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Chapter 3: More Energon... More Problems

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Chapter 3: More Energon... More Problems

Postby _Anshin_ » Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:51 am

Sounds of rushing water snapped both Absolute Zero and Alldarker out the stasis lock at almost the exact same nanoclick. The stolen shuttle was half submerged already and still taking on the cold frigid black water.
"Alldarker you still with me?" groaned Absolute_Zero in pain. Why was he still functioning. The last thing he remembered was slamming into what felt like a sponge and then his systems shutting down from a power overload.
"Alldarker" cried out the Autobot again.
"Yes. I am here, but the question is where is here and why are we still functioning?" replied the weakened bot.
"I don't know, but we have to get out of here. I think.. I think the ship is sinking, help me find the exit."
Wearily the two bots stumbled around. The shells they wore to protect them from the meteors and damage slowing their already pained movements. A cycle later and AllDarker found the exit on the submerged side of the ship.
"Found it. Looks like we are going to have to swim for it" declared Alldarker.
"I need to take off this shell, there is no way in the state I am in that I can swim with it on." gasped Absolute_Zero. Even with his self repair routines working he was still feeling the effects of the stasis lock. He knew the same was true for his partner.
"What about the "
"It will be fine, you still have the pack Perceptor gave us right? I still have mine. We drop the shells, swim for it then apply the packs when we hit land. With any luck the water will wash us off anyways. Also Perceptor told us the packs would double as an emergency CR unit for at least 24 Megacycles."
"That is if we hit land Zero. We don't know where we are and these shells could be the only thing protecting us."
"Well AD, we have a few choices. We can sit here and argue about it aboard a Decepticon shuttle that is sinking or we can do something about it. For all we know the other team failed and the other warship is activating the homing signals on this thing right now. If not, don't forget we crash landed with another shuttle that could just as easily find us. We have to move and we have to do it now."
"Then let us find the self destruct sequence and the weapons before we leave"
"No, we may need this ship to escape the planet just incase. As for carrying weapons, if we could do that then we wouldn't need to ditch the shells. I'll be lucky to carry my own payload much less anything we can strip from the ship"
"Fine you made your point Zero."
Achingly the two bots ejected from the shells and grabbed their gear before diving towards the exit. Quickly they made their way to the surface, the cold water chilling their servos and threatening to cause their bodies to lock up. Once on the surface they quickly surveyed the area and swam the few hundred meters towards the dock.
"Ok, lets dry off and apply the packs" ordered Absolute Zero.
"No, you were right before about the ship. Lets move further in and set up defenses in one of the buildings over there. Once we are dry then we can apply the packs."
Scuttling off the two bots made their way towards one of the smaller, easier defensible buildings. Each step they took they felt their strength slowly returning.
Wrath had awoken cycles ago but remained immobile until he was sure he would have had enough strength to defend himself. By the time he had started to move the fire retardant system had already kicked on and started to put the fires out that had started in the engine room. Even in his weakened state he was able to effortlessly knock the lifeless drones off of Potentate and drag him outside. Wrath made his way back into the crashed shuttle and looked around. By now the CO2 and foam had started to cover everything making it hard to spot the remaining Decepticons. Sifting through the debris, Wrath located his last two comrades. Picking Name_Violation up and throwing him over one shoulder, Wrath unceremoniously grabbed Bristleback by the heel and drug him outside. Once outside both cons were tossed to one side as Wrath collapsed to one knee, his systems still not fully covered.
“You going to be ok?” asked Potentate, his systems finally online.
“Yes. Those guys are just heavier than they look.”
Potentate knew better but played along, “Well you know Name_Violation, He probably has a twenty ton weight just to drop on an Autobot as a gag.”
Both the cons laughed about this as they looked about. They had crashed in a field just outside what the two had determined was at least one of the power sources they were sent to find. Even from where they were in the field they could see several towers with Cybertronian architecture feeding a gigantic central spire beams of energy. The central spire itself was massive and dwarfed the rest of the city, but what amazed the two Decepticons was the shear energy pouring out of it.
“What in the name of Cybertron is that?” asked Wrath.
“It looks like that tower is the reason we are alive. It appears to be generating a force field. How we passed through that though is beyond me.” reasoned Potentate.
Behind them creaking and groans could be heard as Name_Violation and Bristleback came back online.
“Ugh. Why does my faceplate feel worse than the rest of me? “ asked Bristleback as he rolled over onto his back.
“Don’t complain. I haven’t felt this bad since my last energon bender.” Stated Name_Violation as he attempted to sit up.
“Take it easy. Your coming out of stasis.” stated Potentate. “The good news is we have found one of the energy sources. Bad news is we are stuck planet side as we didn’t do so great on the landing.”
“Fine let us call Icon Jade and get him to get us out of here.”
“I think we should secure the power source first then put the evac call in first Wrath.” countered Potentate.
“I am with Wrath, besides my self repair routines are not working correctly.” quipped Name_Violation.
“Should have bought the upgrades I offered when you had the chance old chum.” Bristleback jokingly said as he got up and made his way towards the shuttle.
“Where are you going merc?” growled Wrath as he stood to his full height.
“Well I was offered parts, I’m going to see what I can salvage. Besides none of our communications will make orbit, so might as well see if I can repair the shuttle’s, unless you feel like you want to smash it.”

The sound of wind rushing past his audio sensors quickly brought Zordon back. He almost wished it hadn’t. His entire body hurt and he had a stone spike through his leg where he had been impaled upon impact. He may have been one of the best Autobot medics and had the best self repair routines, but he would need to find parts before he would be able to fight on that leg again much less transform. He quickly surveyed the area. He apparently had been jettisoned during the fight and came crashing through the wall into what he could only assume was a dwelling before. The décor reminded him of Cybertronian, but nothing he had ever seen. He quickly broke the spike and removed the pieces of stone. He needed to find some energon and parts before matters got worse. Moving towards the only exit other than the hole in the wall Zordon made his way down the stairs, each step threatening to shut his systems down.

Stopping after a few moments, Zordon remembered Perceptor’s warning about this planet. He took one of the 12 packs that he was carrying and started the application process. To his surprise the nanobots not only coated him but started to repair some of his wounds. After a few cycles the pain had ebbed to a point where it was only a nuisance. Zordon hobbled his way down the stairs to find a maintenance room that unlike the rest of the building was stocked with energon. Quickly grabbing a few cubes and enough supplies to make quick field repairs he exited to the one of the side streets. Even though Zordon wondered who could be occupying an abandoned city, he figured in his condition it would be best to hide until he was in better shape.


Phaze was the last to come to when he heard the argument between Icon Jade and Burn.
As he stumbled out of the wreckage he could understand what they were arguing about. Icon had wanted to radio for pickup from the other warship and head into the city beneath them as a single unit. Burn wanted to do what he always did. Destroy anything in his path and just take the power source. Looking around Phaze saw the city beneath them. They had crashed into the side of the mountain, apparently destroying a few buildings along the way. On the other side of the city was a vast sea. To his left he saw a field and what appeared to be smoke. Probably part of this antique of a ship.
“I am telling you Burn, the city looks abandoned, but we could be walking into a trap.”
“Jade, you can stay here and play nurse made with the kid and the wreckage but I have a job to do. I don’t need an army to storm an empty town.”
“I am just saying that we survived a crash that we shouldn’t have. We were thrown into an Energy stasis, it is best to err on the side of caution.”
“Aww let him go Jade. Let him show us what a big bad ass he can be by storming an empty city by himself.” Interjected Phaze.
“Bah, now I have to hear your mouth. I was hoping you had been permanently taken offline.” growled Burn as he picked up his cannon and pack.
“Phaze don’t start. The Autobots could still be out there and we still don’t know any.”
Before Icon Jade could finish his statement his radio came to life

“Icon Jade do you read me, this is Bristleback.”

“Burn wait, it’s the others. They are contacting us!”

Burn thought about continuing on his path for a moment and then turned around. This day just kept getting worse.

“We hear you Bristleback,”
“Good. Listen, we found the energy source on the planet. We just need you to come down and pick us up.”
“Wait you guys are down here too?” sighed Icon Jade.
“Yeah, we are heading to the Energy source right now, wait… why did you say too?”
“The Autobots crashed into our ship, brought us both down. Burn, Phaze, and I survived. There is a chance they did too.” Replied Icon Jade.
“Well that’s just great. Do you see a big City?”
“Affirmative. We are on the mountain overlooking it.”
“Head to the big spire. We will meet you there, In the meanwhile since you are planet side we will switch over to the typical channels. Bristleback out.”

“Well I guess we are helping Burn storm an empty city. Who knows maybe even he can take this over by himself.”

“You guys won’t get far without my help.” Called out a voice.

Instantly the three cons dropped went into action and charged their weapons. Even with the effects of stasis lock still churning away at their systems they were ready for a fight.

“Come now, if I wanted you dead by now I would have blown you up.” Called out the voice again.

“Try it you coward!” Screamed Burn.

“Your call, but I would take cover away from the ship if I were you in three… two…”
Before the voice could finish the remnants of the ark Exploded sending the weakened Decepticons flying.

“Are you ready to listen now or should I just keep this up till you are more agreeable?”

“We are listening” called out Icon Jade.
“Cowards. All of you.” grumbled Burn as he picked himself up.
“Well there goes my hopes of watching Burn lead a successful mission to conquer anything” said Phaze..

Before anyone could say anything else, a small figure came sliding down the mountain.

“The names Psychout, and you will need me if you want to get past the city’s defenses. I’ll even help you get the power source, but in exchange you take me with you when you.”

“Why this little runt sure has a nerve.” grinned Phaze, dusting himself off. “I bet that he is out of tricks. Why don’t you try him again Burn?”


Vic was growing concerned. He had come around and pulled Crossblades into one of the structures, however Crossblades was still in stasis lock. Even after applying what Perceptor had given them to both he and his partner, only he was still functioning. To make matters worse, he was now trapped in the building he had pulled Crossblades. Vic stumbled around in the dark, but was unable to find the exit that had closed behind him. Normally he would just open fire and make his own exit, however he could have sworn he heard voices. On the other side of the wall.

.... End story (for now)
Last edited by _Anshin_ on Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:47 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Chapter 3: More Energon... More Problems

Postby _Anshin_ » Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:51 am

Autobot Team 1: Total required Kills(427)
Zordon (5) / Vic (10)

Autobot Team 2: Total required Kills(605)
Alldarker (8) / Absolute_Zero (4)

Decepticon Team 1: Total required Kills (523)
Potenate (7) / Bristleback (1) / Name Violation (7) / Wrath (5)

Decepticon Team 2: Total required Kills (610)
Burn(11) / Icon Jade(4) / Phaze(12) / Psychout(6)

This game is called under attack:
Decepticons must find their way through the City defenses to make it to the tower. During the way the Autobots will have chances to Ambush the Decepticons or be caught off guard and be taken out.

Teams must make Average of combined totals from (#2).
Please list the troops you would like me to monitor. Your total of troops are equal to your choice for(#3).

So using Decepticon Team 1 as an example:
Each member's total team kills will add up towards the 610. So if NV has 500 kills and Bristleback has 110, the other two have to do nothing. Sounds easy right?

Here is the twist and where Roll #1 comes in:
Autobot Team 1 can only Ambush Decepticon Team 2
Autobot Team 2 can only Ambush Decepticon Team 1
This is also works backwards (Decepticons can catch Autobots)

An ambush is when you catch two or more members of that team and Kill them in a fight.

So if AZ/AD manage to kills NV and Wrath in a fight and manage to shut both down with Stasis Locks then a point is given towards AZ/AD and a point is taken from NV/Wrath. If a person's points = Zero then that person is eliminated from this fight. So if AD gets shut down 8 times in a row he is shut out of the game and his total kills stop on the day his team is shut down.

What does all of this mean and why am I making it so complicated? I don't know... just wanted to make life interesting and I like numbers. But back to the rules:
If AD has 300 kills and is shut out on 11/18, any kills by that time will not be counted, leaving AZ to do all of the work to make the remaining 305 kills. Kills can be done against any member of the other Factions team not just the troops they wish to kills with.

I will monitor Team kills, but if you wish to shut out your opponent you must post you kills here (I know, I know, why am I making you do work?!?!). Well it is to get you interested in this mini game. I will try to watch out for the kills but I am not able to play as much as I would like so I will need your assistance with this.

The game ends when Two teams complete their kills. There penalty and reward for this will be the "cure". Autobots have a chance to add Crossblades (or a new member back) to the side. Decepticons will get an "Extra bonus" on next round. Losers, well that will be revealed in 3.5.

Post your teams and I will add them here.

Zordon: Pick 3 (sorry Random roll).

Game will not start till 11/18.
Post questions and I will address as soon as possible
Last edited by _Anshin_ on Wed Nov 16, 2011 4:02 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Chapter 3: More Energon... More Problems

Postby _Anshin_ » Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:52 am

Starting Numbers
:BOT: Team 1 : Total Kills(76) / (351left)
Zordon:(5 lives left)<-- Highest Killer Airstorm Alpha
Vic: (10 lives left)

:BOT: Team 2: Total Kills(332) / (-24 left)
Alldarker (8 lives left)<-- Highest Killer with AllDarker
Absolute Zero (2 lives left) <-- 5 magical points from shutting out Datamatrix

:CON: Team 1: Total Kills(589) / (-66 left) 1st Place
Wrath (6 lives left)
Potentate (8 lives left)<-- Highest Killer with Nosferatu
Name_Violation (7 lives left)
[color=#FF0000]Bristleback (0 live left)

:CON: Team 2: Total Kills(172) (-23 kills left)
Burn (11 lives left) <-- Highest Killer with Gore
Phaze (12 lives left)
Psychout (6 lives left)
Icon Jade (4 live left)

Last Edited at 18:16 EST 11/28
Last edited by _Anshin_ on Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:28 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Chapter 3: More Energon... More Problems

Postby Psychout » Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:00 pm

Motto: "This post clearly was meant to offend, and if you are affected by it in any way please close your browser and discuss it with someone who knows not to take the internet seriously."
Weapon: Black Magic
Reserved for Psychout
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Re: Chapter 3: More Energon... More Problems

Postby Absolute Zero » Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:50 pm

Weapon: Corrosive Slime Shooter
We're reserving posts? Is this going to be formal affair then?
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Re: Chapter 3: More Energon... More Problems

Postby Phaze » Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:59 pm

Motto: ""All's Fair in Life and Death""
Weapon: Nuclear Charged Fusion Cannon
Absolute Zero wrote:We're reserving posts? Is this going to be formal affair then?

think psyke's reserving his dinner reservation
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Re: Chapter 3: More Energon... More Problems

Postby Rolltide » Thu Nov 03, 2011 1:12 pm

Phaze wrote:
Absolute Zero wrote:We're reserving posts? Is this going to be formal affair then?

think psyke's reserving his dinner reservation

wonder which of his blow-up dolls he's taking out this time...
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Re: Chapter 3: More Energon... More Problems

Postby _Anshin_ » Thu Nov 03, 2011 1:50 pm

Absolute Zero wrote:We're reserving posts? Is this going to be formal affair then?

I reserve the posts just so that people can use the front page to find information as these posts sometimes degenerate into playful banter.
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Re: Chapter 3: More Energon... More Problems

Postby Absolute Zero » Thu Nov 03, 2011 2:22 pm

Weapon: Corrosive Slime Shooter
_Anshin_ wrote:
Absolute Zero wrote:We're reserving posts? Is this going to be formal affair then?

I reserve the posts just so that people can use the front page to find information as these posts sometimes degenerate into playful banter.

Oh, I know, I was making a joke cause Psyke was reserving one too.
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Re: Chapter 3: More Energon... More Problems

Postby Psychout » Thu Nov 03, 2011 2:23 pm

Motto: "This post clearly was meant to offend, and if you are affected by it in any way please close your browser and discuss it with someone who knows not to take the internet seriously."
Weapon: Black Magic
They what? we'll have no playful banter here!

I only reserved the post as I didn't want _Anshin_ to have all the reservist fun, its not like in going to bother using it.

Rolltide wrote:
Phaze wrote:
Absolute Zero wrote:We're reserving posts? Is this going to be formal affair then?

think psyke's reserving his dinner reservation

wonder which of his blow-up dolls he's taking out this time...
the one with the real hair. and pulse. and bank account.
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Re: Chapter 3: More Energon... More Problems

Postby _Anshin_ » Thu Nov 03, 2011 2:30 pm

Psychout wrote:They what? we'll have no playful banter here!

I only reserved the post as I didn't want _Anshin_ to have all the reservist fun, its not like in going to bother using it.

Rolltide wrote:
Phaze wrote:
Absolute Zero wrote:We're reserving posts? Is this going to be formal affair then?

think psyke's reserving his dinner reservation

wonder which of his blow-up dolls he's taking out this time...
the one with the real hair. and pulse. and bank account.

In other words Burn, oh wait. You said real hair and a pulse.
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Re: Chapter 3: More Energon... More Problems

Postby Phaze » Thu Nov 03, 2011 2:56 pm

Motto: ""All's Fair in Life and Death""
Weapon: Nuclear Charged Fusion Cannon
Psychout wrote:They what? we'll have no playful banter here!

I only reserved the post as I didn't want _Anshin_ to have all the reservist fun, its not like in going to bother using it.

Rolltide wrote:
Phaze wrote:
Absolute Zero wrote:We're reserving posts? Is this going to be formal affair then?

think psyke's reserving his dinner reservation

wonder which of his blow-up dolls he's taking out this time...
the one with the real hair. and pulse. and bank account.

Didn't know they where that advanced real hair and their own bank account damn Image
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Re: Chapter 3: More Energon... More Problems

Postby Burn » Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:05 pm

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings to randomly click things in the Admin Panel to see what it breaks."
My hair is very much real and grows at a ridiculous rate. Unfortunately if I let it go too long I could easily become a Krusty the Klown impressionist.
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Re: Chapter 3: More Energon... More Problems

Postby Phaze » Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:07 pm

Motto: ""All's Fair in Life and Death""
Weapon: Nuclear Charged Fusion Cannon
Burn wrote:My hair is very much real and grows at a ridiculous rate. Unfortunately if I let it go too long I could easily become a Krusty the Klown impressionist.

So does that make Psyke sideshow Psyke?
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Re: Chapter 3: More Energon... More Problems

Postby Burn » Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:13 pm

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings to randomly click things in the Admin Panel to see what it breaks."
Nope. Because you still have the whole bank account thing.

And that I don't have ... well not one that would attract ANYONE of ANY gender.
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Re: Chapter 3: More Energon... More Problems

Postby alldarker » Tue Nov 08, 2011 7:57 am

Motto: "Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici"
Weapon: Vibro-Force Gun
Any chance of some movement on the reservations you made in this thread? They're taking up prime forum real estate :P
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Re: Chapter 3: More Energon... More Problems

Postby _Anshin_ » Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:00 am

Yeah, I should have posted when I came back to town on Sunday, but it wasn't in the top of my priority list. Will do it tonight or earlier if the boss keeps up with unrealistic demands.
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Re: Chapter 3: More Energon... More Problems

Postby alldarker » Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:06 am

Motto: "Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici"
Weapon: Vibro-Force Gun
_Anshin_ wrote:Yeah, I should have posted when I came back to town on Sunday, but it wasn't in the top of my priority list. Will do it tonight or earlier if the boss keeps up with unrealistic demands.

No rush, I know you have real-life, more important, stuff going on too. Just looking forward to the next installment.
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Re: Chapter 3: More Energon... More Problems

Postby alldarker » Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:32 am

Motto: "Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici"
Weapon: Vibro-Force Gun
_Anshin_ wrote:Game:
Each Player needs to provide 3 sets of random numbers:

Finally, a new update in the first post. Gotta say, in your story, AZ and me are way too reasonable too each other... And we are Pretenders??? :shock:

Anyhow, here's the numbers you asked for...
Set 1: 8
Set 2: 666
Set 3: 7
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Re: Chapter 3: More Energon... More Problems

Postby Burn » Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:43 am

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings to randomly click things in the Admin Panel to see what it breaks."
Set 1:11
Set 2:42
Set 3:2
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Re: Chapter 3: More Energon... More Problems

Postby Psychout » Thu Nov 10, 2011 4:03 am

Motto: "This post clearly was meant to offend, and if you are affected by it in any way please close your browser and discuss it with someone who knows not to take the internet seriously."
Weapon: Black Magic
I like the way the story is going so far.

Set 1) 6
Set 2) 999
Set 3) 5
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Re: Chapter 3: More Energon... More Problems

Postby IconJade » Thu Nov 10, 2011 4:29 am

Motto: "That's just not right."
Set 1) 4
Set 2) 784
Set 3) 8
HMW Team:Jaded Legion
IconJade on PlayStation Network and X-Box Live.
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Re: Chapter 3: More Energon... More Problems

Postby The Potentate » Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:14 am

Motto: "I shot J.R."
Weapon: Nuclear Charged Fusion Cannon
Set 1. 7
Set 2. 921
Set 3. 7
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Re: Chapter 3: More Energon... More Problems

Postby Bristleback » Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:52 am

Motto: "Success didn't spoil me, I've always been a smart arse."
Weapon: Rust Rifle
Set 1: 1
Set 2: 565
Set 3: 1

Hmmm well the dice rolls were low on 1 and 3, still lets see how badly this goes... :grin:
The Autocruds won't know what the slag happen... awww scrap me another rust spot!
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Re: Chapter 3: More Energon... More Problems

Postby _Anshin_ » Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:38 am

alldarker wrote:]

Finally, a new update in the first post. Gotta say, in your story, AZ and me are way too reasonable too each other... And we are Pretenders??? :shock:

A.) Your Autobots not children
B.) You find that in war people tend to work together when their life is on the line. Besides you two are too much alike just on opposite sides of views sometimes. Give it some time (Chapter 5 perhaps???).
C.) Pretenders, no. Think of it as a biohazard suit hence why you had limited movement and no control.
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