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Cybertron - Kaon

Moderator: RPG Support Staff

Postby Rebel Raven » Sun Nov 18, 2007 7:48 pm

Kolkular – On the way to the battlefield

Discord replies to Torment on the same channel >>Yes, dear brother. I am very pleased to know your function, and I know you are beyond excellent at it.<< The deep bond she felt with her true brethren evident in her words. She did not seem to care that it only went one way with some, but she did know that relying on that sort of thing was foolish.
>>And I know my function and am glad to be grand at it.<<

>>You can be assured that Rage's intimidation lies not only in her programming, but because she is one of us. She is better than the rest of the Berserks. An elite among those of her function. Some other Decepticon who is not a sweep and not a command unit would ever phase me like that.<< And that held true. Even the command units of the Decepticon army might not even hold the intimidation factor. Still, she respected the chain of command. It was best to at least feign fear of the leaders lest charges of treason, or their ire in general would come up.
>>I am quite composed now and appreciate your words of wisdom.<< her tone was calm, and she spoke true.

It was like Rage had an aura of fear that had left her as Rage put some distance between them by slowing even further, and eventually breaking off for a destination elsewhere.
Discord took note of this, but also remembered that her superiors oft "tortured" her sister by having her enter the battle well after the first wave, and this time is likely no different.
Rage never liked this and it was no secret. That was the point. Make her watch, wait, and get her as angry as she can safely get around others. Even after that she got more and more angry.

She says nothing, giving Rage less desire to maul her. She hoped, anyhow.

Meanwhile, Rage, keeping to herself and staying low, broke away from her siblings, slowing down at first, then turning and heading for the coordinates Scourge gave her. She didn't care if her actions were below her sibling's radar or not as it was nearly impossible to keep your movements secret from them.

Rage's thoughts on Family, and loyalty and what not are best kept secret beyond the fact she cares for some more than others, and most none at all.
She couldn't help that. Her anger was often beyond her control. It needed to be vented almost constantly until she reached, unwittingly, the peaceful state of mind many sought now and then.
Still, all that really mattered really, is that she's loyal, hm?

As far as Discord's assessment on Rage's battlefield uses, she's correct. The time she's been given between the start of the battle, and when she's supposed to enter is far and beyond the time she needs to start seeing red. Not only is she struggling to control her berserk system, she can almost freely enter that state of mind with the thoughts of the things that make her angry should nothing set her off.
Few knew about that trick of hers though. In fact she's sure no one did.
A part of her enjoyed the fact she could control that facet of her personality even though what came after was not in her control.
She delved into herself when she could to understand herself.

Discord and Rage soon saw the field of battle on the horizon.
The name "sonic canyons" is more than mere words, it's fact. Inside those canyons the sounds of machinery underground enter those canyons then echo repeatedly. It's deafening. It's why the Autobot Siren, raised there, speaks with his vocal processors on 11 all the time.
If you aren't prepared for the noise pollution of that area it can distract almost anyone.
It's unknown just how much cover is available there. It might vary from place to place. There's said to be some mining there, and probably ruined colonies.
Rebel Raven
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Postby The J Writer » Sun Nov 18, 2007 7:52 pm

Kaon - Unicron's Belly

Something had clearly snapped in Slipstream's head module. Can't blame the guy...between the clones and the interrogations back when Mindwipe was still stationed here... As he began shaking Sandstorm, the Wrecker decided he'd had enough of sitting in a cell, plotting his escape. Enough suffering. We're getting out of here, dead or alive.

With shocking swiftness, Sandstorm's left hand swung up and clanged Slipstream across the faceplate, not hard, but enough to loose his grip and hopefully knock him back to his senses.

"Not this cycle they're not," Sandstorm growled. Going to the corner of the cell, he yanked up the battered floor plating to reveal the auxiliary power cable. He pulled the cable up, carefully, and held it out to Slipstream.

"It won't feel like real energon," he warned him. "But it'll get us going enough to bust out and make a break for it."
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Postby Quick-Fix » Sun Nov 18, 2007 8:40 pm

Kaon - Unicron's Belly

The lightening fast slap from Sandstorm forced Slipstream to take a step back and break his hold. He put his hand to the side of his faceplate more as a reaction than out of pain as his rational train of thought kicked in and his optics regained a semblance of calm.

Great moves Slipstream you do not only loose it in front of a vet but a Wrecker non the less. Pull it together

"Sorry about that Sandstorm..I..uh dont know what to say" He said somewhat bashfully looking at the floor and briefly shuffling uncomfortably, he lifted his head back up to look at the triple changing wrecker "Your right, we need to go. As I sure am getting sick of being Wingspan and Pounces playmate”

Reaching out he carefully took the offered power cable from Sandstorm and began to partake. A mix of sensations flooded Slipstream his energon deprived systems at once soared at the energy intake and shuddered as his internal systems struggled to process and distribute the variable voltage of the energy flow.

Feeling somewhat groggy but better than he had since he got here Slipstream extended his arm to offer the cable back to Sandstorm “Y’know its not as bad as you think..”
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Postby Rebel Raven » Mon Nov 19, 2007 1:39 am

Kaon – Kolkular
(OOC: Bugly and Octopunch were okayed in pre-pretender form via AIM.)

This scene opens on an office in the base. Possibly well furnished for a typical office. A holographic globe of Cybertron illuminates the room, and there's a lone figure sitting at the desk that supports the hologram is somewhat illuminated as well.

That figure stares long and hard at the globe. An intense look. Such a look could only belong to one Mech.
Master of Circuit-su, mystic, strategist, genius, and puppet master among other accolades both given and assumed. There were less of the latter as he has proven himself to be a great Decepticon time and time again.

Keys rattle as he types, and the globe changes to show the control of each region. A few more key presses, and data on who is known to be where comes up.
He studies this, and goes through records of many of the profiles, in fact, all of them he can skipping only the drones.

A smile crosses his lips as he compiles something silently in his mind.
Then frowns looking at the map of who's where. He looks at the locations of the leaders, and none were here short of Scourge who would not care about his plans, he felt. "My plans will wait. To broadcast them would open them to be stolen, and credit will be taken where it is not due. No one steals my thunder! No one will be given control over what is mine!"
He states this knowing no one else is in the room, and frankly not caring.

He calms himself, then walks out of the office, heading for the training center.

He has no problems being stationed in Kaon. It's comfy place. It has plenty of information to absorb, and people to toy with. Plenty of time to make his play book.

Still, it lacked the comfort he took from being on the battlefield, and commanding personally.
Controlling everything at an oil pump's beat in time.
Changing tactics with the tide at a moment's notice, never letting the enemy take advantage of a weakness, and then hammering them hard when they try.
Watching the Autobots faces turn to terror when they realize they can do nothing but run, or die against his adaptive and supreme tactics.
And watching the optics fade as he mashes an Autobot into dust with his educated hands.

Sure the hard light simulations in Kolkular are decent at replicating it, but it's never the same, and rarely true.
Simulations say he could beat Optimus Prime, and manhandle the Autobot commanders on his own but he knows that's just stupid. A lie. Likely something designed to give Decepticons false hope should they stand before the one mech that Megatron has trouble with.
He wasn't about to have false confidence. And he wasn't about to anger Megatron by even trying to harm his rival should Prime be on the field in reality.

But the hard light simulations were therapeutic if anything. Amusement to help the mind as well as the body stay in shape. Every mind needed play, and amusement.

Kaon, Kolkular- the Cantina.

Meanwhile in the Cantina we find Octopunch. Salvager, amphibious warrior, and all around super soldier. At least a super enough soldier to have surpassed the rank and file grunts. Ha!
So he might not be a high ranking commander, or some fancy martial artist, or a strategist or whatever. He gets the job done. That's why he got promoted and that's why he'll get promoted again sooner or later. Not much, if anything stops him when he's on the warpath be it on land, sea, or air even if he does have his weaknesses.

But he's here not to fight, but to rest for a bit. Take some solace in a break in warfare. Recreate while he can. Stuff like that.
Bad enough to not be in combat beating some Autobot to scrap metal, but to be away from the treasures of the Rust Sea? Lovely.

He rolls a bauble he tends to carry with him between his fingers, not so much for luck, but for the fact it's pleasant to the optics, and part of his treasure trove of assorted valuables that the Decepticon army didn't need.
He thinks the bauble used to be the optic lens of some unfortunate bot what with it's semitransparent and crystalline nature, but he could be wrong. He doesn't care though. It's his. And so is everything in his little treasure room is, too. It waited for his glorious return to the sea.

See, he is a treasure hunter in his spare time, but unlike most scavengers, he focuses in the sea. No one goes there really. Just him so far. It's his oyster so to speak.
No Autobots had a manifold strong enough to surf the waters for the longest time. Especially because he made a lot of his own treasures sinking Autobots! Indeed, his grotto is full of treasures and trophies.

He figures the Autobots learned their lesson and took to flying, and sticking to the land where they belonged.
Other Sea faring Decepticons were simply rare to non existent. Stuck to the skies they did.

He grins at the bauble, looking through it to the bar tender. "Oil, my good mech. I'm on a temporary shore leave, and I should enjoy it." He knew he was always on duty though. He wasn't upset over that at all either. Like every good soldier he looked forward to the next opportunity to kick around the Autobots like the tin cans they are. Land sea or air, he enjoys his jobs of salvaging, and fighting.

The bar-drone sets a pint of oil down, then resumes idle duties.

Octopunch drinks deep of the oil. "Ahhh, good stuff. Only way my cycle would get better is if I could break some Autobots!" He laughs to himself with some cheer, despite the fact he's away from his comfort zone.
Rebel Raven
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Postby The Chaos Bringer » Mon Nov 19, 2007 5:53 pm

Sonic Canyons- the Battlefield

Aftershock reached the box canyon first, but Rancid and Swiftscreech were not far behind.

Finally here.

Aftershock transformed and looked around. He walked towards the back end of the box canyon.

It's a noisy place all right. Giving orders effectively is not going to be easy here...

Aftershock took his sniper rifle out and backed up against the wall. He raised his rifle to an optic and waited.

But that's okay. I can take them all on by myself, without the others' help.

Aftershock zoomed in and saw the sweeps approaching from quite some distance away. There would be more than enough time for Rancid and Swiftscreech to get situated. Aftershock zoomed back out.

And now the next move is theirs.

Aftershock lowered his sniper rifle base attatchment and fastened it to the ground, keeping it steady, all the while never forgetting that his tripple-barreled shotgun remained at his side, ready do be used at any moment.
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Postby The J Writer » Mon Nov 19, 2007 9:19 pm

Kolkular - The Cradle

An audio-only transmission answered Soundwave's demand on the secure channel the Insecticons had been using. Oddly, it came not from Bombshell but from another of the assassins, one far less subtle and...cerebral in his methods.

Ransack wrote:No "Welcome home!" for us, Soundwave? Hehe. I guess we shouldn't expect that from you, chief. Bombshell and Shrapnel are...let's say, resting, so I'm going to go ahead and transmit everything we have on that slaggin' mudball to you. Once things are a little more settled for us, we'll be in touch, assuming your energon is still good. Of course, if you do anything with the data I'm sending you, you'll have more energon than even you'll know what to do with...

The audio transmission ended there, but a large data packet followed it. The directory tag on the packet was a single word, followed by an alphanumeric code: PLANET AC488.

Unicron's Belly

"I sure hope it ain't..."

Sandstorm took the cable gingerly in his hands and opened the small panel that concealed his external power coupling. Attaching the cable and letting the unrefined energy flow into his systems, the scout felt an unsettling rush fill his cranial unit. He did feel better, but jittery and sharp all at the same time. Ouch. Rough stuff. Like drinking the cheap stuff at Maccadam's, but two hundred mugs at once. Sandstorm stood, slowly. He flexed his leg and shoulder actuators, feeling them function at something like full strength for the first time in quite a long while.

"All right. We'd better escape, since we just gave ourselves one Pit of a headache once this raw energy runs out," he said. "We need to get one of those Decepti-creeps to open the cell door. I'm going to lay out in the corner. You holler that I went into stasis lock, and one of them should show up to investigate."

It wasn't an intricate plan, but hopefully the ruse would work. Sandstorm took his place in the corner, slouching down against the wall with his optics closed and his cranial module tipped to one side as if he were deactivated.
The J Writer
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Postby Rebel Raven » Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:33 am

Bugly continues thinking about his plans. Plans upon plans. One leading to the other, one backing up the other, ones that had nothing to do with the other. Plans for what would happen if someone tried to steal his plans. Plans if they, All-spark forbid, managed to take his plan.
All this served the purposes of keeping his mind sharp, keeping people from stealing his work, and his butt plate out of the smelter so to speak.
His computing power was hard to rival, and even harder to surpass, and he liked it that way. He wants to make it even harder still.

His trip to the training facility was cut short, however. He decided to see someone first. A happy coincidence. He finds Octopunch.

Meanwhile, Octopunch grew weary of sitting on his hands to to speak. He had barely left the cantina before he nearly bumped into Bugly. "Bugly! Sir!" He salutes.

Bugly look over Octopunch. "Ah, just the Mech. I was looking for. Come we have things to talk of."

Octopunch looked a bit puzzled at this. But maybe it'd lead to something interesting? He follows along.

Bugly smiles lightly. "You are not an average soldier, and I'm sure you know that. But who are you under? Who are your brothers in arms?" He didn't let Octopunch answer. They both knew the answers. "Who ever happens to be around you. That is the problem. You are too good for that." They walked about he corridors that were mostly empty aside from the odd grunt and technician.

Octopunch listened quietly. He understood where Bugly was going with this. At least he thought he did.

Bugly grins at the comprehension. "I plan great things for you, and others like you. Soldiers that are a cut above the rest. Try to keep yourself freed up, and hopefully when my plan goes into action, you will be a part of it. I cannot speak more of it, though. Sadly these matters are beyond my control, and must be delivered to the powers that be personally by me. That and there is no telling who might be listening. Eager to take advantage of my genius and leave me none of the credit! But I trust you. And should you validate that trust you will be rewarded."

Of all the people he did not trust, one of them were stationed in Kolkular. Soundwave. He is a cunning communications officer who did not get to his trusted position by stealing ideas, but odds are that did help. His cassetteicons are excellent spies and could be anywhere.

As loyal as Bugly is, a pawn he is not! He is the one to be in control!

Their walk had taken them near the Prison block. Ironically it is near the training facility. And the target range. Prisoners tended to be on the bad end of the practice that went on there.
Rebel Raven
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Postby Quick-Fix » Tue Nov 20, 2007 8:16 pm

As Sandstorm got himself in posistion in the corner of the room Slipstream took a second to get in charcter. Strangely it took next to no time for him to feel genuinely down, scared and weary.

Sure hope this works......

The blue and silver bot suddenly exploded into action as he threw himself into the grim cell door, his fist's hammering into it as he screamed


(OOC: Apolgies for the poor post)
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Postby Rebel Raven » Wed Nov 21, 2007 9:22 pm

Kaon – Kolkular

They heard the noise, and as Octopunch went to investigate Bugly puts a hand on his shoulder.
"A word or two of advice. I wouldn't bother. If you go there you might botch someone else's plans and then you'll get scrapped. Let the people in charge of those prisoners take responsibility."

Octopunch nods lightly.

Bugly had said what he wanted to to the person he went to find. He turned and walked off after dismissing Octopunch. The little chat had changed his mind about training physically, rather he turned towards the bigger picture.
He has some considerable confidence in his physical training. Of course he has more confidence in his mental abilities, but he held those in priority. He wanted to control. And physical violence is not always the way in this army. Maybe he could find a more universal way? Strategy only goes so far. There's still that "free will" which is the biggest obstacle there. Maybe he could get what he wanted commanding drones?

He ends up fairly lost in thought while taking a walk.

Octopunch watched Bugly leave. He couldn't say he knew exactly what Bugly's plans were, but if he knew that strategist, the plans would be something of a grander scale than anything he could come up with.
He decided to do the next best thing to smashing a 'bot to washers and coins and go train in the hard light simulator. He'd definitely enjoy some of the Rust Sea Scenarios. He really hated being away from the water, but he's here for a reason his superiors thought of.
Sometimes he wanted to see the bigger picture. But most of the time he's content to just fight and fight hard.
Rebel Raven
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Postby The J Writer » Wed Nov 21, 2007 9:25 pm

OOC - Don't forget your bolded location tags at the start of each post, folks...makes it easier for everyone else to keep track of your characters. IC -

Unicron's Belly

The door of the cell slid open to reveal the aqua-and-ivory robot form of Pounce. Storming in angrily, the Decepticon Clone made his way over to Sandstorm, issuing a warning to Slipstream as he went.

"This better not be some kind of stupid joke, Auto-scum," he growled. "Though I don't really care if your pal is in stasis lock or not. Only reason I'm in here is because the bosses will flip if another prisoner dies on my watch."

Leaning over the seated Sandstorm, Pounce clapped him across the face with an open hand as he put his face in the Autobot's.

"Wake up, punk. Quit faking sick." He shook the Autobot. "Great. He really is out..."

Sandstorm's optics snapped open suddenly, glowing momentarily. He smiled as Pounce's own optics widened in surprise.

"Am I?" Sandstorm asked rhetorically before burying a fragment of floor tile in Pounce's midsection. "Or am I?"

Sandstorm's fist plowed into Pounce's head, finishing the work the stab with the improvised weapon had started. The Clone keeled over, knocked insensate and slowly leaking mech fluid from his midsection. The Triplechanger stood.

"We're outta here, Slippy. C'mon!"

Transforming into all-terrain vehicle mode - something he had done in a long time due to energon deprivation - Sandstorm roared out into the corridors of the prison with a squeal of his tires.
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Postby Kid_Kapatilsm » Wed Nov 21, 2007 9:46 pm

Sonic Canyons - The Battlefield

Rancid silently transformed and took refuge in a small bunker-like rock formation. He didn't have many weapons on him, nor did he have a plan. He turned on his communicator contacting his teamates.

"Unfortunately I'm a bit underarmed. Basically I've got close ranged blades and a bloody saudering rifle! So someone better think of something before we end up humiliating ourselves."

He readied his blades for combat.

I'll throw these things at them if I have to...
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Postby Depthscream » Thu Nov 22, 2007 2:45 am

Sonic Canyons - The Battlefield

Swiftscreech arrived at the battlefield and transformed. He found a small protrusion from the wall that he could use for cover. Rancid contacted him.
Rancid wrote:"Unfortunately I'm a bit underarmed. Basically I've got close ranged blades and a bloody saudering rifle! So someone better think of something before we end up humiliating ourselves."

"I'm not exactly armed for this fight either. All I have is my plasma cannon and sword! They're going to frag us!" Swiftscreech said through his communicator to Rancid.

He got out his plasma cannon. He looked around for Aftershock. Aftershock seemed confident. He would be the first to go, obviously.

Postby The Chaos Bringer » Fri Nov 23, 2007 9:33 am

Sonic Canyons - The Battlefield

Aftershock was surprised. Neither Rancid nor Swiftscreech were confident and they did not appear to be well armed.

"Relax bots, I've already got them in my sight. The instant they're within the borders of the battlefield I'll open fire."

Still his comrades did not appear confident.

"I can have most of them down before they even see us. The rest will come down and fight us face-to-face, claw-to-claw. If you've got close-range combat weapons, you'll do fine. As for me, I've got my shotgun. They'll probably be focusing the most on me, so get them from behind if they do. No-one's getting out of here without a few scratches but a few scratches are all we'll get if we stay focused and don't panic. Fear is the Sweeps' best weapon. Rob them of it and they're finished."

Aftershock put his sniper rifle right back to his optics and continued waiting for the Sweeps to cross the battlefield's border.[/i]
Last edited by The Chaos Bringer on Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Chaos Bringer
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Postby Kid_Kapatilsm » Fri Nov 23, 2007 1:09 pm

Sonic Canyons - The Battlefield

"What the slag was that? Some half-afted pep talk?" said Rancid over his comlink.

He wasn't nervous, just pissed. He wasn't cut out for battle situations like this. Stealth was his strong point, and that wasn't saying much. He was outgunned, outmanuevered and paired up with a sniper and an idiot.

Time to improvise...

He noticed a pile of rocks, each with a fair amount of weight. Definetely something he could use.

"Okay Swiftscreech, move to my position, I'm gonna need some one to help me with a plan. Aftershock cover us from the front, and keep running and gunning. If you change up your position often they'll never catch you."
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Postby The Chaos Bringer » Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:17 pm

Sonic Canyons - The Battlefield

Aftershock looked over to Rancid.

"And how am I supposed to aim this thing if I'm running around like a maniac?"

Aftershock looked right back into the scope.

"Just get them from behind while they're focusing on me. Once they realise what's hitting them they'll swarm me. I can take a few of them down myself but I'll need help."
The Chaos Bringer
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Postby Depthscream » Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:23 pm

Sonic Canyons - The Battlefield

Swiftscreech moved over to Rancid.

Great, now they're going to argue and those sweeps will put me in the CR chamber!

"They're almost here! Just agree on one of each-others plans! I'm going with Aftershock on his!" he yelled.

He got into a position were the sweeps couldn't see him until they were close. Somehow Swiftscreech felt more confident now.

Rancid will probably complain about how his plan is better now.

Postby The Chaos Bringer » Fri Nov 23, 2007 6:39 pm

Sonic Canyons - The Battlefield

"Good choice Swiftscreech. Both of you, stay hidden and don't fire until the Sweeps swarm me. If all goes well, we may just turn this into an ambush for them. Already I see a flaw in the plan. If the Autobots had any reason to believe that an attack was coming, they could turn the trap against their attackers."

Aftershock adjusted his rifle.

"Strange, they're all coming from the front. Another flaw in the plan. Is this supposed to be easy?"
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Postby Depthscream » Fri Nov 23, 2007 6:55 pm

"Thanks" Swiftscreech said to Aftershock.

Swiftscreech got out his sword. When the time was right, he'd throw it at Discord or Torment. Who-ever was closer to him, then, he'd shoot. That was his plan, not that great, but it was all he could think of.

Time to see what a scout, sniper and a 'con without any logic circuits can do

Postby Kid_Kapatilsm » Fri Nov 23, 2007 9:02 pm

Sonic Canyons - The Battlefield

"Of course it's not supposed to be this easy. I have the entire set up of the Sweeps' basic layout. They don't need to rely on fancy tactics to defeat us, they're overpowered as it is."

Rancid readied his blade and looked to Swiftscreech, at that point something happened. He enter a somewhat awkward calmn. His two comrades were still willing to work as a team and include him, albeit only for victory. He was going to make the best of this.

"They do have one flaw. Their flight mechanics are different from Seekers. They use a specialized hover system. I don't have time to explain it, but If I can get close enough I can't disable it easily. Aftershock, can you ground them and get me close enough to them?"
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Postby Rebel Raven » Fri Nov 23, 2007 9:54 pm

Sonic Canyons – En route to the battlefield

Like any good Sweep, Discord knew her prey. The looks she gave the grunts in the hangar bay wasn't just to see them, it was to study them.

She figures that she may as well take advantage of everything she can. To try and send a message to everyone. A message of fear.
With her sensors on high, she saw virtually everything everyone in the area did in one way or another. Energy readings, thermal, and movement detection among other things.

Before she arrives on the battlefield she takes off into the upper reaches of the atmosphere and leaves unaided vision, and possibly the aided vision of her opponents. She does this for many reasons. She creates considerable distance between herself and Torment to keep their firepower divided. Not to mention she keeps distance between herself and the enemy. Secondly she takes up some element of surprise. Maybe some added Psychological assault.

Rage took up her position where she were told to be. Above the mine fields, and in a good position to see everything. She crosses her arms, standing statuesque over the battlefield waiting for her time to come. Kliks on Kliks of time to wait, to boil, to get mad. A common tactic applied to her. To have her held back. To act as the Calvary.
And indeed the tactic was working. She spent her time scanning the field and taking in every bit of info though it would hardly help her once she goes off the deep end.
She puts on a snarling smile laughing lightly. Her anger rising rapidly through not only the situation but using thoughts to incite her anger as well.
At least she could get in a good show, and see if these grunts really did need a Sweep to bail them out.
Rebel Raven
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Postby The Chaos Bringer » Sat Nov 24, 2007 10:10 am

Sonic Canyons - The Battlefield

"Of course I can ground them. I can hit any specific spot on any of them and hit the same spot on the next one and the next within seconds. Just tell me what to hit and every one of them is going down."
The Chaos Bringer
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Postby *Silverblade » Sat Nov 24, 2007 1:54 pm

Sonic Canyons - The Battlefield

Torment held his speed steady as Discord positioned herself away from him and above. He sighed inwardly, though no hint of emotion ever left him now or ever. He normally worked alone, but this simulation was similar to how it would be later, only he would share the skies with his commander rather than his sister. His scope sensors locked onto the radioactive heat signatures of his prey’s inner cores. They were positioned behind natural barriers. He transformed in flight not bothering to slow his momentum, at the same time clicked his long-range sensors on high reception and set his radial satellite waves to pick up objects and energy of minute proportions such as bullets or laser fire. He would sense them before he saw them.

Landing on the lip of the canyon he looked down into the natural arena. Sunstreaker and Sideswipe had been Gladiators and would try their best to ground the sweeps enhancing their chances at melee combat. This was a tactic most non-flying mechs would agree to. Torment suspected his fellow cons were no different. They would try to get Discord and himself to fight on their level. He raised his right arm, which ended in a large disrupter cannon. It hummed as he activated it. His accuracy was rather high possibly just a step below a sniper. His profile put him at an 8. And unhappily for his simulated prey his firepower was made to match. He registered Discord's exact position. They would have to make the first move, Autobots almost never fired first unless ordered. As well as a sweep would not move with out their orders. But in reality to get this “game” moving Torment decided he would make the first call.

>> Discord, I am in perimeters to flush them out. Be ready.<<

Torment stepped from the ledge, falling straight down to the canyon floor. His landing was smooth as he crouched and slowly stood to full height. The shape of his face place lending him to look like some villainous gunslinger out of an earth western movie. (That is if TFs knew what those were) Behind his optics a collection of numerical information and data tracts paraded before his processors. Measuring the angles of the canyon and the likely hood of misfire and ricochet. Without warning Torment suddenly too to the air his unexpected speed carrying him within range of his weapons. The Halloween painted sweep opened fire upon the shelter that conceled his “Autobot” prey. Causing the canyon “rock” to shatter into a thousand pieces. Showering the three behind it with debris. He made ready for the retaliation to follow. His optics fixed on the point he believed Rancid, Aftershock, and Swiftscreetch to emerge from.

He trusted discord was paying attention, they were at odds of 2 to 1, and would need to keep track of every move being made. He was sure beyond a doubt that Scourge witnessed his every move.
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Postby Depthscream » Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:02 pm

Sonic Canyons - The Battlefield

"Look out!" Swiftscreech yelled to his comrades. The barrier he was behind exploded with force and knocked him over.

I should have seen that coming

He tried to move, but it seemed like he was paralysed. He needed to get his strength back. After a few astroseconds, he could move. He carefully pushed some of the debris of him.

He threw his sword at Torment. It spins like a boomerang.
Then readied his plasma cannon again.

"Rancid, can you move? I need help!" Swiftscreech said to Rancid.

Postby The Chaos Bringer » Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:40 pm

Sonic Canyons - The Battlefield

Aftershock thrashed around, uncovering himself and sending debris in all directions.

"Rancid, Swiftscreech, are you all right?"

He saw that Swiftscreech wasn't. He looked up at the incoming Sweeps.

"Rancid, help Swiftscreech. I'll take care of the Sweeps."

If there was ever anyone that Aftershock considered to be a friend, it was a comrade during a battle. And already one of his comrades appeared to be injured to some extent. There was no way he was going to let the Sweeps injure his "friends" any further.

Aftershock raised his sniper rifle and opened fire. He fired extremely rapidly and constantly changed targets. The battle had begun.

OOC - To those controlling Sweep characters, Aftershock's accuracy is 9 and his firepower is 8. Your characters are now facing an incoming barrage of shots. For story purposes, let your characters take multiple hits. I want this mock battle to be Aftershock's "discovery" among the Decepticons. If Aftershock can manage to best a Sweep or two, his commanders may finally take an interest to him. - IC

OOC note from Devastron - You do not have permission to force hits on anyone, even with an accuracy of 9. You can ask people as a favor, but they have no obligation to be forced to have been hit by these shots. Firing a barrage does not utilize the full effect of one's accuracy either in comparison to an aimed shot. In the future do not tell other players what to do. Also there is particular reason your character should be 'discovered.' Doing well in a training exercise isn't going to propel him up the ranks or get him special notice.
The Chaos Bringer
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Postby Rebel Raven » Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:30 pm

Sonic Canyons – The Battlefield

(OOC: Sorry, I don't roll over and "die" for anyone but the mods, and I trust them not to abuse this. And I won't ask anyone to job to me, either. A fair beating is fine though.
I might not have much of an ego but I have pride.
Still, command units taking interest in your character is up to them. They might take notice even if the "autobots" lose due to the effort they put in fighting. Then again they might not notice your character even if he defeats both enemy Sweeps, his sweep ally, and his 2 comrades single handed.
Also both Sweeps have equivalent firepower to Aftershock with 8s. Torment's probably closer to 9 with his cannon arm Plus his Sweeps gear. And Torment is 1 point shy in accuracy. Discord's tactics shouldn't be tossed aside either. She's nearly a true genius after all with an 8 rating in intelligence. Torment isn't a slouch either at 7. Both are smarter than Aftershock. Hardly fair to have them not be a challenge. IC)

Discord made sure that the enemy fire couldn't be concentrated, and forces the "Autobots" to prioritize.
Further unless Aftershock's rifle stand is virtually standing height it's unlikely he can swivel his weapon almost straight up. And if he did redirect his weapon to Discord he's very open to Torment. And if he isn't paying attention to Discord, then he's in trouble, still.
Being between Elite Sweeps is pretty much being between A wall of composite steel and a hard place.

>>Yes, Brother Torment.<< She replied, in position for a steep dive into the battlefield as the plan is enacted.

With her sensors working at peak efficiency filtering out the steady noises of the canyons by their wave length, her motion detection spotting every particle of movement yet keeping the separate entities separated so she can tell what is what. Further their trails, their radio transmission sources and more reveals their locations in indirect manners. And lets not forget simple visual readings.
Like her brother, the projectiles fired at her are sensed before seen, and she dives by them in precise, brilliant evasive maneuvers that no firing range target could mimic in terms of complexity, and tactics.
She saw everything clearly almost.

Her disintegration Cannons fire over the area of the three foes all the while during her diving evasive maneuvers, the first shots blast the canyon wall behind Aftershock sending larger debris and dust at him, and maybe forcing him to abandon his rifle since he virtually bolted it to the ground by the stand he utilizes, though Discord wouldn't know about his potential mobility problem.
At the least it'd likely interrupt his fire and leave him open.

Other blasts rain down on Swiftscreech, Rancid, and Aftershock from above while keeping Torment out of her sights.
She doesn't have the accuracy of her brother or the sniper, but she doesn't need it for her barrage of high powered shots that rivaled both of them easily surpassing or trailing by little.

Rage watched on, and her internal chronometer ticked away the time once the battle started. She watched her siblings wreak immediate havoc on the trio. 'Worthless Cons, I'm going to have to bail them out. But if they fail before my wait time is up, I can't be faulted.' She laughs lightly at the thought with malice, and anger.
Her eyes looked over the field, taking in combat data for later. She got the advantage of seeing everyone in combat before she joined in. Still she wrestled with the notion that once her wait time is up, she might have to fight alone.
Anger boiled and seethed, but she stayed her hand.
Rebel Raven
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Joined: Sun Aug 26, 2007 12:17 pm


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