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Chapter 2: Next stop Antilla

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Chapter 2: Next stop Antilla

Postby _Anshin_ » Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:57 pm

Soon the two Decepticon warships departed from Char and made their way towards the planet of Antilla. Burn, Phaze and Icon Jade plotting a path around the sun that Antilla orbitted. Meanwhile Name_Violation, Potentate, and Wrath detoured to pick up the bounty hunter Bristleback before navigating towards the asteroid field on the other side of the planet. Both ships maintained radio silenced and waited for the cycles to tick down to where they would launch their attack simultaneously and destroy the unsuspecting Autobots.

"Just remember our agreement N_V. I get all of the remaining parts from the Autobots, plus a weeks supply of Energon."

"The deal was for the parts and two days Bristleback."
"No I am pretty sure it was five days."
"I don't care if he is your friend N_V, I say we just jettison him into the asteroid belt and continue without him." growled Wrath.
"Oh yeah, it was two days. So anyone want to tell me why we have so much firepower going after just a few bots?"
"That is classified" stated Potentate.
"Well if I am risking my servos I think I need to know" demanded Bristleback.
"Galvatron wants Ultra Magnus and these bots eliminated" coyly replied Potentate.
"Makes sense. I just wish that damned planet wasn't giving off such a weird radiation. I mean all of of our motion sensors work, but anything else that detects a pulse or Energon has spiked beyond belief."

"It is time folks. Lets put on our war paint and start practicing our war cries!" exclaimed Name_Violation as the ship powers up and prepares to attack.
"I hope he is joking this time" sighed Wrath.
"The great thing is that he rarely is! Wait.. why do those asteroids look so strange?"
"What do you mean Bristleback?" asked Potentate, "What's... wait are they blinking?!"

Cycles before the Decepticons arrive:

"That was unacceptable. We need to run that scenario again" stated an exasperated Ultra Magnus.
"Magnus, the shielding works. Even this close to the planet the radiation hasn't bled through our armor into our circuits and the new Holo-drones that Jetfire built has been are virtually indistinguishable from the real thing. No matter how many skirmishes we run somebody has to lose. Besides, when do we get to play with the new weapons that Preceptor developed?" asked Absolute Zero.
"Not until I am sure that all of you won't accidentally blow each other up. You forget Absolute, we are not here to win or loose. I want you to be able to determine between friend and foe without even seeing the targets. We will keep running scenarios until only the drones are eliminated. That is final. Now go lets reset the drones and get back out there."
As everyone turned to reset the squads of drones Alarms pierced through the ship.
"What the hell is this damn rust bucket falling apart?" questioned Vic.
"No those are the long range motion sensors we posted on the moon." replied All Darker. Quickly the mysterious bot made his way to the nearest console.
"We have an incoming warship coming in. It looks like they are trying to use the planet's radiation and the Sun to mask their approach."
"Looks like we get to play with the new weapons after all" said Absolute Zero with a smirk on his face.
"No, if its the Decepticons we can't reveal our hand or even let them get their hands on the weapons." said Magnus sternly. "Let us just hope they haven't detected us and are ". Before Ultra Magnus could finish his statement another set of alarms sounded off through out the ship.
"We have another warship making its way through the asteroid belt heading to our location. Damn it, how do they know we are here Magnus?" asked All Darker.
"They probably picked up all our skirmishes and figured we would be an easy mark" pointed out Crossblades.
"Well this is no good. We are about to become the wrong part of this Decepticon sandwich in the next few cycles if we don't do something. Magnus lets use the weapons, between your ship, the ark we are in, and those weapons we should be able to take them out easily." argued Zordon.
"Its too dangerous. Preceptor told us that one wrong move and we might end up evaporating ourselves. That is why we are out here in the middle of nowhere. If something went wrong we would be far enough away to prevent damage to any life forms."
stated Magnus, his normally stern attitude starting to show signs of annoyance with the constant pressure.

"Magnus is right." stated Absolute Zero. "Listen we can't let those weapons fall into the con's hands. We have already rigged the asteroid belt with mines and explosives with the old drones before they were destroyed so we should be able to slow that one down enough that a few of us can other board it or destroy it. The other warship however will be a problem."

"It won't be a problem if we use the new drones. We just set them up to look like copies of us, deploy the full lot and let Zordon, Crossblades and Vic take the ship coming from the sun. The way those drones fight they will be able to do just as much damage as the mines we put on the Asteroid. While you and Absolute Zero take out the other warship Magnus can escape." stated Alldarker.

"I will not leave a battle or leave you to be destroyed."

"You have no choice Magnus, your ship can escape while we create a diversion. You said it yourself, several times. We all know how dangerous those things could possibly be. Besides we have fought worse odds before. Remember we did save the Wreckers once or twice ourselves."

"I can't let you " started Ultra Magnus.

"Ok we all know what we need to do" interjected Zordon, cutting Magnus off before he could start. "Remember to keep your antidote packs that Preceptor gave us with you at all time. The new armor may protect us from radiation but I don't think its going to protect us from whats going to happen after we blow up those asteroids. We should have enough for 24 doses each just in case."

"Time to kill more cons right Crossblades?" Vic screamed as he started activating the drones and running towards the armory.

"You know it, besides with me piloting, even in this heap, we will be able to run circles around the cons."

"Ok Autobots, I am convinced, but once I am out of range of the radiation I will drop off the Cargo and come back with some reinforcements to help you" stated Magnus as he started making his way to his ship.

"Help us? By the time you come back with reinforcements the only thing we will need help with telling the story about how we took out two Decepticon warships with just two hundred drones." stated Alldarker.

Soon Antilla's orbit was lit up. The Absolute Zero and Alldarker raced out to meet the Decepticon Warship in the asteroid field. The ark with Zordon and Vic raced towards the other with Crossblades at the helm. Name_Violation, Wrath, Potentate and Bristleback's ship rocked violently as the asteroids exploded around it. The force of the explosion nearly tearing the ship apart and allowing Absolute Zero and Alldarker to board the ship. However even with their squad of drones the Autobots found themselves quickly out gunned and pressed for a retreat to an escape pod as the broken Warship lost its power and started its final destination towards the planet's.

Zordon, Vic, and Crossblades with an even worse situation on their hands. Before they were even able to scratch the Decepticon warship with a laser blast, Phaze and Burn had managed to take out one third of their drones. As Icon Jade started swinging the Warship for the killing blow on the battered Ark the Autobots saw once last chance. While Zordon and Vic turned the remaining batteries on the Warship's engines Crossblades deftly maneuvered their ship into the warship, disabling both ships and causing both ships to spiral into a death spin towards the planet of Antilla.

During the confusion of that was happening aboard both ships, Ultra Magnus escaped, vowing to return and assist his comrades.

End Section 2.b
Last edited by _Anshin_ on Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:04 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Chapter 2: Next stop Antilla

Postby _Anshin_ » Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:57 pm

Just realized that I never posted this!
Aboard both Decepticon Warships, hell was breaking loose. The mines had torn the ship in the asteroid belt to pieces. Potentate was calmly shooting the attacking drones with one of his guns while simultaneously trying to activate the ship's fire protocols to stop the fires raging through out the ship. Name_Violation wasn't even trying to take cover as charged towards the two attacking Autobots and their seemingly endless supply of annoying drones. Even Name_Violation was taken back though when he let one of the drones get close enough to him and it suddenly stopped and changed to mimic his visage before it continued its attack on him. The drone reached out and tried to tear his arm off at the shoulder, but it had underestimated the Decepticon's true strength and speed. Faster than anybody saw Name_Violation broke the drone's grasp and crushed its chest plate. The drones may be an upgraded model, but somebody had forgotten to remove the safety protocols.

Meanwhile Bristelback was doing his best to get away from Wrath. During the attack, Wrath's rage had reached a point where he had lost all reason. At this point in time it was harder to tell who was doing more damage to the ship as Wrath grabbed one of the girders that was supporting ship's hull and ripped it away to crush a half dozen of the drones. Bristleback, looked for a way to get away from anywhere Wrath may turn his attention to next, after all no amount of Energon or parts are worth it if he isn't around to enjoy the spoils.
As AllDarker and Absolute Zero boarded the ship they set to work destroying as much of the ship as possible and causing as much havoc as they could rain. Both bots knew they had to cause as much damage as possible and then try to get away before the special suits they wore were damaged too badly or worse. After all their only job was to create a distraction and then hopefully help Zordon and the rest. Still, once aboard they saw who they were really up against and knew their plan just went straight to the recyclers.
"We have to abandon the ship, the damage is too extensive." Yelled Potentate as he cooly dispatched two more drones. "The fires can't be put out and the armaments will probably explode in the next few cycles. Wrath you need to calm down you are making things worse. Violation where is Bristleback? I need him to help me with Wrath"

"Last I saw he was making his way towards the escape shuttle.", replied Name_Violation as he tore the head off another drone and used it put a hole in another drone's chest. "Right now I am going to welcome our guests and make sure they wipe their feet before coming in." said Violation as he made his way to AllDarker and Absolute Zero.

"No Time! We have to go now. Wrath we need you to help clear a way to the hanger below"
ordered Potentate.

With clarity that nobody expected the seemingly out of control Decepticon nodded and then jumped into air to change into his alt form, unleashing a blast that punched through the dense floor and making an entrance to the hangers below.

Without saying anything else the three cons jumped below and and started to make their way to one of the shuttles, leaving the boarding Autobots to clean up the mess they had started.

"There you guys are!" beamed Bristleback, "I was beginning to think that I was waiting for you for no reason."
"You mean abandoned us in a fight" growled Wrath, his rage starting to build again.
"Well the way you were tearing the ship apart my large friend I figured we would need something to go home with" responded Bristleback, doing his best to reign the situation in and stop another ship from being destroyed.
"Where are those cons going?" asked Absolute Zero "They can't be that afraid of me".
"Not likely" responded AllDarker. "Did you not see who those three were?"
"Yes, which means only one thing if they are working together AND they are retreating." responded AZ
"Exactly we don't have any time. We need to leave ourselves." stated AllDarker
"Well we best follow them."
"You never did have good plans."
"Now is not the time" replied Absolute Zero as he rushed towards the hole in the bridge's floor. The suits were slowing both the bots down more than they liked, but they dare not take them off.
"There they are!" pointed Alldarker, his cannon already warming up.
"No time, besides I have a better plan, follow me"
Aboard Burn's ship things were going worse. The damned Autobots had crashed their ship into his ship and now both ships were caught in the planet's gravity and falling fast.
"Jade, try to level us out. Phaze help me destroy the pests"
"Oh you would need help wouldn't you Burn?"
For a nano-second Burn thought about turning the weapon in his hand onto the insolent con but realized that he would be just wasting time he didn't have.

"Burn we can't maneuver. I have no engines, and before you ask the Autobots crashed into our escape shuttles. We need to board their ship and hope it still operational enough to escape with." pointed out Icon Jade as he started charging his weapons up.
"Everybody ok?" asked Zordon.
"If you don't count that we are plummeting towards a planet that we have lost every exploration device to and we are crashed into a Decepticon warship that is filled with cons that would like nothing more than see us dismantled, this is actually one of my better days" replied Vic.
"If you can buy us some time I think I can dislodge us. They may be crippled, but at least our ship is still operational. If, and this is a big if, we can get loose fast enough we can let the cons be destroyed by the re-entry and I should be able to get us out of here. At the very least stop us from crashing into the planet too." explained Crossblades.
"Fine, we know what to do."
Burn, Icon Jade, and Phaze hastily made their way towards the Autobot ship, tearing through the drones with ease.
"Why do the Autobots even waste their time with these pieces of junk?" asked Phaze as he grabbed a drone by the neck. The Decepticon quickly got his answer as the drone stopped moving and quickly changed its image to a perfect replication of Icon Jade.
"What the!" Exclaimed Phaze before the drone delivered a kick into his midsection causing the Decepticon to loose his grip on drone and drop it.
One by one the drones started to change into versions of the three Cons. Unlike the ones that were aboard Name_Violation's ship, the safety protocols were disengaged on these models.
"Oh I am going to love this" thought Burn as he leveled his Fusion Cannon and released a shot that evaporated the upper half of a drone that looked like Phaze.
"Stick together, these drones are able to look exactly like us. I wouldn't want to scrap one of you accidentally." stated Icon Jade as he shouldered his firearm in exchange for a pair blades.
"Yes that would be shame." snarly replied Burn. His cannon going off again and again as he indiscriminately fired at anything he thought as a drone. Before he could fire of his next shot Phaze tackled him to the ground a blast opening a hole in the side of the warship where he once stood as a replica of himself fired.
"Get off me" growled Burn
"Just remember Burn, It was me that saved you. It will also be me that melts you down. In the meanwhile try not to get that cannon destroyed, I've had my eye on it" quipped Phaze as he spun off of Burn, making sure to knee him unceremoniously in the side.
Growing tired of this Burn, decided to test the drone's abilities. Quickly he shifted into one of his alt forms and fired, opening a hole in the hull of the warship as well as the Autobot ship.
"Move now. Board the ship and lets end this." he sneered as he changed back and made the leap aboard the Autobot ship.
As Crossblades worked feverishly to get the retro-thrusters to fire and dislodge the ship, Zordon and Vic working on creating a defensive line in case the drones were not enough to stop the Decepticons. Explosions rattled both ships as sounds of fighting made their way towards the Ark had embedded itself into the other ship. For a second the Autobots held hope that everything was going to finally work in their favor. That second and those feelings quickly went away when the alarm sounded through out the bridge that one of the airlocks had been breached behind them.

"Vic check the monitors and find out how bad the damage is, Crossblades keep working on getting us loose." ordered Zordon as he dashed towards the alarm panel to deactivate the alarms.

"Well I got good news, and bad news" sighed Vic as he tried to remain upbeat. "Good news is that the drones are back on board. Bad news is that the cons we are fighting are Burn, Icon Jade, and Phaze. Oh yeah they are on board as well".

"Damn it, I just need 5 more cycles, I know I can get us loose." whined Crossblades as he worked to re-route power through the battered ship to where he needed it.

"Just keep working" stated Zordon as he leveled his rifle at one of the airlocks and braced himself.

"Got it!" screamed Crossblades as the control panel lit up and the sounds of the thrusters could be heard firing up. The ship lurched to one side as it violently tried to rip free of the grasp of the other ship. Twice more the ship shot back and forth as the thrusters fired before the Ark tore free of the warship.

"We aren't out of the clear yet. Get us away from that planet, Vic cover the other door" barked Zordon. "Got it" replied Vic as he climbed back to his feet and grabbed his weapon.

Just then several explosions shook the Ark. The first coming from airlock as the Decepticons blew open the door, the second from their warship as it an explosion ripped through what use to be the deck that contained the escape shuttles and Burn's extra weapons. The force of the second explosion was enough to ripple through the Ark knocking both bots and cons about as the ship was violently flipped end over end towards the planet.

As the Autobot ship and both of the Decepticon escape ships plummet to the planet's surface things look bleak. As they hit the outer atmosphere, almost instantly all of the ships start to break apart and disintegrate. The passengers aboard all of the ships are helpless as they are violently knocked about in what they believe to be their coffins. Suddenly all three ships simultaneously hit one of waves from the mysterious energy sources. The vast amount of energy coursing through the ships forcing all of the Transformers into Stasis Lock. As if stuck in a thick viscous fluid the ships slow down till they are almost suspended in the air. Slowly the energy disperses and the ships start their rapid decent to the planet's surface.

The shuttle with Absolute Zero and Alldarker is the first to hit the planet's surface making a crash landing into an abandoned marina of a city. The next to crash is the shuttle carrying Name_Violation, Wrath, Bristleback, and Potentate. The disabled shuttle bouncing violently against a few building before crashing into an empty field on the outskirts of the city. As the battered Autobot Ark approached the surface the ship started to break apart again, spilling its cargo all over the abandoned city. Crossblade and Vic were both being tossed out as the ship broke apart when it one of the great structures. Zordon was next as the bridge of the Ark was impaled by one of the spires of a nearby building. The remnants of the Ark bouncing off of another building before sliding violently into one of the surrounding mountain faces that surrounded the city.

After a few cycles the self repair routines kick in. One by one each of the combatants awaken and survey their surroundings.

End Substory (Con 2.3)

The battle grounds will be across a vast ancient city for Chapter 3 and possibly Chapter 4

All players awaken to find that they are located in some part of a vast city. The city is surround on one side by a vast ocean to the south and a series of mountains that have been carved away in a semi circle to the North. There are roads that lead through the mountains that have collapsed due to lack of maintenance over time. To the East is a desert and to the west is a field (Where the Decepticon ship has created a crater). The architecture of the buildings show signs of Cybertronian influence, but the symbols are not recognized. Several buildings have been damaged. All shuttles and the Ark are very badly damaged. The Ark will not fly again. The Shuttle carrying AZ/AD is slowly filling with water and has no power. There are 5 spires on the outside of the city that are emitting a strange power and have actually caused the atmospheric distortion and the energy field previously mentioned.

Decepticons: You will have the ability to have communications working and will be able to co-ordinate.
Your choices are to:
Meet up at the center of the city or try to hunt down the Bots. You must make a unanimous decision. There is no splitting up on this section.
Remember you will have 1 drone each player to use, but you must declare

Bots your penalty is to other choose one person (Zordon/Crossblades/Vic) to sit out this fight, or loose half of your bots (by randomizer) for the next fight. You must make this decision before the game continues.
Last edited by _Anshin_ on Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chapter 2: Next stop Antilla

Postby _Anshin_ » Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:58 pm

Game: Damn this Autobot infestation:

This is a three team event. First team to win gets a prize, second team to win gets to be safe. Lose this game and there are consequences besides having to read another one of my stories.

Game starts Sunday at noon EST.
Game Ends on second winner

Reserved for Results:

Team 1:
Zordon / Vic / Substitute (23% complete) at 51 kills

Team 2:
Alldarker / Absolute Zero (41% complete) at 26 kills

Team 3: Winner
Cons (147% complete) at 162 kills

Highest Scorer for Teams:
Team 1: Tied between Zordon / Substitute
Team 2: Absolute Zero
Team 3: Hands down this was Potentate (13 and 16 scoring 18% of total team's damage)
Last edited by _Anshin_ on Mon Oct 24, 2011 7:34 am, edited 17 times in total.
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Re: Chapter 2: Next stop Antilla

Postby Zordon » Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:01 pm

Motto: "I'm sure on some planet your style is impressive, but your weak link is: this is seibertron"
Weapon: Indepentently Targetable Particle Beam Cannons
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Re: Chapter 2: Next stop Antilla

Postby alldarker » Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:03 pm

Motto: "Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici"
Weapon: Vibro-Force Gun
'Cons and 'Bots both?

Here's mine: 1 (one)
I'm so meta, even this acronym...
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Re: Chapter 2: Next stop Antilla

Postby Wrath » Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:25 pm

Motto: "Through the Fires of Conquest and the Ashes of our Enemies We shall Rise up and Rule. Decepticons Forever!!!"
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Re: Chapter 2: Next stop Antilla

Postby The Potentate » Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:29 pm

Motto: "I shot J.R."
Weapon: Nuclear Charged Fusion Cannon
Ok. 2.
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Re: Chapter 2: Next stop Antilla

Postby Absolute Zero » Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:35 pm

Weapon: Corrosive Slime Shooter
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Re: Chapter 2: Next stop Antilla

Postby Phaze » Sun Oct 16, 2011 2:33 pm

Motto: ""All's Fair in Life and Death""
Weapon: Nuclear Charged Fusion Cannon
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Re: Chapter 2: Next stop Antilla

Postby Burn » Sun Oct 16, 2011 3:12 pm

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings to randomly click things in the Admin Panel to see what it breaks."
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Re: Chapter 2: Next stop Antilla

Postby Vic » Sun Oct 16, 2011 3:26 pm

Weapon: Twin Swords
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Re: Chapter 2: Next stop Antilla

Postby Bristleback » Sun Oct 16, 2011 3:40 pm

Motto: "Success didn't spoil me, I've always been a smart arse."
Weapon: Rust Rifle
Picking is for wimps, time to roll a dice *clatter clatter* 12!
Hmm that's either really good or really bad...
The Autocruds won't know what the slag happen... awww scrap me another rust spot!
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Re: Chapter 2: Next stop Antilla

Postby Absolute Zero » Sun Oct 16, 2011 4:06 pm

Weapon: Corrosive Slime Shooter
Bristleback wrote:Picking is for wimps, time to roll a dice *clatter clatter* 12!
Hmm that's either really good or really bad...

Depends on if your game system is a high or low one. :D
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Re: Chapter 2: Next stop Antilla

Postby Bristleback » Sun Oct 16, 2011 5:03 pm

Motto: "Success didn't spoil me, I've always been a smart arse."
Weapon: Rust Rifle
Absolute Zero wrote:
Bristleback wrote:Picking is for wimps, time to roll a dice *clatter clatter* 12!
Hmm that's either really good or really bad...

Depends on if your game system is a high or low one. :D

True and i guess we'll find out which this game is when Anshin gives out the results since both 1 and 12 have been chosen. Still at least my d12 is happy to be rolled for something, poor guy just sits there normally, unless we need a campfire or flaming sphere.
The Autocruds won't know what the slag happen... awww scrap me another rust spot!
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Re: Chapter 2: Next stop Antilla

Postby _Anshin_ » Sun Oct 16, 2011 5:12 pm

Well I would have done the dice rolls for people here and assigned them a number using the RNG off the web, but I figured this way people can't say I am pulling favorites if the numbers worked out in favor of one side or another. Besides, if you have ever read a choose your own adventure book from back in the day or played the old table top stuff as a kid this should be a throwback.

As for the high/low, well I can't tell what the reason is for dice rolls because I don't want to have an effect on people's choices.
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Re: Chapter 2: Next stop Antilla

Postby Absolute Zero » Sun Oct 16, 2011 5:31 pm

Weapon: Corrosive Slime Shooter
Bristleback wrote:
Absolute Zero wrote:
Bristleback wrote:Picking is for wimps, time to roll a dice *clatter clatter* 12!
Hmm that's either really good or really bad...

Depends on if your game system is a high or low one. :D

True and i guess we'll find out which this game is when Anshin gives out the results since both 1 and 12 have been chosen. Still at least my d12 is happy to be rolled for something, poor guy just sits there normally, unless we need a campfire or flaming sphere.

Yeah, d12s don't get used much. It's all 6s, 10s, and 20s. At least 4s can be used to slow down people following you.
_Anshin_ wrote:Well I would have done the dice rolls for people here and assigned them a number using the RNG off the web, but I figured this way people can't say I am pulling favorites if the numbers worked out in favor of one side or another. Besides, if you have ever read a choose your own adventure book from back in the day or played the old table top stuff as a kid this should be a throwback.

As for the high/low, well I can't tell what the reason is for dice rolls because I don't want to have an effect on people's choices.

What do you mean as a kid? *L* I still play table top games.
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Re: Chapter 2: Next stop Antilla

Postby IconJade » Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:24 pm

Motto: "That's just not right."
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Re: Chapter 2: Next stop Antilla

Postby Bristleback » Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:48 pm

Motto: "Success didn't spoil me, I've always been a smart arse."
Weapon: Rust Rifle
Absolute Zero wrote:
Bristleback wrote:
Absolute Zero wrote:
Bristleback wrote:Picking is for wimps, time to roll a dice *clatter clatter* 12!
Hmm that's either really good or really bad...

Depends on if your game system is a high or low one. :D

True and i guess we'll find out which this game is when Anshin gives out the results since both 1 and 12 have been chosen. Still at least my d12 is happy to be rolled for something, poor guy just sits there normally, unless we need a campfire or flaming sphere.

Yeah, d12s don't get used much. It's all 6s, 10s, and 20s. At least 4s can be used to slow down people following you.

I don't know, d4s are also a Wizard's best friend.
Absolute Zero wrote:
_Anshin_ wrote:Well I would have done the dice rolls for people here and assigned them a number using the RNG off the web, but I figured this way people can't say I am pulling favorites if the numbers worked out in favor of one side or another. Besides, if you have ever read a choose your own adventure book from back in the day or played the old table top stuff as a kid this should be a throwback.

As for the high/low, well I can't tell what the reason is for dice rolls because I don't want to have an effect on people's choices.

What do you mean as a kid? *L* I still play table top games.

Wait we were supposed to stop that? Damn i'll have to cancel all those sessions to come! Why does no one ever tell me these things?
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Re: Chapter 2: Next stop Antilla

Postby Absolute Zero » Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:58 pm

Weapon: Corrosive Slime Shooter
Bristleback wrote:
Absolute Zero wrote:
Bristleback wrote:
Absolute Zero wrote:
Bristleback wrote:Picking is for wimps, time to roll a dice *clatter clatter* 12!
Hmm that's either really good or really bad...

Depends on if your game system is a high or low one. :D

True and i guess we'll find out which this game is when Anshin gives out the results since both 1 and 12 have been chosen. Still at least my d12 is happy to be rolled for something, poor guy just sits there normally, unless we need a campfire or flaming sphere.

Yeah, d12s don't get used much. It's all 6s, 10s, and 20s. At least 4s can be used to slow down people following you.

I don't know, d4s are also a Wizard's best friend.

True. Magic missle is a handy dandy spell.

Absolute Zero wrote:
_Anshin_ wrote:Well I would have done the dice rolls for people here and assigned them a number using the RNG off the web, but I figured this way people can't say I am pulling favorites if the numbers worked out in favor of one side or another. Besides, if you have ever read a choose your own adventure book from back in the day or played the old table top stuff as a kid this should be a throwback.

As for the high/low, well I can't tell what the reason is for dice rolls because I don't want to have an effect on people's choices.

What do you mean as a kid? *L* I still play table top games.

Wait we were supposed to stop that? Damn i'll have to cancel all those sessions to come! Why does no one ever tell me these things?

Seems like we're in the same boat. Wait... if we're supposed to stop... why are we playing HMW...
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Re: Chapter 2: Next stop Antilla

Postby Bristleback » Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:18 pm

Motto: "Success didn't spoil me, I've always been a smart arse."
Weapon: Rust Rifle
Absolute Zero wrote:Seems like we're in the same boat. Wait... if we're supposed to stop... why are we playing HMW...

I think anything on a computer counts as being adult entertainment or maybe i'm just confusing that with the stuff on the internet? :shock: :oops:
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Re: Chapter 2: Next stop Antilla

Postby _Anshin_ » Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:19 pm

blah blah. Its harder to do it when you live in a city where you only have a few friends and none are in that into that. Hell, my work for the past few months have put me into at least 80-100 hours a week type thing. This damn game is the only source of distraction I have outside of my Xbox.
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Re: Chapter 2: Next stop Antilla

Postby Absolute Zero » Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:32 pm

Weapon: Corrosive Slime Shooter
Bristleback wrote:
Absolute Zero wrote:Seems like we're in the same boat. Wait... if we're supposed to stop... why are we playing HMW...

I think anything on a computer counts as being adult entertainment or maybe i'm just confusing that with the stuff on the internet? :shock: :oops:

HA! Well, this is on the internet, so I guess it's adult entertainment either way.
_Anshin_ wrote:blah blah. Its harder to do it when you live in a city where you only have a few friends and none are in that into that. Hell, my work for the past few months have put me into at least 80-100 hours a week type thing. This damn game is the only source of distraction I have outside of my Xbox.

I'm sorry dude. I enjoy my weekend sessions, and online sessions. Have you tried looking for games online?
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Re: Chapter 2: Next stop Antilla

Postby _Anshin_ » Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:24 pm

Eh, I do a bit of M:TG online. However, I prefer just delve my time into talking to my friends by home and to my little hobbies like this. This is partly where I came up for the idea of this story. Hopefully it is keeping people occupied and getting any new players interested in joining future stories/chapters.

Speaking of games, Batman comes out on Tuesday, you may see me vanish for a week or two. :twisted:
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Re: Chapter 2: Next stop Antilla

Postby Absolute Zero » Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:31 pm

Weapon: Corrosive Slime Shooter
_Anshin_ wrote:Eh, I do a bit of M:TG online. However, I prefer just delve my time into talking to my friends by home and to my little hobbies like this. This is partly where I came up for the idea of this story. Hopefully it is keeping people occupied and getting any new players interested in joining future stories/chapters.

Speaking of games, Batman comes out on Tuesday, you may see me vanish for a week or two. :twisted:

The nice thing about RPing online, is if it's done on a message board, you don't have to worry about posting more than once a day, but I typically play online via IMs with a friend I table top with.

As for your game, I can't wait to see what's going to happen for chapter two, in all honesty. Burn pulled out the win for the Con's, so what did they find?

Oh yeah, Batman looks awesome. I can't wait til it comes in on my gamefly.
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Re: Chapter 2: Next stop Antilla

Postby Burn » Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:35 pm

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings to randomly click things in the Admin Panel to see what it breaks."
_Anshin_ wrote:blah blah. Its harder to do it when you live in a city where you only have a few friends and none are in that into that.

Try living in a rural town where the only people who are into that sort of thing are creepy old virgin males into Star Trek who shun me because i've actually had sex with women.
(I kid you not about the creepy old virgin Star Trek fanboy thing)
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