need help! I’m trapped under this frackin’ tree!”

Back at the jungle clearing, Prowl’s consciousness had returned to his Cybertronian body. Transforming into his robot form, the military strategist pushed his way through the forest, having heard Hound’s call for assistance. As he got closer to the remains of the encampment, the underbrush and trees they had been hiding within were no longer as dense as a few moments ago, leaving more room for yet another giant robot to maneuver. The devastation from the explosion was unexpected, especially since it was caused by Earthen technology. The humans were certainly not to be underestimated, even ones from a third world nation such as this. Trees were down everywhere, one in particular was on top of the hologram expert.

“Hold on, Hound, I’ll get you out,” Prowl said confidently as he stepped beside his fallen comrade. The black and white then bent down and grabbed a hold of the tree with both hands and slowly lifted it up and off of Hound. The strategist then tossed the tree aside with a thud before kneeling down next to the injured Autobot. “You okay, Hound? What hurts?”

“My back mainly,” Hound responded as he rolled over and carefully sat up. “But it’s nothing serious. My armor held up well enough, but my hologram gun is smashed, I’m afraid.”

“That’s unfortunate, but you’re still functional, at least,” Prowl replied stoically, placing a hand on the green mech’s shoulder while attuning his scanners at what was left of the encampment. “However, your holograms seemed to have done the trick. The humans have fled.”

“Where any of them hurt in the explosion,” Hound immediately asked. “Or killed?”

“Unknown,” the military strategist responded as he continued scanning the area. “I’m not picking up any life signs. I think they all got out okay.” Prowl knew that the probability that all of the Earthlings had escaped with their lives was less than 5%, but he wasn’t about to say that to the human-loving scout. He still needed Hound to remain focused on the mission and not become burdened down with any kind of misplaced guilt. “Hound, just rest here for a bit while I check on the others. If the medical drone is not damaged I’ll have it take a look at your back.”

Hound nodded as Prowl then turned his attention to Rewind and Bumblebee. “Status report. Are you two fully functional? What damage, if any, have you sustained?” The diminutive due had no time to respond before the black and white received a communique from Blaster on board the Ark-22.

>>”I read you, barely. Commander Magnus, this is Prowl. Can you hear me? Our connection appears to be fragile at best. What seems to be the problem, sir?”<<
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Re: Autobot City: Hidden Foundations

Postby Phaze » Sun Jan 05, 2014 6:10 am

Motto: ""All's Fair in Life and Death""
Weapon: Nuclear Charged Fusion Cannon
above the Peruvian Valley

Lightning flashed, the thunder roared its defiance as a sleek form punched through its fury heading for co-ordinates that where provided. The amount of electrostatic energy that the collectors were harvesting from the ionised air around the aircraft was astounding his batteries where fully charged as his collectors retracted into his airframe. Silverbolt then landed at his assigned co-ordinates transforming before he landed so he could cushion the vital equipment.

Lightening ploughed a furrow not 20ft away from his crouched form warning runes appeared on his internal HUD. Blinking them away Silverbolt placed the shield generator in its assigned place he set its diagnostic cycle running, but with all this discharge from the clouds the lightning rod was essential. With a grunt of exertion the Aerialbot commander plunged the important safety device into the ground. The lightning rod itself appeared to be a 30 ft tall spike once it’s telescopic form had finished extending. The earth wire was punched by the large fist of Silverbolt into the ground before he secured the rod with heavy duty cabling .

Satisfied that the huge spike wasn’t going to move any despite the high winds Silverbolt turned his attention to the shield generator which had been going through its diagnostic cycle. Kneeling by the shield generator he was pleased to see that the runes where green along with the holographic generator that was connected to it.

As he looked at the valley below admiring the view he received a pair of messages one was from Skydive who got a reply almost immediately from Prowl the other was from Slingshot.

>>received Slingshot standby Air Raid should be setting up his generator and we’ll be good to go<<
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Re: Autobot City: Hidden Foundations

Postby Ember » Sun Jan 05, 2014 8:51 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Peruvian Valley – Near the Human Encampment

A large majority of what was occurring around Bumblebee went completely unnoticed. Not because the espionage expert was uninterested, no, it was because he was under attack. “Ow! Primus that hurt!” The yellow minibot tried to keep his vocal synthesizer as low as he could. “My apologies” the drone responded.

“Don’t apologize. Just be careful.” Bee rubbed his shoulder joint with his hand as he glared hard at the medical drone. “Your work is more painful than that fall I took.” He let out a hard breath and lowered his hand. Taking the cue the drone moved back in and resumed its work, this time; however it took care to go easy.

Bumblebee took his optics off the medic and refocused on Prowl’s avatar. He flashed the pseudo-human an awkward smile before he hissed slightly. “Uh. Ah. Just fine, Prowl.” At the black and white’s order he stiffened before nodding to the police officer. “Sure thing, Prowl.” Bee’s head whipped around to look at the drone. A frown deeply set on his normally placid face. “That is if this guy doesn’t mangle it first.” He growled.

He was just about to admonish his would be savior when the sound of an explosion came from the location of the humans. Bumblebee began to rise when debris rained down on him and the drone. He tried to take cover but instead he was knocked off his feet landing on the same shoulder he had injured earlier. “OW!”

Bee rolled off his arm and stopped when he was on his back. “Prowl, I take it back. The shoulder’s not fine.” Bee let out a pained groan as he reached over to grip his arm.
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