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State of Mind

Earth is a beautiful planet, lush with life, overflowing with energy and ripe for the taking. The Decepticons want to conquer it and harness that energy for their own purposes. The Autobots want to keep it out of Decepticon hands. This forum contains their battles and struggles all across the planet.

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State of Mind

Postby Insidious » Mon Apr 27, 2015 5:53 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Africa--Democratic Republic of the Congo

The rains had stopped a few hours before, but condensation still glistened across the multitude of lush greenery in the vast forest sprawled across the northern Congo. The forest was alive with the sounds of primates and birds, with life splashing its way through the nearby river. Energy that would fuel countless lives, both sentient and non. Today however, it would also find itself alive with a wholly different kind of energy.

A massive energy transference had taken place in another corner of the world altogether. More than one ripple would be felt in its wake, like a stone being dropped in an otherwise still pond.

One such ripple manifested itself in the infusion of cybernetic lifeforms to this otherwise pristinely organic landscape. Sprawled in various states of disrepair, three mechanoids found themselves summarily deposited miles from each other, their metallic bodies soon deeply entrenched in the moistened muck of the surrounding terrain. The wildlife cried out in surprise and frustration, their fear evident.

For a few moments, all was still again.

For a few moments.

The first mechanoid to move pushed himself up. His armor was also tarnished, but not like that of the first two. As his optics shot to life, he finished getting to his feet. He seemed to look one direction and then the other--the directions where the other Cybertronians lay. Without a word, his armor shifted color and the mech was gone into the depths of the forest.

The second mech lay motionless. Then a pair of blazingly red optics shot to life once more. The silver Cybertronian was a sea of scorch marks and other assorted injuries. But the injuries were irrelevant. He was alive. Nothing beyond that mattered. His energy levels were low, but the hatred that served as his true fuel...that was very much in place. In fact it had only increased in light of his recent experiences.

Another angered bonobo cried out followed by another and soon a chorus of them. They did not like their new visitors. Megatron pushed himself up from the dirt and surveyed his surroundings.

Desolation. As far as the optic could see. Barren. Gray. Lifeless.

Megatron's scowl deepened. His surroundings were almost a mirror image of how he felt. There were too many. He had wanted to kill them. Kill them all. He had killed many. But there were many more. He would have to regroup. He would destroy every one of them by himself if he had to.

Every. One.
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Re: State of Mind

Postby Foximus » Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:24 pm

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Laser Rifle
Africa – Democratic Republic of the Congo

The third mechanoid took longer to stir then the other two. In a flash, blue optics flashed to life. The red and blue Cybertronian pushed himself out of the muck and detritus of the jungle floor. Battalions of scorch marks and recent battle scars pocked his armor, but he hardly noticed them. He was...alive. Alive. And yet...

Optimus Prime stood tall to survey the scene that lay before him. Some perturbed bird screeched its displeasure at his sudden ascent.

The world was burning. Everything alight. And bodies. Organic...Cybertronian...Their numbers uncountable. Red. Razed. Lifeless.

Optimus clenched his fists tightly at the sight. Yet more loss. More familiar faces ground up and spit out by the war machine. And innocents. It had to stop. He had to be stopped. The Prime turned his head to scan the scorched earth, some part of him seeking any kind of hope or life to savage and preserve.

A familiar silver Cybertronian stood out in the solemn landscape. Stood out because he could stand.

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Re: State of Mind

Postby Insidious » Mon Apr 27, 2015 9:29 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Africa--Democratic Republic of the Congo

Megatron found his footing to be initially unsteady, but he pressed his feet more firmly into the ground and found some semblance of solid footing. If another attack came, he would be ready to fend it off, to whatever end. The landscape was empty. He had been...disoriented. He remembered cavernous ruins--both familiar and foreign all at once. But more importantly they had been populated. No longer. No, now he was here alone.

So be it.

Megatron rechecked his energy levels and diverted an additional series of units from his nearly spent reserves into his fusion cannon. He would unleash primal fury on the first new threat to present itself.



So...not alone, then.

Megatron whipped around to face his longtime nemesis and occasional ally--Optimus Prime, his crimson optics narrowing as he assessed the Autobot Leader's presence here.

"Prime..." Megatron uttered in his typically metallic raspiness. "You were sent here as well. I wonder why-AHHHH!"

Megatron grabbed both sides of his head. The ground beneath his feet was wet and muddy. Greens and browns. Life. Organic life. As he looked back up, his view shifted as smoothly as a sunset and he was looking at endless wastelands once more.

Yet Prime remained.

"Graahhhhhhhh!" Megatron howled in frustration before leveling his cannon in Optimus' direction as he stalked closer. "What madness is this!? Tell me! We may have fought side by side no more than an orn ago, but don't think I won't kill you where you stand this instant."

For Megatron, perception was everything. His perception was the key to understanding his enemies as well as his loyalists. It had become painfully clear that he could no longer rely on even that.
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Re: State of Mind

Postby Foximus » Sun May 03, 2015 12:28 am

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Laser Rifle
Africa – Democratic Republic of the Congo

Megatron whipped around to face the crimson-colored Prime. He was not immediately hostile, a fact which was in turn reciprocated by Optimus Prime. The silver-plated Slagmaker had been his longtime nemesis. And yet an occasional ally. Something they had both been to each other for vorns although sporadically and never without apprehension.

"Prime..." Megatron uttered in his typically metallic raspiness. "You were sent here as well. I wonder why-AHHHH!"

Optimus's blue optics widened as Megatron grabbed both sides of his head. What new game was being played? The silver mechanoid suddenly seemed not to recognize his surroundings, taking them all in anew. And then his burning red gaze locked onto the Prime. As Megatron howled in anger, lifted his fusion cannon at him, and stalked toward him, Optimus drew out his laser cannon rifle. It did not have much power left in it. But there was enough.

"What madness is this!? Tell me! We may have fought side by side no more than an orn ago, but don't think I won't kill you where you stand this instant."

“I know only know as much as you. Stand down, we can-AHHHHH!” A sudden warp in the red, broken field of bodies. Optimus gripped his head, dropping his rifle in the motion. Organic life. Plant matter sprouted from the bodies of the Cybertronians, covering them and obscuring them from view. Tall stout plants rose high above him, shading him in twilight with their enormous canopies. The shriek and shrill of agitated creatures assaulted his audio receptors.

Organic matter clung and stuck to his battered frame. It was brown. pink and fluid. Hands clutched at his feet. Optimus looked up as the plant matter shriveled up and died to be replaced once more by the fields of all too familiar faces. The canopy above shattered and shards of it clinked off of his armor as a smokey red sky replaced it.

Megatron had remained where he stood through it all. A constant in this maddening reality for better or worse. At the moment, it seemed to be for the worse as that sudden bout with...something had disarmed him, and Megatron had not been.

“Perhaps the intention is to pit us against each other again...” Optimus suggested for lack of a better explanation. Every new world had come with its own special set of rules and tortures. “Or something more sinister. In any case, we cannot afford to fight one another.” Kneeling to retrieve his rifle, Optimus kept his optics locked on Megatron warily.
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Re: State of Mind

Postby Insidious » Sun May 03, 2015 12:48 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Africa-–Democratic Republic of the Congo

“I know only know as much as you. Stand down, we can-AHHHHH!"

Megatron could already tell that he was not going to like the words that came out of Optimus' mouth. His perspective was worthless now, just as it had always been. But if he thought for a moment that Megatron was going to stand down, he was in for yet another shock.

So too, it seemed, was Megatron.

The Decepticon tyrant's optics narrowed as Prime appeared to suffer a similar episode to his own. He instantly looked around, seeing if he could get a bead on whoever was doing this so that he could pry them apart from the inside out.

In one direction, fires lined the horizon. A city was burning. No, something was burning. Far away. Too far away to tell.

Megatron turned back and saw that Optimus had dropped his weapon. Even as Megatron took another measured step forward, the Autobot Leader attempted to offer up another explanation.

“Perhaps the intention is to pit us against each other again...Or something more sinister. In any case, we cannot afford to fight one another."

"Oh, Optimus, my old friend. If you know anything, you know that we can always afford to fight one another," Megatron said, chuckling despite the rage he felt at being put in a situation he could not fully get a read on. He shifted the aim of his fusion cannon only slightly. "And don't bother with your weapon. You won't be needi-AH!"

Again the Emperor of Destruction was halted in his words. Pain. Across his entire body. His systems were reading critical levels of energy loss but, more importantly, the world around him was a shifting haze of desolation and primordial organic garbage. Until he could make sense of that, he wouldn't be able to fully get his bearings on any other steps to take to ensure his own survival. Of course, the survival of Optimus Prime was certainly not a necessity. He took another step forward. Even in a sea of distortion, killing Optimus Prime never failed to make sense.

"You-" Megatron stuttered out, before his gait faltered. "Unngghghghhhhh..."

With only one more step, Megatron seemed to collapse on himself, his large metallic body crashing into the moistened terran strata with a muffled thud that sent dozens of birds rocketing into the air.
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Re: State of Mind

Postby Foximus » Sun May 03, 2015 1:45 am

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Laser Rifle
Africa – Democratic Republic of the Congo

"Oh, Optimus, my old friend. If you know anything, you know that we can always afford to fight one another," Megatron said, chuckling. Optimus Prime's optics narrowed slightly as the fusion cannon readjusted to follow him. The Autobot Leader coiled up his leg servos, preparing covertly for an offensive maneuver.

"And don't bother with your weapon. You won't be needi-AH!" As Optimus was about to lunge forward and tackle the Decepticon tyrant, Megatron suddenly seemed overcome by pain. Seizing the opportunity, Optimus redirected the tension in his legs and rolled to the side, snatching up his rifle as he staggered to his feet unsteadily. Prime instantly heft the rifle up to point at Megatron, but the Decepticon leader merely took a step and collapsed amid the field of bodies.

He landed with a sickening splurt. Black oozing hands rose up from the ground and seized the Decepticon warlord, seizing him and dragging him down slowly into an expanding pool of jet black liquid.

Growling under his breath, Optimus took aim at the black tendrils near Megatron and fired off a few shots, stopping as his energon levels read critical. Transferring what little energon he had left into his hand, an energon axe materialized. Prime stepped into the black liquid, lightning bolts of agony surging up his leg in protest. Regardless, he pressed on, swinging his axe at the tendrils that now reached for him.

Once at the Slagmaker's side, Optimus cut away what he could of the black ooze's grasping hands and hefted Megatron up, slinging one of the silver Decepticon's arms around his shoulder. Standing, Optimus jogged as fast as he could out of the pool of black sludge, each step like fire being injected into his legs. As they neared the edge, Optimus dove to clear the sludge only to smack into some invisible force. The impact caused Optimus to lose his grip on Megatron and his senses.

Flashing in and out like static, the world shifted between three realities. The burning red sky. The dark cavern where the obsidian sludge still threatened to swallow him. And the world of green and brown organic life. After a moment of flickering between the three, his vision settled on the dark cavern once more. Prime cast his optics around.

A rocky stalagmite lay in pieces around him, having crashed through it. Megatron had been thrown a short distance away on the stone floor of the cavern. The black ooze still crept toward them like some sentient monster bent on their destruction.

Optimus struggled to rise to his feet only to be greeted with intense pain. The black sludge still clung to his legs. His armor sizzled and bubbled around it. Through the cavern, a cackle echoed, followed by a chorus of familiar voices laughing cruelly. Optimus offlined his optics as stasis threatened to seize him.

Around the fallen Prime, the debris of a broken tree scattered around him. Birds above cawed and shrieked at the loss of their home.
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Re: State of Mind

Postby Insidious » Sun Jun 07, 2015 2:14 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser

Megatron's red optics blazed to life once more. His head jerked upward, looking in one direction and then the other. His surroundings were once again how he had come to know them for a good while now--barren, gray and lifeless. The terrain underneath him was once again unforgiving but familiar metal rather than Terran sludge. He quickly pushed himself up, then to one knee, then fully on his feet, continuing to survey...waiting for anything to attack him as something inevitably would. He could be on Cybertron. He could be on any number of mechaformed worlds. Without any distinctive markers or land masses, it had been impossible to tell.

Now, however, he was not surrounded by endless waste. No, there was an end now. To the west. Structures. Civilization of some kind. He meant to find out what kind, even if it necessitated their eradication soon afterwords.

He attempted to engage his flight thrusters, but nothing happened. The sneer on his face grew more pronounced, but he said nothing.


Nothing else mattered.

For now.
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Re: State of Mind

Postby MasterSoundBlaster » Fri Aug 07, 2015 3:29 am

Motto: "You can run,you'll just die trying"
Weapon: Fusion Cannon
Africa - Democratic Republic of the Congo

"-Beachcomber and Silverbolt..." Jazz's voice trailed as the light from the bounce sequence faded and he found himself and his team in an entirely different environment. The red sand of Australia's outback was soon replaced by dense jungle brush and the humidity levels in the air certainly escalated.

"Groovy..." The special operations director admired as he moved some of the lush jungle fauna out from in front of him so he could see further into the deep forest all around.

Switching back to the task at hand, Jazz opened a channel to all the Autobots he had gathered for this task before Ultra Magnus priority mailed them to the unfamiliar jungle they now reside in

>>"Autobots, sound off!"<<
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Re: State of Mind

Postby Foximus » Tue Aug 11, 2015 12:21 am

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Laser Rifle
Cybertron – Alyon

When Optimus onlined his optics once more, he was greeted by a familiar yet somewhat alien sight. Cybertron. Barren and lifeless. He forced himself up onto his feet once more, feeling less like he was about to keel over immediately. He was in a ravine, tall metal walls stretched skyward. He needed to find out where he was. Needed to…find some supplies if he could. Get the high ground.

Slowly and painstakingly, Optimus began to scale the wall of the ravine. After a few tense breems of steady climbing, he arrived at the top. A plateau. Pulling himself over the ledge and onto his feet, the Prime scanned the horizon. This place…was familiar. It was…near Nyon. This was where…Optimus shook his head. He couldn’t think about that right now. He had to keep moving.


Turning in the direction of Nyon, Optimus marched resiliently across the plateau when something gave him pause. A form. Broken. On this plateau. Dread boiled up within his spark. As he moved closer, the Cybertronian’s identity became clear.


Optimus fell to his knees beside the rusting husk, reaching out with both arms to clutch at the deceased mechanoid.


Africa – Democratic Republic of the Congo

The rather sudden bounce from within the Longevity was rather expected. Bounces were normally unpleasant. Surprise bounces were doubly so. Surprise bounces that rerouted them through the system twice? Ugh, Blaster didn’t even want to begin. Fortunately, Eject, Steeljaw, and Ramhorn were safely tucked away inside his chest cavity. His body should shield them from the worst of it.

It took the red CCO a moment to process Jazz’s trailing words and assess his surroundings. It was lush. Very green. And very, very humid. He could practically feel the rust trying to form on his armor plating. Quite the change from the arid, red sandy outback of Ayer’s Rock. The vegetation around him was dense, but not so dense as so he couldn’t see Jazz. Oriented, Blaster set about his work of tracing Optimus’s signal.

>>”Blaster here, Jazz,”<< Blaster replied probably unnecessarily, but it was good to let the team know that no one was missing and who they’d be working with. After another moment or two, Blaster was able to pick up the surrounding Autobots’ signals, but…they weren’t the one he was looking for. Another astrosecond and he had it. Prime’s signal.

“I got his signal, Jazz. He’s close. Not moving though…and vitals…aren’t the best from what I can tell.”
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Re: State of Mind

Postby Marcus Rush » Fri Aug 14, 2015 3:16 pm

Weapon: Automatic Acid-Pellet Gun
Africa – Democratic Republic of the Congo

The normal bout of nausea faded almost a nano second after the brilliance of the flash dimmed from the optical arc. Three other shadows took form in three other identical pillars of light and angular molecular fields designed to move living matter across vast distance instantaneously. Scoop's form took shape in the pillar of light before it too faded from memory.

Wordlessly he reached up to the brink of his shield and took hold of a green pendant. A gentle tug broke its make shift harness and allowed him to extradite the green relic that had offered only a brief yet potent glimpse of divine protection earlier that day. As his fingers carefully wrapped around the gem, the soldier said a silent prayer thanking Primus for deliverance and protection for the future... then replaced his prize into a compartment in his left breast.

The lock clicked silently as the infantryman then fitted his two weapons together. He twisted the final mechanisms together and activated the combined power packs before slinging the weapon over his shoulder. Immediately after he confirmed his weapon was fully armed and functional, Scoop pulled out a portable signal jamming box. He twisted a few dials and flipped the activation toggle to establish a sensor dead zone around the landing party, protecting them from prying optics on high. He then flipped the jamming device to Blaster so the communications officer could match frequencies and adapt accordingly.

"If Optimus is in that direction, we have better start marching. Judging by the dense foliage and uneven topography, what may appear to be a short distance between here and our ultimate objective... may prove longer than we initially surmised." Scoop slung his shield onto his back, protecting his combined weapon. He withdrew his right hand and extended a solid titanium micro filament blade. "Shall I break the trail Jazz?"
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Re: State of Mind

Postby Insidious » Sat Aug 22, 2015 10:08 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Africa-–Democratic Republic of the Congo

The familiar, burning red tint of Megatron's optics slowly began to blaze forward once again. His power levels were still low and his other system readouts were all over the place.

He reached out, one black hand pushing the rest of his torso up. Once again, he felt the surface terrain give. The Terran mudball. But had he not been back on Cybertron just moments before? Nyon. Yes. It had been so clear. So much more than some errant dream or vision. Currently, he could make no sense of it all. He would need to find Soundwave and Shockwave--have them conduct private assessments of his condition. Just-

-cracks of purple-tinged lightning arced across the Praxian sky.

"What now, Lord Megatron!?!?!? The Lightning Strike Coalition is hitting us hard on our eastern flank!" We-!"

"Hit them harder!" Megatron growled, seizing the grunt by the throat for a fraction of a breem, the temptation to simply squeeze becoming almost overwhelming. But he released, and the Decepticon soldier dropped to the ground and crawled away as quickly as his gears and pistons would allow.

Megatron turned back to assess his forces-

-Cybertron was gone again. Once again replaced by dense foliage. The expression of anger and frustration on his chiseled features grew even more pronounced. The silver gladiator slowly pushed himself up to one knee and then back to his feet. He heard something. More Terran mammal disturbances. Alerting him to...what? Optimus Prime was not far. Who else, then?

Who else indeed.
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Re: State of Mind

Postby Ember » Sun Aug 30, 2015 8:26 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Africa – Democratic Republic of the Congo

The brilliant aura that had shrouded the small extraction team quickly faded away as they materialized at their intended location. It would be up to Blaster to either make contact with their target or actually pin point his precise location…both would be preferable but for now Ratchet would take what he could get.

Ratchet took this opportunity to send a closed encrypted message to First Aid back on the Longevity. Well, that wasn’t entirely accurate. His team would soon be relocated back to the Guardian.

Regardless he hadn’t spoken to Aid or Axle since he’d left to find out the reason for the hold up. And now, well this. It took only a moment to compose and send a message to the doctor and medic. He'd need them to make all the preparations as soon as possible.

The CMO brought up his right arm and activated one of his many medical scanners and started a sweep of the area. If there was anyone about he wanted to be the first to spot them and not the other way around.

>>"Autobots, sound off!"<<

The red and white mech lifted his head slightly and glared at Jazz who was only a few feet ahead of him.

>>”Blaster here, Jazz,"<<

After that the CMO simply shook his head and returned to his readouts. “Unbelievable,” he mumbled lowly. All he wanted right here, right now was to find him and bring him home. He took in a deep breath and let it out slowly.

“I got his signal, Jazz. He’s close. Not moving though…and vitals…aren’t the best from what I can tell."

Ratchet’s head shot up his optics fixed on Blaster before he raised his scanner up and started taking his own readings. “I’ve got him too…” He tapped a few keys and brought up several pulses readings. “Readings like this…they're possibly spark related.” He turned his gaze onto Jazz, a deep scowl etched on his face. “I need to get to him…now!”
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Re: State of Mind

Postby sumowrestler » Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:29 pm

Weapon: Saber Blade
>>First Aid, Skids, Chromedome, Iron Fist, and Blaster, your presence is requested in Main Science Lab on the Guardian at your convenience. You are needed for Project Superior sanction by Ultra Magnus.<<
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Re: State of Mind

Postby MasterSoundBlaster » Fri Sep 18, 2015 12:02 am

Motto: "You can run,you'll just die trying"
Weapon: Fusion Cannon
Africa - Democratic Republic of the Congo

"I got his signal, Jazz." Blaster stayed shortly following his confirmation upon arrival. "He's close. Not moving though... and vitals... aren't the best from what I can tell."

"I've got him too." Ratchet echoed as the CMO checked on similar pulse readings with his own equipment. "Readings like this... they're probably spark related. I need to get to him... now!"

Jazz picked up on the urgency the medical officer issued over the situation and quickly dispatched a similar machete-like blade that Scoop was utilizing from his forearm.

"Appreciate the assessment!" Jazz thanked the Autobot foot soldier, "Why don't I help you clear a path for our walking medical ward then?" The black and white specialist then turned and started hacking through the dense foliage that surrounded his team, the sounds of the residential fauna howling all around. The black and white Autobot's sensors were buzzing as it continued to pick up on all of the indigenous life surrounding his small reconnaissance team.

"So we're good for now," He began, shifting his visored gaze over towards the comms officer, "but if anything pops up on the local's radio that sounds remotely like us go ahead and scramble their call and divert them away. Last thing we need is getting-"

Jazz froze in his tracks as he cleared through another brush with his machete to gaze upon the battered and crippled mass of red and blue armor sprawled out in the green foliage. "Spotted..."

The black and white car former rushed from the brush towards the fallen Prime's side, gurgling words escaped his vocalizer as Jazz cautiously approached his side.

"Prime! You're- Ratchet hurry on over here, he sounds rough! Can you hear me Optimus? Cmon gimme a sign, man!"
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Re: State of Mind

Postby Foximus » Sun Sep 20, 2015 2:30 pm

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Laser Rifle
Africa – Democratic Republic of the Congo

“Huh…this is weird…” Blaster murmured, frowning down at the readings he was getting. At the same time, he was obscuring the area from a communications perspective while also doing as Jazz said. Keeping an ear to the ground for any of their kind. He did get a transmission from Jetfire, asking him to report to the main science lab. Given the nature of their little mission, Blaster opted not to send Jetfire a reply back just yet.


“Wha…?” Blaster’s head immediately jerked up from his readings as Jazz uttered the name. And…there he was. Blaster hurried forward with wide optics. It was really him. Optimus. He stood stunned for a brief moment before realizing that he was likely blocking the way for Ratchet. He shuffled to the side hurriedly to let the Doc do his thing.

Still, something bothered Blaster. He checked his reading again. Yeah. Still there. “Jazz…I’m reading…another spark signature…” Blaster turned around and followed his readings. It didn’t take Blaster long to notice him.

“Megatron!” Blaster immediately armed himself, leveling his weapon at the Decepticon leader. The communications officers hastily glanced around for hidden Decepticons. When he didn’t immediately see any, his attention refocused squarely on the silver tyrant. He looked in about as good of a state as Prime, but didn’t mean that Megatron couldn’t fight. “Jazz!” Blaster called. He wasn’t sure what to do. He was ready to unload on Megatron should he even move a finger funny.

“Don’t you move a servo, Megatron,” Blaster growled out. Their primary objective was to get Prime to safety…but finding an injured Megatron here…it felt like an opportunity.

- :BOT: -

He could hear something. Couldn’t quite make sense of it. The warm, kind, blue optics of the Prime flickered back to life dimly yet again. His energy still low and body damaged. Internal diagnostics were less than optimistic.

As his optics started to focus in on the world around him again, Optimus once again noted the green flora of the verdant planet Earth. What? Hadn’t he just been on Cybertron. There was more. As his senses returned to him, he began to make sense of the words. He turned his head slightly and recognized a familiar face.

“…hear me Optimus? Cmon gimme a sign, man!"

Jazz…” Optimus managed. Was it really his old friend? He could scarcely believe it. After all this time to see a friendly face…


Blaster? He was here too? Prime forced himself to sit up, despite his body’s intense protests. “No…” Prime growled. Megatron would…He had to stop Megatron. He had to-

-red fire and smoke blazed across the Iaconian sky.

“The Combaticons are breaking though the west barricade!! AUGGHH!!!”

“Optimus, what do we do?!?!”

“We’ll hold them here! We cannot allow the Decepticons this victory!” Optimus ordered, clapping the young recruit on the shoulder. The young Autobot nodded, even smiling before trotting off to take up his position as fast as his servos would carry him.

Optimus lifted his own trusty blaster, leaping over the barricade and into the fray. All they needed was to push-

-Cybertron was replaced again by the dense foliage of the Terran planet. What was not replaced was the feeling of urgency. Forcing himself to knees, and then slowly but surely to his feet, Optimus took an uncertain step forward, pain lancing up his leg. Ignoring it, he scanned the area for the familiar silver form of his long-time nemesis - and more recently occasional ally.

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Re: State of Mind

Postby Insidious » Thu Sep 24, 2015 12:12 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Africa-–Democratic Republic of the Congo

Weakness. Confusion. Megatron was accustomed to none of it. Not exposed in this manner.

Through the cognitive dissonance, however, his advanced sensor suite had picked up distinctive signals that were definitely not Decepticon in origin. Not just Prime, now, but those loyal to him. His Autobots. In their mind, Autonomous Robots. They were fools to think so. In Megatron's mind? Automatons. Blindly following and obeying the old ways with no thought towards something better. Something that he could have given them long ago were it not for Optimus Prime's stubborn refusal to bend before his will.

No matter. He bend now, and Megatron would savor the opportunity to eliminate whatever gallant rescue party had been sent to retrieve him.

"Declarative: these upgrades have not been fully tested," Shockwave said, his overly cautious nature on full-display. Soundwave stood silently just behind him.

"I will test them. If they fail, I will return from the Praxian fields and force them into your servomotors. Commence the installation!"

Megatron staggered. Another howl from the trees. And then-

“Don’t you move a servo, Megatron," the Autobot Blaster said, pretending to exercise some kind of futile authority over his actions. That said, Megatron had not needed to move. His fusion cannon was already raised and ready to fire.

"Fire your weapon, Autobot. I'll fire mine. Let's see who's standing at the end."


Megatron's gaze shifted. No other target could take priority over Optimus Prime. None ever had. None would until he had ripped that spark casing free once and for all. Prime had long ago chosen to stand against him. He would regret that decision for every last one of his functioning days.

" can't...............unghhghhghghghhhhhhhh....." Megatron growled, before collapsing forward. Power levels were at critical lows.



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Re: State of Mind

Postby Ember » Thu Sep 24, 2015 8:00 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Africa – Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Autobot CMO kept one optic glued to the readings as he moved along the route Jazz and Scoop were carving out. Ratchet’s face scrunched up as he paused for a moment, tapping several keys on his portable scanner.

It was odd….he was getting readings but they didn’t appear to be coming form only one mech. He started to lift his head to look for Blaster when he heard Jazz’s cry.


Ratchet quickly turned…

“Ratchet hurry on over here, he sounds rough! Can you hear me Optimus? Cmon gimme a sign, man!"

He let out a growl as he jogged toward the Spec Ops mech and pushed passed only to stop beside the downed Prime. Ratchet stared down at Optimus taking several visual scans while he removed a slew of smaller scanning devices.

From somewhere behind him Ratchet had heard Blaster call out to Jazz.

"Jazz…I’m reading…another spark signature…"

“Frag. No…” The CMO turned completely and stood up.


Once that name had left Blastere’s lips Ratchet was standing at the ready with his own weapon raised. He was sure to position himself between Megatron and Optimus. Now that they’d found him there was nothing in the Pit he wouldn’t do to get him back to the Guardian.

“No…" Prime growled.

The sound caught Ratchet’s attention causing him to peer over his shoulder at Prime, who was now… “Oh, you have GOT to be kidding me!” Ratchet quickly dropped his gun and lunged forward to catch his Prime.


Placing the palms of his hands firmly against Prime’s shoulder, Ratchet braced trying to keep the Autobot leader form moving forward. “No you don’t! Not now!” The older mech grit his teeth as he reached up and took hold of Prime’s chin. “Prime!” He said firmly. However it didn’t seem to work….. “Orion. Look at me.” Ratchet spoke lowly but firmly. “Look at me.”

" can't...............unghhghhghghghhhhhhhh....." Megatron growled, before collapsing forward. Power levels were at critical lows.

Ratchet kept a tight grip on Prime as he looked back at Blaster, Jazz and now the downed Megatron.

“If you’ve got an inhibitor claw put it on him. Let’s not chance him surprising us.” Ratchet stared back up into Prime’s optics. He was in bad shape. Probably some serious overhauls coming up.

The red and white CMO smiled as he patted Prime’s shoulder. “I’ve missed you, old friend.”
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Re: State of Mind

Postby Foximus » Fri Sep 25, 2015 12:58 am

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Laser Rifle
Africa – Democratic Republic of the Congo

"Fire your weapon, Autobot. I'll fire mine. Let's see who's standing at the end."

It wouldn’t be Blaster. Normally, in any case. Right now, the crimson mech was willing to hedge his bets. Megatron wasn’t looking too great, and he had no intention of letting this madman anywhere near Prime in his current state.


Unfortunately, it sounded like Prime had ideas about being near this madman. Fantastic. Blaster was too concerned to take his optics off of the silver tyrant. As the warlord’s gaze shifted, Blaster tightened his grip on his blaster. There was absolutely no way. No way that Megatron would get a shot off on Prime. He would make sure of that right now.

" can't...............unghhghhghghghhhhhhhh....."

Stunned, Blaster watched as the megalomaniac collapsed. It…It was over? Blaster took the moment and glanced back to see Prime on his feet, indeed looking as if he had meant to charge in. He glanced back to Megatron, lowering his Blaster slowly.

“If you’ve got an inhibitor claw put it on him. Let’s not chance him surprising us."

“I don’t. Jazz? Scoop?” Blaster asked, moving carefully over to Megatron’s still form. It didn’t hurt to be careful around Megatron. Even an unconscious one. Blaster glanced around as a sudden realization hit him. He immediately began to bolster the jamming signal, hoping to wipe them off the map. But if Soundwave had already detected Megatron then they didn’t have much time. “We should save the teary reunions for later. There’s no telling if Soundwave detected Megatron like I did or not. There could be Cons on their way here at any moment.”

- :BOT: -

His optics soon found their target. Megatron. Pointing that fusion cannon of his at Blaster. No. Optimus wouldn’t let him. Even as something tugged at his chin, he made to take another step forward despite a sudden resistance. The agony from just that one step was unworldly, but Prime could not falter now.

“Orion. Look at me."

The use of his old name caused Optimus to pause in his efforts. Who-

- help me! Orion?! PAX! You can’t leave me here, please!”

“I’m coming, just hold on!” Orion called, pushing through the crumbling, flaming remains of some sort of complex. He seized a red hot piece of metal. Grunting with intense effort, he lifted it and tossed it aside, beginning to dig through the wreckage.

“Pax…please…” came sobs from the other side of the barrier.

“I’m almost-

“Look at me."

Optimus’s blue optics flicked downward, flickering in recognition.


" can't...............unghhghhghghghhhhhhhh.....”

His optics instantly returned to Megatron, his body tensing to make a move. However, Megatron almost immediately collapsed forward. Optimus stared for a long moment before relaxing slightly. They…they were safe. His friends were safe. Blue optics trailed back to the red and white CMO as he patted Prime’s shoulder.

“I’ve missed you, old friend."

“And I you, old friend,” Optimus replied warmly. “It-

- a creature clawed at him from where Ratchet once stood. Prime made to jerk again, but it held him fast. It sunk its metallic fangs into his shoulder and began to tear away at his armor.

Optimus lifted his arm to strike at the creature. He had no wish to harm the creature, but he had to-

Prime blinked as the creature was replaced by his old friend Ratchet once more. What was this madness? He was confused. Weak. His face fell as he looked over to Megatron. The only constant was him in this. And that was perhaps the most maddening thing of all. His optics trailed back to Ratchet.

“…was nice to see you aga…ngh…” Optimus’s optics flicked as he began to wobble. His energy reserves were finally giving out. Hitting critical lows.


Optics flickering off into grey, Prime collapsed.
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Re: State of Mind

Postby Marcus Rush » Tue Oct 06, 2015 11:27 pm

Weapon: Automatic Acid-Pellet Gun
Africa: Democratic Republic of Congo

Scoop's machete swung with a stinging whoosh through the dense foliage of vines and sapling trees. Timber softly crashed into the denser underbrush, causing storms of leaves and swarms of insects dancing about the cut sites. Cries of avian creatures soon joined the cacophony. Their path was blazed after an hour or so, a semi straight trail to a shallow creek that bisected their route.

He raised his fist only briefly as he knelt down to examine the water. Carefully he dipped his fingers into the cool nearly clear liquid and allowed his tactile sensors to begin registering the chemical make up of the fluid. Swiftly the sensors registered the feint yet unmistakable contamination of energon that had some how seeped into the creek's water table. The infantryman turned his head upstream and nodded for the team to change direction toward where the source of the contamination was most likely located.

Another half hour of traveling up stream, Scoop in the middle of the water with his combined weapon drawn and covering point, the group finally reached a small clearing surrounded by tall thick timbers, its floor covered in brush and thick soil. Rocks of various sizes pocked the outer edges of the clearing, giving a small feeling that the space had been artificially constructed. And there in the center of the clearing, such as it could best be described, was Optimus Prime, well as best as he could be described.

Without a word of caution, Jazz, Blaster and Ratchet sprinted forth to rush to the aid of their Commander and Chief. Scoop on the other hand remained in the rear, his weapon now split into two different components. The Steel Shattering Compression Cannon was held tightly in his left hand while the Twin Laser Guided Ion Blaster was clutched and armed in his right. While the others reveled in the emergence of their practically holy guide and leader, Scoop was already on the move further up stream.

His audio receptors absorbed the exchange between Blaster and the gunmetal gray figure he had glimpsed almost as soon as Optimus had gone down, sinking into Ratchet's arms. Thus Scoop had relocated his position. Blaster and Jazz would serve as a primary barrier between Megatron and the fallen Prime. And even in their apparently weakened states, Scoop could tell that all four of them would have had problems in subduing Megatron if they were to assail him directly.

Quietly the soldier made his way behind the thickest tree trunk off set from Megatron's left flank, a position that would require the butcher to expend twice the energy to bring his weapon to bear. He then knelt down into the brush and set his Ion Blaster against the tree trunk and pulled out an inhibitor claw from his right chest compartment. He twisted it into place into a make shift addition to his compression cannon and then pulled himself back to his feet. He pressed his back against the trunk again before reclaiming the blaster.

As soon as he heard Megatron's retort about whether or not Blaster could survive a point blank shot from a Fusion Cannon, and the Chief Communication Officer's request for assistance, Scoop spun out into the open. His cannon already leveled and aimed at Megatron's exposed shoulder. "As the great book once said Blaster, Ask and Ye Shall Receive," he quoted one of the more famous lines from the Book of Primus and snapped off a shot, sending the inhibitor claw straight towards the Terror of Cybertron... Megatron.
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Re: State of Mind

Postby MasterSoundBlaster » Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:32 am

Motto: "You can run,you'll just die trying"
Weapon: Fusion Cannon
Democratic Republic of the Congo

This mission was going South faster than anticipated. Bad enough the big O.P. was down and out from being returned to the Earthen environment, now it turns out Optimus wasn't alone upon his return. Blaster detected another life sign in the brush and closed in to investigate, only to find its source.


"Easy now..." Jazz calmly instructed as he rose from his crouched position and drew his photon rifle, taking aim towards the fusion cannon wielding tyrant. He gazed around and found himself staring down the barrel of Megatron's signature weapon, Blaster standing only off towards his left by a few feet. The Decepticon leader then began to taunt them, practically daring them to shoot at him. Odds were in the Autobots favor, so pulling the trigger was as tempting as dares come... But Megatron was once a gladiator, he could easily pummel them all into stasis then snuff Optimus while he out. Couldn't let that happen... For now they had to stand as the line line of defense while Ratchet did his best at stabilizing the downed Prime.

Before Jazz could call out another order to his makeshift spec ops team, the roar of a fallen Prime echoed through the trees calling out to the silver-cladded mech that stood before them. Not looking over his shoulder to confirm, Jazz kept his visored stare on Prime's nemesis, only to watch as the warlord stumbled to the ground, stuttering in disbelief that Prime still functioned.

Ratchet wasted no time in suggesting the use of an inhibitor claw to contain the Decepticon while Blaster looked on to see if someone else had one ready. To be fair, the team wasn't expecting to be taking prisoners, so the thought of snagging inhibitor claws never crossed his mind. He had a pair of stasis cuffs he could quickly employ, but that won't do too much against a well renounced pit fighter.

Swinging around from behind a tree to the right of the black and white Autobot, Scoop fired out the only inhibitor claw Jazz had seen available straight at the crippled Megatron. With his right hand free, Jazz reached behind him and removed the lone set of stasis cuffs he had. The barrel of his free hand was still fixated towards Megatron, still unsure how the tyrant would react to being stricken with an inhibitor claw. Getting a decent grip on the cuffs, Jazz tossed them across the brush over towards where Scoop had appeared out from.

"Nice work remembering the claw, Scoop! Go ahead and slap those bad boys on the big bad himself, just to be safe. Dun worry, Blaster and I will cover ya." Keeping his focus on the more dangerous element of this equation, Jazz didn't bother to shift his gaze away from the unpredictable as he addressed the rest of his team.

"Ratch', what's our status with Prime? We need to call in a heavy lift to pick 'im up or we good to bounce on out? I've got coordinates ready to send, just gimme the word."
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Re: State of Mind

Postby Ember » Sun Oct 18, 2015 3:10 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Africa – Democratic Republic of the Congo


Finally, Ratchet thought, a response. Although he’d hoped for something a bit more definitive, however he would take what he could get. Although…

Ratchet’s optics followed Primes but kept his hands against Prime’s shoulders ensuring that the Autobot Commander wouldn’t attempt to confront Megatron even though the ‘Con Lord was already in stasis.

When he noticed Optimus’ optics refocus on him, Ratchet smiled slightly and nodded. “Yeah, Orion. It’s me” he whispered.

"…was nice to see you aga…ngh…"

The smile faltered somewhat as the CMO watched his friend’s optics flicker and he began to lose his balance. Ratchet gripped the larger mech keeping him upright. “Whoa!” He braced his stance before he began to guide the Prime down towards the ground.


While gently setting Optimus flat on the ground Ratchet quickly ran a scan of his vitals. Hit energon levels were running low. His spark pulse was also slowing a sign of severe stress and intense exertion. He needed to get Prime back to the Guardian as soon as possible.

He ran his free hand over Prime’s forehead, the sensors in his hand taking reading of his internal and external temperatures. They too were elevated. A frown formed on his face as he looked over his shoulder at Jazz, Blaster and Scoop. “I need to get him to the med bay, NOW!” His optics moved from the three Autobots to settle on the unconscious Megatron. “Secure him and let’s get going!”

His order, not request, given, Ratchet looked back down at Optimus. “Orion.” He squeezed his shoulder in order to retain the Prime’s attention, “Don’t think you can get rid of me that fast, old friend. ‘Was’…Ha! You’re gonna see me ‘till the end of my life not yours.” The CMO cracked a smirk. “Let’s see if we can’t get you to your feet.”
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Re: State of Mind

Postby Insidious » Wed Nov 04, 2015 2:57 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Africa-–Democratic Republic of the Congo

Megatron's burning red optics did not blaze forth into activity again like they typically did when the tyrant regained consciousness. His systems were too weak. His mind was so fogged and glitched he could barely comprehend the readings. They were just a blur of numbers and percentages right now. Nothing made sense.

But voices.

He could hear voices...

You get two breems with him, tops. Commanders need him alive."

"Sakes. Like I needed more? Geez. Just go!"

The mech with the singular optic turned his gaze towards him. More pain would follow. Pain, a friend with whom he was very well-acquainted by now.

"Dun worry, Blaster and I will cover ya."


“Secure him and let’s get going!”

He attempted to move. And the attempt was met with immediate failure. His arms and legs were locked in place. He struggled, letting out an audible groan of frustration.

"W-What is this...treachery?!" the Decepticon leader hissed.
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Re: State of Mind

Postby MasterSoundBlaster » Sat Nov 14, 2015 3:32 am

Motto: "You can run,you'll just die trying"
Weapon: Fusion Cannon
Africa- Democratic Republic of the Congo

"I need to get him to the med bay NOW! Secure him and let's get going!"

"No need to tell me twice!" Jazz replied hastily to the Autobot CMO as he made his way towards the now-restrained Megatron. "Blaster, help Ratch' get Prime up and to the med bay! Scoop, you and I are gonna grab Bucket-head here!"

Stepping behind the downed Decepticon tyrant and pulling him up the best he could by the restraints, Jazz began coordinating the return bounce sequence. He peered over towards Optimus and Ratchet to see how they were holding up before turning to face Scoop.

"Watch the fusion cannon there." He stated with a small grin before he became encased in the bright light of the bounce sequence back up towards the Guardian.

((OOC: all characters moved up to the Guardian thread.))
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Re: State of Mind

Postby Insidious » Sat Nov 14, 2015 6:11 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Africa--Democratic Republic of the Congo

Some of the denser foliage within the deep African jungle rustled, but it was not more of the planet's native wildlife. It was a air of optics that had kept a cautious watch on the unfolding events from a safe distance, its personal cloaking technology still very much in tact and, fortunately, quite functional. The light-reflecting camoflage tech was also doing its job, which allowed the mech in question to do his.

Once the assembled Autobots and Decepticons had vanished in a bright beam of bounce technology, the mech rose from its crouched position and stepped out into the open area of the forest. In a few short steps, it was kneeling once more, tracing an invisible finger along the outline of where some of the mechs had been standing and where the beam had enveloped them.

The mech then rose to his feet, his silvery white optics flickering before his translucent outline quickly dashed off into the jungle again. This time not to return.

Until summoned...

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