Sabrblade wrote:The Triceratops' name is Slug.SmokescreenGT wrote:Snarl looks awesome! However, has anyone else noticed that while the facebook page names Sludge and Swoop, they don't specifically name Snarl and Slag. I wonder if there will be a name change there considering the word Slag is frowned upon in some places.
mmhmm, and it is a stupid name change. I'm Scottish and I don't mind him being called Slag. I can see a problem getting it localised in the uk without it though. I'll call him Slag no matter what they call him.
GuyIncognito wrote:Trikeboy wrote:To be honest, I would prefer a 3rd party version because they would probably all be voyager sized.
Voyager sized 3rd-party versions would cost about $100 each. Maybe that's OK for you, but a lot of us can't afford that. I'd rather have Hasbro Deluxes for $12/each.
Depends on where you shop. If you only shop at BigBadToyStore then yes it would cost that much. I shop at Robotkingdom and they are a lot cheaper. I got the Herc components shipped for less than BBTS were offering before shipping. However, I do take the point that they would be more expensive. I would pay for them though.