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Iacon - Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Homeworld of the Transformers. Drained and ravaged by thousands of vorns of civil war, Cybertron is a mere barren husk of once beautiful and thriving cybernetic world. While recovered enough to allow Transformers to move on its surface once again, it is still plagued by ion storms and any Transformer unfortunate enough to venture there without energon supply of their own is certain to face a stasis lock.

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Re: Iacon - Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:26 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Command Center

The following message appears on the command console in front of Kup:

”Incoming Priority 1 Transmission for Kup from Autobot Garrison on Earth (Encrypted) – Authorization codes required.”

-- Message Decrypted --

From: Prowl – Military Strategist and Commander of Earth Infiltration Team

Kup, the situation here has taken a tragic turn. I am sorry to report that during a recent assault on the Decepticon Earth Base, Optimus Prime was lost in a massive explosion and volcanic eruption that leveled the facility and left the entire area an utter wasteland. Fortunately, all other Autobots are accounted for, suffering a variety of injuries, but none life threatening. Recently, a small team was dispatched to conduct a search for Prime and to investigate strange energy readings that were emanating from the blast site. New readings were obtained successfully, but Optimus was nowhere to be found and is presumed dead. Unfortunately, the region is now too unstable to conduct another more thorough search.

It is also presumed that Megatron is lost, as well, since he and Prime were fighting one another deep within the Decepticon Base at the time of the explosion. Current status of enemy forces is unknown, but it is highly probable that Starscream will take command. Their current location is also unknown but are likely residing in the Ultrax somewhere in Earth’s orbit. Hot Spot has been tasked with locating their ship with the intention of attacking it if the opportunity presents itself.

The Ark-19 has also suffered severe damage in a Decepticon air strike which has flooded a substantial portion of the ship. The vessel is salvageable and Ironhide is currently forming a team to initiate repairs. Until then the Guardian is serving as our new base of operations in Earth’s orbit.

It has become necessary to recall you and your team to Earth in order to reinforce our position here and to also sort out who will lead the Autobots as a whole. Share this information with whom you must. Other Autobot commanders across the galaxy will be notified of the situation shortly.

Good luck, Kup. I hope to see you here as soon as possible.

- End message -


Howlstrike nodded when Rodimus gave him the order to follow Shockwave back to his tower. "Understood. I will alert you the moment I see anything." Giving a departing nod to Grimlock and Wheeljack, the Autobot tracker then transformed into his timber wolf mode and headed off in the direction the cycloptic mech had flown.

Howlstrike kept a reasonably safe distance while darting in and out of the various ruined structures as he monitored the purple mech's movements overheard. This was exactly the type of mission he excelled in, one where his tracking capabilities could come in handy. Unfortunately, his heightened sense of smell was mostly useless as the powerful Decepticon was airborne and left no trace of his travels on the ground. Still, there was the faint stench of Shockwave’s exhaust fumes hanging precariously in the air that allowed Howl to keep tabs on him.

Howlstrike stopped for a moment as he approached the Iacon border region. Keeping within the shadows of a half destroyed building, the former Predacon watched as the cyclopic mech flew out of Autobot territory, heading directly towards Polyhex. Howl took a deep breath, knowing that it was quite possible that he might spot Razorclaw and the other Preds while keeping watch on the tower. It would take all of his willpower not to engage his ex-teammates. While his lust for vengeance still lingered deep within his circuitry, it would be unwise to give in to his desires under these circumstances. He would be greatly outnumbered and outmatched, which would only result in his capture or termination. No, revenge would have to wait for another time.

Once Shockwave had gone ahead, the mechanical wolf emerged from the shadows and crossed the Iacon border, heading straight for enemy territory.
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Re: Iacon - Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Devastron » Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:26 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Command Center

Kup had been monitoring the goings on between Shockwave and the Autobot team over the open radio frequency. He didn’t agree with everything Hot Rod was saying. Frankly the Autobot was overstepping his bounds big time. He wasn’t sure if they would be able to fulfill all of the promises he was making, but at the very least he was keeping Shockwave talking.

The old warrior did have ponder Shockwave’s sudden and abrupt withdraw from Iacon. Grimlock was liable to throw a fit about that. There was a lot of history there, history that had remained buried on Earth until they got dug up. To everyone else that vendetta was long in the past and barely remembered, but for the Dinobot leader it probably felt like it just happened yesterday. He had to have been itching for a rematch with Shockwave and now he was gone.

Kup’s thoughts were interrupted by the urgent message from Earth. He routed the signal through his command chair and read it on his private viewscreen. He clenched his jaw as he read the devastating news. It was about the worst news he could have gotten, but he wasn’t going to let it show. You let depression or fear show around the younger ones and it would spread like wildfire. This wasn’t exactly the first Prime he had outlived either, so he had been there before. This was going to be a lot worse though, as no Prime had been as important or beloved as this one.

The Autobot stood up and sent a signal to Hot Rod. >>”Hot Rod, get your team back here ASAP. We are locking up the base and heading back to Earth immediately. Have Grimlock meet me in the conference room while you organize everyone else in getting the ship prepped for take off.”<< Kup looked over at Springer. “Come with me lad, we have something to discuss.” With the orders given he marched out of the room.


Springer smiled back at Bluestreak. “I’m not sure if anyone can talk as long as you can Blue, although Kup can certainly lose a lot of time in one of his stories.” Springer was rather enjoying himself at this point. While he wouldn’t mind being on the front lines somewhere he wasn’t going to object to some quiet time in base. You so rarely got those opportunities in the war, especially for mechs like him. You had to enjoy every slow moment you got, since you never knew when you would get another.

The triplechanger’s optics lit up when the priority message came through the communication’s console. He couldn’t read it of course but that kind of priority was definitely a red flag. He passed it on to Kup and waited for his response. When he got it he knew that this particular slow moment was now over. He followed the other Autobot off of the command center.



Events moved very fast all of a sudden. Shockwave abruptly left before he could find his opportunity to take him out. Then Rodimus was giving him orders to stay behind with Wheeljack while he did something technical. He hadn’t really been paying much attention, focused as he was on Shockwave’s withdrawal.

The Dinobot produced his sword, using it to point at Rodimus. “You let one of most powerful Decepticons around fly around Autobot base, drop probes, then leave without shot fired. After that, you think you can order me around? Me thinking you got bigger body, maybe stronger, maybe tougher, but brains not improve. If anything you get dumber. Thought you understood war, but you even dumber then Optimus.”

Grimlock stalked right up to Rodimus, his visor glowing a bright red as he looked him in the optics. “Me only going to say this once. You never order me around again, not for real or show. Me not interested in watching Wheeljack do experiments. Need to be busy planning how to take down Decepticons, including the one who just flew out of her without a scratch!” The last part was yelled into the other Autobots face. Grimlock brought his empty left hand up and gave Rodimus a hard shove as he stalked back to the base on his own.
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Re: Iacon - Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sat Aug 06, 2011 7:58 am

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Command Center

Snarl led the Dinobots back into the command center, having just come from the med bay where he had received a quick recharge. The Desert Warrior was just in time to overhear Kup sending a message to Hot Rod about packing everything up and going back to Earth. The old timer then ordered Springer to follow him and both mechs quickly disappeared from sight. Snarl knew that something was going on and he feared the worst as he approached the only other ‘Bot left in the room. “Bluestreak, what’s going on? What we miss?” The Dinobot demanded from the Autobot gunner.

Bluestreak turned around in his chair and regarded Snarl with a smile. “Oh, hey there, big guy. Well, Springer and I were discussing whether Shockwave should be trusted or not and whether he had an escape plan and what his true intentions here were. Of course, I don’t think we should trust any ‘Con, but that’s just me. Then the topic came up about how Kup can be a bit of a chatter box like myself when he gets to telling his old war stories, but we were interrupted when we suddenly received a Priority 1 transmission. Now it seems we’re leaving for Earth as a result. Personally, I think there’s something else going on as Kup is having a private meeting with....”

“Shut up!” Snarl bellowed at the gunner, agitation creeping into his prehistoric circuits. “Me didn’t ask you for every last boring detail. Me heard what Kup just said. Me just want to know about Grimlock. Is he okay and what of Shockwave?”

“Oh, well Grimlock and the others are fine and are returning to the base as we speak. As for Shockwave, I think he’s gone back to Polyhex now after conducting whatever research he was here for. He abruptly left not long before we received the transmission from Earth. Maybe there’s some connection. I’m sure we’ll find out more soon. Although, I have to say that I don’t like the idea of leaving Cybertron with the ‘Cons still on planet. It’s basically giving them an open invitation to just take over. Unless, of course, they’re leaving too, which I guess is possible considering we don't really know what’s happening back on....”

The Desert Warrior growled under his breath as he raised up one hand to signal Bluestreak to stop talking. “That’s enough. Me don’t need to hear anymore.” Snarl then moved away from the silver and black mech in order to stave off having to listen to any more of his endless babbling. Instead, Snarl positioned himself across the room with the rest of the Dinobots as they waited for Grimlock and the others to return.

"Well, that was just rude," Bluestreak muttered quietly to himself. He then turned back around to face the console in front of him where he closely monitored the progress of the Autobot team as they headed back to base. It was then he noticed that one signal in particular was no longer present amongst the returning group. "Hey, wait an astrosec. Where the frag is Howlstrike?"
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Re: Iacon - Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Ember » Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:24 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."

Rodimus watched almost impassively as Shockwave vanished from sight and Howlstrike followed suit. He shook his head gently before he turned around only to be confronted an irate Grimlock. The Dinobot was upset about the Decepticon getting away and the fact that he had been ordered back to base. Grimlock then quickly closed the distance between them and glared directly into Rodimus’ optics. The young mech did not back down from the former gladiator and once he was finished with his tantrum, Rodimus simply took the hard shove in stride and watched Grimlock stalk back to base.

The self- proclaimed Autobot leader turned back to look over the landscape beyond Iacon and let out a low growl. These creatures are unpredictable. I will need some time amongst a larger group, but… It was then that he received the communique from Kup. The corners of his mouth curled upward into a smirk only to fade again before he turned back to the others.

“All right every one. I’ve just received a message from Kup. We need to head back base; it appears that we’re going to be leaving and heading back to Earth. Let’s get going.”

He motioned toward the base while he opened a link with Grimlock.

>>”Grimlock. Kup wants you to meet him in the conference room when you get back to base.”<<

After sending the message he quickly opened up a link with Howlstrike.

>>”Howlstrike, it’s Rodimus. Change of plans; head back to base. We’re heading back to Earth.”<<

Upon completion of his comms, Rodimus began to make his way back to base.
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Re: Iacon - Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby #1 Signal Lancer fan » Mon Aug 08, 2011 8:19 pm

Motto: "For too long, I've let life pass me by! Now I want to take part in the grand drama; my legacy will be written large among the stars!"
Swoop got back to the Repair bay just a little too late, and the other Dinobots had already gone. Hopefully non of them had noticed his absence!

He began a base-wide scan, and shortly, three small dots popped up, representing Snarl, Slag, and Sludge.

Swoop ran down the hallways to the Command Center, where the other Dinobots were located. He peered around the corner to find them standing against the wall. He slowly inched his way into the room and next to the other Dinobots...
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Re: Iacon - Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Devastron » Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:47 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Conference Room

Kup was the first to enter the room, followed shortly by Springer. Kup wasn’t about to start until they were all there and so the two of them waited awkwardly in silence. Finally Grimlock walked into the room with a slightly angry stomp. Kup quickly shut and locked the door before turning to the other two Autobots.

“Now I know you’re angry Grimlock, but we don’t have time for that now. Something much slagging bigger then anything going on here happened back on Earth and we are heading back their immediately.”

Grimlock could still feel the anger boiling inside of him, but he stowed it away for now. He still did respect Kup, so he would let it go, for now. “Fine.” Springer simply nodded silently.

“Alright then,” Kup continued. “I just received a priority 1 message from Prowl stationed on Earth. Apparently they just had a major tussle with the Decepticon forces there. Seems like everyone got out ok, save on critical casualty. It appears that Optimus Prime was terminated in a massive explosion combined with some sort of tectonic event. They sent down search parties but they came up with no trace of him.” Kup gave it a minute to let that sink in with both of them.

Springer was shocked, he couldn’t deny that. He had seen more then his share of Autobots die fighting in this war, friends, comrades, Bots he barely knew, despite all of that though he had always thought that Optimus was untouchable. Despite everything the Autobots had been through he always figured Optimus would be ok. He was the one who had turned things around after the Primes before him had been snuffed out so quickly by Megatron and his forces. They were all going to have a much tougher time without him.

Grimlock was also shocked, although he didn’t show it. While he had often disagreed with Optimus, he did have a buried, grudging respect for him. He had certainly done better then all of the other idiot Primes before him in fighting the war. He had salvaged the Autobots from the brink of losing the war up to a deadlock with the Decepticons. While it wasn’t a victory, he never seemed to be willing to go far enough for that, it was an accomplishment.

Springer was the first to speak up. “I assume we are heading back to do damage control then? If the Decepticons realize Prime is dead then we are probably in for a series of attacks all over the galaxy. He’s never had an opportunity like this.”

Kup shook his head. “Prowl suspects that Megatron was killed in the same explosion that took out Prime. I don’t the Cons are in any shape to launch any massive campaign like that.”

Now it was Grimlock’s turn to speak. “Hmm, maybe Optimus not so bad if he take Megatron down with him. Decepticons easier to take out without him leading them. Probably start killing each other for leadership, thin things out for us to finish off.”

Kup nodded his head in agreement. It was easy to forget sometimes that Grimlock was a pretty capable strategist and tactician in his own right. Most just saw his brute strength and how he talked and dismissed him as some sort of dumb thug. Those same Cons or Bots often found themselves humiliated later though at the Dinobot’s combination of skill, strength and cunning.

“I wanted to tell the three of your first because you are the highest ranking ones here, and I am concerned about the Hot Rod situation,” Kup sighed. “I figure once he hears about this he is only going to use it as further proof that the Matrix chose him or some other blasted thing.”

Grimlock grunted. “Me not going to follow him as leader. Too eager to work with Cons, not know that even Shockwave want nothing more then to see us wiped out. Him just maybe happy to have our help now to fix Cybertron, the do away with us later.”

“Well I’m not exactly convinced he’s leadership material either,” Kup added. “He was just the young punk Hot Rod not too long ago before magically ‘growing up’ into whatever he is now. Springer, what do you think?”

The triplechanger shrugged his shoulders. “I’ve seen a lot in this war, but nothing like what happened to Hot Rod. With Optimus dead there are certainly going to be those Bots who will want to believe in Hot Rod. The timing is pretty extraordinary.”

“Yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of,” Kup grumbled. “At the same time though we might have an opportunity though, with the cons in a lot more turmoil then we are. With us coming back as additional firepower maybe we can deal them a harsh blow.” He paused for a moment, “Although I’d be willing to wager my last cy-gar that Shockwave got a similar message from Earth and is scrambling to get back there too.” He frowned. “Means we gotta get back there before he does.

>>”Bluestreak, Wheeljack, start packing up and moving back to the ship. We are probably racing Shockwave and his guys back to Earth so we need to hustle.”<<

Kup turned to Grimlock. “I’ll trust you to gather your team and let them know what is going on. I’m going to have enough to deal with telling the others whats happened.”

Grimlock grunted in response before leaving the room. He opened a line to the Dinobots. >>”Where are you? Big things happening, meet me outside main base door. Look like leadership situation change again, might be opportunity for us.”<<

Kup then turned to Springer. “I want you to go ahead and start powering the ship back up. Hopefully we can get packed up and out of here fast. Whatever we were doing here doesn’t matter much with Shockwave leaving and the situation on Earth changed so much.”

Springer nodded and left the room, followed by Kup heading for the command center.
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Re: Iacon - Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Smokescreen85 » Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:07 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Command Center

Bluestreak studied the screen in front of him carefully, using the perimeter sensors to scan for any signs of Howlstrike. Most of the others were either on their way back to base or had already arrived, but there was no sign of the former Predacon. It was as if he had just vanished off the face of Cybertron. Where the frag did you run off to, Howl? The Autobot gunner thought as he rubbed his chin. You go home with your buddy, Shockwave? It wouldn’t surprise me in the least.

A few breems passed before the image of a four-legged beast appeared, entering into Iacon territory. A pair of autocannons powered down as the creature quickly approached and continued on between them. Well, there you are! And where exactly have you been? Bluestreak watched closely as Howl made his way towards the Command Complex. Kup had previously convinced the black and silver mech to give the Autobot tracker a chance, but with behavior such as this it was hard to do. Still, perhaps Howl had been given orders to follow the purple Decepticon, but now that things have changed, the former Predacon was called back to base. Perhaps. We’ll see.

With every member of the team now accounted for, Bluestreak switched off his view screen just as Kup’s communiqué came in over his comm line. >>”Roger that, Kup. I’ll get right on it.”<<

Standing up, the gunner looked around the Command Center. They had just gotten everything up and running and now it all had to be shut down and packed up again. Something big must be happening back on Earth for them to be trying to beat Shockwave and the Decepticons there first. Whatever it was, Blue had a job to do and thus he quickly moved over to the hover cart that still sat up against a far wall. Pulling it out into the middle of the room, ‘Streak began gathering up all of the equipment that wasn’t nailed down and loaded everything in to the cart, being careful not to damage the more sensitive stuff. The talkative mech then went about the room and started powering down some of the non-essential terminals, but decided to leave the main command station operational just in case Kup needed to use it one more time before they left.

Bluestreak then glanced over and noticed Snarl and the Dinobots leaving the Command Center. They had previously been loitering around doing nothing but taking up space. Now, they had either received new orders or simply gotten bored watching the Autobot gunner do all the work. “Thanks for no help, guys,” Blue muttered quietly once they were gone and the command center doors had slid shut.

The black and silver mech then opened his comm line to Wheeljack: >>”Hey, ‘Jack! Where are you, buddy? I could use a little help packing for our trip back to Earth.”<<


Snarl growled under his breath as he watched the Autobot gunner run around the room like a crazy petro-rabbit as he began to pack stuff away in the hover cart. The Desert Warrior had no intention of helping the smaller Autobot as menial labor such as that was beneath a soldier of his caliber not to mention the other Dinobots present. Instead, Snarl just looked on with a stoic expression across his face plate, while deep down he found the whole sight to be rather humorous. Better him do that than me.

An astrosecond later, Snarl and his comrades received Grimlock’s communication. He was back in the base somewhere and wanted the Dinobots to meet him outside the main base door. Apparently, something had happened involving a leadership change which could present an interesting opportunity for them if the situation was just right. Snarl opened his comm line back to the Dinobot Commander:

>>”Us in Command Center. Will meet you shortly.”<<

Switching off his communicator, the Desert Warrior turned to the other Dinobots present. “Okay, you heard Grimlock. Time to go.” Snarl then walked towards the door and exited into the corridor beyond.

Main Base Door

Having made his way down through the complex, Snarl reached the main entrance within one breem as the other Dinobots followed behind him. He peered around the area, looking for Grimlock, but did not immediately see the Dinobot Commander. Instead, he only saw Howlstrike approach in his wolf mode at a fast pace before coming to a sudden stop and transforming back into his robot form. The Desert Warrior quietly regarded the Autobot hunter with a nod and then waited patiently for Grimlock to arrive.


Howlstrike made his way past the Dinobots and entered into the base, heading directly for the Command Center where he would hopefully find Kup and learn why they were already leaving Cybertron to return to Earth. It seemed to be a rash decision, but considering he didn’t have all the facts, he was willing to not jump to conclusions until he knew everything that was going on. Kup wasn’t the type of mech that would just up and leave suddenly without a fraggin’ good reason. Howl trusted the old timer explicitly and would follow him anywhere, whether it be to Earth or to Cybertron’s core. It really didn’t matter to him.

Reaching the upper levels of the complex, Howlstrike rounded a corner and found Kup walking towards him as they both converged on the command center. The former Predacon walked up to his only real friend and gave a respectful nod. “So, what’s going on, Kup? I hear we’re headed back to Earth. Is that true?”
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Re: Iacon - Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby AshesOfPain » Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:24 am

Motto: "Good food and good drink can do only half of what their excellent variations can."
Weapon: Crossbow

Wheeljack was on his back, oddly enough when a message cam in from Kup. He looked around and noticed he was still near the chasm, but the rest of the team was not. Slag it!!! He thought. Before he could reply to Kup, Bluestreak paged him.

>>"I'm on my way back. I must have suffered a minor personal powerfailure, as the team started back to base." He replys to both Kup and Bluestreak

He opts for the speed of his alt mode, and motors back to base, while in route, he opens up a line to Bluestreak

>>What do you mean, back to Earth? I just got those computers back on line not that long ago. How are we supposed to fix Cybertron, if we're not on it?!?!??<<

Luckily the blue engineer didn't get lost on his way to base. In fact he made good time, transforming as he got to the exterior gate and entered his access code. The door hissed open and he proceeded to beat feet to the his lab so that he could pack at least his most essential things.
Last edited by AshesOfPain on Sat Aug 27, 2011 10:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Iacon - Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Ember » Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:32 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Command Center

Rodimus had made it back with Grimlock, unfortunately Wheeljack was lagging behind a bit, but he knew the engineer would be back in due time. The flame covered mech walked into the Command Center but bypassed Bluestreak who was busy at one of the terminals and made his way to the door of the locked Conference Room. He knew it was one of the only locations that Kup would go to speak to the other officers. He wasn’t surprised that the elder ‘Bot hadn’t requested him to attend this meeting for it seemed that Kup was not convinced that Rodimus was now more than what he was before.

After several minutes the door to the Conference Room opened and Springer exited followed by Kup. Rodimus pushed himself off the wall to the right of the door and stepped in front of Kup making sure the old timer could not pass by.

“Tell me Kup, why don’t you believe that I have been chosen by the Matrix to lead us in to a new era?"

Rodimus never gave Kup a chance to answer his question.

"If my physical appearance has failed to convince you then perhaps my knowledge will.”

Rodimus stepped in close to his former mentor, his features stoic.

“Keeping the death of the Prime quiet is not a very wise endeavor, old friend. The information is not to be taken lightly. A new leader must step forward, and like it or not I am that leader.”

Rodimus glared down at the old warrior, his optics focused on the slightly shorter mech. Within the azure glass burned a bright flame visible only to the elder ‘Bot.
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Re: Iacon - Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Devastron » Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:37 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Outside the Conference Room

No sooner then Kup had stepped outside of the conference room then he found Hot Rod directly in his path. He scowled back at the younger Autobot as he began to tell him how he was chosen by the Matrix again. The old timer had just about enough of his talk about how he was destined now to lead the Autobots. He was on the verge of telling the young bot where he could stick all of his nonsense when he mentioned knowledge of Prime’s death.

Kup’s scowl slipped for a moment at his words, replaced by a look of shock. At the same time he saw something in the other Autobot’s optics. It looked like a glow, or a flame burning inside of them. Whatever it was it was only there for a second before disappearing.

The Autobot was quick to recover, although what he had seen was going to bother him for sometime. He jabbed finger into Hot Rod’s chest as he spoke. “Listen here kid, I don’t know what the slag has happened to you, physically or mentally, but I know it ain’t the Matrix. I don’t recall any other Primes magically just spontaneously growing up like you did. Now maybe if you could pull the Matrix itself out of your chest, which I’m guessing you would have done by now if you actually had it, then I would believe this pile of scrap.”

He dropped his hand back to his side as he continued talking. “Now I don’t know how you know that information, whether you eavesdropped on our meeting or something else. What I do know is that I am going to tell the others once they are gathered. Grimlock is already dealing with his team, as you may or may not know. Now I suggest you assist with packing things up for our trip back to Earth. I’m sure Prowl and Ratchet will want to see you and figure out what the slag is going on with you.”

With the exchange ended Kup slid past Hot Rod just as Howlstrike came up to them. Kup’s expression remained grim as he spoke. “That’s right lad. I’ll explain more once we are gathered on the ship, but we are all needed back on Earth as soon as possible.”


Outside the Autobot Base

Grimlock arrived shortly after the other Dinobots had piled out of the base. He gave them all a brief looking over, making sure they were all there and in good shape. He stopped in front of them and began to speak. In his usual manner he was blunt and quick to the point. “Kup receive message from Prowl back on Earth. He say Optimus die in explosion, maybe Megatron too. We heading back to try and help stabilize things.”

He gave that a moment to sink in with his troops before continuing. “Me think Prowl in charge now, at least on Earth. Me think you know what me think about that. Me never like Prowl. He good at crunching numbers, but war not just about numbers. He not understand real courage, real battle strategy and tactics. Things look different on computer then on battlefield.”

The Dinobot leader paused in thought for a moment before continuing. “Maybe Kup take command when we get there. He experienced, good fighter. Even me respect him. Me doubt he want job though. Old timer always seems happier with troops and teaching ‘young punks’ how things work.” Grimlock did genuinely respect Kup, and it showed in his voice, but he truly didn’t think he was meant to lead.

“Then there ‘Rodimus,’” he grunted after saying the name. “He going to make move for command whether anyone like him or not. He got power now from somewhere, but not have brains to back it up. He too willing to deal with Shockwave and Decepticons. Even without Megatron they still dangerous, especially Shockwave. We have chance to put down Cons forever, not time to negotiate with them.” Grimlock lifted his right hand and clenched it into a fist.

“Me seeing only one alternative that me like. Me going to push for leadership when we get back to Earth. Many probably see that as ego at work, and me not going to deny that to extent. It take some ego to leader.” He looked at each of the Dinobots as he continued to speak. “Me also know that other candidate I see not up to job or not want it. If wrong leader take control now, then we lose opportunity to end this war once and for all. This chance not come along in entire war. We have chance to give Cons permanent knockout blow,” he slammed his right fist into his open left palm. “Me not going to let that opportunity slip by.”



Springer walked up to the vessel, sending his command code to get the ramp lowered. It did seem as if they had just arrived here, but in that short time so much had changed. They had gotten the old base in some sort of state of repair. Something had happened to Hot Rod to change him, something they were all trying to figure out still. Then there was some sort of alliance with Shockwave and now, to top it all off, Optimus had died somehow.

The triplechanger sighed at that thought. He could only imagine how some bots were going to take this news. Not all of them were as battle hardened as he or Kup were, and even then he knew that knowledge was weighing heavy on him. He would do his best to boost everyone up though, maybe even bring back the Wreckers or something. Springer had always been a bit wary about creating a new Wreckers team, as their mortality rates were rather legendary, but morale was going to be in the pit with the loss of Prime. While he didn’t support the fan worship of the Wreckers, he knew that it would at least distract some Bots from that loss. It was something to consider at least.
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Re: Iacon - Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:16 am

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Command Center

Bluestreak chuckled a bit when he received Wheeljack’s communiqué. The inventor had a point, but the gunner didn’t know the real reason for the sudden exodus from Cybertron so he simply answered as honestly as he could. >>”I hear you, ‘Jack. Not sure what’s going on, but I’m certain we’ll find out from Kup soon enough. I think it might have something to do with whatever’s going on back on Earth, but who knows. I just wish I didn’t have to experience abandoning our homeworld for a second time, you know? It just seems like we’re never going to get our planet back to the way it once was. And I’m sure it’s all the Decepticons’ fault whether it be directly or indirectly. But, regardless, I’ve got packing to do. See you on the Ark-22, buddy.”<<

Once his vocalizer had run its course over the comm line, for the moment anyway, Bluestreak gathered up whatever other tools and equipment that was left in the command center and loaded them into the hover cart. He then opened a comm line to Kup to let him know his progress. >>”Commander Kup, I’ve packed up everything in the command center and powered down all the terminals except for the command chair just in case you needed it one last time. I’m heading for the Ark-22 now.”<<

With his communication sent, Bluestreak pushed the hover cart out of the command center and headed down to the launching silo where the Ark was docked.

Outside the Autobot Base

Snarl listened intently as Grimlock brought him and the rest of the Dinobots up to speed regarding the current situation back on Earth. It was hard to believe that Optimus was actually dead as he had lasted longer than any other Prime thus far. Indeed, he was a great loss, but the circumstances they now found themselves in could greatly benefit the Dinobots and place them in a more commanding position with the Autobot forces. This would especially be true if Grimlock was able to assume overall leadership. However, there were several obstacles in his way in the form of Prowl, Kup and even Hot Rodimus. It was possible that the old timer would not want to lead but might do so anyway to keep things stable if Prowl did not want to continue on in that position. Of course, Rodimus was a different story all together. The flame covered mech would surely use this turn of events as an excuse to declare himself leader since he’s already convinced that the matrix is speaking to him.

Snarl waited for Grimlock to finish before chiming in with his own opinion. “Me agree. Prowl not able to lead for reasons you give. Him temporary commander at best. Kup likely take control once we get back to Earth, but Hot Rod not sit idly by, either. Could cause problems and fracture Autobots. Me feel you best choice, Grimlock, to maintain control and keep us together. Me and you may not always see optic to optic in past, but me support you now.”

The Desert Warrior hated to admit it, but Grimlock was the obvious choice. He had both the command experience and the battlefield prowess to take charge and keep the Autobots on the right unified course against the Decepticons, who were likely also trying to determine new leadership. If they acted quickly enough then perhaps they could strike the enemy while they were down. Although, the more time they wasted here on Cybertron, the more time the ‘Cons had to regroup and mount their own offensive. It was time now to leave and take advantage of a bad situation that would hopefully put the Dinobots higher up in the Autobot command structure.

Outside Conference Room

Howlstrike had only caught the tail end of the encounter between Kup and Hot Rod, but from what little he had overheard his friend say, it had been a contentious conversation at best. The old timer was clearly not happy with the self-proclaimed new Prime and he made his feelings known quite well with not only his vocalizer but with his body language, as well. Words were not actually necessary to determine how Kup currently felt. He was obviously angry and had a certain sense of sadness in his voice when the old mech finally turned his attention to Howl and confirmed what the tracker already knew.

“I understand, Kup. I’ll head down to the ship now and help get her powered up and ready for takeoff,” Howlstrike said, giving his only friend a firm pat on the shoulder. “And don’t worry, buddy, whatever’s happened, I’ve always got your back.” The Autobot hunter smiled before then shooting a stern look over at Hot Rod to let the supposed matrix-talker know that he did not have the former Predacon’s support.

Once that exchange was over, Howlstrike removed his hand from Kup’s shoulder and walked away down the corridor, heading for the nearest turbo lift. Once inside, he activated the controls and was quickly transported down to the lowest level of the Autobot base where he then exited and made his way to the Ark-22.
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Re: Iacon - Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Ember » Thu Sep 01, 2011 9:56 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Outside the Conference Room

Rodimus took notice of Kup’s shocked expression by flashing the elder warrior a slight smirk, but it soon faded and was replaced by a deep frown when Kup jabbed his finger in to Rodimus’ chest plate. Had he not been in complete control of his senses the young mech would have took hold of the digit and ripped off of Kup’s hand. Instead Rodimus simply listened. After all there was no point in prolonging their departure, and once they were finally in the Sol System and back on the organic planet he could set his plan in to motion.

“I’m sorry that you can’t accept that I was chosen, but now that the death of Optimus Prime is confirmed someone will have to take over where he left off. This war has to come to an end, and I am the Autobot who will do that. Like it or not, Kup, I’ll be the one leading once we get back to Earth.”

With his peace said and Kup already on the move, Rodimus left the Command Center and headed out toward the Ark – 22.
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Re: Iacon - Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Smokescreen85 » Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:38 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
The Ark-22 - Cargo Bay

Bluestreak pushed the hover cart into the primary storage facility of the Autobot ship and guided it into the center of the room where he brought it to a halt near a line of shelves. He then reached in and began emptying the container one object at a time, placing everything in their proper spot along the sturdy metallic structures. Some laser guns, rifles and assorted ammunition were then carefully stowed away in one of the many secure weapons lockers that bordered the walls of the chamber. Once he was finished, the Autobot gunner moved the hover cart out of the way and into a nearby corner before exiting the cargo hold.

The Ark-22 - Corridor

As he walked at a fast pace into the corridor, Bluestreak was immediately taken by surprise at the sight of a large immovable object that was situated directly in his path. Unable to stop his forward momentum in time, Blue ran right into the wall-like obstruction and lost his balance, falling backwards onto the floor. His aft section hit the ground hard as he yelled out in pain. “Ouch! That hurt!” The black and silver mech rubbed his back side and looked up to see the ominous form of Howlstrike standing over him. “Oh, it’s only you! Figures.”

“You should really watch where you’re going, Shorty,” Howl replied, looking down at the fallen Autobot. He then reached out a clawed hand to offer assistance to the resident gunner.

Bluestreak glared back up at him and reluctantly accepted the help, taking hold of the former Predacon’s forearm and pulling himself up to his feet. “Yeah, well, you shouldn’t sneak up on someone like that, snaggle puss! And where the slag did you disappear to earlier? You just vanished off the sensor grid before popping up over a cycle later crossing back into Iacon territory. You get homesick or something and wanted to visit your old buddies in Polyhex?”

Howlstrike frowned as he tightened his grasp on Blue’s hand for an astrosecond longer before releasing it. “Hardly. If you must know, Hot Rod sent me to follow Shockwave back to his tower and keep watch on it. Of course, just as I got settled, plans changed and I was called back here in order to return to Earth with the rest of you. I’ve already talked to Kup about it, and he said he’d fill us all in once we departed.”

“Yeah, I don’t know any more than you do,” Bluestreak confirmed as he rubbed his hand that ached from the tracker's intentionally hard grip. He wasn’t sure if Howl’s story of being sent on an assignment was to be believed, but it was likely true. Otherwise, he would have heard by now about the hunter’s defection from the other Autobots in his group. It was also an easy story to confirm by simply asking Hot Rod. Thus, Blue placed the thought out of his cranial unit for the time being and returned to the situation at hand. “All I know is that Kup got some kind of top secret transmission and after that we’re all abandoning Cybertron for some backwater planet in the Sol System. I just hope the ‘Cons don’t take advantage of us not being here and invade Iacon.”

“Doubtful. Shockwave seemed to cut his mission here short before he was finished and then abruptly returned to Polyhex. My gut instinct tells me that he received a similar transmission. So, the Decepticons will likely be leaving Cybertron, as well.”

“Well, I certainly hope so. I’d hate to leave our homeworld in the enemy’s hands. That would be a worst case scenario as far as I’m concerned. Can you imagine what we’d eventually come back to if we left the ‘Cons here unchecked? Iacon would be taken over for sure. Everything would be adorned with those ugly Decepticon symbols. It would be horrible! I can’t even begin to contemplate such a thing occurring. All of our work here would be for nothing!”

“Relax!” Howlstrike interrupted the talkative mech. “No one’s taking over Iacon. Just calm down and stay focused. We have a job to do here and now. Speaking of which, let’s get up to the bridge and help Springer bring the ship’s systems online. If the ‘Cons in Polyhex are returning to Earth, as well, then we’re in a race to beat them back there. That means we haven’t an astrosecond to spare. Let’s go.”

Bluestreak could only nod in agreement as the former Predacon made his way down the corridor. The Autobot gunner had to admit, Howlstrike did have a good point. Worrying about things that were out of his control would do ‘Streak no good and only serve to distract him in the cycles to come. Hopefully, Iacon along with the rest of Cybertron would remain unmolested while they took care of whatever was going on back on Earth. Until the time would come to return to their homeworld again, the black and silver mech needed to remain vigilant and help his comrades in any way that he could.

Wasting no further time, Bluestreak hurried after the Autobot hunter, making his way up to the bridge. "Hey! Wait up, gruesome!"
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Re: Iacon - Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Devastron » Fri Sep 09, 2011 3:02 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Command Center

Kup stepped into the now empty room with a sigh. They had done a lot of hard work to get this base up and running again, and here they were just abandoning it again. The old timer just had to hope that this wasn’t a step back so much as it was a brief pause in their returning to their homeworld. They were all definitely needed back on Earth but maybe once things were settled with leadership, and maybe after they had dealt with the Cons once and for all they could come back and finished what they had started here. He let out another sigh. That was far too many slagging maybes for his liking.

The Autobot stepped over to the command chair. He sat down in it and started punching in commands to the arm panel. He put the base on a timed lockdown, sealing it up completely right after they left. It would take a command level access code to open it back up again. That should be enough to keep any Cons or whoever else might be lurking around from getting into it. With another few keystrokes he powered down the chair console. Standing up he took one last sad look around before heading to the doors.

>>”This is Kup to all Autobots. The base will be entering full lockdown once I step out of it. I suggest you all be in the Ark-22 before that happens. Grimlock, get your team in the ship. Everyone else meet me on the bridge for a meeting.”<<


Outside the Autobot Base

Grimlock was pleased at Snarl’s response. He had been the one Dinobot that he suspected might be against this move for leadership. With him on board he had little doubt the other Dinobots would follow.

Slag let out a grunt. “Don’t care who leads much, just want to pound some Decepticons. Hasn’t been enough of that on Cybertron, but it sounds like there will be plenty on Earth. Grimlock, I know you’ll lead us into the thick of it.”

Swoop had a frown on his face as he spoke. “Losing Prime isn’t good. The other Autobots are going to be in bad shape without him. He was a hero to lots of them.” He looked up at Grimlock. “I would follow Kup as a leader, but I don’t think that’s what we need now. Those other Autobots will need some one more inspiring, someone bold to pull them back together. That’s you Grimlock.”

Sludge watched and listened as the other Dinobots spoke. It looked like they were all in agreement, which was a relief to him. He wasn’t exactly a deep thinker, so going along with the majority was usually what he did. “I’ll follow you Grimlock.”

The Dinobot leader would have smiled if he was capable. “Me would want no one else by my side then Dinobots. Together we show the rest of these Autobots how to win this war. We still have lost time to make up for. We make sure to pay it back by taking as many Con heads as we can!”

Grimlock then received the signal from Kup. He gestured for the other Dinobots to follow him as he walked towards the Ark-22, the cargo ramp having already been lowered. “Come on, we getting out of here. Trip back to Earth give us time to figure out strategy. Me thinking it time to get rid of this ‘infiltration’ thing they have going on now.”
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Re: Iacon - Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby AshesOfPain » Sat Sep 10, 2011 7:40 am

Motto: "Good food and good drink can do only half of what their excellent variations can."
Weapon: Crossbow
Wheeljack had just managed to get to his lab, when Kup called for the meeting. Slaggitall, he thought.

>>Kup, I need at least a breem to get my gear in order. And I'm moving as fast as I can, considering the delicate nature of some of my equipment. Wheeljack, out.<<

When he got his gear in order, the engineer started to set up a satellite relay. He did want to be able to keep abreast of whatever Shockwave's micro-minions were up to in the core. Deep in his spark, something just felt wrong. Be it their sudden with drawl from Cybertron, or something else. He couldn't place it and having the satellite data stream gave him a small measure of comfort.
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Re: Iacon - Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Ember » Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:21 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
The Ark – 22 – Corridor

Having bypassed the Dinobots, Rodimus entered the Ark and began to work his way through the winding corridors toward the bridge. It was likely he would run across one, or all of the other Autobots while making his trek. It was inevitable, but certainly nothing he couldn’t handle, although he would need to keep anything he says and does subtle so as not to come across as the enemy, after all he still needed all of them to trust him.

After a few minutes Rodimus nearly ran right in to Howlstrike and Bluestreak, who seemed to be sprinting in order to catch up with the hunter. Rodimus stopped short in order not to run over the two mechs.

“Whao you two!”

He offered both of them a warm smile before he relaxed a bit.

“I take it you’re headed for the bridge to find out why we’re heading back to Earth.”

The flame emblazoned mech flashed both ‘Bots a forced smile before he let out a heavy sigh.

“I suppose we should get a move on. Postponing our arrival on the bridge would only annoy Kup. And to tell you the truth I’d much rather be on his good side.”
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Re: Iacon - Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Smokescreen85 » Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:41 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
The Ark-22 – Corridors

As Bluestreak hurried to catch up with him, Howlstrike paused and turned to look back at the approaching Autobot gunner. “Who are you calling gruesome, Tiny?” The hunter let out a low growl that was only meant to show his dislike of the new nickname ‘Streak had just bestowed upon him. Truth be told, he could care less what the smaller mech called him just as long as it wasn’t Kup’s pet, a name that he loathed above all others.

“Well, I may be small when compared to a big guy like yourself, but I’m still the best shooter this side of the galaxy,” Bluestreak reminded Howlstrike of his gunner status just as Hot Rod suddenly appeared from a side corridor and almost collided with both him and the former Predacon. Thankfully, the flame-covered mech had good reflexes and was able to stop his forward motion in time. The self-proclaimed Prime made some small talk before suggesting that they should get a move on to the bridge for Kup’s meeting. “Yeah, Howl and I are headed there now. I’m interested to hear what has happened back on Earth that requires us to just up and abandon Cybertron after all the work we’ve already accomplished here. It has to be something serious. Although, I can’t think of anything that would be so important that it couldn’t be handled without our involvement.”

“I’m sure Kup has a good reason for leaving,” Howlstrike interjected, a frown etched on his face plate at the sight of Hot Rodimus. The tracker didn’t much like this new wannabe leader of the Autobots, who had apparently tried to force his views on Kup earlier. In Howl’s optics Hot Rod was still the same old immature cavalier that he had always been up until recent cycles. His sudden transformation was a shock to everyone to say the least, and it had given the fiery Autobot delusions of grandeur in his thinking that he could replace Optimus. Whatever the truth about his current condition, Hot Rod was no Optimus Prime. Not now, not ever.

“Yeah, I’m sure he does,” Bluestreak agreed. Unlike Howl, the black and silver mech was more open to the idea of Rodimus being in charge or at least occupying an upper level leadership position within the Autobot ranks. His ‘take it to the enemy’ attitude was definitely one ‘Streak could get behind as less talk and more action might just help turn things to their favor. “But I also want to know whether this is just a temporarily leave or a more permanent one where we won’t be coming back here for a long time,” the talkative ‘Bot continued. “I’m hoping for the former as I don’t want to see Cybertron completely waste away into a state that can’t ever be salvaged. It was practically like that when I first arrived here and that was after the rest of you had already been here for a while.”

“Enough chit chat. We should get going. As you said, Roddy, we don’t want to make Kup mad,” Howlstrike interrupted in an annoyed tone before turning away from both mechs and heading further down the corridor towards the bridge. His pace was steady and unyielding as he had no intention of waiting for anyone to catch up to him. He was more concerned with getting to the meeting and hearing what Kup had to say.

Bluestreak looked over at Rodimus and shrugged his shoulders. “I guess it was something I said.” The Autobot gunner then followed after the former Predacon, but kept his distance this time as he could sense the grumpy mood Howl was currently in.


Following behind Grimlock, Snarl entered the Ark through the open cargo ramp and began making his way towards the bridge. The Desert Warrior thought about what the Dinobot Commander had just said regarding getting rid of the infiltration protocols once they arrived back in the Sol System. The entire concept of infiltration was rather new to him as the idea didn’t exist back before their long, impromptu hibernation. The notion of both sides hiding from one another most of the time was not something Snarl or his comrades were akin to. The Dinobots were designed for heavy, in-your-face warfare, not this covert operations crap. They were too damn big and too damn loud to hide from anyone and they didn’t want to, anyway.

“Me agree,” Snarl again uttered those words in reference to something Grimlock had said. It was quickly becoming a habit, one that would hopefully continue if Grimlock was to try for the Autobot leadership. “Infiltration thing stupid idea. We need to be on front lines and take it to Decepticons. We built to fight and destroy, not hide and wait around.” The Desert Warrior grumbled under his breath as he continued onward towards the bridge. With the exception of one small skirmish against the Predacons, the Dinobots had seen little action on Cybertron. That would hopefully change once they returned to Earth as Snarl relished the heat of battle more than anything and longed to get back to it as soon as possible.

The Ark-22 – Bridge

The doors slid apart, allowing Howlstrike to enter the bridge first. He simply stood off to one side of the large room, not wanting to sit at a console since dealing with technology and computers was not one of his strong suits. He didn’t want to accidentally crash the ship’s systems before they even got airborne. Then they would all be stuck here on Cybertron until things got fixed, and Kup would be none too happy in the interim.

A few astroseconds passed before Bluestreak followed through the doors and took up a position on the opposite side from where the former Predacon was standing. It wasn’t an intentional act on his part to avoid Howl as it was natural for ‘Streak to head straight for the weapons station on any bridge he was on. The gunner sat down in front of the view screen and let his actuators glide across the keys, bringing the ship’s arsenal online. So not to waste any time while waiting for Kup to arrive, the black and silver mech began running some quick diagnostics to ensure that all targeting and firing systems were in full working order. It was unlikely that they would encounter any trouble on the way back to the Sol System, but one couldn’t be too careful when dealing with the Decepticons as Shockwave or the Predacons might find it beneficial to try and take them out during the upcoming voyage. It would surely place the Autobots back on Earth at a grave disadvantage if that happened.

I don’t even want to think about it, Bluestreak thought as he watched for any anomalies in the weapons systems to appear on his screen. So far, so good. Nothing had popped up yet as the gunner's attention was drawn away by the sound of the bridge doors opening again. He turned in his chair to see Snarl enter the room with the rest of the Dinobots. The room was quickly filling up. Soon Kup would arrive, as well, and then the meeting would begin and they would finally get some answers.
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Re: Iacon - Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Ember » Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:37 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
The Ark – 22 – Corridors

Rodimus flashed the gunner and tracker a pleasant smile and a nod. The self-proclaimed Autobot leader listened patiently while Bluestreak began to ramble on; had he been alone with him Rodimus would probably have shut him up permanently, but with Howlstrike present he needed to remain in character….for now.

Rodimus furrowed his brow when Bluestreak mentioned that he was curious to know why they had been ordered back to Earth. The flame emblazoned mech considered telling the two bots that their leader was gone and that he would be taking over the role once they arrived, but he relented in order to give Kup the chance to break the news. After all, he certainly did not want the rest of the team to break down and bombard him with questions and concerns, at least not until he takes his rightful place.

Rodimus carefully eyed the tracker as he spoke trying to ease Bluestreak’s uncertainty and curiosity. He then tunred and began to walk toward the bridge. Rodimus followed closely behind along with Bluestreak.

“You don’t like me, do you Howlstrike? You think I was forcing my views on Kup, and that bothers you.”

Had he been in his true form, Rodimus would have simply eliminated the tracker for just letting the thoughts cross his processor. Howstrike would be a concern, but only if he couldn’t convince Kup that he was the heir to the Autobot leadership role.

“I respect your concerns, but I’m not out to convince anyone my views are the best. I just want everyone to consider all sides.”

Hoping the subject would finally be at rest, Rodimus moved past the tracker and entered the bridge.
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Re: Iacon - Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Devastron » Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:40 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
OOC: I'm going to assume everyone, save the Dinobots, is on the bridge at this point. If you didn't post your character moving there then just assume they got there in time to hear what Kup has to say

Ark-22 Bridge

Kup arrived on the bridge of the Autobot vessel, his expression grim. He wasn’t looking forward to this at all, but it had to be done. At least he had Springer here to help back him up and keep things stable. You could never tell how these younger Bots would take news like this. Some of them would handle it ok, it would shake them up but they would plow ahead. Some of them might lose it all together, curl up in a little ball and block the world out. He’d seen it in the past when other Prime’s had died. You elevate one mech to such a high level and some were bound to just not handle it when they died, and no other Prime had been as accomplished or recognized as Optimus.

The old timer glanced around the room, making sure all of the bots he had to speak to were there. He didn’t want to have to do this again. Finally he took a spot at the front of the bridge facing everyone else.

“Alright, you all know that something is up since we are leaving Cybertron in such a hurry. Unfortunately I don’t have good news for you. Prowl sent in a report from Earth. It seems there was a major battle there that resulted in the detonation of the Con base on the surface. Optimus was caught in the explosion and is presumed to have been terminated. Search teams have found no trace of him. We have to move on without him now.”

Kup paused for a moment to let that sink in before continuing. “We are heading back to Earth to help stabilize things there and work on the leadership question. There is also a fairly good chance that the Cons lost Megatron in the same blast, so we might have an opportunity here to do some real damage to the Cons.” As he spoke he made sure to look all of the others in the optics.” So, mourn the loss of Optimus Prime, but be ready to carry on the fight with out him. We’ll win this war for him!”

The older Autobot turned to Springer. “Get us up in the air Springer, its time we got back into the war.” He moved to the command chair and sat down as Springer worked the helm. Thrusters ignited beneath the vessel as it slowly lifted into the air. Landing gear retracted and the main engines flare as the ship made its way back into space.


Ark-22 Conference room

Grimlock lead his team to the empty room. Having already heard the news of Prime’s death and spreading it to the Dinobots he wasn’t particularly interested in hearing it all over again. He would let the other Autobots wring their hands and cry about it while he planned for the future.

The Dinobot leader took a seat at the head of the table and replied to Snarl. “Infiltration have few advantages. Keep natives out of war, less fuel usage. Might be useful in some situations, but definitely not all. Me think that why war last so long, both sides get used to long, drawn out game. We going to change that, hit Decepticons hard and fast where they weakest. Maybe take more energy but it deliver real results. We need to hurt Decepticons, not play games with natives. We keep them out of it if we can, but best way to keep them safe is eliminate Decepticons.”

Grimlock began working on the computer console mounted on the table. He wanted to know what he would be getting into on Earth. He pulled up some information on the planet itself and the roster of Autobots assigned there. He grunted when he saw Prowl’s name on the list. There was one Autobot he was going to butt heads with right off the bat, especially if the other Autobot fancied himself to be leadership material.
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Re: Iacon - Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Smokescreen85 » Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:31 am

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Ark-22 – Bridge

Howlstrike stood at one side of the bridge, having listened to the words coming from Rodimus as he entered the room. The tracker said nothing in response as it could only serve to exasperate the situation given his current mood. Howl did give the flamed mech a sparing glance to acknowledge that he had heard him, but that was all. Hot Rod was right, of course, the former Predacon didn't like him for the very reasons he just admitted to. Whether or not Rodimus was really just trying to make others see all sides of the equation was yet to be proven. It certainly wasn't something Howl believed in outright. Not based on the self-proclaimed Prime's actions thus far. That opinion might change in the future, but not until the cavalier's attitude changed.

Howlstrike's attention shifted as Kup entered the bridge and took up a position at the front. The grim look on the old timer's face plate was as clear to him as the tracker had ever seen from his friend. Something was terribly wrong and that feeling was quickly confirmed when Kup delivered the bad news to all those assembled.

Optimus Prime was dead.

The former Predacon wasn't sure how to feel about the loss of the Autobot leader. He had only met Prime on a few occasions, but he did have a great deal of respect for him, especially since Optimus had allowed Howlstrike to join the Autobot ranks after having served in the Dececption army for so long. Howl knew that Kup probably had a great deal to do with that decision, but the tracker was still grateful for the opportunity given to him for redemption.

Once Kup was finished speaking, he ordered Springer to get the ship into the air and then took a seat in the command chair. Once the Ark-22 had lifted off, Howlstrike moved away from the wall of the bridge and stood beside his friend. He placed a clawed hand on Kup's shoulder and peered down at him, giving the old warhorse a supportive nod. Howl wasn't sure who would make the best replacement for Optimus, but he knew that it wasn't Hot Rod, regardless of what he claimed regarding the Matrix supposedly speaking to him. The tracker looked over at where Rodimus was standing, fully expecting the flame-covered 'Bot to once again make a bid for leadership.


Bluestreak's spark sank deep down in his chest cavity as he heard the news of Optimus Prime's apparent demise. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Another major casualty in this everlasting war, this time their beloved leader. There had been many Primes that have met their end over the vorns, but none like Optimus. He was one of a kind and would be very difficult to replace. It was a surreal feeling that caused a flood of emotions to overtake Blue's frame, causing him to quiver slightly. A similar feeling had washed over him after the destruction of his home city, only that was far worse as the number of dead was much greater.

However, the fact that only one was lost in this situation instead of many didn't help Bluestreak's mood one bit. Optimus was worth a hundred ordinary mechs and was possibility the greatest loss the Autotbots had faced in some time. The gunner leaned back in his seat and lowered his head down. On this rare occasion he was speechless. There were no words to describe what he was feeling. He just knew that he was tired of the endless fighting that seemed to only accomplish getting more and more Autobots killed with very little gains to be had against the enemy. It was time for this war to end and if Megatron had been lost, as well, then perhaps now was the time to strike the Decepticons a decisive blow and finally make that happen.

Fighting back his emotions, Bluestreak forced himself to his feet as he looked over at Kup. “Sir, I think I speak for all of us when I say that we're ready to fight back and give the 'Cons exactly what they deserve! For Optimus!” The gunner raised his weapon into the air as a sign of respect for their fallen leader. He then sat back down and returned his attention to the weapons console in front of him.

Ark-22 – Conference Room

Snarl followed Grimlock into the room and took a seat at the table to the right of the Dinobot Commander. He listened to his leader speak and nodded as each point was made. It went without saying that the two powerful mechs had their differences in the past, but now was not the time for infighting. The loss of Prime was a great one for the Autobot cause, but it also came with an opportunity to finally end this conflict by hitting the 'Cons while they're down. No more tip toeing around and hiding. It was time to bring the fight to the enemy, which was something the Desert Warrior had been waiting to do ever since arriving back on Cybertron. Hot Rodimus had promised that but then came up short when he took no action against Shockwave. Now, the Dinobots were going to do what was necessary whether the rest of the Autobots liked it or not.

“Agreed,” Snarl said in a low growl. “But me have question. Since we try keep natives out of fighting, is there need to change alt modes again, Grimlock? Or since Dinobots not following infiltration, is it not necessary?” The Desert Warrior had made it no secret that he was not particularly fond of his reptilian beast mode, but admittedly the form did have its usefulness. Not to mention, from what little Snarl had seen of Earth's vehicles, there didn't appear to be anything that would suit him or a team as large and powerful as the Dinobots.
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Re: Iacon - Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby AshesOfPain » Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:58 am

Motto: "Good food and good drink can do only half of what their excellent variations can."
Weapon: Crossbow
Ark-22 Bridge

Wheeljack could only stare in disbelief at what Kup was saying. Prime no longer functions, he thought.

He took a few moments to process this new information, and as much as he respected the old warhorse Kup, he had to vent his logic circuits at the old timer.

"All due respect Kup, this doesn't make one slaggin bit of sense. If both Prime and Megs got caught in that blast, why , by Primus, are we going back? We should be giving Shockwave and his minions a lesson in proper attack protocols, and have them scurry back to Earth to salvage what ever is left of the Decepticon forces. I know I'm not the strategist here, but come on. Whose logic circuits came up with this plan?

Who do we have on Earth that is in High Command? A good number of bots by my reckoning; so, why not let High Command deal with figuring out who gets to sit in the Big Chair, while we take care of business."

Having shared his point of view with the majority of the room, as Wheeljack was too worked up for a polite chat, the engineer went over to a computer terminal and started making sure his relay feed was up and running. He had a lot riding on that ever so tenuous information exchange that had been set up with the purple overlord. He did not start regaining his composure until after the data packets started streaming, even then he was still quite ruffled in his manifolds.
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Re: Iacon - Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Devastron » Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:45 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Ark-22 Bridge

Kup nodded at Bluestreak as he felt Howlstrike’s hand on his shoulder. They were good lads, even if they fought like cybercast and robodogs from Centaurus Prime. He knew he could count on them both going ahead. Springer would certainly be of help too. There weren’t many Autobots around tougher then he was, and his leadership with the Wreckers would certainly be a plus. There was nothing like having the former leader of the crazy Special Forces squad on your side.

The old timer was a bit startled by Wheeljack’s outburst though. He figured the engineer would just go along with it. It wasn’t that he didn’t want his input, heck he welcomed any input from the big brain types, but he phrased it in a pretty scathing way, and he did take a bit of an issue with that. Lots of these younger types always thought they were smarter then the old mech. Still, he didn’t take it personally. Tempers were liable to be a bit hot after that sort of news.

“Well Wheeljack, let me put it to you this way. If Megatron is dead, what do you think is happening on Earth? I’m sure with the news of his death Starscream’s spark nearly burst from his chest in excitement. He is there grabbing all the power he can reach. Now think of Shockwave, isolated on Cybertron and away from practically everything. You think he’s just gonna sit there while Starscream solidifies his hold on things?” Kup snorted, “No, I’m sure ‘logic’ dictated he get his aft back to Earth as soon as possible. The fact that he abruptly left the meeting like that confirms that to me. No, we are all done on Cybertron for now. The next round of fighting will be on or around Earth.”


Ark-22 – Conference Room

Grimlock considered Snarl’s question for a moment. He hadn’t really considered that much. Really, he was rather enjoying his current alternate mode. It specialized in up close and brutal kills, which happened to be his specialty anyway. While he knew the other Dinobots hadn’t been quite as lucky they all seemed to have pretty good alternate modes as well.

“Me hadn’t really thought of that Snarl. From what me see though there not much on Earth worth taking for alternate mode now. Looks like animals we used all dead. Too bad, me would have liked to have seen planet full of them instead of little humans. Too small and fragile me think, and primitive. Don’t think we find anything better then what we have now. Besides, me just starting to get real hang of this alternate mode, and it probably freak out some Cons.”
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Re: Iacon - Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sun Oct 30, 2011 3:08 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Ark-22 - Bridge

While Bluestreak's small tribute to Prime had been a welcome one by Howlstrike and most others present, Wheeljack's mild tantrum had not been as well received. The hunter was a bit surprised by the outburst, having expected Rodimus to be the one to challenge Kup and not the usually quiet inventor. Regardless, Howl remained silent as the old timer gave his rational and well thought out reasoning for leaving. With the leaders of both factions now missing and presumed dead, no mech on either side was going to sit around and twiddle their actuators on Cybertron while all of the action transpired on and around Earth. The small blue orb may only be considered a backwater world to most, but like it or not the planet was now one of the most important fronts in the entire war effort.

Satisfied that Kup had things well in hand, Howlstrike patted the old timer on the shoulder before the hunter moved away from the command chair and walked across the bridge, finding a seat at a console directly in front of Bluestreak. The Autobot gunner's attention had been previously drawn away from his station by the somewhat heated exchange. He fully agreed with Kup, of course, and attributed Wheeljack's uncharacteristic outburst as nothing more than the stress of the situation getting to him. 'Streak would need to have a chat with the inventor at some point as he always found that talking about things seemed to alleviate any pent up anxiety.

Bluestreak's attempt to get back to work was interrupted again when the former Predacon sat down in front of him, a slight grin spread across his animalistic faceplate as he stared right at the gunner. 'Streak tried to ignore the Autobot tracker, but it was no use as Howl seemed determined to bother him. “Is there something you want, Howl?” Bluestreak finally asked with a sigh, trying not to look Howlstrike in the optics and instead focus on the terminal in front of him. Normally the silver and black mech would chat up anyone who sat near him, but the hunter/tracker was a different story as he made the gunner feel a bit uncomfortable to say the least. It wasn’t as bad as before, but ‘Streak still would rather have a mech like Springer to talk to.

“Not really. I’ve just been wondering about something for a while now and thought you might help me clear it up,” Howlstrike responded, keeping his optics on Bluestreak.

“And what would that be?”

“Your name’s Bluestreak, right?”

The gunner gave Howl a perplexed look. “Last time I checked, yes.”

“Well, isn’t it usually customary for any mech with a color in their name to actually have said color somewhere on their frame?”

“Is there a point you’re trying to make, Howl?” Bluestreak asked, feeling somewhat irritated with the former Predacon’s line of questioning.

“My point is that you don’t have any actual blue on you anywhere. Wouldn’t a name like Silverstreak be a better fit?”

Bluestreak let out a deeper sigh as he sat back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest plate. “Wow, you must really be bored if you’re asking me about my color scheme.” The gunner remained silent for a moment, looking to see if Howlstrike would have any kind of follow-up quip. When the hunter did nothing but continue to stare at him, the silver and black mech felt the need to give a slight explanation. “Fine, if you must know, before the war I used to be mainly blue in color with some silver mixed in. That's where my name originally came from. Happy?”

Howlstrike squinted his optics at the Autobot gunner trying to figure out from his facial features whether he was really serious or not. When the tracker determined that ‘Streak wasn’t joking around he asked the obvious follow-up question. “Really? So, why did you change your colors?”

Bluestreak’s expression instantly became more serious as he unfolded his arms and went back to work at his console. “My colors changed when I changed,” he replied stoically, trying to avoid going down that dark road any further. ‘Streak wasn’t sure if the tracker was just trying to start up a friendly conversation or if he was simply trying to annoy him. Either way, it wasn’t something the gunner was willing to talk about in any more detail, especially not with a former Predacon. "Now, if you don't mind, I've got work to do."

Howlstrike cocked his cranial unit to one side as he wasn't quite sure what Bluestreak had meant. The tracker also realized that the usually talkative Autobot had no desire to continue the present discussion and therefore no further explanation was forthcoming. “I’m sorry if I touched a nerve receptor. I just figured a chat would help pass the time as we traveled to Earth,” the hunter growled as he turned his back to Bluestreak and faced the controls of his own console. “I guess I was wrong,” Howl added as he looked down at the various buttons and lights that adorned his terminal. He was reluctant to touch anything as his technological prowess was less than admirable. Therefore, Howl decided to leave things alone to avoid any unintended problems he might otherwise cause. This line of reasoning didn't just apply to his computer, but to a certain Autobot gunner, as well.

Ark-22 - Conference Room

Snarl nodded in agreement at his commander’s response regarding their present alt modes. While the dinosaurs they were each based on were now all extinct, the Desert Warrior had to admit that these monstrous forms would certainly give the Decepticons on Earth something more to fear than the usual cars or trucks. Snarl still wasn’t thrilled with the aesthetics of his Stegosaurus mode, but he had made the best of it thus far and found that it was far better than anything else the primitives on Earth could provide.

“You right, Grimlock. If these creatures still alive, we blend in better. Too bad. Fleshling vehicles not very fitting for Dinobots. Even military machines not up to our standards. Guess keeping beast modes best option for us.” Snarl paused for a moment to consider what some of the other Autobots might think about them retaining their Dino modes. “However, while me not worried, we might have problem with Kup or Prowl if they want us change modes for stupid infiltration. Love to see them try and make us. Heh heh heh.”
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Re: Iacon - Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby KayBee » Thu Nov 03, 2011 7:45 am

ARK 22 - Bridge

Arcee had done all the work she needed to do at her console. She contemplated finding a way to remain busy there but thought it might be better to be a little social. Some of the others had remained uncharacteristically quiet, while others had been aberrantly outspoken.

Pushing away from her chair she surveyed the remaining bots in the room. Springer was busy flying, and she thought wheeljack might appreciate the time to cool down. She walked over to the gunner station between Bluestreak and Howlstrike and addressed them both.

“How are you two holding up?” She said quietly “First a less than stellar visit home, and now this huh. It’s enough to make a ‘bot want to just shut down.”

Howlstrike was a former predacon, which made her a little weary of his temperament, but far be it for her to judge a book by it’s cover. If Optimus had trusted him and Kup let him walk around freely on the bridge, she obviously had little to fear.

“It really makes you want to get there and teach some decepticons a lesson.” She continued “I don’t think I’ve ever been more anxious to get somewhere in my life.”

Anxious was a good word for it. Excited but nervous, relieved but weary. On her exterior she exuded confidence in her words, but inside she was aware of the chaos they might be facing upon arrival.
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Re: Iacon - Autobot Command Complex: HQ Facility

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sat Nov 05, 2011 7:33 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Ark-22 - Bridge

Seeing as though there was nothing more for him to do at the moment except sit idly in his chair, Howlstrike had begun to meditate in order to pass the time until they had arrived back in the Sol System. It was a method he often used in order to help keep his anger in check, and it worked quite well....most of the time, anyway. There were still things that triggered his aggressive tendencies, but thanks to Kup’s teachings, Howl had learned to at least curb his reactions into something a little less destructive.

Arcee’s approach and subsequent attempt to start a conversation had roused him from his meditative state. Howlstrike looked over at the pink femme with a sense of intrigue. The tracker had spent very little time in her presence as she mostly spent time with Hot Rod. Of course, the cavalier had changed a great deal in the past several cycles, so much so that perhaps she no longer recognized him. Maybe that’s why she had chosen to converse with the former Predacon and the unusually quite Bluestreak, instead. Regardless, Howl decided not to be rude and offered a response.

“I’m holding up just fine, Arcee,” the Autobot hunter spoke in his deep, gruff vocalizer which was a stark contrast to the softer sounding femme. He hoped his voice didn’t startle her too much as he was curious as to where this little chat would end up going. “How are you?” Howlstrike’s awkward tone in speaking with Arcee elicited a slight chuckle from Bluestreak, whose optics remained fixated on his view screen. “Did you say something, Tiny?” Howl asked, glancing over at the silver and black mech.

The Autobot gunner finally looked up when he heard the tracker’s nickname for him. It was obviously meant to get his attention and it had worked. However, Bluestreak remained calm, having successfully pushed those previous dark thoughts out of his processor for the time being. Instead, he simply glared back at the former Predacon without uttering a response to him before looking up at the pink femme. “To answer your question, Arcee, I’m fine. I have to admit the news of Prime’s death hit me pretty hard as I never thought we’d ever lose Optimus. I always considered him unstoppable, you know? But, I guess no mech is truly indestructible are they? Everybody becomes one with the Allspark eventually. Of course, once we arrive back on Earth and kick some Decepticon aft plates I’ll be even better!”

“Well, there’s the talkative mech we all know and love! Glad to have ya back!” Howlstrike interjected as a grin spread over his animal-like face plate.

Bluestreak glared back at the hunter once more and uttered a short, simple reply: “Bite me, Gruesome.”

“Ha ha! You’re lucky I’m not hungry right now,” Howlstrike retorted as he playfully licked his metallic lips. “Or am I?”

“Well, if you are, I hope you choke on my tail pipe,” Bluestreak said, shaking his cranial unit before looking back up at Arcee. “Sorry about that. My friend here has a tendency of getting on my nerve receptors. Thankfully, I’m learning to ignore most of his comments, but I still have a long way to go.”
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