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When MEGATRON requires aerial reinforcements, his elite teams of air calvary answer the call. A no-nonsense attitude, combined with a lack of compassion, is the sole reason these DECEPTICONS strike fear into the processors of their unsuspecting victims. Forming the core of their air force, the DECEPTICON AIR WARRIOR is a determined and ruthless killing machine poised to lay waste to terrestrial targets-on the surface or under the ground. Basic weaponry, consisting of cluster bombs and laser-guided missiles, is used to terminate any AUTOBOT sympathizer.
Strength: | 7 |
Intelligence: | 5 |
Speed: | 8 |
Endurance: | 7 |
Rank: | 4 |
Courage: | 5 |
Firepower: | 7 |
Skill: | 7 |
Total: | 50 |
Air Warrior Clones appeared in the following 4 cartoon episodes: