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Look out motorists! He exults in the accidents he causes! Driving recklessly, screaming and laughing. Some comrades think it's an act, others know he really is as nuts as he appears. Fears quiet, prone to tire blow-outs. In car mode, goes up to 250 mph with amazing maneuverability. In robot mode, his scattershot gun sprays laser beams over wide areas. Combines with fellow Stunticons to form "Menasor."
Strength: | 6.0 |
Intelligence: | 6.0 |
Speed: | 7.0 |
Endurance: | 6.0 |
Rank: | 5.0 |
Courage: | 8.0 |
Firepower: | 7.0 |
Skill: | 6.0 |
Total: | 51 |
Wildrider appeared in the following 20 cartoon episodes: