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NEW Character Applications

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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Vulkan » Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:02 am

Rust Cut

Character is design is based off of

Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-group: Insecticons (Technically)
Function: (Mad) Scientist
Alternate Modes: Lady Bug
Weapons: Claw like hands, Stun Pistol, various medical tools and occasionally a new device. (All robot)
Special Abilities: Integrity field
Height: 10ft/ 8m
Quote: “I'll fix it.. I`ll fix it.. I`ll fix it.. I`ll fix it..”

Strength: 04
Intelligence: 10
Dexterity: 07
Speed: 07
Endurance: 09
Courage: 04
Firepower: 05
Accuracy: 07
Melee: 02
Tech Skill: 10
Charisma: 8

Profile: A long time ago before the days of the war Rust Cut (formerly known as BeetTrace) used to be the most beautiful, kind and "naive" of all cybertronian scientist. Her voice back then was soft and warm, her social life buzzing with interaction and when on the job she was always part of something big being developed. However during the early stages of the war, eight of her associates were accused of being Decepticon sympathizers and were taken for instigation/interrogation. During the time of their absence all projects that were not weapon related were put on halt and the local law enforcement coming to claim all possessions from the work places of those eight.

With the exception of one were all never seen again. The returning associate named Burst Shot had a look of pure shock and horror on his face. Sadly the news he brought was grim. The other seven were executed. Neither Rust Cut or Burst Shot knew if any of them were traitors but it was highly doubtful. What Burst Shot did know however was the cause for what they were exterminated for was because of their most recent research. The eight of them were researching how to create and resurrect Cybertronians. He had claimed they were partially successful in one experiment but sadly the test subject quickly combusted.

Time had passed. The grip of the City State became far worst. Burst Shot was eventually executed under the false pretense of being a traitor most likely being found out to being the eight who worked on such taboo. The remaining Scientist including Rust Shot were forced into labor camp working conditions producing new and more efficient weapons and the City State eventually became a police state. Each day those close to Rust Cut would be arrested and forced into labor doing something or other and each Mega-cycle Rust Cut would Lament over her loses.

However after countless Meta-cycles the Decepticons invaded and many of the cybertronians revolted against the City State bringing it to its knees and eventually ripping apart the elected officials.

It was strange. The Decepticons the ones who were supposed to take away their rights the ones who were supposed to destroy their way of life brought it back somewhat the day they took over.

What few Scientist remaining were slain during the invasion during the cross fire with the exception of Rust Cut. Rust Cut who had sworn she was killed
and sworn she saw the after life but just can only put together a vague image of it. Remembering the goals her associates had came up with. She decided her use to the Decepticon cause would be to create and return life.

Many Vorns later however obsessed and rarely seen in the light the once beautiful Rust Cut has just let herself go. Her fingers tips once round and smooth are now wicked sharp for more precise movements. One side of her face is now covered with rust and burnt marks. Her posture once proper and professional has been reduced to a slouch. Her soft warm tone now replaced with a cold dim growl like manner of speaking.


Scientist: Able to create new and "interesting" weapons.

Medic: Able to do repairs

Booby Trapped Weapons: Most weapons made by Rust Cut will break, explode or electrocute whoever is using them if Rust Cut sends out the signal to do so.


Obsessed: Rust Cut may be brilliant but sadly only has one goal in mind. When tasted with anything there is a good chance Rust Cut will likely be late on delivery of any project in exchange for just a few more notes.

Not a fighter: Rust Cut is awful at hand to hand combat and poses almost no threat in close quarters fighting unless She has a "special device" ready and even then her own lack of combat expertise will not allow her to use it at its full Potential

Integrity field: The Integrity field only covers only the beetle parts of Rust Shot

Sample Post:

Rust Cut walked over to a workbench and, point over to a concealed item far too large for a robot her size on top of it. "Ah, yes here is it look at it so lo-" Rust Cut groaned as she revealed the item. The item was a large shield with the bottom smaller than the top. "Yes as you can see here friend you put this on you block incoming fire you go up to the Autobots" Rust Cut wrapped her arms around the shield and lugged it to the curious Decepticon grunting along until he came to her and took the shield from her to put it on himself "Oh and you wrap your hand around the handle and give a squeeze and spikes come out the bottom to stab your Autobot and shock him! I mean enemy Autobot.. Who would keep an Autobot tied up? That's weird.. You are weird." The Decepticon looked at her with curiosity in his eyes. "Oh and best best BEST of all look what happens when I press this button on my fore arm!" The Decepticon holding the shield shook his head and held his pal out begging no while Rust Cut laughed pressing it. The shield then electrocuted the Decepticon holding it, knocking him out cold.
"Yeah that just happened.."
Last edited by Vulkan on Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Insidious » Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:27 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
ChaosWave360 wrote:Fixed it up, this should be better and also added his fighting style too.


Allegiance: Decepticon 
Function: Hunter
Alternate Modes: Scorpion
Weapons: Primary: Particle beam Cannon, Secondary: Plasma blasters, Melee: Energon scythe
Special Abilities: Radar
Height: 28ft/14 m
Quote: “Taking you with me to the depths.”

Strength: 7
Intelligence: 5
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 6
Endurance: 7
Courage: 7
Firepower: 7
Accuracy: 7
Melee: 7
Tech Skill: 4
Charisma: 5


Hunting is a sport that drives my inner being. That is the sentence that describes Deathstinger as he enjoys hunting bots. When giving the order to hunt down autobots or traitorous decepticons, he’ll do it. Earth based vehicles are useless in the hunt for him so he chooses a scorpion. The reason for this is because of it allows him to dig through the ground. A perfect form for him to go underground and hunt land based units.

Deathstinger joined the decepticons for one reason and that is to hunt. Being an autobot, they wouldn’t allow him to hunt down bots and kill them because of their moral code. Therefore choosing the decepticons and helping Megatron achieve his goals for allowing him to hunt is a preferable choice of action.

When working with comrades, if they don’t get in his way during the hunt then there will be no problems. Decepticons that get in his way will have a taste of his wrath. Deathstinger has a sadistic personality as he plays around with his prey if he knows the outcome would come out in his favor.

Deathstinger alt form is a black scorpion that is used to camouflage during the night and to go underground. Fitting his hunting style, he transforms into his robot form with his pincers serving as his arms and his tail hiding behind him until it becomes an energon scythe. Each of his legs in scorpion form, combine to form two legs for his robot form. The head serves as the chest plate while the pincers move up to his shoulders. He has a visor and a face plate for battle, his opponents often see their own demise off of the reflection from his visor.


Deathstinger is a hunter, an assassin assigned to hunt down autobots or traitorous decepticons. He can go underground to avoid missiles or any other explosion.

One of his weapons is the Particle beam cannon which is his favorite weapon. If he knows that his prey is far and out of his reach then he’ll resort to this weapon. Its a high pressure beam that can cause quickly injure a transformer with multiple shots. They have enough power to push back cybertronians back a few yards. In robot mode, his particle beam cannon is in the middle of his chest.

Inside his claws, are his plasma blasters that he uses for long range combat. The plasma is highly heat based and a couple of clean shots would begin to melt through armor.

His tail loses its ability to fire the particle beam cannon when Deathstinger goes to robot form; however, it transforms into a energon scythe. A highly pressured blade made to cut through almost any material.

While Deathstinger has long range weapons, he personally likes to be in close combat fighting. His strength allows him to pick up bots and overpowered them. Weak, small and nondurable bots will be crushed by his grip if he gets his hands on them.

Deathstinger armor allows him to last longer in battle due to his armor being thick. His armor is incredibly thick which enables him to take a beating before having to retreat.

His special ability is his radar to locate transformers far away. This allows him to know where his enemy is hiding so that he can fire his particle beam cannon. With the radar, no prey would hide from him.

Due to his years of Pit Fighting in the gladiators days of Kaon, he has enough experience to overpower opponents with his fighting style. Although, Deathstinger hasn't fully mastered the art, he finds way to improve his fighting style so that he can make new ways to surprise his enemies. This style of fighting greatly expresses his way of saying brute strength conquers all.


If he’s facing an aerial bot then Deathstinger won’t be able to reach them unless they are on the ground. The only way to hit them is with the Rapid plasma guns and particle beam cannon, but against an aerial bot, it would likely miss.

His sadistic nature in playing with his prey may cost him the battle as the opponent would be given enough time to find a counter attack.

When things doesn’t get his way, he tends to ignore all orders by superiors to make sure that it does or simply retreat. Simply put, he doesn’t make smart decisions when that happens.

Sample Post

“Wake up, oh wake up my little autobot...”

The autobot optics flashed to life as he quickly looked around to see that he was in some sort of cell. When he looked forward, he saw a scorpion like bot transformed in front of him. A quick smile under his visor came as Deathstinger examined the poor autobot. His claws gripping the bots head for a little examination. Deathstinger gently started to scratch the bots paint to hear a delicious sound of the bots pain. He suddenly stopped as he got back to business, he looked up and saw a glare in the bots eyes. This autobot got a little spunk in him, thats good, it’ll make the torture all the more sweeter.

“Tell me autobot, where is the location of the autobot base?”

The autobot said nothing, but that was to be expected. They always didn’t give up that easily when it comes to stuff like this. Deathstinger took out his swords from his claws and began to slowly dissect the bot causing him pain. Slowly from the leg to the waist, Deathstinger kept asking the same question repeatedly, but the bot wouldn’t break. Realizing that this wasn’t getting no where, Deathstinger stopped and turned around to bring out a cage.

The autobot quickly asked what was in the cage as Deathstinger chuckled. “You should know her.” The bots partner & lover was in the cage as she is critically injured and in need of repair.

“Decepticon punk, what do you plan on doing with her?”

Deathstinger looked at him for a minute before bursting out into laughter. He quickly hung her up like a piece of clothing and began to pull out his swords with some acid.

“You’ll see my little prey.”

The autobot realized what he was going to do and begged him to stop, but Deathstinger wouldn’t listen as he begun the process of dissecting her. Some parts were opened as he slowly poured a little bits of acid into her as she screams. Deathstinger looked up to see the autobot trying to break free to save her, but was unable to do so. He chuckled and continued the process until it reached her waist then stopped. Deathstinger got up and walked over to the autobot to see if he’ll answer now.

“All right, I’ll tell you, the base is north west in Japan. Now just leave her alone please.”

Deathstinger nodded as he sent the coordinates to his decepticon superiors. However, his job was not done yet. Deathstinger went towards the bot’s partner and sliced her head off to release her from the pain. The bot screamed out in rage over his lost and swore revenge without realizing that he couldn’t get it. Deathstinger walked up towards him and looked him in the optics. The bot can see himself off of his visor as Deathstinger laughed in his face.

“Well, my prey, you done a little bit better than most, but I will reward you for giving me the information.”

He takes out a container filled with acid and poured it on him as the bot screamed in pain. Hearing the scream was music to his processors as he walked away to leave him to rot. With his mission done, Deathstinger returns to base to get another mission to hunt down more autobots.

Alright, looks workable. Feel free to start him off on the Thanatos, as requested. No more applications for a while, until we're more than confidant that you can keep up with the ones you've got. Enjoy!
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Insidious » Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:34 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Turbine wrote:Tentakil

Allegiance: Decepticons
Function: Underwater Demolitions
Alt. Mode: Amphibious Cyber-Squid
Weapons: Dual laser-guided slime blasters
Height: 26 ft / 7.93 m
Quote: “Embrace your enemies…until they’re terminated!”

Strength: 8
Intelligence: 6
Dexterity: 8 in water, 6 as robot, 1 in squid mode on land
Speed: 6
Endurance: 6
Courage: 7
Firepower: 7
Accuracy: 6
Melee: 8
Tech. Skill: 4
Charisma: 8
Rank: 6

Profile: Don't be deceived by Tentakil's gentle touch and soothing words- he is undeniably the cruelest, deadliest Seacon. His style is as distinctive as it is lethal: he showers a potential victim with kindness, offering him help, even complimenting his appearance. And then, once he has gained the confidence of his victim, Tentakil moves in for the kill. In a flash, kindness turns to cruelty. The soft caress of his limbs turns into a deadly, unyielding stranglehold. He seems to take a perverse pleasure in these amiable charades, enjoying them even more than their inevitable, lethal conclusions. As his fellow Seacon, Nautilator, likes to say about him, "Tentakil can charm the fuel right out of your chassis." And given half a chance, he will.

Abilities: In cyber-squid mode, Tentakil can crush a submarine as if it were a soda can. Powerful electromagnets embedded within his tentacles enhance his strength to awesome proportions, giving Tentakil the vise-like grip that he is infamous for. Electrically charged feelers on his tentacles' surfaces can short-circuit and stun anything of an electrical nature on contact. While retreating, he can discharge a cloud of viscous black grease to hinder any pursuers. In weapons mode, he turns into twin 50,000 volt lightning rifles, which can operate on land and sea. He is insulated from any electrical attacks himself, so the rifles can't electrocute him underwater. In robot and cyber-squid modes, he wields dual laser-guided slime blasters, which shoot globs of highly adhesive gelatinous goo.

Weaknesses: A mysterious short circuit in his wiring often inhibits Tentakil's ability to transform from one mode to another. This causes him severe problems when he's stuck in robot mode underwater, or octopus mode on land. In these situations, the modes are poorly suited for the environments. In fact, on land, his octopus mode is more likely to keel over than take a step.

Sample Post:

"If the whole world was sea, I'd be as happy as can be!" Tentakil said to a 'Bot who was close to shutting down. "R-Really?" The 'Bot was starting to smile just when Tentakil grabbed his throat and thrust the 'Bot into the ocean. "works every time. Every time...".
When Tentakil did the same thing over and over to other 'Bots, He started to get bored. "...And that was, what? the 30th one now? Man, am I getting B-O-R-E-D." So, Tentakil set off to a different place and the same boredom befell him. "Well, I might as well go back to base to report my status."

This is a fairly obscure character on a team that's just starting to get some momentum, so I think we'd be more inclined to allow some leeway in getting you in the door since this is the type of character we would encourage for doing just that...but...that sample is very hard to read. It's sort of just one blocky paragraph. Some creative spacing would make it much easier on the eyes of other players.

See if you can do that (and if you want to add a little more "meat" to the post itself, that wouldn't hurt either) and repost and we'll see if we can't get you rolling.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Insidious » Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:19 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Vulkan wrote:Rust Cut

Character is design is based off of

Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-group: Insecticons (Technically)
Function: (Mad) Scientist
Alternate Modes: Lady Bug
Weapons: Claw like hands, Stun Pistol, various medical tools and occasionally a new device. (All robot)
Special Abilities: Integrity field
Height: 10ft/ 8m
Quote: “I'll fix it.. I`ll fix it.. I`ll fix it.. I`ll fix it..”

Strength: 04
Intelligence: 10
Dexterity: 07
Speed: 07
Endurance: 09
Courage: 04
Firepower: 05
Accuracy: 07
Melee: 02
Tech Skill: 10
Charisma: 8

Profile: A long time ago before the days of the war Rust Cut (formerly known as BeetTrace) used to be the most beautiful, kind and "naive" of all cybertronian scientist. Her voice back then was soft and warm, her social life buzzing with interaction and when on the job she was always part of something big being developed. However during the early stages of the war, eight of her associates were accused of being Decepticon sympathizers and were taken for instigation/interrogation. During the time of their absence all projects that were not weapon related were put on halt and the local law enforcement coming to claim all possessions from the work places of those eight.

With the exception of one were all never seen again. The returning associate named Burst Shot had a look of pure shock and horror on his face. Sadly the news he brought was grim. The other seven were executed. Neither Rust Cut or Burst Shot knew if any of them were traitors but it was highly doubtful. What Burst Shot did know however was the cause for what they were exterminated for was because of their most recent research. The eight of them were researching how to create and resurrect Cybertronians. He had claimed they were partially successful in one experiment but sadly the test subject quickly combusted.

Time had passed. The grip of the City State became far worst. Burst Shot was eventually executed under the false pretense of being a traitor most likely being found out to being the eight who worked on such taboo. The remaining Scientist including Rust Shot were forced into labor camp working conditions producing new and more efficient weapons and the City State eventually became a police state. Each day those close to Rust Cut would be arrested and forced into labor doing something or other and each Mega-cycle Rust Cut would Lament over her loses.

However after countless Meta-cycles the Decepticons invaded and many of the cybertronians revolted against the City State bringing it to its knees and eventually ripping apart the elected officials.

It was strange. The Decepticons the ones who were supposed to take away their rights the ones who were supposed to destroy their way of life brought it back somewhat the day they took over.

What few Scientist remaining were slain during the invasion during the cross fire with the exception of Rust Cut. Rust Cut who had sworn she was killed
and sworn she saw the after life but just can only put together a vague image of it. Remembering the goals her associates had came up with. She decided her use to the Decepticon cause would be to create and return life.

Many Vorns later however obsessed and rarely seen in the light the once beautiful Rust Cut has just let herself go. Her fingers tips once round and smooth are now wicked sharp for more precise movements. One side of her face is now covered with rust and burnt marks. Her posture once proper and professional has been reduced to a slouch. Her soft warm tone now replaced with a cold dim growl like manner of speaking.


Scientist: Able to create new and "interesting" weapons.

Medic: Able to do repairs

Booby Trapped Weapons: Most weapons made by Rust Cut will break, explode or electrocute whoever is using them if Rust Cut sends out the signal to do so.


Obsessed: Rust Cut may be brilliant but sadly only has one goal in mind. When tasted with anything there is a good chance Rust Cut will likely be late on delivery of any project in exchange for just a few more notes.

Not a fighter: Rust Cut is awful at hand to hand combat and poses almost no threat in close quarters fighting unless She has a "special device" ready and even then her own lack of combat expertise will not allow her to use it at its full Potential

Integrity field: The Integrity field only covers only the beetle parts of Rust Shot

Sample Post:

Rust Cut walked over to a workbench and, point over to a concealed item far too large for a robot her size on top of it. "Ah, yes here is it look at it so lo-" Rust Cut groaned as she revealed the item. The item was a large shield with the bottom smaller than the top. "Yes as you can see here friend you put this on you block incoming fire you go up to the Autobots" Rust Cut wrapped her arms around the shield and lugged it to the curious Decepticon grunting along until he came to her and took the shield from her to put it on himself "Oh and you wrap your hand around the handle and give a squeeze and spikes come out the bottom to stab your Autobot and shock him! I mean enemy Autobot.. Who would keep an Autobot tied up? That's weird.. You are weird." The Decepticon looked at her with curiosity in his eyes. "Oh and best best BEST of all look what happens when I press this button on my fore arm!" The Decepticon holding the shield shook his head and held his pal out begging no while Rust Cut laughed pressing it. The shield then electrocuted the Decepticon holding it, knocking him out cold.
"Yeah that just happened.."

Alrighty, lessee....interesting choice of character, first off. One of those that sort of straddles the canon/fanmade line. For the purposes of the game, it will be considered a fanmade, though it was nice that you provided a link to the visual design this character is based on.

As it will be considered a fanmade, can't have any 10s in the stats, so shave INT and TECH down to 9 at most. My math says you're sitting on 73 stat points as is, so after you shave off those two, you'll need to shave off another from somewhere else too, probably endurance, since the character is not designed to be much of a fighter anyway.

As for the sample, similar to my previous comment for another applicant, try to make it a little more reader-friendly. One big block of text isn't the most aesthetically enjoyable thing for the eyes to digest. Tinker around with those notes, repost and we'll see where we are :)
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Vulkan » Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:06 pm

Rust Cut

Character is design is based off of

Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-group: Insecticons (Technically)
Function: (Mad) Scientist
Alternate Modes: Lady Bug
Weapons: Claw like hands, Stun Pistol, various medical tools and occasionally a new device. (All robot)
Special Abilities: Integrity field
Height: 10ft/ 8m
Quote: “I'll fix it.. I`ll fix it.. I`ll fix it.. I`ll fix it..”

Strength: 04
Intelligence: 09
Dexterity: 07
Speed: 07
Endurance: 08
Courage: 04
Firepower: 05
Accuracy: 07
Melee: 02
Tech Skill: 09
Charisma: 8
Rank: 05

Profile: A long time ago before the days of the war Rust Cut (formerly known as BeetTrace) used to be the most beautiful, kind and "naive" of all cybertronian scientist. Her voice back then was soft and warm, her social life buzzing with interaction and when on the job she was always part of something big being developed. However during the early stages of the war, eight of her associates were accused of being Decepticon sympathizers and were taken for instigation/interrogation. During the time of their absence all projects that were not weapon related were put on halt and the local law enforcement coming to claim all possessions from the work places of those eight.

With the exception of one were all never seen again. The returning associate named Burst Shot had a look of pure shock and horror on his face. Sadly the news he brought was grim. The other seven were executed. Neither Rust Cut or Burst Shot knew if any of them were traitors but it was highly doubtful. What Burst Shot did know however was the cause for what they were exterminated for was because of their most recent research. The eight of them were researching how to create and resurrect Cybertronians. He had claimed they were partially successful in one experiment but sadly the test subject quickly combusted.

Time had passed. The grip of the City State became far worst. Burst Shot was eventually executed under the false pretense of being a traitor most likely being found out to being the eight who worked on such taboo. The remaining Scientist including Rust Shot were forced into labor camp working conditions producing new and more efficient weapons and the City State eventually became a police state. Each day those close to Rust Cut would be arrested and forced into labor doing something or other and each Mega-cycle Rust Cut would Lament over her loses.

However after countless Meta-cycles the Decepticons invaded and many of the cybertronians revolted against the City State bringing it to its knees and eventually ripping apart the elected officials.

It was strange. The Decepticons the ones who were supposed to take away their rights the ones who were supposed to destroy their way of life brought it back somewhat the day they took over.

What few Scientist remaining were slain during the invasion during the cross fire with the exception of Rust Cut. Rust Cut who had sworn she was killed
and sworn she saw the after life but just can only put together a vague image of it. Remembering the goals her associates had came up with. She decided her use to the Decepticon cause would be to create and return life.

Many Vorns later however obsessed and rarely seen in the light the once beautiful Rust Cut has just let herself go. Her fingers tips once round and smooth are now wicked sharp for more precise movements. One side of her face is now covered with rust and burnt marks. Her posture once proper and professional has been reduced to a slouch. Her soft warm tone now replaced with a cold dim growl like manner of speaking.


Scientist: Able to create new and "interesting" weapons.

Medic: Able to do repairs

Booby Trapped Weapons: Most weapons made by Rust Cut will break, explode or electrocute whoever is using them if Rust Cut sends out the signal to do so.


Obsessed: Rust Cut may be brilliant but sadly only has one goal in mind. When tasted with anything there is a good chance Rust Cut will likely be late on delivery of any project in exchange for just a few more notes.

Not a fighter: Rust Cut is awful at hand to hand combat and poses almost no threat in close quarters fighting unless She has a "special device" ready and even then her own lack of combat expertise will not allow her to use it at its full Potential

Integrity field: The Integrity field only covers only the beetle parts of Rust Shot

Sample Post:

Rust Cut walked over to a workbench and, point over to a concealed item far too large for a robot her size on top of it. "Ah, yes here is it look at it so lo-" Rust Cut groaned as she revealed the item. The item was a large shield with the bottom smaller than the top. "Yes as you can see here friend you put this on you block incoming fire you go up to the Autobots"

Rust Cut wrapped her arms around the shield and lugged it to the curious Decepticon grunting along until he came to her and took the shield from her to put it on himself "Oh and you wrap your hand around the handle and give a squeeze and spikes come out the bottom to stab your Autobot and shock him! I mean enemy Autobot.. Who would keep an Autobot tied up? That's weird.. You are weird."

The Decepticon looked at her with curiosity in his eyes. "Oh and best best BEST of all look what happens when I press this button on my fore arm!" The Decepticon holding the shield shook his head and held his pal out begging no while Rust Cut laughed pressing it. The shield then electrocuted the Decepticon holding it, knocking him out cold.
"Yeah that just happened.."
Last edited by Vulkan on Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Insidious » Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:18 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Vulkan wrote:Rust Cut

Character is design is based off of

Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-group: Insecticons (Technically)
Function: (Mad) Scientist
Alternate Modes: Lady Bug
Weapons: Claw like hands, Stun Pistol, various medical tools and occasionally a new device. (All robot)
Special Abilities: Integrity field
Height: 10ft/ 8m
Quote: “I'll fix it.. I`ll fix it.. I`ll fix it.. I`ll fix it..”

Strength: 04
Intelligence: 09
Dexterity: 07
Speed: 07
Endurance: 08
Courage: 04
Firepower: 05
Accuracy: 07
Melee: 02
Tech Skill: 09
Charisma: 8

Profile: A long time ago before the days of the war Rust Cut (formerly known as BeetTrace) used to be the most beautiful, kind and "naive" of all cybertronian scientist. Her voice back then was soft and warm, her social life buzzing with interaction and when on the job she was always part of something big being developed. However during the early stages of the war, eight of her associates were accused of being Decepticon sympathizers and were taken for instigation/interrogation. During the time of their absence all projects that were not weapon related were put on halt and the local law enforcement coming to claim all possessions from the work places of those eight.

With the exception of one were all never seen again. The returning associate named Burst Shot had a look of pure shock and horror on his face. Sadly the news he brought was grim. The other seven were executed. Neither Rust Cut or Burst Shot knew if any of them were traitors but it was highly doubtful. What Burst Shot did know however was the cause for what they were exterminated for was because of their most recent research. The eight of them were researching how to create and resurrect Cybertronians. He had claimed they were partially successful in one experiment but sadly the test subject quickly combusted.

Time had passed. The grip of the City State became far worst. Burst Shot was eventually executed under the false pretense of being a traitor most likely being found out to being the eight who worked on such taboo. The remaining Scientist including Rust Shot were forced into labor camp working conditions producing new and more efficient weapons and the City State eventually became a police state. Each day those close to Rust Cut would be arrested and forced into labor doing something or other and each Mega-cycle Rust Cut would Lament over her loses.

However after countless Meta-cycles the Decepticons invaded and many of the cybertronians revolted against the City State bringing it to its knees and eventually ripping apart the elected officials.

It was strange. The Decepticons the ones who were supposed to take away their rights the ones who were supposed to destroy their way of life brought it back somewhat the day they took over.

What few Scientist remaining were slain during the invasion during the cross fire with the exception of Rust Cut. Rust Cut who had sworn she was killed
and sworn she saw the after life but just can only put together a vague image of it. Remembering the goals her associates had came up with. She decided her use to the Decepticon cause would be to create and return life.

Many Vorns later however obsessed and rarely seen in the light the once beautiful Rust Cut has just let herself go. Her fingers tips once round and smooth are now wicked sharp for more precise movements. One side of her face is now covered with rust and burnt marks. Her posture once proper and professional has been reduced to a slouch. Her soft warm tone now replaced with a cold dim growl like manner of speaking.


Scientist: Able to create new and "interesting" weapons.

Medic: Able to do repairs

Booby Trapped Weapons: Most weapons made by Rust Cut will break, explode or electrocute whoever is using them if Rust Cut sends out the signal to do so.


Obsessed: Rust Cut may be brilliant but sadly only has one goal in mind. When tasted with anything there is a good chance Rust Cut will likely be late on delivery of any project in exchange for just a few more notes.

Not a fighter: Rust Cut is awful at hand to hand combat and poses almost no threat in close quarters fighting unless She has a "special device" ready and even then her own lack of combat expertise will not allow her to use it at its full Potential

Integrity field: The Integrity field only covers only the beetle parts of Rust Shot

Sample Post:

Rust Cut walked over to a workbench and, point over to a concealed item far too large for a robot her size on top of it. "Ah, yes here is it look at it so lo-" Rust Cut groaned as she revealed the item. The item was a large shield with the bottom smaller than the top. "Yes as you can see here friend you put this on you block incoming fire you go up to the Autobots"

Rust Cut wrapped her arms around the shield and lugged it to the curious Decepticon grunting along until he came to her and took the shield from her to put it on himself "Oh and you wrap your hand around the handle and give a squeeze and spikes come out the bottom to stab your Autobot and shock him! I mean enemy Autobot.. Who would keep an Autobot tied up? That's weird.. You are weird."

The Decepticon looked at her with curiosity in his eyes. "Oh and best best BEST of all look what happens when I press this button on my fore arm!" The Decepticon holding the shield shook his head and held his pal out begging no while Rust Cut laughed pressing it. The shield then electrocuted the Decepticon holding it, knocking him out cold.
"Yeah that just happened.."

Alright, that should work. Welcome aboard :D

You can post this profile in the fanmade Decepticons section, add in Rank 5, and go get the character started. Just remember to run any inventions she might come up with through a mod for approval first. Rust Cut can either start out on Earth, where the main Decepticon action is (also Waspinator, so she won't be alone on the bug front) or on Nebulos, where a chunk of other Insecticons are. Either path is workable. Your choice. Enjoy!
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Turbine » Sun Jun 10, 2012 6:05 am

Motto: "You're only as good as you prove yourself to be."
Weapon: High-Velocity Sonic Blaster
[quote=..."Turbine"]Fixed it up. should be good now, :D


Allegiance: Decepticons
Function: Underwater Demolitions
Alt. Mode: Amphibious Cyber-Squid
Weapons: Dual laser-guided slime blasters
Height: 26 ft / 7.93 m
Quote: “Embrace your enemies…until they’re terminated!”

Strength: 8
Intelligence: 6
Dexterity: 8 in water, 6 as robot, 1 in squid mode on land
Speed: 6
Endurance: 6
Courage: 7
Firepower: 7
Accuracy: 6
Melee: 8
Tech. Skill: 4
Charisma: 8
Rank: 6

Profile: Don't be deceived by Tentakil's gentle touch and soothing words- he is undeniably the cruelest, deadliest Seacon. His style is as distinctive as it is lethal: he showers a potential victim with kindness, offering him help, even complimenting his appearance. And then, once he has gained the confidence of his victim, Tentakil moves in for the kill. In a flash, kindness turns to cruelty. The soft caress of his limbs turns into a deadly, unyielding stranglehold. He seems to take a perverse pleasure in these amiable charades, enjoying them even more than their inevitable, lethal conclusions. As his fellow Seacon, Nautilator, likes to say about him, "Tentakil can charm the fuel right out of your chassis." And given half a chance, he will.

Abilities: In cyber-squid mode, Tentakil can crush a submarine as if it were a soda can. Powerful electromagnets embedded within his tentacles enhance his strength to awesome proportions, giving Tentakil the vise-like grip that he is infamous for. Electrically charged feelers on his tentacles' surfaces can short-circuit and stun anything of an electrical nature on contact. While retreating, he can discharge a cloud of viscous black grease to hinder any pursuers. In weapons mode, he turns into twin 50,000 volt lightning rifles, which can operate on land and sea. He is insulated from any electrical attacks himself, so the rifles can't electrocute him underwater. In robot and cyber-squid modes, he wields dual laser-guided slime blasters, which shoot globs of highly adhesive gelatinous goo.

Weaknesses: A mysterious short circuit in his wiring often inhibits Tentakil's ability to transform from one mode to another. This causes him severe problems when he's stuck in robot mode underwater, or octopus mode on land. In these situations, the modes are poorly suited for the environments. In fact, on land, his octopus mode is more likely to keel over than take a step.

Sample Post:

"If the whole world was sea, I'd be as happy as can be!" Tentakil said to a 'Bot who was close to shutting down. "R-Really?" The 'Bot was starting to smile just when Tentakil grabbed his throat and thrust the 'Bot into the ocean. "works every time. Every time...".

When Tentakil did the same thing over and over to other 'Bots, He started to get bored. "...And that was, what? the 30th one now? Man, am I getting B-O-R-E-D." So, Tentakil set off to a different place and the same boredom befell him. "Well, I might as well go back to base to report my status."

When Tentakil was going back to base, he was attacked by 'Bots who were one the previous planet. "I knew I should have killed all of 'em! Now it's gonna come back and I'm gonna pay the price...or maybe not!" Tentikal fired his slime blasters at the :BOT:'s (Which by the way works wonders to incapacitate an enemy.) "Well, that was sorda fun." Tentakil said, and after a short argument with himself, ("Go back. No! Yes. No!") He went back to base.[/quote]
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Insidious » Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:18 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Turbine wrote:[quote=..."Turbine"]Fixed it up. should be good now, :D


Allegiance: Decepticons
Function: Underwater Demolitions
Alt. Mode: Amphibious Cyber-Squid
Weapons: Dual laser-guided slime blasters
Height: 26 ft / 7.93 m
Quote: “Embrace your enemies…until they’re terminated!”

Strength: 8
Intelligence: 6
Dexterity: 8 in water, 6 as robot, 1 in squid mode on land
Speed: 6
Endurance: 6
Courage: 7
Firepower: 7
Accuracy: 6
Melee: 8
Tech. Skill: 4
Charisma: 8
Rank: 6

Profile: Don't be deceived by Tentakil's gentle touch and soothing words- he is undeniably the cruelest, deadliest Seacon. His style is as distinctive as it is lethal: he showers a potential victim with kindness, offering him help, even complimenting his appearance. And then, once he has gained the confidence of his victim, Tentakil moves in for the kill. In a flash, kindness turns to cruelty. The soft caress of his limbs turns into a deadly, unyielding stranglehold. He seems to take a perverse pleasure in these amiable charades, enjoying them even more than their inevitable, lethal conclusions. As his fellow Seacon, Nautilator, likes to say about him, "Tentakil can charm the fuel right out of your chassis." And given half a chance, he will.

Abilities: In cyber-squid mode, Tentakil can crush a submarine as if it were a soda can. Powerful electromagnets embedded within his tentacles enhance his strength to awesome proportions, giving Tentakil the vise-like grip that he is infamous for. Electrically charged feelers on his tentacles' surfaces can short-circuit and stun anything of an electrical nature on contact. While retreating, he can discharge a cloud of viscous black grease to hinder any pursuers. In weapons mode, he turns into twin 50,000 volt lightning rifles, which can operate on land and sea. He is insulated from any electrical attacks himself, so the rifles can't electrocute him underwater. In robot and cyber-squid modes, he wields dual laser-guided slime blasters, which shoot globs of highly adhesive gelatinous goo.

Weaknesses: A mysterious short circuit in his wiring often inhibits Tentakil's ability to transform from one mode to another. This causes him severe problems when he's stuck in robot mode underwater, or octopus mode on land. In these situations, the modes are poorly suited for the environments. In fact, on land, his octopus mode is more likely to keel over than take a step.

Sample Post:

"If the whole world was sea, I'd be as happy as can be!" Tentakil said to a 'Bot who was close to shutting down. "R-Really?" The 'Bot was starting to smile just when Tentakil grabbed his throat and thrust the 'Bot into the ocean. "works every time. Every time...".

When Tentakil did the same thing over and over to other 'Bots, He started to get bored. "...And that was, what? the 30th one now? Man, am I getting B-O-R-E-D." So, Tentakil set off to a different place and the same boredom befell him. "Well, I might as well go back to base to report my status."

When Tentakil was going back to base, he was attacked by 'Bots who were one the previous planet. "I knew I should have killed all of 'em! Now it's gonna come back and I'm gonna pay the price...or maybe not!" Tentikal fired his slime blasters at the :BOT:'s (Which by the way works wonders to incapacitate an enemy.) "Well, that was sorda fun." Tentakil said, and after a short argument with himself, ("Go back. No! Yes. No!") He went back to base.

Alright, that'll work. In the future, just be sure to spell out "Autobots" and "Decepticons". Using the faction smilie signage won't flow with the rest of the IC material in the game. There was also a bit in the last paragraph where it appeared like you were coming close to breaking the fourth wall--if not doing so entirely. I'd stay away from that as well. There aren't many, if any, Deadpool types running around the TFU.

So yeah, you can go post his profile in the canon :CON: section ((It's fine to do this OOC if you want)) and get started with him with the other Seacons on Nebulos. I would recommend finding Snaptrap's most recent post and playing off that. :D
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Deltabot » Mon Jun 11, 2012 1:06 am

Motto: "If you can't say anything nice, go join the Decepticons."
Weapon: Astro Blaster
I'm finally submitting it! An app one year in the making! Yay! I'd like Delta to be on Earth, on the Guardian.


Allegiance: Autobots
Function: Cultural Adaptation/Liason
Alt-mode:1980 Mazda RX-7
Weapons: Hadron Collider Disks,
Height: 28 ft
Quote: "No matter what, it could always be worse"

Tech Skill:8

Delta's usually the bot that keeps up team morale. She's confident, passionate, and optimistic about nearly everything. Her many quirks always cause a laugh, and Delta just takes the chuckles as compliments. Always there as a shoulder to cry on, Delta's openness to everyone leaves her with very few enemies. In return, Delta  accepts and likes everyone for who they are, and doesn't complain about taking the jobs no one else wants. Despite her prowess with group work, Delta usually works best by herself, if not assisted in a very distant way, such as over a com line. Delta is also very set in her ways. She is willing to listen to and accept others ideas and beliefs, but when it comes to things like values and moral opinions, Delta is extremely stubborn, and will not be easily swayed into changing them, if at all.

Delta is very creative and very involved in the creative arts. Any spare time she has is usually spent stretching for dancing, dancing, drawing, sculpting, singing, acting, or writing. Her quarters are filled with data pads covered in doodles and sketches, sculptures, and story ideas. Delta is often found in the training room dancing, acting out scenes from plays, or singing. (She claims the acoustics there are great)

Delta was part of a traveling entertainment troop that toured Cybertron. Delta loved experiencing different cultures and learning as much about everything there as possible. When Megatron began his revolt, Delta witnessed first hand the effects of the violence. Pushed by this, Delta joined the Autobots as an expert on cultural adaptations.

Long, tall, and lean is the best way to describe Delta. Her light frame is slim and aerodynamic for light steps and quick movements. Delta's arms form the hood of her vehicle mode, her chest and pelvic area are the top of the car, and the doors and trunk form Delta's legs. Her vehicle mode is  powder blue.

Abilities: Delta has 4 energon infused Hadron Collider disks. Acting much like a cross between a boomerang and a frisbee, these disks can be used for swooping slices during melee, quickly spinning projectiles for short range attacks, and gliding mid-range attacks. (Mid-range better for distraction than actual attack) Delta owns a Solar Flare Blaster, but it is used mostly for creative ventures, and rarely leaves Delta's quarters.

Delta's holomatter avatar is a olive-skinned girl about 5'5" with wavy, curly, wild medium length brown hair. She's wearing a white newsboy cap, glasses, an oversized tye-dye tee, blue jeans, a rainbow ballet tutu, rainbow leg warmers, and white go go boots.

Weaknesses: Delta tends to get overwhelmed in the heat of battle, and can lose focus easily.  Delta's endurance is not very high, so she tends to get tired pretty quickly. Delta is also mildly claustrophobic.

Sample Post: 


Delta twirled down the hall, datapads in hand, skipping and leaping in time to the music in her head. Having just completed her research into Earth culture, the powder-blue femme had all the time in the world to do whatever she wanted. Meaning Delta could get from place to place however she cared to. Delta cared to dance.

In any case, the cultural liaison was having the time of her life.

The blue bot looked out a small window at the planet below. The only thing that could make this moment better were if Delta was able to experience the Earth instead of just reading about it.  The one thing she wished Prowl would change would be to allow her to go down to the planet. Delta longed to  discover more about the culture of the place.Sadly, that would probably never happen. Not yet at least. Delta would have to settle with reading and imagining until the fateful day she was able to reach the Earth.

Speaking of reading and imagining, now what was she going to do? Delta had finished her research, and unless Prowl asked her to write a report of her findings, the powder-blue femme had as much time as she wanted to do whatever was her fancy.

Hmmm... What to do, what to do...

Then an idea struck like a lightning bolt. What was a better activity than doodling? And Delta knew just the place to do it.

Crew's quarters

Delta walked in and stopped short, spotting the two mechs who were already there.

"I'm sorry, am I interrupting something? I just came in here for a quiet spot to doodle. If I'm intruding I can leave."
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby TechMenace » Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:55 pm

Motto: "As long as energon still flows through my veins, I will never give up. I will never let the enemy win."
Weapon: Plasma Cannon

Allegiance: Autobots
Sub-group: N/A
Function: Warrior
Alternate Modes: Muscle Car and F-22
Weapons: Plasma Cannon
Special Abilities:
Height: 16ft/ 2m
Quote: “As long as energon still flows through my veins, I will never give up. I will never let the enemy win.”

Strength: 8
Intelligence: 10
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 8
Endurance: 9
Courage: 5
Firepower: 10
Accuracy: 8
Melee: 7
Tech Skill: 10+
Charisma: 8

"Tech", a highly intelligent Autobot during the war on Cybertron. He was on the front lines with the Dinobots, Optimus & Co., along with the Wreckers handy. Always quick to jump into the battle, always hit his mark. Never liked being told what to do but always listened. "Tech" escaped on his own after he built the ship for Optimus and other Autobots. He made his own special ship called the "AC". He met up with the rest of the other autobots through space and joined them on their travels.

"Tech" has the ability to hack into any piece of cybertronian tech and or earth tech. He has learned to hack into Decepticon tech, which sometimes doesn't work out to his favor. "Tech" uses a Plasma Canon and an Assault Rifle. He also has the ability to turn his entire left arm into a computer hacking device.

Getting into really tight spaces where he can't escape.

Sample Post:

It was during the war, I had been separated from my autobot team. We were infiltrating enemy lines when we came under fire from Megatron and Bruticus. The explosion was so big that it blew us all.

I remember waking up to the severed body of one my friends. He was a good bot, fought well. He will be missed. But luckily for me, I wasn't to far away from the Decepticons main computer hangout.

Instinctively I ran in quickly, just under the guards watch. Once in, I was in awe "Optimus, I was reached the computer... Optimus? OPTIMUS?!". No answer, of course right? I went ahead myself to using my device called the DHD (Decepticon Hacking Device), classy name huh?

I rigged that computer to blow after to reaching their coordinates for their aerial bombing.

I ran out without a trace...
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby BeastProwl » Tue Jun 12, 2012 1:09 pm

Motto: "Gravity Hurts"
Weapon: Razor Tipped Wing Swords
Alright, I'll bite. How do I do this?
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Ember » Tue Jun 12, 2012 6:23 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
BeastProwl wrote:Alright, I'll bite. How do I do this?

First, don't clog this thread up with have any, post them Here

Second, you can check my sig for the way to get started in the game.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Drop Bear » Fri Jun 15, 2012 9:13 am

Motto: "Well, I'll be a Cybertronic bolt-bat!"
Weapon: Poison-Tipped Missiles
Okay, so here's my new lad. Since Iguanus isn't a Pretender (which worked out great, really), I've had to tinker with his profile a good deal. Hopefully there won't be too many problems with the application.

Name: Iguanus
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Terror Trooper
Alt. mode: Cybertronian Motorcycle
Weapons: Air Blaster, Spinning Blades, Hypnobeams
Height: 30 ft / 9.14 m
Quote: “Sow the seeds of fear and victory is yours.”

Strength: 8
Intelligence: 6
Dexterity: 8
Speed: 5
Endurance: 9
Courage: 9
Firepower: 7
Accuracy: 8
Melee: 8
Tech Skill: 6
Charisma: 6
Rank: 7

Profile: Vain is perhaps the most appropriate word to describe Iguanus. Truly, he is mesmerised by his appearance, particularly his robotic form. He makes no effort to conceal this fact, often finding himself staring at, in his opinion, his exquisite double in reflective surfaces in a dreamily fashion. His fellow Decepticons view his vanity as something of an irritation, a nuisance brought up or forced upon them at the most inconvenient of times, but they cannot deny that it is the least of their concerns.

Large doses of sadism have also been injected into his personality, raging torrents of brutality streaking through his vital systems. Killing is an activity he thoroughly enjoys and due to a mixture of his pride and cruelty, he is always seeking to challenge the finest opponents, constantly feeling the need to embarrass them in single combat and, ultimately, prove his superiority over them. He is delighted when a worthy competitor accepts his proposal and claims to fight at his best in these moments. Because he knows if he emerges victorious, he will have not only vanquished a worthy opponent, but appeased his darkest side in the greatest possible manner.

Surprisingly, Iguanus speaks well for a Decepticon, his voice containing a gentleness and a degree of sophistication not normally encountered within their ranks. But one should never be fooled by it. Many Autobots have met their demise at the servos of Iguanus, his sweet tone and simple charm enough to cajole them to lower their guard while he steadily unwraps his murderous tendencies and delivers the killing blow. Even a few of his comrades have fallen prey to his gracious disposition.

As perverse as he is, Iguanus isn't without a characteristic that sticks out further than the rest. It is not known when or where it happened, but he alleges to have formed a personal bond with reptiles of all types from a variety of worlds scattered throughout the galaxy. He then became fascinated by them, going so far as to modify certain areas on his body and trying to emulate their demeanour and attack tactics in battle, all so he could achieve a resemblance to his favourite species of reptiles. For his role as a terror trooper, the shock and horror broadcast from friend and foe alike caused by his appearance is a pleasure he never tires of, and is something he would have no other way.

Abilities: Iguanus' optics boast hypnobeams that can override some targets' willpower and temporarily program them with new directives of his choosing. He is armed with an air blaster that shoots pressurised air with as much force as a hurricane; this weapon is useable in all modes. In vehicle mode, motorcycle wheels have retractable spinning blades that can slice through armour. With significant finesse, Iguanus uses them as a hand-to-hand weapon when the opportunity arises. His internal mechanisms can generate an equilibrium distorting effect that strikes targets with intense vertigo. He is extremely strong, resistant to damage, and skilled as a warrior.

Weaknesses: Iguanus suffers from no known physical weaknesses, but sometimes his arrogance leads him to believe that only the greatest warriors deserve his attention, leaving him in a relatively vulnerable position on the battlefield should he not decide to give his all against an opponent unworthy of his talents.

Sample Post:

It returned its gaze at him the moment he had settled his optics on it. Its body language was positive, its posture firm and vertical, attention fastened on him. A servo reached out—as did one from it. They pressed together, unflinching and gradual. As a single entity, they moved without true intentions and with no particular course in mind, just gliding along, enjoying each other's company.

In awe of this beautiful creature and to acknowledge his appreciation of it, he smiled. It smiled back, reciprocating the gesture with the same amount of warmth in which it had received.

Stormbird couldn't help himself. He had to look up. “Will you give it a rest? You've been staring at yourself for, I don't know, too long now.”

Iguanus' servo slowly retreated from the reflective surface. “I suppose I could.” He turned around, grinning at Stormbird. “Just for you, Stormy.”

The black and grey Decepticon's irritation knitted a prominent scowl on his face plate. He did not reply, wary of which bizarre avenue it would haul him to. When Iguanus was plagued by boredom, conversation was not recommended. He often created the most strangest topics, and asked harrowing questions no one liked to answer.

It was an excuse for him to refine his skills in the art of terror, he sometimes threw out there, but it wasn't as though he needed to fine-tune his fear tactics in order to perform at maximum capacity. That aspect was naturally ingrained into his being; had been ever since he could remember.

“It's not like we are involved in any sort of critical activity, you know. We should be able to do as we please.” That grin took shape again. “And that's precisely what I'm doing, if you don't mind.”

Iguanus gave voice to the truth. Nebulos had been seized in the unwavering jaws of the Decepticon force that had been preying on the planet for some time. With it now secured in their grasp, the Decepticons held the power to do what they wished with the planet. And with a few Autobot prisoners currently taking up residence within the great Fortress Tenebrous.

The thought of meeting these Autobots and dealing with them in his own preferred ways was delicious.

“Haven't you heard?” Stormbird said, disbelief heavy in his tone. “Turmoil's out there as we speak, in the Melanossus area, crushing a small group of 'Bots hanging around the place. And you do remember that we're on stand-by, right? We could be called into the action at any time.”

But the thought of participating in genuine battle was positively sensational. To go into combat against a worthy foe was what Iguanus craved. And then to kill him, to plunder him of his life.

Why then had he not been summoned for battle already, by Turmoil or Cyclonus? It was too frustrating to even ponder.

Instead, Iguanus said nothing, and concentrated on conjuring up wonderful fantasies incorporating glorious fights which required his full attention and ability to win. Surely there still were more Autobots spread across this world just waiting to be discovered. Surely Iguanus would be granted the opportunity to eliminate a few himself, because he was one of the Decepticon's top warriors here. And surely they wouldn't, in all their wisdom, be foolish enough to simply leave him at Tenebrous to mill about, letting his talents waste away with each passing moment.

No. No, of course not. What was he thinking? He would get his chance.

Without a doubt, he would definitely get his chance.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Insidious » Fri Jun 15, 2012 2:07 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
TechMenace wrote:Tech

Allegiance: Autobots
Sub-group: N/A
Function: Warrior
Alternate Modes: Muscle Car and F-22
Weapons: Plasma Cannon
Special Abilities:
Height: 16ft/ 2m
Quote: “As long as energon still flows through my veins, I will never give up. I will never let the enemy win.”

Strength: 8
Intelligence: 10
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 8
Endurance: 9
Courage: 5
Firepower: 10
Accuracy: 8
Melee: 7
Tech Skill: 10+
Charisma: 8

"Tech", a highly intelligent Autobot during the war on Cybertron. He was on the front lines with the Dinobots, Optimus & Co., along with the Wreckers handy. Always quick to jump into the battle, always hit his mark. Never liked being told what to do but always listened. "Tech" escaped on his own after he built the ship for Optimus and other Autobots. He made his own special ship called the "AC". He met up with the rest of the other autobots through space and joined them on their travels.

"Tech" has the ability to hack into any piece of cybertronian tech and or earth tech. He has learned to hack into Decepticon tech, which sometimes doesn't work out to his favor. "Tech" uses a Plasma Canon and an Assault Rifle. He also has the ability to turn his entire left arm into a computer hacking device.

Getting into really tight spaces where he can't escape.

Sample Post:

It was during the war, I had been separated from my autobot team. We were infiltrating enemy lines when we came under fire from Megatron and Bruticus. The explosion was so big that it blew us all.

I remember waking up to the severed body of one my friends. He was a good bot, fought well. He will be missed. But luckily for me, I wasn't to far away from the Decepticons main computer hangout.

Instinctively I ran in quickly, just under the guards watch. Once in, I was in awe "Optimus, I was reached the computer... Optimus? OPTIMUS?!". No answer, of course right? I went ahead myself to using my device called the DHD (Decepticon Hacking Device), classy name huh?

I rigged that computer to blow after to reaching their coordinates for their aerial bombing.

I ran out without a trace...

This application isn't quite what we're looking for in terms of fanmades, so I'm going to have to deny it. If you want it to even have a chance of getting in, you'll pretty much need to rework most of it.

For starters, stats are just way off the charts. The max total for a fanmade, not counting rank, is 70. And none can be 10s. You appear to have 89, not factoring in whatever "10+" might conceivably mean.

I'd like to see a paragraph or two more worth of history, in order to get a better idea of what you see this character as.

And for the sample, the posting style in the game is third-person, past tense. So that will need to be redone.

If you're interested in putting in the work to make this character acceptable, re-do, re-post and we'll give it another look.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Cryhavok » Fri Jun 15, 2012 2:19 pm

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
Deltabot wrote:I'm finally submitting it! An app one year in the making! Yay! I'd like Delta to be on Earth, on the Guardian.


Allegiance: Autobots
Function: Cultural Adaptation/Liason
Alt-mode:1980 Mazda RX-7
Weapons: Hadron Collider Disks,
Height: 28 ft
Quote: "No matter what, it could always be worse"

Tech Skill:8

Delta's usually the bot that keeps up team morale. She's confident, passionate, and optimistic about nearly everything. Her many quirks always cause a laugh, and Delta just takes the chuckles as compliments. Always there as a shoulder to cry on, Delta's openness to everyone leaves her with very few enemies. In return, Delta  accepts and likes everyone for who they are, and doesn't complain about taking the jobs no one else wants. Despite her prowess with group work, Delta usually works best by herself, if not assisted in a very distant way, such as over a com line. Delta is also very set in her ways. She is willing to listen to and accept others ideas and beliefs, but when it comes to things like values and moral opinions, Delta is extremely stubborn, and will not be easily swayed into changing them, if at all.

Delta is very creative and very involved in the creative arts. Any spare time she has is usually spent stretching for dancing, dancing, drawing, sculpting, singing, acting, or writing. Her quarters are filled with data pads covered in doodles and sketches, sculptures, and story ideas. Delta is often found in the training room dancing, acting out scenes from plays, or singing. (She claims the acoustics there are great)

Delta was part of a traveling entertainment troop that toured Cybertron. Delta loved experiencing different cultures and learning as much about everything there as possible. When Megatron began his revolt, Delta witnessed first hand the effects of the violence. Pushed by this, Delta joined the Autobots as an expert on cultural adaptations.

Long, tall, and lean is the best way to describe Delta. Her light frame is slim and aerodynamic for light steps and quick movements. Delta's arms form the hood of her vehicle mode, her chest and pelvic area are the top of the car, and the doors and trunk form Delta's legs. Her vehicle mode is  powder blue.

Abilities: Delta has 4 energon infused Hadron Collider disks. Acting much like a cross between a boomerang and a frisbee, these disks can be used for swooping slices during melee, quickly spinning projectiles for short range attacks, and gliding mid-range attacks. (Mid-range better for distraction than actual attack) Delta owns a Solar Flare Blaster, but it is used mostly for creative ventures, and rarely leaves Delta's quarters.

Delta's holomatter avatar is a olive-skinned girl about 5'5" with wavy, curly, wild medium length brown hair. She's wearing a white newsboy cap, glasses, an oversized tye-dye tee, blue jeans, a rainbow ballet tutu, rainbow leg warmers, and white go go boots.

Weaknesses: Delta tends to get overwhelmed in the heat of battle, and can lose focus easily.  Delta's endurance is not very high, so she tends to get tired pretty quickly. Delta is also mildly claustrophobic.

Sample Post: 


Delta twirled down the hall, datapads in hand, skipping and leaping in time to the music in her head. Having just completed her research into Earth culture, the powder-blue femme had all the time in the world to do whatever she wanted. Meaning Delta could get from place to place however she cared to. Delta cared to dance.

In any case, the cultural liaison was having the time of her life.

The blue bot looked out a small window at the planet below. The only thing that could make this moment better were if Delta was able to experience the Earth instead of just reading about it.  The one thing she wished Prowl would change would be to allow her to go down to the planet. Delta longed to  discover more about the culture of the place.Sadly, that would probably never happen. Not yet at least. Delta would have to settle with reading and imagining until the fateful day she was able to reach the Earth.

Speaking of reading and imagining, now what was she going to do? Delta had finished her research, and unless Prowl asked her to write a report of her findings, the powder-blue femme had as much time as she wanted to do whatever was her fancy.

Hmmm... What to do, what to do...

Then an idea struck like a lightning bolt. What was a better activity than doodling? And Delta knew just the place to do it.

Crew's quarters

Delta walked in and stopped short, spotting the two mechs who were already there.

"I'm sorry, am I interrupting something? I just came in here for a quiet spot to doodle. If I'm intruding I can leave."

Seems to be fine enough. Change the hadron collider disks into something else and Delta should be good to go. I'd also rather have her to take more recent model year alt. mode but at least this model is not as rare as some other ones.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Insidious » Fri Jun 15, 2012 2:24 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Blades wrote:Okay, so here's my new lad. Since Iguanus isn't a Pretender (which worked out great, really), I've had to tinker with his profile a good deal. Hopefully there won't be too many problems with the application.

Name: Iguanus
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Terror Trooper
Alt. mode: Cybertronian Motorcycle
Weapons: Air Blaster, Spinning Blades, Hypnobeams
Height: 30 ft / 9.14 m
Quote: “Sow the seeds of fear and victory is yours.”

Strength: 8
Intelligence: 6
Dexterity: 8
Speed: 5
Endurance: 9
Courage: 9
Firepower: 7
Accuracy: 8
Melee: 8
Tech Skill: 6
Charisma: 6
Rank: 7

Profile: Vain is perhaps the most appropriate word to describe Iguanus. Truly, he is mesmerised by his appearance, particularly his robotic form. He makes no effort to conceal this fact, often finding himself staring at, in his opinion, his exquisite double in reflective surfaces in a dreamily fashion. His fellow Decepticons view his vanity as something of an irritation, a nuisance brought up or forced upon them at the most inconvenient of times, but they cannot deny that it is the least of their concerns.

Large doses of sadism have also been injected into his personality, raging torrents of brutality streaking through his vital systems. Killing is an activity he thoroughly enjoys and due to a mixture of his pride and cruelty, he is always seeking to challenge the finest opponents, constantly feeling the need to embarrass them in single combat and, ultimately, prove his superiority over them. He is delighted when a worthy competitor accepts his proposal and claims to fight at his best in these moments. Because he knows if he emerges victorious, he will have not only vanquished a worthy opponent, but appeased his darkest side in the greatest possible manner.

Surprisingly, Iguanus speaks well for a Decepticon, his voice containing a gentleness and a degree of sophistication not normally encountered within their ranks. But one should never be fooled by it. Many Autobots have met their demise at the servos of Iguanus, his sweet tone and simple charm enough to cajole them to lower their guard while he steadily unwraps his murderous tendencies and delivers the killing blow. Even a few of his comrades have fallen prey to his gracious disposition.

As perverse as he is, Iguanus isn't without a characteristic that sticks out further than the rest. It is not known when or where it happened, but he alleges to have formed a personal bond with reptiles of all types from a variety of worlds scattered throughout the galaxy. He then became fascinated by them, going so far as to modify certain areas on his body and trying to emulate their demeanour and attack tactics in battle, all so he could achieve a resemblance to his favourite species of reptiles. For his role as a terror trooper, the shock and horror broadcast from friend and foe alike caused by his appearance is a pleasure he never tires of, and is something he would have no other way.

Abilities: Iguanus' optics boast hypnobeams that can override some targets' willpower and temporarily program them with new directives of his choosing. He is armed with an air blaster that shoots pressurised air with as much force as a hurricane; this weapon is useable in all modes. In vehicle mode, motorcycle wheels have retractable spinning blades that can slice through armour. With significant finesse, Iguanus uses them as a hand-to-hand weapon when the opportunity arises. His internal mechanisms can generate an equilibrium distorting effect that strikes targets with intense vertigo. He is extremely strong, resistant to damage, and skilled as a warrior.

Weaknesses: Iguanus suffers from no known physical weaknesses, but sometimes his arrogance leads him to believe that only the greatest warriors deserve his attention, leaving him in a relatively vulnerable position on the battlefield should he not decide to give his all against an opponent unworthy of his talents.

Sample Post:

It returned its gaze at him the moment he had settled his optics on it. Its body language was positive, its posture firm and vertical, attention fastened on him. A servo reached out—as did one from it. They pressed together, unflinching and gradual. As a single entity, they moved without true intentions and with no particular course in mind, just gliding along, enjoying each other's company.

In awe of this beautiful creature and to acknowledge his appreciation of it, he smiled. It smiled back, reciprocating the gesture with the same amount of warmth in which it had received.

Stormbird couldn't help himself. He had to look up. “Will you give it a rest? You've been staring at yourself for, I don't know, too long now.”

Iguanus' servo slowly retreated from the reflective surface. “I suppose I could.” He turned around, grinning at Stormbird. “Just for you, Stormy.”

The black and grey Decepticon's irritation knitted a prominent scowl on his face plate. He did not reply, wary of which bizarre avenue it would haul him to. When Iguanus was plagued by boredom, conversation was not recommended. He often created the most strangest topics, and asked harrowing questions no one liked to answer.

It was an excuse for him to refine his skills in the art of terror, he sometimes threw out there, but it wasn't as though he needed to fine-tune his fear tactics in order to perform at maximum capacity. That aspect was naturally ingrained into his being; had been ever since he could remember.

“It's not like we are involved in any sort of critical activity, you know. We should be able to do as we please.” That grin took shape again. “And that's precisely what I'm doing, if you don't mind.”

Iguanus gave voice to the truth. Nebulos had been seized in the unwavering jaws of the Decepticon force that had been preying on the planet for some time. With it now secured in their grasp, the Decepticons held the power to do what they wished with the planet. And with a few Autobot prisoners currently taking up residence within the great Fortress Tenebrous.

The thought of meeting these Autobots and dealing with them in his own preferred ways was delicious.

“Haven't you heard?” Stormbird said, disbelief heavy in his tone. “Turmoil's out there as we speak, in the Melanossus area, crushing a small group of 'Bots hanging around the place. And you do remember that we're on stand-by, right? We could be called into the action at any time.”

But the thought of participating in genuine battle was positively sensational. To go into combat against a worthy foe was what Iguanus craved. And then to kill him, to plunder him of his life.

Why then had he not been summoned for battle already, by Turmoil or Cyclonus? It was too frustrating to even ponder.

Instead, Iguanus said nothing, and concentrated on conjuring up wonderful fantasies incorporating glorious fights which required his full attention and ability to win. Surely there still were more Autobots spread across this world just waiting to be discovered. Surely Iguanus would be granted the opportunity to eliminate a few himself, because he was one of the Decepticon's top warriors here. And surely they wouldn't, in all their wisdom, be foolish enough to simply leave him at Tenebrous to mill about, letting his talents waste away with each passing moment.

No. No, of course not. What was he thinking? He would get his chance.

Without a doubt, he would definitely get his chance.

Iguanus looks good to go. That sample even looks like you can toss it right in to the current board material. So consider him approved and have fun!
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby GoldenGirlDizzy » Sun Jun 17, 2012 5:09 am

Motto: "It's not easy being Pink!"

I totally swiped the profile from your archives, I hope that's ok! The Sample Post is alla mine though.


Allegiance: Autobot.
Function: Warrior.
Alt. mode: A Pink and White, Open Top, C4 Corvette Convertible.
Weapons: Electrical Disperser Rifle, Electro Sabre.
Height: 28ft / 8.54m
Quote: “Looks are always deceiving“

Strength: 6
Intelligence: 8
Dexterity: 8
Speed: 8
Endurance: 5
Courage: 8
Firepower: 6
Accuracy: 8
Melee: 9
Tech Skill: 6
Charisma: 7
Rank: 6

Profile: Arcee is a Fembot of contradictions. Whilst kind, loyal and entirely dedicated to the well being of her friends she is also utterly merciless and entirely ruthless towards her enemies, the Decepticons. The shift in personality is seamless and, during the course of battle, can and will switch between one and the other without warning.

As an Autobot, you could not ask for a better and more trustworthy friend, as a Decepticon, at least you can be thankful for a swift death. She is not inherently malicious, nor violent, in nature, and would in fact be thankful if war ended tomorrow, but so long as the Decepticons remain hell bent of distributing their brand of genocide, Arcee is all to willing to return the favour.

During times of peace Arcee is often a morale officer within the Autobot ranks, helping those around her cope with the trials of a war torn world. Whilst understanding and often willing to listen Arcee is also extremely opinionated and isn’t afraid to state what she believes in, always offering reasons to back it up.

In the past Arcee, due to her more delicate frame in comparison to her male based counterparts, has often been underestimated and her value to the war effort easily dismissed. It is these perceptions she has, in recent years, cast off through example, and now, she never intends for her efforts to be so easily dismissed again.

Not by her colleagues and most certainly not by the Decepticons.

Abilities: Through first hand experince on the battlefield, and driven by a desire too prove herself too her larger fellow Autobots, Arcee has rounded out into an versitile Warrior. As both an accomplished Marksmen, and skilled in close combat, Arcee has forged herself into a valueble asset in any conflict.

Arcees armour is relatively light, even in comparison to the average Autobot. In trade she is exceptionally agile, enabling her avoid enemy firepower rather than absorb it. She considers this a satisfactory state of affairs; after all, it is far better than to not get shot in the first place.

As a Light Speeder Arcee can reach speeds of up too 290 MPH.

In terms of weaponry Arcee is armed with a Rifle that discharges and focused electrical bolt of energy with pin point accuracy. Also in her inventory she carries a finely crafted sabre. Whilst obviously acting as a bladed weapon the Sabre also carries an electrical charge of its own, allowing an additional extra punch against opponents with thicker armour.

Human Avatar: A young woman in her early twenties, with her blonde hair tied back in a pony tail. Her usual attire consists of a pink t-shirt, along with a denim jacket and jeans.

Weaknesses: Arcee‘s frame is relatively fragile and, if caught in a crossfire can not, and will not, sustain much damage.

Sample Post

The terrain refused to be her friend.

Blasted and devastated over the course of a millennia of war, the surface of Cybertron had become a perilous gauntlet of shrapnel laced highways, treacherous pitfalls and chasms that spiraled deep into the unknown, eagerly awaiting to snatch the unwary into the waiting arms of death. Arcee navigated this pass, the high rise structures the wonders of yesterday and the hollow nightmares of today threatening to bar her exit at every turn, at speeds that could only be considered suicidal.

The engine of her sleek, pink and white speeder form purred furiously as she forced from its pistons every ounce of available power, the tight control of her steering sending her hurtling across the increasing perils with pin point accuracy and daring risk. It was necessary, such disregard for her safety, the Seekers screeching across the sky above and raining death down into the ravine with a series of detonations and audio splitting explosions.

Visibility became near zero as the shrapnel and smoke engulfed her world with increasing density, the shockwaves almost overwhelming before she finally hit her mark. With an unhealthy screech her breaks slammed hope, the young femme triggering her transformation with the quickest thought! The speeder flipped, launched by her momentum and rapidly shifting gears, panels folding elegantly and fluidly into place as limbs sprang out, the Autobot landing swiftly onto her feet, diving into a short run, and rolling into a crotch.

Arcee grasped her saber in hand, the sleek blade gleaming into life with an electric spark as she took cover behind a wall. She smiled without thinking, her sapphire optics finding Hot Rod beside her, the equally young Autobot having initiated the gesture.

“Oh shut up,” she huffed with good nature, “I took a wrong turn...”
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:17 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
I feel like playing a real A-hole. Go figure. ;)

Name: Ricochet
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Gunner
Alt. mode: Porsche 997 Turbo
Weapons: Shoulder mounted automatic shell cannon, precision plasma dart rifle.
Height: 28ft / 8.9m
Quote: “Either help me destroy my enemies or get out of my way.”

Strength: 7
Intelligence: 7
Dexterity: 7
Speed: 8
Endurance: 8
Courage: 8
Firepower: 7
Accuracy: 10
Melee: 4
Tech Skill: 8
Charisma: 4
Rank: 5

Appearance: Ricochet transforms into a black Porsche 997 Turbo sports car with gold and red flames decorating both doors and on top of his hood. His robot mode is black and white with gold accents and trim.

Profile: Ricochet has a temper unparalleled within the Autobot ranks and wastes no time picking a fight with a fellow ‘Bot should they say or do something that provokes him. He has an unnaturally strong sense of justice and believes that no Cybertronian should go unpunished for their crimes, feeling as though he is the perfect mech to serve as both judge and executioner. Unfortunately for the poor spark in question, the retribution he dishes out is usually so harsh that most Autobots are left feeling sorry for his victims.

Regardless of his anger management issues, Ricochet is an expert marksman who is brutally efficient on the field of battle. It’s the one place where he can unleash his rage and not be chastised for it by his commanding officer. Of course, that only applies as long as said fury is directed towards the Decepticons and not other Autobots. While Ricochet’s personality traits are sorely lacking, his exceptional combat capabilities have earned him the respect of his comrades. As a result, Ricochet has also managed to develop some friendships during his military service, even if they are precarious ones at best.

Abilities: Ricochet is unmatched as a marksman and excels at laying down suppressive fire. As a master of ranged weaponry, he can accurately fire any blaster or rifle that finds itself in his possession. With his precision plasma rifle, he can hit a tin can from a maximum effective distance of six miles. With his shoulder mounted automatic shell cannon, he can provide unrelenting support fire at a rate of 30 shells per second.

Because most Autobots won't risk conversation with the aggressive gunner, few realize that beyond his gruesome acts of war, Ricochet is a technical master of his field and is capable of using and performing extensive repairs on numerous projectile weapon types, even during the heat of combat. While in vehicle mode, Ricochet can reach an impressive 155 mph if given enough straight road to do so, but his true ability shines through when driving on dirt or gravel.

Weaknesses: Ricochet is rather unapproachable for an Autobot. His extreme sense of justice and lone wolf-style attitude may serve him well as a marksman, but when it comes to camaraderie amongst his fellow Autobots, he is seldom considered. It is only by his incredible skill in range combat that he gains any respect from his peers as the majority of ‘Bots feel that they can only truly depend on Ricochet while fighting alongside him on the battlefield.

In addition, due to his intense specialization in ranged warfare, Ricochet is all but inept in melee combat. He is physically strong, but without his projectile weaponry he often has no other choice but to withdraw when faced with a physical confrontation.

Sample Post:

Ricochet leaned back in his chair with both feet up on the table in front of him, crossed at the ankle joints. His optics were off-lined, but he was acutely aware of everything that was going on around him in the mess hall. Rodimus and his followers were the ones most notably in the room while other stragglers came and went as they pleased. No one even acknowledged the gunner’s presence let alone came over to offer him a friendly ‘hello’ or a ‘how ya doing?’ It was not surprising, of course, as Ricochet was hardly the type of mech that got along well with others. His reputation preceded him and most knew to simply avoid the expert marksman and his foul temperament whenever possible.

Ricochet’s last assignment was helping out the repair crew of the Ark-19. It had not been his first choice of volunteerism, but it seemed a better alternative than just loitering around the Guardian with absolutely nothing to do. He and the others had successfully gone down to the surface and managed to get the ship back into orbit alongside the Protectobot frigate. Ricochet had been of little assistance most of the time, finding the mundane task of repair work to be beneath him and his true capabilities. Once the 19 was docked with the Guardian, Ricochet wasted no time in abandoning the repair crew and making his way across the docking tunnel before heading to the frigate’s mess hall.

For a while it had been quiet in the mess hall. Ricochet had his fill of energon substitute. It tasted terrible, but it topped off his fuel cells nicely. Then he just kicked back, off-lined his optics and imagined he was anywhere more exciting then here. At least until Rodimus and his group had entered and the flame-covered mech gave his speech. From everything Ricochet could hear, most of the ‘Bots seemed to support Rodimus with the notable exception of the ex-Predacon called Howlstrike. The gunner had no love whatsoever for the tracker, seeing Howl as nothing more than a war criminal just like the rest of the ‘Cons who had yet to have justice bestowed upon them. Still, Kup had vouched for the hunter, claiming he was reformed, which was the only reason the marksman let Howl continue to function.

Finally, once the heated exchange between Hardhead and the former Pred had died down, Ricochet on-lined his optics and turned his head slowly in the group’s direction. He removed his feet from the table they had been resting on and brought them down to the floor. The gunner then stood from his chair and strolled across the room towards Rodimus and his followers. He stopped a few feet shy of the gathering and let out a light chuckle. “If you bunch of slaggers expect to take on the Decepticons by yourselves, then you’re going to need someone who can shoot straight each and every time.” Ricochet paused a moment, pointing a single actuator at his own chestplate. “That would be me.”
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Deltabot » Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:52 pm

Motto: "If you can't say anything nice, go join the Decepticons."
Weapon: Astro Blaster

Allegiance: Autobots
Function: Cultural Adaptation/Liaison
Alt-mode: Powder-blue 2003 Corvette Coupe
Weapons: Flying Collider Disks
Height: 28 ft
Quote: "No matter what, it could always be worse"

Tech Skill:8

Delta's usually the bot that keeps up team morale. She's confident, passionate, and optimistic about nearly everything. Her many quirks always cause a laugh, and Delta just takes the chuckles as compliments. Always there as a shoulder to cry on, Delta's openness to everyone leaves her with very few enemies. In return, Delta accepts and likes everyone for who they are, and doesn't complain about taking the jobs no one else wants. Despite her prowess with group work, Delta usually works best by herself, if not assisted in a very distant way, such as over a com line. Delta is also very set in her ways. She is willing to listen to and accept others ideas and beliefs, but when it comes to things like values and moral opinions, Delta is extremely stubborn, and will not be easily swayed into changing them, if at all.

Delta is very creative and very involved in the creative arts. Any spare time she has is usually spent stretching for dancing, dancing, drawing, sculpting, singing, acting, or writing. Delta is often found in the training room dancing, acting out scenes from plays, or singing. (She claims the acoustics there are great)

Delta was part of a traveling entertainment troop that toured Cybertron. Delta loved experiencing different cultures and learning as much about everything there as possible. When Megatron began his revolt, Delta witnessed firsthand the effects of the violence. Pushed by this, Delta joined the Autobots as an expert on cultural adaptations.

Long, tall, and lean is the best way to describe Delta. Her light frame is slim and aerodynamic for light steps and quick movements. Delta's arms form the hood of her vehicle mode, her chest and pelvic area are the top of the car, and the doors and trunk form Delta's legs. Her vehicle mode is powder blue.

Abilities: Delta has 4 energon infused Flying Collider disks. Acting much like a cross between a boomerang and a frisbee, these disks can be used for swooping slices during melee, quickly spinning projectiles for short range attacks, and gliding mid-range attacks. (Mid-range better for distraction than actual attack) Delta owns a Solar Flare Blaster, but it is used mostly for creative ventures, and rarely leaves the ship.

Delta's holomatter avatar is a olive-skinned girl about 5'5" with wavy, curly, wild medium length brown hair. She's wearing a white newsboy cap, glasses, an oversized tye-dye tee, blue jeans, a rainbow ballet tutu, rainbow leg warmers, and white go go boots.

Weaknesses: Delta tends to get overwhelmed in the heat of battle, and can lose focus easily. Delta's endurance is not very high, so she tends to get tired pretty quickly. Delta is also mildly claustrophobic.

Sample Post:

Delta twirled down the hall, datapads in hand, skipping and leaping in time to the music in her head. Having just completed her research into Earth culture, the powder-blue femme had all the time in the world to do whatever she wanted. Meaning Delta could get from place to place however she cared to. Delta cared to dance.

In any case, the cultural liaison was having the time of her life.

The blue bot looked out a small window at the planet below. The only thing that could make this moment better were if Delta was able to experience the Earth instead of just reading about it. The one thing she wished Prowl would change would be to allow her to go down to the planet. Delta longed to discover more about the culture of the place. Sadly, that would probably never happen. Not yet at least. Delta would have to settle with reading and imagining until the fateful day she was able to reach the Earth.

Speaking of reading and imagining, now what was she going to do? Delta had finished her research, and unless Prowl asked her to write a report of her findings, the powder-blue femme had as much time as she wanted to do whatever was her fancy.

Hmmm... What to do, what to do...

Then an idea struck like a lightning bolt. What was a better activity than doodling? And Delta knew just the place to do it.

Crew's quarters

Delta walked in and stopped short, spotting the two mechs who were already there.

"I'm sorry, am I interrupting something? I just came in here for a quiet spot to doodle. If I'm intruding I can leave."
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Cryhavok » Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:00 am

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
GoldenGirlDizzy wrote:*wavewave*

I totally swiped the profile from your archives, I hope that's ok! The Sample Post is alla mine though.


Allegiance: Autobot.
Function: Warrior.
Alt. mode: A Pink and White, Open Top, C4 Corvette Convertible.
Weapons: Electrical Disperser Rifle, Electro Sabre.
Height: 28ft / 8.54m
Quote: “Looks are always deceiving“

Strength: 6
Intelligence: 8
Dexterity: 8
Speed: 8
Endurance: 5
Courage: 8
Firepower: 6
Accuracy: 8
Melee: 9
Tech Skill: 6
Charisma: 7
Rank: 6

Profile: Arcee is a Fembot of contradictions. Whilst kind, loyal and entirely dedicated to the well being of her friends she is also utterly merciless and entirely ruthless towards her enemies, the Decepticons. The shift in personality is seamless and, during the course of battle, can and will switch between one and the other without warning.

As an Autobot, you could not ask for a better and more trustworthy friend, as a Decepticon, at least you can be thankful for a swift death. She is not inherently malicious, nor violent, in nature, and would in fact be thankful if war ended tomorrow, but so long as the Decepticons remain hell bent of distributing their brand of genocide, Arcee is all to willing to return the favour.

During times of peace Arcee is often a morale officer within the Autobot ranks, helping those around her cope with the trials of a war torn world. Whilst understanding and often willing to listen Arcee is also extremely opinionated and isn’t afraid to state what she believes in, always offering reasons to back it up.

In the past Arcee, due to her more delicate frame in comparison to her male based counterparts, has often been underestimated and her value to the war effort easily dismissed. It is these perceptions she has, in recent years, cast off through example, and now, she never intends for her efforts to be so easily dismissed again.

Not by her colleagues and most certainly not by the Decepticons.

Abilities: Through first hand experince on the battlefield, and driven by a desire too prove herself too her larger fellow Autobots, Arcee has rounded out into an versitile Warrior. As both an accomplished Marksmen, and skilled in close combat, Arcee has forged herself into a valueble asset in any conflict.

Arcees armour is relatively light, even in comparison to the average Autobot. In trade she is exceptionally agile, enabling her avoid enemy firepower rather than absorb it. She considers this a satisfactory state of affairs; after all, it is far better than to not get shot in the first place.

As a Light Speeder Arcee can reach speeds of up too 290 MPH.

In terms of weaponry Arcee is armed with a Rifle that discharges and focused electrical bolt of energy with pin point accuracy. Also in her inventory she carries a finely crafted sabre. Whilst obviously acting as a bladed weapon the Sabre also carries an electrical charge of its own, allowing an additional extra punch against opponents with thicker armour.

Human Avatar: A young woman in her early twenties, with her blonde hair tied back in a pony tail. Her usual attire consists of a pink t-shirt, along with a denim jacket and jeans.

Weaknesses: Arcee‘s frame is relatively fragile and, if caught in a crossfire can not, and will not, sustain much damage.

Sample Post

The terrain refused to be her friend.

Blasted and devastated over the course of a millennia of war, the surface of Cybertron had become a perilous gauntlet of shrapnel laced highways, treacherous pitfalls and chasms that spiraled deep into the unknown, eagerly awaiting to snatch the unwary into the waiting arms of death. Arcee navigated this pass, the high rise structures the wonders of yesterday and the hollow nightmares of today threatening to bar her exit at every turn, at speeds that could only be considered suicidal.

The engine of her sleek, pink and white speeder form purred furiously as she forced from its pistons every ounce of available power, the tight control of her steering sending her hurtling across the increasing perils with pin point accuracy and daring risk. It was necessary, such disregard for her safety, the Seekers screeching across the sky above and raining death down into the ravine with a series of detonations and audio splitting explosions.

Visibility became near zero as the shrapnel and smoke engulfed her world with increasing density, the shockwaves almost overwhelming before she finally hit her mark. With an unhealthy screech her breaks slammed hope, the young femme triggering her transformation with the quickest thought! The speeder flipped, launched by her momentum and rapidly shifting gears, panels folding elegantly and fluidly into place as limbs sprang out, the Autobot landing swiftly onto her feet, diving into a short run, and rolling into a crotch.

Arcee grasped her saber in hand, the sleek blade gleaming into life with an electric spark as she took cover behind a wall. She smiled without thinking, her sapphire optics finding Hot Rod beside her, the equally young Autobot having initiated the gesture.

“Oh shut up,” she huffed with good nature, “I took a wrong turn...”

Welcome new person. Application looks alright. Have fun with Arcee. She was last seen in here. Remember to check this link before posting.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Cryhavok » Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:03 am

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
SmokescreenGT wrote:I feel like playing a real A-hole. Go figure. ;)

Name: Ricochet
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Gunner
Alt. mode: Porsche 997 Turbo
Weapons: Shoulder mounted automatic shell cannon, precision plasma dart rifle.
Height: 28ft / 8.9m
Quote: “Either help me destroy my enemies or get out of my way.”

Strength: 7
Intelligence: 7
Dexterity: 7
Speed: 8
Endurance: 8
Courage: 8
Firepower: 7
Accuracy: 10
Melee: 4
Tech Skill: 8
Charisma: 4
Rank: 5

Appearance: Ricochet transforms into a black Porsche 997 Turbo sports car with gold and red flames decorating both doors and on top of his hood. His robot mode is black and white with gold accents and trim.

Profile: Ricochet has a temper unparalleled within the Autobot ranks and wastes no time picking a fight with a fellow ‘Bot should they say or do something that provokes him. He has an unnaturally strong sense of justice and believes that no Cybertronian should go unpunished for their crimes, feeling as though he is the perfect mech to serve as both judge and executioner. Unfortunately for the poor spark in question, the retribution he dishes out is usually so harsh that most Autobots are left feeling sorry for his victims.

Regardless of his anger management issues, Ricochet is an expert marksman who is brutally efficient on the field of battle. It’s the one place where he can unleash his rage and not be chastised for it by his commanding officer. Of course, that only applies as long as said fury is directed towards the Decepticons and not other Autobots. While Ricochet’s personality traits are sorely lacking, his exceptional combat capabilities have earned him the respect of his comrades. As a result, Ricochet has also managed to develop some friendships during his military service, even if they are precarious ones at best.

Abilities: Ricochet is unmatched as a marksman and excels at laying down suppressive fire. As a master of ranged weaponry, he can accurately fire any blaster or rifle that finds itself in his possession. With his precision plasma rifle, he can hit a tin can from a maximum effective distance of six miles. With his shoulder mounted automatic shell cannon, he can provide unrelenting support fire at a rate of 30 shells per second.

Because most Autobots won't risk conversation with the aggressive gunner, few realize that beyond his gruesome acts of war, Ricochet is a technical master of his field and is capable of using and performing extensive repairs on numerous projectile weapon types, even during the heat of combat. While in vehicle mode, Ricochet can reach an impressive 155 mph if given enough straight road to do so, but his true ability shines through when driving on dirt or gravel.

Weaknesses: Ricochet is rather unapproachable for an Autobot. His extreme sense of justice and lone wolf-style attitude may serve him well as a marksman, but when it comes to camaraderie amongst his fellow Autobots, he is seldom considered. It is only by his incredible skill in range combat that he gains any respect from his peers as the majority of ‘Bots feel that they can only truly depend on Ricochet while fighting alongside him on the battlefield.

In addition, due to his intense specialization in ranged warfare, Ricochet is all but inept in melee combat. He is physically strong, but without his projectile weaponry he often has no other choice but to withdraw when faced with a physical confrontation.

Sample Post:

Ricochet leaned back in his chair with both feet up on the table in front of him, crossed at the ankle joints. His optics were off-lined, but he was acutely aware of everything that was going on around him in the mess hall. Rodimus and his followers were the ones most notably in the room while other stragglers came and went as they pleased. No one even acknowledged the gunner’s presence let alone came over to offer him a friendly ‘hello’ or a ‘how ya doing?’ It was not surprising, of course, as Ricochet was hardly the type of mech that got along well with others. His reputation preceded him and most knew to simply avoid the expert marksman and his foul temperament whenever possible.

Ricochet’s last assignment was helping out the repair crew of the Ark-19. It had not been his first choice of volunteerism, but it seemed a better alternative than just loitering around the Guardian with absolutely nothing to do. He and the others had successfully gone down to the surface and managed to get the ship back into orbit alongside the Protectobot frigate. Ricochet had been of little assistance most of the time, finding the mundane task of repair work to be beneath him and his true capabilities. Once the 19 was docked with the Guardian, Ricochet wasted no time in abandoning the repair crew and making his way across the docking tunnel before heading to the frigate’s mess hall.

For a while it had been quiet in the mess hall. Ricochet had his fill of energon substitute. It tasted terrible, but it topped off his fuel cells nicely. Then he just kicked back, off-lined his optics and imagined he was anywhere more exciting then here. At least until Rodimus and his group had entered and the flame-covered mech gave his speech. From everything Ricochet could hear, most of the ‘Bots seemed to support Rodimus with the notable exception of the ex-Predacon called Howlstrike. The gunner had no love whatsoever for the tracker, seeing Howl as nothing more than a war criminal just like the rest of the ‘Cons who had yet to have justice bestowed upon them. Still, Kup had vouched for the hunter, claiming he was reformed, which was the only reason the marksman let Howl continue to function.

Finally, once the heated exchange between Hardhead and the former Pred had died down, Ricochet on-lined his optics and turned his head slowly in the group’s direction. He removed his feet from the table they had been resting on and brought them down to the floor. The gunner then stood from his chair and strolled across the room towards Rodimus and his followers. He stopped a few feet shy of the gathering and let out a light chuckle. “If you bunch of slaggers expect to take on the Decepticons by yourselves, then you’re going to need someone who can shoot straight each and every time.” Ricochet paused a moment, pointing a single actuator at his own chestplate. “That would be me.”

Just go ahead you damned n00b. ;) Btw. You don't have a Terrorcon yet. Blot is free. :grin:
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Cryhavok » Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:04 am

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
Deltabot wrote:Delta

Allegiance: Autobots
Function: Cultural Adaptation/Liaison
Alt-mode: Powder-blue 2003 Corvette Coupe
Weapons: Flying Collider Disks
Height: 28 ft
Quote: "No matter what, it could always be worse"

Tech Skill:8

Delta's usually the bot that keeps up team morale. She's confident, passionate, and optimistic about nearly everything. Her many quirks always cause a laugh, and Delta just takes the chuckles as compliments. Always there as a shoulder to cry on, Delta's openness to everyone leaves her with very few enemies. In return, Delta accepts and likes everyone for who they are, and doesn't complain about taking the jobs no one else wants. Despite her prowess with group work, Delta usually works best by herself, if not assisted in a very distant way, such as over a com line. Delta is also very set in her ways. She is willing to listen to and accept others ideas and beliefs, but when it comes to things like values and moral opinions, Delta is extremely stubborn, and will not be easily swayed into changing them, if at all.

Delta is very creative and very involved in the creative arts. Any spare time she has is usually spent stretching for dancing, dancing, drawing, sculpting, singing, acting, or writing. Delta is often found in the training room dancing, acting out scenes from plays, or singing. (She claims the acoustics there are great)

Delta was part of a traveling entertainment troop that toured Cybertron. Delta loved experiencing different cultures and learning as much about everything there as possible. When Megatron began his revolt, Delta witnessed firsthand the effects of the violence. Pushed by this, Delta joined the Autobots as an expert on cultural adaptations.

Long, tall, and lean is the best way to describe Delta. Her light frame is slim and aerodynamic for light steps and quick movements. Delta's arms form the hood of her vehicle mode, her chest and pelvic area are the top of the car, and the doors and trunk form Delta's legs. Her vehicle mode is powder blue.

Abilities: Delta has 4 energon infused Flying Collider disks. Acting much like a cross between a boomerang and a frisbee, these disks can be used for swooping slices during melee, quickly spinning projectiles for short range attacks, and gliding mid-range attacks. (Mid-range better for distraction than actual attack) Delta owns a Solar Flare Blaster, but it is used mostly for creative ventures, and rarely leaves the ship.

Delta's holomatter avatar is a olive-skinned girl about 5'5" with wavy, curly, wild medium length brown hair. She's wearing a white newsboy cap, glasses, an oversized tye-dye tee, blue jeans, a rainbow ballet tutu, rainbow leg warmers, and white go go boots.

Weaknesses: Delta tends to get overwhelmed in the heat of battle, and can lose focus easily. Delta's endurance is not very high, so she tends to get tired pretty quickly. Delta is also mildly claustrophobic.

Sample Post:

Delta twirled down the hall, datapads in hand, skipping and leaping in time to the music in her head. Having just completed her research into Earth culture, the powder-blue femme had all the time in the world to do whatever she wanted. Meaning Delta could get from place to place however she cared to. Delta cared to dance.

In any case, the cultural liaison was having the time of her life.

The blue bot looked out a small window at the planet below. The only thing that could make this moment better were if Delta was able to experience the Earth instead of just reading about it. The one thing she wished Prowl would change would be to allow her to go down to the planet. Delta longed to discover more about the culture of the place. Sadly, that would probably never happen. Not yet at least. Delta would have to settle with reading and imagining until the fateful day she was able to reach the Earth.

Speaking of reading and imagining, now what was she going to do? Delta had finished her research, and unless Prowl asked her to write a report of her findings, the powder-blue femme had as much time as she wanted to do whatever was her fancy.

Hmmm... What to do, what to do...

Then an idea struck like a lightning bolt. What was a better activity than doodling? And Delta knew just the place to do it.

Crew's quarters

Delta walked in and stopped short, spotting the two mechs who were already there.

"I'm sorry, am I interrupting something? I just came in here for a quiet spot to doodle. If I'm intruding I can leave."

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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Vulkan » Thu Jun 21, 2012 7:02 pm


Allegiance: Decepticons
Function: Munitions Expert
Alt. mode: HMMWV 'Humwee' M1151
Weapons: Scatter-blaster, Gyro-gun
Height: 26 ft / 7.92 m
Quote: "Make deals, not war."

RANK: 06

Profile: Outwardly, Swindle is easy-going and good natured, almost too good-natured to be a Decepticon. But within him beats the fuel pump of one of the most greed-driven street hustlers in the galaxy. Swindle thrives on wheeling and dealing, working for his own personal material advancement at every possible oppurtunity. He tends to avoid combat in favor of a mixture of exploitation and extortion, and is one of the few Decepticons skilled at dealing with non-Cybertronians. He is solely concerned with himself, and most of his entrepreneurial activities are for his own personal material advancement. If he thought it were in his interest to trade within the enemy, the Autobots, he probably would. He is truly a one-robot “black market”.

Abilities: Perhaps Swindle’s greatest asset is his power of persuasion. He is capable of cutting a deal with virtually any unwitting-organism, and will use his mouth to manage his way out of virtually any danger. In both jeep and robot modes, he use two weapons; a scatter blaster that fires a burst of explosive buckshot-pellets over a wide area, and a gyro gun that disturbs the balance centers of mechanical devices, particularly that of Cybertronians, severely hampering their mobility.

Weaknesses: Swindle's Alt mode, while dependable on rough terrain, is prone to overturning on sharp turns. Also, he has a tendency to duck out of direct combat if he sees at oppurtunity at a desirable item, such as a discarded weapon or a fallen autobot (all sorts of spare parts!). Swindles disregard for conventional rules and willingness to stoop to the lowest levels to make a profit can get him into trouble: The Autobots suspect him of having violated the Tyrest Accord or more than one occasion, and his fellow Decepticons look down on him for dealing with 'lowly organics'.

Sample Post:

"Alright kid just check this out check this out, and see what I got here today! This here is a one of the kind cybertronian guard shield just look at this fine and dandy crafting this thing could withstand even plasma! PLASMA! Do you have any idea how hot that stuff gets?" Swingle smirked with a finger pointed at his customer.

"No, ofcourse not because your alive! Now don't question me on howI got this, all alright alright you got me! I used to be a part of the cybertronian guard as a Corporal but then there was some trouble when I found a certain fembot."

"Cute little thing she was with a long legs and don't even get me started on the rest of her well, and long story short the captain wants me deader than his chances with her and right now I gotta sell to survive!" Swindle then snapped his fingers with his expression changing from a smirk to one of a bot in desperation.

"C'mon I'ma down on my luck guy here and I`ll (as an extra special offer here just for you kid) just give this to you for abouts 10 bits of energon! That's a steal kid! I should bash your head in right now because you are a filthy filthy little theif tying to steal from a down on his luck guy!"

The two bots exchanged the goods, however what that kid wouldn't know til he inspected that shield later was that it was that of the cybertronian guard, it was simply a cheap imitation with a very convincing paint job.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby Ember » Fri Jun 22, 2012 8:19 am

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Vulkan wrote:Swindle

Allegiance: Decepticons
Function: Munitions Expert
Alt. mode: HMMWV 'Humwee' M1151
Weapons: Scatter-blaster, Gyro-gun
Height: 26 ft / 7.92 m
Quote: "Make deals, not war."

RANK: 06

Profile: Outwardly, Swindle is easy-going and good natured, almost too good-natured to be a Decepticon. But within him beats the fuel pump of one of the most greed-driven street hustlers in the galaxy. Swindle thrives on wheeling and dealing, working for his own personal material advancement at every possible oppurtunity. He tends to avoid combat in favor of a mixture of exploitation and extortion, and is one of the few Decepticons skilled at dealing with non-Cybertronians. He is solely concerned with himself, and most of his entrepreneurial activities are for his own personal material advancement. If he thought it were in his interest to trade within the enemy, the Autobots, he probably would. He is truly a one-robot “black market”.

Abilities: Perhaps Swindle’s greatest asset is his power of persuasion. He is capable of cutting a deal with virtually any unwitting-organism, and will use his mouth to manage his way out of virtually any danger. In both jeep and robot modes, he use two weapons; a scatter blaster that fires a burst of explosive buckshot-pellets over a wide area, and a gyro gun that disturbs the balance centers of mechanical devices, particularly that of Cybertronians, severely hampering their mobility.

Weaknesses: Swindle's Alt mode, while dependable on rough terrain, is prone to overturning on sharp turns. Also, he has a tendency to duck out of direct combat if he sees at oppurtunity at a desirable item, such as a discarded weapon or a fallen autobot (all sorts of spare parts!). Swindles disregard for conventional rules and willingness to stoop to the lowest levels to make a profit can get him into trouble: The Autobots suspect him of having violated the Tyrest Accord or more than one occasion, and his fellow Decepticons look down on him for dealing with 'lowly organics'.

Sample Post:

"Alright kid just check this out check this out, and see what I got here today! This here is a one of the kind cybertronian guard shield just look at this fine and dandy crafting this thing could withstand even plasma! PLASMA! Do you have any idea how hot that stuff gets?" Swingle smirked with a finger pointed at his customer.

"No, ofcourse not because your alive! Now don't question me on howI got this, all alright alright you got me! I used to be a part of the cybertronian guard as a Corporal but then there was some trouble when I found a certain fembot."

"Cute little thing she was with a long legs and don't even get me started on the rest of her well, and long story short the captain wants me deader than his chances with her and right now I gotta sell to survive!" Swindle then snapped his fingers with his expression changing from a smirk to one of a bot in desperation.

"C'mon I'ma down on my luck guy here and I`ll (as an extra special offer here just for you kid) just give this to you for abouts 10 bits of energon! That's a steal kid! I should bash your head in right now because you are a filthy filthy little theif tying to steal from a down on his luck guy!"

The two bots exchanged the goods, however what that kid wouldn't know til he inspected that shield later was that it was that of the cybertronian guard, it was simply a cheap imitation with a very convincing paint job.

Alrighty, it's a given the cut and paste job is good so I'll just skip down to your sample post.

It looked solid, but I want you to remember Swindle is the master of the shady deal...the kind that are done in dark alleys or behind closed doors where no one can really see him. So I'd really like to see something a bit closer to that.

I'm gonna go ahead and approve him, just keep what I mentioned in mind. He was last posted for in the Sea of Change thread.

Oh! And remember to run your posts through a spelling and grammar checker, they are a write's best friend after all.
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Re: NEW Character Applications

Postby VkmSpouge » Sat Jun 23, 2012 3:53 pm


Allegiance: Autobot
Sub-group: Throttlebots
Function: Saboteur
Alternate Modes: Chevrolet Corvette C4
Weapons: Sonic landmines, magnetic homing grenades, rusting agents, laser pistol
Special Abilities: Intercept and de-code transmissions
Height: 17ft / 5.18m
Quote: “Words can cut deeper than steel”

Strength: 3
Intelligence: 6
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 4
Endurance: 6
Courage: 8
Firepower: 3
Accuracy: 6
Melee: 2
Tech Skill: 8
Charisma: 4
Rank: 6

Profile: The Throttlebots’ self-appointed comedian. Specialises in insulting jokes, he’ll make fun of even the most highest ranking commanders and occasionally has to be gagged by the other Throttlebots before he lands himself in hot water. Unfortunately he cannot take what he dishes out. Freeway absolutely hates being made fun of and is liable to get exceedingly irritable and even angry when someone makes fun of him. Not the most popular Autobot around but he does works best as a part of a team and is most comfortable around with his fellow Throttlebots who have gotten used to Freeway's sense of humour. He makes use of his skills as a saboteur to also rain havoc with practical jokes. He uses these jokes as a form of blowing off steam from what is a rather stressful job sabotaging Decepticon equipment with often little support. Relies on tricks and dirty tactics in battle instead of brute force. Freeway absolutely despises the idea of a straight fight (often because he tends to lose those) and will usually find some way of bending things in his favour. He much prefers sneaking around behind enemy lines causing mischief than being on frontline combat duty. His boisterous nature can make him a liability on covert missions if he isn't told to shut up soon enough.

Abilities: Freeway’s car radio disguises a sophisticated radio intercept and decoding device. He uses this to pick up enemy radio broadcasts, de-code them and transmit erroneous ones instead to cause maximum confusion amongst the Decepticons. He’s an excellent saboteur, knowing most of the tricks of the trade and inventing a few himself. He’s armed with a plethora of equipment that he can use for a whole range of booby traps and disarming them. While Freeway is not the fastest of the Throttlebots he can still achieve a top speed of 180mph (290kph).

Weaknesses: Lack of strength and firepower means that he can rarely hold is own in a fire fight or hand-to-hand combat, without the aid of his fellow Throttlebots. Freeway has been known at times to laugh so hard at his own jokes that he blows internal circuits and disables himself. This can cause much merriment amongst those Bots who he had just been laughing at.

Sample Post:
Freeway rolled his optics, “You never visited me while I was lying wounded, possibly dying in the medbay,” he said to Nova Strike, “Not once. You didn’t even send me a get well card. Oh sure you can go on about defending the city from Decepticon attacks, like that’s a proper excuse! Next you'll be saying that you had to go on some secret black ops mission. Really, is that anyway to treat your friends?”

Freeway was feigning incredulity after winding up in medbay seriously wounded. He had been repaired and was back on his feet but he had to vent his frustration somehow and unfortunately Nova Strike just happened to be the Bot who was in the wrong place at the right time. His fellow Throttlebots knowing full well what kind of mood Freeway might be in upon his release from medbay were nowhere around, having found excuses to be elsewhere until Freeway had worked it out of his systems.

“I’m not angry with you, Sparky,” the Throttlebot said using the nickname he had given Nova so long ago, “I’m just disappointed. But they say forgiveness is a virtue so I forgive you. Better hurry along to that meeting with Grimlock,” he patted Nova Strike on the back as the big Bot turned to leave, “Yep, forgiveness is a great virtue, hehehehehe!” he chuckled quietly to himself. He gazed at the back of the departing big Bot and the sheet of paper now glued to the armour of Nova. In bold print it proclaimed that ‘Dinobots can kiss my fender!’. Freeway laughed more. Yes, he reflected, laughter is the greatest medicine.
Last edited by VkmSpouge on Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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