Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

Tough, no-nonsense type. Sometimes breaks rules in order to get what he wants. Works best when he works alone. As comfortable driving down a dark alley as he is on a well-lit, six-lane superhighway. Binary-bonded to Muzzle, a Nebulan private detective with an eye for detail. Carries two photon pistols and a plasma blaster with an infra-red sight. Also equipped with visual and audio sensors. Usually gets by with just cool-headed logic.
Strength: | 5.0 |
Intelligence: | 8.0 |
Speed: | 7.0 |
Endurance: | 6.0 |
Rank: | 7.0 |
Courage: | 9.0 |
Firepower: | 7.0 |
Skill: | 9.0 |
Total: | 58 |