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Decepticon Battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Ember » Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:52 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Outside the Science Labs

The sheer volume of mechs that were now loitering outside of the labs had Nightraven wishing that she could, not only melt into the background, but also vanish from the immediate location. She was surrounded by warriors, former gladiators and killers…all of which she had no cause to be around.

The Seeker took a few steps back and away but she refused to be out of Skywarp’s sight. If something was to happen with a Predacon, or someone else, well, she was sure to have the telepoter close by.

And while Skywarp moved toward Tantrum in order to fuel up on the ultra energon, Nightraven remained. She watched and waited, and when the all clear was give Nightraven approached the Predacon fueler. She quickly opened her fuel port and connected to one of the two external fuel tanks on Tantrum’s frame.

At first there was nothing. Well, that wasn’t entirely accurate. There was a slight tingling that started at the fuel connection port and then slowly spread to her extremities. And, by Primus, did it feel good. Completely filled up, Nightraven disconnected from the fueler and cast Skywarp a surprised expression, but it was soon replaced by a wicked smirk.

With this new energy source there was little chance that they would be taken down so easily. However, she had to remember that Shockwave and his little band of merry followers had also filled up not long before.

Things were going to get very interesting very quickly.

The rush of energy that started to run through Breakdown’s systems was absolutely exhilarating. Not only were his tanks reading at near full capacity, but his weapons systems’ confirmed that, they too, were near capacity. What a rush. “Great? Primus, this stuff isn’t just great…this stuff is…this stuff is really great!” He said to Dead End.

Breakdown supposed that with the intense charge he was experiencing now, well, all the other ‘Cons had to be feeling the same way; like they could take on anyone, and win. What a glorious feeling, and what a tempting thought. “I’m so ready to kick some tailpipe!”


If was to be betrayed by, not only Razorclaw but his own kin, than Starscream would see to it he’d go down fighting. Of course there was still a slim chance that the Predacon still had everything under control. Playing it cool seemed to be his only current option; until, of course, things took a turn for the worse.

And so Starscream stood, ramrod straight, head held high like any good Decepticon would do. He had his dignity and he was damn sure going to retain it to the bitter end, should it come.

In short order a holographic projection of each of the members of the Decepticon Justice Division appeared to which the Air Commander had no reaction. To show any sign of outward weakness, be it fear or cowardice, would be the deciding judgment, and without even a full trial. Instead Starscream simply waited.

Of course the prosecution was given the privilege of an opening statement, which Shockwave took to readily. And still Starscream waited.

As soon as the Military Operations Commander had completed his opening Tesarus turned the floor over to Starscream, who, obviously, would represent himself.

The Seeker remained motionless as he watched the projected members of the DJD. Starscream then turned his heated glare on the tall purple one-eyed Decepticon perched on his high platform. Optics boring into Shockwave, Starscream sneered and finally spoke. “Shockwave is a fool.” He paused for a moment before breaking off his gaze and settling on the “judges and jury”.

“Treason has not been committed here. The will of our Mighty Leader had always taken priority, and still does.” His head rose even higher. “I am a stout follower of our Great Leader’s objectives.” Again, he turned his attention to Shockwave. “I may not have agreed with the way those objectives were to be performed, but I was sure to follow them through in the end.”

Starscream sent a scathing sneer in the cycloptic mech’s direction as he continued with his defense. “My procurement of the alleged Ore-13 was accurate; however, I did not conceal its acquisition.” A crooked smile slowly replaced the leer. “Shockwave could not accept that Lord Megatron ordered both of us to study the ore…separately. An arrangement that Shockwave’s ego would define as “illogical”.”

“The Ultrax…certain steps needed to be taken in order to preserve our hold on this planet and its resources, and if that meant sacrificing a small amount of what we had…then it was a necessary act.”

Starscream paused for a moment, his bright optics glued to Shockwave’s form. “Lord Megatron has had many opportunities to eliminate me, not only by his own hand, but by the same means you are seeking now, and yet here I stand before you. I have remained steadfast beside Megatron even after accusations of treason and mutiny and still I function. I am an asset to the Decepticon cause, and I shall remain as such.”

The Seeker Commander’s attention moved from his accuser toward the projection of the members of the DJD. “In all reality, this trial is but a means to remove me from Megatron’s grand scheme.” There was a slight pause before Starscream looked back to his prosecutor and screamed, “This trial was called without Megatron’s consent! I move to have the charges dropped on the grounds that Shockwave wishes to eliminate me because of the threat I pose to his ultimate goal!”
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Insidious » Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:09 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser

Shockwave absorbed the Seeker Commander's retorts with his typical external stoicism, even though internally, the strategist was engaged in computing a number of alternative algorithms based upon possible scenarios that would allow him to take action here and now. The percentages that were coming back were not enough to prompt Shockwave to act upon those desires, however, and thus his disappointment continued.

"Declarative: it--"

"Ah ah ah," Tarn interrupted. " Formalities, Shockwave. You know these well, thus our being here. The accuser has made his case. The accused has rebutted. And yet...."

"The accused requests a dismissal," Kaon added.

"Oh yes. Yes. That raises a valid concern. This request did not come from Megatron himself. Surely if the Seeker is such a treacherous operative within this sector, Megatron would deal with the matter himself, wouldn't he, Shockwave? Why, then, has he not?"

Shockwave's optic flickered. This conversation was approaching complicated territory now. The strategy best to be employed was to overlook Megatron's absence without drawing any significant amount of attention as to why. It had not escaped Shockwave's notice that Starscream, too had avoided simply screaming to all the members of the Decepticon Justice Division that Megatron was gone. Even now, the Seeker was playing out a strategy of his own. One that he knew would not be best served if the Division were to refocus their efforts here any time soon. There would be no way to prepare for what they might bring with them.

"Declarative: Megatron has left Starscream's actions for me to deal with. I deemed it wise, if not expedient, to solicit the formal judgement of the Division," Shockwave said, making sure that he kept his answers truthful, while avoiding unnecessary discussions of Megatron's fate. Megatron would have done the empire a favor if he had simply executed Starscream ages ago. Since he had not, it was now Shockwave's problem.

The members of the Division seemed to look to one another, with Helex's holograph in particular going slightly out of frame as he appeared to mention something inaudibly to Vos.

"The motion to dismiss...?" Tarn began, before looking specifically at each of the other members of the Division in order to see where the majority lay. Once he had silently gathered the information he needed, he continued. " denied. However, I will say that I have not heard anything that would sway me to authorize execution. And this is certainly not a case that I would qualify as being 'list-worthy'. I'm confidant I'm not alone in that assessment either. Therefore, we continue. The Division will now solicit testimonials from the gallery."

"Any who wear the badge may speak in defense of or against the accused," Kaon added.

Silently, Shockwave's frustrations grew. He had hoped they would bypass the testimonial phase altogether and simply render a judgement. Now, Starscream's opportunities to manipulate this proceeding grew wider--if only marginally. The question remained--would anyone here speak in his defense? Or would they affirm everything that Shockwave had laid out? The imperator's sole optic settled on Soundwave. He, above anyone, knew of Starscream's nature. He had been a rival of Starscream's since the earliest days of the war. A rival for Megatron's praise and the power that came with it. This was his opportunity--their collective opportunity--to seal Starscream's fate and end this civil war.

"Well?" Tarn said, his holographic representation surveying the room.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Marty Rocket » Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:49 pm

As Rampage continued on his way, Thundercracker found he had to keep running up the corridor, just so he could catch up to the Predacon who seemed to have no intention of stopping so they could converse. After a few seconds of running, Thundercracker had caught up to Rampage, but the Predacon's walk was so swift that Thundercracker found he had to power walk alongside Rampage just to keep up.

"You off to the trial?" Thundercracker asked as he craned his neck so that he could try and see Rampage's face from over Rampage's large shoulder plate. "I'm also looking for Skywarp. Have you seen him?"
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Insidious » Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:25 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Laboratory Exterior

"So great. So, so great," Dead End said, concurring with his fellow Stunticon's previous concurring of his original statement. That's how good this stuff was.

"Then go, runt. Before I test out my fill-up on you!" Tantrum barked, before finally shoving the Stunticons away from his tanks, though he had allowed the Seekers to finish getting their fill, unmolested. The Stunt nuts, though, they'd had enough as far as he was concerned. If they wanted more, they could very well try and fight him for it. He wished--he wished--they would.

"Store's closed. Anyone who missed out, tough slag."

Saying nothing else, Tantrum made sure no tethers were connecting his precious tanks to any other 'Cons before trudging off toward the hangar.


Rampage was fully prepared to stalk his entire way to the hangar without interruption. Once there, all he needed was a hint, a glance, a nod...the slightest indication from Razorclaw that it was time to move and he would have his sword drawn and weapons blazing. Stupid, slaggin' Vehicon drones. He was ready to eviscerate a hundred of 'em and come back for more.

Thundercracker's question, though, gave him a little moment's pause. He stopped and looked the Seeker dead in the optics.

"Yeah. I am. Aren't you?"

Or does Starscream have some other plans for you...?

Not willing to let paranoia distract him from the extreme predatory satisfaction he was about to indulge in, Rampage continued walking forward, following his original path.

"Skywarp's back that way," Rampage said, half-handedly indicating the hallway he himself had just come from.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Smokescreen85 » Fri Feb 01, 2013 10:30 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Bounce Chamber

It had occurred to Razorclaw on his way to Starscream’s hearing that the most logical way that the Combaticons would attempt to gain access to the Thanatos would be by bouncing over from the Obliteration. All that Onslaught needed to do was to sync up his own frigate's bounce pad with that of the Predacon warship and him and his unit would find themselves on board in no time, ready for battle. Of course, knowing just how calculating and cunning both Shockwave and Soundwave were, it was also logical to assume that the bounce chamber would be locked down to everyone except for certain mechs that were given clearance. Therefore, the lion-former needed to be certain that Onslaught and his team were on the approved bounce list. Otherwise, their little insurrection could possibly end faster than Blurr on a race track.

Approaching the controls, Razorclaw swiftly gained access to the bounce systems utilizing his own codes and found that his hunch was correct. The chamber was indeed under strict lock down. The list of Decepticons with proper clearance was a short one but it quickly grew by five as the names of all the Combaticons were entered onto the security log. Now, they would find a much easier time boarding the Thanatos, providing that Onslaught would at least consider this option. However, knowing him, the Combaticon Commander might just decide to blast his way into the hangar with a heavily armed shuttle. That might not be the most inconspicuous way to arrive, but it would be very entertaining to say the least.

With everything set and ready to go, the Predacon Commander wasted no further time and moved away from the control console before exiting the bounce chamber as quickly as he had entered. The others should almost be at the hearing by now, Razorclaw thought as he transformed into his lion alt mode and doubled timed it down to the hangar bay where Starscream’s trial awaited him.

Outside the Science Labs

Relishing in his new found power, Skywarp felt the ultra energon reinvigorate his circuits as Nightraven finally relented and joined him near Tantrum’s external fuel tanks. Her reaction was a bit more muted than some of the others, but then again she was not a violent warrior like them. However, that didn’t stop a wicked smirk from spreading across her faceplate like she was ready to take on Shockwave’s troops along with the rest of them.

“I told you! Good stuff, huh?” Skywarp said to Nightraven as he disconnected himself from the Predacon fueler once he had his fill. He was just in time as Tantrum abruptly closed up shop, so to speak, before taking off towards the hangar. The rest of the Preds quickly followed and were well on their way to meeting back up with their leader at the hearing. Thus, it was time for the rest of them to get a move on, as well.

Glancing back over at the seeker femme, the teleporter gave a slight shrug of the shoulder plates. “I guess we should get going, too. Screamer probably thinks we abandoned him. I’m sure we’ll get an audio full for not being at his hearing when it first started.” Skywarp then paused for a moment as his optics grew wide with fear. “Slaggit! I haven’t even reported in to him yet like he wanted. Oh, frag, I’m so dead!”

Not wanting to put off the inevitable any longer, Skywarp turned and started walking down the corridor after the rest of the group. His pace was deliberately slow as he was not looking forward to seeing Starscream put on trial nor did he want to feel the true Seeker Commander’s wrath for not following his orders to the letter. Of course, his sluggish speed was also meant to allow Nightraven to catch up and keep in step with him. If they were destined to die in the upcoming attempted coup, then they would at least die together.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Marty Rocket » Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:49 am

Rampage's question caused Thundercracker to pause for a moment's thought. The trial that was going on at that very moment could mark an important turning point in Decepticon history; if Starscream was to be found guilty and received due punishment, the ramifications could set the Decepticons on a new path.

Besides which, did Thundercracker really want to miss out on seeing Starscream squirm? After all, while Thundercracker had been a Seeker under Starscream's command, Thundercracker had never actually cared for Starscream. In fact, he found him to be, as the Earthlings would say, geeky.

There was also another thing to consider... considering how important this trial seemed to be, despite Skywarp last being seen in the other direction, there was a high probability that the black Seeker would sooner or later be among those in the viewing gallery of the trial too. While he was eager to see Skywarp, all signs seemed to tell Thundercracker he should head for trial.

"You know what, Rampage? You're right. I'm heading there right now."

With that, Thundercracker walked, making all speed for the trial. If he bumped into Skywarp on the way, it would be a bonus. He kept pace with Rampage, walking almost in step so that their footsteps were in unison as they echoed through the corridor.

"So, Rampage," Thundercracker began. "What do you think Starscream's chances are of worming his way out of this one?"
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Devastron » Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:52 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword

Soundwave had watched proceedings silently, his face forever locked into a neutral expression. It appeared that any hopes of a quick trial and execution were swiftly dashed, for either side. Now it appeared that it would settle in to a long, formal drawn out affair. That was unfortunate as it allowed time for any number of unexpected things to happen, the primary concern being the truth of Megatron’s absence becoming known to the DJD or other elements in the Decepticon ranks. The results of that were highly unpredicatable, but not favorable for him.

This delay in execution was a major opportunity for Starscream however. Soundwave had little but disdain for the seeker, but only a fool wouldn’t recognize his incredible skill at self preservation. Even with the odds stacked so heavily against him Soundwave could still envision him coming out of this trial relatively unscathed. He had a penchant for conniving and underhandedness that was surpassed by very few among the Decepticons, and each passing moment gave more opportunity for him to develop a scheme to escape. The fact that several others seekers who likely sympathized with their leader was a concern as well. If he had a way to contact them, unlikely as he was monitoring communications in the ship very closely, or they developed a plan on their own, things were liable to get difficult. It was best to end things quickly and efficiently.

The request for speakers finally echoed throughout the room. Soundwave could almost feel all optics turning towards him. He disliked being the center of attention. The very nature of his work and interests meant he preferred to listen and observe, preferably unnoticed. That didn’t mean he was afraid to speak, just that he was well aware of the risks it entailed. Fortunately he had become quite skilled at saying the minimum amount possible in a highly efficient manner. He would not give others an opportunity to use his words against him in the future. One who specialized in secrets and blackmail knew how to keep his words to himself as much as possible.

Soundwave stepped forward, putting himself directly in the line of sight of the various holograms of the DJD. “Name: Soundwave. Function: Chief Communications Officer, Decepticon Military. Serial Number: D-00000017. Request: Permission to speak on behalf of prosecution.”
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Insidious » Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:19 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser

Rampage's gaze lingered on Thundercracker for a little longer as he decided whether he was going to stick with the plan as it stood or simply take this opportunity to remove the Seeker from the equation altogether and try out this ultra energon. For better or worse, Rampage decided now was not the time to stray from Razorclaw's plan. Lucky for Thundercracker. The Seekers may be elite in the Decepticon ranks, but Rampage was more than willing to test that idea--be it with Thundercracker or anyone else. Especially the Seeker's braggart leader.

First the cyclops. Then...anyone else who wants some.

Underneath his faceplate, Rampage couldn't help but smirk at Thundercracker's question.

"Heh, oh, I'd give him about fifty-fifty odds right now."

Approaching the hangar entry, the trio of Vehicon sentries standing outside scanned Rampage and Thundercracker both.

"Decepticon Rampage: gunner. Decepticon Thundercracker: warrior. Permission to enter: granted," the lead Vehicon stated, before the other entered a clearance code that allowed the doors to slide open and allow the pair of Decepticons entry to the trial taking place within.

Inside, the image that greeted Rampage was unlike anything he'd seen. "Trials" in the Decepticon ranks usually consisted of the guilty party being thrown in midst of a bunch of fuelthirsty Decepticons eager to show Megatron that they were the best ones to carry out his demands. And then, well, the rest was logical, as the walking computer would have said. But this? This little petrorabbit march was everything Rampage should have expected from a mech like Shockwave.

Rampage moved toward the gallery where most of the other Decepticons were standing as Soundwave began to address the Division itself.

"I haven't seen too many guys 'worm' their way around Soundwave...but...well, we all have tricks up our sleeves. Heh," Rampage said to the Seeker, lowering his voice so as not to disrupt the proceedings. The last thing he wanted was to suddenly be called out for contempt or some slag like that.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Foximus » Tue Feb 12, 2013 4:22 pm

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Laser Rifle

Weirdwolf watched as the preceedings began with the arrival of the Decepticon Justice Division. Shockwave moved for an immediate execution order of the Seeker Commander, but to his misfortune, the Division wished to have further evidence. The longer that this hearing went on, the more likely it became that Starscream would find a way to evade punishment. The Seeker Commander had a rather spectacular gift for doing just that.

Tarn, the leader of the Division, soon called for witnesses. Weirdwolf considered stepping to give his account on matters, but he ultimately decided against it, preferring to observe events as they unfolded. The tracker was not sure who would win this power struggle, but the time would come to choose sides. Soon.

"Bodes ill for Shockwave this hearing does. Left alive the longer Starscream is, Less likely the termination of him is."

Weirdwolf kept his voice low as to only let Skullcruncher hear. Soundwave stepped forward as he must. If ever there were anyone who could give the fullest account of Starscream's failings, it would be the Decepticon's Chief Communications Officer. As Soundwave requested permission to speak, Weirdwolf noted with some apprehension, the arrival of Rampage and Thundercracker. Things would be moving soon. Weirdwolf nudged Skullcruncher to attain his attention.

"Arrived have one of the skies and one of the jungle. Likely follow the rest will. What meaning this will have? For anything prepared we must be."
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Ember » Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:53 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Heading to the Hanger

Nightraven nodded in response to Skywarp’s question of whether she approved of the new energon that the group had ingested. It was amazing just how much stronger she felt. She wouldn’t go as far as engaging any of the Predacons, of course, but the energon still made her feel as though she could.

She watched as the remainder of the gathering greedily took their share of the fuel. Nightraven followed the teleporter’s lead and stepped aside giving anyone left a wide breath. “Yeah. I’m sure Starscream is not going to be happy if we show up after the trial is over.”

The femme was just about to press forward when Skywarp’s outburst caused her to pause and look over to him. Concerned she laid has hand gently on his shoulder. “Skywarp, somehow I don’t think he’s too concerned with you reporting in.” She followed up her reassuring tone with a small smile. She removed her hand when the worried Seeker turned and began making his way down the corridor behind the others.

Nightraven took a moment to watch the distraught Seeker before she let out a low sigh and set off after him. She was able to catch up rather swiftly as the black and purple flier had kept his pace slow.

She was only a few paces behind him when she closed the remainder of distance with a quick jog. Her gate easily falling into step with his, but she remained quiet. Finally, after she thought she could no longer take it, she took a fleeting glance in his direction and then quickly turned her attention back ahead of them. “He’ll be okay. He’s been through worse; you know that better than anyone…well, besides Thundercracker.” She let what she had said stew for a moment before continuing. “Hold your head up high. We’re Seekers…Megatron’s Seekers under Starscream’s charge. We make Starscream look good, we make the Decepticon Empire look good.” With her optics glued to the backs of the other members of their group in front of them Nightraven carefully reached her hand toward Skywarp’s and wrapped her digits around his pinky giving it a light squeeze.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Marty Rocket » Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:28 am

After Thundercracker had successfully made it into the trial along with Rampage, the blue Seeker followed Rampage as he made his way to the viewing gallery. For now, Thundercracker decided to stick around Rampage, who he'd been able to build a rapport with during his short time on the Thanatos... Stick around, until he found Skywarp, that is.

"Can't count out Starscream, that's for sure..." Thundercracker murmured in response to Rampage's comment.

With his arms folded over his chest, Thundercracker looked among the Decepticons present during the trial. He didn't pay particular mind to the various Decepticons assembled in the gallery, but he stared for a short while at Shockwave and Soundwave. He knew that the pair were probably finding the trial exceedingly delicious, considering how Starscream had been their main competition as far as the Decepticon higher rank and file was concerned. Thundercracker then finally cast Starscream a long, hard look. They had been wing mates for the longest time, but Thundercracker had such disdain for Starscream that it was satisfying to see Starscream put in such a position.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Smokescreen85 » Wed Feb 13, 2013 7:23 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Corridors / Hangar

The mechanical lion raced through the corridors of the Thanatos with a singular determination to reach the already in progress hearing that was supposed to pass judgment on Starscream before deciding his fate. Too bad it was neither Shockwave nor the DJD that would ultimately choose life or death for the Seeker Commander. It would be Razorclaw once the Military Operations Commander was finally dislodged from the throne of leadership that he had so logically crafted for himself. Of course, if it was going to be that easy then Megatron would’ve surely eliminated Starscream a long time ago. Alas, the Slagmaker sought a different path and now it would be the Predacon lord that had to deal with the arrogant seeker from here on out.

Rounding one last corner, the door to the hangar came into view of Razorclaw’s optics. Once he had drawn closer, the Predacon Commander transformed back into robot mode and made his way towards the Vehicon guards posted at the entranceway. “Move or be moved,” the lion-former growled as he pushed by the Vehicons while the trio tried to scan him. Without waiting for their approval, Razorclaw entered the hangar bay and quietly made his way across to the gallery where the rest of the Decepticons were gathered watching as the hearing progressed.

Positioning himself at the forefront, Razorclaw gave Rampage a nod before crossing his arms over his chestplate and turning his full attention to the events as they now unfolded. The Predacon lord could see Starscream still in shackles while the holographic images of the Decepticon Justice Division shimmered not far away. They were an imposing and intimidating presence even without them actually being in the hangar, itself. Apparently, they wanted to hear more testimony before rendering a verdict and Soundwave was more than obliged to step forward to ask permission to speak. What the communications specialist had to say would be very interesting as the monotone mech had been present on Sol-3 just as long as Starscream had. He would know all of the Seeker Commander’s dirty little secrets and thus could provide potentially damaging testimony that would see Starscream terminated at the end of the cycle. Too bad that wasn’t going to happen....yet.

As the rest of the Predacons began to filter in to the hangar, Razorclaw did what came naturally to him. He waited patiently as the hearing continued on towards its inevitable conclusion. One that would see the entire room erupt in a civil war that would ultimately decide the fate of not just one seeker, but of an entire empire.

Nightraven’s reassuring words regarding Starscream did little to make Skywarp feel better. He had been given a specific job to do by his real commander and he failed to do so. Surely, Starscream would admonish him for not at least providing one status report of what was going on outside of his jail cell. Of course, Nighty also had a good point in that the red and white mech had far more important things to worry about right now. Screamer was, after all, on trial for his life and depending on whether or not Razorclaw kept his word, the Seeker Commander might still end up dead even if it’s not at the singular hand of Shockwave.

“I guess you’re right, Nighty,” Skywarp finally responded as the seeker femme caught up to him as they continued down to the hangar. “Still, I’d feel a lot better had I contacted him at least once. Now, it’s too late and Screamer’s left wondering whether the original plan is still in place or if he’s been betrayed. Heh. As far as we know, he has and we just don’t know it yet.”

The teleporter then listened as Nightraven provided more words of encouragement, but they did little to quell the fear and anxiety that were starting to build up inside of him. Skywarp glanced over at Nighty as he felt her actuators wrap carefully around his pinky digit. He smiled at her before returning his gaze to the backs of the mechs in front of them. “Very true, he has been through worse and Screamer’s always come out on top,” Skywarp nervously agreed as they finally approached the hangar bay doors. “I'm sure this time will be no different.” I hope.

Once the trio of Vehicons had scanned them, Skywarp entered the hangar and immediately noticed that the majority of Decepticons were gathered in the gallery like a mob awaiting an execution. Razorclaw was already there at the very front with his arms crossed, watching as things unfolded like a cunning animal. To think that the seekers had to put their trust into this beast-former instead of making their own destiny. It was almost too much for ‘Warp to take. The thought sickened him even more so than seeing Starscream chained up like Shockwave’s pet. Oh, how the prankster wanted to simply teleport his commander out of there and get him to safety. It would be so easy, but then again it would also ruin the Predacon lord’s plan for overthrowing Shockwave. Not that Skywarp cared about Razorclaw’s plan considering it would end with the lion-former as the new leader of the Decepticons. How revolting.

Entering the gallery, Skywarp made optical contact with Starscream and gave his real commander a respectful nod. The prankster then turned and quickly spotted Thundercracker in the crowd. It was a surprising sight to be sure as he didn’t even know when or how the blue seeker had arrived on board the Thanatos. Casting a quick glance back at Nightraven, the teleporter moved to stand beside his long time friend. “Hey ‘Cracker,” Skywarp whispered so he wouldn't interrupt the proceedings. “When’d you get up here, buddy? The last I heard from you, you were talking about a ceasefire with the Autobots and the return of the Fallen, that Fallen. Did I hear you right?”
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Cryhavok » Thu Feb 14, 2013 11:37 am

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun

Skullcruncher watched as the trial went on with some interest. He wasn't really expecting Starscream facing the sentence Shockwave was seeking. The very reason for that was the fact that the Seeker Commander was still alive. To him it even sounded logical. Why would the Decepticon Justice Division bother if Megatron himself hadn't done so for so long. Not that Skullcruncher was against seeing some carnage. He'd actually prefer it. Last few cycles had not been all that entertaining after all.

"Bodes ill for Shockwave this hearing does. Left alive the longer Starscream is, Less likely the termination of him is."

"I suppose. Shockwave should have just dealt with Screamer if he wanted him out of the way." Skullcruncher replied to Weirdwolf, flashing a toothy grin as he did so. "Maybe the fleshlings caused some damage to his logic center before your Infiltration cell found him."

The heavy warrior got no response from his friend however, as Weirdwolf's attention was focused on Soundwave whom had stepped up to address the DJD. And apparently not just on Soundwave either.

"Arrived have one of the skies and one of the jungle. Likely follow the rest will. What meaning this will have? For anything prepared we must be."

"They are quite late, aren't they?" Skullcruncher agreed with Weirdwolf. "And there's Razorclaw. I know he can take his time but being late... that's not typical for him. And look, there's Motormaster and his boys. Late as well. You think they are up to something?"
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Insidious » Thu Feb 14, 2013 2:31 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser

In eerie, almost perfectly-timed unison, each of the members of the Division turned their holographic gaze down to the one that had spoken first.

"The Decepticon head of Intelligence. A known confidante of Megatron himself," Kaon began.

"And known ally of Shockwave," Helex added.

"Yes. Yes indeed," Tarn said, his holographic hands rubbing together in obvious anticipation. "Truthfully, it was your insight in particular that I was seeking regarding this matter. I don't presume too much by saying my colleagues are surely equally interested. Even so, don't concern yourselves with excessive formalities. Any who wish to speak may do so, for the time being."

With Megatron absent from these proceedings, the Division clearly saw an opportunity to exercise and demonstrate their own presence within the Decepticon command structure, vague though it was. Tarn's tone of voice clearly indicated his satisfaction. The expressions of the others did nothing to betray their own emotions.

"So, by all means, proceed Soundwave," Tarn said. Beneath the steely, insignia-esque facemask, the executor was smiling encouragingly, clearly enjoying the process as much as the end result, whatever it might turn out to be.

Rampage didn't even grumble out a response to Thundercracker's last comment, especially once Skywarp had come to talk to his fellow Seeker. Let them do whatever they were going to do. Rampage was ready. Starscream's history spoke for itself. They both knew it. But this time, the Predacons were just as ready to capitalize on the winds of change as anyone else. Arguably moreso.

The Predacon had noticed instantly when Razorclaw made his presence known in the room, nodding at Rampage. Rampage's circuits sizzled. Was that it? Time to fight?!?

Rampage's right hand slid carefully down to the metallic compartment where his blade was ready to deploy at a moment's notice. But that moment was not now. Not yet. Razorclaw's position suggested that the fight was not on. But it would be--so soon that Rampage could taste it.

He couldn't wait.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Insidious » Sat Feb 16, 2013 1:30 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Bounce Chamber

In the same blinking fashion with which he had vanished from the Earth's surface, the Combaticon Commander similarly arrived within the bounce chamber of the formidable Decepticon battleship--the Thanatos. It had been so long since he had been on a ship of this stature that the Obliteration almost felt inadequate. It was, however, home for he and his team and he had long since become accustomed to its quirks, capabilities and peculiarities. This ship would be restored to its rightful owners, the Predacons, in due time.

Needing only a brief moment to reacquire his equilibrium, Onslaught stepped off the bounce pad and walked over to the nearest operations console and began accessing some of the ship's information--primarily records of who was currently where. Nothing that should look out of place to either Shockwave or Soundwave's watchful capabilities, hopefully. His team were core members of the Decepticon secret service, after all. There was little that was classified to one of Onslaught's rank and responsibilities. He would avoid prying too deeply in to the whereabouts of Shockwave's Ore-13 stores. That would surely raise more than a few red flags, especially now--even if he could make the case that he should have access to that information as well. The current leadership might not be all that willing to accept an argument purely on its merits.

There were larger stakes at play, after all.

Onslaught looked up as he heard the sound of the next Combaticon bouncing in, but his gaze quickly returned to the console.


Dead End had quietly followed Motormaster into the hangar. It was a hangar, just like any other hangar. What was the big deal? Why was everyone and their scraplet in this--?


Dead End looked up at the huge, holographic representations of some mechanoids that he didn't even recognize. Was this the Decepticon Justice Division that the occasional Decepticon would mention? Had to be. Dead End didn't know any of them either by name or look, though supposedly they took their names from some of the first Cybertronian city-states to fall to Decepticon control. What Dead End knew of them was that they were the fate that awaited any who turned from their loyalty to Megatron and his cause.

Motormaster filled that function just fine for the likes of Dead End. But Dead End supposed there were other Decepticons, more powerful Decepticons, that needed the kind of intimidation that apparently these guys could provide.

Whatever the case, Dead End was still surging on his infusion of ultra-energon. He knew the prime targets were anyone that was loyal to Shockwave, but it'd sure be nice to take one of those cocky Seekers down a notch. Maybe he'd do that, too.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sat Feb 16, 2013 4:53 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Bounce Chamber

One moment he was on the bridge of the Obliteration and the next Blast-Off appeared in the bounce chamber of the Thanatos. As the brilliant light that engulfed the space warrior diminished, his surroundings became clear. Across the room the unmistakable form of Onslaught stood at an operations console where he was likely bringing himself up to speed on recent events on board the Predacon warship. It was an excellent idea especially considering the contents of Razorclaw’s low-tech message. Hopefully, the Combaticon Commander had been able to ascertain the location of the ultra energon stockpiles. Otherwise, they may find themselves at a distinct disadvantage once the conflict began with Shockwave’s forces.

Stepping down from the platform, Blast-Off stumbled a bit as he shook off the disorienting effects of the bounce. Once he regained his equilibrium, the space warrior made his way to his leader’s side and offered a respectful salute to the larger mech. “Commander Onslaught, Blast-Off reporting for duty. I have done as you instructed and placed the Obliteration on automatic pilot. She should be fine under the watchful optics of the Vehicons on duty. I am also fully recharged, armed and ready for battle, sir. Although, it’s unfortunate that we’re not going to be fighting Autobots this time around. Shooting at our own kind just won’t feel the same, but I’ll do what I must to help secure the Empire’s future. You can count on that.”

Blast-Off paused for a moment as additional flashes of light and sound signified that the rest of the Combaticons were now arriving on board the Predacon vessel. Finally, the team was complete for the first time since the space warrior had remained behind to watch over and guard their frigate. “I must admit that it feels great to be back in the fold, Commander. While I have no complaints regarding my recent assignment, it’ll be a nice change of pace to fight alongside my comrades once again after being rather idle for so long. Heh. Even if some of them tend to gnaw at one’s nerve receptors, but I digress.”
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Marty Rocket » Sun Feb 17, 2013 9:47 am

Upon seeing Skywarp beside him, Thundercracker greeted the purple and black Decepticon with a genuine smile; finally, a friend. Reaching out, Thundercracker placed his left hand on Skywarp's shoulder, while he took his own right hand and slipped it into Skywarp's left hand for a hearty handshake. It had been sometime since the pair had seen each other.

However, as soon as Skywarp mentioned The Fallen, Thundercracker's smile turned to its usual stern features.

"You heard right, buddy." Thundercracker replied, in a whisper of his own. "Talk of The Fallen's return rattled everybody on Earth- so much so that there has been a ceasefire declared. I decided to get up here early to make sure I'm not left behind if anything serious goes down... Do you know if anything's being done, or said up here since the report of The Fallen?"

It was then that Thundercracker turned his head over towards the court proceedings, as he cast a look towards Starscream once again. Then, he looked back to Skywarp.

"What are his chances?" Thundercracker asked.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sun Feb 17, 2013 3:14 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers

Skywarp shook his cranium slightly when Thundercracker confirmed that the Fallen of legend had somehow returned, prompting a ceasefire between the Decepticons and Autobots down planet side. It was almost impossible to believe that those ancient scary stories told to keep protoforms in line were not only true but now a real threat in the present cycle. The blue seeker then asked if there had been any action taken in regards to his previous report to the teleporter. Of course, there had been no plans or discussions because ‘Warp never informed anyone on board the Thanatos of the Fallen’s resurrection not to mention of any truce with the Earthbound ‘Bots. There was simply too much going on with the impending coup that adding a mythological being into the mix would only complicate things unnecessarily.

Um, well, nothing’s been done, ‘Cracker,” Skywarp responded once again in a whispered tone so that only his friend could hear him. “Heh, honestly I never had a chance to tell anyone, except for Nightraven, but she was with me when I got your message. I’ve just been so focused on Screamer’s trial that it completely slipped my processor until I saw you an astrosecond ago. Besides, I doubt anyone would’ve believed a prankster like me without some kind of proof, anyway, you know?”

The subject then shifted when Thundercracker asked about Starscream’s chances. Unfortunately, Skywarp had to choose his words very carefully considering that he was in the same room with Shockwave’s supporters, some of whom were standing nearby. To further complicate things, the blue seeker had been out of the loop for so long that he wasn’t even aware of Razorclaw's plan to overthrow the walking calculator. The teleporter hated keeping his best friend in the dark, but he had no choice in this precarious situation. “Well, ‘Cracker, that depends on a lot of things. Wish I could say more but whatever happens just do what me and Nightraven do. Okay? Trust me.”
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Insidious » Mon Feb 18, 2013 7:59 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser

Tantrum had arrived not far behind the other Predacons, the Seekers and a few others who had been straggling behind in their attendance at the trial. Many of them quickly filled in spaces within the gallery, increasing the audience of those wanting a close up perspective of Starscream's fate.

Tantrum's gaze had flitted briefly from Razorclaw, to Rampage and ultimately to Divebomb and Headstrong, identifying the specific locations of each of the other Predacons before he too found his desired position. He was not directly in the gallery itself, instead finding a better position next to a pair of Vehicons and some Thanatos crewmech that he recognized from the old days when the Predacons were the true officers in charge of this vessel.

Didn't matter. One wrong move and he'd be paste just like anyone else that got in his way.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Ember » Mon Feb 18, 2013 8:01 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."

Side to side, Breakdown shifted from one foot to the other. He had been in the hanger for just as long as Dead End and Motormaster, but for the paranoid mech it seemed to be an eternity. Why weren’t they tearing into Shockwave and his brood? At the very least, and to Breakdown’s great relief, no one was looking at him or even in his general direction. Now that was a huge bonus.

He may not have been drawing any attention to himself, but by this point he was willing to take anything. If only to get some action.

“When can we, you know?” He nudged Dead End.

Nightraven said nothing at Skywarp continued to voice his trepidation on his current role, or was that former role, of Seeker Commander. To tell the truth she had lost track.

They entered the hanger and were, of course, late for the proceedings. The femme glanced around the room and let out a low hiss. They should have left sooner. Her attention was removed from the matters taking place and placed on Skywarp who had started to move away to take up a position at Thundercraker’s side. She quickly turned her optics away from the two Seekers and refocused, or at least tried to, her attention back on to Starscream.

A smile of satisfaction worked its way onto Starscream’s face as Shockwave was abruptly cut off by Tarn who was inclined to remind the cyclops there were formalities…rules that had to be followed.

His smile soon faded, however, when his request for a dismissal was denied.

Moments later and those in the gallery were asked to speak either for or against the Seeker Commander. If he was nervous, Starscream made no outward appearance of it. Instead he took a long hard look at those present. It seemed that at first no one was willing to step forward and draw attention to themselves, but that soon passed as Soundwave addressed the DJD. The Seeker sent a scathing glare at the Communications officer before looking back at Tarn and his gathered mechs.

It was then that the door to the hanger opened revealing Razorclaw and his Predacons. Even with the lion-former present Starscream remained on high alert. Starscream then caught Skywarp’s optics and sent the teleporter a look that could only have been interpreted as… ‘Screw this up and I’ll have your head.’

The silver and red flier turned his optics back on the monotone officer as he and the gallery waited for his testimony. Of course if need be, Starscream could put a halt to this kangaroo court by just mentioning Megatron’s exact whereabouts. A nice comfortable ace up the proverbial sleeve.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Foximus » Mon Feb 18, 2013 9:20 pm

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Laser Rifle

Weirdwolf's attention was drawn more and more away from the hearing itself to its newly arrived audience. He watched them in his peripheral vision, turning his cranium slightly if he wished to see a bit more clearly. Fidgeting. There was much of it. It wasn't very noticeable if one did not know how to see it. Pointed looks...fidgeting....hushed whispers. Most of these could be considered normal at any other hearing, but this was no ordinary hearing. Megatron gone, Starscream's neck on the line and an empty throne with the least charismatic Decepticon in the entire armada perched upon it...No. This was no ordinary hearing indeed. The tracker smelled something foul brewing.

"Yes," Weirdwolf replied to Skullcruncher quietly, "Fidgets there one of the Master of Roads' pawns. And there a pointed glare from former air commander to new is."

A low, quiet growl sounded from Weirdwolf's vocal processor as he noted even more seekers arriving late to the hearing. Turning his focus back onto the hearing itself as well as his friend standing by his side, Weirdwolf took a moment to contemplate the situation as he saw it.

"Arrived even more seekers have. Only one optic Shockwave has, I know, but blind and a fool he would be to not see this. Logic circuit perhaps is glitched," Weirdwolf agreed with a wolfish grin, "What your take is on this?"
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Marty Rocket » Mon Feb 18, 2013 11:35 pm

Thundercracker was slightly taken aback by Skywarp's answer, but perhaps he shouldn't have been. After all, the trial on the Thanatos had repercussions to it that caused every Decepticon up on the ship (Skywarp included) to focus on that instead.


"Skywarp," Thundercracker began. "If you saw what I saw down on Earth, you'd know that The Fallen issue is bigger than any one Decepticon, or Decepticons lobbying for the position of commander. This thing is bigger than all of us; we need unity."

Thundercracker's frown intensified as Skywarp informed him to follow his lead.

"Level with me." Thundercracker whispered, as he glanced towards Starscream. "What IS going on around here?"
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Cryhavok » Wed Feb 20, 2013 2:25 pm

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun

Sometimes it was difficult even for Skullcruncher to make sense to what Weirdwolf was saying. And he had known the eccentric tracker pretty much as long as he could remember. Which wasn't all that surprising given the two had emerged from the Well of All Sparks in the very same batch. It made them share a bond of sorts. It wasn't brotherhood of the Autobot twins Sideswipe and Sunstreaker or symmetry of design like many of the seekers had. Their moment of origin was that much apart. But there was certain kinship. Skullcruncher couldn't really explain it any better than that. The fact was that the two Decepticons worked well together and had a tendency of knowing what the other was about to do without sharing a single word. That innate skill unfortunately did not translate into an ability of making sense of Weirdwolf's poetic spark.

"What the slag are you yammering about?" Then again, Skullcruncher had always been somewhat mentally plodding. It didn't mean he lacked intelligence. That wasn't the case at all. He just often needed more time than others to understand what others were after. "Oh, you mean Breakdown? Isn't he always like that?"

"Heh, to me it has always seemed like that nervous wreck is even afraid of his own shadow. Though I guess having a boss like Motormaster can do that to most mechs. They are insane. All of them. The Stunticons I mean." Skullcruncher chuckled and turned his gaze towards the seekers Weirdwolf had mentioned. "Yeah. They are up to something. The question is. Do we care?"
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Insidious » Sat Feb 23, 2013 10:54 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser

Watching the trial was kind of surreal. Dead End couldn't help but think he was watching a piece of Decepticon history--something that would be studied as a major event by future Decepticon sparklets--play out right in front of his optics. Especially if these Division guys found Starscream guilty. What then? Were they going to come here and do the jobs themselves? Or would the cyclops get to do it? Either way, Starscream's execution would be a momentous event.

But, of course, there was always Razorclaw and Onslaught's little revolution that Motormaster had signed on to, followed by others. And depending on how that played it, it would be written about and studied as well. Either as what to do or what not to do when faced with the demise of your revolutionary leader.

Of course, given his luck, Starscream had managed to plant a bomb somewhere in this hangar and would find just the right time to detonate it and take them all out. Dead End first, of course.

He looked over at Breakdown as the fellow Stunticon nudged him. He started to speak, but then stopped as he considered the question a little more. They were all here, right? Dead End was definitely ready. He'd punch that cyclops right in his knobby-eyed un-face. ¡Viva la revolución!

Even so, the best response he could muster for his Stunticon friend was an uncertain shrug.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sat Feb 23, 2013 10:24 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers

Skywarp let out a quiet sigh as Thundercracker tried to impress upon him just how serious the situation down on the surface had become with the arrival of the Fallen. The blue seeker wanted unity, but he would not get that, not here and not now. Unity would only come once the impending conflict between Razorclaw’s supporters and Shockwave’s forces was settled. Then it would be up to Starscream to retake the throne from the lion-former, solidifying his place as Megatron's successor. Of course, all of that would only happen once this farce of a hearing was over with. Civil war was about to erupt all around them which would hopefully be confined to this sector alone and not spill out and ultimately consume the rest of the Empire.

Thundercracker then continued to push for the truth about what was really going on. More than anything, Skywarp wanted to reveal their plans for the impending coup to his long time friend and comrade. However, with the trial well underway and many of Shockwave’s loyalists positioned nearby, the teleporter would not be able to give the blue seeker what he desired. Instead, 'Warp could only provide more of the same cryptic and vague explanations that would have to be enough for the time being.

I wish I could level with you, ‘Cracker. I really do,” the prankster replied in a more hushed tone than before, keeping his optics glued to Starscream as the Seeker Commander glared back at him with a stern expression. "But I’m afraid that would put us all in great danger. If unity is what you really want then back me and Nighty up when the time comes. I fear it’s the only way Screamer will come out of this hearing alive.” Skywarp then leaned in closer to Thundercracker, his voice still low as he continued speaking. “Please just trust me on this. Everything will become clear very soon. I promise.
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